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  • Fletcher, George Flexmore, Richard Flower, Edward Fordham Flowers, Frederick Forrester, Alfred Henry Forrester, Charles Robert Fowler, John (1826-1864) Fox...
    26 KB (2,200 words) - 19:34, 16 October 2022
  • promise, and at the age of fifteen (1723) was admitted to the academy of John Moore, presbyterian minister at Tiverton, Devonshire, to study for the ministry...
    291 bytes (856 words) - 09:52, 29 December 2020
  • Archbishop Cranmer which was presented to the British Museum in 1776 by John Michell, M.P., of Bayfield Hall, Norfolk, and in June 1879 was transferred...
    309 bytes (378 words) - 15:39, 28 December 2020
  • Richard (1768-1813) Fletcher, Robert Fletcher, Thomas Flete, John Flexman, Roger Flexmore, Richard Fliccius, Gerbarus Flight, Benjamin Flight, Walter Flindell...
    17 KB (21 words) - 11:17, 23 December 2023
  • front of Lieutenant Pedder, four parties, viz., Messrs. Evans, Harrison, Flexmore, and Jack Jones, all four under the joint direction of Mr. Franks. Captain...
    275 bytes (20,692 words) - 15:40, 7 November 2011
  • I am told Mr. Kenrick Flexmore saw one at the sandbanks. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, James Wilson, Chief Constable. John Forster, Esq., Hobart.'...
    298 bytes (37,636 words) - 10:43, 16 May 2013