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Create the page "Lim Sung-nam" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- Lá. Lai. Lák. Lám or Nám. Lán or Nán. Láng. Lát. Lau. Le. Lek. Leng. Li. Lia. Liak. Liam or Niam. Liàng. Liap. Lien. Liet. Lim or Nim. Lin. Lio. Lip...10 KB (3,114 words) - 05:26, 29 July 2022
- IN THE BANKRUPTCY COURT, SADONG. In the goods of Lim Ho Khuan, chop Hap Kiat. In the goods of Lim Pion and Koh Oh, chop Chin Hock Ann. Traders at Sbangan...493 bytes (2,720 words) - 09:32, 15 September 2024
- Tʽeng 霄 Sio 霂 Mok 霉 Bue Mui 霍 Kʽák 霈 Pʽai 霑 Tiam 霏 Hui 霓 Ngi 霎 Siap 霖 Lim 霜 Sᵘng Suang 霪 Im 霞 Hia 霧 Bu 霰 Sán 霸 Pá 霴 Tai 露 Lo Lu 霹 Pʽek 霽 Chi 靀 Mong 靋 Lĕ...260 bytes (13,906 words) - 09:23, 19 June 2020
- Cannon Square Sìⁿ„ Khu 邱 Kong-si„ Chop„ Bûn San Tông 文山堂 Weld Quay. Sìⁿ Lim 林 Kong-si Chop Kiú Liōng Tông 九龍堂 Beach Street Siⁿ„ Tân 陳 Kong-si„ Chop„...592 bytes (11,101 words) - 21:24, 8 October 2023
- ale-house, D 1349. Nam (for ne am), 1 pr. s. am not, L. 47, 192; A. pr. 43; A 1122, B 2710; nam but deed, am only a dead man, 3. 204. Nam, pt. s. took, G...285 KB (48,501 words) - 03:07, 26 July 2022
- received by the authoritie of Lawes, or reverence of ancient custome. Nam cupide conculcatur nimis anti metutum. -- Lucr. v. 1150. That which we...632 bytes (79,412 words) - 07:52, 7 August 2011
- Alf. I,lef. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tigre. Sa lim. Sá da. Ad de. Kil le te. Seleste. Er bah te. Au mish te. Se dish te. Shu...276 bytes (682 words) - 01:39, 11 February 2019
- (_locked linked sark_), 1506; acc. pl. locene leoðo-syrcan, 1891. leomum. See lim. leornian, w. v., _to learn, devise, plan_: pret. him þæs gūð-cyning ......595 KB (99,993 words) - 15:33, 26 May 2019
- received by the authoritie of Lawes, or reverence of ancient custome. Nam cupide conculcatur nimis anti metutum. -- Lucr. v. 1150. That which we...450 KB (79,387 words) - 21:05, 10 June 2022
- 宋溝担霸影 ... Sungei Way Sung-khoi Wai 雙溝威 ... Tanjong Karang Tan-yeung ka-lang 丹洋架冷 ... Tanjong Malim Fu-lo On-nam or Phu-lo On-nam 芙蘆安南 郭蘆安南 This sounds...698 bytes (1,392 words) - 11:50, 6 December 2024