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Showing results for peiser wall. No results found for Penisar waun.
Create the page "Penisar waun" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- Professor P. Jensen. Other interpretations have been put forward by F. E. Peiser (based on conjectures as to the names on the Nineveh sealings), C. R. Conder...355 bytes (8,282 words) - 18:15, 5 November 2021
- adoption of Peiser’s emendation for the length of Dynasty III., in addition to his own elimination of Dynasty II. In 1901 Hommel abandoned Peiser’s emendation...620 bytes (18,454 words) - 04:47, 18 March 2022
- creation-myth. It is for this reason that the mythological text published by Peiser calls the time of the Deluge "the year of the great serpent". For this "great...31 KB (5,548 words) - 08:00, 21 April 2013
- Vol. 2, pl. 65, line 27; see also Winckler, op. cit., Vol. 1, p. 100; Peiser in: Schrader, Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek, Vol. 2, p. 54]). Settled as...309 bytes (11,693 words) - 22:35, 16 March 2023
- an-lawmakers-cellnumbers-misdirects-private-citizen/4130279001/; Jaclyn Peiser, “Trump Shared the Wrong Number for a Michigan Lawmaker: A 28-Year-Old Has...398 bytes (39,361 words) - 22:17, 7 April 2023
- n-lawmakers-cell-numbers-misdirects-private-citizen/4130279001/; Jaclyn Peiser, “Trump Shared the Wrong Number for a Michigan Lawmaker: A 28-Year-Old Has...755 bytes (38,321 words) - 21:37, 15 April 2023