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Create the page "Pervicacious" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- pertinacious who holds on impudently, as being utterly tenacious." "Pervicacious" has the same meaning, for it signifies that a man "perseveres in his...8 KB (1,256 words) - 01:48, 8 September 2012
- but a score of years before the world had been so wayward, obstinate, pervicacious, implacable, and out of all square, frame, and order as it was then,...10 KB (1,785 words) - 03:10, 3 December 2012
- thoroughly, vertĕre, versum, to turn.] Perveyaunce. Same as Purveyance. Pervicacious, per-vi-kā′shus, adj. very obstinate.—ns. Pervicā′ciousness, Pervicac′ity...95 KB (12,791 words) - 12:43, 11 July 2022
- and right Reason. For above all things I would exclude from hence Pervicaciousness (or whether I may better call it Pertinaciousness) which it self is...482 bytes (19,922 words) - 18:01, 5 April 2024