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Create the page "Pro Camp F.C." on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- the pro posal had been made at the proper time, it is pos sible that the plan would have been adopted and that much of the dissatisfaction in camp might...21 KB (3,709 words) - 14:17, 15 April 2012
- Cochrane near Greeley. Dr. Gilpatrick, while making calls, discovered the pro-slavery camp and at once gave warning. The Pottawatomie Rifles, under command of...345 bytes (2,834 words) - 21:22, 16 January 2024
- Scott Entored; Di)ivintP Pro-Slavery I1en; C.aptaiu Stew.'ar;; Thievin;g Poiiicy of:nt4citgoery; End of th, Wicked; fetaaliationu F':e State Men Alarmed;...836 bytes (6,128 words) - 21:15, 15 January 2024
- With her on the briefs were Steven R. Shapiro, Louise Melling, Talcott Camp, Corinne Schiff, Brigitte Amiri, Diana Kasdan, Lawrence A. Vogelman, and...11 KB (1,501 words) - 23:59, 26 August 2021
- Pacorus had crossed the Euphrates and camped at Tyba. A series uprising had been started in Syria, probably by the pro-Parthian party. From Jamblichus, the...365 bytes (6,624 words) - 00:07, 29 June 2019
- the half of the N. P. & F. H. horses.^^ It was lucky for us that we were off had they come upon us when above the Indian camp we would have most probably...356 bytes (15,509 words) - 10:03, 23 November 2022
- A.C.G., Assistant Commissary General. A.C.P., Associate of the College of Preceptors. A.D., (L. Anno Domini), Year of the Lord. A.D.C., Aide-de-camp. A...147 bytes (1,525 words) - 02:07, 20 February 2021
- Richard O'Byrne Layout 4 DUNDAS, formerly Deans, C.B., M.P. (Rear-Admiral of the White, 1841 . f-p., 18; h-p., 30.) James Whitley Deans Dundas, born...195 bytes (724 words) - 04:47, 6 September 2021
- the army on 4 June 1814, and made an aide-de-camp to the prince regent, and in January 1815 he was made a K.C.B. In 1816 he was made a Portuguese major-general...457 bytes (1,478 words) - 19:54, 22 September 2021
- one of two LegCo members at the time who did not caucus with the pro-Beijing camp, had failed to pass the vetting process to run for a seat on the CEEC...47 KB (7,113 words) - 22:00, 5 June 2024
- castra, -ōrum, a military camp. castra pōnere, to pitch camp cāsus, -ūs, m. [cadō, fall], chance; misfortune, loss catapulta, -ae, f. catapult, an engine for...378 bytes (12,577 words) - 06:38, 6 August 2021
- a tent some clothing cooking utensils &c. on a waggon and start for the Calaveries again — in the evening camp on Douglass Flatt. Wednesday 4th Reached...256 bytes (8,191 words) - 08:47, 23 November 2022
- killed six of them. In return, the Indians on the 17th surprised an immigrant camp and killed and wounded several. The houses everywhere were now fortified;...344 bytes (4,539 words) - 18:11, 11 July 2020
- Colonel R. L. Maury, M. F. Maury, and Miss Anna Werth. At the depot they were met by Maury Camp, Confederate Veterans; R. S. Chew Camp, Sons of Confederate...688 bytes (6,075 words) - 17:22, 21 February 2024
- illustrating the daily life in camp and field of a Confederate soldier. Robert Emory Park, Late Captain 12th Ala., C. S. A. Macon, Ga., December, 1898...544 bytes (12,576 words) - 14:02, 5 December 2018
- issued an order to Captain James Allen of the 1st dragoons to pro- ceed to the Mormon camp, and there raise four or five companies of volunteers, to be...215 bytes (6,608 words) - 06:20, 8 December 2022
- took a direct course and pro- ceded with all speed until we came up with them and began our return at 11 o'clock. We left camp in a great hurry without...335 bytes (11,442 words) - 01:15, 7 February 2021
- oclock we camped tonight on the banks of a small stream not a spear of grass this is the first time our teems have had to be tied up without some f eede the...450 bytes (18,432 words) - 09:13, 23 November 2022
- remained about camp all day. Many of our traps were not visited and those near at hand were all brought into camp late at night; the reserve camp of Piegans...304 bytes (12,467 words) - 16:28, 15 May 2024
- מדונים, for which the Kerı̂ has מדינים, Pro 18:19; Pro 21:9, Pro 21:19; Pro 23:29; Pro 25:24; Pro 26:21; Pro 27:15. The forms מדין and מדן are also recognised:...571 bytes (127,421 words) - 10:09, 7 November 2022