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Showing results for renan palatinate. No results found for Renania-Palatinato.
Create the page "Renania-Palatinato" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- The genuineness of this tablet was for many years in dispute, Voltaire, Renan, and others of lesser fame regarding it as a pious Jesuit fraud; but all...976 bytes (109,975 words) - 21:23, 22 November 2022
- capétiens directs” (vol. iii., pt. ii. of Lavisse’s Histoire de France); Ernest Renan, Études sur la politique religieuse du règne de Philippe le Bel (1899);...703 bytes (52,986 words) - 15:17, 23 July 2023
- 83; anti-Catholic spirit in Germany, 83-4, Hebrew studied in Germany, 84 Renan, cited, 18 Renée, d. of Lewis XII, 138 Republicans, the, suppressed by Maurice...266 bytes (9,457 words) - 11:46, 14 December 2012
- took the title of Pius X. In September the inauguration of a statue of Renan at Tréguier, his birthplace, was made the occasion of an anti-clerical demonstration...384 bytes (187,618 words) - 00:32, 14 September 2023