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Did you mean: sacred journal of ku kai volume 5
Create the page "Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai, Volume 5" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- in a mixture of Chinese characters and kana, with kana at the side, for the use of the young. The Rekicho Shoshi-kai is a collection of the speeches and...294 bytes (17,860 words) - 18:40, 22 August 2022
- arabic, a chair, a stool. (كرسي Kursi.) Ku, with, by- Béak ku bědul, destroyed by the pigs. Ku aing, I will take it. Ku batur, taken by my companions. Kuah...304 bytes (27,413 words) - 13:32, 21 April 2013
- to individual names of artists and to the beginnings of landscape. Ku Kʽai-chih (4th century) ranks as one of the greatest names of Chinese art. A painting...976 bytes (109,975 words) - 21:23, 22 November 2022
- Si-ning, east of Ku-ku-nor, killed the prefect of Kan-chou, took Ho-chou, and besieged Lan-chou. imperial troops were called from all parts of the empire...88 KB (14,845 words) - 14:56, 17 September 2024
- hospital; (4) Fukuden-kai Ikuji-in (orphanage), a private establishment; orphans assisted, 150; (5) Tokio Kankwai-in (house of correction) private establishment...160 KB (26,229 words) - 21:08, 9 September 2022
- attraction to the pious, a source of double profit to the priest, if one journey would carry the pilgrim to two sacred places, each of general and special sanctity...313 bytes (268,329 words) - 15:08, 27 August 2024
- El. of Crit., i, 157. "But in all other words the Qu are both sounded."--Ensell's Gram., p. 16. "Qu (which are always together) have the sound of ku or...302 bytes (292,171 words) - 05:02, 4 March 2024