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Create the page "UltraBrowser" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- " The churches were crumbling; thorns filled the open doorways; cattle browsed in the porches and on the grass round the altar. Even in town churches...10 KB (1,756 words) - 11:03, 12 October 2022
- ignition in hot weather. Great damage is also done by the goats, which browse on the young saplings; the pine trees are much injured by the practice of...844 bytes (66,740 words) - 05:48, 30 June 2022
- lightly credited. If you have a herd, or flock, of animals—say some geese browsing—some must stand on the outside, which is where we would post sentinels...280 bytes (4,802 words) - 09:09, 23 January 2018
- the left the dark, fat meadows were lighted up with misty sun spots and browsing sheep. I looked about for the village stocks; I was ready to take the modern...497 bytes (6,509 words) - 00:28, 25 February 2024
- frequent is the lamb, the kid, the goat— And watching pensive with his browsing flock.—[MS. erased.] Counting the hours beneath yon skies unerring shock...376 bytes (32,320 words) - 17:49, 31 January 2014
- night close to our tents: either the brutes were cold; or they wanted to browse or to meet a friend: every movement was punished with a wringing of the...49 KB (8,610 words) - 09:03, 17 April 2012
- Spanning the Eden, where the angler sits Patient so long, and marks the browsing sheep Like sprinkled snow amid the verdant vales. Old Time hath hung upon...281 bytes (10,552 words) - 05:18, 22 January 2019
- pond is a wide expanse of rock and grass, of beach and marsh. The sheep browse over it as upon a Highland moor. Except a few stunted firs and cedars, there...611 bytes (14,345 words) - 09:03, 10 April 2023
- pond is a wide expanse of rock and grass, of beach and marsh. The sheep browse over it as upon a Highland moor. Except a few stunted firs and cedars, there...539 bytes (14,326 words) - 17:47, 21 February 2024
- issued through the throat and nostril of some one among the roving or browsing cattle of our own daily or weekly literature, startled at smelling some...298 bytes (26,058 words) - 17:14, 6 January 2013
- primeval forests, "under whose shade herds of sacrificial cattle used to browse," one catches distant and fleeting glimpses of a huge azure-blue dome silhouetted...314 bytes (38,638 words) - 04:49, 20 March 2023
- It commenced snowing and that covered up the grass and our horses had to browse on the laurel. We were now at the top of Laurel Hill. We camped for the...242 bytes (42,868 words) - 23:58, 26 September 2019
- walk along now in a brook or ditch for coolness, lashing their tails, and browse the edges; or they stand concealed for shade amid thick bushes. How perfectly...369 bytes (88,747 words) - 14:31, 18 July 2021
- ass scudding over the ground-waves; the wild cows or bovine antelopes browsing with their calves and the ostrich-chickens flocking round the parent bird...384 KB (66,681 words) - 17:54, 12 May 2022