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- vortex rings have some of the properties of elastic solids, and in a perfect fluid would be indestructible; then suggested that atoms may be vortex rings...12 KB (2,054 words) - 21:13, 30 December 2020
- log reiθ (8) gives a state of vortex motion, circulating round Oz, called a straight or columnar vortex. A single vortex will remain at rest, and cause...358 bytes (24,783 words) - 18:30, 18 October 2018
- ie-kut-tsat; pùe-kut-tsat (dorsal); búe-lûn-kut (sacral); ãm-kut (cervical). vertex, téng. vertical, tùi-thâu-khak-téng; thâu-téng; tùi-téng; chiàⁿ-téng. vertigo...473 bytes (1,507 words) - 04:01, 8 June 2018
- where the trajectory cuts the line of sight; so that ½T is the time to the vertex A, where the shot is flying parallel to OB. Integrating (27) again, (31) ...349 bytes (9,297 words) - 23:42, 24 March 2022
- oscillatory waves of the irrotational kind, the crests become curved at the vertex in such a manner that a section of the crest by the plane of motion presents...876 bytes (4,381 words) - 09:40, 7 August 2019
- Vor′ticose, Vortic′ūlar, Vortiginal (-ij′-), Vortiginous (-ij′-). [L. vortex, vertex—vortĕre, vertĕre, to turn.] Vorticella, vor-ti-sel′a, n. a genus of...104 KB (14,563 words) - 12:46, 11 July 2022
- which a free vortex could be formed. In such a free vortex the velocity varies inversely as the radius. The gain of pressure in the vortex chamber is,...386 bytes (86,082 words) - 17:00, 6 November 2023
- begun with two equal terms. The only difference is that the position of the vertex of the curve is no longer in the centre: in other words, the likeliest term...264 bytes (7,794 words) - 00:54, 19 July 2021
- and venundo. Vergilius, not Virgilius. Verginius, not Virginius. vertex, not vortex. vicesimus, more usual than vigesimus; not vicensimus. vilicus, vilico...101 KB (12,666 words) - 15:50, 2 July 2022
- departure with its vertex on a limiting parallel of latitude, a parallel-sailing track from this vertex along the limiting parallel to the vertex of a final great-circle...1.17 MB (186,313 words) - 13:30, 6 June 2024
- six feet the hydrostatic pressure of a column of blood reaching from the vertex to the soles of the feet is equal to 14 cm. of mercury. The blood, owingInfluence...514 bytes (31,018 words) - 15:19, 31 July 2023
- a Wind that is called by the Greeks Typhon; and Pliny calleth it Vertex and Vortex; but as dangerous as they are, as they arise suddenly, so quickly...340 KB (53,014 words) - 01:27, 26 February 2024
- revealed, And that at same time they are seen to surge From very vertex of the mountain up Into far ether. For very fact and feeling, As...84 KB (13,585 words) - 15:23, 20 January 2022
- for radixes; varix, varices, for varixes; vertex, vertices, for vertexes; vortex, vortices, for vortexes. Some Greek words in x change that letter to...302 bytes (203,625 words) - 00:36, 7 November 2022
- round the temples, marking the length; then from the vertex, under the chin, and so up to the vertex again, marking that length. Then, by observing the...1.5 MB (257,772 words) - 04:27, 26 April 2023