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  • Douglas, Jr. (+1) Drake, Major General and Mrs. Clifford B. Dudley, Mrs. Sydney ECUADOR H. E. The Ambassador of Ecuador and Mrs. Mantilla-Ortega (+3) Egeberg...
    369 bytes (2,957 words) - 22:36, 6 April 2012
  • and set to music by several composers, the most popular being Rossini's. Stadium, the course on which were celebrated the great games (foot-racing, wrestling...
    534 KB (82,878 words) - 13:20, 19 November 2023
  • offended, etc, by the sign "The ES 'Nigger' Brown Stand" on a football stadium (referring by nickname to the distinguished local athlete Mr ES Brown)...
    587 bytes (39,336 words) - 23:20, 7 November 2024