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Create the page "Frescă" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- 271Felicia HemansLuís de Camões CAMOENS. SONNET 271. A formosura desta fresca serra. THIS mountain-scene, with sylvan grandeur crowned; These chestnut-woods...352 bytes (147 words) - 16:05, 19 May 2021
- THIS is the story that William Trotter told me on the beach at Aguas Frescas while I waited for the gig of the captain of the fruit steamer Andador...17 KB (3,052 words) - 04:36, 18 November 2017
- spider do, Suspend its operations, will the weevil Delay? De Bailhache, Fresca, Mrs. Cammel, whirled Beyond the circuit of the shuddering Bear In fractured...346 bytes (601 words) - 23:01, 13 November 2024
- spider do, Suspend its operations, will the weevil Delay? De Bailhache, Fresca, Mrs. Cammel, whirled Beyond the circuit of the shuddering Bear In fractured...390 bytes (600 words) - 23:04, 13 November 2024
- ciel et la terra e 'l vento tace Poem CLXV Come 'l candido pie' per l'erba fresca Poem CLXVI S'i' fussi stato fermo a la spelunca Poem CLXVII Quando Amor...22 KB (3,313 words) - 14:03, 19 March 2024
- profit resulting from the sale of boys, robust youths, and young women (frescas mujeres), they, tear children from mothers and wives from husbands without...16 KB (2,715 words) - 21:43, 24 September 2022
- decorations, passed to and fro on horseback. Water-carriers plied their aqua fresca trade. Bands played in all the streets. While waiting, Portuguese men, with...264 bytes (5,261 words) - 06:32, 6 May 2021
- Scripture, in exchange, a grant of land of eight hides, near the river Fresca, for the monastery of St. Paul's. Benedict had arranged this purchase with...39 KB (6,842 words) - 22:27, 26 January 2013
- popular realism; and Cielo dal Camo, or d'Alcamo, whose contrasto, "Rosa fresca aulentissima", now held to have been written after 1231, is strongly tinged...47 KB (7,686 words) - 02:23, 29 August 2024
- examination, I found it was butter rolled up snugly, which she assured me was "fresca sin sal"—"fresh, without salt". A new revelation, but in the course of time...314 bytes (6,858 words) - 11:38, 16 June 2013
- is now common in London shops. c. 1540.—"... outra verdura muito mais fresca, e de melhor cheiro, que esta, a que os naturaes da terra chamão lechias...142 KB (22,491 words) - 01:31, 26 February 2024
- excursions to the island-gardens of the lagoon and the evening promenade of the fresca on the Grand Canal. Now the palace-windows were hung with awnings, the oleanders...43 KB (7,638 words) - 09:05, 16 April 2012
- gallardia Ni la beldad? Con mostrarse mi zagala, De blanco lino vestida, Fresca y pura, Condena la inutil gala Y se esconde confundida La hermosura. Dò...336 bytes (8,101 words) - 18:11, 21 February 2024
- hirieron a un español llamado mesa y con ser la herida mortal de yerba fresca y tardarse mas de dos oras en curar con el agua no murio puesto que quedolo...524 bytes (6,669 words) - 23:35, 5 April 2019
- ponian en el patio o placa de la casa, que limpio y sembrado de hojas frescas le tenian por orden en rengla los varones por si y las niñas por si, ponian...406 bytes (10,390 words) - 22:42, 9 December 2018
- ma indubbiamente autentica e fornita della menzione e del suggello che fresca ancora conserva l'impronta di una testa di profilo da un picciolo antico...86 KB (15,786 words) - 02:17, 8 December 2020
- out laughing. ○ soltar una fresca to give one a piece of one's mind, tell one where to get off Le voy a soltar una fresca. I'll give him a piece of my...342 bytes (9,144 words) - 15:06, 22 February 2024
- hirieron a un español llamado mesa y con ser la herida mortal de yerba fresca y tardarse mas de dos oras en curar con el agua no murio puesto que quedolo...483 bytes (13,451 words) - 23:36, 5 April 2019
- Lucia! Santa Lucia! 6. On che tardate Bella e la sera Spira un auretta Fresca e laggiera, Venite all' agile Barchetta mia! Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! Ischia...110 bytes (25,932 words) - 16:55, 18 August 2018
- fresa strawberry. fresco cool (of weather, wind, etc) La noche estaba fresca. The night was cool. ▲ fresh (of food) El pescado estaba muy fresco. The...356 bytes (4,969 words) - 15:04, 22 February 2024