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Did you mean: henry favor
Create the page "Henry Favin" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- legacy of 500 marks. They had their proper dress and cross: according to Favin their habit was white, and the cross a full red cross charged with a white...703 bytes (20,182 words) - 13:38, 15 June 2021
- Gerdaut. Radegonde Carre Bragnier. Simon Dubois. Henry Wagenar. Augustin Christian Bozuman. Olympia Favin. Thomasset Mary Ann Boulier de Beauregard. Catherine...534 bytes (20,425 words) - 22:06, 17 September 2023
- 516 Fauquet, 102 Fauquier, 60 Faure, 63, 81 Faviere, 47, 90, 108, 513 Favin, 67 Favre, 54, 55, 129 Fayet, 77, 362 Feetor, 108 Feerman, 68 Feilloux,...421 bytes (14,292 words) - 22:06, 17 September 2023