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Did you mean: protest
  • in connection with the Franco-German War, La déclaration de guerre, un protêt (1870); La république neutre d'Alsace (1870); and Appel au patriotisme et...
    2 KB (245 words) - 22:35, 23 March 2012
  • British and French admirals, James Hope 何伯 (1808–1881) and Auguste Leopold Protet 卜羅德 (1808–1862), respectively. The authorities of the Soochow region, who...
    256 bytes (1,298 words) - 01:15, 20 June 2021
  • were able to defend Tung-kia-tu and Za-ka-wei. In 1862 Admirals Hope and Protet opened a campaign, but the latter as killed at Nan-kiau. Major Gordon, who...
    12 KB (2,014 words) - 17:41, 5 March 2023
  • staff as engineer officer. A French force, under the command of Admiral Prôtet, co-operated with Staveley and Ward, with his little army, also assisted...
    388 bytes (6,202 words) - 20:34, 25 August 2020
  • of the “Cassard” class in 1893, and the sheathed vessels, “Catinat” and “Protêt,” in 1894 and 1895. These vessels were from 3700 to 4050 tons displacement...
    304 bytes (78,923 words) - 07:40, 5 August 2019
  • English general, Gordon, and the "Ever Victorious Army", the French admiral Protet, Lebrethon, and others, the T'ai-p'ing rebels, who had captured Nan-king...
    84 KB (14,425 words) - 17:22, 22 July 2019
  • chez les gens de Mr. Harbord ne l’ayant pas voulu acquitter, firent leur protêt. Cela a tellement offensé Mr. Harbord qu’il en a voulu mal à toutes les...
    430 bytes (11,208 words) - 21:27, 17 September 2023