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  • Stars/Active regions (category Resources last modified in November 2019)
    estimate a maximum kinetic energy of ∼ 6 x 1034 erg. Assuming that only a fraction of the stored energy is released in a single episode and that the CME derives...
    100 KB (11,471 words) - 04:11, 5 December 2020
  • Cues to Infidelity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23(10), pp.1034-1045. Thielmann, I. and Hilbig, B. (2019). No gain without pain: The psychological...
    33 KB (3,148 words) - 00:51, 14 October 2021
  • Stars/Dwarfs/Whites (category Resources last modified in May 2019)
    X-ray pulsations in their light curves." "The white dwarfs' magnetic moments are in the range 1032-1034 G cm3, slightly weaker than in AM Her stars but...
    116 KB (15,721 words) - 05:12, 6 December 2020
  • PLOS/Holocentric chromosomes (category Articles included in PLOS Genetics)
    chromosomes by atomic force microscopy", Hereditas, 138 (2): 129–132, doi:10.1034/j.1601-5223.2003.01661.x, ISSN 0018-0661 Hughes-Schrader, Sally; Schrader...
    60 KB (6,473 words) - 05:11, 30 November 2021