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Showing results for french deep. No results found for Franca Deza.
Create the page "Franca Deza" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- occurring in France. Their poetry reflects the social turmoil raging across Europe and their own dreams and worries. The link between the French Revolution...12 KB (1,820 words) - 11:54, 6 May 2023
- mirer #French "to watch, stare" mirage #French "mirage" miroir #French "mirror" admirer #French "to admire" amiral #French "admiral" emir #French "emir"...502 bytes (4,424 words) - 14:03, 24 March 2021
- mirer #French "to watch, stare" mirage #French "mirage" miroir #French "mirror" admirer #French "to admire" amiral #French "admiral" emir #French "emir"...330 bytes (4,264 words) - 14:37, 21 March 2021
- makes davemaoite an important player in managing how heat moves through the deep Earth and, in turn, how heat cycles between the mantle and crust to drive...40 KB (4,322 words) - 17:39, 11 December 2024
- Homonyms 못 (mot, "nail") Synonyms 해자 (haeja, "moat"), cf. English The Hague, French Copenhague Compounds 연못 (yeon-, "pond") 성밑못 (seongmit-, "moat," lit. "moat...2 KB (95 words) - 22:32, 29 April 2021
- our sins Dead with a flail worth fifty known before. Fouterien. In knee-deep humbleness of defecation, Thus tremblingly before the sight of all, I beg...22 KB (3,811 words) - 09:47, 17 August 2014
- [include in the image on the right] LSW:Labrador Sea Water; NADW:North Atlantic Deep Water; NSOW:Norwegian Sea Overflow Water)." "Sediments near the top of the...32 KB (3,897 words) - 03:36, 20 January 2024
- literature (influencing the production of works). Of necessity to develop a deep and sustained program of reading is the effort to explore human history to...3 KB (488 words) - 21:55, 20 January 2020
- rich and buttery part of milk," from Old French cresme, craime, creme "chrism, holy oil" (13c., Modern French crème). This word is a blend of Late Latin...955 bytes (4,085 words) - 15:00, 19 June 2021
- "chestnut tree" or Aesculus) Relatives 마롱 (marong, from French marron, "horse chestnut fruit") French confusion See also 말밤 (末栗, mal-bam, "water chestnut")...724 bytes (5,443 words) - 20:45, 14 September 2022
- I am amazed too few Among the faith have yet attempted it. Aubry. The French are God's cold dishes, which is why, To show us how, after that action's...21 KB (3,519 words) - 09:47, 17 August 2014
- and one who grew up among the disenfranchised, Grothendieck always had a deep compassion for the poor and the downtrodden . As Cartier puts it, Grothendieck...13 KB (1,709 words) - 02:49, 31 December 2023
- currently at 475,440 km2 when combining water and land, Cameroon (Cameroun in French) is located in Central Africa. Bordering the Bight of Biafra, Chad, Gabon...32 KB (4,883 words) - 08:49, 13 December 2023
- in French with the visual editor on en.wikiversity and a second one for the future English version Copy and paste a chapter or some paragraph in KB (199 words) - 14:39, 25 March 2020
- includes common language and cultural information. Thus French-France (fr-fr), French-Canada (fr-ca), French-Belgium (fr-be) are different locales. Locale also...214 KB (28,414 words) - 14:56, 6 February 2024
- traditionally all white, though this is certainly subject to variation. French Consoles French consoles are unique in their terraced design. They use drawknobs...14 KB (2,148 words) - 05:57, 4 October 2023
- ones, denied the existence of Voodoo as such and consid-ered Haiti as a French province lost in the Caribbean Sea. This Western literature, in which Voodoo...12 KB (1,694 words) - 05:48, 16 October 2018
- page is the summary of a PhD thesis on the Wikimedia movement written on French Wikiversity. You can read its automatic translation in many languages from...4 KB (427 words) - 17:07, 16 June 2022
- the human eye) is generated deep within Saturn, and works its way upward, eventually escaping into space. Thick clouds deep in the atmosphere block that...68 KB (8,811 words) - 06:38, 30 May 2023
- of ISTUK components.jpg File:Cutter knives of drill.jpg File:Camp Century deep ice core drill.jpg File:Tilting th ISTUK drill.jpg File:Ice core released...98 KB (13,649 words) - 05:22, 15 November 2020