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- S. (2010). Sleep deprivation: Causes, effects and treatment. New York: Nova Science. Jahn, D. R., & Cukrowicz, K. C. (2011). The Impact of the Nature...32 KB (4,102 words) - 07:09, 6 October 2023
- “ordinary” novae such as T Aur (1892 - often seen as the first well-studied nova outburst) were very distinct from “supernovae” such as S And (1885 - in M31)...85 KB (10,704 words) - 04:11, 5 December 2020
- cause of the UV-upturn in the light output of elliptical galaxies." Stars/Nova-likes G. Kopan, R. Hurt (30 January 2012). Flame Nebula. Caltech. http://www...40 KB (4,809 words) - 21:03, 30 November 2020
- in Occupational Health Psychology: Measurement, Design and Data Analysis. Nova Iorque. Weiten, W. (2010). Psychology: Themes and Variations: Themes and...39 KB (4,789 words) - 00:31, 11 November 2019
- use of oestrogen to alleviate these symptoms (Schmidt et al., 2000; de Novaes Soares, 2001). However, it is postulated that the mood disturbances relating...33 KB (4,056 words) - 03:32, 29 December 2021
- Primarie 9 mois (Chelles 77) Kathleen from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Secondaire 7 mois. Paula Robin - I worked...51 KB (8,190 words) - 17:51, 27 November 2018
- K., Baur, T., & Andre, E. (2020). Unraveling ML Models of Emotion with NOVA: Multi-Level Explainable AI for Non-Experts. IEEE Transactions on Affective...27 KB (3,599 words) - 04:17, 7 August 2024
- cysts for a maximum Yarmouthian (430,000-500,00yr BP) age of the artifacts". Nova Hedwigia 136: 127-38. KB (32,046 words) - 22:26, 13 November 2022
- Environmental Technologies Action Plan: Novament Interview. Accessed Feb 2008, Available at: http://web.archive...34 KB (4,928 words) - 04:17, 30 December 2023
- Literature Review of the Practical Application of Bacteriophage Research (in en). Nova Biomedical Books. ISBN 978-1-62100-851-4. KB (15,806 words) - 02:23, 22 February 2024
- 2008 ‘A life-course contribution of nutrition to future cognitive decline’ Nova Science Publishers, pp. 63-106. Christen, Y 2000 ‘Oxidative stress and Alzheimer’s...35 KB (5,434 words) - 02:28, 5 January 2022
- cysts for a maximum Yarmouthian (430,000-500,00yr BP) age of the artifacts". Nova Hedwigia 136: 127-38. KB (9,927 words) - 13:12, 25 October 2024
- Affective Disorders Schedule for Children - Epidemiological Version (KSADS-E).” Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 1995. Nottelmann, Editha. “National...197 KB (24,274 words) - 12:45, 29 May 2023