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Create the page "Walk Cheerfully" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- hip, and was told she would never walk again. She exercised, though, secretly, under the covers, and she did walk again. Her enthusiasm for life lasted...23 KB (4,520 words) - 11:40, 5 May 2019
- stared back at him, shocked. What a nerve! How could anyone sit and so cheerfully display such unmitigated gall? Psychologists apparently felt absolutely...12 KB (2,535 words) - 11:39, 5 May 2019
- home to our big old three-story, shingled house. On our way up the brick walk some drops of water fell from the redwood trees and hit Tony on the face...18 KB (3,537 words) - 11:40, 5 May 2019
- physical activity keeps the body healthy and makes the spirit happy. Daily walks raise the level of happiness 12%. David Niven says, “people who stay fit...13 KB (1,870 words) - 20:53, 16 September 2021
- through your spiritual exercises. Live according to a wise plan of your life. Walk step by step towards enlightenment. "My wise life plan is ..." Success. Tibetan...174 KB (29,102 words) - 00:44, 9 May 2024
- physical activity keeps the body healthy and makes the spirit happy. Daily walks raise the level of happiness 12%. Do good. Those who regularly do good things...11 KB (1,790 words) - 06:13, 7 January 2024
- is that human beings influence the environment more[than?]. People mostly walk into the public with decided predictions of how the social interaction will...18 KB (2,107 words) - 09:01, 8 November 2020
- yellows, gobs down cheerfully Seeds, nettles, grasses, clover. What if man Shone so refulgently, so easily To feed? How cheerful he would be! Instead...22 KB (3,811 words) - 09:47, 17 August 2014
- and with a premonition that something disastrous had just happened. As I walked down the hall I met Dr. Berger, the first psychologist who had interviewed...16 KB (3,216 words) - 11:42, 5 May 2019
- Social Victorians/1887 American Exhibition/Command Performances (section The Troupe Walked to the Castle from the Train Station)seem to have taken the train to Windsor, gotten off at Windsor Station and walked to the castle. According to Moses, Queen Victoria saw the exhibition again...22 KB (3,694 words) - 17:30, 9 July 2020
- relativity, I mused - or maybe even quantum mechanics? Dr. Berger suggested we walk down to the end of the hall to allow Tony to become familiar with the playroom...21 KB (3,986 words) - 11:38, 5 May 2019
- lower a bucket into the hole and fill it with dirt. Then one of them would walk out into a field with the end of the rope, pulling up the bucket. One day...23 KB (4,490 words) - 11:39, 5 May 2019
- has my life Wrought on me unawares. Forgotten, love! Strange, desolate, I walk among the crags Of wasting paths and gorges: will I not Bend downward to...18 KB (3,225 words) - 09:47, 17 August 2014
- now? Arnaud. No, farther up this road, the better for friend Jacques cheerfully to spy us out. Thomas. Were he already here with log and fire! Arnaud...18 KB (3,268 words) - 09:46, 17 August 2014
- and inspire you to make a positive change in your life and go for a long walk, join a gym, sign up to a running group or hike up a mountain! To understand...23 KB (2,176 words) - 16:34, 29 July 2021
- particular person or group. Two examples of personal strategies are going for a walk or engaging in relaxing activities that foster creativity and thinking. Creativity...27 KB (3,241 words) - 19:00, 27 November 2022
- a common friend, Mrs. Salmon. Mrs. Salmon politely excused herself and walked over to the good Reverend to greet him. She turned and pointed back at Dr...109 KB (18,782 words) - 23:31, 16 August 2020
- what it might do. But he only said, “Good evening, Beauty.” She answered cheerfully and managed to hide her terror. He spoke politely to her for about an...199 KB (37,222 words) - 17:08, 15 December 2022
- of her teachers explained that if she needed to ask a question she would walk up to her and whisper in her ear. During group tasks her comfort levels dropped...34 KB (4,491 words) - 12:21, 6 January 2024
- fifth line, old yang means: The Turtle = A turtle has small feet, but he can walk a long distance. He is shielded and protected by his shell. Take small steps...142 KB (22,404 words) - 11:50, 13 September 2024