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- different forms of the egophoric as the default; In Helambu they prefer yìn, in Lamjung yìmba and Ilam yìŋge. yèken is past tense forms of the existential...95 KB (9,148 words) - 05:32, 29 August 2022
- Sinica. doi:10.1016/j.chnaes.2020.09.008. Han, H.; Jung, J.K.; Han, S.B.; Nam, S.Y.; Oh, K.W.; Hong, J.T. (2011). "Anxiolytic-like effects of 4-O-methylhonokiol...246 KB (26,613 words) - 21:46, 16 April 2022
- 33-17/0374a 塵 drin 33-18/0451a 胤 yinH 33-18/0451c 酳 yinH 33-19/0450a 寅 yij, yin 33-19/0450h 夤 yin 33-19/0450j 螾 yinX 33-19/0450k 演 yenX 33-20/0456a 刃...300 KB (40,249 words) - 14:00, 4 April 2017
- 33-17/0374a 塵 drin 33-18/0451a 胤 yinH 33-18/0451c 酳 yinH 33-19/0450a 寅 yij, yin 33-19/0450h 夤 yin 33-19/0450j 螾 yinX 33-19/0450k 演 yenX 33-20/0456a 刃...305 KB (41,052 words) - 16:05, 25 April 2017
- UTPA STEM/Instructors (section Nguyen, Mau Nam (UTPA))Beginning Machining - Hand Tools Chemistry - Stoichiometry Statics - Force Equilibrium Calculus - Applied Optimization Algebra - Motion Problem MEMS &NEMS...19 KB (729 words) - 17:28, 22 May 2016