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Appendix:Proto-Lokono-Guajiro reconstructions

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Proto-Lokono-Guajiro reconstructions:

Captain (1991)


Reconstructions of Proto-Lokono-Guajiro proposed by Captain (1991):[1]

no. gloss Proto Lokono-Guajiro
1. abdomen *Vteke
2. after *dikʰi
3. ant *hayu
4. anteater *waRiti
5. arm *dɨna
6. armadillo *yekerV
7. arrow *kimařa
8. ash *baliki
9. ask *asa (?)
10. axe *bařu
11. back *asabu
12. bat *busiri
13. bathe *aka
14. beard *tiima
15. bird *kudibiu
16. blood *itʰa
17. bone *Vbu-na
18. breast *(u)di
19. break *wakVdV-
20. by (agent) *duma
21. cane *isi
22. canoe *kanuwa
23. chest *Vluwa
24. child *(?)ibili
25. chili pepper *hatʰi
26. chop *lada
27. cold, have a *tʰunuli-
28. come *andV
29. cricket *pʰuti
30. crocodile *kayukutʰi
31. delicious *keme-
32. down *unabu
33. drink (v) *VtʰV
34. ear *dike
35. egret *wakaRa
36. eye *aku
37. exit (v) *apʰuti-
38. fat, grease *akusi
39. father *Vtʰi
40. finger *kʰabu-ibira
41. fingernail *bada
42. fire *sikʰi
43. fish *hime
44. flea *kʰayaba
45. flesh *kiruku
46. flower *siwi
47. fly *mabuRi
48. foot *ukuti
49. for (benefactive) *bura
50. forehead *kibu
51 from (LOC) *-kee
52. fur *Vti
53. go *kuna
54. gourd *iwida
55. grandfather *dukutʰi
56. grandmother *kVtʰV
57. green *subule
58. hair *Vbařa
59. hammock *hamaka; *kura
60. hand *kʰabu
61. hate, be hated *te-
62. head *ikiwi
63. hear *akanaba
64. here *yaha
65. honey *maba
66. horn *ukuwa
67. house *bahɨ
68. I *dakia
69. iguana *iwana
70. in *luku
71 in (a fluid) *raku
72. juice *Vra
73. kill *pʰarV
74. knife *ruři
75. leaf *bana
76. liver *bana
77. maize *mariki
78. manioc *kʰali
79. manioc starch *hařo
80. many *yuhu
81. monkey *pʰudi
82. moon *katʰi
83. mosquito *maRi
84. mother *uyu
85. neck *nuru
86. nose *kiri
87. one *aba
88. path *bɨna; *wabu
89. peck *tuka-
90. penis *ewera
91. rat *kuři
92. raw *iya
93. request *kʰuyabV-
94. resin *Vkʰɨ
95. ripe *hebe
96. river *sVři
97. root *akura
98. say *akV
99. sea *bařawa
100. seat, stool *turu
101. she *tʰukia
102. skin *Vda
103. sleep *dunkV
104. snake *uri
105. son-in-law *titʰi
106. sound *akanVkɨ
107. star *iwiwa
108. stone *kiba
109. stop *takɨ-
110. sweet potato *halitʰi
111. tail *isi
112. tapir *kama
113. termite *kʰumutʰiri
114. that (masculine) *lira
115. that (non-masculine) *tura
116. there *yara
117. they *nakia
118. thigh *(N)bɨku
119. this (masculine) *lihi
120. this (non-masculine) *tuhu
121. thou *bukia
122. three *kabɨnV
123. tip *kiruku
124. toad *kiberu
125. tobacco *yuři
126. tongue *Vyee
127. tooth *ari
128. touch, feel *bebeda
129. tree *kunuku
130. two *biama
131. up *iu-
132. vomit *ewedV
133. water *uni
134. we *wakia
135. with (accomp.) *Vma
136. whistle *wiwida-
137. woman *hiaru
138. worm *-koma-
139. ye *hukia
140. yes *VNhVN
141. (absolutive) *-hV
142. (poss. suffix) *-tʰe


  1. ^ Captain, D. (1991 [2005]). Proto-Lokono-Guajiro. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Etnolingüísticos, 10:137-172.
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South America

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South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní