Support the Center for Minorities in Science and Engineering


To meet the challenges that lie ahead, the Center for Minorities in Science and Engineering must grow its capacity to recruit, retain, advise, and mentor underrepresented minority students. And we ask you to join us.

By giving to the below initiatives, you will help CMSE plan for the future and better meet the needs of underrepresented studetns. Your gift will support The Path Forward: The Campaign for CMSE, our ambitious plan to amplify CMSE's impact, secure our future, and advance our mission towards increasing the number of underrepresented minority students in engineering studies and careers. Learn more about The Path Forward Campaign.

Together we will ensure that CMSE can support, guide, and mentor underrepresented students for generations to come.

The mission of BES can be stated as the “3 R’s”: To recruit, retain and release qualified minorities in the fields of computer science, engineering, mathematics, and physical sciences. This goal is accomplished through numerous programs, services and activities that help to academically and professionally develop minority science and engineering students. Give to BES

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) uses these funds for activities that support the retention and professional leadership development of their students.

Give to SHPE

The Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Program at UMD is designed to assist students in developing the skills and learning the strategies that will guarantee their success in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

Through your support and donations we can create better events and programs to assist LSAMP students in their educational and career goals. Contributions could help fund events such as the LSAMP Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridge to the Doctorate Fellows Community Meetings, Summer Bridge for Scientists and Engineers Community Building activities, and much more.

For questions about supporting LSAMP, please contact:
Chelsey Lamar
LSAMP Undergraduate Research Program Coordinator
Phone: (301) 405-8106
Email: [email protected]

Donate to CMSE Director's Fund

The CMSE Director's Fund supports areas of greatest needs provides flexibility to fund any gaps throughout the year. Additionally, this fund enables the Center to pivot quickly as well as innovate new programs to recruit, retain, and graduate URM students. By giving to this fund, you will ensure that the Center has the agility to best meet students' needs as well as take advantage of opportunities that arise.

CMSE Director's Fund

Donate to Pre-College Outreach and Programming Fund

Support CMSE's Pre-College outreach and programming by giving to this targeted fund. Additional funding can help the Center provide programs for free or at a reduced cost to students and their families. Current programs include STEM Expo (spring), ESTEEM SER Quest and SeaPearch (both in summer).

CMSE Pre-College Outreach and Programming Fund

Donate to Transfer Student Connection Fund

The Transfer Student Connection is the Center's newest program aimed at helping transfer students transition to UMD and providing them support through graduation. Contributions to this area will enhance resources such as the transfer student orientation, advising, and other student support to this important student population.

Transfer Student Connection Fund

For general questions about your individual gift, please contact:

Tamika Hodnett
Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations
Phone: (301) 405-2150
Email: [email protected]
