The Family Engagement Department values the contributions of all parents and families in their child’s education. Below you will find resources available for parents and guardians in southern Nevada.
Seek Common Ground Family Guides: These guides provide information and tools to support students in literacy and math – the building block subjects for everything else.
PTA Parent Guides: These grade-level guides provide clear expectations for what students should be learning in order to be prepared for college and career.
Academic Testing Resources: The Assessment, Accountability, Research, and School Improvement (AARSI) Division provides parents information regarding standard academic testing, including ACT, MAP, WIDA and SBAC testing.
Please visit this community resource guide to provide families additional support with food, shelter, clothing, mental health, parenting, health and more. For more mental health resources, please visit Care Solace.
Catholic Charities provides services to support families with food, immigration support, and housing/shelter services.
The CCSD Family Support Center will provide services aimed at supporting newcomer students, services for families, and school support.
El Centro de Apoyo Familiar del CCSD proporcionará servicios con la finalidad de apoyar a los estudiantes recién llegados, servicios para familias, y apoyo escolar.
Summer A-Z: Make it a family challenge to “hunt” down experiential learning experiences from A to Z. Ideas include visiting national parks, museums, zoos, aquariums, and other venues. You can also follow or write your own recipes, craft projects, and science experiments. For more ideas and a simple template, use this handout.
Libraries: To take advantage of free library events, classes, and reading challenges, please visit the library website.
CCSD Reads: CCSD encourages students to read for at 30 minutes a day all summer long. Show us what you are reading in the #CCSDReads Summer Reading Photo Contest.
Summer Camps: For more information on low-cost summer camp programs, please see the following resources: