Omnipotent Meaning in English | Extrovert Meaning in Hindi | Extrovert in a sentence | Synonyms of Extrovert | Antonyms of Extrovert | Sentence with extrovert | Example of extrovert | extrovert Example
ɑmnɪpətənt | आम्निपटन्ट
Omnipotent Meaning in English/ Extrovert का हिंदी अर्थ
having total power, able to do anything, someone who can do absolutely anything,
सर्वशक्तिमान, सर्वशक्तिशाली
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Antonyms of Omnipotent
Impotent, Powerless, Weak
Synonyms of Omnipotent :
All-powerful, almighty,
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Omnipotent in Sentences/ Sentence of Omnipotent
Beauty is potent but money is omnipotent.
सुंदरता शक्तिशाली है पर पैसा सर्वशक्तिमान है
God is omnipotent.
भगवान् सर्वशक्तिमान है
Nature is powerful but not omnipotent.
प्रकृति शक्तिशाली पर सर्वशक्तिमान नहीं।
He think he is omnipotent.
वह सोचता है कि वह सर्वशक्तिमान है
If the superhero can fight off ten men at one time, then he must be omnipotent.
अगर सुपरहेरो एक समय में दस आदमियों से लड़ सकता है , तो उसे सर्वशक्तिमान होना चाहिए।
The arrogant doctor believes he was omnipotent.
घमंडी डॉक्टर का मानता है कि वह सर्वशक्तिमान है।