If you want to use your portable generator in the rain season, then secure this small generator from rain is the major concern you need to do. So you can use the IGAN heavy-duty generator rain shelter cover to protect your portable DG Set or a portable generator cover help to run your DG Set in rainy weather.
For your portable diesel generator safety purposes, you need to drive your portable generator outwards. But if it is raining, you also need to cover your portable generator to protect it from the rainy season.
If you are not using your portable generator, this IGAN tent will cover the entire portable generator during storage. For example, you have a small storage shed that you kept in your generator. When your generator was not in use then you pulled out the cover of the shed on the front porch while driving. However, if it is raining outside, the DG Set will still be wet. Some people have to run their own portable generator in the yard when it rains.
This IGAN waterproof, heavy-duty tarp cover, its high-strength fiberglass frame rods will protect your generator shelter from the rain, snow, wind, and sunlight. Another good thing about this Gentent has thick cloth. This built-in filter prevents this tent cover from blowing in the wind. I also think the black cover is less than an advertisement for any thief that you have a good, expensive generator.

Best steps to protect your portable generator from rain
If there is strong rain or strong winds outside & you still want to use your silent generator. Then you need to protect your portable home generator from the elements even if it is not used. You can protect your mini generator in the rain by following these useful steps.
- First, you place your portable generator on a level surface.
- Then place a 3/4 inch piece of plywood on the ground under your generator.
- Now correct the pop-up canopy on your generator. These are available in various sizes from 8-foot square to 10-foot square.
- You can reduce the height of the canopy on the generator to add additional protection. Also, make sure canopy is open from all sides, it will not allow high levels of carbon monoxide to accumulate.
- If you are draining your home single-phase portable generator; Do not use it in rain or in wet conditions. If necessary, a portable generator can help protect a canopy.
- Keep your generator on a day when it is not raining. And install a pop-up canopy above the generator that follows the instructions that come with the canopy.
- Completely check the position of the generator at the time of the canopy, so that the power coil does not rain on the system vent and the exhaust exits the generator independently.
Few major things to remember while using Gentent
- You need to keep an eye on your canopy during the rainy season. If it is blowing in the wind, then you use tie-down ropes to anchor it.
- If you shop around for the canopy, you can easily find it with a frame that is fully compact so you can fit it into the boot of your car.
- Always keep in mind that your generator is on a dry surface, and do not put any water around it or there are drains under it.
- Your hands should not be wet before touching your generator. If your hands are wet, then dry your hands thoroughly.
Why portable generator cover important in the rain?

Here we explain why a portable generator cover is important in the rain. Also, how a Gentent protects your portable generator from rain & wind.
Because of diesel fuel emission & its noisy sound, you can’t install a portable Genset inside your house. But running a portable generator outside your home can also be unsafe due to theft or vandalism.
There are different types of portable generator canopy available in the market and you can choose which Gentent would be good for your Genset. The available range of generator canopy is capable to protect your inverter generator from rain. However, one thing is very sure that if you are going to use a mini portable generator, then you should also use a Gentent for it.
Can you drive a portable generator in the rain?
Do you really want to use your portable generator in the rainy season?. Then the first thing you need to do use a generator cover to protect your power backup from outside bad weather. Because using a Genset without DG Set cover will harm your power backup due to outside rainy weather. Also, small amounts of moisture can seriously damage the outlet on a generator, this is why you should always cover it.
We all face electricity issues in rainy or heavy storm session. As you know, getting electricity in this session is becomes very difficult. But having a portable generator means you can protect your home or love once in this bad condition. Because a power backup is always the first line of defense against planned or unplanned power failure.
Always remember one thing, using a Portable power generator in a rainy session will be dangerous. Because sometimes using its output during the rainy season increases the electric current. And we don’t want our generator will meet this kind of scenario. So that having a portable generator cover will reduce this kind of problem.
Tips to protect a portable generator from help with a Gentent cover
GenTent’s help to protect your portable generator to ensure emergency backup power needed for recreational activities such as camping, sewing, outdoor events. So you need to select the right GenTent to cover your generator during inclement weather.
You can protect your portable generator with the help of some steps given below.
- With the help of Gentent, a portable generator allows us to run safely and protect it from damage from wet weather.
- Electrical outlets remain dry in severe wet weather from any angle, including stormy rain.
- The fresh air intake is not blocked.
- To change your oil, maintain your generator and stay connected to the generator.
- The US Patented Self-Attaching Portable Generator Weather Method.
- Independent Lab Test Proves GenTent Performance.
- Supported by a major portable generator.
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