The Episcopal Church in Middle and North Georgia is a vibrant and diverse community of followers of Jesus.

The Latest Diocesan News
“We’re Not Going to Forget” – St. Dunstan’s COVID Icon Honors Community’s Loving Care in Deadly Era
When the COVID-19 pandemic erupted five years ago this month, St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church closed its doors as the first measure to keep worshippers safe. Two years ago this month, the community was shocked and devastated when the virus killed the rector’s...
Christ Church Norcross Members Make Pilgrimage to Selma and Montgomery
Following their study of James Cone’s work The Cross and the Lynching Tree, the Christ Church Episcopal Norcross racial healing book group recently made a pilgrimage to Selma and Montgomery to coincide with the 60th anniversary of Bloody Sunday.
Beginning Again On This Day: 140 Confirmed, Received, or Reaffirmed at Diocesan Confirmation
More than 650 people gathered on March 16 at the Cathedral of St. Philip to celebrate 140 people from across The Diocese being confirmed, received, or reaffirmed. The 140 represented 17 parishes among the Diocese of Atlanta’s 120 worshipping communities across middle and north Georgia.
For Faith Devotionals
To grow up in Christ takes curiosity. Moses was a felon on the run from Egypt. But now, he’s a husband, father and gainfully employed in his father-in-law’s livestock business. Life is good. That’s when everything changed.
As we grow up in Jesus, we get a glimpse of how we have adjusted ourselves to a world in open opposition to truth, peace, love and justice.
To grow up in Christ will make you settled. See Jesus in the wilderness being tempted by the devil. The devil makes three attempts to lure Jesus away from his identity and purpose.
Bishop Wright’s Podcast
For People is a conversation inspired by faith and leadership. Join us as we meet listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world.
Upcoming Events
Suicide rates have consistently risen in the U.S. over the past two decades, with young people (ages 10-18) as a particularly high-risk age group. The good news is that parents […] This very special collaboration between the Cathedral of St. Philip and the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra, may well be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Atlantans to hear Monteverdi’s Vespers performed live by […] This very special collaboration between the Cathedral of St. Philip and the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra, may well be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Atlantans to hear Monteverdi’s Vespers performed live by […] The Diocese of Atlanta’s Commission on Youth Ministry was established in 2015. It is made up of high school students and adult advisors who plan, host, and lead several diocesan […]
Suicide Prevention Training for Parents and Families
Monteverdi Vespers (Night One)
Cathedral of St. Philip
2744 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA
Monteverdi Vespers (Night Two)
Cathedral of St. Philip
2744 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA
2025-26 Youth Commission Applications Due

We challenge ourselves and the world to love like Jesus as we worship joyfully, serve compassionately, and grow spiritually.
“Whoever you are, God seeks a relationship with you. Peace is within reach. Healing is within reach. Love is within reach. Don’t be afraid to bring your questions, heartaches, doubts and joys. It’s a great time to be part of God’s church.”
— Bishop Rob Wright