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21 results sorted by ID

2024/1885 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-19
Improved PIR Schemes using Matching Vectors and Derivatives
Fatemeh Ghasemi, Swastik Kopparty, Madhu Sudan
Cryptographic protocols

In this paper, we construct new t-server Private Information Retrieval (PIR) schemes with communication complexity subpolynomial in the previously best known, for all but finitely many t. Our results are based on combining derivatives (in the spirit of Woodruff-Yekhanin) with the Matching Vector based PIRs of Yekhanin and Efremenko. Previously such a combination was achieved in an ingenious way by Dvir and Gopi, using polynomials and derivatives over certain exotic rings, en route to their...

2024/1481 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-23
Tighter Adaptive IBEs and VRFs: Revisiting Waters' Artificial Abort
Goichiro Hanaoka, Shuichi Katsumata, Kei Kimura, Kaoru Takemure, Shota Yamada
Public-key cryptography

One of the most popular techniques to prove adaptive security of identity-based encryptions (IBE) and verifiable random functions (VRF) is the partitioning technique. Currently, there are only two methods to relate the adversary's advantage and runtime $(\epsilon, {\sf T})$ to those of the reduction's ($\epsilon_{\sf proof}, {\sf T}_{\sf proof}$) using this technique: One originates to Waters (Eurocrypt 2005) who introduced the famous artificial abort step to prove his IBE, achieving...

2024/1217 Last updated: 2025-01-24
A Compact and Parallel Swap-Based Shuffler based on butterfly Network and its complexity against Side Channel Analysis
Jong-Yeon Park, Wonil Lee, Bo Gyeong Kang, Il-jong Song, Jaekeun Oh, Kouichi Sakurai

A prominent countermeasure against side channel attacks, the hiding countermeasure, typically involves shuffling operations using a permutation algorithm. Especially in the era of Post-Quantum Cryptography, the importance of the hiding coun- termeasure is emphasized due to computational characteristics like those of lattice and code-based cryptography. In this context, swiftly and securely generating permutations has a critical impact on an algorithm’s security and efficiency. The widely...

2024/052 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-13
Simple Vs Vectorial: Exploiting Structural Symmetry to Beat the ZeroSum Distinguisher Applications to SHA3, Xoodyak and Bash
SAHIBA SURYAWANSHI, Shibam Ghosh, Dhiman Saha, Prathamesh Ram
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Higher order differential properties constitute a very insightful tool at the hands of a cryptanalyst allowing for probing a cryptographic primitive from an algebraic perspective. In FSE 2017, Saha et al. reported SymSum (referred to as SymSum_Vec in this paper), a new distinguisher based on higher order vectorial Boolean derivatives of SHA-3, constituting one of the best distinguishers on the latest cryptographic hash standard. SymSum_Vec exploits the difference in the algebraic degree...

2023/789 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-30
Where are the constants? New Insights On The Role of Round Constant Addition in The SymSum Distinguisher
Sahiba Suryawanshi, Dhiman Saha
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The current work makes a systematic attempt to describe the effect of the relative order of round constant ( RCon) addition in the round function of an SPN cipher on its algebraic structure. The observations are applied to the SymSum distinguisher, introduced by Saha et al. in FSE 2017 which is one of the best distinguishers on the SHA3 hash function reported in literature. Results show that certain ordering (referred to as Type-LCN) of RCon makes the distinguisher less effective but it...

2022/1335 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-20
Revisiting Higher-Order Differential-Linear Attacks from an Algebraic Perspective
Kai Hu, Thomas Peyrin, Quan Quan Tan, Trevor Yap
Secret-key cryptography

The Higher-order Differential-Linear (HDL) attack was introduced by Biham \textit{et al.} at FSE 2005, where a linear approximation was appended to a Higher-order Differential (HD) transition. It is a natural generalization of the Differential-Linear (DL) attack. Due to some practical restrictions, however, HDL cryptanalysis has unfortunately attracted much less attention compared to its DL counterpart since its proposal. In this paper, we revisit HD/HDL cryptanalysis from an algebraic...

2022/927 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-27
Fit The Joint Moments - How to Attack any Masking Schemes
Valence Cristiani, Maxime Lecomte, Thomas Hiscock, Philippe Maurine

Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) allows extracting secret keys manipulated by cryptographic primitives through leakages of their physical implementations. Supervised attacks, known to be optimal, can theoretically defeat any countermeasure, including masking, by learning the dependency between the leakage and the secret through the profiling phase. However, defeating masking is less trivial when it comes to unsupervised attacks. While classical strategies such as CPA or LRA have been extended to...

2022/461 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-05-16
Information Leakage in Code-based Masking: A Systematic Evaluation by Higher-Order Attacks
Wei Cheng, Sylvain Guilley, Jean-Luc Danger

Code-based masking is a recent line of research on masking schemes aiming at provably counteracting side-channel attacks. It generalizes and unifies many masking schemes within a coding-theoretic formalization. In code-based masking schemes, the tuning parameters are the underlying linear codes, whose choice significantly affects the side-channel resilience. In this paper, we investigate the exploitability of the information leakage in code-based masking and present attack-based evaluation...

2020/1582 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-12-21
A New Method for Designing Lightweight S-boxes with High Differential and Linear Branch Numbers, and Its Application
Hangi Kim, Yongjin Jeon, Giyoon Kim, Jongsung Kim, Bo-Yeon Sim, Dong-Guk Han, Hwajeong Seo, Seonggyeom Kim, Seokhie Hong, Jaechul Sung, Deukjo Hong
Secret-key cryptography

Bit permutations are efficient linear functions often used for lightweight cipher designs. However, they have low diffusion effects, compared to word-oriented binary and MDS matrices. Thus, the security of bit permutation-based ciphers is significantly affected by differential and linear branch numbers (DBN and LBN) of nonlinear functions. In this paper, we introduce a widely applicable method for constructing S-boxes with high DBN and LBN. Our method exploits constructions of S-boxes from...

2020/920 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-07-26
Further Cryptographic Properties of the Multiplicative Inverse Function
Deng Tang, Bimal Mandal, Subhamoy Maitra

Differential analysis is an important cryptanalytic technique on block ciphers. In one form, this measures the probability of occurrence of the differences between certain inputs vectors and the corresponding outputs vectors. For this analysis, the constituent S-boxes of Block cipher need to be studied carefully. In this direction, we derive further cryptographic properties of inverse function, especially higher-order differential properties here. This improves certain results of Boukerrou...

2020/667 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-06-05
New Results on the SymSum Distinguisher on Round-Reduced SHA3
Sahiba Suryawanshi, Dhiman Saha, Satyam Sachan

In ToSC 2017 Saha et al. demonstrated an interesting property of SHA3 based on higher-order vectorial derivatives which led to self-symmetry based distinguishers referred to as SymSum and bettered the complexity w.r.t the well-studied ZeroSum distinguisher by a factor of 4. This work attempts to take a fresh look at this distinguisher in the light of the linearization technique developed by Guo et al. in Asiacrypt 2016. It is observed that the efficiency of SymSum against ZeroSum drops from...

2019/1415 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-12-06
Toward A More Efficient Gröbner-based Algebraic Cryptanalysis
Hossein Arabnezhad-Khanoki, Babak Sadeghiyan
Secret-key cryptography

In this paper, we propose a new method to launch a more efficient algebraic cryptanalysis. Algebraic cryptanalysis aims at finding the secret key of a cipher by solving a collection of polynomial equations that describe the internal structure of the cipher, while chosen correlated plaintexts, as what appear in higher order differential cryptanalysis and its derivatives such as cube attack or integral cryptanalysis, forces many linear relation between intermediate state bits in the cipher. In...

2018/869 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-02-15
Higher-Order DCA against Standard Side-Channel Countermeasures
Andrey Bogdanov, Matthieu Rivain, Philip S. Vejre, Junwei Wang

At CHES 2016, Bos et al. introduced $\textit{differential computational analysis}$ (DCA) as an attack on white-box software implementations of block ciphers. This attack builds on the same principles as DPA in the classical side-channel context, but uses computational traces consisting of plain values computed by the implementation during execution. This attack was shown to be able to recover the key of many existing AES white-box implementations. The DCA adversary is $\textit{passive}$,...

2017/911 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-09-25
Variable-Length Bit Mapping and Error-Correcting Codes for Higher-Order Alphabet PUFs
Vincent Immler, Matthias Hiller, Qinzhi Liu, Andreas Lenz, Antonia Wachter-Zeh

Device-specific physical characteristics provide the foundation for PUFs, a hardware primitive for secure storage of cryptographic keys. So far, they have been implemented by either directly evaluating a binary output or by mapping outputs from a higher-order alphabet to a fixed-length bit sequence. However, the latter causes a significant bias in the derived key when combined with an equidistant quantization. To overcome this limitation, we propose a variable-length bit mapping that...

2016/557 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-02-08
On the Multiplicative Complexity of Boolean Functions and Bitsliced Higher-Order Masking
Dahmun Goudarzi, Matthieu Rivain

Higher-order masking is a widely used countermeasure to make software implementations of blockciphers achieve high security levels against side-channel attacks. Unfortunately, it often comes with a strong impact in terms of performances which may be prohibitive in some contexts. This situation has motivated the research for efficient schemes that apply higher-order masking with minimal performance overheads. The most widely used approach is based on a polynomial representation of the cipher...

2015/452 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-05-13
Masks will Fall Off -- Higher-Order Optimal Distinguishers
Nicolas Bruneau, Sylvain Guilley, Annelie Heuser, Olivier Rioul

Higher-order side-channel attacks are able to break the security of cryptographic implementations even if they are protected with masking countermeasures. In this paper, we derive the best possible distinguishers (High-Order Optimal Distinguishers or HOOD) against masking schemes under the assumption that the attacker can profile. Our exact derivation admits simple approximate expressions for high and low noise and shows to which extent the optimal distinguishers reduce to known attacks in...

2014/673 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-09-11
How to Estimate the Success Rate of Higher-Order Side-Channel Attacks
Victor Lomné, Emmanuel Prouff, Matthieu Rivain, Thomas Roche, Adrian Thillard
Secret-key cryptography

The resistance of a cryptographic implementation with regards to side-channel analysis is often quantified by measuring the success rate of a given attack. This approach cannot always be followed in practice, especially when the implementation includes some countermeasures that may render the attack too costly for an evaluation purpose, but not costly enough from a security point of view. An evaluator then faces the issue of estimating the success rate of an attack he cannot mount. The...

2014/433 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-06-14
A Statistical Model for Higher Order DPA on Masked Devices
A. Adam Ding, Liwei Zhang, Yunsi Fei, Pei Luo

A popular effective countermeasure to protect block cipher implementations against differential power analysis (DPA) attacks is to mask the internal operations of the cryptographic algorithm with random numbers. While the masking technique resists against first-order (univariate) DPA attacks, higher-order (multivariate) attacks were able to break masked devices. In this paper, we formulate a statistical model for higher-order DPA attack. We derive an analytic success rate formula that...

2011/626 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-11-06
Algebraic Complexity Reduction and Cryptanalysis of GOST
Nicolas T. Courtois

GOST 28147-89 is a well-known Russian government encryption standard. Its large key size of 256 bits at a particularly low implementation cost make that it is widely implemented and used, in OpenSSL and elsewhere. In 2010 GOST was submitted to ISO to become an international standard. GOST was analysed by Schneier, Biham, Biryukov, Dunkelman, Wagner, various Australian, Japanese, and Russian scientists, and all researchers seemed to agree that it looks quite secure. Though the internal...

2011/452 (PDF) Last updated: 2011-08-20
The Good lower bound of Second-order nonlinearity of a class of Boolean function
Manish Garg, Sugata Gangopadhyay

In this paper we find the lower bound of second-order nonlinearity of Boolean function $f_{\lambda}(x) = Tr_{1}^{n}(\lambda x^{p})$ with $p = 2^{2r} + 2^{r} + 1$, $\lambda \in \mathbb{F}_{2^{r}}^{*}$ and $n = 5r$. It is also demonstrated that the lower bound obtained in this paper is much better than the lower bound obtained by Iwata-Kurosawa \cite{c14}, and Gangopadhyay et al. (Theorem 1, \cite{c12}).

2010/417 (PDF) Last updated: 2010-07-27
Distinguishing Properties of Higher Order Derivatives of Boolean Functions
Ming Duan, Xuejia Lai, Mohan Yang, Xiaorui Sun, Bo Zhu

Higher order differential cryptanalysis is based on the property of higher order derivatives of Boolean functions that the degree of a Boolean function can be reduced by at least 1 by taking a derivative on the function at any point. We define \emph{fast point} as the point at which the degree can be reduced by at least 2. In this paper, we show that the fast points of a $n$-variable Boolean function form a linear subspace and its dimension plus the algebraic degree of the function is at...

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