4254 results sorted by ID
Algebraic Zero Knowledge Contingent Payment
Javier Gomez-Martinez, Dimitrios Vasilopoulos, Pedro Moreno-Sanchez, Dario Fiore
Cryptographic protocols
In this work, we introduce Modular Algebraic Proof Contingent Payment (MAPCP), a novel zero-knowledge contingent payment (ZKCP) construction. Unlike previous approaches, MAPCP is the first that simultaneously avoids using zk-SNARKs as the tool for zero-knowledge proofs and HTLC contracts to atomically exchange a secret for a payment. As a result, MAPCP sidesteps the common reference string (crs) creation problem and is compatible with virtually any cryptocurrency, even those with limited or...
LightCROSS: A Secure and Memory Optimized Post-Quantum Digital Signature CROSS
Puja Mondal, Suparna Kundu, Supriya Adhikary, Angshuman Karmakar
CROSS is a code-based post-quantum digital signature scheme based on a zero-knowledge (ZK) framework. It is a second-round candidate of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s additional call for standardizing post-quantum digital signatures. The memory footprint of this scheme is prohibitively large, especially for small embedded devices. In this work, we propose various techniques to reduce the memory footprint of the key generation, signature generation, and verification by...
Towards Optimal Garbled Circuits in the Standard Model
Ruiyang Li, Chun Guo, Xiao Wang
State-of-the-art garbling schemes for boolean circuits roughly consist of two families, i.e., ideal model garbling that combines linear operations and ideal blockciphers (aiming at maximizing performance), and PRF-based garbling that insists on using theoretically sound assumptions. In the linear garbling framework introduced by Zahur, Rosulek, and Evans (Eurocrypt 2015), it was established that garbling an AND gate requires at least $2(\kappa +1)$ bits of ciphertext, with $\kappa$ as the...
Differential MITM attacks on SLIM and LBCIoT
Peter Grochal, Martin Stanek
Attacks and cryptanalysis
SLIM and LBCIoT are lightweight block ciphers proposed for IoT applications. We present differential meet-in-the-middle attacks on these ciphers and discuss several implementation variants and possible improvements of these attacks. Experimental validation also shows some results that may be of independent interest in the cryptanalysis of other ciphers. Namely, the problems with low-probability differentials and the questionable accuracy of standard complexity estimates of using filters.
A Fault Analysis on SNOVA
Gustavo Banegas, Ricardo Villanueva-Polanco
Attacks and cryptanalysis
SNOVA is a post-quantum cryptographic signature scheme known for its efficiency and compact key sizes, making it a second-round candidate in the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process. This paper presents a comprehensive fault analysis of SNOVA, focusing on both permanent and transient faults during signature generation. We introduce several fault injection strategies that exploit SNOVA's structure to recover partial or complete secret keys with limited faulty signatures. Our...
Single Trace Side-Channel Attack on the MPC-in-the-Head Framework
Julie Godard, Nicolas Aragon, Philippe Gaborit, Antoine Loiseau, Julien Maillard
Attacks and cryptanalysis
In this paper, we present the first single trace side-channel attack that targets the MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) framework based on threshold secret sharing, also known as Threshold Computation in the Head (TCitH) in its original version. This MPCitH framework can be found in 5 of the 14 digital signatures schemes in the recent second round of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) call for digital signatures. In this work, we start by highlighting a side-channel...
Tighter Security for Group Key Agreement in the Random Oracle Model
Andreas Ellison, Karen Klein
Cryptographic protocols
The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) protocol, recently standardized in RFC 9420, aims to provide efficient asynchronous group key establishment with strong security guarantees. The main component of MLS, which is the source of its important efficiency and security properties, is a protocol called TreeKEM. Given that a major vision for the MLS protocol is for it to become the new standard for messaging applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Signal, etc., it has the potential to be...
mUOV: Masking the Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar Digital Sigital Signature Scheme at First- and Higher-Order
Suparna Kundu, Quinten Norga, Uttam Kumar Ojha, Anindya Ganguly, Angshuman Karmakar, Ingrid Verbauwhede
The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) initiated a standardization procedure for additional digital signatures and recently announced round-2 candidates for the PQ additional digital signature schemes. The multivariate digital signature scheme Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (UOV) is one of the oldest post-quantum schemes and has been selected by NIST for Round 2. Although UOV is mathematically secure, several side-channel attacks (SCA) have been shown on the UOV or UOV-based...
Giant Does NOT Mean Strong: Cryptanalysis of BQTRU
Ali Raya, Vikas Kumar, Aditi Kar Gangopadhyay, Sugata Gangopadhyay
Attacks and cryptanalysis
NTRU-like constructions are among the most studied lattice-based schemes. The freedom of design of NTRU resulted in many variants in literature motivated by faster computations or more resistance against lattice attacks by changing the underlying algebra. To the best of our knowledge, BQTRU (DCC 2017), a noncommutative NTRU-like cryptosystem, is the fastest claimed variant of NTRU built over the quaternion algebra of the bivariate ring of polynomials. The key generation and the encryption of...
Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Certified Deletion
Kasra Abbaszadeh, Jonathan Katz
We introduce the notion of non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proofs with certified deletion. Our notion enables the recipient of a quantum NIZK proof for a (quantumly hard) NP statement to delete the proof and collapse it into a classical deletion certificate. Once this certificate is successfully validated, we require the recipient of the proof to lose their ability to find accepting inputs to NIZK verification.
We formally define this notion and build several candidate constructions...
Notions of Quantum Reductions and Impossibility of Statistical NIZK
Chuhan Lu, Nikhil Pappu
Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments (NIZKs) are cryptographic protocols that enable a prover to demonstrate the validity of an $\mathsf{NP}$ statement to a verifier with a single message, without revealing any additional information. The soundness and zero-knowledge properties of a NIZK correspond to security against a malicious prover and a malicious verifier respectively. Statistical NIZKs (S-NIZKs) are a variant of NIZKs for which the zero-knowledge property is guaranteed to hold...
The LaZer Library: Lattice-Based Zero Knowledge and Succinct Proofs for Quantum-Safe Privacy
Vadim Lyubashevsky, Gregor Seiler, Patrick Steuer
The hardness of lattice problems offers one of the most promising
security foundations for quantum-safe cryptography. Basic schemes
for public key encryption and digital signatures are already close to
standardization at NIST and several other standardization bodies,
and the research frontier has moved on to building primitives with
more advanced privacy features. At the core of many such primi-
tives are zero-knowledge proofs. In recent years, zero-knowledge
proofs for (and using)...
Zero-Knowledge Location Privacy via Accurate Floating-Point SNARKs
Jens Ernstberger, Chengru Zhang, Luca Ciprian, Philipp Jovanovic, Sebastian Steinhorst
We introduce Zero-Knowledge Location Privacy (ZKLP), enabling users to prove to third parties that they are within a specified geographical region while not disclosing their exact location. ZKLP supports varying levels of granularity, allowing for customization depending on the use case. To realize ZKLP, we introduce the first set of Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) circuits that are fully compliant to the IEEE 754 standard for floating-point arithmetic.
Our results demonstrate that our...
Classic McEliece Hardware Implementation with Enhanced Side-Channel and Fault Resistance
Peizhou Gan, Prasanna Ravi, Kamal Raj, Anubhab Baksi, Anupam Chattopadhyay
In this work, we propose the first hardware implementation of Classic McEliece protected with countermeasures against Side-Channel Attacks (SCA) and Fault Injection Attacks (FIA). Classic Mceliece is one of the leading candidates for Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) in the ongoing round 4 of the NIST standardization process for post-quantum cryptography. In particular, we implement a range of generic countermeasures against SCA and FIA, particularly protected the vulnerable operations...
Improved ML-DSA Hardware Implementation With First Order Masking Countermeasure
Kamal Raj, Prasanna Ravi, Tee Kiah Chia, Anupam Chattopadhyay
We present the protected hardware implementation of the Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Standard (ML-DSA). ML-DSA is an extension of Dilithium 3.1, which is the winner of the Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) competition in the digital signature category. The proposed design is based on the existing high-performance Dilithium 3.1 design. We implemented existing Dilithium masking gadgets in hardware, which were only implemented in software. The masking gadgets are integrated with the...
Attacking Automotive RKE Security: How Smart are your ‘Smart’ Keys?
Ritul Satish, Alfred Daimari, Argha Chakrabarty, Kahaan Shah, Debayan Gupta
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) systems are ubiqui-
tous in modern day automobiles, providing convenience for
vehicle owners - occasionally at the cost of security. Most
automobile companies have proprietary implementations of
RKE; these are sometimes built on insecure algorithms and
authentication mechanisms. This paper presents a compre-
hensive study conducted on the RKE systems of multiple
cars from four automobile manufacturers not previously
Specifically, we analyze the...
Succinct Randomized Encodings from Non-compact Functional Encryption, Faster and Simpler
Nir Bitansky, Rachit Garg
Succinct randomized encodings allow encoding the input $x$ of a time-$t$ uniform computation $M(x)$ in sub-linear time $o(t)$. The resulting encoding $\tilde{x}$ allows recovering the result of the computation $M(x)$, but hides any other information about $x$. Such encodings are known to have powerful applications such as reducing communication in MPC, bootstrapping advanced encryption schemes, and constructing time-lock puzzles.
Until not long ago, the only known constructions were...
Foundations of Adaptor Signatures
Paul Gerhart, Dominique Schröder, Pratik Soni, Sri AravindaKrishnan Thyagarajan
Adaptor signatures extend the functionality of regular signatures through the computation of pre-signatures on messages for statements of NP relations. Pre-signatures are publicly verifiable; they simultaneously hide and commit to a signature of an underlying signature scheme on that message. Anybody possessing a corresponding witness for the statement can adapt the pre-signature to obtain the "regular" signature. Adaptor signatures have found numerous applications for conditional payments...
An Unstoppable Ideal Functionality for Signatures and a Modular Analysis of the Dolev-Strong Broadcast
Ran Cohen, Jack Doerner, Eysa Lee, Anna Lysyanskaya, Lawrence Roy
Cryptographic protocols
Many foundational results in the literature of consensus follow the Dolev-Yao model (FOCS '81), which treats digital signatures as ideal objects with perfect correctness and unforgeability. However, no work has yet formalized an ideal signature scheme that is both suitable for this methodology and possible to instantiate, or a composition theorem that ensures security when instantiating it cryptographically.
The Universal Composition (UC) framework would ensure composition if we could...
Encrypted RAM Delegation: Applications to Rate-1 Extractable Arguments, Homomorphic NIZKs, MPC, and more
Abtin Afshar, Jiaqi Cheng, Rishab Goyal, Aayush Yadav, Saikumar Yadugiri
In this paper we introduce the notion of encrypted RAM delegation. In an encrypted RAM delegation scheme, the prover creates a succinct proof for a group of two input strings $x_\mathsf{pb}$ and $x_\mathsf{pr}$, where $x_\mathsf{pb}$ corresponds to a large \emph{public} input and $x_\mathsf{pr}$ is a \emph{private} input. A verifier can check correctness of computation of $\mathcal{M}$ on $(x_\mathsf{pb}, x_\mathsf{pr})$, given only the proof $\pi$ and $x_\mathsf{pb}$.
We design encrypted...
Isogeny interpolation and the computation of isogenies from higher dimensional representations
David Jao, Jeanne Laflamme
The Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) scheme is a public key cryptosystem that was submitted to the National Institute of Standards and Technology's competition for the standardization of post-quantum cryptography protocols. The private key in SIDH consists of an isogeny whose degree is a prime power. In July 2022, Castryck and Decru discovered an attack that completely breaks the scheme by recovering Bob's secret key, using isogenies between higher dimensional abelian varieties to...
Black-Box Timed Commitments from Time-Lock Puzzles
Hamza Abusalah, Gennaro Avitabile
Cryptographic protocols
A Timed Commitment (TC) with time parameter $t$ is hiding for time at most $t$, that is, commitments can be force-opened by any third party within time $t$. In addition to various cryptographic assumptions, the security of all known TC schemes relies on the sequentiality assumption of repeated squarings in hidden-order groups. The repeated squaring assumption is therefore a security bottleneck.
In this work, we give a black-box construction of TCs from any time-lock puzzle (TLP) by...
New results in Share Conversion, with applications to evolving access structures
Tamar Ben David, Varun Narayanan, Olga Nissenbaum, Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky
We say there is a share conversion from a secret sharing scheme $\Pi$ to another scheme $\Pi'$ implementing the same access structure if each party can locally apply a deterministic function to their share to transform any valid secret sharing under $\Pi$ to a valid (but not necessarily random) secret sharing under $\Pi'$ of the same secret. If such a conversion exists, we say that $\Pi\ge\Pi'$. This notion was introduced by Cramer et al. (TCC'05), where they particularly proved that for...
Masking Gaussian Elimination at Arbitrary Order, with Application to Multivariate- and Code-Based PQC
Quinten Norga, Suparna Kundu, Uttam Kumar Ojha, Anindya Ganguly, Angshuman Karmakar, Ingrid Verbauwhede
Digital signature schemes based on multivariate- and code-based hard problems are promising alternatives for lattice-based signature schemes, due to their smaller signature size. Hence, several candidates in the ongoing additional standardization for quantum secure digital signature (DS) schemes by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) rely on such alternate hard problems. Gaussian Elimination (GE) is a critical component in the signing procedure of these schemes. In this...
Improved Attacks for SNOVA by Exploiting Stability under a Group Action
Daniel Cabarcas, Peigen Li, Javier Verbel, Ricardo Villanueva-Polanco
Attacks and cryptanalysis
SNOVA is a post-quantum digital signature scheme based on multivariate polynomials. It is a first-round candidate in an ongoing NIST standardization process for post-quantum signatures, where it stands out for its efficiency and compactness. Since its initial submission, there have been several improvements to its security analysis, both on key recovery and forgery attacks. All these works reduce to solving a structured system of quadratic polynomials, which we refer to as SNOVA...
Compact and Tightly Secure (Anonymous) IBE from Module LWE in the QROM
Toi Tomita, Junji Shikata
Public-key cryptography
We present a new compact and tightly secure (anonymous) identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme based on structured lattices. This is the first IBE scheme that is (asymptotically) as compact as the most practical NTRU-based schemes and tightly secure under the module learning with errors (MLWE) assumption, known as the standard lattice assumption, in the (quantum) random oracle model. In particular, our IBE scheme is the most compact lattice-based scheme (except for NTRU-based schemes). We...
Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Efficient Public Verification
Mi-Ying (Miryam) Huang, Baiyu Li, Xinyu Mao, Jiapeng Zhang
Public-key cryptography
We present an efficient Publicly Verifiable Fully Homomorphic Encryption scheme that, along with being able to evaluate arbitrary boolean circuits over ciphertexts, also generates a succinct proof of correct homomorphic computation. Our scheme is based on FHEW proposed by Ducas and Micciancio (Eurocrypt'15), and we incorporate the GINX homomorphic accumulator (Eurocrypt'16) for improved bootstrapping efficiency. In order to generate the proof efficiently, we generalize the widely used Rank-1...
Resilience-Optimal Lightweight High-threshold Asynchronous Verifiable Secret Sharing
Hao Cheng, Jiliang Li, Yizhong Liu, Yuan Lu, Weizhi Meng, Zhenfeng Zhang
Cryptographic protocols
Shoup and Smart (SS24) recently introduced a lightweight asynchronous verifiable secret sharing (AVSS) protocol with optimal resilience directly from cryptographic hash functions (JoC 2024), offering plausible quantum resilience and computational efficiency. However, SS24 AVSS only achieves standard secrecy to keep the secret confidential against $n/3$ corrupted parties \textit{if no honest party publishes its share}. In contrast, from ``heavyweight'' public-key cryptography, one can...
On the Sample Complexity of Linear Code Equivalence for all Code Rates
Alessandro Budroni, Andrea Natale
Attacks and cryptanalysis
In parallel with the standardization of lattice-based cryptosystems, the research community in Post-quantum Cryptography focused on non-lattice-based hard problems for constructing public-key cryptographic primitives. The Linear Code Equivalence (LCE) Problem has gained attention regarding its practical applications and cryptanalysis.
Recent advancements, including the LESS signature scheme and its candidacy in the NIST standardization for additional signatures, supported LCE as a...
PQNTRU: Acceleration of NTRU-based Schemes via Customized Post-Quantum Processor
Zewen Ye, Junhao Huang, Tianshun Huang, Yudan Bai, Jinze Li, Hao Zhang, Guangyan Li, Donglong Chen, Ray C.C. Cheung, Kejie Huang
Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) has rapidly evolved in response to the emergence of quantum computers, with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) selecting four finalist algorithms for PQC standardization in 2022, including the Falcon digital signature scheme. The latest round of digital signature schemes introduced Hawk, both based on the NTRU lattice, offering compact signatures, fast generation, and verification suitable for deployment on resource-constrained...
Offline-Online Indifferentiability of Cryptographic Systems
Ashrujit Ghoshal, Ilan Komargodski, Gil Segev
The indifferentiability framework has become a standard methodology that enables us to study the security of cryptographic constructions in idealized models of computation. Unfortunately, while indifferentiability provides strong guarantees whenever the security of a construction is captured by a ``single-stage'' security game, it may generally provide no meaningful guarantees when the security is captured by a ``multi-stage'' one. In particular, the indifferentiability framework does not...
Pseudorandom Obfuscation and Applications
Pedro Branco, Nico Döttling, Abhishek Jain, Giulio Malavolta, Surya Mathialagan, Spencer Peters, Vinod Vaikuntanathan
We introduce the notion of pseudorandom obfuscation (PRO), a way to obfuscate (keyed) pseudorandom functions $f_K$ in an average-case sense. We introduce several variants of pseudorandom obfuscation and show constructions and applications. For some of our applications that can be achieved using full-fledged indistinguishability obfuscation (iO), we show constructions using lattice-based assumptions alone; the other applications we enable using PRO are simply not known even assuming iO. We...
A graph-theoretic approach to analyzing decoding failures of BIKE
Sarah Arpin, Tyler Raven Billingsley, Daniel Rayor Hast, Jun Bo Lau, Ray Perlner, Angela Robinson
Public-key cryptography
We present experimental findings on the decoding failure rate (DFR) of BIKE, a fourth-round candidate in the NIST Post-Quantum Standardization process, at the 20-bit security level using graph-theoretic approaches. We select parameters according to BIKE design principles and conduct a series of experiments using Rust to generate significantly more decoding failure instances than in prior work using SageMath. For each decoding failure, we study the internal state of the decoder at each...
Straight-Line Knowledge Extraction for Multi-Round Protocols
Lior Rotem, Stefano Tessaro
The Fiat-Shamir (FS) transform is the standard approach to compiling interactive proofs into non-interactive ones. However, the fact that knowledge extraction typically requires rewinding limits its applicability without having to rely on further heuristic conjectures. A better alternative is a transform that guarantees straight-line knowledge extraction. Two such transforms were given by Pass (CRYPTO '03) and Fischlin (CRYPTO '05), respectively, with the latter giving the most practical...
An Efficient Noncommutative NTRU from Semidirect Product
Vikas Kumar, Ali Raya, Aditi Kar Gangopadhyay, Sugata Gangopadhyay, Md Tarique Hussain
Public-key cryptography
NTRU is one of the most extensively studied lattice-based schemes. Its flexible design has inspired different proposals constructed over different rings, with some aiming to enhance security and others focusing on improving performance. The literature has introduced a line of noncommutative NTRU-like designs that claim to offer greater resistance to existing attacks. However, most of these proposals are either theoretical or fall short in terms of time and memory requirements when compared...
Pseudorandom Multi-Input Functional Encryption and Applications
Shweta Agrawal, Simran Kumari, Shota Yamada
Public-key cryptography
We construct the first multi-input functional encryption (MIFE) and indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) schemes for pseudorandom functionalities, where the output of the functionality is pseudorandom for every input seen by the adversary. Our MIFE scheme relies on LWE and evasive LWE (Wee, Eurocrypt 2022 and Tsabary, Crypto 2022) for constant arity functions, and a strengthening of evasive LWE for polynomial arity. Thus, we obtain the first MIFE and iO schemes for a nontrivial...
Practical Asynchronous MPC from Lightweight Cryptography
Atsuki Momose
Cryptographic protocols
We present an asynchronous secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol that is practically efficient. Our protocol can evaluate any arithmetic circuit with linear communication in the number of parties per multiplication gate, while relying solely on computationally lightweight cryptography such as hash function and symmetric encryption. Our protocol is optimally resilient and tolerates $t$ malicious parties among $n = 3t+1$ parties.
At the technical level, we manage to apply the...
OT-PCA: New Key-Recovery Plaintext-Checking Oracle Based Side-Channel Attacks on HQC with Offline Templates
Haiyue Dong, Qian Guo
Attacks and cryptanalysis
In this paper, we introduce OT-PCA, a novel approach for conducting Plaintext-Checking (PC) oracle based side-channel attacks, specifically designed for Hamming Quasi-Cyclic (HQC). By calling the publicly accessible HQC decoder, we build offline templates that enable efficient extraction of soft information for hundreds of secret positions with just a single PC oracle call. Our method addresses critical challenges in optimizing key-related information extraction, including maximizing...
Do Not Disturb a Sleeping Falcon: Floating-Point Error Sensitivity of the Falcon Sampler and Its Consequences
Xiuhan Lin, Mehdi Tibouchi, Yang Yu, Shiduo Zhang
Public-key cryptography
Falcon is one of the three postquantum signature schemes already selected by NIST for standardization. It is the most compact among them, and offers excellent efficiency and security. However, it is based on a complex algorithm for lattice discrete Gaussian sampling which presents a number of implementation challenges. In particular, it relies on (possibly emulated) floating-point arithmetic, which is often regarded as a cause for concern, and has been leveraged in, e.g., side-channel...
Subliminal Encrypted Multi-Maps and Black-Box Leakage Absorption
Amine Bahi, Seny Kamara, Tarik Moataz, Guevara Noubir
Cryptographic protocols
We propose a dynamic, low-latency encrypted multi-map (EMM) that operates in two
modes: low-leakage mode, which reveals minimal information such as data
size, expected response length, and query arrival rate; and subliminal
mode, which reveals only the data size while hiding metadata including query
and update times, the number of operations executed, and even whether an
operation was executed at all---albeit at the cost of full correctness. We
achieve this by exploiting a tradeoff...
Secure Computation with Parallel Calls to 2-ary Functions
Varun Narayanan, Shubham Vivek Pawar, Akshayaram Srinivasan
Cryptographic protocols
Reductions are the workhorses of cryptography. They allow constructions of complex cryptographic primitives from simple building blocks. A prominent example is the non-interactive reduction from securely computing a ``complex" function $f$ to securely computing a ``simple" function $g$ via randomized encodings.
Prior work equated simplicity with functions of small degree. In this work, we consider a different notion of simplicity where we require $g$ to only take inputs from a small...
Does quantum lattice sieving require quantum RAM?
Beomgeun Cho, Minki Hhan, Taehyun Kim, Jeonghoon Lee, Yixin Shen
Public-key cryptography
In this paper, we study the requirement for quantum random access memory (QRAM) in quantum lattice sieving, a fundamental algorithm for lattice-based cryptanalysis.
First, we obtain a lower bound on the cost of quantum lattice sieving with a bounded size QRAM. We do so in a new query model encompassing a wide range of lattice sieving algorithms similar to those in the classical sieving lower bound by Kirshanova and Laarhoven [CRYPTO 21]. This implies that, under reasonable assumptions,...
Computational Analysis of Plausibly Post-Quantum-Secure Recursive Arguments of Knowledge
Dustin Ray, Paulo L. Barreto
With the recent standardization of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms, research efforts have largely remained centered on public key exchange and encryption schemes. Argument systems, which allow a party to efficiently argue the correctness of a computation, have received comparatively little attention regarding their quantum-resilient design. These computational integrity frameworks often rely on cryptographic assumptions, such as pairings or group operations, which are vulnerable to...
Full Key-Recovery Cubic-Time Template Attack on Classic McEliece Decapsulation
Vlad-Florin Drăgoi, Brice Colombier, Nicolas Vallet, Pierre-Louis Cayrel, Vincent Grosso
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Classic McEliece is one of the three code-based candidates in the fourth round of the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process in the Key Encapsulation Mechanism category. As such, its decapsulation algorithm is used to recover the session key associated with a ciphertext using the private key. In this article, we propose a new side-channel attack on the syndrome computation in the decapsulation algorithm that recovers the private key, which consists of the private Goppa...
On the practicality of quantum sieving algorithms for the shortest vector problem
Joao F. Doriguello, George Giapitzakis, Alessandro Luongo, Aditya Morolia
Attacks and cryptanalysis
One of the main candidates of post-quantum cryptography is lattice-based cryptography. Its cryptographic security against quantum attackers is based on the worst-case hardness of lattice problems like the shortest vector problem (SVP), which asks to find the shortest non-zero vector in an integer lattice. Asymptotic quantum speedups for solving SVP are known and rely on Grover's search. However, to assess the security of lattice-based cryptography against these Grover-like quantum speedups,...
Provable Security Analysis of Butterfly Key Mechanism Protocol in IEEE 1609.2.1 Standard
Alexandra Boldyreva, Virendra Kumar, Jiahao Sun
Cryptographic protocols
The paper provides the first provable security analysis of the Butterfly Key Mechanism (BKM) protocol from IEEE 1609.2.1 standard. The BKM protocol specifies a novel approach for efficiently requesting multiple certificates for use in vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication. We define the main security goals of BKM, such as vehicle privacy and communication authenticity. We prove that the BKM protocol, with small modifications, meets those security goals. We also propose a way to...
Proteus: A Fully Homomorphic Authenticated Transciphering Protocol
Lars Wolfgang Folkerts, Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
Cryptographic protocols
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a powerful technology that allows a cloud server to perform computations directly on ciphertexts. To overcome the overhead of sending and storing large FHE ciphertexts, the concept of FHE transciphering was introduced, allowing symmetric key encrypted ciphertexts to be transformed into FHE ciphertexts by deploying symmetric key decryption homomorphically. However, existing FHE transciphering schemes remain unauthenticated and malleable, allowing...
Statistical Layered MPC
Giovanni Deligios, Anders Konring, Chen-Da Liu-Zhang, Varun Narayanan
Cryptographic protocols
The seminal work of Rabin and Ben-Or (STOC'89) showed that the problem of secure $n$-party computation can be solved for $t<n/2$ corruptions with guaranteed output delivery and statistical security. This holds in the traditional static model where the set of parties is fixed throughout the entire protocol execution.
The need to better capture the dynamics of large scale and long-lived computations, where compromised parties may recover and the set of parties can change over time, has...
Instance Compression, Revisited
Gal Arnon, Shany Ben-David, Eylon Yogev
Collision-resistant hashing (CRH) is a cornerstone of cryptographic protocols. However, despite decades of research, no construction of a CRH based solely on one-way functions has been found. Moreover, there are black-box limitations that separate these two primitives.
Harnik and Naor [HN10] overcame this black-box barrier by introducing the notion of instance compression. Instance compression reduces large NP instances to a size that depends on their witness size while preserving the...
$\Sigma$-Check: Compressed $\Sigma$-protocol Theory from Sum-check
Shang Gao, Chen Qian, Tianyu Zheng, Yu Guo, Bin Xiao
Cryptographic protocols
The theory of compressed $\Sigma$-protocols [AC20, ACF21] provides a standardized framework for creating efficient $\Sigma$-protocols. This method involves two main phases: first, amortization, which combines multiple instances that satisfy a homomorphic relation into a single instance; and second, Bulletproofs compression [BBB+18], which minimizes communication overhead to a logarithmic scale during the verification of the combined instance. For high-degree polynomial (non-homomorphic)...
How to Construct Random Unitaries
Fermi Ma, Hsin-Yuan Huang
The existence of pseudorandom unitaries (PRUs)---efficient quantum circuits that are computationally indistinguishable from Haar-random unitaries---has been a central open question, with significant implications for cryptography, complexity theory, and fundamental physics. In this work, we close this question by proving that PRUs exist, assuming that any quantum-secure one-way function exists. We establish this result for both (1) the standard notion of PRUs, which are secure against any...
One-Shot Native Proofs of Non-Native Operations in Incrementally Verifiable Computations
Tohru Kohrita, Patrick Towa, Zachary J. Williamson
Cryptographic protocols
Proving non-native operations is still a bottleneck in existing incrementally verifiable computations. Prior attempts to solve this issue either simply improve the efficiency of proofs of non-native operations or require folding instances in each curve of a cycle. This paper shows how to avoid altogether in-circuit proofs of non-native operations in the incre- mental steps, and only record them in some auxiliary proof information. These operations are proved natively at the end of the...
Fiat-Shamir Goes Rational
Matteo Campanelli, Agni Datta
This paper investigates the open problem of how to construct non-interactive rational proofs. Rational proofs, introduced by Azar and Micali (STOC 2012), are a model of interactive proofs where a computationally powerful server can be rewarded by a weaker client for running an expensive computation $f(x)$. The honest strategy is enforced by design when the server is rational: any adversary claiming a false output $y \neq f(x)$ will lose money on expectation.
Rational proof constructions...
Glacius: Threshold Schnorr Signatures from DDH with Full Adaptive Security
Renas Bacho, Sourav Das, Julian Loss, Ling Ren
Cryptographic protocols
Threshold signatures are one of the most important cryptographic primitives in distributed systems. The threshold Schnorr signature scheme, an efficient and pairing-free scheme, is a popular choice and is included in NIST's standards and recent call for threshold cryptography. Despite its importance, most threshold Schnorr signature schemes assume a static adversary in their security proof. A recent scheme proposed by Katsumata et al. (Crypto 2024) addresses this issue. However, it requires...
On the Tight Security of the Double Ratchet
Daniel Collins, Doreen Riepel, Si An Oliver Tran
Cryptographic protocols
The Signal Protocol is a two-party secure messaging protocol used in applications such as Signal, WhatsApp, Google Messages and Facebook Messenger and is used by billions daily. It consists of two core components, one of which is the Double Ratchet protocol that has been the subject of a line of work that aims to understand and formalise exactly what security it provides. Existing models capture strong guarantees including resilience to state exposure in both forward security (protecting...
Shaking up authenticated encryption
Joan Daemen, Seth Hoffert, Silvia Mella, Gilles Van Assche, Ronny Van Keer
Secret-key cryptography
Authenticated encryption (AE) is a cryptographic mechanism that allows communicating parties to protect the confidentiality and integrity of messages exchanged over a public channel, provided they share a secret key. In this work, we present new AE schemes leveraging the SHA-3 standard functions SHAKE128 and SHAKE256, offering 128 and 256 bits of security strength, respectively, and their “Turbo” counterparts. They support session-based communication, where a ciphertext authenticates the...
LeOPaRd: Towards Practical Post-Quantum Oblivious PRFs via Interactive Lattice Problems
Muhammed F. Esgin, Ron Steinfeld, Erkan Tairi, Jie Xu
Cryptographic protocols
In this work, we introduce a more efficient post-quantum oblivious PRF (OPRF) design, called LeOPaRd. Our proposal is round-optimal and supports verifiability and partial obliviousness, all of which are important for practical applications. The main technical novelty of our work is a new method for computing samples of MLWE (module learning with errors) in a two-party setting. To do this, we introduce a new family of interactive lattice problems, called interactive MLWE and rounding with...
Nebula: Efficient read-write memory and switchboard circuits for folding schemes
Arasu Arun, Srinath Setty
Folding schemes enable prover-efficient incrementally verifiable computation (IVC), where a proof is generated step-by-step, resulting in a space-efficient prover that naturally supports continuations. These attributes make them a promising choice for proving long-running machine executions (popularly, "zkVMs"). A major problem is designing an efficient read-write memory. Another challenge is overheads incurred by unused machine instructions when incrementally proving a program execution...
Block Ciphers in Idealized Models: Automated Proofs and New Security Results
Miguel Ambrona, Pooya Farshim, Patrick Harasser
We develop and implement AlgoROM, a tool to systematically analyze the security of a wide class of symmetric primitives in idealized models of computation. The schemes that we consider are those that can be expressed over an alphabet consisting of XOR and function symbols for hash functions, permutations, or block ciphers.
We implement our framework in OCaml and apply it to a number of prominent constructions, which include the Luby–Rackoff (LR), key-alternating Feistel (KAF), and...
Efficient Pairing-Free Adaptable k-out-of-N Oblivious Transfer Protocols
Keykhosro Khosravani, Taraneh Eghlidos, Mohammad reza Aref
Cryptographic protocols
Oblivious Transfer (OT) is one of the fundamental building blocks in cryptography that enables various privacy-preserving applications. Constructing efficient OT schemes has been an active research area. This paper presents three efficient two-round pairing-free k-out-of-N oblivious transfer protocols with standard security. Our constructions follow the minimal communication pattern: the receiver sends k messages to the sender, who responds with n+k messages, achieving the lowest data...
Halving differential additions on Kummer lines
Damien Robert, Nicolas Sarkis
Public-key cryptography
We study differential additions formulas on Kummer lines that factorize through a degree $2$ isogeny $\phi$. We call the resulting formulas half differential additions: from the knowledge of $\phi(P), \phi(Q)$ and $P-Q$, the half differential addition allows to recover $P+Q$. We explain how Mumford's theta group theory allows, in any model of Kummer lines, to find a basis of the half differential relations. This involves studying the dimension $2$ isogeny $(P, Q) \mapsto (P+Q, P-Q)$.
Understanding Leakage in Searchable Encryption: a Quantitative Approach
Alexandra Boldyreva, Zichen Gui, Bogdan Warinschi
Searchable encryption, or more generally, structured encryption, permits search over encrypted data. It is an important cryptographic tool for securing cloud storage. The standard security notion for structured encryption mandates that a protocol leaks nothing about the data or queries, except for some allowed leakage, defined by the leakage function. This is due to the fact that some leakage is unavoidable for efficient schemes. Unfortunately, it was shown by numerous works that even...
Tightly Secure Threshold Signatures over Pairing-Free Groups
Renas Bacho, Benedikt Wagner
Cryptographic protocols
Threshold signatures have been drawing lots of attention in recent years. Of particular interest are threshold signatures that are proven secure under adaptive corruptions (NIST Call 2023). Sadly, existing constructions with provable adaptive security suffer from at least one of the following drawbacks: (i) strong idealizations such as the algebraic group model (AGM), (ii) an unnatural restriction on the corruption threshold being $t/2$ where $t$ is the signing threshold, or (iii)...
The module action for isogeny based cryptography
Damien Robert
We extend the usual ideal action on oriented elliptic curves to a (Hermitian) module action on oriented (polarised) abelian varieties. Oriented abelian varieties are naturally enriched in $R$-modules, and our module action comes from the canonical power object construction on categories enriched in a closed symmetric monoidal category. In particular our action is canonical and gives a fully fledged symmetric monoidal action. Furthermore, we give algorithms to compute this action in practice,...
Breaking, Repairing and Enhancing XCBv2 into the Tweakable Enciphering Mode GEM
Amit Singh Bhati, Michiel Verbauwhede, Elena Andreeva
Secret-key cryptography
Tweakable enciphering modes (TEMs) provide security in a variety of storage and space-critical applications like disk and file-based encryption, and packet-based communication protocols, among others. XCB-AES (known as XCBv2) is specified in the IEEE 1619.2 standard for encryption of sector-oriented storage media and it comes with a proof of security for block-aligned input messages.
In this work, we demonstrate the $\textit{first}$ and most efficient plaintext recovery attack on...
MAYO Key Recovery by Fixing Vinegar Seeds
Sönke Jendral, Elena Dubrova
Attacks and cryptanalysis
As the industry prepares for the transition to post-quantum secure public key cryptographic algorithms, vulnerability analysis of their implementations is gaining importance. A theoretically secure cryptographic algorithm should also be able to withstand the challenges of physical attacks in real-world environments. MAYO is a candidate in the ongoing first round of the NIST post-quantum standardization process for selecting additional digital signature schemes. This paper demonstrates three...
HHL for tensor-decomposable matrices
Cezary Pilaszewicz, Marian Margraf
Attacks and cryptanalysis
We use the HHL algorithm to retrieve a quantum state holding the algebraic normal formal of a Boolean function. Unlike the standard HHL applications, we do not describe the cipher as an exponentially big system of equations. Rather, we perform a set of small matrix inversions which corresponds to the Boolean Möbius transform. This creates a superposition holding information about the ANF in the form: $\ket{\mathcal{A}_{f}} =\frac{1}{C} \sum_{I=0}^{2^n-1} c_I \ket{I}$, where $c_I$ is the...
Robust AE With Committing Security
Viet Tung Hoang, Sanketh Menda
Secret-key cryptography
There has been a recent interest to develop and standardize Robust Authenticated Encryption (Robust AE) schemes. NIST, for example, is considering an Accordion mode (a wideblock tweakable blockcipher), with Robust AE as a primary application. On the other hand, recent attacks and applications suggest that encryption needs to be committing. Indeed, committing security isalso a design consideration in the Accordion mode. Yet it is unclear how to build a Robust AE with committing security....
Findex: A Concurrent and Database-Independent Searchable Encryption Scheme
Théophile Brézot, Chloé Hébant
Cryptographic protocols
State-of-the-art database implementations offer a wide range of functionalities and impressive performances while supporting highly concurrent loads. However they all rely on the server knowing the content of the database, which raises issues when sensitive information is being stored on a server that cannot be trusted. Encrypting documents before sending them to a remote server solves the confidentiality issue at the cost of loosing the keyword search functionality. Cryptographic primitives...
Formal Security Analysis of the OpenID FAPI 2.0 Family of Protocols: Accompanying a Standardization Process
Pedram Hosseyni, Ralf Küsters, Tim Würtele
Cryptographic protocols
FAPI 2.0 is a suite of Web protocols developed by the OpenID Foundation's FAPI Working Group (FAPI WG) for third-party data sharing and digital identity in high-risk environments. Even though the specifications are not completely finished, several important entities have started to adopt the FAPI 2.0 protocols, including Norway's national HelseID, Australia's Consumer Data Standards, as well as private companies like Authlete and Australia-based connectID; the predecessor FAPI 1.0 is in...
BEAT-MEV: Epochless Approach to Batched Threshold Encryption for MEV Prevention
Jan Bormet, Sebastian Faust, Hussien Othman, Ziyan Qu
Cryptographic protocols
In decentralized finance (DeFi), the public availability of pending transactions presents significant privacy concerns, enabling market manipulation through miner extractable value (MEV). MEV occurs when block proposers exploit the ability to reorder, omit, or include transactions, causing financial loss to users from frontrunning. Recent research has focused on encrypting pending transactions, hiding transaction data until block finalization. To this end, Choudhuri et al. (USENIX '24)...
Beware of Keccak: Practical Fault Attacks on SHA-3 to Compromise Kyber and Dilithium on ARM Cortex-M Devices
Yuxuan Wang, Jintong Yu, Shipei Qu, Xiaolin Zhang, Xiaowei Li, Chi Zhang, Dawu Gu
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Keccak acts as the hash algorithm and eXtendable-Output Function (XOF) specified in the NIST standard drafts for Kyber and Dilithium. The Keccak output is highly correlated with sensitive information. While in RSA and ECDSA, hash-like components are only used to process public information, such as the message. The importance and sensitivity of hash-like components like Keccak are much higher in Kyber and Dilithium than in traditional public-key cryptography. However, few works study Keccak...
Witness Semantic Security
Paul Lou, Nathan Manohar, Amit Sahai
To date, the strongest notions of security achievable for two-round publicly-verifiable cryptographic proofs for $\mathsf{NP}$ are witness indistinguishability (Dwork-Naor 2000, Groth-Ostrovsky-Sahai 2006), witness hiding (Bitansky-Khurana-Paneth 2019, Kuykendall-Zhandry 2020), and super-polynomial simulation (Pass 2003, Khurana-Sahai 2017). On the other hand, zero-knowledge and even weak zero-knowledge (Dwork-Naor-Reingold-Stockmeyer 1999) are impossible in the two-round publicly-verifiable...
Optimized Software Implementation of Keccak, Kyber, and Dilithium on RV{32,64}IM{B}{V}
Jipeng Zhang, Yuxing Yan, Junhao Huang, Çetin Kaya Koç
With the standardization of NIST post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) schemes, optimizing these PQC schemes across various platforms presents significant research value. While most existing software implementation efforts have concentrated on ARM platforms, research on PQC implementations utilizing various RISC-V instruction set architectures (ISAs) remains limited.
In light of this gap, this paper proposes comprehensive and efficient optimizations of Keccak, Kyber, and Dilithium on...
Bit Security: optimal adversaries, equivalence results, and a toolbox for computational-statistical security analysis
Daniele Micciancio, Mark Schultz-Wu
We investigate the notion of bit-security for decisional cryptographic properties, as originally proposed in (Micciancio & Walter, Eurocrypt 2018), and its main variants and extensions, with the goal clarifying the relation between different definitions, and facilitating their use.
Specific contributions of this paper include:
(1) identifying the optimal adversaries achieving the highest possible MW advantage, showing that they are deterministic and have a very simple threshold...
FINALLY: A Multi-Key FHE Scheme Based on NTRU and LWE
Jeongeun Park, Barry Van Leeuwen, Oliver Zajonc
Cryptographic protocols
Multi-key fully homomorphic encryption (MKFHE), a generalization of
fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), enables a computation over encrypted data
under multiple keys. The first MKFHE schemes were based on the NTRU primitive,
however these early NTRU based FHE schemes were found to be insecure due to the
problem of over-stretched parameters. Recently, in the case of standard (non-multi
key) FHE a secure version, called FINAL, of NTRU has been found. In this work
we extend FINAL to an...
Lattice-Based Vulnerabilities in Lee Metric Post-Quantum Cryptosystems
Anna-Lena Horlemann, Karan Khathuria, Marc Newman, Amin Sakzad, Carlos Vela Cabello
Public-key cryptography
Post-quantum cryptography has gained attention due to the need for secure cryptographic systems in the face of quantum computing. Code-based and lattice-based cryptography are two promi- nent approaches, both heavily studied within the NIST standardization project. Code-based cryptography—most prominently exemplified by the McEliece cryptosystem—is based on the hardness of decoding random linear error-correcting codes. Despite the McEliece cryptosystem having been unbroken for several...
Adaptive Security, Erasures, and Network Assumptions in Communication-Local MPC
Nishanth Chandran, Juan Garay, Ankit Kumar Misra, Rafail Ostrovsky, Vassilis Zikas
Cryptographic protocols
The problem of reliable/secure all-to-all communication over low-degree networks has been essential for communication-local (CL) n-party MPC (i.e., MPC protocols where every party directly communicates only with a few, typically polylogarithmic in n, parties) and more recently for communication over ad hoc networks, which are used in blockchain protocols. However, a limited number of adaptively secure solutions exist, and they all make relatively strong assumptions on the ability of parties...
Tighter Adaptive IBEs and VRFs: Revisiting Waters' Artificial Abort
Goichiro Hanaoka, Shuichi Katsumata, Kei Kimura, Kaoru Takemure, Shota Yamada
Public-key cryptography
One of the most popular techniques to prove adaptive security of identity-based encryptions (IBE) and verifiable random functions (VRF) is the partitioning technique. Currently, there are only two methods to relate the adversary's advantage and runtime $(\epsilon, {\sf T})$ to those of the reduction's ($\epsilon_{\sf proof}, {\sf T}_{\sf proof}$) using this technique: One originates to Waters (Eurocrypt 2005) who introduced the famous artificial abort step to prove his IBE, achieving...
Mind the Bad Norms: Revisiting Compressed Oracle-based Quantum Indistinguishability Proofs
Ritam Bhaumik, Benoît Cogliati, Jordan Ethan, Ashwin Jha
Secret-key cryptography
In this work, we revisit the Hosoyamada-Iwata (HI) proof for the quantum CPA security of the 4-round Luby-Rackoff construction and identify a gap that appears to undermine the security proof. We emphasize that this is not an attack, and the construction may still achieve the claimed security level. However, this gap raises concerns about the feasibility of establishing a formal security proof for the 4-round Luby-Rackoff construction. In fact, the issue persists even if the number of rounds...
The Concrete Security of Two-Party Computation: Simple Definitions, and Tight Proofs for PSI and OPRFs
Mihir Bellare, Rishabh Ranjan, Doreen Riepel, Ali Aldakheel
Cryptographic protocols
This paper initiates a concrete-security treatment of two-party secure computation. The first step is to propose, as target, a simple, indistinguishability-based definition that we call InI. This could be considered a poor choice if it were weaker than standard simulation-based definitions, but it is not; we show that for functionalities satisfying a condition called invertibility, that we define and show is met by functionalities of practical interest like PSI and its variants, the two...
Quantum Pseudorandom Scramblers
Chuhan Lu, Minglong Qin, Fang Song, Penghui Yao, Mingnan Zhao
Quantum pseudorandom state generators (PRSGs) have stimulated exciting developments in recent years. A PRSG, on a fixed initial (e.g., all-zero) state, produces an output state that is computationally indistinguishable from a Haar random state. However, pseudorandomness of the output state is not guaranteed on other initial states. In fact, known PRSG constructions provably fail on some initial states.
In this work, we propose and construct quantum Pseudorandom State Scramblers (PRSSs),...
Password-Protected Threshold Signatures
Stefan Dziembowski, Stanislaw Jarecki, Paweł Kędzior, Hugo Krawczyk, Chan Nam Ngo, Jiayu Xu
Cryptographic protocols
We witness an increase in applications like cryptocurrency wallets, which involve users issuing signatures using private keys. To protect these keys from loss or compromise, users commonly outsource them to a custodial server. This creates a new point of failure, because compromise of such a server leaks the user’s key, and if user authentication is implemented with a password then this password becomes open to an offline dictionary attack (ODA). A better solution is to secret-share the key...
Detecting and Correcting Computationally Bounded Errors: A Simple Construction Under Minimal Assumptions
Jad Silbak, Daniel Wichs
We study error detection and error correction in a computationally bounded world, where errors are introduced by an arbitrary polynomial time adversarial channel. We consider codes where the encoding procedure uses random coins and define two distinct variants: (1) in randomized codes, fresh randomness is chosen during each encoding operation and is unknown a priori, while (2) in self-seeded codes, the randomness of the encoding procedure is fixed once upfront and is known to the adversary....
A Combined Design of 4-PLL-TRNG and 64-bit CDC-7-XPUF on a Zynq-7020 SoC
Oğuz Yayla, Yunus Emre Yılmaz
True Random Number Generators (TRNGs) and Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are critical hardware primitives for cryptographic systems, providing randomness and device-specific security. TRNGs require complete randomness, while PUFs rely on consistent, device-unique responses. In this work, both primitives are implemented on a System-on-Chip Field-Programmable Gate Array (SoC FPGA), leveraging the integrated Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs) for robust entropy generation in PLLbased TRNGs. A...
Interval Key-Encapsulation Mechanism
Alexander Bienstock, Yevgeniy Dodis, Paul Rösler, Daniel Wichs
Public-key cryptography
Forward-Secure Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (FS-KEM; Canetti et al. Eurocrypt 2003) allows Alice to encapsulate a key $k$ to Bob for some time $t$ such that Bob can decapsulate it at any time $t'\leq t$. Crucially, a corruption of Bob's secret key after time $t$ does not reveal $k$.
In this work, we generalize and extend this idea by also taking Post-Compromise Security (PCS) into account and call it Interval Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (IKEM). Thus, we do not only protect confidentiality...
Scabbard: An Exploratory Study on Hardware Aware Design Choices of Learning with Rounding-based Key Encapsulation Mechanisms
Suparna Kundu, Quinten Norga, Angshuman Karmakar, Shreya Gangopadhyay, Jose Maria Bermudo Mera, Ingrid Verbauwhede
Recently, the construction of cryptographic schemes based on hard lattice problems has gained immense popularity. Apart from being quantum resistant, lattice-based cryptography allows a wide range of variations in the underlying hard problem. As cryptographic schemes can work in different environments under different operational constraints such as memory footprint, silicon area, efficiency, power requirement, etc., such variations in the underlying hard problem are very useful for designers...
Untangling the Security of Kilian's Protocol: Upper and Lower Bounds
Alessandro Chiesa, Marcel Dall'Agnol, Ziyi Guan, Nicholas Spooner, Eylon Yogev
Sigma protocols are elegant cryptographic proofs that have become a cornerstone of modern cryptography. A notable example is Schnorr's protocol, a zero-knowledge proof-of-knowledge of a discrete logarithm. Despite extensive research, the security of Schnorr's protocol in the standard model is not fully understood.
In this paper we study Kilian's protocol, an influential public-coin interactive protocol that, while not a sigma protocol, shares striking similarities with sigma protocols....
ZKFault: Fault attack analysis on zero-knowledge based post-quantum digital signature schemes
Puja Mondal, Supriya Adhikary, Suparna Kundu, Angshuman Karmakar
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Computationally hard problems based on coding theory, such as the syndrome decoding problem, have been used for constructing secure cryptographic schemes for a long time. Schemes based on these problems are also assumed to be secure against quantum computers. However, these schemes are often considered impractical for real-world deployment due to large key sizes and inefficient computation time. In the recent call for standardization of additional post-quantum digital signatures by the...
Distributed Broadcast Encryption from Lattices
Jeffrey Champion, David J. Wu
Public-key cryptography
A broadcast encryption scheme allows a user to encrypt a message to $N$ recipients with a ciphertext whose size scales sublinearly with $N$. While broadcast encryption enables succinct encrypted broadcasts, it also introduces a strong trust assumption and a single point of failure; namely, there is a central authority who generates the decryption keys for all users in the system. Distributed broadcast encryption offers an appealing alternative where there is a one-time (trusted) setup...
Code-Based Zero-Knowledge from VOLE-in-the-Head and Their Applications: Simpler, Faster, and Smaller
Ying Ouyang, Deng Tang, Yanhong Xu
Cryptographic protocols
Zero-Knowledge (ZK) protocols allow a prover to demonstrate the truth of a statement without disclosing additional information about the underlying witness. Code-based cryptography has a long history but did suffer from periods of slow development. Recently, a prominent line of research have been contributing to designing efficient code-based ZK from MPC-in-the-head (Ishai et al., STOC 2007) and VOLE-in-the head (VOLEitH) (Baum et al., Crypto 2023) paradigms, resulting in quite efficient...
$\Pi$-signHD: A New Structure for the SQIsign Family with Flexible Applicability
Kaizhan Lin, Weize Wang, Chang-An Zhao, Yunlei Zhao
Digital signature is a fundamental cryptographic primitive and is widely used in the real world. Unfortunately, the current digital signature standards like EC-DSA and RSA are not quantum-resistant. Among post-quantum cryptography (PQC), isogeny-based signatures preserve some advantages of elliptic curve cryptosystems, particularly offering small signature sizes. Currently, SQIsign and its variants are the most promising isogeny-based digital signature schemes.
In this paper, we propose a...
Efficient Asymmetric PAKE Compiler from KEM and AE
You Lyu, Shengli Liu, Shuai Han
Cryptographic protocols
Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) allows two parties to establish a secure session key with a shared low-entropy password pw. Asymmetric PAKE (aPAKE) extends PAKE in the client-server setting, and the server only stores a password file instead of the plain password so as to provide additional security guarantee when the server is compromised.
In this paper, we propose a novel generic compiler from PAKE to aPAKE in the Universal Composable (UC) framework by making use of Key...
Efficient Batch Algorithms for the Post-Quantum Crystals Dilithium Signature Scheme and Crystals Kyber Encryption Scheme
Nazlı Deniz TÜRE, Murat CENK
Cryptographic protocols
Digital signatures ensure authenticity and secure communication. They are used to verify the integrity and authenticity of signed documents and are widely utilized in various fields such as information technologies, finance, education, and law. They are crucial in securing servers against cyber attacks and authenticating connections between clients and servers. Additionally, encryption is used in many areas, such as secure communication, cloud, server and database security to ensure data...
Locally Verifiable Distributed SNARGs
Eden Aldema Tshuva, Elette Boyle, Ran Cohen, Tal Moran, Rotem Oshman
Cryptographic protocols
The field of distributed certification is concerned with certifying properties of distributed networks, where the communication topology of the network is represented as an arbitrary graph; each node of the graph is a separate processor, with its own internal state. To certify that the network satisfies a given property, a prover assigns each node of the network a certificate, and the nodes then communicate with one another and decide whether to accept or reject. We require soundness and...
Reality Check on Side-Channels: Lessons learnt from breaking AES on an ARM Cortex A processor
Shivam Bhasin, Harishma Boyapally, Dirmanto Jap
Attacks and cryptanalysis
AES implementation has been vastly analysed against side-channel attacks in the last two decades particularly targeting resource-constrained microcontrollers. Still, less research has been conducted on AES implementations on advanced hardware platforms. In this study, we examine the resilience of AES on an ARM Cortex A72 processor within the Raspberry Pi 4B model. Unlike their microcontroller counterparts, these platforms operate within the complex ecosystem of an operating system (OS),...
ALGAES: An Authenticated Lattice-based Generic Asymmetric Encryption Scheme
Aravind Vishnu S S, M Sethumadhavan, Lakshmy K V
Public-key cryptography
In this article, we propose a generic hybrid encryption scheme providing entity authentication. The scheme is based on lossy trapdoor functions relying on the hardness of the Learning With Errors problem. The construction can be used on a number of different security requirements with minimal reconfiguration. It ensures entity authentication and ciphertext integrity while providing security against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks in the standard model. As a desired characteristic of...
AGATE: Augmented Global Attested Trusted Execution in the Universal Composability framework
Lorenzo Martinico, Markulf Kohlweiss
A Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is a new type of security technology, implemented by CPU manufacturers, which guarantees integrity and confidentiality on a restricted execution environment to any remote verifier. TEEs are deployed on various consumer and commercial hardwareplatforms, and have been widely adopted as a component in the design of cryptographic protocols both theoretical and practical.
Within the provable security community, the use of TEEs as a setup assumption has...
A Better Kyber Butterfly for FPGAs
Jonas Bertels, Quinten Norga, Ingrid Verbauwhede
Kyber was selected by NIST as a Post-Quantum
Cryptography Key Encapsulation Mechanism standard. This
means that the industry now needs to transition and adopt
these new standards. One of the most demanding operations in
Kyber is the modular arithmetic, making it a suitable target for
optimization. This work offers a novel modular reduction design
with the lowest area on Xilinx FPGA platforms. This novel design,
through K-reduction and LUT-based reduction, utilizes 49 LUTs
and 1 DSP...
High-Throughput GPU Implementation of Dilithium Post-Quantum Digital Signature
Shiyu Shen, Hao Yang, Wangchen Dai, Hong Zhang, Zhe Liu, Yunlei Zhao
Digital signatures are fundamental building blocks in various protocols to provide integrity and authenticity. The development of the quantum computing has raised concerns about the security guarantees afforded by classical signature schemes. CRYSTALS-Dilithium is an efficient post-quantum digital signature scheme based on lattice cryptography and has been selected as the primary algorithm for standardization by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. In this work, we present a...
In this work, we introduce Modular Algebraic Proof Contingent Payment (MAPCP), a novel zero-knowledge contingent payment (ZKCP) construction. Unlike previous approaches, MAPCP is the first that simultaneously avoids using zk-SNARKs as the tool for zero-knowledge proofs and HTLC contracts to atomically exchange a secret for a payment. As a result, MAPCP sidesteps the common reference string (crs) creation problem and is compatible with virtually any cryptocurrency, even those with limited or...
CROSS is a code-based post-quantum digital signature scheme based on a zero-knowledge (ZK) framework. It is a second-round candidate of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s additional call for standardizing post-quantum digital signatures. The memory footprint of this scheme is prohibitively large, especially for small embedded devices. In this work, we propose various techniques to reduce the memory footprint of the key generation, signature generation, and verification by...
State-of-the-art garbling schemes for boolean circuits roughly consist of two families, i.e., ideal model garbling that combines linear operations and ideal blockciphers (aiming at maximizing performance), and PRF-based garbling that insists on using theoretically sound assumptions. In the linear garbling framework introduced by Zahur, Rosulek, and Evans (Eurocrypt 2015), it was established that garbling an AND gate requires at least $2(\kappa +1)$ bits of ciphertext, with $\kappa$ as the...
SLIM and LBCIoT are lightweight block ciphers proposed for IoT applications. We present differential meet-in-the-middle attacks on these ciphers and discuss several implementation variants and possible improvements of these attacks. Experimental validation also shows some results that may be of independent interest in the cryptanalysis of other ciphers. Namely, the problems with low-probability differentials and the questionable accuracy of standard complexity estimates of using filters.
SNOVA is a post-quantum cryptographic signature scheme known for its efficiency and compact key sizes, making it a second-round candidate in the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process. This paper presents a comprehensive fault analysis of SNOVA, focusing on both permanent and transient faults during signature generation. We introduce several fault injection strategies that exploit SNOVA's structure to recover partial or complete secret keys with limited faulty signatures. Our...
In this paper, we present the first single trace side-channel attack that targets the MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) framework based on threshold secret sharing, also known as Threshold Computation in the Head (TCitH) in its original version. This MPCitH framework can be found in 5 of the 14 digital signatures schemes in the recent second round of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) call for digital signatures. In this work, we start by highlighting a side-channel...
The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) protocol, recently standardized in RFC 9420, aims to provide efficient asynchronous group key establishment with strong security guarantees. The main component of MLS, which is the source of its important efficiency and security properties, is a protocol called TreeKEM. Given that a major vision for the MLS protocol is for it to become the new standard for messaging applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Signal, etc., it has the potential to be...
The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) initiated a standardization procedure for additional digital signatures and recently announced round-2 candidates for the PQ additional digital signature schemes. The multivariate digital signature scheme Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar (UOV) is one of the oldest post-quantum schemes and has been selected by NIST for Round 2. Although UOV is mathematically secure, several side-channel attacks (SCA) have been shown on the UOV or UOV-based...
NTRU-like constructions are among the most studied lattice-based schemes. The freedom of design of NTRU resulted in many variants in literature motivated by faster computations or more resistance against lattice attacks by changing the underlying algebra. To the best of our knowledge, BQTRU (DCC 2017), a noncommutative NTRU-like cryptosystem, is the fastest claimed variant of NTRU built over the quaternion algebra of the bivariate ring of polynomials. The key generation and the encryption of...
We introduce the notion of non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proofs with certified deletion. Our notion enables the recipient of a quantum NIZK proof for a (quantumly hard) NP statement to delete the proof and collapse it into a classical deletion certificate. Once this certificate is successfully validated, we require the recipient of the proof to lose their ability to find accepting inputs to NIZK verification. We formally define this notion and build several candidate constructions...
Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments (NIZKs) are cryptographic protocols that enable a prover to demonstrate the validity of an $\mathsf{NP}$ statement to a verifier with a single message, without revealing any additional information. The soundness and zero-knowledge properties of a NIZK correspond to security against a malicious prover and a malicious verifier respectively. Statistical NIZKs (S-NIZKs) are a variant of NIZKs for which the zero-knowledge property is guaranteed to hold...
The hardness of lattice problems offers one of the most promising security foundations for quantum-safe cryptography. Basic schemes for public key encryption and digital signatures are already close to standardization at NIST and several other standardization bodies, and the research frontier has moved on to building primitives with more advanced privacy features. At the core of many such primi- tives are zero-knowledge proofs. In recent years, zero-knowledge proofs for (and using)...
We introduce Zero-Knowledge Location Privacy (ZKLP), enabling users to prove to third parties that they are within a specified geographical region while not disclosing their exact location. ZKLP supports varying levels of granularity, allowing for customization depending on the use case. To realize ZKLP, we introduce the first set of Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) circuits that are fully compliant to the IEEE 754 standard for floating-point arithmetic. Our results demonstrate that our...
In this work, we propose the first hardware implementation of Classic McEliece protected with countermeasures against Side-Channel Attacks (SCA) and Fault Injection Attacks (FIA). Classic Mceliece is one of the leading candidates for Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) in the ongoing round 4 of the NIST standardization process for post-quantum cryptography. In particular, we implement a range of generic countermeasures against SCA and FIA, particularly protected the vulnerable operations...
We present the protected hardware implementation of the Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Standard (ML-DSA). ML-DSA is an extension of Dilithium 3.1, which is the winner of the Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) competition in the digital signature category. The proposed design is based on the existing high-performance Dilithium 3.1 design. We implemented existing Dilithium masking gadgets in hardware, which were only implemented in software. The masking gadgets are integrated with the...
Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) systems are ubiqui- tous in modern day automobiles, providing convenience for vehicle owners - occasionally at the cost of security. Most automobile companies have proprietary implementations of RKE; these are sometimes built on insecure algorithms and authentication mechanisms. This paper presents a compre- hensive study conducted on the RKE systems of multiple cars from four automobile manufacturers not previously explored. Specifically, we analyze the...
Succinct randomized encodings allow encoding the input $x$ of a time-$t$ uniform computation $M(x)$ in sub-linear time $o(t)$. The resulting encoding $\tilde{x}$ allows recovering the result of the computation $M(x)$, but hides any other information about $x$. Such encodings are known to have powerful applications such as reducing communication in MPC, bootstrapping advanced encryption schemes, and constructing time-lock puzzles. Until not long ago, the only known constructions were...
Adaptor signatures extend the functionality of regular signatures through the computation of pre-signatures on messages for statements of NP relations. Pre-signatures are publicly verifiable; they simultaneously hide and commit to a signature of an underlying signature scheme on that message. Anybody possessing a corresponding witness for the statement can adapt the pre-signature to obtain the "regular" signature. Adaptor signatures have found numerous applications for conditional payments...
Many foundational results in the literature of consensus follow the Dolev-Yao model (FOCS '81), which treats digital signatures as ideal objects with perfect correctness and unforgeability. However, no work has yet formalized an ideal signature scheme that is both suitable for this methodology and possible to instantiate, or a composition theorem that ensures security when instantiating it cryptographically. The Universal Composition (UC) framework would ensure composition if we could...
In this paper we introduce the notion of encrypted RAM delegation. In an encrypted RAM delegation scheme, the prover creates a succinct proof for a group of two input strings $x_\mathsf{pb}$ and $x_\mathsf{pr}$, where $x_\mathsf{pb}$ corresponds to a large \emph{public} input and $x_\mathsf{pr}$ is a \emph{private} input. A verifier can check correctness of computation of $\mathcal{M}$ on $(x_\mathsf{pb}, x_\mathsf{pr})$, given only the proof $\pi$ and $x_\mathsf{pb}$. We design encrypted...
The Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) scheme is a public key cryptosystem that was submitted to the National Institute of Standards and Technology's competition for the standardization of post-quantum cryptography protocols. The private key in SIDH consists of an isogeny whose degree is a prime power. In July 2022, Castryck and Decru discovered an attack that completely breaks the scheme by recovering Bob's secret key, using isogenies between higher dimensional abelian varieties to...
A Timed Commitment (TC) with time parameter $t$ is hiding for time at most $t$, that is, commitments can be force-opened by any third party within time $t$. In addition to various cryptographic assumptions, the security of all known TC schemes relies on the sequentiality assumption of repeated squarings in hidden-order groups. The repeated squaring assumption is therefore a security bottleneck. In this work, we give a black-box construction of TCs from any time-lock puzzle (TLP) by...
We say there is a share conversion from a secret sharing scheme $\Pi$ to another scheme $\Pi'$ implementing the same access structure if each party can locally apply a deterministic function to their share to transform any valid secret sharing under $\Pi$ to a valid (but not necessarily random) secret sharing under $\Pi'$ of the same secret. If such a conversion exists, we say that $\Pi\ge\Pi'$. This notion was introduced by Cramer et al. (TCC'05), where they particularly proved that for...
Digital signature schemes based on multivariate- and code-based hard problems are promising alternatives for lattice-based signature schemes, due to their smaller signature size. Hence, several candidates in the ongoing additional standardization for quantum secure digital signature (DS) schemes by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) rely on such alternate hard problems. Gaussian Elimination (GE) is a critical component in the signing procedure of these schemes. In this...
SNOVA is a post-quantum digital signature scheme based on multivariate polynomials. It is a first-round candidate in an ongoing NIST standardization process for post-quantum signatures, where it stands out for its efficiency and compactness. Since its initial submission, there have been several improvements to its security analysis, both on key recovery and forgery attacks. All these works reduce to solving a structured system of quadratic polynomials, which we refer to as SNOVA...
We present a new compact and tightly secure (anonymous) identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme based on structured lattices. This is the first IBE scheme that is (asymptotically) as compact as the most practical NTRU-based schemes and tightly secure under the module learning with errors (MLWE) assumption, known as the standard lattice assumption, in the (quantum) random oracle model. In particular, our IBE scheme is the most compact lattice-based scheme (except for NTRU-based schemes). We...
We present an efficient Publicly Verifiable Fully Homomorphic Encryption scheme that, along with being able to evaluate arbitrary boolean circuits over ciphertexts, also generates a succinct proof of correct homomorphic computation. Our scheme is based on FHEW proposed by Ducas and Micciancio (Eurocrypt'15), and we incorporate the GINX homomorphic accumulator (Eurocrypt'16) for improved bootstrapping efficiency. In order to generate the proof efficiently, we generalize the widely used Rank-1...
Shoup and Smart (SS24) recently introduced a lightweight asynchronous verifiable secret sharing (AVSS) protocol with optimal resilience directly from cryptographic hash functions (JoC 2024), offering plausible quantum resilience and computational efficiency. However, SS24 AVSS only achieves standard secrecy to keep the secret confidential against $n/3$ corrupted parties \textit{if no honest party publishes its share}. In contrast, from ``heavyweight'' public-key cryptography, one can...
In parallel with the standardization of lattice-based cryptosystems, the research community in Post-quantum Cryptography focused on non-lattice-based hard problems for constructing public-key cryptographic primitives. The Linear Code Equivalence (LCE) Problem has gained attention regarding its practical applications and cryptanalysis. Recent advancements, including the LESS signature scheme and its candidacy in the NIST standardization for additional signatures, supported LCE as a...
Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) has rapidly evolved in response to the emergence of quantum computers, with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) selecting four finalist algorithms for PQC standardization in 2022, including the Falcon digital signature scheme. The latest round of digital signature schemes introduced Hawk, both based on the NTRU lattice, offering compact signatures, fast generation, and verification suitable for deployment on resource-constrained...
The indifferentiability framework has become a standard methodology that enables us to study the security of cryptographic constructions in idealized models of computation. Unfortunately, while indifferentiability provides strong guarantees whenever the security of a construction is captured by a ``single-stage'' security game, it may generally provide no meaningful guarantees when the security is captured by a ``multi-stage'' one. In particular, the indifferentiability framework does not...
We introduce the notion of pseudorandom obfuscation (PRO), a way to obfuscate (keyed) pseudorandom functions $f_K$ in an average-case sense. We introduce several variants of pseudorandom obfuscation and show constructions and applications. For some of our applications that can be achieved using full-fledged indistinguishability obfuscation (iO), we show constructions using lattice-based assumptions alone; the other applications we enable using PRO are simply not known even assuming iO. We...
We present experimental findings on the decoding failure rate (DFR) of BIKE, a fourth-round candidate in the NIST Post-Quantum Standardization process, at the 20-bit security level using graph-theoretic approaches. We select parameters according to BIKE design principles and conduct a series of experiments using Rust to generate significantly more decoding failure instances than in prior work using SageMath. For each decoding failure, we study the internal state of the decoder at each...
The Fiat-Shamir (FS) transform is the standard approach to compiling interactive proofs into non-interactive ones. However, the fact that knowledge extraction typically requires rewinding limits its applicability without having to rely on further heuristic conjectures. A better alternative is a transform that guarantees straight-line knowledge extraction. Two such transforms were given by Pass (CRYPTO '03) and Fischlin (CRYPTO '05), respectively, with the latter giving the most practical...
NTRU is one of the most extensively studied lattice-based schemes. Its flexible design has inspired different proposals constructed over different rings, with some aiming to enhance security and others focusing on improving performance. The literature has introduced a line of noncommutative NTRU-like designs that claim to offer greater resistance to existing attacks. However, most of these proposals are either theoretical or fall short in terms of time and memory requirements when compared...
We construct the first multi-input functional encryption (MIFE) and indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) schemes for pseudorandom functionalities, where the output of the functionality is pseudorandom for every input seen by the adversary. Our MIFE scheme relies on LWE and evasive LWE (Wee, Eurocrypt 2022 and Tsabary, Crypto 2022) for constant arity functions, and a strengthening of evasive LWE for polynomial arity. Thus, we obtain the first MIFE and iO schemes for a nontrivial...
We present an asynchronous secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol that is practically efficient. Our protocol can evaluate any arithmetic circuit with linear communication in the number of parties per multiplication gate, while relying solely on computationally lightweight cryptography such as hash function and symmetric encryption. Our protocol is optimally resilient and tolerates $t$ malicious parties among $n = 3t+1$ parties. At the technical level, we manage to apply the...
In this paper, we introduce OT-PCA, a novel approach for conducting Plaintext-Checking (PC) oracle based side-channel attacks, specifically designed for Hamming Quasi-Cyclic (HQC). By calling the publicly accessible HQC decoder, we build offline templates that enable efficient extraction of soft information for hundreds of secret positions with just a single PC oracle call. Our method addresses critical challenges in optimizing key-related information extraction, including maximizing...
Falcon is one of the three postquantum signature schemes already selected by NIST for standardization. It is the most compact among them, and offers excellent efficiency and security. However, it is based on a complex algorithm for lattice discrete Gaussian sampling which presents a number of implementation challenges. In particular, it relies on (possibly emulated) floating-point arithmetic, which is often regarded as a cause for concern, and has been leveraged in, e.g., side-channel...
We propose a dynamic, low-latency encrypted multi-map (EMM) that operates in two modes: low-leakage mode, which reveals minimal information such as data size, expected response length, and query arrival rate; and subliminal mode, which reveals only the data size while hiding metadata including query and update times, the number of operations executed, and even whether an operation was executed at all---albeit at the cost of full correctness. We achieve this by exploiting a tradeoff...
Reductions are the workhorses of cryptography. They allow constructions of complex cryptographic primitives from simple building blocks. A prominent example is the non-interactive reduction from securely computing a ``complex" function $f$ to securely computing a ``simple" function $g$ via randomized encodings. Prior work equated simplicity with functions of small degree. In this work, we consider a different notion of simplicity where we require $g$ to only take inputs from a small...
In this paper, we study the requirement for quantum random access memory (QRAM) in quantum lattice sieving, a fundamental algorithm for lattice-based cryptanalysis. First, we obtain a lower bound on the cost of quantum lattice sieving with a bounded size QRAM. We do so in a new query model encompassing a wide range of lattice sieving algorithms similar to those in the classical sieving lower bound by Kirshanova and Laarhoven [CRYPTO 21]. This implies that, under reasonable assumptions,...
With the recent standardization of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms, research efforts have largely remained centered on public key exchange and encryption schemes. Argument systems, which allow a party to efficiently argue the correctness of a computation, have received comparatively little attention regarding their quantum-resilient design. These computational integrity frameworks often rely on cryptographic assumptions, such as pairings or group operations, which are vulnerable to...
Classic McEliece is one of the three code-based candidates in the fourth round of the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process in the Key Encapsulation Mechanism category. As such, its decapsulation algorithm is used to recover the session key associated with a ciphertext using the private key. In this article, we propose a new side-channel attack on the syndrome computation in the decapsulation algorithm that recovers the private key, which consists of the private Goppa...
One of the main candidates of post-quantum cryptography is lattice-based cryptography. Its cryptographic security against quantum attackers is based on the worst-case hardness of lattice problems like the shortest vector problem (SVP), which asks to find the shortest non-zero vector in an integer lattice. Asymptotic quantum speedups for solving SVP are known and rely on Grover's search. However, to assess the security of lattice-based cryptography against these Grover-like quantum speedups,...
The paper provides the first provable security analysis of the Butterfly Key Mechanism (BKM) protocol from IEEE 1609.2.1 standard. The BKM protocol specifies a novel approach for efficiently requesting multiple certificates for use in vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication. We define the main security goals of BKM, such as vehicle privacy and communication authenticity. We prove that the BKM protocol, with small modifications, meets those security goals. We also propose a way to...
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a powerful technology that allows a cloud server to perform computations directly on ciphertexts. To overcome the overhead of sending and storing large FHE ciphertexts, the concept of FHE transciphering was introduced, allowing symmetric key encrypted ciphertexts to be transformed into FHE ciphertexts by deploying symmetric key decryption homomorphically. However, existing FHE transciphering schemes remain unauthenticated and malleable, allowing...
The seminal work of Rabin and Ben-Or (STOC'89) showed that the problem of secure $n$-party computation can be solved for $t<n/2$ corruptions with guaranteed output delivery and statistical security. This holds in the traditional static model where the set of parties is fixed throughout the entire protocol execution. The need to better capture the dynamics of large scale and long-lived computations, where compromised parties may recover and the set of parties can change over time, has...
Collision-resistant hashing (CRH) is a cornerstone of cryptographic protocols. However, despite decades of research, no construction of a CRH based solely on one-way functions has been found. Moreover, there are black-box limitations that separate these two primitives. Harnik and Naor [HN10] overcame this black-box barrier by introducing the notion of instance compression. Instance compression reduces large NP instances to a size that depends on their witness size while preserving the...
The theory of compressed $\Sigma$-protocols [AC20, ACF21] provides a standardized framework for creating efficient $\Sigma$-protocols. This method involves two main phases: first, amortization, which combines multiple instances that satisfy a homomorphic relation into a single instance; and second, Bulletproofs compression [BBB+18], which minimizes communication overhead to a logarithmic scale during the verification of the combined instance. For high-degree polynomial (non-homomorphic)...
The existence of pseudorandom unitaries (PRUs)---efficient quantum circuits that are computationally indistinguishable from Haar-random unitaries---has been a central open question, with significant implications for cryptography, complexity theory, and fundamental physics. In this work, we close this question by proving that PRUs exist, assuming that any quantum-secure one-way function exists. We establish this result for both (1) the standard notion of PRUs, which are secure against any...
Proving non-native operations is still a bottleneck in existing incrementally verifiable computations. Prior attempts to solve this issue either simply improve the efficiency of proofs of non-native operations or require folding instances in each curve of a cycle. This paper shows how to avoid altogether in-circuit proofs of non-native operations in the incre- mental steps, and only record them in some auxiliary proof information. These operations are proved natively at the end of the...
This paper investigates the open problem of how to construct non-interactive rational proofs. Rational proofs, introduced by Azar and Micali (STOC 2012), are a model of interactive proofs where a computationally powerful server can be rewarded by a weaker client for running an expensive computation $f(x)$. The honest strategy is enforced by design when the server is rational: any adversary claiming a false output $y \neq f(x)$ will lose money on expectation. Rational proof constructions...
Threshold signatures are one of the most important cryptographic primitives in distributed systems. The threshold Schnorr signature scheme, an efficient and pairing-free scheme, is a popular choice and is included in NIST's standards and recent call for threshold cryptography. Despite its importance, most threshold Schnorr signature schemes assume a static adversary in their security proof. A recent scheme proposed by Katsumata et al. (Crypto 2024) addresses this issue. However, it requires...
The Signal Protocol is a two-party secure messaging protocol used in applications such as Signal, WhatsApp, Google Messages and Facebook Messenger and is used by billions daily. It consists of two core components, one of which is the Double Ratchet protocol that has been the subject of a line of work that aims to understand and formalise exactly what security it provides. Existing models capture strong guarantees including resilience to state exposure in both forward security (protecting...
Authenticated encryption (AE) is a cryptographic mechanism that allows communicating parties to protect the confidentiality and integrity of messages exchanged over a public channel, provided they share a secret key. In this work, we present new AE schemes leveraging the SHA-3 standard functions SHAKE128 and SHAKE256, offering 128 and 256 bits of security strength, respectively, and their “Turbo” counterparts. They support session-based communication, where a ciphertext authenticates the...
In this work, we introduce a more efficient post-quantum oblivious PRF (OPRF) design, called LeOPaRd. Our proposal is round-optimal and supports verifiability and partial obliviousness, all of which are important for practical applications. The main technical novelty of our work is a new method for computing samples of MLWE (module learning with errors) in a two-party setting. To do this, we introduce a new family of interactive lattice problems, called interactive MLWE and rounding with...
Folding schemes enable prover-efficient incrementally verifiable computation (IVC), where a proof is generated step-by-step, resulting in a space-efficient prover that naturally supports continuations. These attributes make them a promising choice for proving long-running machine executions (popularly, "zkVMs"). A major problem is designing an efficient read-write memory. Another challenge is overheads incurred by unused machine instructions when incrementally proving a program execution...
We develop and implement AlgoROM, a tool to systematically analyze the security of a wide class of symmetric primitives in idealized models of computation. The schemes that we consider are those that can be expressed over an alphabet consisting of XOR and function symbols for hash functions, permutations, or block ciphers. We implement our framework in OCaml and apply it to a number of prominent constructions, which include the Luby–Rackoff (LR), key-alternating Feistel (KAF), and...
Oblivious Transfer (OT) is one of the fundamental building blocks in cryptography that enables various privacy-preserving applications. Constructing efficient OT schemes has been an active research area. This paper presents three efficient two-round pairing-free k-out-of-N oblivious transfer protocols with standard security. Our constructions follow the minimal communication pattern: the receiver sends k messages to the sender, who responds with n+k messages, achieving the lowest data...
We study differential additions formulas on Kummer lines that factorize through a degree $2$ isogeny $\phi$. We call the resulting formulas half differential additions: from the knowledge of $\phi(P), \phi(Q)$ and $P-Q$, the half differential addition allows to recover $P+Q$. We explain how Mumford's theta group theory allows, in any model of Kummer lines, to find a basis of the half differential relations. This involves studying the dimension $2$ isogeny $(P, Q) \mapsto (P+Q, P-Q)$. We...
Searchable encryption, or more generally, structured encryption, permits search over encrypted data. It is an important cryptographic tool for securing cloud storage. The standard security notion for structured encryption mandates that a protocol leaks nothing about the data or queries, except for some allowed leakage, defined by the leakage function. This is due to the fact that some leakage is unavoidable for efficient schemes. Unfortunately, it was shown by numerous works that even...
Threshold signatures have been drawing lots of attention in recent years. Of particular interest are threshold signatures that are proven secure under adaptive corruptions (NIST Call 2023). Sadly, existing constructions with provable adaptive security suffer from at least one of the following drawbacks: (i) strong idealizations such as the algebraic group model (AGM), (ii) an unnatural restriction on the corruption threshold being $t/2$ where $t$ is the signing threshold, or (iii)...
We extend the usual ideal action on oriented elliptic curves to a (Hermitian) module action on oriented (polarised) abelian varieties. Oriented abelian varieties are naturally enriched in $R$-modules, and our module action comes from the canonical power object construction on categories enriched in a closed symmetric monoidal category. In particular our action is canonical and gives a fully fledged symmetric monoidal action. Furthermore, we give algorithms to compute this action in practice,...
Tweakable enciphering modes (TEMs) provide security in a variety of storage and space-critical applications like disk and file-based encryption, and packet-based communication protocols, among others. XCB-AES (known as XCBv2) is specified in the IEEE 1619.2 standard for encryption of sector-oriented storage media and it comes with a proof of security for block-aligned input messages. In this work, we demonstrate the $\textit{first}$ and most efficient plaintext recovery attack on...
As the industry prepares for the transition to post-quantum secure public key cryptographic algorithms, vulnerability analysis of their implementations is gaining importance. A theoretically secure cryptographic algorithm should also be able to withstand the challenges of physical attacks in real-world environments. MAYO is a candidate in the ongoing first round of the NIST post-quantum standardization process for selecting additional digital signature schemes. This paper demonstrates three...
We use the HHL algorithm to retrieve a quantum state holding the algebraic normal formal of a Boolean function. Unlike the standard HHL applications, we do not describe the cipher as an exponentially big system of equations. Rather, we perform a set of small matrix inversions which corresponds to the Boolean Möbius transform. This creates a superposition holding information about the ANF in the form: $\ket{\mathcal{A}_{f}} =\frac{1}{C} \sum_{I=0}^{2^n-1} c_I \ket{I}$, where $c_I$ is the...
There has been a recent interest to develop and standardize Robust Authenticated Encryption (Robust AE) schemes. NIST, for example, is considering an Accordion mode (a wideblock tweakable blockcipher), with Robust AE as a primary application. On the other hand, recent attacks and applications suggest that encryption needs to be committing. Indeed, committing security isalso a design consideration in the Accordion mode. Yet it is unclear how to build a Robust AE with committing security....
State-of-the-art database implementations offer a wide range of functionalities and impressive performances while supporting highly concurrent loads. However they all rely on the server knowing the content of the database, which raises issues when sensitive information is being stored on a server that cannot be trusted. Encrypting documents before sending them to a remote server solves the confidentiality issue at the cost of loosing the keyword search functionality. Cryptographic primitives...
FAPI 2.0 is a suite of Web protocols developed by the OpenID Foundation's FAPI Working Group (FAPI WG) for third-party data sharing and digital identity in high-risk environments. Even though the specifications are not completely finished, several important entities have started to adopt the FAPI 2.0 protocols, including Norway's national HelseID, Australia's Consumer Data Standards, as well as private companies like Authlete and Australia-based connectID; the predecessor FAPI 1.0 is in...
In decentralized finance (DeFi), the public availability of pending transactions presents significant privacy concerns, enabling market manipulation through miner extractable value (MEV). MEV occurs when block proposers exploit the ability to reorder, omit, or include transactions, causing financial loss to users from frontrunning. Recent research has focused on encrypting pending transactions, hiding transaction data until block finalization. To this end, Choudhuri et al. (USENIX '24)...
Keccak acts as the hash algorithm and eXtendable-Output Function (XOF) specified in the NIST standard drafts for Kyber and Dilithium. The Keccak output is highly correlated with sensitive information. While in RSA and ECDSA, hash-like components are only used to process public information, such as the message. The importance and sensitivity of hash-like components like Keccak are much higher in Kyber and Dilithium than in traditional public-key cryptography. However, few works study Keccak...
To date, the strongest notions of security achievable for two-round publicly-verifiable cryptographic proofs for $\mathsf{NP}$ are witness indistinguishability (Dwork-Naor 2000, Groth-Ostrovsky-Sahai 2006), witness hiding (Bitansky-Khurana-Paneth 2019, Kuykendall-Zhandry 2020), and super-polynomial simulation (Pass 2003, Khurana-Sahai 2017). On the other hand, zero-knowledge and even weak zero-knowledge (Dwork-Naor-Reingold-Stockmeyer 1999) are impossible in the two-round publicly-verifiable...
With the standardization of NIST post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) schemes, optimizing these PQC schemes across various platforms presents significant research value. While most existing software implementation efforts have concentrated on ARM platforms, research on PQC implementations utilizing various RISC-V instruction set architectures (ISAs) remains limited. In light of this gap, this paper proposes comprehensive and efficient optimizations of Keccak, Kyber, and Dilithium on...
We investigate the notion of bit-security for decisional cryptographic properties, as originally proposed in (Micciancio & Walter, Eurocrypt 2018), and its main variants and extensions, with the goal clarifying the relation between different definitions, and facilitating their use. Specific contributions of this paper include: (1) identifying the optimal adversaries achieving the highest possible MW advantage, showing that they are deterministic and have a very simple threshold...
Multi-key fully homomorphic encryption (MKFHE), a generalization of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), enables a computation over encrypted data under multiple keys. The first MKFHE schemes were based on the NTRU primitive, however these early NTRU based FHE schemes were found to be insecure due to the problem of over-stretched parameters. Recently, in the case of standard (non-multi key) FHE a secure version, called FINAL, of NTRU has been found. In this work we extend FINAL to an...
Post-quantum cryptography has gained attention due to the need for secure cryptographic systems in the face of quantum computing. Code-based and lattice-based cryptography are two promi- nent approaches, both heavily studied within the NIST standardization project. Code-based cryptography—most prominently exemplified by the McEliece cryptosystem—is based on the hardness of decoding random linear error-correcting codes. Despite the McEliece cryptosystem having been unbroken for several...
The problem of reliable/secure all-to-all communication over low-degree networks has been essential for communication-local (CL) n-party MPC (i.e., MPC protocols where every party directly communicates only with a few, typically polylogarithmic in n, parties) and more recently for communication over ad hoc networks, which are used in blockchain protocols. However, a limited number of adaptively secure solutions exist, and they all make relatively strong assumptions on the ability of parties...
One of the most popular techniques to prove adaptive security of identity-based encryptions (IBE) and verifiable random functions (VRF) is the partitioning technique. Currently, there are only two methods to relate the adversary's advantage and runtime $(\epsilon, {\sf T})$ to those of the reduction's ($\epsilon_{\sf proof}, {\sf T}_{\sf proof}$) using this technique: One originates to Waters (Eurocrypt 2005) who introduced the famous artificial abort step to prove his IBE, achieving...
In this work, we revisit the Hosoyamada-Iwata (HI) proof for the quantum CPA security of the 4-round Luby-Rackoff construction and identify a gap that appears to undermine the security proof. We emphasize that this is not an attack, and the construction may still achieve the claimed security level. However, this gap raises concerns about the feasibility of establishing a formal security proof for the 4-round Luby-Rackoff construction. In fact, the issue persists even if the number of rounds...
This paper initiates a concrete-security treatment of two-party secure computation. The first step is to propose, as target, a simple, indistinguishability-based definition that we call InI. This could be considered a poor choice if it were weaker than standard simulation-based definitions, but it is not; we show that for functionalities satisfying a condition called invertibility, that we define and show is met by functionalities of practical interest like PSI and its variants, the two...
Quantum pseudorandom state generators (PRSGs) have stimulated exciting developments in recent years. A PRSG, on a fixed initial (e.g., all-zero) state, produces an output state that is computationally indistinguishable from a Haar random state. However, pseudorandomness of the output state is not guaranteed on other initial states. In fact, known PRSG constructions provably fail on some initial states. In this work, we propose and construct quantum Pseudorandom State Scramblers (PRSSs),...
We witness an increase in applications like cryptocurrency wallets, which involve users issuing signatures using private keys. To protect these keys from loss or compromise, users commonly outsource them to a custodial server. This creates a new point of failure, because compromise of such a server leaks the user’s key, and if user authentication is implemented with a password then this password becomes open to an offline dictionary attack (ODA). A better solution is to secret-share the key...
We study error detection and error correction in a computationally bounded world, where errors are introduced by an arbitrary polynomial time adversarial channel. We consider codes where the encoding procedure uses random coins and define two distinct variants: (1) in randomized codes, fresh randomness is chosen during each encoding operation and is unknown a priori, while (2) in self-seeded codes, the randomness of the encoding procedure is fixed once upfront and is known to the adversary....
True Random Number Generators (TRNGs) and Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are critical hardware primitives for cryptographic systems, providing randomness and device-specific security. TRNGs require complete randomness, while PUFs rely on consistent, device-unique responses. In this work, both primitives are implemented on a System-on-Chip Field-Programmable Gate Array (SoC FPGA), leveraging the integrated Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs) for robust entropy generation in PLLbased TRNGs. A...
Forward-Secure Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (FS-KEM; Canetti et al. Eurocrypt 2003) allows Alice to encapsulate a key $k$ to Bob for some time $t$ such that Bob can decapsulate it at any time $t'\leq t$. Crucially, a corruption of Bob's secret key after time $t$ does not reveal $k$. In this work, we generalize and extend this idea by also taking Post-Compromise Security (PCS) into account and call it Interval Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (IKEM). Thus, we do not only protect confidentiality...
Recently, the construction of cryptographic schemes based on hard lattice problems has gained immense popularity. Apart from being quantum resistant, lattice-based cryptography allows a wide range of variations in the underlying hard problem. As cryptographic schemes can work in different environments under different operational constraints such as memory footprint, silicon area, efficiency, power requirement, etc., such variations in the underlying hard problem are very useful for designers...
Sigma protocols are elegant cryptographic proofs that have become a cornerstone of modern cryptography. A notable example is Schnorr's protocol, a zero-knowledge proof-of-knowledge of a discrete logarithm. Despite extensive research, the security of Schnorr's protocol in the standard model is not fully understood. In this paper we study Kilian's protocol, an influential public-coin interactive protocol that, while not a sigma protocol, shares striking similarities with sigma protocols....
Computationally hard problems based on coding theory, such as the syndrome decoding problem, have been used for constructing secure cryptographic schemes for a long time. Schemes based on these problems are also assumed to be secure against quantum computers. However, these schemes are often considered impractical for real-world deployment due to large key sizes and inefficient computation time. In the recent call for standardization of additional post-quantum digital signatures by the...
A broadcast encryption scheme allows a user to encrypt a message to $N$ recipients with a ciphertext whose size scales sublinearly with $N$. While broadcast encryption enables succinct encrypted broadcasts, it also introduces a strong trust assumption and a single point of failure; namely, there is a central authority who generates the decryption keys for all users in the system. Distributed broadcast encryption offers an appealing alternative where there is a one-time (trusted) setup...
Zero-Knowledge (ZK) protocols allow a prover to demonstrate the truth of a statement without disclosing additional information about the underlying witness. Code-based cryptography has a long history but did suffer from periods of slow development. Recently, a prominent line of research have been contributing to designing efficient code-based ZK from MPC-in-the-head (Ishai et al., STOC 2007) and VOLE-in-the head (VOLEitH) (Baum et al., Crypto 2023) paradigms, resulting in quite efficient...
Digital signature is a fundamental cryptographic primitive and is widely used in the real world. Unfortunately, the current digital signature standards like EC-DSA and RSA are not quantum-resistant. Among post-quantum cryptography (PQC), isogeny-based signatures preserve some advantages of elliptic curve cryptosystems, particularly offering small signature sizes. Currently, SQIsign and its variants are the most promising isogeny-based digital signature schemes. In this paper, we propose a...
Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) allows two parties to establish a secure session key with a shared low-entropy password pw. Asymmetric PAKE (aPAKE) extends PAKE in the client-server setting, and the server only stores a password file instead of the plain password so as to provide additional security guarantee when the server is compromised. In this paper, we propose a novel generic compiler from PAKE to aPAKE in the Universal Composable (UC) framework by making use of Key...
Digital signatures ensure authenticity and secure communication. They are used to verify the integrity and authenticity of signed documents and are widely utilized in various fields such as information technologies, finance, education, and law. They are crucial in securing servers against cyber attacks and authenticating connections between clients and servers. Additionally, encryption is used in many areas, such as secure communication, cloud, server and database security to ensure data...
The field of distributed certification is concerned with certifying properties of distributed networks, where the communication topology of the network is represented as an arbitrary graph; each node of the graph is a separate processor, with its own internal state. To certify that the network satisfies a given property, a prover assigns each node of the network a certificate, and the nodes then communicate with one another and decide whether to accept or reject. We require soundness and...
AES implementation has been vastly analysed against side-channel attacks in the last two decades particularly targeting resource-constrained microcontrollers. Still, less research has been conducted on AES implementations on advanced hardware platforms. In this study, we examine the resilience of AES on an ARM Cortex A72 processor within the Raspberry Pi 4B model. Unlike their microcontroller counterparts, these platforms operate within the complex ecosystem of an operating system (OS),...
In this article, we propose a generic hybrid encryption scheme providing entity authentication. The scheme is based on lossy trapdoor functions relying on the hardness of the Learning With Errors problem. The construction can be used on a number of different security requirements with minimal reconfiguration. It ensures entity authentication and ciphertext integrity while providing security against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks in the standard model. As a desired characteristic of...
A Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is a new type of security technology, implemented by CPU manufacturers, which guarantees integrity and confidentiality on a restricted execution environment to any remote verifier. TEEs are deployed on various consumer and commercial hardwareplatforms, and have been widely adopted as a component in the design of cryptographic protocols both theoretical and practical. Within the provable security community, the use of TEEs as a setup assumption has...
Kyber was selected by NIST as a Post-Quantum Cryptography Key Encapsulation Mechanism standard. This means that the industry now needs to transition and adopt these new standards. One of the most demanding operations in Kyber is the modular arithmetic, making it a suitable target for optimization. This work offers a novel modular reduction design with the lowest area on Xilinx FPGA platforms. This novel design, through K-reduction and LUT-based reduction, utilizes 49 LUTs and 1 DSP...
Digital signatures are fundamental building blocks in various protocols to provide integrity and authenticity. The development of the quantum computing has raised concerns about the security guarantees afforded by classical signature schemes. CRYSTALS-Dilithium is an efficient post-quantum digital signature scheme based on lattice cryptography and has been selected as the primary algorithm for standardization by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. In this work, we present a...