1b Hair Color

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How to choose a hair dye


Hair dye is a tool for quick change. It will help change the color of your hair to any other, paint over gray hair or just slightly refresh the existing color. In order to choose the right paint, you need to know the basic information about the different options.

How is paint labeled

The tool always shows several numbers. The first is the main color tone, the second is the shade, the third is the additional shade.

There are ten basic tones: 1 - black, 2 - saturated chestnut, 3 - intense brown, 4 - chestnut, 5 - muted brown, 6 - dark blond, 7 - muted blond, 8 - light blond, 9 - blond, 10 - blonde blond.

There are seven shades: 0 - natural, 1 - blue pigment with violet, 2 - green, 3 - yellow-orange, 4 - copper color, 5 - red-violet, 6 - violet pigment with blue tint, 7 - red-brown.

There are also seven additional shades: 1 - ashen, 2 - purple, 3 - golden, 4 - copper, 5 - mahogany, 6 - red, 7 - coffee.

When only two digits are indicated on the paint, it means that there are no additional amplifiers in it.

Choosing a paint is based on the main tone that you want to get. Then you need to decide whether you want this tone to be with a special shade, and only lastly look at the third digit.

For example, if you want to get a natural dark blond hair tone, you need to buy dye 6.0. If you choose a paint labeled 6.4, the light brown will have a coppery tint. When stained with a shade of 6.6, the hair will also be dark brown, but will acquire a purple tint.


What you need to know about color fastness

Means for hair coloring can be ammonia-free, semi-permanent and permanent.

Non-ammotic paints, including tinting ones, do not penetrate deep into the hair and do not spoil its structure, but they do not last very long on the hair. They cannot paint over gray hair.

Semi-permanent dyes also lack ammonia, but due to their composition they are more stable than ammonia-free, and also do not destroy the hair structure. They last longer than ammonia-free, but in terms of durability they can not be compared with permanent ones.

Permanent contain ammonia, which penetrates deep into the hair and significantly changes its color. Usually gray paints are painted over with such paints. Ammonia affects the hair - the natural pigment may disappear, the hair can become dry and weak.

What useful substances can be in the composition of paints

It is important to carefully read the composition of the paint, not only in the search for ammonia - it is good if vitamins, proteins, keratin, oils are present in it. This can be jojoba oil and aloe vera, silk and rice proteins, honey extract, olive extract.

 What to do before staining

Your color can be selected by color type - a combination of eye color, skin and natural shade of hair. It is desirable that the new color is in harmony with the natural.

Paint can cause allergies, so before applying it to the hair, you should check the reaction on a small area of ​​the skin. If you do not want to take risks, you can buy a hypoallergenic hair dye.

You can not keep the dye on your hair longer than the recommended time - this can change the color that you wanted to get.