White Paper by


Issue No. 15 of White Paper by is being released on paper for the first time and we would like to dedicate this section to review the interviews I have conducted since its first release in October 2020. These interviews have become a working document and, in some cases, works in themselves due to their content. Each issue had a general theme in which we tried to collect the testimony of the featured artist as a feature, as well as an artistic intervention of great symbolic content in some cases and very theoretical in others.

These interviews compile the main national, regional and international indicators of what the interviewees think about their work, their contribution to the art world, and above all, what I was most interested in and what I ended up asking them all, which is none other than the state of Spanish art in the world, its appreciation and location from outside our borders. Thus, I interviewed artists with an outstanding and influential role in the Spanish contemporary scene, and whose career runs through various international and

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