Codigo de Fallas Generador Geh200

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cnc neh etn a can (Perkins 1306-87 electronic engines automaticaly record engine fauts inthe Electrorie Control Module (ECM) to assist the aap Ne incr taeda Se te emma Bae nests Sen areas . a of codes may be observed: “active” and “inactive” codes. Active coves ere new faults identitieg which must be rectfied before the generating sot is cporated aga. Inactive codes are all codes which nave Deen prev : 39 coves which nave been prewcusly Tet ak rig Sgn po nd tt ae. hp tan Se Se tm eene, gapemuen ee eae ceca ee Shore are no acive codes retzined inte memory ofthe EOM, te red lm wil fash cnce, ren the amber lamp wil there are any active codes reiainec in the memory of the ECM. the red lamp wil flash once. The active codes wil ‘hen flash on the amber lamp. I there is more than one code tnere willbe a Shon delay between codes. ‘+ When all of the active codes nave bean sown, the red lamp will ash twice, Then, if there are any inactive codes ‘elained, the amber lamp will ash 2 code. sf there is more then one code there wil be a short delay between coces. ‘+ Whoa the tests comploie, the red lamp wil flach three times. Make a note of any codes that are shown. Active codes will become hiactve If he testis done for g seccnd tme. ft ~ 1. RedLamp | 2 Ambor Lamp & © 3 Pushbuttons Flash ‘Condition description Comments Probable causes code | iit [ No erors found = = 112 | Electrical eystern votage B+ out of | ECM voltage & ceniinuovsly more | Charging system faut ange: high than 18 TIS [Electrical system voltage B= Gu ot | ECM vottage continuously ees | Low batieny vollaga, Loose range: ow than 6 SV. Cause a! no star / Connections. High resistance in misire cuit 14 | Engine coolant temperature signal | Detauts t 180°F (@2°C). Signal | Shon Geutte eanh ut of renge: ow ‘otage less than 0.1274 TIE | Engine coolant t=nperature signal | Defauks to 180°F (62°C), Signal | Open Grou Sensor fallre ‘cut of range: high votage greater than 4.6V Tai [Manifold arrpressure sgral out of | Defaults to ECM setting. Low Sensor falure f I range>high power. Slow accoleraten. Signal r voltage greater than 4 6V $22 | Mantald ar pressure Sgnal out oT | Defaults to ECM setting. Low ‘Shon GST Sain, Sensor aire range: low | power. Stow acveleraton. Signal | voltage greeter tian 4.6v | 123 __| Manifold air pressure fault in Defauits to ECM seting. Low Hose ar sensor for manifold air range | power. Slow acceleration pressure Diocked 24 | ineotion Santrol proasure signal | Defaults to open-loop contra ‘Shon circuit to low. Open eeu ‘ut of range: low Undertun at low iale. Signal voltage | Sensor failure less than 0.036 725 | Injection conivol pressure ©gnal | Defaults to open loop conver ‘Shor cca io high Sensor talure ‘out of range: high ‘Underrun at low idle, Signal voltage | (greater han 4,897V 131 | Speed control signal out ofrange: | Signal voltage ess thar’ 0.152V. | Shor creuittweath. Open circuit | low Engine a iow idle on Sensor failure. TG2_ | Speed control signal out of range! | Signal voliage greater than 456V. | Short circuit to reference vollage oF high Engine icle only 12 vols. Sensor falure THT Speed contol signal taut ‘Speed control posfion does net] Speed contro failure 1 range matcn tne iale valdaton swt. | Kept to 0% of Speed contol positon him | Se00d corel postion coos not | Kept to Oh of Speed worl ‘Speed cortvol and ile validation ( match tho idle validation ewich. | positon witch favre “TEE EGM iow ice valication saiteh | Spoed contiel postion doesnot | Idle validaion ewich fiure | faut match the idle validation switch apt to 50% of Speed control postion. Engine speed limited ‘Wahicle speod signal out cfrange: | Speed sonsor signals less an ‘Sensor open circu oF Shor arcu row (0.48 (0 Kmhimph). Cruise contol | to earin a nor PTO net engaged. Engine 142" | Vehicle speed signal out of range: | Speed sensor signals greater than | Show creull to reference velage | bigh 4.482v (0 Km'umpr. Ta vors % Cruise control nor PTO not engaged s TéS | Wrong number of pues per Intemnitent signal Poor connection or eamstait ravolfion rom the eamenat positon senacrialure position sensor 144 Imerference found at he Ganerat | ECM jeund excessive extemal Trierference, Injector unk velaga. postion sensor shor circut to earth 745] No signa from the canta Found by the ECW ‘Short Sreuito earth, Open Grout pposition sensor but the injection Senscrtailure . “control pressure has increased | 3 T5i* | Barometric pressure signal out of | Signal volnge greater than 4.5V or | Shon sreult high o” open aveul range: high more than 1 second. Sensor failure Dofauits to 101 KPa (14.7 bVing) | TSE" | Baromeirc pressure sgral out? | Signal vottaga less than TOV Tor] Shar Sreult to earth ow range: low move than 1 second, Defaults to 191 at kPa (14,7 lind) 1.0 kglion2 _ Intake air temperature signal out | Signal voltage lees tian 0.127V, | Shor ereuitto earth 154) of range: ow Dotauits to 170°F (77°C) 5 | Tntake av temperature signal out | Signal vollage greater han @6V. | Open oveuit 7 1SS_ ot range: ngn Detauits to 170°F (77°C) Bi | Engine oll pressure signal out of | Signal voltage less than O1GS6V | Shar avout earth ow range: iow. 212 | Engine oll pressure signal out of | Signal vollage greater than 4.8 | Shor crcultto earn high or open range: high | aireut | BIS" | Rervote speed control cut oF Flamate speed contial sgnalless | Open creull range: ow Bia | Remote speed control out oF Hlamote speed conticl signal greater | Shor crcl earth range: high | [22i- | Gruse7PT0 (erremoie PTO) | ‘Signal voliage incorrect, does not | Shor circult or high resistance in ‘saitcn fault match the switch position the speed control circut [PERT Brake swich cireuitfauk Vokage to pins 43 and 44 on the | Switch or relay fauty or incomeally | in ECM are not the eama adjusted [as Sensor Tor engine ailpressure | Signal greater than 276 KPa (20 | Faully cout connection Sensor | aury: in range Ibifna) 28 kgtfem2 win me enghe | talure start key in the “ON" positon. Engine protection disabled St) ATA data lin faut ‘ATA link open or short circuit, VPM) ATA ceviee earthed or overloaded L234 "Bag" | Engine coolant evel emtoh faut Sort Sieuk 1 earh oF open creat 241 | Rleguisiorforinjecton contro’ | Ouiput @rsul tect in engine-offtect | Open cicult or short circuit to earth [pressure failed the ouput crcut test 244 | Engine data Ink faled open creat | Cuput Greuk est in engine-offtest_| Open Groul or shan creut earth | test 254 | Open circuit test out of range: igh High valiage during open circut test_| 255 | Open circuit test out of range: ew | = ‘Low voltage during open circuit test | BIt | Engine ol temperature signal out | Signal voltage less greater 4.By cof range: low Defaults to 12°F (1000) ‘Short circuit te oarth ‘BI2__| Engine ollfemperature signal out | Signal voltage less than 02 Open creat fof range: high Defaults to 212°F (100°C) [S13 [Engine of pressure below waming | Oil waming Fant on No of of ow ollievel Fauky level | regulator. Suction pipe dlocked oF | damaged. Worn main bearings. ‘Wom oil pump. ‘B4__| Engiie ol pressure below critical, Engine wiletop, Whe option le | No ol or low oillovel Fautin level regulator. Suction pipe biecked or ‘camaged. Wom main bearings. . Worn oil pump. ‘SHE | Engine speed exceeded waming | ECM recorded an engine speed | Incorect use of gears in autornotve lr greater than 000 revimin pplication Ei] Ergra cocart temperature above | Coan emporatire greater tian | Caving spate fu vwaming level 224.57 107 [SBT rare cociart tamper toa] Conant temperatire eaartian | Casing Sten far high 233.6°F (112.5°C) _ Frogs cooart ive bac cM nds low ecoart ever | Cooma evel iow Learage ot veamingtevel coolant TEE Power reduced io match cooing | Engh poner weauced Tigh alide orhigh amber Syston performance ternpersture 337 injection corto pressure bo High | Injedtion cone pressure ave 25 | Shon orout we earthy Regutor Moa (9575 tind) valve stuck ot 2260 kglen? ‘aie! Tijeeten corte pressure nave] Sensor signal votage Rghar Bian | Show cTaur ie wolage Sensor Tau | ‘spectication witn the engine ott _| expected with he engine oft "HSS ineten corto pressure below] Pressure does net maton ne Sabu | Incorrect specication areatre oF | | best velue signal for a long period of time Air in the lubricating oil, Leakage at the ©’ ing forte jector unt Fogulator fa Jat Tejcton conto pressure dees net | Prewoure doce not math the OBE | Incorectspecfenion Wbroatng OT reach comes! pressure nthe | signalfor aston period ol time | Arinthe Linatng ol, Leakage at tine alowed she Org forme mec" unk | Regulator au RE Tchr conte pressive does net | Lose han 57 Mpa (2S BTV ST | Arinthe Mnroatng ol Faun he increase during engine xtfemz ater 10 seconds of | ng pressure usreatog of Cranking - cranking | sytem BSE] Injacion sortilpreseure dees nat ‘ieakage of ubrcang a orfaatn reach the eoren pressure shohigh -preceure ubnoeing oi system Tat Rambart myocar ont apen | Found by the EW Injector unk waSreal wig ay coc gh orn open crcu, 7B [Rumber 2 ivecarnitopen | Found oye EM injector unk seireal wig oor cut Hgh oon : open eeu [Ha] Number’ injector anit open” | Found bythe EO Injector un lecreal wing ore | routs high oon open eres TE] Number 4 injector ont open Found bye ECM Injector ant WSCA wg oer | ciroult: high oF low | open circuit @E—T Number injector ronan Found by re EMT injector unk BSG wing oor cut Fgh oon apen creut 5] Number injector open Found’by the EO injector unk wif oom open GreaE | rut high oF on a WI] Number t injector unt shen —— Found’by the EW injector and slecrcal wig loom rot high oro shoned hight low 42 | Nomber® ijesoruntahed Found bythe EON "njctor un were wirng oor rout high orion shored nigh ow [23] Nurber’3 wjectoraniteben Found by te EGNT injctor unt eiecrea wg OOM | routs high oriow shotad Nigh ow [SR Rumber 4 ryecoranistet | Foundby tre 2M injesor une eecreal wr BOM rev righ orion shorted hgh wow WSS Numbers injector ont shod — Faand by the EM Injector unt eecrcal wing oom | Sr high orion shoted igh lw [aE Rumber wjeatoranitaben | Foundby he EG Injoctor ant accra wig oom | rot high oro shorted nigh low TEST Number jectoruritaher creat | Found by te EGMT injector unt electical wing oom toe or ear gh | shorted to oar ow GE] Number? rector unt shew Great | Found by the ECM Injector unt slecncal wig bom 10 B+ or eanh: nigh | ‘shorted to earth: low WSS Numbers riectr unt show Great | Found bythe ECM Tinjesor unt etecreal wring loom tobe erearts gh | shorted to earth ow [SSE [Number4 wjector ustshon areat | Found by the ECM injector unt eecircal wg oh tocor oat high Shorted to cath ow WET Namber§njector ont eho seat | Found by the EK "Injostor une olecreal wring loom tobe crear ngh snorted to sath ow [Number 6 rector ont show areat | Found by the ECM Tinjtor unt w ecreal wring loom {oBe of eer nh __shotadito sath low 45i__[ Number t riecor unt show ereat | Found by he ECM - tocar | EE | Naber reser sh ca | Found ye EE 7 ton | TEE | Number’ Fodor aren areal | Foundby the EH 1 toearh ary Number 4 injector unit short circuit | Found by the EOM a f toesrn lass Number 5 injactor unit shor’ circuit | Found by the ECM ~ ‘earn 56 "Number 6 injector unit shan arcu | Found by the ECM tocar | 461 ‘Number 1 injector unit failed the | Found by the ECM ig contiovtion test WEE humor? injector ont faled te | Found bythe ES : ] contnesion tet | [ABST Hamoer3 iectorartTaleg te | Found by the EG contrbution test WEE humberé nectoruntaiea te | Found bythe EOW contrbution vst GS | Number injector unitfalec the | Found by the ECM — conirouton test BT Number rector untaes he | Found by the ECW donirouion test [sis] Bank open cca ow Wisco Unis Tor nae | 2ands | Oban Srsur have an open ereui the hgh whinge upoy o ereeraarr ee nestor urs forihdors 4, Band 6 | Open oveur nave an opan ceit nthe high 2 wltage supp 3 BSR SReAGICaTIO SAAS’ BH | eccor uns for ofnders .Zand's | Shon cream wiing eam ‘5/S| tow have shor eicult to earth o Bs. ‘Sat ‘Bank 2 short circuit to earth or B+: | Injector units for cylinders 4, 5 and 6 | Short circuit in wiring loom tow have shor cut earth or Be 324] Shor avait between bark Tand | Shor oreuit betwoon barict ard] Show Grell in wing loom bank? bank? SBE Tnjooor ane Sverersut Teak Engine wing Kem aa Injector unt wang oor fa ECM EEA cnadie to supply sttoert faut stage to jectorunts BIZ cores: EoN sisleg Tortie | No mnaan between he ECan ve | Wearen EO ited camsnat ming ae camshaft positon sersor " Ba Engine fail air cade ard] ECM proyerming laut Canpanenis na compas] ECM do not nator _ | Si mgine using sole rating Engine spoies ALES, defac | EON veiled ba nol programmed | | EAE rain wag Tot Svea ang | Engine Wed to TSO TIF Gpions | ECM aaliod knot pOSO [astavalanie BS [Tad anor ang Sode : | EGar nar prosaramed creciy "| Faded acive Programming pebien iret | 62d. 2s | EOMaul EM sofware fauk apiece EW, 1526. | Unexpected ECM reset faull | Tomoorary ECM poner falure | Satery eonnesion Tat at] ROM col tot fauk ech faire ‘rtomal EON aut aa Rania aah ave era Sona [E55 | Prograrnabie parameter iavel | Pregramming peblem EON Programming fat incompattne merry problem GSI] RAM programmable paraear IS | Precramming orlem EOWA Pagarmna aah coms: sremory problem G54 | Calbraton evel ncompaibe | Programming proiem Paganng sen 865 | Programmable parameier memow | ECM aikze [ine Enea | contertsorot "These bodes, if flashed, wil pot affect the operation ofthe engine in a generating set application Note: “The engine protection eystems e.g. low cll pressure, nigh coolant temperature, ae within the contro! the generabrg set ‘control pane’, These sensors wil Snut te engine down before the ECM sensors, a .

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