Technical English

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rect Tcnico - Profesionol


Harry Jara Frias AIiciaLobosPoblete

nea Tcnico- Profesional Technical English 1 Harry Jara Fnas Tcnica del Estado Profesor de Ingls, Univensidad y Ciencia Tecnologa Profesordel Liceo Politcnico Alicia Lobos Poblete Tcnicadel Estado Profesorade Ingls,Universidad Alberto Hurtado del Pnofesona Cenho Educacionel Santiagode Chile Salesiana, Editor: Editorial Salesiana Composicin,diseo y diagramacin: Depto. de Arte de Editorial Dibuios; CanlosMinanda Ns Inscnipcin BB.4O1 l.S.B.N.:956 - 1B - 0182 - 5 Jana Frias y Alicia Lobos Poblete @ Hanny SALESIANA O EDITORIAL Bulnes35 Santiagode Chile Chile todos los derechos. Resenvados fonma, total o parcialen cualquien su Prohibida neproduccin del expnesa editony del fotocopia,sin autonizacin inclusive pnopietario los denechos. de lmpresor: Salesianos Bulnes19 Santiagode Chile en Esta segundaedicinse termin de impnimih el mes de enenode 1995.


en el aspecto social y cul:ral han de Las cir.cunstancias vida del hombre modenno poca de tanto que se puede hablar con razn de una nueva cambiado profundamente, la han abierto panaperfeccionan cultura la historia humana. Por ello, nuevoscaminosse que han sido preparadospol'el ingente progreso caminos y darte una mayor expansin. por el desarrollode la y natunales de las humanas,incluidaslas sociale-q; de las ciencias de y recta organizacin los medios que potcnica, y tambn por tos avancesen el uso aqu provienenciertas notas carcnen al hombre en comunicacincon los dems. De crco; los actual: las ciencias exactas cultivan al mximo eljuicio terscas de la culbr.lra profundidad la actividad hucon mayor ms recientes estudios de la sicologa explican aspeccontribuyen mucho a que las cosas se vean bajo el mana; las ciencias histricas enden a unifontos autosde vida y las costumbres y to de su mrltabilidad y dems agents que pnomue"*ru"iont la ms y ms; la industrializacin, urbanizacin los "* de cul.lra (cultr'lna masasl' de las que ven la vida comunltaria crean nuevas formas de y descansar;al mismo tiempo, el crciente ntennacen nuevosmodos de senn,actuan descubre a todos y a cada uno cambio entre las dlersas nacionesy grupos sociales formas de cuhura' y asi poco a con creciente amplbudlos tesoros de las diferentes que tanto ms promueve y va gestando una forma ms universal de cuhuna, ;;;"; sabe respetar las particularidades expresa la unidad del gnero humano cuanto mejor de las diversasculturas. y mujeres, de todo grupo o nacin, Cada da es mayor el nmero de los hombnes de su coy a que son ellos los autores promotores de la cultuna que enen y al mismo "on"i"n"i el sendo autonornia munidad. En todo el mundo crece ms y ms enorme importancia para la madurez espirilo empo de la responsabilidad, cual tienl filamos la mirada en la unificay moral del gnero humano. Esto se ve ms claro si tual de edificar un mundo meionen la vercin del mundo y en la tara que se nos impone de que est naciendoun nuevohudad y en la iustjcia.De esta manenasomos't""tigo" hapor la responsabilidad principalmente manismo, en et quJ hombre queda definido cia sus hermanosy ante la historia' [Vaticano||-Documentos,BAC,lggl,Const.GaudiumetSpes,t\F54y55).


Today it is very clear the importance of englishas a means of world communication in the industry,commertre, scienceand technology.Englishis the essentialtool to make possiblethe technicalknowledgeof students who need to be related with topics of thern fuLurecarers as technicianson engineens. The main purpose of this textbook is to providethe studenLsthe basic gnammatical to and lexicalstructures of technicalenglishin onden improvethein comprehensionand, their own ideas in technicalmatbers. to if possible, make them communicate Since the attention ls dinected mainly to the language, not to technical details of english matenials,tools on machines,the text can be used with confidenceby gener-al technicalknowledge. teachenswho have liuule The vocabularyand grammar have been canefullyselected and gnaded. They ane common to technical litenatureon woodwork, metalwork,technical drawing, mechanics on elecbricity. The texUis dividedinto five units, each one based on technicalmaterial of all tnades. Ahhough it is assumedthat students using this book have alreadyreceiveda certain tr.ainingin the english language at the basic school, there is a fir-st unit intended to neededat this level. check some genenalgramman requinements in linguiscmatenialis presentedthrough common siLuations dialogues,picbures The texbs.Then, it can be pnactisedand reinforcedin vocabularyand gramman and r-eading exercises,which may be onalon wnitten. Charts containingthe main grarnman points in the unit, and some games to make are found at the end of each unit. the classworkmore attnactive, neadingsane a helpfulnesourcefor the teachen, used as complementany The motivation, and they can give the most advanced students the possibilityto improve thein comprhensionin englishand the abilityto tnanslateenglishtechnicaltexts. All the technical vocabularyand venbs introduced in this finst book are listed at the end of it. English7 is the result of many years of experiencein teachingthe language Technical at secondarytechnicalschools. We expect the contents will help the students to become familiar with technical english at, a basic level and at the same time be a valuablecontributionfon the pnocess. improvementof classroom activitiesin the teachingand leanning




tr ffiinEcEue

These students are visitingthe new school. They ane very pleasedto meet their new teachensand classmates.Let's go with theml

At the workshoP this? me, 1: STUDENT Excuse what's TE A CHE R:lt'sa h a mme n .


STUDENT 2: ANd this? WhAt'S IhiS? T E AC H E F :l t' s a fi l e .

1: STUDENT And these?What are these? TEACHEF : They'renatls.


Foi'ep'-pe. 6c nrne we have a T.V. There ane may technicalobjects eveArrrhene. pain of scissors. In an :frce nEfnd a typewriten,a set, a reconoer, a camena on a - computenand a telephone. In a laboratory,thene 6[ -'iiEl-y :-r@s, some bunners too'lsarc --a::- nes. there are diffenent In and micnoscopes. a wonkshop


F A. EXERCISE Look at the exampleand then answer the que--,rc^s Ih sme way.

is? 1. Wt'ra's-'l^

4( 1

2. \Nhas this?

3. Whasthis?

4. Whats this?

5. Whasthis?

6. Whads this?


B. EXEFICISE Answer these questionsas in the example.

1. What are these?

2. What are these?

3. What anethese?

4. What anethese?

5. What are these?

C. EXERCISE Now, you make the questions.

D. EXERCISE Answenthese questions.Look at the example.


It's a car.

1. What's that?

Is2. What's that?

3. What's that?

4. What's that?

5. What's that?

6. What's that? E. EXERCISE Answer these questionsas in the example'

1. What anethose?

2. What are those?


as in the example' F. EXERCISE Describethese obects

Whas this?


What's this?




Whats that?


Whas that?

- f\

EXEFCISE Answenthe quesons in the examples. G. as

E)(AMPLES: ls this a car?

Yes, it is.

ls tlrat a birycb?

No, it isn't. lt's a motorcycle,

1. ls this a telephone?

2 . Are these bolts?


. Are those cars?

. ls that a nadio?

5. ls that a typewriten?

6 . ls this a saw?


LET'S HAVE FUN WITH THE WORDS! wondscan you find in this square? How manytechnical direction. Findthem in any

B E N S T Y N N X E C E E o W






T A c N B L S J L L K T A A R A D I



Z T Y. F E D N T H A M M E R W

T C K S A W Y o T D B c D X R D K L A c E L S A W B K G X A F L E L C E U H A M E R A H E E L N

L T o E R L

ARE GUESS.......WHAT THEY? 1. 2. 3. 4. lt's heavY. lt has a head and a handle. We use it at home and atwonk. Peopleuse it to nail.


1. 2. 3. 4.

lt's made of Plastic. lt rings. colouns' Theneane in diffenent it fon communication. We use

ANSWER:'satool. 2. lt's long and thin. 3. lt has a metal blade. 4. Canpentersuse lt.


Lesson two


at school' In the prctunewe can The students are in their first WOFKSHOPCLASS see manythings. ^^r - k^^r,-r^, -^ Theneisaworkbenchinfnontofthewindow.Thetoolbox,asawandahacksawa|.c next to the toolbox' The toolbox is behind the on the wonkbench.Thesaw is is hacksaw.Thene a viseto the left of the wonkbench' is a mask in the tool cabinet'A The tool cabrnetis in the corner of the room.Thene is pot of paini" unden. - Th"." is a calendaron the wall. lt is betweenthe windowand the door^. the workbench'Thereis a machine The teacher anOt\^iostudents ane to the nightof behindthem


rhe R.e<d following diologues:

$ iilie"r<rgw,*

Here we ane.This ts the wonkshop. TEACHER: 1: STUDENT ls very big IEACHER: There are tools and there are machines. 2: STUDENT Where "." in" machines?

Behindyou. Theyanebehindyot,. TEACHER: 1: STUDENT What's that on the workbench? lt's TEACHEF: a toolbox. 2: STUDENT What's insidethe toolbox? There are some hand tools. TEACHER:

* ffi$m$wg*sm
Yes... so you want a saw. TEACHEF: That's right. STUDENT: Ther TEACHEB: e is one on the workbench. ls STUDENT: this a saw? No, TEACHEF: it isn't. That's a hacksaw. The saw is biggen. Whene is it then? STUDENT: It's TEACHER: next to the toolbox. 0.K. STUDENT: Theneit is.



A. EGFICISE Are these sentencestnue on false? Look at the pctune page 19. on

1. The saw is on the wonkbench. 2. The students ane to the left of the wonkbench. 3. There are two teachers in the wonkshop. 4. The mask is unden the wokbench. 5. The toolboxis next to the saw. 6. The wonkbench in frant of the door'. is 7. There is a machinebehindthe students 8. Theneare some hand tools inside the toolbox. 9. The calendan betweenthe door and the window. is

B. EXERCISE Completewit the nightpneposhions. Look at the reading on page '19.

is....... 1 . The hacksaw 2. The saw is.... '3- The calendan is............. is......... 4- The workbench 5. The $udents are....... ..... 6. The teacheris... 7-TE handtoolsar......... 8- TfE viseis....,..-

..thewonkbench. ........thetoolbox. ..........the windowand the door.. ...thewindow. ...theworkshoo. ..thedoon. .....the toolbox. ..............of wr'kbencn. the

C. EXERCISE Look at the picture on page 19 and answenthe questionsas in the example.


1. Where is the calendar? 2. Where is the pot of paint? 3. Whene is the tool cabinet? 4. Where anethe machines? 5. Where is the vise? 6. Where is the mask? 7. Where is the workbench? 8. Whene anethe students?

and then answen the questions the same way in D. EXERCISE Lookat the examples ? THERE........ HOW MANY ..... ....ARE

Oueson Ansvver Oueson Answer

How many tools are there on the workbench? Thene are rree tools on the workbench. How many calendars are there on the wall? There is a calendar on he wall .

'1. How many masks are thenein the tool cabinet?

2. How manytools are there in the toolbox"

E .,t, rranyses are ther on the wonkbench?

. i-+ow many nails are thene undenthe chair?

5. How many students ar there in the picture?

6. How many cans anethere in the garage?

E. EXERCISE Describeusing ttrere'rs ,/ rers are and the ight pneposttion'


There is a car in tlre ganage. CAF/GARAGE


pot of paint/tool cabinet

calendar,/window the door and




conversation. F. EXERCISE Match the following


What's that?

Al lt's on the workbench.

whene is the saw?

Bl There is one in the tool cabinet.

Wh a ....f.......... e n e rt h es t u d e n t s ?

CJNo ,it is n ' t

1).. .... what arethose? L...... ls t h isa t e le p h o n e ?

EJlds a tool.

Fl Theyare in the workshop.

to G. EXERCISE Change the Plural.

1. Theneis a wnenchon the table.

2. lt is a calculator.

3. This is a screwdriven.

4. Theneis a bolt in the toolbox.

5. That is a T.V. set.

6. lt has a screen.




I Eliiaqlog*se

These boys ane talking about bikes.

BOY 1: This is my bike.

BOY 2: lt looks new.

new. BOY 1: lt's neally

BOY 2: ls it biggerthan the old one?

BOY 1: Yes, and it is faster,tool



Two men are talking about transporG. towen? MAN 1: Excuseme, where is the ENTEL MAN 2: lt's on AlamedaAvenue.You can go there by bus on by underground. MAN 1: Which is betten? but MAN 2: Well, it's quickerby underground, I think it is more interestingby bus.

you MAN 1: Thank verymuch. welcome. MAN 2: You're


Means of tnanspolt Thene ane many different means of transport nowadays.We have cai-s :--= tnain,the bicycle, etc. the trucks, trains, ships,airplanes, undergnound The bicycle one of the cheapestmeans of transport and helpsman to Keep =-: is ctean. at the same time maintainhis environment and oil fror.' c.: fruits, machinery Shipsane used fonthe tnansportof naw matenials, to continent anothen. tnuckscanryall kindsof products and busestnanspor!pe3p= Fonshortendistances, one in the specially Eunope, tnainis the most populan In many countries, The underground[on subway]in Santiago,as in the biggestcities of the lvc^: fast, cheap, safe, comfortable and efficient,because it uses electricityas a scLl: energyand also helpsto improveour lifecondrtions. Many people pneferthe can when they go to their jobs and familiesus= camprng. transport and o^= :' -j-. =3-=i is The ainplane the fastest means of passengers' it too. Believe on not!


l. Gomprehension exelcises

EXERCISE Sav if these statements are tnue or false. A. 1 . The bicycleis one of the fastest means of Eransport. 2. Shipstransport naw materials fnom one placeto another. 3. The can helpsto impnove lfe conditions big cies. our in 4. The ship is the most importantmeans of passengers'tnansport now. 5. The bicyclehelps everybody keep fit. to 6. In Chile, the bus is the most populan means of tnansport.

B. EXERCISE Completethese sentences.Use the words given below.

towenisn't...... 1 . The ENTEL 2. Truckscanryall.... is 3. Electricity the.. 4. Busestransport... 5. ls the underground....... 6. A bikeis......... 7. A: Thankyou very much. B: You're...

....Ahumada Boulevard.
^f p,uuuu-. .v, ^* ,,+^

.of energy used by the subway. cities? big ..........than motonbike. a




_. -

ll. Bammar


?GBCISE A. Look at the examplesand then make sentencesin the srrie ,"",E,

The can is fastr than the bicvcle.













The mutdicaonis mae diffult than the addon.










B. EXEBCISE Answenthe questions as in the example'

1. Which is safer,the subwayon the bus?

2. Which is more difficult,Mathematics or Physics?

a 3. Which is more expensve, latheor a hand drill?

4. Which is weaken,iron or lead?

japanese cars on genmancars? 5. Which ar mor popular,

6. Which are smallen,nuts ot bolts?

on February March? Whichis longer,

C. EXERCISE Make sentencesfrom this chart.




degnee. D. EXERCISE Let's compare these objects in the supenlative

The file is the longes of the three.

moan q







BIG of the three.

ml tu l Wn


of them.



, . . . h=:

E. EXERCISE Let's compar these things in the positrve degnee.


D AN a==__:
Electricity as dangeFous as is




Grqmmqr study

THIS 4 THAT > Singular

+ THESE 4 + THOSE + Plunal

| ^^ LU5 nonc

^.1;^|i ,,^^ dUIEUT VU J n loi nq

Thisis a car. Thatis a bus.

These ar cars. Those ane buses.

plurals: Al Fegulan

lll. How many... are tlrerc...?

lllll lllrl




ii ll

lV. Some pnepositions Prepositionsof place Usamos estas pneposiciones ln front of On Next to 'Behind To the left of tn Unden Between To the right of

obietos' describir hare fhasl pana emplear Podemos has EJEMPLO:ThetelePhone a dial' Carshavewheels'




Two workels meet a lunch me in a factory' WORKER1: What are You? WOFKEF 2: l'm a mechanic' WORKER1 : What kind of work do Youdo? WORKER2: I do the maintenanceon cars and tnucks' And what aboLru You? WORKER1: I nepairelecrtcalmachineg' 2: WORKER So you are an electtician' WOFKER1: That'snight!


F rr .j

When a person uses his handsto wot k, we say that he has a tnade. works,withwood. He burldshouses.He works on the sli For example,a canpenter He uses a saw, a hammenand nails. also wonkswith wood, but he makes small things. He jotnswooden pleces A joiner. and tables,too. He can make doors and windowhames. He makeschains A welder works with iron or steel. He wonkswith a weldig machine.He sometimes uses a torch. He makes steel on ircn fnames.He cuts metal pieceswith a hacksaw. plumbes lay and repain pipes. They make differentthings to contnolwater".They Theymust know often,makeroofs and guttens.Theywonkwith lead on other matenials. too aboutwelding, They do repairs on machines.They also do the Mechanicskeep machinesnunning. on maintenance cars on tnucks. He wires housesor buildings. repairs machineswhich use electnictty. An elecrrician and screws' He alwaysuses wires, pliers, scnewdnlvers woks wrth a lathe on othen machines. He makes metal pleces and he works A fitter^ with iron and steel. painters work wrth brushes and paint. They pnotectwalls, fnames,or therlhings from the weathenand make them look nice


l. Gompre*rensionexercises

A. EXERCISE Say if these sentencesanetrue on talse. 1 . A canpenterwonkson the site. 2. The welder makes steel on inonframes. 3. Joinerswork with steelon inon,too. repainselectricalmachines. 4. An elecbl'ician laysand repairspipes. 5. The mechani 6. All wonkersmust know aboutwelding.


B. EXERCISE Completethese sentences.Use the words gen below. uses pliers,.. 1. An elec'ician 2. The plumbensometimes makes 3....... 4. A joiner makes doonand window 5. The fittenworks with a 6. A ........ the wonka persondoes. .....wonkwithwood. and screws. .. and gubbers. 1,

frames carpenteFs trade

tnucks lathe screwdrivers

brush roofs hands

DGRCISEC. March section A with section B. Write the numbenon the line.


P He joinswoodenpieces. uses a saw, hammers and nails. 4H. _/-He wonkswith brushes end paint. _ He repairs trucks. /l He wires houses. 'ir ne taysptpes. metal pieces. Ll"cuts

ll. Gamman exercises form of the underlined verb. A.Write the third percon singulan EXERCISE

build machines, a carpenterbuilds houses. buL Engineens cut 1 . Carpentens woodenpieces,but the welden.... 2. I keep the tools in a box, butthe teachen 3. Welders make iron frames, buba joiner repair cans,but a plumben... 4. Mechanics 5. They driretrucks, but my father 6.' He ........;.... ....... his hands.but I use tools. metal pieces. .-.them on a shelf. .... woodenfnames. ........r'oofs. ..... a can.

,-' given bnackets in theseseinces. Usethe venbs B. EXERCISE Complete

1. A canpenter....... 2. Weldens 3. They.... 4. The elecFican... 5. 1.... 6. Plumbers......... 7. Workens B. Mechanics.......... L She 1O. We... .....houses. with iron. ... smallthings. .houses. screwdnivers. .........plpes. [build- builds] lwork - wonks] [make -makes] [wire - wines] [use - uses] flay- lays]

{n i \rt

r '- '- 1

....... the tools in good conditions. [keep- keeps] ....repains machines. on aboutwelding.
f l n

dnoc - vvvsj l

lknow - knows]

.........the housefrom the weather. [pnotect prtects]

advetbs as in the examples. C. EXERCISE Insert the fnequency

housi.tOFlENl modern build 1. They

wonkson the sibe.IFREGUENTLY] 2. A canpenten

oilthe machines. 3. Wonkers IALWAYSI

4. The headmaster is in the office. IUSUALLY]

5. I wonkwrth inonand steel. ISOMETIMESI

6. He'slare.INEVERJ

7. We keepountoolsin order.IGENERALLY]


two Lesson .".,111,1* ir,t r41li$ ;.1:i t,$


A good worker learns his tnade well and he does his best. He reads books or magazinesabout his 'ade to keep up to date in technicalmattens. He car-eshis tools and machinesand keepsthem in good conditions,becausehe knows they cost money. he lf thene ane difficuhies, does not stop. He tniesto solvethem. till He arrivesat work on time and he keepswonking time is oveneven if his boss is not neanhim. appliesfor a job, he needsto show a refenence. When a wonken The neferenceis a statement about the person'scharactenor abilities. A good referencefon a workenwould be likethis: "GEORGE SMITH is a good wonker.He knows his tnadevery well. and loyal.He is alwayspunctual. He He shows initiative. is responsible I necommendhim to perform any work in his tnade.


l. Gompnehension exercises A. EXERCISE Choosethe best alternave. worken: 1 ..A respon3-ible \ al does not wonk hard bl looks aftenthe machines cl works at a lathe which costs money he 2. When a worker gets ovendifficulties, shows: al punctuality bl loyaly cl initiative 3. A'good worker arrives at work: al late bJon time j cJ at the end of the wonkingdaY 4. When a worker appliesfor a new job he has to show good: aJ character bl abilities c] neferences B. EXERCISE Say if these sentencesar tnue on false. matters. .......1 . A good wonkerkeepsup to date in technical .......2. He alwayscares his tools and machinery. 3. Tools and machinescost little money. 4. Goodwonkersstop working when the boss is not nean. 5. A reference is a statement about a wonkers abilities. 6. lf you applyfor-a ob, you don't need to be punctual.


D(EROSEC. Complete these sentences. Use the words given below. 1. Georgeknowshis............ 2. A good wonkertakes caneof his...... there are ......... 3. Somemes 4. He shows........ 5. He is fon 6. I am applying a ...... at work. and puncuuality. .. and loyal. ........verywell.

l. Gnammar exer-cbes Use do on does as in the examples. A. EI(EBCISE Make these sentencesintenrogative.

1. Hammenshave differentweights.

t 2 . Ma c h i n e s hel p man.

3.,A good workensolvesdifficulties.


4. The uld&r uses a torch.

5. A nail irins uruopiecesof wood togethen.

6. Batteries generate electricity.

B. EXERCISE Make these sentencesnegative.Use dont or doesn't as in the example.

machines. 1. We repainelectrical

english. technical 2. She understands

learnshis tnadewell. 3. The wonken

4. He arriveson time.

5. They make roofs and gutLens.

wonkwith wood. 6. Electricians



G Complete with doldoes or dont/ doesnt ..... fitUers . makemetalpieces? an electnician buildings? wire .. arriveat wor-k late.
. forgetsafetyrlesin the wonkshop. a plumben nepain roofis? a joinermakewoodenfi-ames? .... use machines. ......smokeneaninflammable materials. you understand the instnucbions? ...... neeo a reference.

+ -------..-.. e --.-.--.... 8, fud vrcr*ers.....

|.1b.----.........:...... -----.--.... j.. G. ---------.-............... ?- Frers 8" t----....... l" -----.-...... ilI- StE


D. Answen thesequestions [yeslno]

l- tb paintersuse toolsat work?

workwith a lathe? AIbes a plumben

at e Ib youshow initiative wor-k?

{. [bes a carpenter make metal frames?

5- bmds

help man?

E tb the students followthe instnuctions?

E. EXEflCISE Now, you makethe questions.

oil Yes, mechanicsusually theinmachines.

2 . .........
No, the plumbendoesn'twire houses.


No, fitEersdon't lay PiPes.

Yes, she needs extra information.




R e cd i n g

wonkswith br-ushes and paint.Sometimeshe can applypaint with a spnay A painten on a noller. Before he starts lo wonk,he pnepanes surface. First, he removesthe old paint. the Nex[, he cleansthe surfaceand then he fillsthe holeswith putty. Finally, selecfsand mixesthe paint.Now, he rs neady applythe paint. he to the nrghtquantrty paint. He does not waste paint. He does A good paintenapplies of not make a patchyjob erther. The cornectapplicatron mixbune paintis a task which nequires and great skill. of Parnting a tnadein whichthe painten is shouldknowcolouns well. When a colour has a little of another colour in it, we say that it has a "tinge".For instance,green with a yellowrsh tinge meansthat the green has a littleof yellowin it.



l. Gomprehension exercises

A. EXERCISE Say if these sentencesare true on false. can applythe paintwLh a rollen. 1. A painten the 2. Aftenhe finishes job, he cleansthe sunface. select and mix wrth care the pant. 3. Paintens 4. You don't require gneatskillto paint. ( of 5. A tinge is a slightmixtune colours. 6. A good paintenappliesthe nightquantityof paint.

B. EXERCISE Completethese sentences.Use the words in the chart below. 1 . Paintersfillthe ....... 2. A good painterdoes not make a 3. He prepares the surface shouldknow..... 4. The painten 5. He has to....... 6 | can applypaintwith a .. with putty. ... wonk. he starts the job. ... well. . old paintfir'st.




a Bammr


A. D(EFOSE Sayand wnite.

nemove ;i : I == -:1
nai nfr i i th=r =^l ^l ^^^ r }- ^ ^,.J ^^^^,

use bnushes? mix differentcoto-r:? applypaint wih a spray?

m ak e \A/aqte a nnnd n i nf? i nh?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. B. EXERCISE Sayandwnite.



C. EXEBCISE Answer these questions. 1. What do Painterswork wiuh?

t snl




wire? 2. What does an elecurician

3. What does the carpenter cut with the saw?

work? 4. Where does a canPenter

5. What do you use to Paint?

6. What does the paintendo before he starts to paint?


can you find here? How manytools,tnadeson matenials Lookthem up in any direction. lf you find 20 words you anea genious!

!L' f

1-\ '1

f / \./
















(J R



















Comoletethe crosswords with tnades.



'Grqmmcr sfudY

l. Simple hesent Tense Affirmativeform: I

a conresponde la 3- pefsona singular,el venboagrega ' Si el sujeto de la onacin Los venbosterminados en'.-s/-sh/<h/-x/n agregan-es'

Si el venbotermina en -y antecedidapor consonant,cambia la -y pot -i y agrega -es' Negativeform:

SHE DOES NOT Do not = dont Does not = doesn't

Con^acons: fonm: lntenrogative


y Usamos do y does como auxiliaresen la forma intenrogativa negativa,y pninciPal infinitivo. en venbo



'l'*-:'1:; i*,,1

D i ol ogue

Trc friends are planning thein ne)G summen hol'rlays. = =ND A: What willyou do next summer holidays? .-- =ND B: I'llhelp my father.We'll builda houseat the seaside. We will go there next week to measunethe sile. : =ND A: What will vou do fit'st? B: We'll see the postbon the house,the thickness the foundations, of of etc


A: FRIEND Willyoudrawa plan? wonk. B: FBIEND Of courseyes.We want to makean accurate go A: FRIEND Whenwillyou therthen? Saturday. B: FRIEND I thinkwe'llbe there nexL A: FRIEND CanI go with you? somehelp. We'llneed B: FRIEND O.K.
\.,- f


Accurate measunementis the basis of all technicalwonk.All wonkers use measuning tool is the nlen. tools. The simplest measuning We can measure the length, the height and the width of an object with the.rulen. We can measur a round object with a seel ta.

The ruler, as all measuningtools, is composed of units. These units are in centimetres on inches. unit The canme.e is a me"ic unit of measurement and the inch is the Bnitish of measurement. measuringdevices: Here are some ohen

The balance It is usedfor weighing verysmallobjects.

The speedomrer It is usedfonmeasuning speed.

The thermom'tet It is used fon measuring femoenatur.

The Vennier caliper It is used fon measuning internalon external dimensions.

Measuningtools are very lmportant tools, and we must keep them smooth and clean. Everytime you use a measuringtool, keep it away from other tools becausethey are not accunateif they become damaged.


l. Comprehension exe'cises A. EXERCISE Say if these statements are true on false. the widthof an oblectwith a nulen .......1.We can measure

in 2. Theunitsof a rulercan be marked inches. is verybigobjects. 3. Thebalance usedfor weighing roundobjects. calipen usedfonmeasuning is 4. TheVennier


5. The speed of a car is measuredwith the soeedometer.



6. The inch is a metnicunit of measurment.

B. EXEBCISE Answenthese questionsaccordingto the text.

tool? 1. Which is the simplestmeasuning

2. What is a centime'e?

3. What can we use to measure a round obiect?

4. What is a thermometer?

ll. Grammar exercises 1. We can write the numbers in words on in figurcs.


Les praccicethe number to measure accunatety. eehClSf A. Wnite these figures in words as in the example.

E)(AMPLE: 11 1.5



3.14 60

13 7 7 .2 't5 o.03 50.o5 2 .8

B. EXERCISE Wnite these numbers in figures.

t {#i


Twenty five One hundred and threeNinetyninethousand Zero point two Three point thnee thnee Two hundred and seventyone Fiftypoint five Onepoint seven.

Zero point zero zerc ntne Twelve

C. EXERCISE Read out these numbers.

671 75C,




542 400

o.04 o.30





the objects in the same way. 2. Look at the exampleand descnibe


Thisis a is 12 cm long, 12 cm high,and 12 cm wide.



3. Look at these pictures.

The length of the nuleris 1 m.

The heigh of the aerial is 10 m.

The wklth of the table is 1.5 m.

, t\



the objectsof exerciseB Now, you descnibe 1. The lengthof the cube is 12 cm. ......... The heightof the cube is.... Thewidth... is........ 2. The lengthof the matchbox The height.. The....... 3.The.. .......... The.. ......ofthecanis...............

The width. of the T.V.setis

4. Folldwthese ins'uctions. 1. Dnawa box 1.5 m long,1 m wideand O.5 m high.

70 2. Draw a bnidge m long, B m wide and 3.5 m high'

3. Dnawa bus 20 m long,3'5 m wide and 4 m high.

"K.%ocm 4. Dnaw a video reco


long, F"^wide and Fcmhigh' .71


5. Completethe followingsentences. 1. The dimensionsof the desk at which I am situingare: cm. cm, height........... 2. The dimensions of the house I live are: length .m. heighr........... 3. The dimensionsof out'workshop ane: length m. height........... cm, length

m, width ........'..m


m, width .........'. m




This is a is made of metal. lt has a front, a back and two sides. lt also has a top and a botlom. The top of the box ts the opensand shuts. lt has two hinges. A This box has a hasp and a padlock. key is insertedin the padlock. How many surfaceshas the box? It has six surfaces:the top, the bottom,the front, the back and the two sides' has the box? How manYSonnrs It has etghtconners. How manyedgeshas the lid? It has founedges.

are planes, lhe cornensane Points, the In Geometry, sur'faces and the edqesare lines.

OF THE DIMENSIONS THE BOX GIVING Horu long is the box? It is sixuycentimetres long. The lengh of the box is sixty centimetres. How high is the box? It is thirty five centimetres high. The height of th.e box is thirty five centimetres. How wirle is the box? It is fourty centimetres wkle. The wirlttr of the box is fourty centimetres.


l. Qompnehension,,exercbes A. EXERCISE Say if these statements are 'ue on false. 1. The toolboxis made of plastic. 2. The box has four sides. 3. The lid is the toP of the box. 4. The lid opens and sht-ts. the top and Ehebottom. 5. The box has two sunfaces: the 6. In Geometry, corners are planes. B. EXERCISE Completethese sentences.Use the wondsgivenon the nexLpage. has a front,a ........:..... 1. The toolbox 2. The edgesare ........... .. and two sides.

..... in Geometry
^+ . +F.^ F,^- . U I U I E U U A

3. We can measurthe length,the width and the 4. I insert a keyin the .... 5. The lidhas two ...... 6. The box has eight ..

edges lines hinges

back height sunfaces

padlock cornens bngth

partsof the trunk in the picture. C. the EXEBCISE Indicate following HINGES PADLOCK SIDES HASP FRONT TOP COBNERS EDtrS BACK LID BOTTOM HANDLE

ll. Gramman exer.cbes A. EXEBCISE Answenthe questionsaccordingto the piclures.

1. How high is the containen?

=.'* I

2. How long is the wall?

3. How wide is the room?

4. How high is the house?

5. Howlongis the saw?

B. EXERCISE Make the ouestions.

The.door is two metres high.

The handleis fourty centimetneslong.

Theboxhas sixsurfaces.

The height of the box is 35 centimetres.

The lid has foun edges.


lesson three

&rawi*g exhwnxse

shapes. drawingis made up of linesand geometnical Technical are: The basic drawing lines The thln line The thick line The dotted line

We use four basic geometricalshapes:

The rectangle

The tniangle

The circle

lf we want to build a house, we will use drawings.These dnawingswll snow-tne insideand outsidedetailsof the house. In the constructionof te house, we will need three types of dnawings: the elevation, the planand the section. The elevation is the view of everyside of the house. lf the house that we are building Theseelevations show the shape and has founsides,we must dnawfour elevations. will in sizeof door and windowsand theinoositions the walls,

The elevation


The Cil b the evv of the house frpm above. This plan will show the thickness of e Eifu and oubside walls and the positionof doors and windows. lt will also show the bngh and width of the rooms. For a onestorey house, we will draw three plans: the foundationplan, the first floon flan and the roof plan.

The plan The sestion cuts the house from top to bottom. lt will show the height of the rooms, ceiling and windowsand the thickness the floor and raof. of


The section You will notice that in the dnawing,construction or descniptionof any dnawing,accunatemeasurment is the basis fonthe best results at wonk.


l. Gdmpnehension exencises Exercise Say if these sentencesar tue or falSe. A. 1. The squar is a geomeLrical shape. 2. The broken line consists of ooints and lines.

we 3. To build house needat leastthree drawings. a is 4. Theelevation the ew of the housefrom above.
The section showsthe'height the ceiling. of ..............5. isn't Accuratemeasunement important technicaldrawing. in ..............6.

B. Exencice Completethese sentences.Use the words given below. ..... 1. Linesand geometnical 2 ......... 3. The 4. Drawingsshow the 5. A househas foun 6. The cuts .................. the housefrom top tobowom. dnawing. ..... make up technical

.......linesare basicin anydrawing. .... is a geometnical shape. ............ and outside detailsof a house.

',4\rammar \tfeRClSe

exercises these lines?(h/theyl. A. Canyor-r describe

They are dotted lines.




B. EXERCISE What is it? What are thef


I l


and givethe dimensions. C. EXEFICISE Descnibe



-----------5 Aa +

This is a thick line. It is 4 cm long.



These They.........



Draw the plan of your house. of: Givethe dimensions A. The lengthof the house. B. The width of the house. C. The lengthand width of the nooms.

E@OSE E. Change into fuuuretense as in the eramfle'

E}(AhPLE: go TheY to school.feuery daYl Theywill go to school.ftomomovul

1 We use technicaldrawtng.

2. Drawingsshow allthe detailsof the house'

3. He needsthree tyPesof drawings

to 4. The teacher givesthe instnuctions the students'

5. Wonkersbuilda new bnidge.

6. I do the exerctseseveryday.

as F. EXERCISE Make these sentencesnegativeand inten'ogative in the example.

shaPes. Theywill use geometnical will not use geometrcalshapes. They Will they use geometricalshaPes?

1 . Studentswill dnawthe plans in class.


2. Theplanwillshowthe widthof the room.

will 3. Lines be basic.

will measurment givethe best results. 4. Accunate

5. You will describethese lines.

6. Theywill make an experimentnext week.

G. [Yes,/noJ' EXERCISE Answerthesequestions. nextsummerholidays? go 1. Will the students to the seaside a 2. Willtheybuild newganage?
3. Willthey measurethe site?

4. Will a carpenter draw tfre Plan?

5. Willthe architects need dnawings?

6. Will you have a test on technicaldrawingtomornow?



A. Les practicethe numbers. Followthe instnuctions. 1. al Chooseany pair number bJ Doubleit cl Add 4 dJ Dividethe result in half el Subtract 2 Which is the number?............ 2. aJChoosea painnumben bl Doubleit cl Add 6 dl Dividethe result in half el Subtract 3 Which is the numben?

a 3. al Choose pairnumber it bl Double cJAdd 10 the dJDivide resultin half el Subtract5 Whichis the n u mb e r? . . . . . . . . . . . . with the B. Complete cnosswords words in relationto rneasurement.


Grommor strldy

l. Simple Futrrc Tense will pana'ansformar un venboa futuro. Anteponemosel auxilian Affinmativefonm:

He will go



e willnot They go


fonm: Intenragative





lesson one
l, ,ll,ti: t ,l' ,i:, ,,,..,i,1 :,1


Two students in tlre sciencelabonatory doing? 1: STUDENT What areYou class. fon Thisis an experiment the science a 2: STUDENT I'mmaking lever. B1

1: STUDENT And what is a leven? 2: STUDENT Let me explainit with a rulen,a piece of wood and two stones. 'l: STUDENT What aneyou trying to find out? stone. the ruler to lift the heavien 2: STUDENT I want to find out where to pLrt

1: STUDENT How intenesting! 2: STUDENT Yes, and it's funnyto learn sciencethrough a simpleexperiment.


for It's difficult us to imaginea world without cans, planes,on machines.But, thene was a tlme, thousandsof years ago, when thene were no tools at all, and man only of usedthe stnength his musclesor the musclesof animalsto do his wonk tools were constructedbecauseof need. These tools or basic machines The first wenevery simpleand man usedthem to make his wonkeasier. the first basic tool inventedby man was the leven. Penhaps you imaginea primitiveman tnyingto pratect the entt'anceto his cave by putttng Can a big rcck in front of it? tools ane still used today and even oun most complicated In fact, these pr.imitive of anecombinations them. modern machines and quickwot'k. manytools to make a moneefficient man uses Nowadays, that we hold and use in the hands.A hand tool doesn't A hand tool is an instnument help.We use the power of out'handsto move it. work withouu a Fonexamole. cafpenter usesthe saw to cut the wood.

B2 It

A mechanicuses different typesof wrenchesto nepain rnac: -E:

We removea nailwith the hammen.This is a kindof leven.

An electrician needsa screwdniver do his wonk. ta

shapes and sizes. Everytool has an specificuse and also diffenent


\\\\ a scnewdniven a cross-head screwdniver a chisel a cold chisel

a nammen

a mallet

uuuEt -

an open endedspannen

a ring spannen

a clamp

a tenon saw a nacKsaw

a venniencalncn a mtcrometer

a handdnill

an electricdnll

a paintbnush

a paint nollen



nearlivewtres' Neverusea scnewdriver

'\, '".....',.,1

a loose handle' Never use a hammenwrEh

Pliersane not made fon hammenng

Keep your tools in orde'to


the. blades,of saws For betuenresults' keep condittonsot ad hacksawsin good shanPness.

as a chtsel' Don't use the screwdniven

anvil' Nevenuse the se as an


l. Gomprehension exercises A. EXERCISE Say if these statements are true or false. to ..... 1. lds easyfon people imaginea world wLhout machines. of ..... 2. Thousands years ago there were no tools at all. ..... 3. Man used his musclesto move heavy objecbs. modennmachine is ..... 4. The leven a verycomplicated makeounwonkeasier. ..... 5. Machines

B. EXERCISE Choosethe cornect answen. use to do their wonk? men fins 1 . What did pnimitive cl rocks bJmuscles al machines tools becauseof: 2. Man invenEed al intelligence bl security 3. What is a saw? aJ a tool 4. We need a hammento: al cut wood

cl need c] a meansof tnansport

cl repair a car

bl a machine

bl nemovenails

C. EXERCISE Completethese sentences.Use the words givenon the next page. the.......... 1. Man invented 2. A handtool is 4n....... is 3. The canpenten usingthe saw to cut 4. A big nockis at the .:.......... ..... of the cave. . times. ... in primttive ... usedin the hands.

are and ainplanes monecomplicated 5. Car-s 6. ....... .. dnrve nailsin.

muscles enti'ance instrument

wood hammerrs lever

dr13 w-ndt

ll. Grammar exercises into past tnse as in the A. EXEFCISE Changethese sentences example'

cars' special 1. Hand tools nequlre

worK' 2. Students employthein hands to do the

the 3. The hammer nemoves nails'

canefulty' 4. Wonkers followthe ins'uctions

cars and trucks in the ganage' 5. Mechanicsnepaln

the nightverb from the list' B. EXEFCISE Completein the past using

..... 1 . Workers. ........... 2. The students.... 3. 1...... 4. Thev...... two yearsago' " " " ' that building in a simple expeniment class yesterday' a film last night' an algebratest last weeK'

5. The canpenter 6. The dniven......... the workshopearlyin the monning. . the wrenchesin the toolboxlast night.

EXERCISE Look at the exampleand make the sentencesnegativeand interr.ogatlve. C.

1. He nemoved nailswith the hammer. the

2. The studentsmade a clamp at school.

peopleused the s'ength of their muscles. 3. Pnimrtive

4. They read the Instructionsat the entnanceof the factory.

5. The fitten neededmodennmachinenv.

6. We leanned measuraccunatelv. to

7. Wor"kmenknew the infonmation very well.

B. You employed monkeywnench. the

What ar they doing? .et's see these ptctures.

a The fitter is cutuing pieceof lron with a hacksaw' f e is usinga cutting tool.

the materialwith a clamp' The welder is holding 'r-ie usinga holding tool. is

-he cacpenten striking nailwhthe hammer. a is tool. a is using sriking -re


Although hand tools are basicallythe same in all the wonkshops,there are some differences in size and shape between them, according to the specific uses and the matenialsemployed. of This is a genenalclassificaon hand tools in relaonto their funccion. A. Gutting tools: saws, hacksaws,dt'ills,chisels,knives,pliers, erc. B. Measuring tools: scales, rules, micrometers, squares, calipers,etc. C. Holding toob: vises and clamps. wrenches, spanners. D. Securing toob: scnewdrivers, grindingwheels. E. Sharpening tools: files, gnindstones, F. Stniking tools: hammers.


l. Gomprchension exercbes A. EXERCISE Say if theqe statemenLsar true on false. ..... 1. Handtools anedifferentin sizeand shape. tool. 2. A chiselis a measuring tools. 3. Clampsare holding .....4. |n the picture,the welder is cuttinga pieceof metal. ..:.. 5. We can measuresmallthingswith a micrometen. 6. tool. ................. A knifeis a cutting

B. EXERCISE Read carefullyand qompleteas in the example'


needit to cuwood' CanPenters Its a saw.

useit to smoothmetalor wood' t . Wonkers

It'sa ......... with rE' holds differentkinds of matenials 2. The fitEen It'sa ... fi.You can strike nailswith it. It'sa ........ 4. PeoPleuse it to dnivescrews' It'sa ........ -5.
l I


Wonkmen require it to cut metal' It'sa ...


6. Mechanics use them to remove nuts and bolts' They're

ll. Grammar exercbes A. EXERCISE Completethe sentencesas in the example'


tool A shanpening is a tool usedto """"" tool is a ......... 2. A holding tool 3. A stniking is a ......' hammenls a ... 4. A chipping ls machine a "......."""""':" 5. A welding


...... is a machine wash.


B. EXERCISE In technicalenglishthere are many venbsformed from the name of tools. Here are some examoles:

Saw Hammen File Screwdnven Nail

To saw To hammen To file To screw [unscrew] To nail

lf you take an adjectiveand add -en, you can fonm a venb[not for all adjectives].

Velt Tight Loose Fast Short Wide Hard Black To tighten To loosen To fasten To shorten To widen To harden To blacken

Some exceptions:

Cold Hot Long Strong Clean Dny Thin

To cool To heat To lengthen To strengthen To clean To dry To thin

Findout the meaningof these verbs.

C. Exencise Completeas in the example.

1. The students 2. The electrician

.., the tools. fcleanl .................. screws.ffastenl the

3. | ...........

..a bolt.fghtenl the soldening iron. fhe*l the instructions.ffollowl his machine. fcheckl


4. fhe welder 5. Workers 6. The operaton

D. EXERCISE Make these sentencesinterrogatve.

the students. EMMPLE: The teacher is helping ls the teachenhelping the students?

the is 1. The technician repaining machinery.

2. The students are visitingthe new workshop.

3. He is makinga leven.

4. The canpenteris cutting a pieceof wood.

the 5. You anekeeping tools in order.

6. They are savingtheineyes.

E. Exencise Make these sentencesnegative.

DGMPLE: Theyare workingin the workshop. fhey anen't wodring in the wonkshop.

1. He is usinqa chisel.

the are 2. Thestudents following instructions

3. You are looseningthe nuts.

4. The mechanic is checkingthe engine.

5. I am readingtechnicalinfonmation.

6. They are dnawingthe plans.

F. EXERCISE Put these sentencesin onder. 1 . Safety rules,/following/arefihe students.

fiuterlcutting/is/? 2. A pieceof iron,/the

3. The welder/a clamp/not/ using/is

g,/worke rs / are/ at work 4. Safety shoes,/weanin

5. Moving/the man/ with a pulley/is/atree

iron r'ods/a re / now 6. Weld ing,/they/ t;'r\to

G. EXERCISE Look at the pctursanclanswen'

1. What is he doing?

2. What anetheYdoing?

3. ls the man sawinga Pieceof wood?

goggles? weaning 4. Aneworkens

5. Where is the fitten keepingthe tools?

r ;l

H. EXERCISE Make the correspondingquestronfon each answer' wrth a lathe. Yes, theY are wonktng

I , I I :

2 . ........

wne' No, he isn't makinga coil of coppen Yes, he is usinga hacksaw. The carpenter is worktngon the site.

5. What the I am charging battery. 95


tesson three
,,,-,,.,,,; {'l-:i, '';ttl ' -f:



tool and iu is buih in many The hammer-is penhapsthe most widelyused str-iking typesand sizes. It consisLs a head and handle. of shapes and weights.The length of the handle The head of a hammenhas diffenent too. may be diffenent, Some hammens have a soft head. lt is made of a maLerialsoftenthan iron or steel, This ypeof hammer is used when we do not brass, lead or nubben. likecopper, plasuic, becauseit gtvesa sofler blow. want to damagethe matenial,


A mallet is a Wpe of sofLhammer wrth a wooden heac

cnnoad JPr EqU fhorE Ur hlnrr U|UVV UVE| ^rro. l- O ror gE ci rr+-DUr rOUE.


A nail hammer is desgned drivingcommon nails in. lt has two claws for putiirJ for the nails.The claws mav be curvedon stnaioht. is also calledcanoenten's lt hammen.

The ball pen hammen is designedfor stniking chiselsand punchesand also for riveting,shaping, or stnaghtening soft metals. lt has a noundedstrkngface and a round ballshapedpein.

A drop hammenhas a very hear,ry weight. lt is used when we need to hit a very big object. lt s lftedby a machrnehigh into the ain and then let the weight fall oventhe obiect.



Apart fnom these common types, thene ane also nivetinghammens, chipping hammers, etc. hammers, magnetic hammers, bnicklayens' Al hammers should be selectedand used fontheir intendedpurposes. Let's remembenhesebasic safety rules when using a hammer:

* **Always use a hammenof suitablesize and weightfonthe job.

* * *Never use a hammer with loose damagedhandle.

* * *Alwaysavoidglancing blows.

* * *Alwayswean safeY goggles

* * * Never use a hammer to strke nammen. anothen


l. Gomprchension exercises A. EXERCISE Say if these statements are true on false. types and shapes. ...... 1. Hammers are made in different . . . ... 2. The lengthof the handleis the same fon all hammens. havea sofuhead. ...... 3. All hammens 4. Coppenis a matenialsofter than iron on steel.
F t

the nails. 5. A nail hammer has two clawsfor pulling 6. A worker wears safetygogglesto protect his hands. 7. fhe drop hammer is very light.

h s

B. EXERCISE Completethese sentences.Use the words givenbelow. anebuiltin diffenent 1. Hammens leadand 2. Copper', 3. Malletsanesofbhammerswith.... 4. Clawsanecurvedon ...... 5. ........ avoid......... 6. Always straight hit ..hammers verybig objects. ....blows. ..... and sizes. soft materials. .... heads.

wooden uueight C. EXERCISE Answenthese questionsaccordingto the text. 1 . Which are the main parts of a hammer?

2. What is a mallet?


3 s orass a soft material?

4. Cen vou use a hammento stnikeanother hammer?

ll. Grammar exelcises A. EXERCISE Completeas in the example.

EMMPLE: The hacksawis used fon cutting metal peces.fcutl 1 . Pliers are not madefor.. 2. Thewelderis usinga clampfor......... aneusedfor'......... 3. Rulers 4. We useda filefon.. 5. The weldenis weaning mask for' ...... a 6. Thesetoolsanemadefon. EXERCISE Make sentencesfr.omthis chart. B. lead steel candboand

....... nailsin. [DR|\E] .. the material. [HOLD] [MEASUREI .... this tool. ISHARPEN] his eyes.tSAVEI .......tSTRIKEI



Wires Therulen
Gnn loq


gold coppen wood

Pr dJ Lr u

Wrenches The box


^t^^-J gr dJ

1 )

4. 5. 6. 7 C. EXERCISE Match the picturswith the correspondingnstructon.

1 . Don't use a hammenwith a loosehandle.

2. Tunnoff the cunrent befoneyou start wot'ktng.

goggles. 3. AtwaysweansafetY

fon D. EXEFCISE Findthe best tnanslaon these sentences. in 1. Hammensare builE manytypesand sizes. al Los martillosson conshuidosen muchostipos y fonmas. bl Los martillosse conshuyenen muchostposy tamaos. shapesand weights. 2. The head of a hammer has diffenent tiene distintasformas y pesos. al La cabezade un mar-tillo fonmasy tamaos. bl La cabezade un martlllotiene diferentes 3. The lengthof the handlemay be diffenent. aJEl langodel mango puedesendifenente. bl La calidaddel mango puedeser diferente.

the hammer has two clawsfon pulling nails. 4. A carpenten's f

al Un martillo de carpinterotiene dos ganchos para sacanlos clavos. bl Un martillo de carpinterotiene dos partes para clavany desclavar. 5. Some hammers have a soft head. al Algunos martillostienen una cabezadura. bJAlgunos martillostienen una cabezablanda.


with the finst lettenof the word A. Wnite as many technicalwords as you can beginning given.Use youndictionary.

E n U ME R

M n c Hr NE

[ n r l

w l_glA

2. 3. 4. 5.
B. Anrangethese scrambledwords as in the example:

EMMPLE: I N G H A M E --------------> MAG H I N E I.V E RE L 2.TE NS OS 3. D O 4 NADHS 5. I S E --------------------------> -


6.CHE NE S *t

-7 E t_sIcH B .FE V IRDW E F a t ----9.S IWFE IO.NA IlE LD -

Grsmmqr studS'

L simple Past Tense Affirmatveform:

usamos el pasadodel venbo(regularo ir^regularl. En la forma afinmativa, Negattvefonm: --

form: Intenrogative

the worker Did they GO

to the bctory

y e negativa interrogativa,elverboen infiniVo' did el Usamos auxiliar paralasfonmas


cosas que estan ocunniendo el momento Usamos este tiempo panaexpnesan en Inow]. Se forma con el presente del venboto be y un gerundio. Affirmative fonm:



form: Intenrogative

i,,'ii rl,,'r,: rr i..'iri,i'r,li..r,rl: :r::::i,,:rlr . : . :ll:r


Lesson one 'm,*gflr *! ;;,:i--:i,r rr

the The followingpicture illustnates dangerauson safe things to use in a wonkshop.




The teachepand some students are in the wonkshop.The students are going to use a orch. Don't stnke matches hene!You may cause an explosion. IEACF{EB: STUDEM '1:WhY do Youthink so' sir'? Becausethere are inflammablematerials.You must followsome safety rules TEACHER: at wonK. about safety? SruDENT 2: Couldyou give us some infonmation Of IEACHER: counseI can. We'll talk about it nerc class. rules to avoidaccidents in the wonkshop. You must nemembenthese safery 1. Alwaysweanan ovenall. 2. Walk. Do not run in the workshoP. 3. Keep everytool in its Place. 4. Do not playwith tools ot' machines' 5. Ask the teapher how to use everytool. you swirch on any machine. 6. Wait for the ins'uctionsbefone



Gomprehension exercises

A. EXERCISE Say if these statements are tnue on false. conrect the false statements. at 1 . Long hainis dangerous wonK' 2. Wonkensmustn't carry shanptools in the pockets. 3. Students can smoke in the workshop.


4. lt is advisablefon welders to wean a rnask and gbves. 5. You may stnikematches near infiammablematerbls. 6. A fitter must wear goggleswhen working whh a lathe.

I f ,. F

B. EXEROSE Completethe sentences.Use the words givenin the chart below. 1 . Safuty help workens to avoid accidents.

2. You must keep everytool in its . 3. Don't playwith 4. Students shouldwear a well-fitted.... shoesar .... 5. Ordinary work. or electricitY.

roll 6. When youwork with a machine, up youl'.......... fire rings safe C. EXERCISE Answer these quesons according to the text. 1. ls it safe to wear untied shoes?

in 2. Do youaskthe teacherfor instrucons *'e wortsr'oiZ

3. Can you keep sharp tools in any place?

to 4. ls it dangenous playwith machines?

in 5. Do you alwayswear an ovenall the wonkshop?

to ls it safeondangerous run in a workshop?

!L Bunr


5. Mus

DGCSE A Build up sentencesfnom this chart.

Vtbr{<ss I Tlre urelden The tetrher

We The sLldents


. nun in the wonkshoo. . givethe instructions. , playwith tools. keep everytool in rts place. weanan overall. walk in the wonkshop. wean a safety mask.

6. Mus

DCF orm


2. 3

EMMPLE: Must you wear an ovenall? Yes, I must.

1. Must studentsrememberthe safeWrules?

2. Must you ask younteachenhow to use everytool?


Must a wonkerwear ordinanv shoes?

4. Mustvouswrlch the machnes? on

5. Must we alwaysavoidaccidents?

6. Must a frttenwean goggles?

tie 7. Must the student his shoesin the wonkshop?

DGRCISEC. Express an obligation or a prohibition for the following vrnrkers. Uhp rr3 on musn't as in the examPle.

4 | .

f a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ +a n (Jdl I 'J E I


. . . ..

6. Mechanic


L -5 (a -

a \' ^



Safetypnecaubions the actionswe must do to avoidaccidents. ane When we wonkwtth shanptools, machines,electricity inflammable on matenials, we must followthe instnuctions take all the safetyprecautions. and lf we drive a can, we should be caneful becausepeople,animalsor othencars may appearsuddenly the noad. on When we openatea machine,we shouldalwayskeep watch on it, becauseit can't stop if somethingfails.We must stop it. We must not smoke on strike a match nean inflammable matenials avoid an to exolosion fire. or lf we are welding, must wear a mask to seveouneyesand face. we We must turn off the current befonewe start to handleelecbrical machinery. When we wonk with a lathe on other machine-tool, should not wear loose we clothlng, becauseit may catch in the movingparts of the machine. All these are important safety nulesto nemembenwherevenwe work, but speciallv when we are tinedat the end of the dav.



i I

t Giltprehension


DGfICISE A. Say if these statements are true on false. Conrect the false statements. 1 . Safetyprecautionshelp us to avoidaccidents' 2. Sharp tools are not dangerousif you use them canefully' when thene is a failure. 3. Machinesalwaysstop automatically 4. Weldensmust wear glovesto save their face. 5. You must turn on the curnentto check electl'icalmachinery' 6. Accidentsfrequentlyhappenwhen we anetired. these sentences.Use the words given in the chart below' B. EXERCISE C-omplete 1. Follow . when you work with inflammablematerials'

on 2. When we are driving,other cars may appearsuddenly lhe" 3. lt is very dangerousto strike 4. You can saveyouneyeswith..'...... 5. The tool. .... is a machine neanfuel'

his 6. Theweldershouldpnotect handswith........"'

answers. complete to acconding the terc.Give C. EXERCISEAnswerthesequestionS in necessary a factory? 1. Are safetyprecautions


2. What must youdo first whenyouwork with electricity?

3. Why shouldwe keep watch on machines?

think? 4. Canmachines

5. A fitter mustn't wear loose clothing.Why?

ll. Grammar exencises


EXERCISE Make sentencesfnom this chart. A.

,{Ve Thedner The fifuter

il ,/The welder ".Workers lThe electncian


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

the in il EXERCISE Ansrer quesLions short forrn- LJse B. you shoesin the workshop? 1. Should weansafety


2. Shouldpeopledrivecarefullf

3. Shoulda workenkeep his cutting tools in the pocket?

4. Shouldfittenswear a scarf in the neck?

you wonk? 5. Shouldyou be carefulwhereven

we 6. Should use ountools in good condhions?

C. EXERCISE Givethese peoplean adviceto avoidaccidents.

1. The canpenter... 2. The welder....... 3. Dnivers... 4. The electrician... 5. Plumbers ..........,...


.:-:,,r{:j:1 *hnFe


to if The human body has normallya high resistance the flow of electricruy it is well isolated. But, when a person bnngs int conact with an electniccircuit while bathing,for' instance,he will receivea very s:nonj shock, The stnengthof the shockdecendson: of al The condition ounskn
r r n hndv lhas o inelat iv c [ r lhgil n hl l C r q q q r n - ^ a gloulvEly ,- E UUuy loo ll J, @l

" '^ ^ ^ VJI ,El




l O

^ ^ d u l y. r Fur n d n U U, lU

i f liUl lios r n r cl o n vvsL


Deca'lsewater ncneases the effect of the electnic drty it becomes more conductive, snocK. of bl The resistance the floor on whichwe are standrng. shoesand cotton on woolensocksta isolateoun bodyfror. We must weandry safeEy the ground. Some materials like cement, fon example,have a very low electnica resistanceto the electnicflow. shock? What must we do in case of an elec^ic the We must first discoven lineswitchand turn off the cunrnt. like lf theneis a personin contactwith a livewine,we must use insulators dry stic<s
nlntheq n ryrntrq tr' nFf. Lhe nensnn fnee fmm the Wine. w Yvu


perEon and if it is necessarygo on Then, we must apply artificialrespirationto the there isn't any srgn of revival' eventhough shocks ot' fines,we must check the electric supplycords To avoidthe risk oi "l,j"t.t such as electnic irons or hain dryers frequently, speciallythse of heating devices the use they have' becausethey are very dangerousconsidering


ll. Gomprdrension exercises false. correct the false statements' A. EXERCISE Say f these statements are Erueon 1. Cement increasesthe niskof eleclric shocks' dry' 2. Our body is resistant to the flow of electricityif 3. We can't free a person from a livewine' 4. Wet and dirty hands are conductive' bathing' 5. A pensonmay die if he receivesan electnicshockwhile shocks' 6. We mustn't shut off the powenin cases of electric

EXERC|SEB.Comp|etethesentences.Usethewondsgiveninthechartbe|ow. of condition our 1. The strengthof a shockdependson the from the 2. Dry shoes and woolensocks isolateour body has a .... 3. Cement' 4. Ropesand dry stcksare good ""' 5. Turn... 6. You ...."" the cunren!in case of electncsl'a:'' if respination thene s-:3;I-s:r'gl*tra .applyartificial resistance' electrical

dt must insulato's b

f 15

DGCEE C. Answer these quesons accondingto the text. Give complete answers. 1. Does our body have a high resistanceto the flow of electricity?

2. Does water increase the effect of the shock?

3. What do we wean cotton socks and dry shoes fon?

4. What must you do in case of a fire on shock?

5. How can you get a person loosefrom a livewine?

ll. Grammar exercises A. EXERCISE Make sentencesfnom this chart.

B. EXEFCISE Expnesscapacity, obligation,prohibitionon advice. Use can, should or

mus. 1. An elecrician..... 2. Wonkers nepair machines. electrical ... be careful they whereven wonk.

3. 1....... .......... 4. Machines. 5. A plumben........ 6. ........ 7 . l.......

.. followthe in$uctbnscrefr-fyodmnmrdMnnmm, not think. .... laygutLens. we saveouneYes? if devices my handsare wet. electrical ...... not handle


A. Anrangethese scrambledwords. 1. DECANTCI 2. LOGSEV 3.RIFE 4.SAMK 5.ACMTH 6.GERNAD T.YLICTERCEIT

f].CDLfLJLfL( J - nl rr

9.V A RLOE L 10. F L U E 11.HOK S C 12.Y TE FA S

with words in relation to safety. B. Corrdce the crossrvords

Grqmmqr study


oblQacin expresr [mustnt], estosvenbos [mustJ,prohibicin Usamos Pana o posibilidad capacidad [may]. advertencia [can] [shouldJ, a y a Se usanen formasimilan losotrosauxiliares, siemprepneceden un infinitivo. EMMPLE: the I must follow instructions. [obligaon] you repain machine? this Gan [capacity] He shouldnt wear looseclothing. [adviceJ


such as tin, iron, gold or copper' substances A metal is any of a classof minenal products anevery important in our dailylives. Metal engines,machinesand tools ane made up mainlyof metal Automobiles,locomotives, is parts. Thus, metalruorking an essentialpart of modem industry' The hammeningof soft coppeninto usefularticles marked the beginningof the metaF wonkingactivttY. Laten on, he use of heat to make bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, and the developmentof the for.geand the casngs, both methods of shaping the metal, led to the foundryprccesses. The inventionof the steam engine by James Watt, providedthe continuous force neededto rotate a piece of metal againsta hard cuttrngtool' That was the beginningof mass production,a very important manufacturingprocess used until now. Metals when finst made ane usuallyin the form of ingots on rectangulanblocks.Then, they ane pnessed into bars, tubes, wine, nbbon, thin sheets [foil), thicker sheets and

Checkingyour comPrehension

1. What ts a metal? and steel? 2. ls branzean alloyof coppen 3. Who was James Watt? 4. What s the initialform of metals? 5. Mention two methods of shapingthe metal'



The most important sounceof energy used in oun modennworld is electnicity. motion of machines, We use it for light, heat, sound and image tnansmission, warning systems, communicationservicesand safey. come fnom? Whene does the electricity Electriciy be made to flow from a powenplant or from a battery. can Insidethe ba[erythene is a fonce which can make electnicity flow thr.ougha to can circuit. Electnicity ffow only in a closed circuit. It is also possiblethat electniciry at rest [not flowing]. is we By nubbing together certain matenials can obtain electric changes. hain Usinga non-metallic comb in a very dry hain,you see that the comb atractsthe hair. When you rub a ball-penalong youn sleeve,the pen and the sleeve become electnically charged. You can pnovethat the pen attracts waten. Sometimes,the clouds are charged.They are full of electricity. they become too lf much changed, they send a sparkto the earlh. fnom a cloudis calleda lightning. is a huge spankof electnicity. lt A spar-k

Checking your comprehenson

1. What is electniciry-: 2. What is it used for'? 3. Where does this energycome from? 4. Does electriciby keepoun environment clean? 5. How can you make electnicity?

metal' with a frllen two metals by meltingthem togethen Welding is oining There are two main methodsof welding. GAS WELDINGwhere the heat is producedby a flame thnougha blow pipe, using oxygenand acetyleneas fuel. -nC the hea[ is prcducedby strikingan e=:tnic arc betweenthe UfmlNG whe-e metals to be weldedand an elecLrode. In gas welding,the fillenmetal is appliedas wine or 3 -:: ln arc welding,the electnodeitself is melted away as fillenmetal. of: for Gas weldingis suitable the oining - thin steel sheet piping - complicated - aluminium - stanlesssteel - copper. r Arc ','.'e -: s s-table fonthe joiningof:
:t= -:E
^ F' '^^

:: -J : -::i:lium and othenmetals.

and an apnon against raYs and wear r::::s Duninggas welding,alwaYs spatbef'. weana fa:e -=si aii glovesagainsthanmfulnaysand an apnon Duringarc welding, against spatten.

C h e cki n g p sr :r om Pr ehen sion

1. What is weldtng? gas welding? 2. What do wonkersuse as ruelduning steelwith gas welding? 3. Can you join stainless wrth the arc weidingr:-ietlrcC? 4. What anesome safetyprecautrons 5. Name some methodsof weldingin the industry


S.s*sffitr44\..1 'lAr& !5w:

to as In classicalgrek "energy''means work. The latendefinion "the abilty do wonk' butin recent years it has lost some of and taliy, links h with concepts such as stnength meaning. its positive Energyruns like a luminousthneadthnoughoun dailylives.We use the word in a variety *nengh. w;aln7, of waysto suggestliveliness, --ne personts ac:nlrEC, eiergy contntof our'foodis listedon the packetin An energec unrtslikejouleson calonies to Petrolis sloneoenengy s'":l-e',l'reelsof oui car In motlon they restnctedthe supply powen,as demonstratedby the anabsr.nhen Energyis politrcal in Europe 1973. to of petrcleum the UnitedStatesand in Two hundredand fiftyleans ago, the energycontained coal was convertedby bunning Revoluon. to steam, which poweredthe enginesof the Industnial ntoheat and then the rnside tiny cylinder a batteryinto electricity, of silently energyis transfor-med Chemical the which activatesa radioto bring speechand music from anound worid into out lives,or the sent to explone universe. perhapsto pass radio signalsto a satellrte of and leadsto the explosion the atomic The energywthin the atom can be neleased bomb, on to the operationof nuclear power stations,which providea sixth of the wold's electncrty. whrchdesuroys a night in Then, there is the powenof nature, the energyin the cyclone, of the painfulwonk of genenations men. The earthquake,the thunderstorm,the erupting many times the energyof an atomic bomb, remind us that we live volcano,which r-elease nn e fnanilc snhene callthe earth. r,'-,:

rrrehenson hecking your ecrrti

1 . What does the word energymean? 2. What anejoules? politrcal powen? considened 3. Why is enengy 4. What ane battenies? of the imporbance steam. 5. Investigate by of 6. Mentionsome examples energypt'oduced nature. 7. What is the most important kind of energy used at home nowadays?



r',r*' .'.''',.,1 r'*l''i:t $'l'h':' *dt **xg {# $"iill"il

Computers are ln Look around you! What do you see? Computers every'Jlie^e ,ve also find them in offices,ainports,factories,homes, schoolsand universities and cars' modennmachinery spaceships, ainplanes, - 'Corput"rE because are srmilarin sevenalwaystotraffic lights, a:^e3 :^ harr"dryers as they use electl'city the main source of energy' compuLen A there are some importantdiffenences. a:= si::es metal. A Howeven, -3= -ovlng parts insideit and a work. A hainca''er can do much monethan one specific elecltwot ks aciordingto the beia. :-- :'::::r3ns, whlchmake up computerdoesn't. : .l asrlnes' triciy.That'sthe reason why computensane e 3':-':accurate' handleor ptocess and s:c-: ^'.-"T3:o.,. They work in an -put"o ane ::.-p--'s pPocess the data' The data !n3t and quickway.The informatron efficient pnogram is a set of a programmenpLftslnrc the co.npi:e. a- ::= -:;t data. The j the outputdata' the o Inslnucttons pf.ocess oat ar :: --3---S :'prccessing are and ^--: ;= 3:-:-puten systemthnougha keyboand enrers:ie :3-: The pr.ogr.ammeT a pnlnte.' he can getine informat:^ --r-3-g-:= =:-=- ano on papenthrough to They also help childnen learn -:-'::-:rently. compr,tershels pe333 vldeogames' -','..-.:. :;: ai= a l::l :'-: '"r: faster and everybccy


C h e cki n g Y our comPr ehension

1. What are comPuters? of 2. Name some chanactestics a computer' do? 3. What does a computen 4. What is a Prognam? into the computer system? 5. How can you ententhe infonmation 6. Why ane computenselectronicdevices?

Above: Encima,sobr Addition:Suma Aerial: Antena Airplane:Avin

Back Parte Postenon Balance:Balanza de Maruillo pena Ball-pein-hammer: Base Basis: Bike: Bicicleta borde Edge:Onilla, Blade:Hoia ircn: Planchaelctt'ica Eleitric Blow:GolPe Motot' Engine: Bob: Penno Entada Entnance: Boss: Jefe Medio ambiente Envinonment: Bottom: Parte rnfenion Paseo Boulevard: Face: Caia' Parte, suPerficie Caa Box Factory:Fbnca Bnass: Bnonce Figure:Numeral, cifna hammen: Martillo corta ladnllos Bricklayer^ Fle: Lrma Brokenline:Unea quebrada Fre: Fuego Bnush:Bt ocha Cimiento,base Foundaon: Mechero Bunnen: manco Est'ructuna' Fname: Button: Boton frontal Fr^ente, Fnont: Cabtnet:Gabinete Carton Candboand: CanPtnteno CarPenter: CarPentry:CarPintena Circle: Ct'culo Claws: Ganchos Clean:LtmPto Coil:Bobina Cold:Ftio CoPPer:Cobre Cord: Cordn Cornen:Esqutna Cuff: Puo Peligtoso Dangerous: AParato, insffumenrc Device:

Dial:Marcadot Dirt: Suciedad Dirty: Sucio Visot DisplaY: Dotted ltne: LneaPunteada Dibujo Dnawing: Drill:Broca, taladro .op n" Martillode demolicin Dry: Seco

Gloves:Guantes Anteoos Goggles: Oro Gold: de .inAngwheel: Mueia [hernamienb nectificanl esrleill Piedna Gnindstone: Canaleta GutLer': Hacksaw:Sienra Hammen:Marlc Hand: Mano, rn6t"e Mango Handle: Duro Hand: Hasp: Aldaba Head: Cabeza


Heavy:Pesado Height:Altuna High:Alto Hinges:Bisagnas Hole: Perfonacin, hoyo Hot: Caliente Inch:Pulgada Inside: Dentro, intenior lnsulator: Aislante lron: Hienro Job: Trabajo,empleo Key: Llave Knife:Cuchillo K

Pipe:Tubo Place:Lugan Plane:Plano Pliers:Alicates Pocket:Bolsillo Point: Punto, punta Pot: Envase Power: Poder, energa Pulley:Polea Puy: Masilla Guick Rpido Raw material: Materia prima Becorden:Gnabadona Rectangle:Rectngulo Refe rence: Flefere ncia Right:Denecho Ring:Anillo Road:Calle, camino RoC: Vana, vanlla Foiler:Rodillo Rm Techo,tejado Rope: Gtenda,condel Rubber': Goma Rule: Regla,norrna Safe: Seguro Safety:Segur.idad Saw: Senrucho Scale:Escala Scarf:Pauelo para el cuello Scissons: Scneen:Pantalla Screw:Tornillo Screwdniven: Destonilladon Shape:Forma Ship:Barco Side:Lado,costado Sign:Seal Site: Sitio, obra Size:Tamao Skill: Destreza,habilidad Skin:Piel Sleeve: Manga Smooth:Liso,suave Source:Fuente Spannen Llaveajustable [br.iJ*: Speed:Velocidad Speedometen: Velocmetro Spice:Velero Spnay: Rociador Squane: Cuad.ado, escuadra


Lathe: Tonno Lead:Plomo

I o ff ' lzn r r io n d n I e n n th ' l emn

Lens: Lente Leven: Palanca Lid: Tapa Light:. Liviano, luz Line.Linea
l^^^' t^*^ LUr r Y. LO gU

Loose:Sueho Machine: Mquina Magnifying glass:Lupa Maintenance: Mantencin Mallet:Maceta Mask Mscara Matchbox:Caja de fsforos Measunement: Medida,medicin Mechanic:Mecnico Micrometen:Micrametro Mixbune: Mezcla Motorcycle:Moto Muscle:Msculo Nail:Clavo Nowadays:Hoy en da Nut: Tuerca petrleo Oil:Acerue,
flne qfnnor r ' lln nicn

Ou*-srde: Fuena, exterion Padlock: Candado Paint:Pintura Patchy:Parchado



$eet Acero $ed taf: Ffidra de rne raa $btc b, Sone: Pledra Soo[ Piso, asiento 9:bvlray fam) * : Sr.bnerrneo S.'ltable:Adecuado SuPerficie Sr.rface: Sryitch: InterruPtor T. V. Set: Televison Tesube: Tubo de ensayo Therrrp mete r: Termmetro Thickness: Grosor, espesor Thin: Delgado Tight: Apretado Tinge:Tinte Tool: Herramienta Top: Parte suPerior Torch: Soplete Tower: Torre
" (amp Ingls americano.

TrtE fr

meqs&d tbt]} Sturntm tlnergouU

Vemier ca$pen He & rro Mew: Msta Vise (amJ Mce [bn'): Tomillo rrEi:D Welder':Soldador Wet: Hmedo, molado W'reel: Rueda \y'ide: Ancho, amPlio \l/idth: Ancho Wre: Alambre Wood: Madera Workbench: Banco de eabajo Worshop: Taller World: Mundo Wrench (amJ:Llaveajustable

lnfinitiw 'Answen Appean

Fas Tense Answered Appeared Applied Anrwed Asked Avoided Was/Were Became Believed Blackened Brought Brushed Built Called Could Camed Caught Changec CX'reo<ea Drrppeo 3llose 3,p,reo hs

Meaning Responder Apanecen Aplican Llegan preguntar Pedin, Evrtar Sen,estai

I l onan qen

R onr rl en

F l cn r rl a n F l o n r rl e n

7- n.r"
. Ask .Avoid Be Become i' . Believe Blacken Bring Bnush Build j Call Can
tJol I


Regulan Regulan Aux. Verb Inreguran

R o nl rl an


Creen Obscurecr' 1..=;- -E-E--ltE-

Regular lrrgurar Regular

l nmn r rl n n


C-atch Change Check Chip Choose Clean Cool Cut Damage , Dependon r Design ' Discover Do Draw Drive

-Br8r-. trnsportan ;,ler, agarraP Snnbiar *sisan A*illan escoger Elegir, Limpian Enfriar Cortan
uql lol

Regulan Modal Regulan

t-^^^,,l^n il | cgurql

Regulan Regular Fegulan lnregular Fegular Fegulan

l n rc n r rl n

' Employ . Explain

Danqed Deperded oq't DesQned Dsccnered Did Drew Drove Dried EmPloYed Explained

onon l c n


Disear Descubnin
Hacer',reallzan Dibujan manelar Conducin, Secar usan Emplear, plican

Regulan Regular Regular Fegulan l./Aux. Verb. lPf'egulan Innegular Regulan Fegulan Flegular

Fasten File Fitl Find /{' Finish '. Follow Forget Genenate Get Get over' Give Go Go on /Guess ' Hammer Handle Harden Have Heat Help Hir Hold lmprove Incrase Insert lsolate

Fastened Filed Filled Found Finished Followed Forgot Generated Got Gcover Gat/e Went Went on Guessed Harrrrered Flarded F{arted F{d l-+e#d Helped HI Held lmproved Increased lnserted lsolated Joined Kept Knew Laid Leamt/Leamed , Lengrthened Lifted Lived Looked aften Looked at Lookedup Loosened Maintained Made Made up Matched Might Meant Measured Met

Apretar, afinman Limar Llenan,completar Encontrar Terminar Seguir Ovidar Genenar,producirObtenen, conseguir Supenar, vencer Dar, entregar lr Continuaf Adivinan Martillar Manipular Endurecen Haber, tenen Cabntan Aytrdar Gdpear Sostener, sujetar Mejonar' Aumentar Insertan, colocar Aislan
I t^;^ ;,,^ ^^ ur i l r , J ul r El

Regulan Begular Regulan lnregulan Regulan Regular lrregular Fegulan Inregular lrregulan Inregular' Inregular Inregulan Reoulan Regulan Regulan Regulan l./Aux. Venb. Regulan Regulan Inregulan Inregulan Regulan Regular Regular Begulan Regular Inregular lrregular lrregular l./ Reg. Regular :Regular Regulan Regular' Regular Regular Regular Regulan lrregulan lmegular' Regular Modal Inregular


uotn Keep Know


Mantener, guardan Saben,conocen ponen Colocan, Aprender Alargan Levantan, elevan Vivin Cuidar Mirar Buscan Soltan,aflojan


Lay Learn Lengthen Lifr . Live /1 Look after -'Look at Look up Loosen Maintain Make Make'up ' Match May Mean Measure Meet

Mantenen Hacen,fabnican Componen, constnuir

Confrontar, unir Poder Significan Medin Reunirse, conocer'

Begular lnregular


\d[mue Mfll[,]Js
q,llHfl -q@


|\r,illEuu.gll' :Wrrr""

rriil(mmffi @,!tiimf-

ci'umEE Jul ' :itrF -*3f-r, =g<i]rrn rtrl

\ied l\ieeded I\otlced Gled Opened Painted Performed Planned Prefened Pulled Put Fead Received Remembered Removed Repaired Fequined Fiveted Founded Ran Saved Sawed Said Screwed Saw Shaped ShanPened Shortened Showed Shut Sat Smoked Smocr,lec
D U IVQnno=v -i ev uH' Q tn -


\ec# Danse a.t-ta Ace'rtar,lubncar Abt'ir' Pintan hacer Flealizar, Planean, Planifican Preferir Tinan Poner,colocar Leen Recibin Recordan Sacan,rmo\re: Feparar, anrei 3'ne.3--=Requenin, Flemachar
Q odnnd =-

furmr ufilmr


- =- Jd

aefur all
RJT Heao Fleceive Flemember 'Remove FePain Fequine Rivet Round Run Save Saw

l ^m -


-^ ^ -: -=,- = --^ =I=

C o 'e r
l - ^- :- :-




l r rc r
| v J v -


say Screw
See ShaPe SharPen Shorten Should Show Shut Sit 'Smoke Smooth Solve SPreao ,-1i' stand Start 'StoP Stnaighten Strengnten Strike Sw'rtchon/off Take Take care

I-t* =I r; l-----

l-.o r rlAf' | ,v5v

l nmnr rl en
,, I vJe -'

Qonr rl nn
| 'sYsiv

i 1

l -l E g u l o l



Started Srcppeo StraEhtened Strenghtened Struck Swirchedon/off Took Tookcane

?rran Sentarse Fumar E l onr rl an alisan Suavizar, solucionan Q onr rl en Flesolven, ln mn rl a l Esparctr ln n o n r rl ^ n Pararse L l o r rl a Comenzan, Parcn L -l o r rl l ' Panar,detenen t s g u ro l Endenezar c g u ro l Flefonzar l n mn rrl n naspan Golpear', desenchufar Regulan Enchufan,
| ,v l ,e e | v :J v e

Regular Modal lrnegutar Inregulan lrregular Regulan


{ ;


v: Jv' s'


, vvv, v'

Tomar, coger Tenencuidado

lrregular lr^r'egular


3 *,

. Talk {. Thank Thin Think Throw away Tighten

- Try

Turn on/off Undenline Understand

Talked Thanked Thinned Thought Threw away Tightened Tried Tumed on/sft Underlined Under$ood Used Waited Walked Wanted Washed Wded Wse Weghed

hablar Conversan, Agnadecer Adelgazan Pensar

Ber Aprtar Tr*r apagan Encender,

Begulan Regulan Regular lrregular lrregulan Regular lrregulan Regular

qL Use

Regular Subrayar entendenInregular Comprender, Regulan Usan

Esperar Caminan Guerer, desean Lavar Desperdiciar Usan Pesan Soldan ampliar Enanchan, Hacer inst. elctric. Trabajan Escribir

yt{. watr
.Want q6 Wash ' Waste Wean Weigh ^ Weld Widen Wire ,Work

" Wait

\ /derEd

Vf w.t"

Wired Worked Wnote

Begulan Regular Regulan Regulan Regulan lrregulan Regular Regulan Begulan Regulan Begulan lrregulan


A Modo de Reflexfi*ll

..'.." lntroduetion obiects Firstunift Technicc

one:Whats this?""""" Lesson ho:Wheneis it? """"" Lesson three:Which is bsten?"' Lesson


Se+andunift Trqdes
Lessonone: What is a tade? .'"""""'' A Lessontvrlo: good reference 41

three: Painng Lesson


'' Third unift Technical 6lrq1''.' tools"" one: Lesson Measunng

The trvo: toolbox Lesson a three:Drawing house Lesson 57

Esr,-',,: HEnd fools $Jmih

Lesson one: Wha are hand tools?

Lessontwo: Typesof handtools " ' ' " " '

three:The hammer"""""""' Lesson



Fifth unit Sofufy

or one:Dangenous safu?........ Lesson precautions two: Safufy Lesson three:Be carefulwith electrici{ Lesson ...........1O5 ....110 ..........114

Complemeniqryreodings Vocobulory........... Verb lisr...........

................119 ...............'tzb ....1ae

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