Equivalencias de Windows en Linux

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Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux

Equivalencias Windows en GNU/Linux es una lista de equivalencias, reemplazos y software anlogo a Windows en GNU/Linux y viceversa.

Algunas diferencias entre los programas para Windows y GNU/Linux

La mayora de los programas de Windows son hechos con el principio de "Todo en uno" (cada desarrollador agrega todo a su producto). De la misma forma, a este principio le llaman el "Estilo-Windows". En GNU/Linux, un componente o un programa ejecuta normalmente una sola tarea, lo que se denomina "Estilo-UNIX". Este estilo se basa en la concepcin de que los programas son componentes bsicos ("LEGOS"), que pueden permitir construir, a partir de ellos, aplicaciones ms grandes o complejas. Por ejemplo, si hay un programa para la comprobacin de ortografa, puede ser usado con el editor de textos o por un cliente de email al enviarlo; o si hay un programa de lneas de comando para el uso de archivos, se desarrolla el interfaz grfico para el programa, etc.).

Trabajando con archivos

Descripcin del programa, tareas ejecutadas Administrador de Archivos tipo FAR y NC Windows FAR, Norton Commander, etc GNU/Linux

Midnight Commander. [2] X Northern Captain. [3] Deco (Demos Commander). [4] Portos Commander . [5] Konqueror .

Administrador de Archivos tipo Windows Commander

Total Commander (antiguamente Midnight Commander. [1] llamado "Windows Commander") Krusader. [6] Administrador grfico para KDE. [7] GNOME Commander. Administrador grfico para GNOME. [8] Kcommander. FileRunner Linux Commander. [9] LinCommander. Rox. [10] Emelfm . Windows Explorer

Administrador de Archivos tipo Windows

Konqueror. [11] Nautilus . [12] Endeavour Mark II . [13] XWC [14] Thunar .


Inspeccin rpida de documentos HTML locales

Internet Explorer

Dillo . (Parches en lenguaje ruso [16] descargables en este enlace ). [5] Konqueror. [11] Nautilus . [17] [18] Lynx / Links . Filemon para GNU/Linux.

Visualizador de operaciones con archivos


Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Trabajando con UDF Trabajando con Multi Secciones de CD+ recuperador de informacin defectuosa de discos multi sesin.

Roxio (antigua Adaptec) UDF Reader, Roxio Direct CD IsoBuster



Software de escritorio
Descripcin del programa, tareas ejecutadas Editor de Texto Windows Notepad, WordPad, TextPad, UltraEdit, Notepad++... GNU/Linux

Kedit (KDE). Gedit (Gnome). [23] Gnotepad . [24] Kate (KDE). [25] Geany . KWrite (KDE). Nedit. [26] Vim . [27] Xemacs . [28] Xcoral . [29] Nvi . Vim . Emacs. Pico. Nano [30] joe. [31] Fte. [32] Jed. Kate (KDE). Nedit. [36] CodeCommander . [33] SciTE . [37] Quanta Plus . [26] Vim . Xemacs. [1] Mcedit (conocido como mc ). [32] Jed.
[24] [24] [26]

Editor de Consola para Texto

FAR Editor, ...

Editor de texto y cdigo multi propsito

SciTE [34] UltraEdit [35] Notepad++ ...


Editor de textos con soporte para caracteres Cirlicos

Bred Rpad32 Aditor

Kate (KDE). Nedit. [31] Fte (console). Parche para la versin de Midnight Commander. [26] Vim . Xemacs.

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux

Compresores de archivos

WinZip, WinRar, WinAce, 7zip etc.

FileRoller. [38] Gnozip. LinZip. [39] 7zip. Ark (kdeutils). [40] KArchiveur . [41] Gnochive . [42] RAR para GNU/Linux . [43] CAB Extract . GhostView Kghostview.
[46] [45]

Visualizador de archivos PostScript Visualizador de archivos PDF



Adobe Reader (antiguamente conocido como Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Adobe Reader para GNU/Linux. KPDF. [48] Xpdf . [49] GV . [50] Evince

Creador de archivos PDF

Adobe Acrobat Distiller

Diversos programas GNU/Linux WYSIWYG. Ver este artculo [51] . Adobe Acrobat Distiller para [52] GNU/Linux . [NL] PStill. [Shareware] PDFLatex. Xfig. [45] Ghostscript . [53] Tex2Pdf. [54] Reportlab . [49] GV .
[55] [57]

Criptografa y Cifrado



+ Windows Privacy Tools


GnuPG (console) + GPA , [58] KGpg , and other frontends [59] . PGP. [NL]

Cifrado de volmenes de disco

EFS (estndar), PGP-Disk, BestCrypt, Private Disk Light

Loop-aes . [61] CFS . [62] TCFS. [63] BestCrypt. [64] CryptFS.


Task scheduler Outlook scheduler

mstask, nnCron Outlook scheduler

cron, at (standard, consola). No existe (ni tampoco es necesario, dado que Outlook no es un software para GNU/Linux)

Virtual CD

VirtualDrive, VirtualCD, Daemon Tools,UltraIso,Alcohol 120% ...

Virtual CD Kernel Modul . Comandos para cnsola: "cp /dev/cdrom /mycd" + "mount -o loop /mycd /mnt/cdrom/". ClaraOcr. [67] Gocr.
[68] [66]


Reconocimento de Texto (OCR)

Recognita, FineReader

Traductores (Caracteres cirlicos) Traductores de escritorio

Promt, Socrat Babylon Translator, Lingoes




Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Diccionarios Ingls-Ruso (Caracteres cirlicos)

ABBYY Lingvo, Socrat

Mueller. [68] Ksocrat. dict+Kdict. [71] DictX . [72] Groan. Mova. Slowo. Babiloo. Xsane.

Diccionarios Ingls-Espaol Uso de Escaner (Digitalizador)

Collins, Larousse Software includo en formato CD con el dispositivo


Kooka . [76] Xvscan . [NL] ClamAV Trend ServerProtect para [77] GNU/Linux . [NL] [80] RAV Antivirus. [NL] [81] OpenAntivirus + AMaViS / [82] VirusHammer . [83] AVAST . [NL] [78] F-Prot . [NL] [84] Sophie / Trophie . [85] Kaspersky para GNU/Linux . [NL] [86] Dr. Web para GNU/Linux . [NL] Redhat-config (Configurador grfico de Redhat 8.0). [87] Linuxconf. Drakeconf. Webmin. YAST y YAST2 en SuSE-Linux. Sysinstall en FreeBSD. /dev/hands :). Grub . Lilo. ASPLoader. [89] Acronis OS Selector [NL]. [90] Ranish Partition Manager. [91] osbs. [92] Symon. [93] Smart Boot Manager. PartGUI. (Administrador grfico para partimage y parted) [94] GNU Parted. (GUI [95] QTParted ). [96] Partition Image . fips. [97] Diskdrake (Mandriva). [98] Paragon Partition Manager [NL]. EVMS
[99] [88] [79]



AVG AntiVirus, NAV, Dr. Web, TrendMicro [77] [78] , F-Prot , Kaspersky, Nod32, Panda, McAfee ...

Configuracin del Sistema


Administradores de arranque

System Commander, PowerQuest Boot Magic, ...

Administrador de las particiones del disco duro

PowerQuest Partition Magic

LVM + soft-RAID + parted + ...

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Software para respaldo

ntbackup (estndar), Legato Networker

Legato Networker . [101] Lonetar . [19] Disk Archive . [102] Bacula . [103] Taper . [104] Amanda (console). [105] Mondo Rescue . (Respaldos que arrancan y se autorestauran al disco duro) PartitionImage . dd (cnsola, estndar). [106] Mondo Rescue . top (cnsola, estndar). Gtop, Ktop. kSysGuard.

Hacer imgenes de las particiones DriveImage, Ghostpe de disco

Administrador de Tareas

TaskMan (standard), TaskInfo, ProcessExplorer NT. Sensiva MS text to speech

Gestor de Ratn Reconocimiento de texto por voz


KDE Voice Plugins [108] Festival . [109] Emacspeak . Sphinx . ViaVoice. WinMerge Mgdiff. diff, patch. [113] Meld . [27] Xemacs . sed awk. [114] perl .
[112] [110]


Reconocimiento de Voz

ViaVoice, DragonNaturally Speaking

Programas para comparar Archivos

Araxis Merge, Minimalist GNU para Windows [111] (diff.exe)

Tratamiento de texto corrido

Minimalist GNU para Windows (sed.exe)


PIM / DB / Bloc de notas con visualizador por rboles

TreePad Lite, Leo

TreePad Lite para Linux [116] Yank . TreeLine. [117] Gjots . [118] Leo .


Programas para cambios rpidos de resoluciones y frecuencias de visualizacin en monitores

Integrados al sistema. Tambin se adjuntan en formato CD con las tarjetas de video.

Multires para Linux . Combinaciones de teclas Ctrl+Alt+"-" y Ctrl+Alt+"+". [120] * Fbset . (cuando se usa framebuffer) find (cnsola, estndar). Gsearchtool. Kfind. [121] beagle . Gkrellm


Programas para meta Bsquedas

Integrados con los sistemas, Servicios de Indexado

Monitoreo de Sistemas Programa para visualizar logs (registros de dilogo)

System monitor (integrado al sistema) Editores de texto para MS-DOS y Windows, adems de las utilidades internas de software diversos (antivirus, diagnsticos de PC, etc.)

Xlogmaster . [124] Analog . [125] Fwlogview . (Cortafuegos)


Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Herramientas para recuperacin de datos

R-Studio (soporta particiones Linux)

e2undel . [127] myrescue . [128] TestDisk . [129] unrm . [130] Channel 16 . Enca.

Codificador de archivos de texto con deteccin automtica de carcteres

Total Recoder.

Analizadores de tiempo de No existen ejecucin de rutinas en programas.

Valgrind . [133] Kcachegrind .


Audio y reproductores de CD
Descripcin del programa, tareas ejecutadas Enlaces usuales: Windows GNU/Linux

Linux MIDI & Aplicaciones de Sonido [135] Sound Software . aTunes [137] Audacious [138] XMMS (X multimedia system) . [139] amaroK . [140] Rhythmbox [141] Listen . [142] [143] Zinf . (former Freeamp ) [144] Songbird [145] GQmpeg . [146] SnackAmp . [147] Noatun. [148] Ogg Vorbis para Linux Cplayer. [152] mpg123 ogg123. [153] mpg321 . [154] Orpheus .


Reproductores Msica y archivos mp3 y ogg.

aTunes foobar2000 Winamp. Windows Media Player. Ogg Vorbis para Windows. Switch Sound File Conversion Software (archivos mp3 y ogg, adems de 9 formatos de audio ms). AIMP Classic.

Cnsola de msica y archivos mp3 y ogg.

mpg123 para Windows, dosamp [150] [151] cdplay , mpxplay


Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Programas para grabar CDs CDBurnerXP [155] [156] con Interfaz Grfica Nero 7 Premium [157] Nero 6 Reloaded [158] Roxio Easy Media Creator

K3b (Para entorno KDE) [160] XCDRoast . [161] KOnCd. [162] Eclipt Roaster . [163] Gnome Toaster . [164] Brasero . [165] CD Bake Oven. KreateCD. [166] SimpleCDR-X . [167] GCombust . [168] GnomeBaker . [169] WebCDWriter . (Servidor de quemado de CD, usable desde cualquier navegador con soporte para Java) [170] NeroLinux [171] Graveman

Reproductores de CD

CD player

KsCD . [154] Orpheus . (console) [173] Sadp . [174] WorkMan . [175] Xmcd . [176] Grip . XPlayCD. ccd / cccd. (consola) Comando: hdparm -E <speed> Comando: eject -x <speed> cdspeed. Grip. [177] Audacity . [178] RipperX. [179] tkcOggRipper. cdda2wav. [163] Gnome Toaster. [180] Cdparanoia. [181] Cd2mp3. [182] Dagrab. [166] SimpleCDR-X . [183] RatRip . [184] AutoRip.


Bajando la velocidad de rotacin del CD CD ripping / grabacin

Slowcd, Cdslow

Windows Media Player, AudioGrabber, Nero, VirtualDrive, VirtualCD, ...

Reporductores Midi + karaoke Decodificadores Mp3

VanBasco Lame


KMid, XMMS (ambos a travs de timidity y, freeparts, por ejemplo)

Lame. Bladeenc. [186] NotLame . L3enc. [NL] gogo. RealPlayer para Linux [188] Mplayer + libreras.

Trabajando con protocolos en Tiempo Real


Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Programas para recepcin de estaciones de radio

VC Radio, FMRadio, Digband Radio

xradio . [190] cRadio . Xmradio. RDJ. [191] RadioActive. [192] XMMS-FMRadio . [193] Gqradio. Sweep . [195] WaveForge . [196] Sox . [177] Audacity . [197] GNUSound . [198] Ecasound. [199] Ardour Ecasound. [199] Ardour
[198] [194]

Editores de Audio

SoundForge, Cooledit, ...

Procesadores de Audio Multipista Sound tracker


Fasttracker, ImpulseTracker

Soundtracker . [201] Insotracker . CheeseTracker. Opmixer . aumix. mix2000. Mixer_app (para WindowMaker) LilyPond. [207] Noteedit . [208] MuX2d .
[206] [202]


Mezcladores de Sonido


Editor de Notas Musicales



, Sibelius


, SmartScore

Secuenciador de Formato MIDI


RoseGarden . [210] Brahms . [211] Anthem . [212] Melys . [213] MuSE . [214] Ms informacin: Midi-Howto . Linux Multimedia Studio [209] RoseGarden . [216] Ardour . Csound . Arts Builder [?].
[219] [217] [215]


Creadores de Msica

Cakewalk, FruityLoops



Virtual waves y Csound


Editores de etiquetas ID3-Tag para archivos musicales.




Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux

Descripcin del programa, tareas ejecutadas Visualizador de Archivos Grficos

Windows ACDSee, IrfanView, EagleView, Microsoft Photo Editor,Picture Viewer,Paint,Windows Pictures and Fax Viewer,ImageReady,etc


# Xnview. [221] # GQview . [222] # Qiv . #CompuPic. [223] # Kuickshow. [224] # GTKSee . [225] # xv . [NL] #pornview. [226] # imgv . [227] # Gwenview. [228] # Gliv . [229] # Showimg . #Fbi. [230] # Gthumb. zgv.

Visualizador de Archivos grficos QPEG en consola Editores Simples de Grficos Paint

# Kpaint . [232] # Tuxpaint. [233] # Xpaint. [234] # Gpaint . [235] # Killustrator. # Gimp , FilmGimp [238] # ImageMagick .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. [239] [236] [237]

Editores potentes de Grficos

Adobe Photoshop,ImageReady, Paint Shop Pro

Programas para Trabajos grfico con Vectores

Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw 14, Freehand, AutoSketch

Inkscape . [240] Xara Xtreme . [241] Sodipodi. [242] xfig. [243] Skencil. [244] Karbon14 and Kontour. [245] OpenOffice.org Draw. [246] Dia. Tgif.

[248] 10. Gestalter . [249] 11. ImPress . 12. Corel Draw para Linux.

Corel PhotoPaint

Corel PhotoPaint para Linux.

[250] [245]

Programa para Decorar Texto Programas para Dibujar con cdigo ASCII

Wordart ANSI DRAW, Mazaika


OpenOffice.org Draw.
[252] 1. CanvASCII . [253] 2. Jave . 3. ANSI Draw.

Convertir los archivos Grficos a pseudogrficos



Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Visualizadores de Flash

Flash Player

1. SWF Macromedia Flash [254]

Player [?].

2. Flash Player para Linux


3. Plugin for Netscape/Mozilla [256] (download here or here [257]


Creacin y edicin de animaciones swf

Macromedia Flash

[258] 1. Pencil . [259] 2. DrawSWF . [260] 3. Ming . (Creacin de flash

swf desde lenguajes de progrmacin). [261] 4. F4L [262] 5. KToon [263] 6. Synfig Creacin de grficos Web Grficos 3D Macromedia Fireworks 3D Studio MAX, Maya

Gimp , Povray


, ...

[266] 1. Blender. [264] 2. Maya . [267] 3. KPovModeler. [268] 4. K3Studio. [269] 5. Moonlight . [270] 6. GIG3DGO . [265] 7. Povray . [271] 8. K3D . [272] 9. Wings 3D. [273] 10. Softimage XSI. [NL]

Motores de Render Editores de Iconos Pequeos programas de captura de pantallas

ArtLantis Render, V-Ray, Brazil, Maxwell Renderer Microangelo Integrado con el sistema(PrintScreen), Snag it, ...

1. Gnome-iconedit. 2. Kiconedit. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ksnapshot. Xwpick. Xwd, xgrabsc. Motv (xawtv) Streamer (video)

Dibujo de Diagramas y Estructuras de Bases de Datos


[246] 1. Dia . 2. Toolkit for Conceptual [274]


Creacin de impresiones de calendario, tarjetas postales, etc., con colecciones de clip art

Broderbund Print Shop


Video y otros

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Descripcin del programa, tareas ejecutadas Reproductores de Video / mpeg4


[188] 1. Mplayer. [276] 2. Xine. [277] 3. Sinek . (frontend [275] 4. VideoLAN . [278] 5. Aviplay .

BSplayer,Cristal Player,Super KMPlayer,KMPlayer, [275] Zoomplayer, Windows Media Player, VideoLAN

para libxine)

Reproductores en Consola para video / mpeg4 Reproductores de DVD

No existen.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


PowerDVD, WinDVD, MicroDVD, Windows Media [275] Player, VideoLAN

Ogle. [188] Mplayer. [276] Xine. [278] Aviplay . [275] VideoLAN .


Decodificadores de DVD rippers

Gordian Knot

[280] 1. Drip . [188] 2. Mencoder. 1. iMira Editing 2. MainActor. [281]

Creacin y edicin sencilla de video

Windows Movie Maker

#Broadcast 2000. /> #Kdenlive.<br Creacin y edicin Profesional de Video Adobe Premiere, Media Studio Pro
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

iMira Editing . [282] Cinelerra . MainActor. Broadcast 2000. Kdenlive. [283] Lives .


Cortando video

Virtual Dub

1. Avidemux. [285] 2. Kino.

Convertidores de video

Virtual Dub

[286] 1. Transcode . [188] 2. Mencoder (from

3. Avidemux.


Trabajando con Sintonizadores de TV

AVerTV, PowerVCR 3.0, CinePlayer DVR, ...

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Kwintv. Xawtv. Zapping. [288] GnomeTV. [188] Mplayer . [289] TvTime .



Trabajando con Sintonizadores TV-tuner en consola

1. Mplayer 2. fbtv. 3. aatv.

Trabajando con formatos QuickTime

QuickTime Player

#QuickTime Player para Linux. [188] # Mplayer + Sorenson codec.

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Programas para creaci de efectos 2D y 3D , animacin y composicin

Adobe After Effects

1. Shake

. [Proprietario, $129.95] [291] 2. Jahshaka . 3. Plugins para Gimp. Terraform ???

[293] [292]

generacin Landscape / terrain Construccin de Mundos Virtuales Framework para desarrollo de aplicaciones en video Edicin de subttulos

Bryce World Construction Set, Animatek World Builder ??? Subtitle Workshop


1. GNOME Subtitle [294] Editor [295] 2. Gaupol 3. GNOME Subtitles [296] [297] 4. Aegisub

Descripcin del programa, tareas ejecutadas Paquetes de oficina Windows


MS Office, StarOffice [245] OpenOffice.org , 602Software

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Openoffice.org . [298] Staroffice . [NL] [244] Koffice. [299] HancomOffice . [NL] [300] Gnome Office . [301] Applixware Office . [302] Siag Office . [303] TeX, LaTeX , ...

Suite de oficina

WordPerfect Office 2000

WordPerfect Office 2000 para Linux. (No longer available at Corel website. Esto fue en la versin [304] de Windows, corre bajo Wine :).
1. 2. 3. 4.

Procesador de texto

Word, StarOffice / [245] OpenOffice.org Writer, 602Text


Abiword. [306] WordPerfect . [307] Ted . [298] [245] StarOffice / OpenOffice.org Writer. [308] # Kword. [309] # LyX . [310] # Kile (KDE Integrado a LaTeX) . Gnumeric. Abacus. [298] [245] StarOffice / OpenOffice.org Calc. [312] Kspread.


Hojas de Clculo

Excel, StarOffice / [245] OpenOffice.org Calc, 602Tab Excel, ...


1. 2. 3. 4.

Dibujo de Grficos

[244] 1. Kivio. [246] 2. Dia.

3. xfig.


#Gnuplot. #GtkGraph.

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux

[298] [298]

Creacin de Presentaciones

MS PowerPoint, StarOffice Presentation, OpenOffice.org [245] Impress

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

StarOffice Presentation. [245] OpenOffice.org Impress. [313] Kpresenter . [314] MagicPoint . Kuickshow & gimp :). KNoda. [316] Gnome DB Manager . [245] [317] OpenOffice.org + MySQL . InterBase. BDB. [318] Rekall . [NL] [298] StarOffice Adabase. [319] Kexi .
[320] [315]

Bases de Datos Locales


Paquetes de Contabilidad Financiera (global) Paquetes de Contabilidad Financiera(Ruso)

??? "1C: Accounting"

1. Hansa Business Solutions

. [NL]

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Hansa Business Solutions . [NL] [321] IceB. [322] "Finances without problems". [323] Ananas. [324] E/AS . [325] 1L: Project.


Paquetes de Contabilidad Financiera (Indio & Asia) Administrador Personal de Finanzas

??? MS Money, Quicken

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4.

. [NL]

GNUcash. [328] GnoFin . [329] Kmymoney . [330] Grisbi . [331] Kapital . [NL] Planner . [333] GanttProject . Keeper. [NL] [335] Oblik. [NL] [321] IceB. [336] Compiere .
[334] [332]


Administrador de Proyectos

MS Project, Project Expert 7,Rational Rose. "1C: Enterprise"

Automatizacin de empresas (Russia)

Recibiendo las cotizaciones, noticias, construyendo grficos y analizando del Mercado financiero. Software para e-commerce y web business

Omega Research Trade Station 2000



Weblogic, Websphere iPlanet


# Weblogic para Linux . [NL] [339] # JBoss . [337] # IBM WebSphere Application Server . [NL] Bibus


Gestores de citas bibliogrficas

EndNote , Procite [342] Reference Manager


Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Descripcin del programa, tareas ejecutadas Donde Obtenerlos Windows Los compra.... GNU/Linux

LinuxGames.com | [345] | Kde Games [346] [347] | Linux Game Publishing


Lista de Juegos en GNU/Linux Juegos para Windows, esto tambin corre bajo WineX o su nueva versin CEDEGA -

Esto es un Formulario de bsqueda ,y [350] esto es una completa lista de juegos (muy grande!).
[351] 1. LTris . [352] 2. XWelltris .



Juegos Standard en Windows Mines



[354] 1. KMines. [355] 2. Perlmines.

Civilization Civilization: Call to Power Sid Meyer Alpha Centauri Sim City 3000 Command&Conquer Warcraft 3 (Win) Digger



Civilization: Call to Power para GNU/Linux. Sid Meyer Alpha Centauri para Linux. Sim City 3000 para Linux. FreeCNC.
[357] [358]


[359] 1. Digger. 2. XDigger.

Arkanoid, Zball, ... Quake 1, 2, 3 CounterStrike Urban Terror DOOM




Quake 1, 2, 3 para Linux

. .

CounterStrike bajo WineX Urban Terror para Linux.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Jdoom. [362] Zdoom . [363] DOOM Legacy. [364] LxDOOM. [365] PrBoom.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Return to Castle Wolfenstein para Linux.


Descent Never Winter Nights Unreal Tournament / Unreal Tournament 2003 / Unreal Tournament 2004 Soldier Of Fortune Tribes 2

Descent para Linux. Never Winter Nights para Linux. Unreal Tournament / Unreal Tournament 2003 / Unreal Tournament 2004 para Linux Soldier Of Fortune para Linux. Tribes 2 para Linux.

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Blood 1 Worms


[368] 1. Wormux. [369] 2. Hedgewars. 3. Nil.

Emulador de Sony PlayStation Emulador SuperNintendo Racing Chess Shooter

Lines MS Flight Simulator Lemmings ePSXe para Windows Clon de Super Pang ZSNES para Windows Need for Speed ChessMaster, ... Quake 4 Simcity Super Mario Bros



FlightGear Pingus ePSXe

[371] [372]




Torcs, Tux Racer :). Glchess, Xboard, Eboard, GNUChess. Quake 4 :D Lincity NG

SuperTux [376] Secret Maryo Chronicles Vega Strike Neverball



Wing Commander: Privateer Super Monkey Ball Arkanoid






Programacin y Desarrollo
Descripcin del programa, tareas ejecutadas IDE Windows
1. Microsoft Visual Studio .net 2. SharpDevelop


CodeForge. [382] [383] Kdevelop + Qt3 Designer. [384] Eclipse . [385] [386] [387] Glade + Motor o + Xwpe o + cualquier editor de textos. 5. Emacs, XEmacs.
1. 2. 3. 4.

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux

[388] [385] 1. Anjuta + Glade + Devhelp. [389] 2. Kylix. [NL] (Kylix la edicin

Visual C++ IDE

Borland C++ Builder, Microsoft Visual C++

personal es libre).
3. vtkBuilder. 4. foxBuilder. 5. wxDesigner. [390] 6. Arriba . [NL] [391] 7. Code::Blocks . [392] 8. Code Crusader . [NL] [393] 9. CodeWarrior . [NL] [394] 10. Gbuilder . [395] 11. Source Navigator. [396] 12. TimeStorm . [NL] [397] 13. Understand for C++ . [NL] [398] 14. SlickEdit . [NL] [399] 15. Vide.


Borland Turbo C++ 3.0 para DOS, , Minimalist GNU para Windows [111] (mingw32-gcc.exe) , Intel C++ compiler, DJGPP.

1. GCC [387] 2. 3. 4. 5.


(+ Motor


o + Xwpe

). [401] LinEdit . [402] Rhide . [403] Wxstudio . [384] Eclipse .


Objetos en Pascal IDE


1. Kylix.

[NL] (Kylix la edicin personal es libre). 2. Lazarus + FPC.

[405] 1. Freepascal. 2. GNU Pascal. 3. RShell (al estilo de Borland Pascal 7.0) [406] [407] 1. GNU Prolog. [406] 2. Mercury . [408] 3. SWI-Prolog . [409] 1. NASM. [410] 2. FLAT Assembler. [411] 3. Dasm


Pascal, BP


VisualProlog, Mercury




Disassembler, ingeniera en reversa Debugger

1. SoftIce 2. OllyDbg

El cdigo es abierto :)
1. ldasm [111] [412]

Minimalist GNU para Windows (gdb.exe) Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft Frontpage

[413] 1. gdb . [414] 2. ddd (frontend para gdb).

Editor Html WYSIWYG

Netscape / Mozilla Composer. [245] Openoffice HTML editor. [417] Amaya . [418] GINF (Ginf no es Frontpage) [419] Nvu . IBM WebSphere Homepage Builder [420] . [37] 7. Quanta Plus
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Editores HTML


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Quanta Plus. [421] Bluefish. [422] WebMaker. [423] Screem. [424] Toppage. [425] WebDesigner. [426] ScriptEditor. [427] August .
[428] [429]

Editores CSS Perl/Python/Tcl IDE IDE de Java

TopStyle JBuilder

1. cssed.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Java Tools para Linux. [431] Jbuilder [432] NetBeans. [384] Eclipse. [433] Sun ONE Studio. (antiguamente Forte) [399] 6. Vide. [434] 7. JDEEmacs.

IDE para Desarrollo de Bases de Datos Oracle CASE-facilesity para UML

T.O.A.D., SQL Navigator, PL/SQL Developer Tora. [435]+ TOra [436] ArgoUML [NL]

, Together ControlCenter


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Umbrello UML Modeller. [440] [441] Dia + Dia2Code . [442] PoceidonCE (community edition) . [437] ArgoUML. [438] Together ControlCenter [NL]


Elevados sistemas de CASE Editores HEX

Rational Rose.
1. 2. 3. 4.

Rational Rose para Linux. [NL]

1. 2. 3. 4. [450]

Hiew [444] WinHex [445] HEdit [34] UltraEdit


Biew. [447] KHexEdit. [448] HTE [449] Bless Hex Editor


Compiladores y preprocesadores Clipper

CA-Clipper, The Harbour Project

[451] 1. Clip . [450] 2. The Harbour Project . [452] 3. xHarbour. [453] 1. Mono . [454] 2. DotGNU/Portable.NET 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Plataformas al estilo .net

Microsoft .Net

Trabajando con CVS

WinCVS, TortoiseCVS, cvs para Windows, [455] BitKeeper [NL]

cvs (consola). [457] Cervisia (KDE). Lincvs. (Front-end para CVS) [455] BitKeeper. [NL] [458] SubVersion . (enhanced CVSi-like platform + WebDAV -> SCM)


IDE para desarrollo de Interbase/Firebird


1. Flamerobin

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux

[460] [461]

Basic/Visual Basic

Basic/Visual Basic, Realbasic.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Phoenix. [460] Realbasic. [462] Gambas. [463] Hbasic. X-basic [464] Yabasic. [465] SmallBASIC [466] FreeBASIC gtk . [383] qt. [472] fltk. [473] Mesa 3D [468] SDL [470] OpenGL

Libreras Grficas

1. 2. 3. 4.

DirectX [468] SDL [469] Allegro [470] OpenGL


Software para Servidores

Descripcin del programa, tareas ejecutadas Servidores Web Windows Internet Information Server, Apache para Windows, roxen / roxen2, wn, cern-httpd, dhttpd, caudium, aolserver, boa, ... GNU/Linux

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Apache [475] Lighttpd Xitami Thttp Tux [476] PublicFile . pure-ftpd vsftpd [479] wu-ftpd [480] proftpd [481] gl-ftpd ftp [476] PublicFile .

Servidores FTP

Internet Information Server, ServU FTP, BulletProof FTP server.


, War

Lenguajes para Desarrollo Web

PHP para Windows, Perl para Windows y ASP 1. PHP [482] [483] (Active Server Pages) 2. Perl . 3. Mdulos ASP para Apache. MS SQL, MySQL para Windows, PostgreSQL 1. Sybase Adaptive Server [484] para Windows Enterprise. [NL] [485] 2. PostgreSQL. [317] 3. MySQL 4. mSQL [486] 5. SAP DB . IBM DB2 Oracle para Windows, Borland Interbase, [488] FireBird e Informix IBM DB2 para Linux.
1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. [487]

Motores de Bases de Datos

Motores de Bases de Datos Motores de Bases de Datos


Oracle. [NL] [485] PostgreSQL. [490] Linter. [488] FireBird Sendmail [493] Qmail [494] Postfix [495] Exim


Servidores de Correo Electrnico



y Hamster

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux

[496] 1. CommuniGate Pro. [NL] 2. Bynari's Insight GroupWare [497] Suite . [NL] [498] 3. Samsung Contact . [NL] 4. Teamware Office para Linux [499] . [NL] [500] 5. Novell Netmail . [NL] 6. Amphora (Basado en Zope y [501]

Correo Electrnico + Groupware (Software de gestin de grupos)

Microsoft Exchange


7. Tutos (Basado en Linux /

Apache / PHP / Mysql / [502] Sendmail [503] 8. Kroupware 9. SuSe Linux Openexchange [504] Server . [NL] [505] 10. phpGroupWare . [NL] [506] 11. SCOoffice Mail Server . [NL] [507] 12. NeoCS [NL] Filtro de Correo/ Eliminador de Correo Basura (Spam) cygwin + Exim port
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

SpamAssassin [509] Procmail Mailfilter Exim [510] BogoFilter



Descarga de Correo Electrnico Software de aplicacin especfica

MDaemon Lotus Domin para Windows


Lotus Domino para Linux. [NL]


Servidor y enrutador en un disquete

No existe

1. Tanots [513] 2. muLinux 3. Dachstein (Cortafuegos y [514] Servidor DHCP) [515] 4. Serverdisk (http y ftp) [516] 5. Fli4l 1. 2. 3. 4.

Servidores Proxy

MS ISA Server, WinGate

Squid [518] Paco [519] Privoxy [520] Wwwoffle



Servidores que soportan tecnologas Java Servlets y JSP, que pueden trabajar con Apache



Tomcat para Linux

Cientficos y Programas Especiales

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Descripcin del programa, tareas ejecutadas Sistemas Matemticos similares a MathCad Sistemas Matemticos similares a Matlab Mathcad



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. [530]


Matlab para Linux. [ FTP ] [525] Octave (con la adicin de GNUplot) [526] Scilab [527] R Yorick rlab [528] Yacas [529] Euler



Sistemas Matemticos similares a Mathematica


1. Mathematica para Linux 2. Maxima 3. MuPad 1. Maple para Linux [532] 2. Maxima [533] 3. MuPad 1. 2. 3. 4. [531]

Sistemas Matemticos similares a Maple



Editor de Ecuaciones matemticas

Mathtype y MS Equation Editor

OpenOffice.org Math. [534] MathMLed [244] Kformula (Koffice) [309] LyX



Programas para modelado tridimensional Ditto

SolidWorks CATIA para Windows

ProEngineer Linux.

CATIA. esto fue diseado bajo Unix, y en la versin 5 (2000) esto fue portado para funcionar bajo Windows (No completamente satisfactorio). SolidEdge (Parte de paquete ms poderoso Unigraphics). ANSYS
[536] 1. Varkon [537] 2. Linuxcad [Proprietario] [538] 3. Varicad. [NL] [539] 4. Cycas . [540] 5. Tomcad [541] 6. Thancad [542] 7. Fandango [543] 8. Lignumcad [544] 9. Giram [545] 10. Jcad [546] 11. QSCad [547] 12. FreeEngineer [548] 13. Ocadis [549] 14. Microform [550] 15. PythonCAD.

Ditto Ingeniera Diseo, Manufactura e Ingeniera asistida por computador (CAD/CAM/CAE)

SolidEdge para Windows ANSYS para Windows Autocad, Microstation

CAD/CAM/CAE, simplifcado Sistemas de Publicacin apoyada por el ordenador

ArchiCAD Adobe PageMaker, QuarkXPress




Adobe Framemaker cancelado]

. [Proprietario,

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Pequeos Sistemas de Publicacin apoyada por el ordenador Diagramacin y Diseo Cartogrfico

MS Publisher

1. Scribus - Desktop Publishing para Linux [244] 2. KWord 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. [554]

Microsoft Visio

Kivio (Koffice) [246] Dia. KChart [242] xfig. Tgif + dotty Tulip


Software de procesamiento de imgenes geogrficas

Erdas Imagine, ER Mapper ENVI

1. ENVI para Linux.

Sistema de Informacin Geogrfica ArcView, ArcGIS, MapInfo, (GIS) Geomedia, Autodesk Map, Microstation Geographic, Smallworld

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Grass [556] Quantum GIS gvSIG [557] Thuban [558] uDIG [559] Jump GIS


Bases de datos espaciales

ArcSDE, Oracle Spatial, MySQL Spatial Extensions, PostgreSQL [560] [561] + PostGIS MapEdit, Easy Trace

[560] [561] 1. PostgreSQL + PostGIS 2. MySQL Spatial Extensions

Vectorizador del tramado de mapas Software CNC, controlador de herramientas de mquinas Sistema de tratamiento de texto Avanzado, tipo TeX

No existe software



1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4.

MikTex, emTeX (DOS)

TeX. [303] TeTeX / LaTeX [309] LyX (WYSIWYM). [310] Kile . Kile Ktexmaker2 [564] Tk LaTeX Editor [565] Texmacs
[527] [310]

Editores de archivos TeX y dvi.


Lenguajes Integrados de Ambiente S-PLUS [566] Estaditco Anlisis Estadstico Statistica

"Utilidades de Probabilidad y Estadsticas para [567] usuarios de Linux"

1. Gretl 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. [579] [568] [569]

Software Economtrico Emulatdores de circutos electrnicos

Eviews, Gretl Electronic Workbench

Ktechlab [570] Qucs [571] Geda [572] Oregano [573] Xcircuit [574] Gnome Assisted Electronics [575] SPICE [576] SPICE OPUS [577] NG-SPICE

Programas de dibujo de estructuras qumicas



, Isisdraw


Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux

No existe

Descarga y reproduccin para el dictfono Olympus Anlisis de Mercados Diseo de esquemas electrnicos

Olympus DSS Player


MetaStock PCAD

1. Eagle 2. Geda.


Emulador de osciloscopio Monitoreo de la tarjeta madre del computador Atributos y temperatura del disco Duro (S.M.A.R.T)

Winoscillo MBMonitor, PCAlert

Xoscope. KHealthCare
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. [584]


Suministrado con el CD que acompaa a la tarjeta madre, [585] Active SMART .

smartctl [586] Hddtemp-0.3 [586] IDEload-0.2 [587] Smartsuite-2.1 [588] Smartmontools [589] Ide-smart [590] Smartsuite

Prueba de Memora del computador Programas para monitorear los parmetros del computador



[592] 1. lshw Hardware Lister [593] 2. Ksensors [594] 3. Lm_sensors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Pruebas del disco duro


hdparm. [595] Bonnie++. [596] IOzone . [597] Dbench . [598] Bonnie . [599] IO Bench . [600] Nhfsstone . [601] SPEC SFS. [NL]

Pruebas de Video Control de Tiempo Real

Final Reality

1. X11perf. 2. Viewperf.

SHA Sybera Hardware Access


DIAPM RTAI - Realtime Application Interface.

[603] [604]

Simulador de Redes Simulador de Redes neuronales biolgicas Sensor para LCD (pantalla de cristal lquido) Visualizador para Electrocardiogramas

No existe No existe No existe No existe




Sensors-lcd. ecg2png.




Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Descripcin del programa, tareas ejecutadas Navegadores Web

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



[Internet Explorer] [608] TheWorld Browser [609] Tencent Traveler [610] Maxthon [611] Safari [MSN] [ICQ] [AIM] [Yahoo] [...]

1. 2. 3. 4.

Firefox [613] Google Chromium [614] Opera [...]


Mensajera Instantanea

[615] 1. aMSN 2. Pidgin (Soporta todas las empresas de mensajera,

adems abrir varias cuentas a la vez y del mismo [616] operador 3. [...] 4. [...]
[617] 1. 2. 3. 4.

Simulador Espacial / Planetarios

1. 2. 3. 4.

Starry Night. [618] Stellarium. [619] Openuniverse. [620] Celestia.

Stellarium. [621] Kstar. [619] Openuniverse. [620] Celestia.



TV driver Sistemas, corriendo desde CD-ROM (Live CD)

1. Bart's Preinstalled Environment


(BartPE). 2. Hire's Boot CD. 3. MiniPE.

[623] 1. Knoppix . [624] 2. Cool Linux . [625] 3. Blin . [626] 4. DemoLinux . [627] 5. DyneBolic . [628] 6. Gentoo (live CD) . [629] 7. Lonix . [630] 8. Virtual Linux . [631] 9. Bootable Business Card (LNX-BBC). [632] 10. ByzantineOS. [633] 11. FreeLoader Linux. [634] 12. MoviX. [635] 13. Freeduc CD. [504] 14. SuSE live-eval CD. [636] 15. Freedom Linux . [637] 16. Eagle Linux. 1. Linux system diskette. [638] 2. Tomsrtbt . [639] 3. BanShee Linux .

Herramientas de rescate de sistema

Disquete de sistema Windows

Sistemas de montaje de Archivos Software Instalador y Desinstalador

ext2fs (driver), explore2fs (programa) - ext2/3 bajo Windows



Linux-NTFS . (controlador para el montaje de particiones NTFS)

1. 2. 3. 4.


InstallShield, WISE, GhostInstaller y Microsoft Installer

Rpm & frontends. Urpmi. [643] Apt & frontends (synaptic, ...). [644] Apt-rpm . (for RedHat, SuSE, ALT Linux, etc)

Software Instalador y Desinstalador desde archivos fuentes

Minimalist GNU para Windows


1. make install, make uninstall [645] 2. CheckInstall . [646] 3. Sinstall .

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Sistema de Actualizacin

Windows Update

1. Novell-Suse (reemplaza a Ximian Red Carpet y [647] SuSE YaST Online Update) . [648] 2. Red Hat Network . [649] 3. Mandriva Online . 4. SCO Group (Conocida antiguamente como Caldera

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Software y que ya no produce ni soporta productos Linux). [643] Apt . [650] Gentoo ebuilds . [651] Debian Linux package search . [652] Yum . [653] Smart Package Manager .

Instalar usando los botones del ratn Certificaciones

No todo software bajo Windows MCSD, MCAD, MCDBA, MCT, MCSE


[655] 1. Red Hat Certification. [656] 2. Sair Linux and GNU Certification. 3. Linux Professional Institute Certification (LPIC) [657] . [658] 4. Linux+ . [659] 5. Prometric . [660] 6. VUE . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Emulador de Spectrum ZX

X128, Speccyal, SpecX, SpecEmu, [661] UnrealSpeccy, ...

Xzx. [663] Glukalka. [664] Fuse. [665] ZXSP-X. [666] FBZX. VMWare para Linux. [NL] [668] VirtualBox para Linux [670] [671] Win4Lin. Propietario, $89 . [672] Bochs. [673] Plex86 . [674] User mode Linux.


Mquinas Virtuales

VMWare para Windows [668] VirtualBox para Windows [669] Microsoft Virtual PC 2004


Trabajando con Palm

Escritorios Palm

[675] 1. Kpilot . [676] 2. Jpilot . 1. Plucker [677]

Transporte de archivos .html para Palm Optimizacin Biblia


WinBoost, TweakXP, Customizer XP, Powertweak-Linux. [678] X-Setup, PowerToys, etc On-Line Bible, The SWORD
[679] 1. BibleTime (KDE) [680] 2. Gnomesword (Gnome) 1. Desktop File Manager. [681] 2. ROX . [682] 3. Idesk .

Iconos en el Escritorio


(KDE y GNOME incluyen esta funcion predeterminadamente) Lanzador de aplicaciones al estilo Quicksilver de Mac ----1. Katapult [683]

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


Protectores de pantalla

Propiedades del Escritorio

1. 2. 3. 4.

xset. [684] xlockmore . [685] xscreensaver . kscreensaver.

Lugar para mantener los archivos removidos Verificacin del disco duro

Papelera de Reciclaje

[686] 1. Trash Can. [687] 2. Libtrash .


Comando fsck -check Comando reiserfsck -check No es necesario en sistemas de archivo con bitcoras (journalised) (reiserfs, ext3, jfs, xfs) Kde, Gnome, IceWM, Windowmaker, Blackbox, [688] Fluxbox, ... Macrosoft Desktop Environment
[690]. [689]

Sistemas de Interfaz Grfica del Usuario (GUI) Windows 9x GUI Windows XP GUI Versiones del Sistema Operativo Google

Windows Explorer

Windows 9x Windows XP 9x, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7

RedHat, Mandriva Linux, ALT, Knoppix, Debian, Fedora, openSUSE, Gentoo, Slackware, Linspire, Ubuntu, etc. Google tiene muchsimas herramientas online,a dems de un adelanto de todas ellas ms de las que hay en el mercado y todo gratis. Entrar a ver las herramientas aqu

No hay comparacin con bing

Intrpretes de Comndos

Command.com (DOS), cmd.exe, Windows Scripting Host, 4dos/4NT [692] , Minimalist GNU para Windows

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Bash Csh [694] Zsh Ash [695] Tcsh


Enlaces externos
OviedoVive [696] FreshMeat.net [697] SourceForge.net [698] Windows TI Magazine [699] Windows & .NET Magazine Network [700] Linux Journal [701] Linux Gazette [702] Linux Magazine [703] The Linux Alternative Project [704]

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux


En principio todos los programas de Linux en esta tabla son libres, salvo los marcados con [NL] [NL]: programas no libres para Linux [?]: significa que no hay informacin clara sobre la situacin del programa (si es libre o no).

[1] http:/ / www. ibiblio. org/ mc/ [2] http:/ / xnc. dubna. su/ [3] http:/ / deco. sourceforge. net/ [4] http:/ / pcmm. sourceforge. net/ [5] http:/ / www. konqueror. org/ [6] http:/ / krusader. sourceforge. net/ [7] http:/ / www. nongnu. org/ gcmd/ [8] http:/ / www. kcommander. org/ [9] http:/ / www. ussr. to/ Russia/ vvi/ lcmd. html [10] http:/ / emelfm. sourceforge. net/ [11] http:/ / www. gnome. org/ projects/ nautilus/ [12] http:/ / wolfpack. twu. net/ Endeavour2/ [13] http:/ / foxdesktop. sourceforge. net/ foXdesktop/ [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] http:/ / thunar. xfce. org/ http:/ / www. dillo. org/ http:/ / stuphead. asplinux. ru/ dillo/ http:/ / lynx. browser. org/ http:/ / atrey. karlin. mff. cuni. cz/ %7Eclock/ twibright/ links/ http:/ / dar. linux. free. fr/ http:/ / linux-udf. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. smart-projects. net/ isobuster/ http:/ / www. elis. rug. ac. be/ %7Eronsse/ cdfs/ http:/ / gnotepad. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / kate. kde. org/ http:/ / www. geany. org/ http:/ / www. vim. org/ http:/ / www. xemacs. org/ http:/ / xcoral. free. fr/ http:/ / www. bostic. com/ vi/ http:/ / space. mit. edu/ %7Edavis/ jed/ http:/ / fte. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / space. mit. edu/ %7Edavis/ jedsoft/ jed/ http:/ / www. scintilla. org/ SciTE. html http:/ / www. ultraedit. com/ http:/ / notepad-plus. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / codecommander. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / quanta. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. geocities. com/ SiliconValley/ 9757/ gnozip. html http:/ / www. 7-zip. org/ download. html http:/ / perso. wanadoo. fr/ coquelle/ karchiver/ http:/ / gnochive. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. rarlab. com/ download. htm http:/ / www. kyz. uklinux. net/ cabextract. php3 http:/ / www. rops. org/ http:/ / www. cs. wisc. edu/ %7Eghost/ http:/ / www. adobe. com/ products/ acrobat http:/ / kpdf. kde. org/ http:/ / www. foolabs. com/ xpdf/

[49] http:/ / wino. physik. uni-mainz. de/ %7Eplass/ gv/ [50] http:/ / www. gnome. org/ projects/ evince [51] http:/ / www. denniswarner. net/ lfp/ creating_pdf_files. html

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux

[52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73] http:/ / www. adobe. com/ products/ acrdis/ systemreqs. html http:/ / tex2pdf. berlios. de/ http:/ / www. reportlab. com/ download. html http:/ / www. gnupg. org/ http:/ / winpt. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. gnupg. org/ %28en%29/ related_software/ gpa/ index. html http:/ / devel-home. kde. org/ %7Ekgpg/ http:/ / www. gnupg. org/ %28en%29/ related_software/ frontends. html#gui http:/ / sourceforge. net/ projects/ loop-aes/ http:/ / www. crypto. com/ software/ http:/ / www. tcfs. it/ http:/ / www. jetico. com/ http:/ / www. cs. columbia. edu/ %7Eezk/ research/ software/ http:/ / 194. 242. 45. 189/ robert/ virtualcd/ index. html http:/ / www. claraocr. org/ http:/ / jocr. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / webua. net/ zavolzhsky/ english/ programs. html http:/ / stardict. sourceforge. net http:/ / www. chat. ru/ %7Emueller_dic/ http:/ / dictx. narod. ru/ http:/ / konst. org. ua/ ru/ groan http:/ / babiloo. sourceforge. net/


[74] http:/ / www. xsane. org/ [75] http:/ / www. kde. org/ apps/ kooka/ [76] http:/ / www. tummy. com/ xvscan/ [77] http:/ / www. trendmicro. com/ [78] http:/ / www. f-prot. com/ [79] http:/ / www. clamav. net/ [80] http:/ / www. ravantivirus. com/ [81] http:/ / www. openantivirus. org/ [82] http:/ / www. openantivirus. org/ virushammer. php [83] http:/ / www. avast. com/ [84] http:/ / www. vanja. com/ tools/ [85] http:/ / www. kaspersky. ru/ [86] http:/ / www. drweb. ru/ unix/ [87] http:/ / www. solucorp. qc. ca/ linuxconf/ [88] http:/ / www. gnu. org/ software/ grub/ grub. html [89] http:/ / www. acronis. ru/ [90] http:/ / www. users. intercom. com/ %7Eranish/ part [91] http:/ / www. freebird. org/ sw-map/ bootmanager. html [92] http:/ / symon. ru/ usr/ rus/ about. shtml [93] http:/ / btmgr. sourceforge. net/ index. php3?body=scrshots. html [94] http:/ / www. gnu. org/ software/ parted/ parted. html [95] http:/ / members. xoom. virgilio. it/ zanac/ qtparted/ [96] http:/ / www. partimage. org/ [97] http:/ / www. linux-mandrake. com/ diskdrake [98] http:/ / www. paragon. ru/ pm/ rus/ n_pm_main. htm [99] http:/ / evms. sourceforge. net/ [100] http:/ / www. legato. com/ products/ networker/ [101] http:/ / www. cactus. com/ [102] http:/ / www. bacula. org/ [103] http:/ / taper. sourceforge. net/ [104] http:/ / www. amanda. org/ [105] http:/ / www. mondorescue. org/ [106] http:/ / www. microwerks. net/ %7Ehugo/ [107] http:/ / dogma. freebsd-uk. eu. org/ %7Egrrussel/ index. html [108] http:/ / www. cstr. ed. ac. uk/ projects/ festival/ [109] http:/ / www. cs. cornell. edu/ Info/ People/ raman/ emacspeak/ emacspeak. html [110] http:/ / www. speech. cs. cmu. edu/ sphinx/

Introduccin a Linux/Equivalencias Windows en Linux

[111] [112] [113] [114] [115] [116] [117] [118] [119] [120] [121] [122] [123] [124] [125] [126] [127] [128] [129] [130] [131] [132] [133] [134] [135] [136] [137] [138] [139] [140] [141] [142] [143] [144] [145] [146] [147] [148] [149] [150] [151] [152] [153] [154] [155] [156] [157] [158] [159] [160] [161] [162] [163] [164] [165] [166] http:/ / www. mingw. org/ http:/ / winmerge. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / meld. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. perl. com/ http:/ / www. treepad. com/ linux/ treepadlite/ http:/ / yank. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / bhepple. freeshell. org/ gjots/ index. shtml http:/ / sourceforge. net/ projects/ leo http:/ / multires. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / home. tvd. be/ cr26864/ Linux/ fbdev/ http:/ / beaglewiki. org/ http:/ / web. wt. net/ %7Ebillw/ gkrellm/ gkrellm. html http:/ / www. linuxsoftware. org/ apphit. php3?appid=735& linktype=download http:/ / www. analog. cx/ http:/ / immo. myip. org/ computing/ fwlogview/ http:/ / e2undel. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / myrescue. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. cgsecurity. org/ index. html?testdisk. html http:/ / freshmeat. net/ projects/ unrm/ ?topic_id=866 http:/ / channel16. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / trific. ath. cx/ software/ enca/ http:/ / developer. kde. org/ %7Esewardj/ http:/ / kcachegrind. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / linux-sound. org/ http:/ / sound. condorow. net/ http:/ / www. atunes. org http:/ / audacious-media-player. org http:/ / www. xmms. org/ http:/ / amarok. kde. org/ http:/ / www. gnome. org/ projects/ rhythmbox/ http:/ / listengnome. free. fr/ http:/ / www. zinf. org/ http:/ / www. freeamp. org/ http:/ / www. songbirdnest. com/ http:/ / gqmpeg. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / snackamp. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / noatun. kde. org/ http:/ / vorbis. com/ setup_linux/ http:/ / www. rjamorim. com/ rrw/ dosamp. html http:/ / realgar. mcli. dist. maricopa. edu/ director/ zip/ cdplay. zip http:/ / www. geocities. com/ mpxplay http:/ / www. sci. fi/ %7Etobo/ mpg123 http:/ / mpg321. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / konst. org. ua/ rus/ software/ orpheus/ info. html http:/ / www. cdburnerxp. se/ http:/ / www. nero. com/ nero7/ eng/ index. html/ http:/ / www. nero. com/ eng/ Nero_6_Reloaded. html/ http:/ / www. roxio. com/ en/ products/ emc/ index. jhtml http:/ / k3b. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. xcdroast. org/ http:/ / www. koncd. org/ http:/ / sourceforge. net/ projects/ eroaster/ http:/ / gnometoaster. rulez. org/ http:/ / www. gnome. org/ projects/ brasero/ http:/ / cdbakeoven. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / ogre. rocky-road. net/ cdr. shtml


[167] http:/ / www. iki. fi/ jmunsin/ gcombust/ [168] http:/ / www. gnomefiles. org/ app. php?soft_id=291 [169] http:/ / wwwhomes. uni-bielefeld. de/ jhaeger/ webCDwriter/

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[170] [171] [172] [173] [174] [175] [176] [177] [178] [179] [180] [181] [182] [183] [184] [185] [186] [187] [188] [189] [190] [191] [192] [193] [194] [195] [196] [197] [198] [199] [200] [201] [202] [203] [204] [205] [206] [207] [208] [209] [210] [211] [212] [213] [214] [215] [216] [217] [218] [219] [220] [221] [222] [223] [224] [225] http:/ / www. nero. com/ en/ NeroLINUX. html http:/ / graveman. tuxfamily. org/ http:/ / zorbla. de/ milliByte/ index. html http:/ / www. geocities. com/ xsadp/ http:/ / www. x. org/ contrib/ applications/ WorkMan/ http:/ / www. amb. org/ Xmcd/ http:/ / www. nostatic. org/ grip/ http:/ / audacity. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / prdownloads. sourceforge. net/ riperx/ http:/ / www. thekompany. com/ projects/ tkcoggripper/ http:/ / www. xiph. org/ paranoia http:/ / www. jamiesdomain. org. uk/ http:/ / web. tiscalinet. it/ marcellou/ dagrab. html http:/ / www. linuxrat. org/ projects. html http:/ / sourceforge. net/ projects/ autorip/ http:/ / www. vanbasco. com/ http:/ / hive. me. gu. edu. au/ not_lame/ http:/ / scopes. real. com/ real/ player/ unix/ unix. html http:/ / www. mplayerhq. hu/ http:/ / xradio. sf. net/ http:/ / www. leg. uct. ac. za/ cRadio/ http:/ / cactus. rulez. org/ projects/ radioactive/ http:/ / silicone. free. fr/ xmms-FMRadio/ http:/ / gqmpeg. sourceforge. net/ radio. html http:/ / sweep. sf. net/ http:/ / www. tfm. ro/ waveforge/ http:/ / sox. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / awacs. dhs. org/ software/ gnusound http:/ / ecasound. seul. org/ http:/ / www. ardour. org/ http:/ / soundtracker. org/ http:/ / insotracker. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / optronic. sourceforge. net/ sites/ projects. php http:/ / www. codamusic. com/ finale/ http:/ / www. sibelius. com/ products/ sibelius/ http:/ / www. musitek. com/ smartscre. html/ http:/ / lilypond. org/ stable/ http:/ / rnvs. informatik. tu-chemnitz. de/ %7Ejan/ noteedit/ noteedit. html http:/ / mux2d. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. all-day-breakfast. com/ rosegarden/ http:/ / brahms. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / anthem. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. parabola. demon. co. uk/ melys/ http:/ / muse. seh. de/ http:/ / www. tldp. org/ HOWTO/ MIDI-HOWTO-8. html http:/ / lmms. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / ardour. sf. net/ http:/ / www. csounds. com/ whatis/ index. html http:/ / mp3tag. de/ http:/ / easytag. sf. net/ http:/ / www. xnview. com/ http:/ / gqview. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. klografx. net/ qiv/ http:/ / kuickshow. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / gtksee. berlios. de/ http:/ / www. trilon. com/ xv/ xv. html


[226] http:/ / www. seekrut. com/ toxicpulse/ imgv/ imgv. html [227] http:/ / gwenview. sourceforge. net/ [228] http:/ / gliv. tuxfamily. org/

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[229] [230] [231] [232] [233] [234] [235] [236] [237] [238] [239] [240] [241] [242] [243] [244] [245] [246] [247] [248] [249] [250] [251] [252] [253] [254] [255] [256] [257] [258] [259] [260] [261] [262] [263] [264] [265] [266] [267] [268] [269] [270] [271] [272] [273] [274] [275] [276] [277] [278] [279] [280] [281] [282] [283] [284] http:/ / www. jalix. org/ projects/ showimg/ http:/ / gthumb. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / webcvs. kde. org/ kdeblackhole/ kpaint/ http:/ / www. newbreedsoftware. com/ tuxpaint/ http:/ / sf-xpaint. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. gnu. org/ software/ gpaint/ http:/ / wwwiti. cs. uni-magdeburg. de/ %7Esattler/ killustrator. html http:/ / www. gimp. org/ http:/ / filmgimp. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. imagemagick. org/ http:/ / www. inkscape. org/ http:/ / www. xaraxtreme. org/ http:/ / sodipodi. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. xfig. org/ http:/ / www. skencil. org/ / http:/ / www. koffice. org/ http:/ / www. openoffice. org/ http:/ / www. lysator. liu. se/ %7Ealla/ dia/ http:/ / bourbon. usc. edu:8001/ tgif/ http:/ / www. linotux. ch/ gestalter/ http:/ / www. ntlug. org/ %7Eccox/ impress/ ftp:/ / ftp2. corel. com/ pub/ linux/ PhotoPaint9/ CorelPHOTOPAINT9Lnx. tar. gz http:/ / mazaika. tripod. com/ http:/ / kolos. math. uni. lodz. pl/ ap/ canvascii http:/ / www. jave. de/ http:/ / www. openswf. org/ http:/ / www. macromedia. com/ shockwave/ download/ index. cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash http:/ / www. macromedia. com/ shockwave/ download/ alternates/ http:/ / macromedia. mplug. org/ http:/ / www. les-stooges. org/ pascal/ pencil/ index. php?id=Home http:/ / drawswf. sourceforge. net/ index. html http:/ / ming. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / f4l. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / ktoon. toonka. com/ http:/ / www. synfig. com/ http:/ / www. aliaswavefront. com/ en/ products/ maya/ index. shtml http:/ / www. povray. org/ http:/ / www. blender3d. org/ http:/ / www. kpovmodeler. org/ http:/ / k3studio. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. moonlight3d. net/ http:/ / www. gig3d. com/ http:/ / k3d. sourceforge. net/ new/ http:/ / www. wings3d. com/ http:/ / http:/ / www. softimage. com/ http:/ / www. cs. utwente. nl/ %7Etcm http:/ / www. videolan. org/ http:/ / xine. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / sinek. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / aviplay. sf. net/ http:/ / www. dtek. chalmers. se/ %7Edvd/ http:/ / drip. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / esolutions. ulead. com/ imediting/ sysreq. htm http:/ / heroinewarrior. com/ cinelerra. php http:/ / www. xs4all. nl/ %7Esalsaman/ lives http:/ / fixounet. free. fr/ avidemux/


[285] http:/ / kino. schirmacher. de/ [286] http:/ / www. theorie. physik. uni-goettingen. de/ %7Eostreich/ transcode/ [287] http:/ / www. kwintv. org/

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[288] [289] [290] [291] [292] [293] [294] [295] [296] [297] [298] [299] [300] [301] [302] [303] [304] [305] [306] [307] [308] [309] [310] [311] [312] [313] [314] [315] [316] [317] [318] [319] [320] [321] [322] [323] [324] [325] [326] [327] [328] [329] [330] [331] [332] [333] [334] [335] [336] [337] [338] [339] [340] [341] [342] [343] http:/ / gnometv. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / tvtime. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. apple. com/ shake/ http:/ / www. jahshaka. org/ http:/ / terraform. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. gstreamer. net/ http:/ / sourceforge. net/ projects/ gsubedit/ http:/ / home. gna. org/ gaupol/ http:/ / gnome-subtitles. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. aegisub. org/ http:/ / www. sun. com/ products/ staroffice/ http:/ / www. hancom. com/ http:/ / www. gnome. org/ gnome-office/ http:/ / www. vistasource. com/ products/ axware/ http:/ / siag. nu/ http:/ / www. latex-project. org/ http:/ / www. winehq. com/ http:/ / www. abisource. com/ http:/ / linux. corel. com/ products/ wpo2000_linux/ http:/ / www. nllgg. nl/ Ted/ http:/ / www. koffice. org/ kword/ http:/ / www. lyx. org/ http:/ / perso. club-internet. fr/ pascal. brachet/ kile/ http:/ / www. gnome. org/ projects/ gnumeric/ http:/ / www. koffice. org/ kspread/ http:/ / koffice. kde. org/ kpresenter/ http:/ / www. mew. org/ mgp/ http:/ / knoda. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. gnome-db. org/ http:/ / www. mysql. com/ http:/ / www. thekompany. com/ products/ rekall/ http:/ / www. kexi-project. org/ http:/ / www. hansaworld. com/ http:/ / www. iceb. vinnitsa. com/ http:/ / hdru. com/ russian/ http:/ / ananas. linux. ru. net/ http:/ / eas. linux. ru. net/ http:/ / 1l. w4b. ru/ http:/ / kalculate. com/ http:/ / www. gnucash. org/ http:/ / gnofin. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / kmymoney2. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. grisbi. org/ http:/ / www. thekompany. com/ products/ kapital/ http:/ / live. gnome. org/ Planner http:/ / www. ganttproject. biz http:/ / www. keeper. mukachevo. net/ http:/ / www. oblik. com. ua/ http:/ / www. compiere. ru/ http:/ / www-3. ibm. com/ software/ info1/ websphere/ index. jsp http:/ / www. bea. com/ http:/ / www. jboss. org/ http:/ / www. endnote. com http:/ / www. procite. com http:/ / www. refman. com http:/ / sourceforge. net/ projects/ bibus-biblio/


[344] http:/ / www. linuxgames. com/ [345] http:/ / linux. bankhacker. com/ software/ Juegos/ [346] http:/ / www. kde. org/ kdegames/

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[347] [348] [349] [350] [351] [352] [353] [354] [355] [356] [357] [358] [359] [360] [361] [362] [363] [364] [365] [366] [367] [368] [369] [370] [371] [372] [373] [374] [375] [376] [377] [378] [379] [380] [381] [382] [383] [384] [385] [386] [387] [388] [389] [390] [391] [392] [393] [394] [395] [396] [397] [398] [399] [400] [401] [402] http:/ / linuxgamepublishing. com/ http:/ / www. icculus. org/ lgfaq/ gamelist. php http:/ / www. transgaming. com/ searchgame. php http:/ / www. transgaming. com/ dogamesearch. php?order=working& showall=1 http:/ / lgames. sf. net/ http:/ / xnc. dubna. su/ xwelltris http:/ / games. kde. org/ http:/ / kmines. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. recv. de/ Pmines http:/ / www. freeciv. org/ http:/ / freecnc. sf. net/ http:/ / war3d. solar-opensource. com/ http:/ / www. digger. org/ http:/ / www. idsoftware. com/ http:/ / www. transgaming. com/ http:/ / doomfr. free. fr/ zdoom/ http:/ / doomlegacy. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / lxdoom. linuxgames. com/ http:/ / prboom. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. activision. com/ games/ wolfenstein http:/ / www. planetblood. com/ qblood/ http:/ / www. wormux. org/ http:/ / www. hedgewars. org/ http:/ / gtkballs. antex. ru/ ?lang=rus http:/ / pingus. seul. org/ http:/ / www. epsxe. com/ http:/ / pixpang. panreyes. com/ http:/ / lincity-ng. berlios. de/ wiki/ index. php/ Main_Page http:/ / supertux. lethargik. org/ http:/ / www. secretmaryo. org/ http:/ / vegastrike. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / icculus. org/ neverball/ http:/ / trackballs. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / lgames. sourceforge. net/ index. php?project=LBreakout2 http:/ / www. codeforge. com/ rus http:/ / www. kdevelop. org/ http:/ / www. trolltech. com/ http:/ / www. eclipse. org/ http:/ / glade. gnome. org/ http:/ / konst. org. ua/ motor http:/ / www. identicalsoftware. com/ xwpe/ http:/ / www. anjuta. org/ http:/ / www. codework. com/ kylix/ http:/ / www. viosoft. com/ viosoft/ servlet/ viosoft/ template/ ArribaEmbeddedLinuxEdition. vm http:/ / www. codeblocks. org/ http:/ / www. newplanetsoftware. com/ jcc/ http:/ / www. metrowerks. com/ MW/ Develop/ Desktop/ Linux/ Professional/ Default. htm http:/ / gbuilder. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / sourcenav. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. timesys. com/ http:/ / www. scitools. com/ ucpp. html http:/ / www. slickedit. com/ http:/ / www. objectcentral. com/ vide. htm http:/ / gcc. gnu. org/ http:/ / www. geocities. com/ rk_gaddipati/ soft/ linedit. html http:/ / sourceforge. net/ projects/ rhide


[403] http:/ / wxstudio. sourceforge. net/ [404] http:/ / www. borland. com/ [405] http:/ / www. freepascal. org/

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[406] [407] [408] [409] [410] [411] [412] [413] [414] [415] [416] [417] [418] [419] [420] [421] [422] [423] [424] [425] [426] [427] [428] [429] [430] [431] [432] [433] [434] [435] [436] [437] [438] [439] [440] [441] [442] [443] [444] [445] [446] [447] [448] [449] [450] [451] [452] [453] [454] [455] [456] [457] [458] [459] [460] [461] http:/ / www. cs. mu. oz. au/ research/ mercury/ http:/ / pauillac. inria. fr/ %7Ediaz/ gnu-prolog http:/ / www. swi-prolog. org/ http:/ / www. web-sites. co. uk/ nasm http:/ / fasm. metro-nt. pl/ http:/ / www. atari2600. org/ DASM/ http:/ / ravemax. cjb. net/ http:/ / www. gnu. org/ software/ gdb/ gdb. html http:/ / www. gnu. org/ software/ ddd/ http:/ / www. netscape. com/ http:/ / www. mozilla. org/ http:/ / www. w3. org/ Amaya http:/ / www. ndeepak. info/ ginf http:/ / www. nvu. com http:/ / www-3. ibm. com/ software/ webservers/ hpbuilder/ linux/ http:/ / bluefish. openoffice. nl/ http:/ / www. services. ru/ linux/ webmaker http:/ / www. screem. org/ http:/ / www. jp. ibm. com/ esbu/ E/ toppage http:/ / webdesigner. linuxave. net/ http:/ / scripteditor. mozdev. org/ http:/ / www. bostream. nu/ johanb/ august/ http:/ / cssed. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. activestate. com/ Products/ Komodo/ http:/ / www. blackdown. org/ java-linux/ products/ javatools. html http:/ / www. borland. com/ jbuilder/ personal/ index. html http:/ / www. netbeans. org/ http:/ / wwws. sun. com/ software/ sundev/ index. html http:/ / jdee. sunsite. dk/ http:/ / www. globecom. se/ tora/ http:/ / tora. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. argouml. org/ http:/ / www. togethersoft. com/ http:/ / uml. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. lysator. liu. se/ %7Ealla/ dia http:/ / dia2code. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. gentleware. com/ http:/ / sen. host. kemtel. ru/ http:/ / www. x-ways. net/ winhex/ index-e. html http:/ / www. yurisw. com/ HEdit. htm http:/ / biew. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / home. online. no/ %7Eespensa/ khexedit/ http:/ / hte. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / home. gna. org/ bless/ http:/ / www. harbour-project. org/ http:/ / www. itk. ru/ http:/ / www. xharbour. org/ http:/ / www. go-mono. com/ http:/ / www. gnu. org/ projects/ dotgnu/ http:/ / www. bitkeeper. com/ http:/ / www. cvshome. org/ http:/ / cervisia. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / subversion. tigris. org/ http:/ / www. flamerobin. org/ http:/ / www. realsoftware. com/ http:/ / www. janus-software. com/


[462] http:/ / gambas. sourceforge. net/ [463] http:/ / hbasic. sourceforge. net/ [464] http:/ / www. yabasic. de/

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[465] [466] [467] [468] [469] [470] [471] [472] [473] [474] [475] [476] [477] [478] [479] [480] [481] [482] [483] [484] [485] [486] [487] [488] [489] [490] [491] [492] [493] [494] [495] [496] [497] [498] [499] [500] [501] [502] [503] [504] [505] [506] [507] [508] [509] [510] [511] [512] [513] [514] [515] [516] [517] [518] [519] [520] http:/ / smallbasic. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. freebasic. net/ http:/ / www. microsoft. com/ directx/ http:/ / www. libsdl. org/ http:/ / www. allegro. cc http:/ / www. opengl. org http:/ / www. gtk. org/ http:/ / www. fltk. org/ http:/ / www. mesa3d. org/ http:/ / www. apache. org/ http:/ / www. lighttpd. net/ http:/ / cr. yp. to/ publicfile. html http:/ / www. serv-u. com/ http:/ / www. pureftpd. org/ http:/ / www. wu-ftpd. org/ http:/ / www. proftpd. org/ http:/ / www. glftpd. com/ org http:/ / www. php. net/ http:/ / perl. com/ http:/ / www. sybase. ru/ http:/ / postgresql. org/ http:/ / www. sapdb. org/ http:/ / www-3. ibm. com/ software/ data/ db2/ index. html http:/ / firebird. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. oracle. com/ http:/ / www. relex. ru/ main_eng. php http:/ / www. mdaemon. com/ http:/ / www. sendmail. org/ http:/ / www. qmail. org/ http:/ / www. postfix. org/ http:/ / www. exim. org/ http:/ / www. stalker. com/ http:/ / www. bynari. net/ http:/ / www. samsungcontact. com/ en/ http:/ / www. teamware. com/ http:/ / www. novell. com/ products/ netmail/ http:/ / www. amphora. ee/ eng http:/ / www. tutos. org/ homepage/ index. html http:/ / www. kroupware. org/ http:/ / www. suse. com/ http:/ / www. phpgroupware. org/ http:/ / www. sco. com/ products/ SCOoffice/ mail/ http:/ / www. neosystems. es http:/ / spamassassin. org/ http:/ / www. procmail. org/ http:/ / bogofilter. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / catb. org/ %7Eesr/ fetchmail/ http:/ / www. lotus. com/ home. nsf/ welcome/ domino http:/ / sunsite. dk/ mulinux http:/ / leaf. sourceforge. net/ devel/ cstein/ DiskImages/ Dachstein. htm http:/ / serverdisk. sourceforge. net/ http:/ / www. fli4l. de/ e_index. htm http:/ / squid. opennet. ru/ http:/ / zipper. paco. net/ %7Eigor/ oops/ http:/ / www. privoxy. org/ http:/ / www. gedanken. demon. co. uk/ wwwoffle/


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Fuentes y contribuyentes del artculo

Introduccin a Linux/ Equivalencias Windows en Linux Fuente: http://es.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?oldid=144775 Contribuyentes: Federoy, Ferk, Gdiaz, Herman, Javi-5-, Juankof, ManuelGR, Muro de Aguas, P4bl1t0, Rutrus, 167 ediciones annimas

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