Adjetivos Calificativos

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Espaol Ingls Pronun.

nuestra empresa, OM Personal our firm (company),OM Personal u:r frm (kmpani),u-
m prsonal
usted, la persona que llama (el cliente) you, the caller(the customer, the client) i, de kler (de kstomer,
de klient)
mi jefe, el Sr. Moore my boss, Mr Moore mi bos, Mster M:r
yo, Dan (asistente o secretaria) me, Dan (secretary or personal assistant) m, Dan (skretri or
prsonal asstant)
celular cell(ular) phone, mobile cl(iular) fun, mobl
operador, operadora operator operitor
discar to dial tu dial
discado rpido speed dialling sp:d dialing
cdigo de rea, caracterstica, area code rea kud
tono de discado dialling tone dialing tun
tomar lnea (externa) pick up a line(an outside line) pikp e lin(en autsid
nmero de interno extension number extnshn nmber
pasar una llamada entrante transfer an incoming call trnsfer en n-kming kl
Cmo obtengo lnea?
Disque 0 o 9 para tono de discado (lnea
Buenas tardes, bienvenido a OM Personal,
habla Dan, En qu puedo ayudarle?
Puede decirme quin habla?
How can I pick up a line?
Dial 0 or 9 for dialling tone (an outside line)
Good afternoon, welcome to OM Personal, this is Dan speaking. May
I help you?
Para contestar una Llamada
Conversacin Telefnica
Can I ask who's calling?
Sra. Denis, no corte que le comunico con el
Sr. Moore.
Sra. Denis, ver si el Sr. Moore se encuentra
y puede atender su llamada ya mismo.
Sr. Moore, la Sra. Denis se encuentra en
lnea 1 por un video multimedia para su
empresa. Tiene algunas consultas para
hacerle. Puede hablar con ella? Gracias.
Sra. Denis, lamentablemente el Sr. Moore ha
salido de la oficina por media hora. Si me
deja su nmero de telfono, la
comunicaremos con el Sr. Moore apenas
Sra. Denis, podra decirme por qu asunto
Quiere dejar un mensaje, Sra. Denis?
Puede pedirle al Sr. Moore que se
comunique conmigo?
Podra decirle que lo llam?
Podra decirle al Sr. Moore quelo llam la
Sra. Denis?
Gracias por su llamada, Sra. Denis.Adios.
Hola, habla Dan de OM Personal de parte
del Sr. Moore. Se encuentra la Sra. Denis
para hablar con l?
Hola, habla Dan de OM Personal de parte
del Sr. Moore. Podra comunicarle a la
Sra. Denis que llame al Sr. Moore cuando le
sea posible? Su telfono es 4759 3636.
Gracias. Adios.
Lo siento, Sra. Denis. El Sr. Moore se
encuentra en una reunin hasta las 4 y
media de la tarde. La comunicaremos con l
apenas se desocupe.
Mrs Denis, I'm sorry but Mr Moore is out of the office for half an
hour. If you'd like to leave your number, I'll have Mr Moore call you
as soon as he returns to the office.
Mrs Denis, could I ask what the matter was regarding? / Mrs Denis,
may I tell Mr Moore what it is in relation to?
Can I take a message, Mrs Denis? / Would you like to leave a
message, Mrs Denis?
Could you get (ask) Mr. Moore to call me?
Could you tell Mr Moore (that) Mrs Denis called him?
Thanks for calling Mrs Denis,Goodbye.
Hello, it's Dan from OM Personal calling on behalf of Mr Moore.
Would Mrs Denis be available to speak with him?
Could you tell him I called?
Hello, it's Dan from OM Personal calling on behalf of Mr
Moore.Could I leave a message for Mrs Denis to call Mr Moore
when it's convenient. His phone number is 4759 3636. Thank you.
I'm sorry, Mrs Denis. Mr Moore is in a meeting until 4:30 this
afternoon. I'll have him return your call as soon as he's free.
Yes, Mrs Denis, if you could hold the line one moment, I'll put you
through to Mr Moore.
Yes, Mrs Denis, I'll just check and see if Mr Moore is available to
take your call right now.
Mr Moore, Mrs Denis is on line 1, regarding a multimedia course for
her company. She has a few queries about it. Would you be able to
speak with her? Thanks.
Lo siento, Sra. Denis. El Sr. Moore no se
encuentra en la ciudad hasta el jueves de la
semana prxima. Puede esperar hasta que
regrese? Si es urgente, le enviar un
Espaol Ingls Trad
postulante applicant plicant
postularse para apply for apli for
pgina de empleos appointments page apintments pish
carrera career karer
empleador employer emplier
experiencia experience eksprians
consultor (caza talentos) headhunter jed-jnter
contratar hire jiar
entrevista - entrevistar interview nterviu
entrevistado interviewee interviu
entrevistador interviewer nterviuer
puesto de trabajo job = position jb = posshn
solicitud de empleo application = cover letter aplikishn = cver lter
capacidad de organizacin organisational skills organisishonal skils
ascenso promotion promushn
reclutar personal recruit recrt
referencias references rferencis
lista de preseleccionados shorlist shrt-list
preseleccionado shortlisted short-lstit
postulante elegido successful candidate sakssful cndidet
espritu de equipo team spirit tim sprit
trabajo en equipo team work tm urk
entrenamiento training trinin
Preguntas tiles
I'm sorry, Mrs Denis, Mr Moore is out of town until Thursday next
week.Can the matter wait until his return, or if not, I could get a
message to him if it's urgent?
Vocabulario para Ingresar a un Trabajo
Where did you get your degree? Dnde se gradu?
When did you start your first job? Cundo comenz su primer trabajo?
What is your present company? Cul es su empresa actual?
What kind of company is it? Qu tipo de empresa es?
How long have you been with them? Cunto tiempo ha trabajado con ellos?
What's your background? Cul es su experiencia?
Which is your present position? Cul es su puesto actual?
When were you appointed Sales Manager? Cundo lo nombraron Gerente de Ventas?
What are you responsible for? Cules son sus responsabilidades?
Which are your salary expectations? Cules son sus pretensiones?
What do you consider to be your strengths
and weaknesses?
Cules considera que son sus fortalezas y
Would you like to make any question? Quisiera hacer alguna pregunta?
I'm presently responsible for... Actualmente soy responsable de...
In the company's chart my current
position is...
En el organigrama de la empresa, mi puesto
actual es...
I've had a three-month training period
Tuve un entrenamiento de tres meses en...
I'm familiar with Office 2000 and
Windows 98
Estoy familiarizado con Office 2000 y
Windows 98
I'm used to working under pressure... Estoy acostumbrado a trabajar bajo presin...
I've no problems in being relocated to... No tengo inconvenientes en ser trasladado a...
But I'm not willing to live abroad... Pero no estoy dispuesto a radicarme en el
I think this is a more challenging
Pienso que este es un puesto ms desafiante...
This is a more stimulating environment... Este es un entorno ms estimulante...
My salary expectations are about... Mis pretensiones estn en el orden de...
I feel I could be the right candidate
Presiento que puedo ser el candidato ideal
Cuando una empresa selecciona nuevo personal, generalmente cita a los postulantes a una entrevista. Aqu tienes
algunas preguntas que podran hacerte:
Ingls Espaol Ingls Espaol
awake despierto =/= asleep dormido
beautiful hermoso =/= ugly feo
big grande =/= small pequeo
bitter amargo =/= sweet dulce
dead muerto =/= alive vivo
deep profundo =/= shallow superficial
dirty sucio =/= clean limpio
expensive caro =/= cheap barato
far lejano =/= near cercano
fast rpido =/= slow lento
fat gordo =/= thin flaco, delgado
full lleno =/= empty vaco
glad contento =/= sad triste
good bueno =/= bad malo
happy feliz =/= sorry apenado
hard duro =/= soft blando
healthy saludable =/= sick enfermo
heavy pesado =/= light liviano
high alto =/= low bajo
hot caliente =/= cold fro
long largo =/= short corto
new nuevo =/= old viejo
polite corts =/= rude grosero
rich rico =/= poor pobre
right derecho, correcto =/= left izquierdo, equivocado
rough spero =/= smooth suave, liso
safe seguro =/= dangerous peligroso
same mismo =/= different diferente
simple simple =/= complex complejo
single soltero =/= married casado
strong fuerte =/= weak dbil
tall alto =/= short bajo
thick grueso =/= thin delgado
true verdadero =/= false falso
useful til =/= useless intil
warm clido =/= cool fresco
wet mojado =/= dry seco
wide ancho =/= narrow angosto
young joven =/= old viejo
Lista de Adjetivos Calificativos
Movement Movimiento mvment
about por (alguna parte) abut
across a travs de, de un lado al otro akrs
along a lo largo de alng
(a)round alrededor de arund, rund
as far as hasta (un lugar) as far as
(away) from lejos de, distante de eui from
back from de regreso de bak from
between entre (dos objetos o personas) bitun
by en, por medio de bi
down hacia abajo dun
in(to) en, dentro de n(tu)
off a cierta distancia de of
on(to) en, sobre, a n(tu)
out of fuera de ut ov
over por encima, durante, al otro
past pasado, pasadas (hora) past
through a travs de, por zr
to a, hacia tu
toward(s) hacia tua:rd(s)
under debajo de nder
up arriba ap
Position Posicin posshn
about sobre, acerca de abut
above por encima de, ms arriba de abv
against contra eguinst
amid(st) entre, en medio de amd(st)
among(st) entre (ms de 2 cosas o
(a)round alrededor arund, rund-
at en at
before antes de bifo:
behind detrs de bijind
below debajo de bilu
beneath bajo, debajo de binz
beside al lado de bisid
between entre (2 cosas o personas) bitun
in en, dentro de in
in front of delante de, ante in front ov
Lista de Preposiciones
inside (UK) dentro de insid (UK)
inside of (US) insid ov (US)
near cerca de nar
next to al lado de, junto a nks-t
off de, separado de of
on sobre on
opposite enfrente de posit
underneath debajo de (en la parte inferior) nderniz
Time Tiempo tim
after despus de fte:r
before antes de bif:
by para (fecha) bi
during durante dirin
on el ... (da, fecha) on
since desde sins
to hasta tu
until / till hasta ntil / tl
Other Prepositions Otras Preposiciones de:r preposshns
according to segn akrdin tu
ahead of por delante de (llevar ventaja) ajd ov
because of a causa de biks ov
but (= except) excepto bat (= ikspt)
by means of por medio de bi mns ov
due to debido a di tu
except excepto ikspt
for para fo:
in accordance with de acuerdo con in akrdans ud
in favo(u)r of a favor de in fivor ov
in spite of a pesar de in spit ov
instead of en lugar de instd ov
of de ov
on behalf of (UK) en nombre de (alguien) on bij:f ov (UK)
in behalf of (US) in bij:f ov (US)
versus contra vrsus
vis--vis comparado con vi-sa-v:
with con ud
without sin uidut
accept (aceptar), add (agregar), admire (admirar), advise (aconsejar), afford (afrontar), agree (estar de
acuerdo), alert (alertar), allow (permitir), amuse (entretener), analyse (analizar), announce (anunciar),
annoy (molestar), answer (contestar), apologise (disculparse), appear (aparecer), applaud (aplaudir),
appreciate (apreciar), approve (aprobar), argue (discutir), arrange (arreglar), arrest (arrestar), arrive
(llegar), ask (preguntar), attach (adjuntar), attack (atacar), attempt (intentar), attend (asistir), attract
(atraer), avoid (evitar).
back (apoyar), bake (hornear), balance (balancear), bathe (baarse), behave (comportarse), belong
(pertenecer), bless (bendecir), blind (enceguecer), blink (parpadear), blush (enrojecer), boil (hervir), book
(reservar), bore (aburrir), borrow (pedir prestado), bounce (rebotar), brake (frenar), breath (respirar),
brush (cepillar), burn (quemar).
call (llamar), calculate (calcular), camp (acampar), care (cuidar), cause (causar), challenge (desafiar),
change (cambiar), charge (cargar), chase (cazar), cheat (engaar), check (verificar), cheer (alegrar),
chew (mascar), claim (reclamar), clean (limpiar), clear (aclarar), close (cerrar), collect (cobrar,
coleccionar), comb (peinar), compare (comparar), compete (competir), complain (quejarse), complete
(completar), concentrate (concentrar), concern (concernir), confess (confesar), confuse (confundir),
connect (conectar), consider (considerar), consist (consistir), contain (contener), continue (continuar),
correct (corregir), cough (toser), count (contar), cover (cubrir), crack (rajar), crash (embestir), crawl
(arrastrarse), cross (cruzar), crush (aplastar), cure (curar), curl (enrular), curve (curvar), cycle (pasear en
damage (daar), dance (bailar), deceive (engaar), decide (decidir), decorate (decorar), delay (demorar),
delight (deleitar), deliver (repartir), depend (depender), describe (describir), deserve (merecer), destroy
(destruir), detect (detectar), develop (desarrollar), disagree (no estar de acuerdo), disappear
(desaparecer), disapprove (desaprobar), discover (descubrir), dislike (disgustar), divide (dividir), double
(duplicar), doubt (dudar), dream (soar), dress (vestir), drown (ahogar), dust (limpiar).
earn (ganar), educate (educar), embarrass (avergonzar), employ (emplear), encourage (alentar), end
(finalizar), enjoy (disfruyar), enter (ingresar), entertain (entretener), escape (huir), examine (examinar),
excite (excitar), excuse (excusarse), exercise (ejercitar), exist (existir), expand (expandir), expect
(esperar), explain (explicar), explode (explotar), extend (extender).
face (enfrentar), fade (decolorarse), fail (fracasar), fasten (atar), fax (enviar un fax), fear (temer), fetch (ir
a buscar), file (archivar), fill (llenar), film (filmar), fire (disparar, despedir), fix (reparar), flash (brillar,
centellear), float (flotar), flood (inundarse), flow (fluir, circular), flower (florecer), fold (doblar), follow
(seguir, continuar), fool (engaar), force (forzar), form (formar), found (fundar), frame (enmarcar),
frighten (asustar).
gather (recoger), greet (saludar), graduate (graduarse), grease (engrasar), groan (gruir), guess
(adivinar), guide (guiar).
hammer (martillear), hand (pasar, entregar), hang (colgar), happen (suceder), harm (daar), hate
(odiar), head (encabezar), heat (calentar), help (ayudar), hunt (cazar, ir de caza), hope (esperar con
ignore (ignorar), imagine (imaginar), impress (impresionar), improve (mejorar), include (incluir),
increase (aumentar), influence (influenciar), inform (informar), inject (inyectar), injure (herir, lesionar),
introduce (presentar), instruct (instruir), intend (intentar), interest (interesar), interfere (interferir),
interrupt (interrumpir), invent (inventar), invite (invitar), irritate (irritar).
jail (encarcelar), join (unir, juntar), joke (bromear), judge (juzgar), jump (saltar).
kick (patear), kill (matar), kiss (besar), kneel (arrodillarse), knock (golpear).
Verbos que se le agrega "d" o "~ed" al infinitivo.
Lista de Verbos Regulares N 1
land (aterrizar), last (durar), laugh (reirse), launch (lanzar), lick (lamer), lighten (iluminar, alivianar), like
(gustar), list (listar), listen (escuchar), live (vivir), load (cargar), lock (cerrar con llave), long (durar), look
(mirar), love (amar).
manage (administrar), march (marchar), mark (marcar), match (hacer juego), measure (medir), melt
(derretirse), memorise (memorizar), mend (remendar), milk (ordear), miss (perder, extraar), mix
(mezclar), move (mover, mudarse), murder (asesinar).
nail (clavar), name (nombrar), need (necesitar), note (advertir, fijarse en), notice (prestar atencin),
number (numerar).
obey (obedecer), object (objetar), observe (observar), obtain (obtener), offend (ofender), offer (ofrecer),
open (abrir), order (ordenar, pedir), overflow (inundar), owe (adeudar).
pack (empacar), paint (pintar), park (estacionar), pass (pasar, aprobar), paste (pegar), pat (acariciar),
pause (detenerse), peel (pelar), peep (echar una ojeada), perform (ejecutar), phone (llamar por telfono),
pick (recoger, levantar), plant (plantar), place (ubicar), play (jugar, tocar un instrumento), please
(complacer), point (sealar), polish (lustrar), possess (poseer), post (enviar por correo), pour (derramar),
practise (practicar), pray (rezar), precede (preceder), prepare (preparar), present (presentar, regalar),
press (presionar, apretar), pretend (fingir), prevent (impedir), print (imprimir), produce (producir),
promise (prometer), protect (proteger), provide (proveer), pull (tirar de), pump (bombear), punish
(castigar), push (empujar).
queue (hacer cola).
rain (llover), raise (levantar), reach (alcanzar), realise (darse cuenta), receive (recibir), recognise
(reconocer), record (grabar), reduce (reducir), reflect (reflejar), refuse (rechazar), relax (relajarse),
release (soltar), remain (permanecer), remember (recordar), remind (acordarse de), remove (eliminar),
rent (alquilar), repair (reparar), repeat (repetir), replace (reemplazar), report (informar), reproduce
(reproducir), request (solicitar), rescue (rescatar), retire (jubilarse), return (regresar), rhyme (rimar),
rinse (enjuagar), risk (arriesgar), row (remar), ruin (arruinar), rule (regir, dominar).
sack (despedir), sail (navegar), save (salvar, ahorrar, guardar), scream (gritar), screw (atornillar), seal
(sellar), search (buscar), separate (separar), serve (servir), settle (establecer), share (compartir), shave
(afeitarse), shelter (proteger, resguardar), sigh (suspirar), sign (firmar), ski (esquiar), slow (reducir la
velocidad), smell (oler), smile (sonreir), smoke (fumar), sneeze (estornudar), snore (roncar), snow (nevar),
soak (empapar), sound (sonar), spell (deletrear), spill (derramar), spoil (malcriar), spray (vaporizar), start
(arrancar, comenzar), stay (quedarse, permanecer), store (almacenar), stretch (estirar), succeed (tener
xito), suffer (sufrir), suggest (sugerir), support (apoyar), suppose (suponer), surprise (sorprender),
surround (rodear), suspect (sospechar), suspend (colgar), switch (cambiar, enchufar).
talk (conversar), taste (saborear), tease (tomar el pelo, atormentar), telephone (llamar por telfono),
tempt (tentar), test (comprobar), thank (agradecer), tick (tildar, marcar), tie (atar), touch (tocar), tow
(remolcar), trade (comerciar, negociar), train (entrenar), transport (transportar), tremble (temblar), trust
(confiar), turn (volver, dar vuelta), twist (doblar), type (escribir a mquina).
use (usar).
vanish (desaparecer), visit (visitar).
wait (esperar), walk (caminar), want (querer), warn (advertir), wash (lavar), waste (gastar, desperdiciar),
watch (vigilar), weigh (pesar), welcome (recibir, dar la bienvenida, agradecer), whisper (susurrar),
whistle (silbar), wipe (limpiar, secar), wish (desear), wonder (imaginarse, preguntarse), work (trabajar).
yawn (bostezar), yell (gritar).
zoom (pasar muy rpido, acercar).
Infinitivo Pasado Participio
admit (admt) admitted (admtit ) admitted (admtit ) admitir
ban (ban) banned (bnt) banned (bnt) prohibir
beg (beg) begged (bgt) begged (bgt) rogar
bury (bri) buried (brit) buried (brit) enterrar
clap (klp) clapped (klpt) clapped (klpt) aplaudir
copy (kpi) copied (kpit) copied (kpit) copiar
cry (kri)4 cried (krid) cried (krid) gritar, llorar
drop (drop) dropped (drpt) dropped (drpt) dejar caer, caerse
dry (dri) dried (drid) dried (drid) secar
empty (mpti) emptied (mptid) emptied (mptid) vaciar
fancy (fnsi) fancied (fnsid) fancied (fnsid) imaginar, desear
fit (fit) fitted (ftit) fitted (ftit) caber, encajar
fry (fri) fried (frid) fried (frid) frer
hug (jg) hugged (jgt) hugged (jgt) abrazar
hurry (jri) hurried (jrid) hurried (jrid) apurarse
identify (aidntifai) identified (aidntifaid) identified (aidntifaid) identificar
knit (nit) knitted (ntit) knitted (ntit) tejer
knot (not) knotted (ntit) knotted (ntit) anudar
label (libl) labelled (liblt) labelled (liblt) etiquetar
level (lvel) levelled (lvelt) levelled (lvelt) nivelar
marry (mri) married (mrit) married (mrit) casarse
multiply (mltplai) multiplied (mltplaid) multiplied (mltplaid) multiplicar
pedal (pdal) pedalled (pdalt) pedalled (pdalt) pedalear
plan (plan) planned (plant) planned (plant) planear, planificar
plug (plag) plugged (plagt) plugged (plagt) conectar
prefer (prfr) preferred (prifert) preferred (prifert) preferir
program (prgram)
programmed (prgramt) programar
regret (rigrt) regretted (rigrtit) regretted (rigrtit) lamentarse
rely (reli) relied (relid) relied (relid) confiar
reply (repli) replied (replit) replied (replit) responder
rob (rb) robbed (rbt) robbed (rbt) robar
Lista de Verbos Regulares N 2
Verbos que repiten la ltima consonante (admit - admitted) o que cambian la "~y" por "~ied" cuando
antes de la "~y" va una consonante (bury - buried)
rub (rab) rubbed (rbit) rubbed (rbit) frotar
satisfy (satisfi) satisfied (satisfid) satisfied (satisfid) satisfacer
shop (shop) shopped (shpit) shopped (shpit) comprar
signal (sgnal) signalled (sgnalt) signalled (sgnalt) hacer seales
sin (sn) sinned (snt) sinned (snt) pecar
skip (skp) skipped (skpit) skipped (skpit) saltearse
slip (slp) slipped (slpit) slipped (slpit) deslizarse
stop (stop) stopped (stpit) stopped (stpit) pararse, detenerse
supply (sapli) supplied (saplid) supplied (saplid) proveer
terrify (trrifai) terrified (trrifait) terrified (trrifait) aterrorizar
tip (tp) tipped (tpit) tipped (tpit) dar propina
travel (trvel) travelled (trvelt) travelled (trvelt) viajar
try (tri) tried (trid) tried (trid) tratar, intentar
worry (uri) worried (urid) worried (urid) preocuparse
Espaol Ingls Pronunciacin
a, hacia to t
acaso, en una de esas maybe mibi
abierto, cerrado open, closed upn, klust
ahora, luego now, afterwards nu, afte:u:ds
alguna vez, ever, ver,
algunas veces sometimes smtaims
ahora, despus now, later nu, liter
al mismo tiempo (que) at the same time (as) at de sim tim (as)
alrededor around arund
a menudo, raras veces often, seldom fn (UK) ften (US) sldom
ante todo above all abv l
antes que, despus que before, after bif:r, fter
a propsito, con intencin on purpose on prpous
a propsito (ya que hablamos del
by the way bi de ui
aqu, all here, there j:r, d:r
aqu mismo, all mismo, right here, right there, rit j:r, rit d:r,
por all over there uver d:r
arriba, abajo above, below abv, bilu
as, de este modo so, thus su, d:s
a travs through zr
bastante, poco, mucho, demasiado enough, little, much,too much inf, ltl, mch,t: mch
bien, mal well, badly ul, bdli
casi nearly narli
cada vez ms more and more m: and m:
cerca de, lejos de near, far from nar, fa:r from
conforme a in accordance with in akrdans ud
con gusto with pleasure ud plsher
con, sin with, without ud, uidut
de of ov
delante de, detrs de in front of, behind in front ov, bijind
de mala gana reluctantly rilktantli
dentro, fuera inside, outside insid, autsid
Lista de Adverbios
de repente suddenly sdenli
desde ... hacia from ... to from ... t
en at, in, by at, in, bi
en breve shortly shrtli
en seguida,de inmediato right away,immediately rit eui,immdiatli
encima, debajo on (over, above), under on (uver, abv), nder
enfrente de in front of, opposite to in front ov, posit tu
en primer lugar in the first place in de frst plis
en todas partes everywhere vriuar
entonces then den
esta noche, anoche tonight, last night tunit, last nit
exactamente exactly iksktli
hace mucho tiempo long time ago long tim egu
hacia delante (atrs) onwards (backwards) onurds (bakurds)
ms bien, del todo rather, quite rder, kuit
juntos together tuguder
mejor, peor better, worse bter, urs
muy very vri
nada absolutamente nothing at all nzin atl
nada que ver nothing of the kind nzin ov de kand
nada ms nothing more nzin m:r
ni siquiera not even not vn
ni ... ni ... neither ... nor nder ... nor
o ... o ... either ... or ter ... or
para for, to, in order to fo:r, t, in rder tu
poco a poco little by little ltl bi ltl
tambin also, too lsou, t:
por cierto, sin duda certainly, doubtless srtinli, dbtles
por fin, finalmente at last, finally at last, finali
por la derecha (izquierda) to the right (left) tu de rat (left)
primeramente first of all frst ovl
probablemente probably prbabli
rpidamente, lentamente quickly, slowly kukli, sluli
realmente really r:li
siempre, nunca always, never lueis, nve:r
sin saberlo unknowingly an-nuingli
todo, nada everything, nothing vrizin, nzin
tal vez, quizs perhaps pe:jps
tampoco neither nder
ltimamente lately litli
Infinitivo Pasado Participio trad.
be (bi) was/were (us/ur) been (bin) ser, estar
become (bikm) became (bikim) become (bikm) llegar a ser
begin (bigun) began (bign) begun (bign) comenzar
break (brik) broke (bruk) broken (brukn) romper
bring (bring) brought (brot) brought (brot) traer
build (bilt) built (bilt) built (bilt) construir
buy (bi) bought (bot) bought (bot) comprar
catch (kach) caught (kot) caught (kot) agarrar
choose (chus) chose (chos) chosen (chsn) elegir
come (km) came (kem) come (km) venir
cut (kat) cut (kat) cut (kat) cortar
do (d) did (dd) done (dn) hacer
draw (dr) drew (dr) drawn (drn) dibujar
drink (drink) drank (drnk) drunk (drank) beber
drive (driv) drove (druv) driven (drvn) conducir
eat (:t) ate (et) eaten (tn) comer
fall (fol) fell (fel) fallen (flen) caer
feel (f:l) felt (felt) felt (felt) sentir
find (find) found (fand) found (fund) encontrar
fly (fli) flew (flu) flown (fln) volar
forget (forgut) forgot (forgt) forgotten (forgtn) olvidar
get (gut) got (got) got/gotten (got/gotn) obtener, conseguir
give (guv) gave (guiv) given (gvn) dar
go (gu) went (unt) gone (gun) ir
grow (gru) grew (gr) grown (grn) cultivar, crecer
hang (jng) hung (jng) hung (jng) colgar
have (jev) had (jad) had (jad) tener, haber
hear (jar) heard (jerd) heard (jerd) oir
keep (k:p) kept (kept) kept (kept) guardar
know (nu) knew (ni) known (nun) saber, conocer
learn (lrn) learnt (lernt) learnt (lernt) aprender
lose (l:s) lost (lost) lost (lost) perder
make (mik) made (mid) made (mid) hacer, fabricar
meet (m:t) met (met) met (met) encontrarse con
pay (pi) paid (ped) paid (ped) pagar
put (put) put (put) put (put) poner
read (rid) read (red) read (red) leer
ride (rid) rode (rud) ridden (rdn) cabalgar
Lista de Verbos Irregulares
ring (ring) rang (reng) rung (rang) sonar
run (ran) ran (ren) run (ran) correr
say (si) said (sed) said (sed) decir
see (s:) saw (su) seen (sin) ver
sell (sel) sold (sold) sold (sold) vender
send (send) sent (sent) sent (sent) enviar
show (shu) showed (shut) shown (shun) mostrar
shut (shat) shut (shat) shut (shat) cerrar
sing (sing) sang (seng) sung (sang) cantar
sleep (slp) slept (slpt) slept (slpt) dormir
smell (smel) smelt (smelt) smelt (smelt) oler
speak (spik) spoke (spuk) spoken (spukn) hablar
spend (spend) spent (spent) spent (spent) gastar, pasar
stand (stand) stood (st:d) stood (st:d) pararse
steal (stl) stole (stul) stolen (stln) robar
swim (sum) swam (sum) swum (sum) nadar
take (tik) took (tul) taken (tikn) tomar, llevar
teach (tch) taught (tot) taught (tot) ensear
tell (tel) told (told) told (told) decir, contar
think (zink) thought (zot) thought (zot) pensar, creer
wake (uik) woke (uuk) waken (uikn) despertarse
wear (uar) wore (ur) worn (urn) usar (ropa)
win (un) won (un) won (un) ganar
write (rit) wrote (rut) written (rtn) escribir

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