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Pronombres Pronombres Pronombres Adjetivos Pronombres
Nominativos Acusativos Reflexivos Posesivos Posesivos
I me myself my mine
you you yourself your yours
he him himself his his
she her herself her hers
it it itself its -----
we us ourselves our ours
you you yourselves your yours
they them themselves their theirs

Pronombres Indefinidos
everybody nobody somebody anybody
everyone no one someone anyone
everything nothing something anything

Pronombres Relativos
who which that whom whose


The Quantifiers&
The Definite Article The Demonstratives
The Indefinite Article The Possessives The Numbers
The Definite Article: The (de / di) el, la, lo, los, las.

The boy - el niño The box - la caja

The boys - los niños The boxes - las cajas
The girl - la niña The beach - la playa
The girls - las niñas The beaches - las playas
The bus - el autobús The person - la persona
The buses - los autobuses The people - las personas
The man - el hombre The factory - la fábrica
The men - los hombres The factories - las fábricas
The woman - la mujer The foot - el pie
The women - las mujeres The feet - los pies


WH - Questions YES/NO - Questions TAG Questions EMBEDDED

What ? - ¿Qué? ¿Cuál? ¿Cuáles? How often ? - ¿Con qué frecuencia?
What else? - ¿Qué más? How long ? - ¿Cuánto tiempo? ¿Qué longitud?
Which ? - ¿Qué? ¿Cuál? ¿Cuáles? How long ago? - ¿Hace cuánto tiempo?
How ? - ¿Cómo? ¿Cuán? How old ? - ¿Qué edad? ¿Cuán viejo?
How else ? - ¿De qué otra manera? How soon ? - ¿Cuán pronto?
When ? - ¿Cuándo? How big ? - ¿Qué tamaño? ¿Cuán grande?
How far ? - ¿A qué distancia? ¿Cuán
Where ? - ¿Dónde? ¿Adónde?
Where else ? - ¿Dónde más? How tall ? - ¿Qué estatura? ¿Cuán alto?
Why ? - ¿Por qué? ¿Para qué? How deep ? - ¿Qué profundidad?
Who ? - ¿Quién? ¿Quienes? How early ? - ¿Cuán temprano?
Who else? - ¿Quién más? How late ? - ¿Cuán tarde?
How heavy ? - ¿Qué peso? ¿Cuán
Whom ? - ¿A quién? ¿A quiénes?
How thick ? - ¿Qué espesor? ¿Cuán
Whose ? - ¿De quién? ¿De quiénes?
How much ? - ¿Cuánto/a? What time ? - ¿Qué hora? ¿A qué hora?
How many ? - ¿Cuántos/as? What kind ? - ¿Qué clase ? ¿Qué tipo?

Tiempos Verbales

Simple Tenses Progressive Tenses

(1) Present (4) Past Perfect (7) Conditional

What happens? What had happened? What would happen?
(2) Past (5) Future (8) Past Conditional
What happened? What will happen? What would have happened?
(3) Present Perfect (6) Future Perfect (9) Modal Verbs
What has happened? What will have happened? What (can, could...) happen?

What happens ? ----------- ¿ Qué pasa

Affirmative-------- V1 V2 V3
Subject + V1
I go to the
go went gone
office - Voy a la oficina
You come from
Brazil - Tu vienes de come came come
She buys
everything - Ella buy bought bought
compra todo
They live in
Chicago - Ellos viven live lived lived
en Chicago
We work
here - Nosotros work worked worked
trabajamos aquí
Subject + don't/doesn't
+ V1
I don't sell
anything - No vendo sell sold sold
You don't do that
work - Tú no haces ese do did done
He doesn't give the
orders - Él no da las give gave given
She doesn't visit
anybody - Ella no visita visit visited visited
a nadie
They don't travel
anywhere- Ellos no travel traveled traveled
viajan a ninguna parte
Do/does + subject +
V1 ?
Do I bring the
beer ? - ¿ Traigo la bring brought brought
cerveza ?
Do you take the
books ? - ¿ Llevás los take took taken
libros ?
What does he
say said said
say ? - ¿ Qué dice él ?
Does she accept
presents ? ¿ Acepta ella accept accepted accepted
regalos ?
Do they believe in
God ? ¿ Creen ellos en believe believed believed
Dios ?

Simple Present: To go

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I go I don't go Do I go ?
You go You don't go Do you go ?
He goes He doesn't go Does he go ?
She goes She doesn't go Does she go ?
It goes It doesn't go Does it go ?
We go We don't go Do we go ?
You go You don't go Do you go ?
They go They don't go Do they go ?

To Be: ser o estar To Have: haber o tener

Verbo To Be Verbo To Have

TIEMPOS Forma Afirmativa Forma Negativa Forma Interrogativa
Present I am a farmer I have a farm
Past You are tired You have to rest
Present Perfect He/ She/ It is sick He/ She / It has fever
Past Perfect We are musicians We have instruments
Future (will) You are shouting You have to shut up
Fut (be+going
They are rich They have money
Future Perfect Traducción
Conditional Soy un granjero Tengo una granja
Estás cansado Tenés que descansar
(//) Está enfermo (//) Tiene fiebre
Somos músicos Tenemos instrumentos
(Uds) están gritando (Uds) tienen que callarse
Son ricos Tienen dinero

Verbos Irregulares

(1) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 10 ) ( 11 )
Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle Meanings
abide (abáid) abode (abóud) abode (abóud) soportar
arise (aráis) arose (aróus) arisen (arísen) sublevarse subir
awake (auéik) awoke (auóuk) awoke (auóuk) despertarse
be am/are/is was/were (uós/uér) been (bíin) ser o estar
beat (bit) beat (bit) beaten (bíten) golpear
become (bicám) became (bikéim) become (bicám) convertise en
begin (biguín) began (bigán) begun (bigán) comenzar
bend (bend) bent (bent) bent (bent) doblar
bet (bet) bet (bet) bet (bet) apostar
bind (báind)

Verbos Irregulares

(1) (2) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 10 ) ( 11 )
Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle Meanings
bite (báit) bit (bit) bitten (bíten) morder
bleed (blíid) bled (bled) bled (bled) sangrar
blow (blóu) blew (blu) blown (blóun) soplar
break (bréik) broke (bróuk) broken (bróuken) romper
breed (bríid) bred (bred) bred (bred) criar
bring (bring) brought(brot) brought (brot) traer
build (bild) built (bilt) built (bilt) construir
buy (bái) bought (bot) bought (bot) comprar
catch (cátch) caught(cot) caught (cot) agarrar, coger
choose (chúus) chose (chóus) chosen (chóusen) elegir

Verbos Irregulares

(1) ( 2 ) (3) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 10 ) ( 11 )
Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle Meanings
come (cam) came (kéim) come (cam) venir
creep (críip) crept (crépt) crept (crépt) arrastrarse
deal (díil) dealt (delt) dealt (delt) tratar
dig (dig) dug (dag) dug (dag) cavar
do (du) did (did) done (doon) hacer
draw (dro) drew (dru) drawn (droon) dibujar, atraer
drink (drink) drank (draank) drunk (drank) beber
drive (dráiv) drove (dróuv) driven (dríven) conducir
eat (íit) ate (éit) eaten (íten) comer
fall (fol) fell (fel) fallen (fólen) caer

Verbos Irregulares
(1) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) (4) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 10 ) ( 11 )
Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle Meanings
feed (fíid) fed (fed) fed (fed) dar de comer
feel (fíil) felt (felt) felt (felt) sentir
fight (fáit) fought (fot) fought (fot) pelear
find (fáind) found (fáund) found (fáund) encontrar, hallar
flee (flíi) fled (fled) fled (fled) huir de
fling (fling) flung (flang) flung (flang) arrojar
fly (flái) flew (flu) flown (flóun) volar
forget (forguét) forgot (forgót) forgotten (forgóten) olvidar
freeze (fríis) froze (fróus) frozen (fróusen) congelar
get (guét) got (got) got(ten) (góten) conseguir

Verbos Irregulares

(1) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) (5) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 10 ) ( 11 )
Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle Meanings
give (guív) gave (guéiv) given (guíven) dar
go (góu) went (uént) gone (gón) ir
grind (gráind) ground (gráund) ground (gráund) moler
grow (gróu) grew (gru) grown (gróun) crecer
hang (jang) hung (jaang) hung (jaang) colgar
have (jav) had (jad) had (jad) tener
hide (jáid) hid (jid) hidden (jíden) esconder
hit (jit) hit (jit) hit (jit) golpear
hold (jóuld) held (jeld) held (jeld) sostener asir
keep (kíip) kept (kept) kept (kept) guardar, mantener

Verbos Irregulares

(1) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) (6) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 10 ) ( 11 )
Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle Meanings
kneel (níil) knelt (nelt) knelt (nelt) arrodillarse
know (nóu) knew (niú) known (nóun) saber, conocer
lead (líid) led (led) led (led) guiar
leave (líiv) left (left) left (left) dejar irse
lend (lend) lent (lent) lent (lent) prestar
lose (lúus) lost (lost) lost (lost) perder
make (méik) made (méid) made (méid) hacer
mean (míin) meant (ment) meant (ment) significar
meet (míit) met (met) met (met) encontrarse con
pay (péi) paid (péid) paid (péid) pagar

Verbos Irregulares

(1) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) (7) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 10 ) ( 11 )
Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle Meanings
put (put) put (put) put (put) poner
read (ríid) read (red) read (red) leer
ride (ráid) rode (róud) ridden (ríden) montar, andar en
ring (ring) rang (raang) rung (rang) sonar
run (ran) ran (raan) run (ran) correr
say (séi) said (sed) said (sed) decir
see (síi) saw (so) seen (síin) ver
seek (síik) sought (sot) sought (sot) buscar
sell (sel) sold (sóuld) sold (sóuld) vender
shake (shéik) shook (shuk) shaken (shéiken) sacudir

Verbos Irregulares

(1) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) (8) ( 9 ) ( 10 ) ( 11 )
Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle Meanings
shine (sháin) shone (shóun) shone (shóun) brillar
shoot (shút) shot (shót) shot (shot) disparar
show (shóu) showed (shóud) shown (shóun) mostrar
shrink (shrink) shrank (shraank) shrunk (shrank) encogerse
sing (sing) sang (sang) sung (saang) cantar
sink (sink) sank (saank) sunk (sank) hundir
sit (sit) sat (sat) sat (sat) sentarse
slay (sléi) slew (slu) slain (sléin) matar
sleep (slíip) slept (slept) slept (slept) dormir
slide (sláid) slid (slid) slid (slid) deslizarse

Verbos Irregulares

(1) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) (9) ( 10 ) ( 11 )
Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle Meanings
sling (sling) slung (slang) slung (slaang) tirar arrojar
speak (spíik) spoke (spóuk) spoken (spóuken) hablar
spend (spend) spent (spent) spent (spent) gastar
spin (spin) spun (span) spun (span) hilardar vueltas
ponerse (estar) de
stand (stand) stood (stúd) stood (stúd) pie
steal (stíil) stole (stóul) stolen (stóulen) robar
pegar (con cola),
stick (stik) stuck (stak) stuck (stak) meter
sting (sting) stung (stang) stung (stang) picar pinchar
strike (stráik) struck (strak) struck (strak) golpear pegar
strive (stráiv) strove (stróuv) striven (stríven) esforzarse

Verbos Irregulares

(1) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) (10) ( 11 )
Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle Meanings
swear (suér) swore (suór) sworn (suórn) jurar
sweep (suíip) swept (suépt) swept (suépt) barrer
swell (suél) swelled (suéld) swollen (suólen) hinchar
swim (suím) swam (suáam) swum (suám) nadar
take (téik) took (túk) taken (téiken) llevar tomar
teach (tíich) taught (tot) taught (tot) enseñar
tear (ter) tore (tor) torn (torn) desgarrar
tell (tel) told (tóuld) told (tóuld) decir
think (zink) thought (zot) thought (zot) pensar
thrive (zráiv) throve (zróuv) thriven (zríven) prosperar

Verbos Irregulares

(1) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 10 ) (11)
Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle Meanings
throw (zróu) threw (zru) thrown (zróun) arrojar
tread (tred) trod (trod) trodden (tróden) pisar
understood (-stúd) understood (-stúd) entender
wear (wer) wore (wor) worn (worn) usar (ropa)
weave (wív) wove (wov) woven (wóven) tejer
weep (wíip) wept (wépt) wept (wépt) llorar
win (win) won (won) won (won) ganar
wind (wáind) wound (wáund) wound (wáund) enrollar
wring (ring) wrung (rang) wrung (rang) estrujar
write (ráit) wrote (róut) written (ríten) escribir

Verbos Modales

Can May Will Shall Must

Could Might Would Should Ought to
p.ej. I can: (puedo/sé)

Affirmative: can Negative: can't / cannot Interrogative Can ...?

I can drive I cannot read Can you speak Spanish?
Puedo/sé conducir No puedo/sé leer ¿Podés/sabés hablar español?
You can play chess You can't say that Can you play chess?
Tú puedes/sabes jugar al ajedrez No puedes decir eso ¿Podés/Sabés jugar al ajedrez?
He can go if he wants He can't finish this now Can we tell you something?
Él puede ir si quiere Él no puede terminar esto ahora ¿Podemos decirte algo?
She can't read without
That can be very difficult Can she go out tonight?
Eso puede ser muy difícil
glasses ¿Puede ella salir esta noche?
Ella no puede leer sin anteojos
It can be raining It cannot be so easy Can it fly?
Puede estar lloviendo (algo) No puede ser tan fácil (algo)¿Puede volar?
We can do that very easily We can't understand this Can we start tomorrow?
Podemos hacer eso muy
No podemos entender esto ¿Podemos empezar mañana?
Anybody can have bad
You can't be so crazy Can I be with you?
luck No puedes estar tan loco ¿Puedo estar contigo?
Cualquiera puede tener mala suerte
The film can be very Can they stay with us?
They cannot live here
boring Ellos no pueden vivir aquí
¿Pueden ellos quedrse con
El film puede ser muy aburrido nosotros?

You go
He come
She work
It can live
We speak
You ...

I cannot go
You come
He work
It live
We speak
You can't ...

you go ?
he come ?
she work ?
Can it live ?
we speak ?
you ...

Verbos Frasales

anterior <--- A - B - C - D - F - G - H - K - L - M - P - R - S - T - W ---> siguiente

1) ACCOUNT FOR - explicar- 4) ASK AFTER -preguntar por alguien-

2) ADD UP -tener sentido- 5) ASK FOR -preguntar por-
3) ALLOW FOR -tener en cuenta- 6) ASK OUT - invitar a salir-

1) The storm accounts for the plane crash. 4) Susan is asking after your brother.
2) "I can't understand this. It doesn't add 5) He was very hungry
up". and asked me for something to eat.
3) All good fishermen allow for the 6) John likes Susan. He
posibility of snake bites. will ask her out tonight.

Verbos Frasales

anterior <--- A - B - C - D - F - G - H - K - L - M - P - R - S - T - W ---> siguiente

1) BACK DOWN - echarse atrás 7) BREAK DOWN - averiarse, descomponerse

2) BACK OUT - romper una promesa 8) BREAK IN(TO) - entrar por la fuerza
3) BACK UP - apoyar 9) BREAK OUT - comenzar (una calamidad)
4) BACK UP - retroceder 10) BREAK UP - romper relaciones
5) BLOW UP - estallar 11) BRING UP - educar, criar
6) BLOW UP - llenar de aire, inflar 12) BRING UP - proponer, traer a colación

1) Susan threatened to leave, but later 7) Jack had a terrible day yesterday. His
she backed down and stayed. car broke down on his way to work.
2) Bill's father promised to buy him a
8) Burglars broke into Jack's apartment
bicycle, but he finally backed out of his
while he was on vacation.
3) If you decide to present that proposal, 9) The nation was happy until a terrible
I'll back you up . war broke out.
4) Can you back your car up a little? It's 10) Tom got very angry and broke up with
blocking my driveway ! Susan.
5) The soldiers blew the bridge up . 11) His parents died, so he was brought
Nobody can cross now. up by his grandfather.
6) Will you help me blow these 12) A posible solution was brought up in
balloons up for the party? the last meeting.

Verbos Frasales

anterior <--- A - B - C - D - F - G - H - K - L - M - P - R - S - T - W ---> siguiente

1) CALL OFF - cancelar, suspender 11) COME ACROSS - encontrar, toparse con
2) CALL ON - visitar, acudir a 12) COME ALONG - acompañar
13) COME AWAY / OFF - desprenderse,
3) CALL UP - llamar por teléfono
4) CARE FOR - gustar (se usa negando) 14) COME DOWN WITH - enfermarse de
5) CARRY ON - continuar , seguir 15) COME LOOSE - aflojarse
6) CARRY OUT - llevar a cabo, realizar 16) COME OVER - venir a la casa de uno
17) COME ROUND / TO - recobrar la
7) CATCH UP (WITH) - alcanzar
8) CHECK IN - registrarse ( en hotel , etc) 18) COUNT ON - contar con , confiar en
9) CHECK OUT - investigar 19) CUT BACK ON - reducir en consumo de
10) CHECK OUT OF - irse ( de un hotel, etc) 20) CUT UP - cortar en pedacitos

1) The football match was called off due to
11) I came across an old friend yesterday.
the heavy rain.
2) If you have problems with your 12) If you want, you can come along with
homework, you can call on me. us.
3) Please, call me up when you finish that 13) I caught the rope strongly with my
report. hands, but it came off.
4) I really like Brazil, but I 14) Bob didn't come to work today.
don't care much for its food. He came down with the flu.
5) Although we are very tired, we 15) The rope came loose, so the boat
must carry on with this work. started to drift away.
6) The work on the building was carried 16) We are going to have a party at home
out in only two months. tonight. Will you come over?
7) Sally is so intelligent and so fast. It's 17) She fainted, but fortunately she came
really hard to catch up withher. round very quickly.
18) You can count on Jack. He is very
8) He arrived at the hotel and checked in.
19) You are a little overweight. You
9) I think this information is wrong. Could
should cut back on the amount of fat in
you check it out ?
your meals.
10) He checked out of the hotel because he 20) In order to make this stew, cut up the
didn't like the service. meat first.

Verbos Frasales

anterior <--- A - B - C - D - F - G - H - K - L - M - P - R - S - T - W ---> siguiente

1) DO AWAY WITH - abolir, eliminar 6) DRAW NEAR - acercarse

2) DO UP - abrochar, atar 7) DRAW UP - redactar
3) HAVE TO DO WITH - tener que ver con 8) DRAW UP - detenerse, pararse
4) DO WITHOUT - arreglárselas sin 9) DROP IN (ON) - dar un visita
5) DRAG ON - ser interminable 10) DROP OUT (OF) - abandonar, dejar de ir a

1) The police are trying to do away 6) As summer draws near, people think
with crime in this city. about going to the beach.
2) Bill's mother taught him how to do 7) After they had agreed on the terms,
up his shoelaces. they drew up a contract.
3) That story has nothing to do with the 8) Bill drew his car up when he saw
real facts. children crossing the street.
4) The refrigerator was empty, so I had 9) Next week I will have a lot of free time.
to do without breakfast that day. Please, drop inanytime you want.
5) Time drags on when you are waiting for 10) Many young people are dropping out
something of school nowadays.

Verbos Frasales

anterior <--- A - B - C - D - F - G - H - K - L - M - P - R - S - T - W ---> siguiente

1) FACE UP TO - hacer frente a 6) FEEL UP TO - sentirse capaz de

2) FALL BEHIND - quedarse atrás 7) FIGURE OUT - comprender, entender
3) FALL FOR - enamorarse de 8) FILL IN / UP - rellenar (formularios)
4) FALL THROUGH - fracasar (un plan) 9) FILL IN FOR - reemplazar, substituir
5) FEEL LIKE - tener ganas de 10) FIND OUT - averiguar, descubrir
1) He had to face up to many problems 6) This is a very difficult task. Do you feel
during his childhood. up to doing it ?
2) John was supposed to finish this work 7) Jane is still trying to figure out how to
today, but he fell behind. solve the math problem.
3) Jack finds Mary to be very attractive. I 8) Your address is missing in the form. Can
think he fell for her. you fill it in, please ?
4) I wanted to go fishing on Sunday, but my 9) The Professor Brown is not coming . Mrs
plans fell through due to the bad weather. Smith will fill in forhim today.
10) The firemen are trying to find out the
5) I don't feel like working today.
cause of the fire.

Verbos Frasales

anterior <--- A - B - C - D - F - G - H - K - L - M - P - R - S - T - W ---> siguiente

1) GET ALONG (WITH) - llevarse bien (con) 7) GIVE AWAY - regalar

2) GET BY - sobrevivir (financieramente) 8) GIVE IN - ceder, entregarse
3) GET OVER - recuperarse (de algo malo) 9) GIVE UP - rendirse, darse por vencido
4) GET THROUGH (WITH)- terminar, finalizar 10) GIVE UP - dejar de
5) GET TOGETHER - reunirse, juntarse 11) GO ALONG WITH - estar de acuerdo con
6) GET RID OF - deshacerse de, librarse de 12) GO ON (WITH) - continuar

7) You don't wear those shoes anymore.
1) Dogs don't usually get along with cats.
Why don't you give themaway?
2) The whole family had to get by on the 8) The boxer cannot continue fighting. He
mother's salary. will give in at any moment.
9) You are about to finish the race.
3) John got over his illness very quickly.
Don't give up now!
4) Alice won't be able to get through 10) Mary is pregnant. She should give
with her project until next year.. up smoking.
5) The family got together to celebrate 11) That manager never goes along
Christmas. with the workers' ideas.
6) Why don't you get rid of these old
12) We have to go on with this work.

Verbos Frasales

anterior <--- A - B - C - D - F - G - H - K - L - M - P - R - S - T - W ---> siguiente

1) GET ALONG (WITH) - llevarse bien (con) 7) GIVE AWAY - regalar

2) GET BY - sobrevivir (financieramente) 8) GIVE IN - ceder, entregarse
3) GET OVER - recuperarse (de algo malo) 9) GIVE UP - rendirse, darse por vencido
4) GET THROUGH (WITH)- terminar, finalizar 10) GIVE UP - dejar de
5) GET TOGETHER - reunirse, juntarse 11) GO ALONG WITH - estar de acuerdo con
6) GET RID OF - deshacerse de, librarse de 12) GO ON (WITH) - continuar

7) You don't wear those shoes anymore.
1) Dogs don't usually get along with cats.
Why don't you give themaway?
2) The whole family had to get by on the 8) The boxer cannot continue fighting. He
mother's salary. will give in at any moment.
9) You are about to finish the race.
3) John got over his illness very quickly.
Don't give up now!
4) Alice won't be able to get through 10) Mary is pregnant. She should give
with her project until next year.. up smoking.
5) The family got together to celebrate 11) That manager never goes along
Christmas. with the workers' ideas.
6) Why don't you get rid of these old
12) We have to go on with this work.

Verbos Frasales

anterior <--- A - B - C - D - F - G - H - K - L - M - P - R - S - T - W ---> siguiente

1) KEEP ON - seguir, continuar 3) KNOCK OUT - dejar sin sentido

2) KEEP UP WITH - mantenerse al nivel de 4) KNOCK OVER - tirar, volcar, atropellar

1) John will keep on working in that firm for two more years.
2) Laura is so smart and fast. It's really difficult to keep up with her!
3) The old lady knocked the thief out with her umbrella.
4) The car knocked the boy over. Now, he is at the hospital.

Verbos Frasales

anterior <--- A - B - C - D - F - G - H - K - L - M - P - R - S - T - W ---> siguiente

10) LOOK BACK ON - recordar, mirar hacia

1) LAY OFF- despedir
11) LOOK DOWN ON - despreciar,
2) LEAVE OUT - omitir, olvidar
3) LET DOWN - decepcionar , defraudar 12) LOOK FOR - buscar
4) LET IN - dejar entrar 13) LOOK FORWARD TO - esperar con ilusión
5) LET OUT - dejar salir 14) LOOK INTO - investigar
6) LET OFF - dejar ir (sin castigo) 15) LOOK OUT (FOR) - tener ciudado (de)
16) LOOK UP - buscar (una palabra, dirección
7) LET UP - amainar, disminuir
8) LIVE UP TO - cumplir con, actuar de acuerdo
17) LOOK UP - visitar
9) LOOK AFTER - cuidar 18) LOOK UP TO - respetar, admirar

1) The company has laid off ten workers 10) Grandparents always look back
this year. on their young days.
11) Jim is so arrogant. He looks down
2) Jack left out his address in the form.
on everybody less intelligent than him.
3) I trusted you, but you let me down! 12) Tom is looking for a new job.
13) Billy is looking forward to going on
4) Sally is knocking at the door. Let her in!
vacation to Europe.
14) I think this report is wrong. Can
5) Sally wants to leave. Let her out!
you look into it?
6) The judge felt sorry for the thief 15) Be careful !. Look out for snakes in
and let him off. this area !
16) Edward is looking up a word in the
7) The rain started to let up.
8) Everybody thinks Robert is a good
17) If you come to my city, don't forget
person. He tries to live up to that
to look me up !
18) He is the smartest in the class.
9) The nanny is looking after the children.
Everybody looks up to him.

Verbos Frasales

anterior <--- A - B - C - D - F - G - H - K - L - M - P - R - S - T - W ---> siguiente

1) MAKE FOR - dirigirse a 5) MAKE UP - maquillarse

2) MAKE OFF WITH - robar, marcharse con 6) MAKE UP (WITH) - reconciliarse (con)
3) MAKE OUT - distinguir, descifrar, entender 7) MAKE UP FOR - compensar
4) MAKE UP - inventar, hacer 8) MIX UP - confundir, mezclar

5) Becky uses red lipstick and pink powder
1) The plane was making for the airport.
to make up her face.
2) The maid made off with some of the 6) Laura and his boyfriend had an argument
china from the dinning room. last night, but theymade up today.
3) The ship was so far from the coast that 7) Bill couldn't visit Mary yesterday. So, he
nobody could make outits nationality. brought her a gift tomake up for it.
4) That writer makes up fantastic stories 8) The teacher mixed me up with so much
about life in the future. information.

Verbos Frasales

anterior <--- A - B - C - D - F - G - H - K - L - M - P - R - S - T - W ---> siguiente

1) PART WITH - deshacerse de, regalar 10) PULL DOWN - derribar, demoler
11) PULL OVER - detenerse a un lado de la
2) PASS AWAY - morir
12) PULL THROUGH - salir adelante,
3) PASS OUT - distribuir, repartir
4) PASS OUT - desmayarse 13) PUT AWAY - guardar, poner en su lugar
5) PICK ON - molestar - fastidiar 14) PUT BACK - poner donde estaba
6) PICK OUT - escoger 15) PUT OFF - posponer
7) PICK UP- recoger 16) PUT ON - ponerse (ropa, joyas etc)
8) PICK UP - pasar a buscar 17) PUT OUT - apagar (fuego, luces etc)
9) POINT OUT - indicar 18) PUT UP WITH - tolerar, aguantar

1) These books are occupying too much 10) The construction workers will pull
space. I'll have to part with them. down the old building.
2) My grandfather passed away five years 11) The policeman ordered the speeding
ago. driver to pull over.
3) James was passing out new books to 12) She was in a hard situation, but
everyone in class. somehow she pulled through.
4) Nancy passed out when she heard the 13) The little boy's room is a mess. His
bad news. mother wants him to puthis toys away.
5) Everyone in class picked on the new 14) I took a book from the bookcase, but
student. I put it back at once.
6) Helen likes to pick out the best apples at 15) We'll have to put off our meeting for
the supermarket. the next week.
7) I found a strange coin at the beach and 16) I put on a warm coat because it was
I picked it up. cold outside.
8) Jane is going to the movies. Brian 17) The firemen put out the fire in less than
will pick her up at 7:30 p.m. an hour.
9) The president pointed out the 18) That noise is bothering me. I cannot put
achievements of his goverment. up with it any longer.

Verbos Frasales

anterior <--- A - B - C - D - F - G - H - K - L - M - P - R - S - T - W ---> siguiente

1) RIP OFF - estafar, cobrar demasiado 4) RUN INTO - encontrarse con

2) RUN ACROSS - encontrarse con 5) RUN OUT OF - quedarse sin
3) RUN AWAY - escapar 6) RUN OVER - atropellar con el auto
1) " Don't buy anything in that store. 4) Laura ran into Mary when she was at
They'll rip you off " the supermarket.
2) Jane ran across her old friend from 5) They wanted to go to Europe, but they
school at the supermarket. had run out of money.
3) The thief tried to run away, but the 6) The car ran over the dog that crossed the
police caught him. street.

Verbos Frasales

anterior <--- A - B - C - D - F - G - H - K - L - M - P - R - S - T - W ---> siguiente

1) SEE ABOUT - atender a, encargarse de 10) SHOW OFF - fanfarronear, presumir

2) SEND FOR - mandar a buscar 11) SHOW UP - aparecer
3) SET BACK - retrasar, demorar 12) SHUT UP - callar, silenciar
4) SET IN - comenzar 13) SLIP AWAY - escabullirse
5) SET OFF - partir 14) STAND FOR - significar, representar
6) SET OUT - partir 15) STAND OUT - sobresalir, destacarse
7) SET UP - establecer 16) STAND UP - dejar ( a alguien ) plantado
8) SETTLE DOWN - establecerce, adaptarse 17) STAND UP FOR - defender (verbalmente) a
9) SETTLE UP - pagar lo que se debe 18) STAND UP TO - hacer frente a

1) Let's organize a party! You can see 10) He always tries to impress people
about getting the groceries. by showing off.
2) Billy was feeling sick, so his mother sent 11) We waited for her, but she didn't show
for the doctor. up.
3) The workers' strike set back the
12) Be quiet!... Shut up!
completion of the new building.
4) People start to wear warm clothes when 13) When nobody was watching, he slipped
the winter sets in. away.
5) The boat will set off early in the 14) The letters U. N. stand for United
morning. Nations.
6) All the sailors will set out in that boat 15) That boy is so smart. He always stands
tomorrow. out in class.
16) John waited for Jane, but she didn't
7) That athlete set up a new world record.
come. She stood him up.
8) Brian likes this city. He is trying to settle 17) Everyone criticized her. Nobody stood
down . up for her.
9) He won the lottery and was able to settle 18) You have to be brave. You have
up all his debts. to stand up to that problem.
Verbos Frasales

anterior <--- A - B - C - D - F - G - H - K - L - M - P - R - S - T - W ---> siguiente

1) TAKE AFTER - parecerse a 11) TRY OUT - probar, poner a prueba

2) TAKE APART- desmontar, desarmar 12) TRY OUT FOR - tratar de ingresar a
3) TAKE CARE OF -cuidar 13) TURN DOWN - rechazar
4) TAKE OFF - despegar (un avión) 14) TURN IN - irse a la cama
5) TAKE OFF - quitarse (ropa) 15) TURN INTO - convertir en
6) TAKE UP - ocupar 16) TURN ON - prender, encender
7) TALK OVER - discutir 17) TURN OFF - apagar
8) THROW AWAY - tirar a la basura 18) TURN OUT TO BE - resultar ser
9) THROW UP - vomitar 19) TURN DOWN - bajar el volumen
10) TRY ON - probarse (ropa) 20) TURN UP - subir el volumen

11) The technicians are trying out the new
1) Mike takes after his father.
2) I have to repair this TV. I have 12) Tim would like to try out for the
to take it apart first. baseball team.
13) Mike asked Jane out, but
3) The nanny is taking care of the children.
she turned him down.
14) I am tired and it is too late. I think
4) The plane is taking off at this moment.
I'll turn in.
5) His T-shirt was so dirty. He had
15) This sofa turns into a bed.
to take it off.
6) The old piano takes up too much space.
16) I was bored, so I turned the TV on.
They will move it somewhere else.
7) This subject is important. We 17) I got tired of watching TV, so
must talk it over. I turned it off.
8) He threw away all the things that he 18) The film seemed good at first, but
didn't use. it turned out to be very boring.
9) He had drunk so much that he had 19) The music is too loud.
to throw up. Please, turn it down
20) Could you turn the TV up. I can't hear
10) I like this T-shirt. Can I try it on ?

Verbos Frasales

anterior <--- A - B - C - D - F - G - H - K - L - M - P - R - S - T - W ---> siguiente

1) WAIT ON - atender, servir 6) WIPE OUT - destruir completamente

2) WALK OUT ON - abandonar (novio/a) 7) WORK OUT - hacer ejercicio (en un gym)
3) WARM UP - entrar en calor 8) WORK OUT - resolver, elaborar
4) WATCH OUT (FOR) - tener ciudado (de) 9) WRITE DOWN - anotar, tomar apuntes
5) WEAR OUT - desgastar completamente 10) WRITE UP - redactar

6) The small town was wiped out by the
1) The salesgirl is waiting on the customer.
2) Sally is sad because her 7) Robert is in good shape because
boyfriend walked out on her. he works out at the gym everyday.
8) They have many problems in the
3) Runners warm up before starting a race.
company, but they will workthem out.
4) "If you go into the jungle, watch out 9) The reporter wrote down everything the
for tigers " rock star had said.
5) I have worn these shoes out. I have to 10) They have reached an agreement and
buy another pair. now they will write upthe contract.

Voz Pasiva

Tiempos Simples Tiempos Progresivos

Present Past Perfect Present Continuous
Past Future Past Continuous
Present Perfect Modals Future Continuous
Fórmula : Subject + (am/are/is) + V3

Sentence Translation
The products are inspected Se inspeccionan los productos
Workers are replaced by robots Se reemplazan los obreros por robots
Thieves are arrested Se arresta a los ladornes
That car is washed very week Se lava ese auto todas las semanas
He is asked to be quiet Se le pide que esté callado
He is told not to make noise Se le dice que no haga ruido
A solution is found Se encuentra una solución
Those houses are painted every year Se pintan esas casas todos los años
I am given a good advice Se me dá un buen consejo
The student is ordered to leave the room Se le ordena al estudiante que salga del aula
The kid is told not to cross the street Se le dice al niño que no cruce la calle
I am asked to give a speech Se me pide que dé un discurso
Se venden un millón de copias todos los
A million copies are sold every year
The suspect is investigated Se investiga al sospechoso
Bill is asked to pay what he owes Se le pide a Bill que pague lo que debe
The murderer is sentenced to death Se sentencia a muerte al asesino
Rules are changed Se cambian las reglas
A skyscraper is built Se construye un rascacielos
Conditional Sentences
Type IF clause Main Clause
Type I Present will/ can/ may /must + V1
Type II Past would/ could/ might + V1
Type III Past Perfect would/ could/ might + have V3
Habitual Present Present
Imperativo Present Imperative

Sentence Translation
If he is busy now, I will come back
Si está ocupado ahora, regresaré mañana
If I have time, I'll visit my parents this Si tengo tiempo, visitaré a mis padres esta
afternoon tarde
If it is warm tomorrow, we'll go to the
Si está caluroso mañana, iremos a la playa
If it is cold, you must wear warm clothes Si está frío, debes usar ropa abrigada
If he doesn't do his homework, he can not
Si él no hace su tarea, no puede ir a la fiesta
go to the party
If she doesn't call you, you can call her Si ella no te llama, tu puedes llamarla
If you work hard, you may become a Si trabajas duro, puede que te conviertas en
millonaire someday un millonario algún día
If you spend more than you earn, you'll Si gastas más de lo que ganas, te convertirás
become a poor man en un hombre pobre
If they don't invite you, you must not go Si ellos no te invitan, no debes ir
Si no nos apuramos, perderemos nuestro
If we don't hurry, we'll miss our bus
If you pay now, you'll get a discount Si pagas ahora, obtendrás un descuento
If they don't want to go out, they can stay
Si no quieren salir, se pueden quedar en casa
If you drink too much, you'll get drunk Si bebes demasiado, te emborracharás
Si te sientes enfermo, debes quedarte en
If you feel sick, you must stay in bed
If they don't come here, we'll have to go
Si ellos no vienen aquí, tendremos que ir allí

There Be (impersonal)
ver + - ?

Conjugaciones Significado Ejemplos

THERE IS (singular) HAY There is a house
THERE ARE (plural) HAY There are two houses
THERE WAS (s) HUBO, HABÍA There was a party last night
THERE WERE (p) HUBO, HABÍA There were many people
THERE HAS BEEN (s) HA HABIDO There has been a hurricane
THERE HAVE BEEN (p) HA HABIDO There have been two hurricanes
THERE HAD BEEN HABÍA HABIDO There had been many problems
THERE WILL BE HABRÁ There will be a party tonight
THERE IS GOING TO BE (s) VA A HABER There is going to be a celebration
THERE ARE GOING TO BE (p) VA A HABER There are going to be many guests
There was going to be a party
IBA A HABER There were going to be many guests
THERE WILL HAVE BEEN HABRÁ HABIDO There will have been much money
THERE WOULD BE HABRÍA There would be an orchestra
There would have been many
THERE CAN BE PUEDE HABER There can be a fire
THERE COULD BE PODRÍA/ PUDO HABER There could be many injured people
THERE MAY BE PUEDE HABER There may be a storm
THERE MIGHT BE PODRÍA HABER There might be blackouts
THERE SHOULD BE DEBERÍA HABER There should be a warning
THERE MUST BE DEBE HABER There must be a way out
THERE HAS TO BE (s) TIENE QUE HABER There has to be a solution
THERE HAVE TO BE (p) TIENE QUE HABER There have to be several solutions
There had to be a cause

There could have been a mistake

There might have been an explosion

THERE SHOULD HAVE BEEN HABIDO There should have been warnings

THERE MUST HAVE BEEN DEBE HABER HABIDO There must have been an error
There has to have been a reason

THERE HAVE TO HAVE BEEN TIENE QUE HABER There have to have been many
(p) HABIDO reasons
There had to have been a purpose

going to (gonna)

Affirmative Tradución
I am going to come tomorrow Voy a venir mañana
You are go next week Tú vas a ir la próxima semana
He is bring his sister Él va a traer a su hermana
She is take her brother Ella va a llevar a su hermano
It is be very easy Va a ser muy fácil
We are (gonna) have a party Nosotros vamos a tener una fiesta
You are arrive early Ustedes van a llegar temprano
They are leave late Ellos se van a ir tarde

Negative Traducción
I am not come tomorrow No voy a venir mañana
You are not go next week Tú no vas a ir la próxima semana
He is not bring his sister Él no va a traer a su hermana
She is not
going to take her brother Ella no va a llevar a su hermano
It is not be very easy No va a ser muy fácil
We are not (gonna) have a party No vamos a tener una fiesta
You are not arrive early Ustedes no van a llegar temprano
They are not leave late Ellos no se van a ir tarde

Interrogative Traducción
come tomorrow
Am I ¿Voy a venir mañana?
go next week ?
Are you ¿Vas a ir la próxima semana?
bring his
Is he ¿Él va a traer a su hermana?
Is she
going to sister ? ¿Ella va a llevar a su hermano?
take her brother
Is it ¿Va a ser muy fácil?
Are we (gonna) ? ¿Nosotros vamos a tener una fiesta?
be very easy ?
Are you ¿Ustedes van a llegar temprano?
have a party ?
Are they ¿Ellos se van a ir tarde?
arrive early ?
leave late ?

Más ejemplos:

 I am going to travel to Paris. (voy a viajar a París)

 I am going to visit my grandmother (voy a visitar a mi abuela)
 She is going to make a cake for me (ella va a hacer una torta para mi)
 They are not going to remember that (ellos no se van a acordar de eso)
 We are not going to go anywhere (nosotros no vamos a ir a ninguna
 Who is going to come today ? (¿Quién va a venir hoy?)
 Are you going to buy a new car? (¿Vas comprar un nuevo auto?)
 Are they going to help you ? (¿Ellos te van a ayudar?)
 What are you going to bring ? (¿Qué vas a traer?)
 When is she going to arrive ? (¿Cuándo va a llegar ella?)

La forma imperativa se usa para dar instrucciones, órdenes, sugerencias,
advertencias y consejos
En forma afirmativa En forma negativa
Don't cross the street ! - ¡No cruces la
Come here - Ven aquí
Go there - Andá allí Don't say that ! - ¡No digas eso!
Open the door - Abrí la puerta Don't be so mean ! - ¡No seas tan malo!
Leave me alone - Dejáme solo Don't fight ! - ¡No pelées!
Turn on the TV - Encendé el televisor Don't drink so much ! - ¡No tomes tanto!
Don't invite so many people ! - ¡No
Turn off the radio - Apagá la radio
invites tantas personas!
Be careful - Sé cuidadoso Don't make noise ! - ¡No hagas ruido!
Let me see that - Dejáme ver eso Don't interrupt ! - ¡No interrumpas!
Don't drive so fast ! -¡No conduzcas tan
Call me up - Llamáme por teléfono
Finish that report - Terminá ese informe Don't be late ! - ¡No llegues tarde!
Don't come so early ! - ¡No vengas tan
Sit down - Sentáte
Don't buy so many things ! - ¡No
Stand up - Levantáte
compres tantas cosas!

El Let's (let us) se usa para hacer una sugerencia en la
cuál uno mismo se incluye

Let's Let's not

Let's work - Trabajemos Let's not hurry - No nos apuremos
Let's make a party - Hagamos una fiesta Let's not do that - No hagamos eso
Let's buy some beers - Compremos Let's not waste time - No desperdiciemos
algunas cervezas tiempo
Let's play basketball - Juguemos al Let's not wait any more - No esperemos
básketbol más
Let's not go so fast - No vayamos tan
Let's go to the movies - Vayamos al cine
Let's eat some ice creams - Comamos Let's not drink so much - No tomemos
algunos helados tanto
Let's not talk about that - No hablemos
Let's take a walk - Tomemos un paseo
de eso
Let's consider this problem - Let's not bother them - No los
Consideremos este problema molestemos
Let's see what we can do - Veamos que
Let's not interrupt - No interrumpamos
podemos hacer
Let's try to do it - Tratemos de hacerlo Let's not say anything - No digamos nada
Let's start with this - Comencemos con Let's not argue again - No discutamos de
esto nuevo
Let's not be upset about it - No estemos
Let's finish that - Terminemos eso
molestos por ello

También (too) (so) --- Tampoco (either) (neither)

Affirmative (too) (so) Negative (either) (neither)

I am hungry, and so are you. I am not tired, and neither are my friends.
I am hungry, and you are too. I am not tired, and my friends are not either.
My sister is not here, and neither are my
My wife is a lawyer, and so am I. parents.
My wife is a lawyer, and I am too. My sister is not here, and my parents are not
They were not working, and neither was she.
She was here yesterday, and so was he.
They were not working, and she was not
She was here yesterday, and he was too.
She was not from Brazil, and neither are
They were working, and so was I. they.
They were working, and I was too. She was not from Brazil, and they are not
I can swim, and so can my brother. I can't play chess, and neither can you.
I can swim, and my brother can too. I can't play chess, and you can't either.
I could finish on time, and so could my She couldn't see the film, and neither could
colleagues. I.
I could finish on time, and my colleagues She couldn't see the film, and I couldn't
could too. either.
He might not stay longer, and neither might
They might go fishing, and so might we. we.
They might go fishing, and we might too. He might not stay longer, and we might not
We must not be late, and neither must you.
We must work hard, and so must he.
We must not be late, and you must not
We must work hard, and he must too.
I shouldn't drink so much, and neither
I should study more, and so should you. should you.
I should study more, and you should too. I shouldn't drink so much, and you shouldn't
They won't attend the concert, and neither
They will go to the movies, and so will I. will I.
They will go to the movies, and I will too. They won't attend the concert, and I won't
I would earn more, and so would my We wouldn't work on Sundays, and neither
partner. would she.
I would earn more, and my partner would We wouldn't work on Sundays, and she
too. wouldn't either.
Bill is going to rest, and so are his friends. Mary is not going to come, and neither are
Bill is going to rest, and his friends are too. her children.
Mary is not going to come, and her children
aren't either.
Jane studies German, and so do I. Susan doesn't know you, and neither do I.
Jane studies German, and I do too. Susan doesn't know you, and I don't either.
I don't like novels, and neither does my
I like to go fishing, and so does my brother.
I like to go fishing, and my brother does
I don't like novels, and my girlfriend doesn't
John cleaned the house, and so did his wife. Bill didn't come, and neither did his brother.
John cleaned the house, and his wife did Bill didn't come, and his brother didn't
too. either.
Jack worked hard, and so did his Jack didn't bring anything, and neither did
colleagues. his sister.
Jack worked hard, and his colleagues did Jack didn't bring anything, and his sister
too. didn't either.
He has lived in this city for years, and so She has not seen that film yet, and neither
have we. has her boyfriend.
He has lived in this city for years, and we She has not seen that film yet, and her
have too. boyfriend hasn't either.
They have gone on vacation, and so has Billy has not finished his work yet, and
their son. neither have his companions.
They have gone on vacation, and their son Billy has not finished his work yet, and his
has too. companions haven't either.
I had heard a strange noise, and so had my He hadn't been there, and neither had his
friend. family.
I had heard a strange noise, and my friend He hadn't been there, and his family hadn't
had too. either.
They have time, and so do I. They don't have money, and neither do we.
They have time, and I do too. They don't have money, and we don't either.

Adjetivos & Adjetivos & Adjetivos &
Contrastes &
Verbos Adverbios Sustantivos

Awake - despierto Asleep - dormido
Beautiful - hermoso Ugly - feo
Big - grande Small - pequeño
Bitter - amargo Sweet - dulce
Black - negro White - blanco
Careful - cuidadoso Careless - descuidado
Dark - oscuro Light - claro
Dead - muerto Alive - vivo
Deep - profundo Shallow - superficial
Difficult - difícil Easy - fácil
Dirty - sucio Clean - limpio
Drunk - borracho Sober - sobrio
Expensive - caro Cheap - barato
Far - lejano Near - cercano
Fast - rápido Slow - lento
Fat - gordo Thin - flaco
Full - lleno Empty - vacío
Glad - contento Sad - triste
Good - bueno Bad - malo
Happy - feliz Sorry - apenado
Hard - duro Soft - blando
Healthy - saludable Sick - enfermo
Heavy - pesado Light - liviano
High - alto Low - bajo
Hot - caliente Cold - frío
Interesting - interesante Boring - aburrido
Late - tarde Early - temprano
Long - largo Short - corto
New - nuevo Old - viejo
On - encendido Off - apagado
Past - pasado Future - futuro
Polite - cortés, atento Rude - grosero
Rich - rico Poor - pobre
Right - derecho Left - izquierdo
Right - correcto Wrong - equivocado
Rough - áspero Smooth - suave, liso
Safe - seguro Dangerous - peligroso
Same - mismo Different - diferente
Simple - simple Complex - complejo
Single - soltero Married - casado
Straight - derecho Crooked - torcido
Strong - fuerte Weak - débil
Tall - alto Short - bajo
Thick - grueso Thin - delgado
True - verdadero False - falso
Useful - útil Useless - inútil
Warm - cálido Cool - fresco
Wet - mojado Dry - seco
Wide - ancho Narrow - angosto, estrecho
Young - joven Old - viejo

Se clasifican en adverbios de:


After - después Never - nunca

Afterwards - después Newly - recién
Again - otra vez Next - luego
Already - ya No longer - ya no
Always - siempre Now - ahora
As soon as - tan pronto como Now and then - de vez en cuando
At last - al fin Often - a menudo
Before - antes Presently - luego
Early - temprano Seldom - rara vez
Ever - siempre, alguna vez Shortly - en breve
Finally - finalmente Since then - desde entonces
First - primeramente Sometimes - algunas veces
Formerly - anteriormente Soon - pronto
Hereafter - después Then - entonces
Last - por último Till now - hasta ahora
Lastly - finalmente Today - hoy
Late - tarde Tomorrow - mañana
Lately - últimamente Until now - hasta ahora
Latterly - últimamente When - cuando
Long - mucho tiempo Yesterday - ayer
Meanwhile - entretanto Yet - todavía


According to - de acuerdo a Namely - a saber

After - después que Neither... nor - ni... ni
Although - aunque, si bien Nevertheless - sin embargo, no obstante
And - y Nor - ni
As - cuando, mientras, a medida que, como Notwithstanding - no obstante
As if - como si Or - o
As long as - mientras, con tal que Or else - sino
As soon as - en cuanto Otherwhise - de otra manera, si no
As though - como si Provided - siempre que , con tal de que
As well as - además de Providing - siempre que , con tal de que
Because - porque Since - puesto que, ya que, desde que
Because of - debido a So as to - para
Before - antes que So as not to - para no
Both...and - tanto...como So that - para que
But - pero Still - sin embargo, no obstante
But - sino Than - que ( en comparaciones )
Either... or - o... o Therefore - por lo tanto
Even though - aunque Though - aunque
Except - excepto, salvo Unless - a menos que
For - porque Until - hasta que
Furthermore - además Whenever - cada vez que, cuando
However - sin embargo Whereas - siendo que, mientras
If - si Whether - si
In case of - en caso de Whether... or - si... o
In order to - para While - mientrar, mientras que, aunque
Moreover - además, por otra parte Yet - sin embargo, no obstante

According to (acórding tchu) - de acuerdo a

- Everything was done according to his instructions -- Todo fue hecho de acuerdo a
sus instrucciones
After (áfter) - después que
- He started to eat after he had washed his hands -- Comenzó a comer después de
haberse lavado las manos
- After he had eaten, he went to bed -- Después de que había comido, se fue a la cama
Although (oldóu) - aunque, si bien - (although = though = even though)
- Although he was not tall, he was excellent at basketball -- Aunque no era alto, era
excelente para el baloncesto
- Although she appears to be happy, she is actually very sad -- Anque parece estar
feliz, está muy triste en realidad
And - y
- Bill buys things and sells them at a higher price -- Bill compra cosas y las vende a un
precio más alto
As - cuando, mientras, a medida que, como
- As the two boys walked down the street, they found a wallet -- Mientras los dos
chicos caminaban por la calle, encontraron una billetera
- As winter approaches, the temperature gets colder and colder -- A medida que se
aproxima el invierno, la temperatura se pone cada vés más fría
- As she entered the restaurant, she saw us -- Cuando entró al restaurant, ella nos vió
- She acted as a crazy woman -- Ella actuaba como una loca
- He is not as intelligent as they think -- Él no es tan inteligente como ellos piensan
As if - como si - (as if = as though)
- He acts as if he were rich -- Él actúa como si fuera rico
- They treat me as if they didn't know me -- Me tratan como si no me conocieran
- Bill started to shop as if he had won the lottery -- Bill comenzó comprar como si
hubiera ganado la lotería
- They looked as if they hadn't slept for days -- Se veían como si no hubieran dormido
desde hace días
As long as (as lóng as) - mientras, siempre que
- You can stay here as long as you work hard -- Te puedes quedar aquí mientras
trabajes duro
- I will live in this city as long as I can -- Viviré en esta ciudad mientras pueda
- Nobody will know about this secret as long as you keep mum -- Nadie sabrá de este
secreto mientras mantengas la boca cerrada
As soon as (as sún as) - en cuanto, tan pronto como
-- I will do this work as soon as I can -- Haré con este trabajo tan pronto como pueda
-- She started to work as soon as she graduated from the university -- Comenzó a
trabajar tan pronto como se graduó de la universidad
As though (as dóu) - como si - (as if = as though)
Ver " As if "
As well as - además de
- My sister as well as John will go to the movies tomorrow -- Mi hermana, así como
John, irán al cine mañana
- She is intelligent as well as kind -- Ella es inteligente además de amable
- She works as well as she studies -- Ella trabaja además de estudiar
Because (bicós) - porque
- I don't want to go out because it is too cold -- No quiero salir porque está demasiado
Because of - debido a
- They stayed in because of the bad weather -- Ellos se quedaron en casa debido al mal
- She can not play sports because of her illness -- Ella no puede practicar deportes
debido a su enfermedad
Before (bifór) - antes que
- Billy washed his hands before he started to eat -- Billy se lavó sus manos antes de
empezar a comer
- He had trained for years before he decided to box professionally -- Él había
entrenado durante años antes de decidirse a boxear profesionalmente
Both...and (bóuz...ánd) - tanto...como
- He speaks both softly and clearly -- Él habla tanto suavemente como claramente
- She plays both the piano and the harp -- Ella toca tanto el piano como el harpa
But - pero
- He spoke clearly, but I didn't understand him -- Habló claramente pero no lo entendí
- She saw me, but she didn't recognize me -- Me vió pero no me reconoció
But - sino
- She is not from Argentina but from Brazil -- Ella no es de Argentina sino de Brazil
- He didn't work but he rested all day -- No trabajó sino que descanzó todo el día
Either... or (íder...or) - o... o
- Either start to work or quit this business -- O empezás a trajar o dejás este negocio
- He must be either very brave or very crazy -- Él debe ser o muy valiente o muy loco
- You should either work or study -- Tú deberías, o trabajar, o estudiar
Even though (íven dóu) - aunque (although = though = even though)
- ver although
Except (excépt) - excepto, salvo
- They would go to Europe, except they have to go to Japan -- Irían a Europa salvo
que tengan que ir a Japón
For - porque
- We'll have to stay home, for it is raining outside -- Tendremos que quedarnos en casa
porque está lloviendo afuera
- He didn't greet her, for he was very angry -- Él no la saludó porque estaba muy
- She turned on the lights, for she was afraid of the dark -- Encendió las luces porque
tenía miedo a la oscuridad
Furthermore (féerdermór) - además - (furthermore = moreover)
- She doesn't want to study , and furthermore she doesn't want to work either -- Ella
no quiere estudiar y, además, tampoco quiere trabajar
- He was a bad person, and furthermore he was very proud of that -- Él era una mala
persona y, además, estaba muy orgulloso de eso
However (jaoéver) - sin embargo - (however = nevertheless =
- They were not having fun, however they stayed all night -- Ellos no se estaban
divirtiendo, sin embargo, se quedaron toda la noche
- He didn't study much, however he got good grades -- Él no estudiaba mucho, sin
embargo, obtenía buenas notas
If - si
- If you drink too much, you'll get drunk -- Si bebes demasiado, te emborracharás
- If you spend more than you earn, you'll become a poor man -- Si gastas más de lo
que ganas, te convertirás en un hombre pobre
- If he were in my place, he wouldn't do this -- Si él estuviese en mi lugar, no haría
In case (of) (in kéis ov) - en caso (de)
- Break the window in case of emergency -- Romper la ventana en caso de emergencia
- Call this number in case you get lost -- Llamá a este número en caso de que te pierdas
In order to - para
- They left early in order to arrive on time for the movie -- Ellos salieron temprano
para llegar a tiempo para la película
- We are working harder in order to earn more money -- Estamos trabajando más
duro para ganar más dinero
Moreover (moróuver) - además, por otra parte - (furthermore = moreover)
ver furthermore
Namely (néimli) - a saber
- There were two people in the house, namely Tom and Mary -- Había dos personas
en la casa, a saber Tom y Mary
Neither... nor (níder..or) - ni... ni
- I want neither to work nor to study -- No quiero ni trabajar ni estudiar
- She drinks neither wine nor beer -- Ella no toma ni vino ni cerveza
- Neither Susan nor Bill wants to see that film -- Ni Susan ni Bill quieren ver esa
Nevertheless (néverdilés) - sin embargo, no obstante - (however = nevertheless
= notwithstanding)
- Ver however
Nor - ni
-- Bill didn't come today, nor will he come tomorrow -- Bill no vino hoy; ni (tampoco)
vendrá mañana
Notwithstanding (nótwidstánding) - no obstante
- Ver however
Or - o
- He never works. He is always sleeping or watching TV -- Él nunca trabaja. Siempre
está durmiendo o mirando TV
- With all that money, they could buy a new house or travel around the world -- Con
todo ese dinero, ellos podrían comprar una nueva casa o viajar alrededor del mundo
Or else (or éls) - sino
- You should study harder, or else you will fail the test -- Deberías estudiar más duro,
sino reprobarás la prueba
- They must leave now, or else they will arrive late -- Ellos deben salir ahora, sino
llegarán tarde
Otherwhise (óderwáis) - de otra manera, si no
- We should finish this now, otherwise we'll have to do it tomorrow -- Deberíamos
terminar esto ahora, sino tendremos que hacerlo mañana
- Fortunately they left early; otherwise they wouldn't have arrived on time --
Afortunadamente salieron temprano; de otra manera no habrían llegado a tiempo
Provided (prováided) - siempre que , con tal de que - (provided = providing)
- I will buy the product, provided I can pay for it by credit card - Compraré el
producto, siempre que pueda pagarlo con la tarjeta de crédito
- They will believe you, provided you swear that it is true - Te creerán, siempre que
jures que es verdad
Providing (prováiding) - siempre que , con tal de que - (provided = providing)
- They will go fishing next weekend, providing it doesn't rain -- Ellos irán a pescar el
próximo fin de semana, siempre que no llueva
Since (síns) - puesto que, ya que, desde que
- He didn't understand a word, since he doesn't speak English -- No entendió ni una
palabra puesto que no habla inglés
- Since it was too late, they decided to go to sleep, -- Puesto que era demasiado tarde,
decidieron irse a dormir
- She shouldn't eat so much, since she is a little fat -- No debería comer tanto puesto
que está un poco gorda
So as to - para
- They decided to take a plane so as to travel faster -- Decidieron tomar una avión
para viajar más rápido
- She paid by cash so as to get a good discount -- Pagó en efectivo para obtener un
buen descuento
So as not to - para no
- He took a short nap so as not to be too tired for the party -- El tomó una breve siesta
para no estar demasiado cansado para la fiesta
- She wrote down his telephone number so as not to forget it -- Ella anotó su número
de teléfono para no olvidarlo
So that - para que
- You should learn more vocabulary so that you can speak better -- Deberías
aprender más vocabulario para que puedas hablar mejor
- They decided to save extra money so that they would be able to go on vacation --
Decidieron ahorrar dinero extra para poder ir de vacaciones
- He gave her a present so that she would feel better -- Él le dió un regalo para que
ella se sienta mejor
Still - sin embargo, no obstante
- Jack didn't study much for the test; still he managed to pass it -- Jack no estudió
mucho para la prueba, no obstante, se las arregló para aprobar
- He can not speak very well; still he understands everyting -- No puede hablar bien,
sin embargo, entiende todo
- They felt very sad; still they forced themselves to smile all the time -- Se sentían
muy tristes, no obstante, se obligaban a si mismos a sonreír todo el tiempo
Than - que ( en comparaciones )
- They started to have more problems than they expected -- Empezaron a tener más
problemas que lo que esperaban
- She discovered that learning English is more difficult than she thought -- Ella
descubrió que aprender inglés es más dificil que lo que pensó
Therefore (dérfór) - por lo tanto
- I didn't have enough time to study for the test and therefore I couldn't pass it -- No
tuve suficiente tiempo para estudiar para la prueba y, por lo tanto, no pude aprobarla
- John left very late and therefore he didn't arrive on time -- John salió muy tarde y,
por lo tanto, no llegó a tiempo
Though (dóu) - aunque - (although = though = even though)
- ver although
Unless (anlés) - a menos que
- You can not drink alcohol here, unless you are an adult -- No puedes beber alcohol
aquí, a menos que seas un adulto
- They won't be able to travel to Europe, unless they have their passports -- No
podrán viajar a Europa, a menos que tengan sus pasaportes
- Unless you can speak English very well, you can not study in an american
university -- A menos que puedas hablar inglés muy bien, no puedes estudiar en una
universidad americana
Until (antíl) - hasta que
- They listened in silence until he finished his speech -- Escucharon en silencio hasta
que él terminó su discurso
- He looked for his keys until he found them -- Buscó sus llaves hasta que las encontró
- Bill can not go out to play soccer until he completes his homework -- Bill no puede
salir a jugar al fútbol hasta que termine su tarea
Whenever (wenéver) - cada vez que, cuando
- He goes to the movies whenever he has the time -- Él va al cine siempre cada vez que
tiene tiempo
- Whenever they have to work, they feel sick -- Cada vez que tienen que trabajar, se
sienten enfermos
Whereas (uéras) - siendo que, mientras
- The weather is very nice here in summer, whereas in winter it is not so good -- El
tiempo es muy lindo aquí en verano, mientras que en invierno no es tan bueno
Whether (wéder) - si
- You must tell me whether you will come -- Debes decirme si vendrás
- I don't know whether to buy this computer or not -- No sé si comprar esta
computadora o no
Whether... or - si... o
- I don't know whether to take it or leave it -- No sé si llevarlo o dejarlo
- She didn't understand whether she had to go or stay -- Ella no entendió si tenía que
ir o quedarse
While (wáil) - mientrar, mientras que, aunque
- Many things happened here while you were out --Muchas cosas pasaron aquí
mientras tú estuviste afuera
- While they didn't know her very well, they invited her to their wedding -- Aunque
no la conocían bien, la invitaron a su boda
Yet (iét) - sin embargo, no obstante
- He wanted to reply to that accusation, yet he didn't -- Él quería contestar a esa
acusación, sin embargo no lo hizo


About - de, sobre, acerca de Into - en, a, dentro

Above - encima de Near - cerca de
Across - al otro lado de, a través de Next to - al lado de, junto a
After - después de, detrás de, tras Of - de
Against - contra Off - de, fuera de
Along - a lo largo de On - en, sobre, encima
Amid - entre, en medio de Onto - encima de, sobre, en
Among - entre, en medio de On top of - sobre, encima de
Around - alrededor de Out of - fuera de, sin
Over - sobre, más de, durante, al otro lado
At - en, a, de
Before - delante de, antes de Per - por
Behind - detrás de Round - alrededor de
Below - debajo de Since - desde
Beneath - debajo de Through - A través de, por
Beside - al lado de Throughout - por todo, durante
Besides - además de Till - hasta
Between - entre (dos) To - a, hasta, hacia
Beyond - más allá de Toward - hacia
But - menos, salvo, excepto Under - debajo de
By - por, de Underneath - debajo de
Down - por Until - hasta
During - durante Up - arriba de
For - por, para Upon - sobre, encima de
From - de, desde With - con, de
In - en, a, dentro, de Within - dentro de, a menos de
In front of - en frente de Without - sin

About (abáut) - de, sobre, acerca de

- We are talking about the film we saw last night -- Estabamos hablando acerca de la
película que vimos anoche
- What was it about ? -- ¿ De qué se trataba ?
Above (abóv) - encima de
- There was an UFO above the house -- Había un OVNI encima de la casa
Across (acrós) - al otro lado de, a través de
- My apartment is across the street from the bank -- Mi departamento está al otro lado
de la calle desde el banco
- We ran across our neighbor's garden -- Corrimos a través del jardín de nuestro
After (áfter) - después de, detrás de, tras
- The dog is running after the cat -- El perro está corriendo tras el gato
- It is 5 minutes after 4 o'clock -- Es 5 minutos después de las 4 (es las cuatro y cinco
Against (eguénst) - contra, en contra de
- The journalist wrote an article against the goverment -- El periodista escribió un
artículo en contra del gobierno
- The plane crashed against the control tower - El avión se estrelló contra la torre de
- He placed the ladder against the wall -- Él puso la escalera contra la pared
Along (alóng) - a lo largo de, por
- There are palm trees along the avenue -- Hay palmeras a lo largo de la avenida
- Many people walk along this corridor every day -- Muchas personas caminan por
este pasillo todos los días
Amid (amíd) - entre, en medio de
- He was standing amid the crowd -- El estaba parado en medio de la multitud
Among (amóng) - entre, en medio de
- I parked my car among the others -- Estacioné mi auto en medio de los otros
- Jesus divided the bread among his disciples -- Jesús dividió el pan entre sus
- There was a traitor among them -- Había un traidor entre ellos
Around (aráund) - alrededor de
- He is wearing a chain around his neck -- Él está usando una cadena alrededor de su
- A lot of reporters were around the actress -- Muchos reporteros estaban alrededor de
la actriz
At (át) - en, a
- My parents are at work -- Mis padres están en el trabajo
- We usually get up at 8 o'clock, but on Sundays we get up at noon
-- Generalmente nos levantamos a las 8 pero los domingos nos levantamos al mediodía
- She looked at me -- Ella me miró
- He is very good at sports -- Él es muy bueno para los deportes
- At night -- Por las noche
- At times -- a veces
- At war -- En guerra
Before (bifór) - delante de, antes de
- The orator stood before the audience - El orador se paró delante del auditorio
- Mary left before everyone else -- Mary se fue antes que todos
Behind (bijáind) - detrás de
- There is a garden behind the house -- Hay un jardín detrás de la casa
- The boxer in white trunks is three points behind the champion -- El boxeador de
pantalones blancos está a tres puntos detrás del campeón
Below (bilóu) - bajo, debajo de - (under = below = beneath = underneath)
- She has an apartment below mine -- Ella tiene un departamento debajo del mío
- It is freezing. The temperature is below zero. -- Está helando. La temperatura está
bajo cero
Beneath (biníz) - bajo, debajo de - (under = below = beneath = underneath)
- Johnny hid all his toys beneath his bed -- Johnny escondió todos sus juguetes debajo
de su cama
- I was sitting beneath my beach umbrella -- Estaba sentado debajo de mi sombrilla de
Beside (bisáid) - al lado de, junto a
- Mary sat beside me -- Mary se sentó junto a mí
- There is a garden beside the house -- Hay un jardín al lado de la casa
Besides (bisáids) - además de, excepto, aparte de
- There were two people at the house besides her -- Había dos personas en la casa
además de ella
- Besides his reputation, he has nothing else left -- Aparte de su reputación, a él no le
queda nada más
Between (bituín) - entre (solo referido a dos entidades)
- There are no secrets between you and me -- No hay secretos entre vos y yo
- I don't eat between meals -- No como entre las comidas
- There is a great distance between the two cities -- Hay una gran distacia entre las dos
Beyond (bi ónd) - más allá de, fuera de
- There is a river beyond those mountains -- Hay un río más allá de esas montañas
- This problem is beyond my capacity. I can not understand it -- Este problema está
fuera de mi capacidad. No lo puedo entender
- Beyond doubt -- Fuera de toda duda
But (bat) - menos, salvo, excepto
- They work every day but Sunday -- Ellos trabajan todos los días salvo el domingo
- We eat any food but meat -- Comemos cualquier alimento excepto carne
- Anyone but her can go -- Cualquiera, excepto ella, puede ir
By (bái) - por, de, cerca
- This film was directed by Spielberg -- Este film was directed by Spielberg
-- I came by (train/car/bus...) -- Vine en (tren/auto/autobús...)
- I live by the river -- Vivo cerca del río
- They will be here by 5 o'clock PM -- Estarán aquí cerca de las cinco de la tarde
- An even number can be divided by two -- Un número par puede dividirse por dos
Down (dáun) - por
-- I was walking down the street when I saw the accident -- Estaba caminando por la
calle cuando ví el accidente
During (diúring) - durante
- The flowers blossom during the spring -- Las flores florecen durante la primavera
- He slept during all the class -- Él durmió durante toda la clase
For (for) - por, para, a favor
- I have lived here for many years -- He vivido aquí desde hace (por) muchos años
- This present is for us -- Es regalo es para nosotros
- They left for Chicago -- Ellos salieron para chicago
- She went for a walk -- Ella fue por una caminata
- Are you for or against that proposal ? -- ¿ Estás a favor o en contra de esa
propuesta ?
- We walked for five miles that day -- Caminamos 5 millas ese día
- What for ? -- ¿ Para qué ?
From (from) - de, desde
- Where are you from ? -- ¿ De dónde sos ?
- I received a letter from my sister -- Recibí una carta de mi hermana
- That city is far from here -- Esa ciudad está lejos de aquí
- She works from 9 to 5 every day -- Ella trabaja de 9 a 5 todos los días
- They think they are different from the rest -- Ellos piensan que son diferentes del
- I took a bus from Miami to Chicago -- Tomé un autobús desde Miami a Chicago
In (in) - en, a, dentro, de
- In here - Aquí adentro
- In there - Allí adentro
-They will be in Miami in summer -- Estarán en Miami en el verano
- In the (morning/ afternoon/ evening) -- por la mañana/tarde/noche
- I will see you in two weeks -- Te veré en dos semanas
In front of (in frónt ov) - en frente de
- My house is in front of the bank -- Mi casa está en frente del banco
Into (íntchu) - en, a, dentro, hacia adentro
- The cook went into the kitchen -- El cocinero fue a la cocina
- He put some vegetables into a pot -- Puso algunas verduras dentro de una olla
Near (níer) - cerca de
- My apartment is near a bank -- Mi departamento está cerca de un banco
Next to (néxt tchu) - al lado de, junto a
- The bank is next to a police station -- El banco está al lado de una comisaría
Of (ov) - de
- The cabin is made of wood -- La cabaña está hecha de madera
- He is a friend of mine -- Él es un amigo mío
Off (of) - de, fuera de (lo contrario de On)
- I took a book off the shelf -- Saqué un libro del estante (antes estaba on = sobre the
- He took off his coat -- Él se sacó su saco (antes su saco estaba on = puesto)
- The boat is 3 miles off the coast -- El barco está a 3 millas en frente de la costa
- They turned off the TV -- Ellos apagaron la TV (antes estaba on = encendido)
On - en, sobre, encima
- On the bed -- En la cama
- On the wall -- En la pared
- On foot -- A pie
- On the telephone -- Al teléfono
- On the left/right -- A la izquierda/derecha
- On Monday/Tuesday... -- El lunes/martes...
- On the radio. On TV -- En la radio . En la TV
- On vacation -- De vacaciones
- She put her coat on -- Ella se puso su saco (antes estaba off)
- I turned on the lights -- Encendí las luces (antes estaban off)
Onto (óntu) - encima de, sobre, en
- The soccer players walked onto the field -- Los futbolistas entraron al campo de
On top of (on tóp ov) - sobre, encima de
- He was standing on top of a roof -- Estaba parado en el techo
Out of (áut ov) - fuera de, sin
- He came out of the bathroom -- Él salió del baño
- He took a rabbit out of his hat -- Sacó un conejo de su galera
- We are out of money -- Estamos sin dinero
Over (óuver) - sobre, más de, durante, al otro lado de
- The plane was flying over the city -- El avión estaba volando sobre la ciudad
- She is over 30 years old -- Ella tiene más de 30 años
- Bill will not work over the next month -- Bill no trabajará durante el mes próximo
- The dog jumped over the fence and ran away -- El perro saltó la cerca y huyó
Per (per) - por
- That model charges 1000 dollars per hour -- Esa modelo cobra 1000 dólares por hora
Round (ráund) - alrededor de
- The shop is just round the corner -- El negocio está justo a la vuelta de la esquina
- The family sat round the table -- La familia se sentó alrededor de la mesa
Since (síns) - desde
- Susan has been studying since 3 o'clock-- Susan ha estado estudiando desde las 3
- The champion has practiced this sport since he was a little boy -- El campeón ha
practicado este deporte desde que era un muchachito
Through (zrú) - A través de, por, por medio de
- I was able to see a house through the fog -- Pude ver una casa a través de la neblina
- They ran through the forest -- Corrieron a través del bosque
- I learned about his divorce through the newspaper -- Me enteré de su divorcio por
medio del diario
Throughout (zru áut) - por todo, durante todo
- It was raining throughout the country -- Estaba lloviendo por todo el país
- It rained throughout the winter -- Llovió durante todo el invierno
Till (til) = hasta = Until
(ver until)
To (tchu) - a, hasta, hacia
- I want to give something to her -- Quiero darle algo a ella
- They turned to the left and went straight to the university -- Doblaron a la izquierda
y fueron derecho a la universidad
Toward (tóuard) - hacia - (también se escribe Towards)
- A storm is going toward the city -- Una tormenta está yendo hacia la ciudad
- Billy started to run toward his mother -- Biilly comenzó a correr hacia su madre
- We were all very hungry toward noon -- Estábamos todos muy habrientos hacia el
Under (ánder) - debajo de - (under = below = beneath = underneath)
- The mouse went under the bed -- El ratón se metió debajo de la cama
- I have a T-shirt under my sweater -- Tengo una remera debajo de mi suéter
- He is working under pressure -- Él está trabajando bajo presión
- Everything is under control -- Todo está bajo control
Underneath (anderníz) - debajo de - (under = below = beneath = underneath)
- There is rust underneath the paint -- Hay óxido debajo de la pintura
Until (antíl) - hasta
- They played soccer until they got tired -- Jugaron al fútbol hasta que se cansaron
- He studied until midnight -- Él estudió hasta la medianoche
- The results will not be given until tomorrow -- Los resultados no serán dados hasta
Up (ap) - hacia arriba de
- He climbed up the mountain -- Él trepó la montaña
- They went up the stairs -- Subieron las escaleras
- Go up this road until you see a big house -- Andá por este camino hasta que veas un
gran casa
Upon (apón) - sobre, encima de
- He threw himself upon the floor -- Se tiró al piso
- She sat upon the bench -- Se sentó en el banco
- The engineers put their attention upon the new machine -- Los ingenieros pusieron
su atención en la nueva máquina
With (widz) - con, de
- Will you come with me ? -- ¿Vendrás conmigo?
- She went to the party with all her friends -- Se fue a la fiesta con todos sus amigos
- The girl with green eyes -- La chica de ojos verdes
Within (widín) - dentro de, a menos de
- The show will start within an hour -- El show comenzará dentro de una hora
- There is a gas station within two miles from here -- Hay una estación de servicio a
menos de dos millas de aquí
- That is not within our reach -- Eso no está dentro de nuestro alcance
Without (widáut) - sin
- I want coffee without sugar -- Quiero café sin azúcar
- He crossed the street without paying attention -- Cruzó la calle sin poner atención

Verbos terminados en... Ver Sustantivos Ver Adjetivos

ate ize ish ore oy est ess ute ose ede eve ect ase ive ist en fer fy
ine rm ort pt it ude end ent ain are ade ume ult ly ict ire use

Verbo Sustantivo
abominate - (abóminéit) abomination
accelerate - (akséleréit) acceleration
accomodate - (acómodéit) alojar accomodation
accumulate - (akiúmuléit) accumulation
activate - (áktivéit) activity
adulterate - (adólteréit) adulteration
advocate - (ádvokéit) - abogar por advocacy
aggravate - (ágravéit) aggravation
agitate - (áyitéit) agitation
alienate - (éilienéit) alienation
allocate - (álokéit) asignar allocation
alternate - (ólternéit) alternation
amalgamate - (amálgaméit) amalgamation
amputate - (ámpiutéit) amputation
animate - (ániméit) animation
annihilate - (anáieléit) annihilation
anticipate - (antícipéit) anticipation
appreciate - (aprísiéit) appreciation
appropriate - (aprópriéit) appropriation
articulate - (artíkiuléit) articulation
assassinate - (asésinéit) assassination
associate - (asóusiéit) association
calculate - (cálkiuléit) calculation
celebrate - (célebréit) celebration
circulate - (sérkiuléit) circulation
commemorate - (comémoréit) commemoration
communicate - (comiúnikéit) communication
compensate - (cómpenséit) compensation
complicate - (cómplikéit) complication
concentrate - (cóncentréit) concentration
conciliate - (consíliéit) conciliation
confiscate - (cónfiskéit) confiscation
conglomerate - (conglómeréit) conglomeration
congratulate - (congrátiuléit) congratulations
congregate - (cóngreguéit) congregation
consolidate - (consólidéit) consolidation
contaminate - (contáminéit) contamination
contemplate - (cóntempléit) contemplation
cooperate - (coóperéit) cooperation
coordinate - (coórdinéit) coordination
correlate - (córreléit) coorelation
corroborate - (corróboréit) corroboration
create - (criéit) creation
culminate - (cólminéit) culmination
cultivate - (cóltivéit) cultivation
debate - (dibéit) debate
decorate - (décoréit) decoration
dedicate - (dédicate) dedication
deflate - (dífléit) - desinflar deflation
degenerate - (deyéneréit) degeneration
delegate - (déleguéit) delegation
deliberate - (delíberéit) deliberation
demonstrate - (démonstréit) demonstration
denigrate - (dénigréit) denigration
designate - (désignéit) designation
deteriorate - (detírioréit) deterioration
detonate - (détonéit) detonation
devastate - (dévastéit) devastation
deviate - (díviéit) - desviarse deviation
dictate - (díctéit) dictation
differentiate - (diferénshiéit) differentiation
discriminate - (discríminéit) discrimination
dislocate - (dísloukéit) dislocation
disseminate - (diséminéit) dissemination
dissipate - (dísipéit) dissipation
dissociate - (disóushiéit) dissociation
domesticate - (doméstikéit) domestication
dominate - (dóminéit) domination
donate - (dóunéit) donation
duplicate - (dúplikéit) duplication
educate - (édchukéit) education
elaborate - (eláboréit) elaboration
elevate - (élevéit) elevation
eliminate - (elíminéit) elimination
elongate - (élonguéit) elongation
elucidate - (elúcidéit) elucidation
emanate - (émanéit) emanation
emancipate - (imáncipéit) emancipation
emigrate - (émigréit) emigration
enunciate - (inónciéit) enunciation
equate - (íkuéit) - equiparar equation
eradicate - (errádikéit) erradication
escalate - (éscaléit) - intensificarse escalation
estimate - (éstiméit) estimation
evacuate - (ivákiuéit) evacuation
evaluate - (eváliuéit) evaluation
evaporate - () evaporation
exaggerate - () exaggeration
exasperate - () exasperation
excavate - () excavation
execrate - () execration
exonerate - () exoneration
exterminate - () extermination
extortionate - () extortion
facilitate - () facilitation
fascinate - () fascination
fluctuate - () fluctuation
formulate - () formulation
frustate - () frustration
germinate - () germination
gesticulate - () gesticulation
graduate - () graduation
hesitate - () hesitation
humiliate - () humiliation
illustrate - () illustration
imitate - () imitation
impersonate - () impersonation
implicate - () implication
incarnate - () incarnation
incinerate - () incineration
incorporate - () incorporation
incriminate - () incrimination
indicate - () indication
infiltrate - () infiltration
inflate - () inflation
initiate - () initiation
insinuate - () insinuation
instigate - () instigation
insulate - () insulation
integrate - () integration
intimidate - () intimidation
intoxicate - () intoxication
invalidate - () invalidation
investigate - () investigation
irrigate - () irrigation
isolate - () isolation
lacerate laceration
legislate legislation
liberate liberation
liquidate liquidation
litigate litigation
locate location
lubricate lubrication
mitigate mitigation
moderate moderation
motivate motivation
mutilate mutilation
narrate narration
navigate navigation
negotiate negotiation
nominate nomination
obliterate obliteration
originate origination
oscillate oscillation
overestimate overestimation
penetrate penetration
perforate perforation
perpetrate perpetration
perpetuate perpetuity
placate placation
postulate postulation
precipitate precipitation
predominate predominance
procrastinate procrastination
radiate radiation
refrigerate refrigeration
rehabilitate rehabilitation
regenerate regeneration
regulate regulation
relate relation
repudiate repudiation
retaliate retaliation
resuscitate resuscitation
reverberate reverberation
rotate rotation
saturate saturation
segregate degregation
separate separation
speculate speculation
stimulate stimulation
stipulate stipulation
suffocate suffocation
tabulate tabulation
tolerate toleration
translate translation
underestimate underestimation
urinate urination
vegetate vegetation
venerate veneration
ventilate ventilation
vibrate vibration
vindicate vindication



all (óol) todos - ball (bóol) pelota - call (cóol) llamada - fall (fóol) caída -
hall (jóol) sala - mall (móol) centro comercial - tall (tóol) alto - wall (uóol) pared -
small (smóol) pequeño - stall (stóol) puesto de mercado - recall (ricóol) recordar -
squall (skuóol) ráfaga - pitfall (pítfool) riesgo

jaw (yóo) mandíbula - law (lóo) ley - paw (póo) pata - raw (róo) crudo -
saw (sóo) sierra - claw (clóo) garra - draw (dróo) empate - flaw (flóo) defecto -
gnaw (nóo) roer - thaw (zóo) deshielo - straw (stróo) pajita - bawl (bóol)
chillar - dawn (dóon) amanecer - hawk (jóok) halcón - lawn (lóon) césped -
pawn (póon) empeñar - yawn (ióon) bostezo - brawl (bróol) pelea -
brawn (bróon) fuerza muscular - crawl (cróol) gatear - drawl (dróol) habla lenta y
aburrida - shawl (shóol) chal

clause (clóos) cláusula, oración - cause (cóos) cause - gauze (góos) gasa -
sauce (sóos) salsa - pause (póos) pausa, interrupción - fauna (fóona) fauna -
sauna (sóona) sauna - launch (lóonch) lanzar, lanzamiento - paunch (póonch)
panza, barriga - haunch (jóonch) cadera, anca - fraud (fróod) fraude -
daub (dóob) embardunar - fault (fóolt) culpa, defecto - vault (vóolt) bóveda, cripta -
haul (jóol) tirar, transportar - flaunt (flóont) ostentar, lucir - haunt (jóont) guarida -
gaunt (góont) demacrado, flaco - jaunt (yóont) excursión

dine (dáin) cenar - fine (fáin) bien, lindo, multa - line (láin) línea, cola -
mine (máin) mina - nine (náin) nueve - pine (páin) pino - wine (uáin) vino -
brine (bráin) salmuera - shine (sháin) brillo, lustre - hide (jáid) esconder -
ride (ráid) paseo - side (sáid) lado - tide (táid) marea - wide (wuáid) ancho -
bride (bráid) novia - guide (gáid) guía - pride (práid) orgullo - knife (náif)
cuchillo - life (láif) vida - wife (wáif) esposa - bike (báik) bici - dike (dáik) dique -
hike (jáik) caminata - like (láik) gustar - mike (máik) micró(fono - pike (páik) pica -
bile (báil) bilis - file (fáil) archivo, lima - mile (máil) milla - pile (páil) montón -
tile (táil) azulejo - vile (váil) vil - dice (dáis) dados - lice (láis) piojos -
mice (máis) ratones - nice (náis) agradable, amable - rice (ráis) arroz -
vice (váis) vicio - price (práis) precio - slice (sláis) tajada, rebanada, rodaja -
spice (spáis) especia - dime (dáim) moneda de diez centavos - lime (láim) lima -
time (táim) tiempo, vez, época - chime (cháim) campanada - crime (cráim) delito -
prime (práim) primero, principal - pipe (páip) tubo, caño, pipa - ripe (ráip) maduro -
wipe - stripe (stráip) raya - dire (dáir) horrible - fire (fáir) fuego,
(wuáip) limpiar
incendio - hire (jáir) contratar - mire (máir) fango, lodo - tire (táir) cansarse -
wire (wáir) alambre, cable - bite (báit) morder - kite (káit) cometa - rite (ráit) rito -
site (sáit) sitio - trite (tráit) trivial - write (ráit) escribir - dive (dáiv) sumergirse,
bucear - five (fáiv) cinco - hive (jáiv) colmena - alive (aláiv) vivo - drive (dráiv)

face (féis) cara - lace (léis) encaje, cordón - mace (méis) maza -
pace (péis) paso, ritmo - race (réis) carrera, raza - grace (gréis) gracia -
place (pléis) lugar - space (spéis) espacio - trace (tréis) rastro - fade (féid)
desteñirse - grade (gréid) grado, curso - shade (shéid) sombra - spade (spéid)
pala - trade (tréid) comercio,oficio - safe (séif) seguro, caja fuerte - chafe (chéif)
rozar, irritar - cage (kéidch) jaula - page (péidch) página - rage (réidch) rabia,
furia - sage (séidch) salvia - wage (wéidch) salario - stage (stéidch) etapa,
escena - bake (béik) hornear - cake (kéik) torta - fake (féik) falso - hake (jéik)
merluza - lake (léik) lago - make (méik) hacer - rake (réik) rastrillo - take (téik)
tomar, llevar - wake (wéik) despertar - brake (bréik) freno - flake (fléik) copo,
escama - quake (kuéik) terremoto - shake (shéik) sacudir - snake (snéik)
serpiente - stake (stéik) estaca, apuesta - dale (déil) valle - gale (guéil) vendaval -
male (méil) masculino, varón - female (fiméil) femenino, hembra - pale (péil)
pálido - sale (séil) venta - tale (téil) cuento - scale (skéil) escala, escama -
stale (stéil) rancio, pasado - whale (uéil) ballena - fame (féim) fama -
game (guéim) juego - lame (léim) rengo - name (néim) nombre - same (séim)
mismo - tame (téim) manso - flame (fléim) llama - frame (fréim) marco -
shame (shéim) verguenza, lástima - cane (kéin) caña - lane (léin) callejón, carril -
mane (méin) crin, melena - pane (péin) cristal - wane (wéin) menguar -
crane (kréin) grúa - inane (inéin) necio - plane (pléin) avión, plano -
cape (kéip) capa - gape (guéip) mirar boquiabierto - rape (réip) violación -
tape (téip) cinta - drape (dréip) cubrir - grape (gréip) uva - shape (shéip)
forma- escape (eskéip) fuga - base (béis) base - case (kéis) caso, estuche -
vase (véis) florero - chase (chéis) persecusión - erase (iréis) borrar -
phase (féis) fase - phrase (fréis) frase - date (déit) fecha, cita - fate (féit)
destino - gate (guéit) puerta - hate (jéit) odiar - late (léit) tarde, atrasado -
mate (méit) compañero - rate (réit) razón, porcentaje, tarifa - crate (kréit) cajón -
grate (gréit) rallar - plate (pléit) plato, placa - skate (skéit) patín - slate (sléit)
pizarra - state (stéit) estado , declarar - estate (estéit) propiedad, finca -
create (kriéit) crear - cave (kéiv) cueva, caverna - nave (néiv) nave -
pave (péiv) pavimentar - rave (réiv) ponerse furioso - save (séiv) salvar, ahorrar,
guardar - wave (wéiv) ola, onda - daze (déis) aturdir - gaze (guéis) mirada fija -
haze (jéis) neblina - laze (léis) holgazanear - maze (méis) laberinto -
raze (réis) arrazar - craze (kréis) manía

To Do / To Make
Los verbos to do y to make significan "hacer" pero se utilizan en forma diferente.
Aquí hay algunos ejemplos:

Mrs. Jones is a housewife

La señora Jones es una ama de casa
She has to do the housework She has to make the beds
Ella tiene que hacer el trabajo de la casa Ella tiene que hacer las camas
She has to do the cooking She has to make breakfast
Ella tiene que cocinar Ella tiene que hacer el desayuno
She has to do the washing up She has to make lunch
Ella tiene que fregar los platos Ella tiene que hacer el almuerzo
She has to do the washing/the laundry She has to make dinner
Ella tiene que lavar la ropa sucia Ella tiene que hacer la cena
She has to do the shopping She has to make coffee/tea
Ella tiene que hacer las compras Ella tiene que hacer café/té
She has to do the ironing She has to make a cake
Ella tiene que planchar la ropa Ella tiene que hacer un torta
She has to make sure that the house is
She has to do the dusting in order
Ella tiene que quitar el polvo a las cosas Ella tiene que asegurarse que la casa esté en

Mr. Jones is a businessman

El señor Jones es un empresario
He is doing business with important
He would like to make a long
Él está haciendo negocios con firmas
Le gustaría hacer un largo viaje
He is doing well in his job His employees make fun of him
Va bien en su trabajo Sus empleados se burlan de él
He does his best to improve his
He has to make a speech for a meeting
company Tiene que hacer un discurso para una
Hace lo mejor que puede para mejorar su reunión
He has to make decisions every day
Tiene que tomar desiciones todos los días
His secretary makes appointments for
He is making a lot of money
Está haciendo un montón de dinero
Su secretaria arregla citas para él
She also makes telephone calls and
He is making a fortune reservations
Está haciendo una fortuna También hace llamadas telefónicas y
He says that his employees make
He doesn't like to make mistakes trouble
No le gusta equivocarse Él dice que sus empleados causan
Sometimes he makes a fuss when He also says that women make a lot of
something goes wrong noise
Algunas veces arma un lío cuando algo sale También dice que las mujeres hacen mucho
mal ruido
He rarely makes jokes He often makes a fool of himself
Casi nunca hace chistes A menudo se pone en ridículo
He makes use of his authority to
He doesn't have much time to make
threaten people
Utiliza su autoridad para amenazar a las
No tiene mucho tiempo para hacer amigos
He is making an effort to increase sales
Some of his decisions don't make sense
Está haciendo un esfuerzo para aumentar las
Algunas de sus decisiones no tienen sentido

Otros Ejemplos
John is doing badly at school (he is not doing well) - John no va bien en la escuela
He doesn't like to do his homework - No le gusta hacer su tarea
The hurricane did a lot of damage in the area - El huracán causó mucho daño en la
The policeman was doing his duty when he arrested the thief - El policía estaba
cumpliendo con su deber cuando arrestó al ladrón
Mary did her hair and her face and left for the party - Mary se peinó, se maquilló y
salió para la fiesta
"Can you do me a favor ?"- ¿Me podés hacer un favor?
"I want to make a complaint about the service in this hotel" - Quiero presentar
una queja sobre el servicio en este hotel
The man and the woman were making love in the back seat of their car - El
hombre y la mujer estaban haciendo el amor en el asiento trasero de su auto
Johnny made a mess in his room - Johnny hizo un desorden en su cuarto
Bill made his way to the university - Bill se dirigió a la universidad
Jane made an excuse and left - Jane se disculpó y se marchó
"What are you doing here?" - ¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?

Common Expressions Expresiones comunes

At the Airport En el aeropuerto
At the Hotel En el Hotel
At the Restaurant En el Restaurante
Traveling by Bus (Train) Viajando en Tren
Public Transportation Transporte Público
Shopping De compras
At the Post Office En el correo
Speaking on the telephone Hablando por teléfono
At the Doctor´s En el consultorio del doctor
At the Drugstore En la farmacia
At the Bank En el banco
Movies - Theater - Concerts Cine y Teatro

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