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Ftm23a 2014

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FTM23 A die-strike for paper

scope procedure
This test method allows the converter to assess the Stain solution Preparation
degree and consistency of die strike and cutting during the If a pre-prepared stain solution is used (such as “Shirlastain
conversion process. A”), then no stain solution preparation is necessary and the
The method can be used during press make ready to solution can be directly used.
assess the condition and settings of cutters, to prevent For all other dyes a stain solution needs first to be
label dispensing failures or web breaks during high speed prepared. The following steps outline the procedure to
dispensing. The test is applicable to paper based liners. prepare a ‘typical’ stain solution where the concentration
level of dye is approximately 0.5 wt%.

definition a. Take a 1litre container (a capped polyethylene bottle is

suitable), and place on an electronic balance.
The display, by use of water based coloured dye solutions,
of silicone or paper damage caused by die-cutting. b. Wearing the appropriate safety equipment*, and
taking care when handling the dye, weigh out carefully
5g of dye into the container (Malachite Green Oxalate,
test equipment Neocarmine A, Methylene Blue or Chrystalline Violet
are some of the recommended materials).
Dye Solution
(See procedure for different dye solution preparations) c. Measure out 1 litre of distilled water using the
measuring cylinder and add to the container. Seal and
Electronic Balance shake the container thoroughly to dissolve the dye.

1 litre measuring cylinder *Safety comment

• Particular care should be taken to read and follow
Protective Gloves the safe handling instructions for the dye as many
of the materials are hazardous in their pure state.
Cotton swabs Although the final 0.5 wt% dye solutions are not usually
considered hazardous, it is still recommended to wear
Sample Bath protective gloves when handling them.

Clean Water Stain test

• 1. Quick – End of press Test
Stopwatch or Clock Remove the labels from the die cut sample.
Wet a cotton swab liberally with the dye solution.
Wipe the surface of the exposed silicone release liner,
test pieces where the labels have just been, with the dye-soaked
The test specimen should be at least one complete width Wipe off the excess dye solution from the silicone
and repeat of the cutter. release liner with a dry swab and assess the die-cutting.

test conditions

No special conditions apply.

Retain samples indicating acceptable results in envelopes
to support traceability. Note that some dyes (such as
Malachite), may fade over time when exposed to a strong
light source. To avoid this, electronic scanning and storage
of the image may be used.

It is strongly recommended to carefully read and follow
the Safe Handling instructions for the dye being used
(especially when handling the undiluted dye during
solution preparation). In addition, it is recommended to
always wear protective gloves , even when handling the
final dye solution.

• 2. Formal Assessment - Laboratory Conditions notes

Wearing protective gloves, prepare two baths of
appropriate size, one containing not more than 1cm The most commonly used dye solution is Malachite
height of the prepared dye solution, and the other of solution. This based on using the dye Malachite Green
clean water. Oxalate (Basic Green 4), C.I. number 42000. Malachite
Slowly delaminate and remove labels from the die cut solutions should be stored in well closed containers and
sample under evaluation, taking care not to damage or kept away from exposure to daylight. Storage life of the
crease the liner in any way. solution is about 1 month.
Take the sample in both hands and ‘float’ it, silicone
side down, on the surface of the dye solution, taking Alternative dyes could be used to replace Malachite Green
care not to allow contact of the solution with the Oxalate, such as;
reverse side of the liner. • Chrystalline Violet
Allow the sample to remain in contact with the solution • Methylene Blue
for 30 sec and then remove the sample, allowing the • Neocarmine A – Recommended for yellow coloured
dye solution to drain back into the bath. liners as the colouration is red
Take the sample still in both hands and place, silicone
side down’ into the clean water bath and agitate gently If a pre-prepared dye solution is preferred, then one
to remove excess dye. recommendation is to consider SHIRLASTAIN ‘A’ which is
After cleaning, remove and place the sample between supplied by:
any suitable paper materials to dry (e.g. tissue paper or
cotton wool swab). SDL Atlas Ltd.

results For addresses consult section 3.3. of this book.

Assess the die-strike pattern for intensity and consistency. Issued May 2001
Look at the reverse side of the liner for complete
penetration. There should be no signs of Dye penetration

through the backing.

The deeper and more visible the die-cutting, the greater

the risk of the adhesive adhering into the backing which
will cause the labels to fail to dispense. Excessive visible
damage of the backing can also give rise to liner web


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