BPPC-DC - Bppc.gob: Untitled

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Bolivariana de Puertos S.A.

Generado por administrator el : 03-04-2010 18:58

Estación de trabajo bppc-dc.bppc.gob Fabricante IBM

Modelo IBM eServer x3400-[7976B2U]- Etiqueta de servicio KQKVBA7

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5310 Not Assigned Not Assigned Redes Not Assigned Not Assigned
@ 1.60GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

2.00 GB 4.23 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard 6.0.6002 6002 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 68.30 GB 44.11 GB NTFS C8C8977E
D: Local Disk 68.30 GB 44.75 GB NTFS 34DEE5CF
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device 3B3EBD28 136.61 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet 00:1A:64:49:02:76 Not Assigned false Not Assigned -
Broadcom NetXtreme Broadcom NetXtreme

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2688
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2689
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268A
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268B
Controlador de host mejorado USB2 Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Office 64-bit Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components 2007
Microsoft Office Shared 64-bit MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
BitDefender Management Agent BitDefender UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 - esn
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack SP1 - esn
WatchGuard System Manager 10.2 WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-soporte.bppc.gob Fabricante ATI___
Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.40GHz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Puerto TOTAL

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1.94 GB 3.79 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Standard Edition 5.2.3790 3790 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 57.86 GB NTFS C0AC8BDD
D: Local Disk 232.88 GB 105.37 GB NTFS 9CC17C74
E: Local Disk 232.88 GB 17.97 GB NTFS 9C8AADEB

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
ST3250824AS Not Assigned 232.88 GB (Standard disk drives)
ST3250824AS Not Assigned 232.88 GB (Standard disk drives)
WDC WD800BB-55JKC0 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Standard disk drives)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
ST3250824AS Disk drive - - -
ST3250824AS Disk drive - - -
WDC WD800BB-55JKC0 Disk drive - - -
Floppy disk drive Floppy disk drive - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:08:54:B0:C5:47 Not Assigned false Not Assigned -
RTL8169/8110 Family RTL8169/8110 Family
Gigabit Ethernet NIC Gigabit Ethernet NIC

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Communications Port (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller
Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller
Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
ATI Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 8 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Report Viewer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Redistributable 2005
Windows Internal Database Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Update 11
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
InterVideo MediaOne - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
REALTEK Gigabit and Fast Ethernet REALTEK Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
NIC Driver
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec LiveUpdate Administrator Symantec UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Internal Database Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
2003, Standard Edition
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Management Framework Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-correo.bppc.gob Fabricante IBM

Modelo IBM eServer x3400-[7976B2U]- Etiqueta de servicio KQKRYF9

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5310 Not Assigned Not Assigned Redes Not Assigned Not Assigned
@ 1.60GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

2.00 GB 5.25 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard 6.0.6002 6002 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 136.62 GB 39.05 GB NTFS BC742B4F
D: Local Disk 136.62 GB 47.89 GB NTFS A87FEC1F
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device B5956A21 136.62 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device B2FB08A3 136.62 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet 00:1A:64:49:05:F2 false Not Assigned -
Broadcom NetXtreme Broadcom NetXtreme

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2688
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2689
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268A
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268B
Controlador de host mejorado USB2 Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Full Text Indexing Engine Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
for Exchange
Microsoft Exchange 2007 Enterprise Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Anti-spam Signatures
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Estación de trabajo ipapc-svr-acces.bppc.gob Fabricante ECS

Modelo P4M800PRO-M Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Jesus Seijas Control de Procesos Puerto Cabello Puerto TOTAL

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

991 MB 2.34 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Standard Edition 5.2.3790 3790 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.55 GB 62.88 GB NTFS 9CF8B368
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG SP0822N S06QJQSLC01707 74.56 GB (Standard disk drives)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG SP0822N Disk drive - - -
Floppy disk drive Floppy disk drive - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:0A:E8:BD false Not Assigned -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Communications Port (COM1) OK
Communications Port (COM2) OK

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

VIA Rev 5 or later USB Universal Host Controller
VIA Rev 5 or later USB Universal Host Controller
VIA Rev 5 or later USB Universal Host Controller
VIA Rev 5 or later USB Universal Host Controller
VIA USB Enhanced Host Controller

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Platform VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Platform Device Manager VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Management Framework Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA/S3G Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA Rhine-Family Fast Ethernet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Encoder 9 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft XML Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) IPP Run-Time Installer 5.2 Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
for Windows* on IA-32
OnGuard 2008 Lenel Systems International Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Reader 7.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Sentinel Protection Installer 7.1.1 SafeNet, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DirectX for Managed Code Update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Summer 2004)
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
2003, Standard Edition

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-sist3.bppc.gob Fabricante PCCHIPS

Modelo P53G Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU Not Assigned Jesus Bolivar Sistemas Not Assigned Not Assigned
E4600 @ 2.40GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

2.00 GB 4.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1.7600 7600 0

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 97.66 GB 35.22 GB NTFS F6D2ABB5
D: Local Disk 74.53 GB 843 MB NTFS ECBE45B4
E: Local Disk 135.23 GB 31.34 GB NTFS A6FDD258
F: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
G: Local Disk 74.56 GB 38.54 GB NTFS 70D3BC3F
H: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

I: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
J: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 ATA Device GEK232RB1490VA 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
SAMSUNG SP0822N ATA Device S06QJ20L457166 74.56 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
ST380012A ATA Device 3JV4WY4D 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Multi Flash Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 ATA Device Unidad de disco - - -
SAMSUNG SP0822N ATA Device Unidad de disco - - -
ST380012A ATA Device Unidad de disco - - -
Multi Flash Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Unidad de CD-ROM Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH20NS15 ATA Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
YBKFEVQ CPEN0PY SCSI CdRom Device Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:1E:90:96:76:34 true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet P2015 PCL6 Local False
Enviar a OneNote 2007 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto


Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero ShowTime Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Antimalware Service ES- Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ES Language Pack
Nero BurningROM Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayudante para el inicio de sesión de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live ID
Ovi Files Nokia, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero PhotoSnap Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero InfoTool Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero StartSmart Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero DriveSpeed Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Recode Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Rescue Agent Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PVSonyDll NVIDIA Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero 9 Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
UltraEdit-32 IDM Computer Solutions UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Vision Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
neroxml Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
NeroExpress Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero RescueAgent Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Nero Disc Copy Gadget Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero CoverDesigner Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ZTE Drivers v1.2050.0.10 ZTE Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Archivos auxiliares de instalación de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Nero StartSmart Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Live Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero BurnRights Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ArcSoft WebCam Companion 3 ArcSoft UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SQL Server System CLR Types Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mobile Broadband Generic Drivers Novatel Wireless UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Express Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BitDefender Deployment Tool BitDefender UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero DiscSpeed Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
GlobeSurfer iCON III driver installer Option NV UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
"Nero SoundTrax Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
Nero PhotoSnap Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Antimalware Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero WaveEditor Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ImagXpress Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Recode Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Live Add-in 1.4 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DolbyFiles Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Advertising Center Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Policies Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Menu Templates - Starter Kit Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Talk Plugin Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero ControlCenter Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
SoundTrax Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero CoverDesigner Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
NeroBurningROM Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Live Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Movie Templates - Starter Kit Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero WaveEditor Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Installer Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Disc Copy Gadget Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Total Video Converter 3.10 EffectMatrix Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Tucan Manager 0.3.9 Tucan Team UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VirtualCloneDrive Elaborate Bytes UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Galería fotográfica de Windows Live Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Skype web features Skype Technologies S.A. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Access MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Publisher MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Outlook MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Word MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Catalan) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Portuguese Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Brazil)) 2007
Microsoft Office Proof (Basque) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Galician) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proofing (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office OneNote MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Groove MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Outlook Connector Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Sync Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Skype™ 4.1 Skype Technologies S.A. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Movie Maker Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Edition [ENU]
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
UltraEdit 15.20 IDM Computer Solutions, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Under Licensed Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Artisteer 2 Extensoft UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Combined Community Codec Pack CCCP Project UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2008-09-21 16:18

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Outlook Web Access Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S/MIME (2007)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Browser Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Common Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Management Studio
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reporting Services
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Integration Services
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Database Engine Services
Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Applications 2.0 Language Pack -
Microsoft Office 2003 Web Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Applications 2.0 - ENU
Sql Server Customer Experience Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Improvement Program
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SP1 - Español
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Herramientas de consulta de SQL Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Server Compact 3.5 SP1 Español
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Database Engine Shared
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 RsFx Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AGEIA PhysX v2.3.3 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Counter-Strike 1.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Debut Video Capture Software NCH Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HyperCam 2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Call of Duty(R) 4 - Modern Activision UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
NVIDIA Display Control Panel NVIDIA Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
NVIDIA Drivers NVIDIA Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software Informer 1.0 BETA Informer Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
µTorrent - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-sist4.bppc.gob Fabricante PCCHIPS

Modelo P53G Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU Not Assigned Maria Silva Sistemas Not Assigned Not Assigned
E4600 @ 2.40GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1.94 GB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 232.88 GB 173.95 GB NTFS 34F0583B
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 GEK GEK232RB19ZJ9A 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Multi Flash Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 Unidad de disco - - -
Multi Flash Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-STDVDRAM GH20NS15 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:1E:90:93:02:59 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 5e Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
GetDataBack for NTFS - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 8 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Administrador de dispositivos de VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Messenger Plus! Live Patchou UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSN - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Photoshop CS3 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PowerBuilder 5.0 Enterprise for Intel - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PowerBuilder 6.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Recover My Files GetData Pty Ltd UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Rhine-Family Fast-Ethernet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
SQL Anywhere Studio 8 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sybase PowerDynamo 3.6 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Platform VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Protección Infantil Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sybase InfoMaker 9.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Galería fotográfica de Windows Live Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Toolbar Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Live Add-in 1.3 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
On-line Help Console - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PowerDVD CyberLink Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Native v1.0 (x86)
Sybase PowerBuilder 9.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Help Center 2.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Outlook Connector Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Sync Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Search Enhancement Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Writer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Framework Services Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Native v1.0 (x86)
Windows Live Mail Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Junk Mail filter update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Edition [ENU]
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Avance AC'97 Audio - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player 11.5 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ask.com Search Assistant 1.0.2 Ask.com UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Bandoo Discordia Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-documento.bppc.gob Fabricante IBM

Modelo IBM eServer x3500-[7977EFU]- Etiqueta de servicio KQRFCN4

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5335 Not Assigned Not Assigned Redes Not Assigned Not Assigned
@ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

2.00 GB 4.23 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard 6.0.6002 6002 2
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 136.61 GB 105.34 GB NTFS 880E3089
E: Local Disk 279.28 GB 60.84 GB NTFS 90A79CE5
F: Local Disk 279.28 GB 75.09 GB NTFS 38C8605A

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device FFC4E4A9 136.61 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device B7073027 279.28 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device 540F4027 279.28 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet 00:1A:64:A0:1A:37 Not Assigned false Not Assigned -
Broadcom NetXtreme Broadcom NetXtreme

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2688
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2689
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268A
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268B
Controlador de host mejorado USB2 Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 - esn
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2010 Core
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2010 3082 Lang Pack
Microsoft Office Server Proof Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Arabic) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Server Proof Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Catalan) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Server Proof Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(German) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Server Proof Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(English) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Server Proof Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(French) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Server Proof Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Portuguese (Brazil)) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Server Proof Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Russian) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Server Proof Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Basque) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Server Proof Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Galician) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Server Proof Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft SharePoint Portal Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User Profiles Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SharePoint Portal Spanish Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Microsoft Shared Components Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Shared Coms Spanish Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Microsoft Slide Library Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft InfoPath Forms Services Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft InfoPath Form Services Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft Word Server Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Word Server Spanish Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
PerformancePoint Services for Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PerformancePoint Services in Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SharePoint 3082 Language Pack
Microsoft Visio Services Spanish Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Microsoft Visio Services Web Front Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
End Components
Microsoft Excel Services Web Front Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
End Components
Microsoft Document Lifecycle Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Excel Services Spanish Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Microsoft Search Server 2010 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Search Server 2010 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft Document Lifecycle Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft Slide Library Spanish Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Microsoft Access Services Server Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Access Services Spanish Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Microsoft Web Analytics Web Front Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
End Components
Microsoft Web Analytics Spanish Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Microsoft Excel Mobile Viewer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack SP1 - esn
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
BitDefender Management Server BitDefender UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Redistributable (x64)

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internal Database Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Crystal Reports for .NET Framework Business Objects UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2.0 (x64)
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft "Geneva" Framework Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Filter Pack 2.0 (Beta) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
v1.0 (x64)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Services ADOMD.NET
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows PowerShell(TM) V2 (CTP3) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Services ADOMD.NET

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-dg.bppc.gob Fabricante PCCHIPS

Modelo P53G Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU Not Assigned Fernando Iturriza Sistemas Not Assigned Not Assigned
E4600 @ 2.40GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1.75 GB 3.75 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Ultimate 6.0.6001 6001 1
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 97.66 GB 52.17 GB NTFS 2E0D2F39
D: Local Disk 135.23 GB 128.40 GB NTFS 92374F33
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
G: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
H: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
I: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 GEK GEK232RB13V7HA 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Multi Flash Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HL-DT-STDVDRAM GH20NS15 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
TYHM H6N01QJW1UB SCSI CdRom Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
ELBY CLONEDRIVE SCSI CdRom Device Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 Unidad de disco - - -
Multi Flash Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:1E:90:96:76:35 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet 2100 PCL6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
7-Zip 4.65 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe AIR Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe WinSoft Linguistics Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
for Devices ESN
Pixel Bender Toolkit Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Archivos auxiliares de instalación de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server (español)
Adobe Service Manager Extension Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 for Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Color EU Extra Settings CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WPF Toolkit June 2009 (Version Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Dynamiclink Support Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
On-line Help Console - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008 SDK Reference
Assemblies and IntelliSense
Adobe Device Central CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Escritor de VSS de Microsoft SQL Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Sybase InfoMaker 11.5 Sybase UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Adobe Flash CS4 Extension - Flash Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Lite STI en
Adobe Type Support CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Suite Shared Configuration CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008 Headers and Libraries
Microsoft Device Emulator, versión Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
3.0 - ESN
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sybase PowerBuilder 9.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Herramientas de diseño de SQL Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Server Compact 3.5 SP1 - Español
Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Help Center 2.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Access MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Publisher MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Outlook MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Word MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Catalan) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Portuguese Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Brazil)) 2007
Microsoft Office Proof (Basque) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Galician) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Visual Web Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Developer 2007
Microsoft Office Visual Web Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Developer MUI (Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Proofing (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Visio MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office OneNote MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Groove MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack SP1 - esn
Adobe Linguistics CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe CMaps CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server Database Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Publishing Wizard 1.3
Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 for Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Pocket PC
Herramientas de Microsoft SQL Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Server 2005 Express Edition
PowerBuilder 11.5 Sybase, Inc UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Business Objects UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008
Adobe Reader 9 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008 SP1 Win32 Tools
Connect Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Expression Design Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Output Module Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Crystal Reports Basic Spanish Business Objects UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack for Visual Studio 2008
Adobe Default Language CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008 SP1 Tools
Photoshop Camera Raw Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual Studio Tools for the Office Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
system 3.0 Runtime Language Pack -
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Professional Edition - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SP1 - Español
Sybase PowerBuilder 11.5 Sybase UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Setup Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008 .NET Framework Tools -
Adobe Search for Help Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual C++ 2008 x86 Runtime - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Management Objects
Adobe Flash CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe PDF Library Files CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VC Runtimes MSI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash CS4 Professional Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Aleo 3D Flash Slideshow Creator 1.2 Aleo Software Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Expression Blend 3 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Media Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Expression Design 3 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Developer Express .NET v8.3 Developer Express Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Expression Encoder 3 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Expression Studio 3 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InfoMaker 5.0 for Intel 32 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Administrador de dispositivos de VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
RadControls for ASPNET AJAX Q2 Telerik UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MDI2PDF 2.4 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 - esn
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Document Explorer 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Document Explorer 2008 - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Second Edition Runtime
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
for Office Runtime Language Pack
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Professional - ESN
PB 5.0 Deployment Kit for Intel 32 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Photoshop CS3 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PowerBuilder 5.0 Enterprise for Intel - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PowerBuilder 6.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Chrome9 HC IGP Family - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Vista Display
VirtualCloneDrive Elaborate Bytes UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Visual Studio Tools for the Office Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
system 3.0 Runtime
Paquete de idioma de Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Tools para Office system 3.0 Runtime
Microsoft Visual Studio Web Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Authoring Component
VIA Rhine-Family Fast-Ethernet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Watcom C++ Class Builder for Intel - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Expression Web 3 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Color NA Recommended Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Settings CS4
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Update Manager CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Extension Manager CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SQL Anywhere Studio 8 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
kuler Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Color JA Extra Settings CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual C++ 2008 x64 Runtime - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Document Explorer 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft Expression Blend 3 SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe CSI CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InfoMaker Sybase UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sybase PowerDynamo 3.6 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Anchor Service CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AdobeColorCommonSetRGB Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AllWebMenus PRO 5.1.784 Likno Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Swift 3D v5.00 Electric Rain, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Live Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Platform VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash CS4 STI-en Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual C++ 2008 IA64 Runtime - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sybase InfoMaker 9.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SQL Server System CLR Types Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PDF Settings CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2.0 SP2
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
for Office Runtime
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe XMP Panels CS4 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-web.bppc.gob Fabricante IBM

Modelo IBM eServer x3400-[7976B2U]- Etiqueta de servicio KQDYBZ3

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5310 Not Assigned Not Assigned Sistemas Not Assigned Not Assigned
@ 1.60GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

4.00 GB 8.16 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard 6.0.6001 6001 1

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 48.83 GB 32.78 GB NTFS 2C776E93
D: Local Disk 87.79 GB 86.03 GB NTFS 8087A07F
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device 1FEF5520 136.62 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp CD/DVDW TS-H552B ATA Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet 00:1A:64:48:66:7A false Not Assigned -
Broadcom NetXtreme Broadcom NetXtreme

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2688
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2689
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268A
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268B
Controlador de host mejorado USB2 Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 3.5 - esn
SysAid version Ilient ltd. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - esn
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SysAid Server - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-apps.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Fernando Iturriza Sistemas Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2180 @ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.40 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Standard Edition 5.2.3790 3790 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 139.88 GB NTFS 447E94CA

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Standard disk drives)
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Disk drive - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:88:12:B8 Not Assigned false Not Assigned -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Communications Port (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller
Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller
Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller
Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller
Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Internet Explorer 8 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Search 4.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
2003, Standard Edition
Estación de trabajo bppc-adm-dir.bppc.gob Fabricante Hewlett-Packard

Modelo HP Compaq dx2200 MT Etiqueta de servicio MXL6380K68

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Nayade Castillo Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

446 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 64.63 GB NTFS AC2C9E49
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD080HJ/P 30534544314a4c4c323835323732202020202020 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
TSSTcorp CD-ROM SH-C522C Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
SAMSUNG HD080HJ/P Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:16:17:80:AC:D2 Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP remote printers Local False
HP Officejet 7300 series fax Local False
HP Officejet 7300 series Local False
HP LaserJet P2014 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ATI - Utilidad de desinstalación de - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjectsTemplates Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocumentViewer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Writer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Framework Services Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Native v1.0 (x86)
Windows Live Mail Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Junk Mail filter update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Edition [ENU]

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP SetRefresh Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MrvlUsgTracking Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSSupply Hewlett Packard Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Company L.P.
ATI Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Officejet 7300 series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Image Zone 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
High Definition Audio - KB888111 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 3.5 - esn
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Photoshop CS3 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Components Pack 1.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
7300Trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB933579) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Banda Ancha Móvil (CDU680) cmotech UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Diagnostic Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Protección Infantil Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Galería fotográfica de Windows Live Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - esn
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
7300_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Toolbar Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Live Add-in 1.3 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Native v1.0 (x86)
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Outlook Connector Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Sync Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
7300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Search Enhancement Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ATI Catalyst Control Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Help and Support HPQ UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-an002.bppc.gob Fabricante BIOSTAR Group

Modelo G31-M7 TE Etiqueta de servicio None

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Jhon Moya Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 97.65 GB 87.24 GB NTFS 4AC788F1
D: Local Disk 200.43 GB 197.79 GB NTFS A00175E8
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
F: Removable Disk 982 MB 400 MB FAT32 DC9351B7

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD322HJ 31534137414a5330323630323931202020202020 298.09 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Kingmax USB2.0 FlashDisk USB Device Not Assigned 980 MB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD322HJ Unidad de disco - - -
Kingmax USB2.0 FlashDisk USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22NS30 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:30:67:04:4B:AA Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Frequently
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.3) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently

Estación de trabajo bppc-dvrtoshiba.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_

Modelo D865GBF_ Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned coacin Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1022 MB 2.00 GB
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 76.68 GB 68.06 GB NTFS 8494E1D6
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Local Disk 465.76 GB 51.24 GB NTFS 540A4317
F: Local Disk 465.76 GB 51.24 GB NTFS A0A1A94F
G: Local Disk 465.76 GB 423.97 GB NTFS A020D83D
H: Local Disk 465.76 GB 51.24 GB NTFS A43D794B

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLAT20 Not Assigned 76.69 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD50 00AAKS-00TMA SCSI Disk Device Not Assigned 465.76 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD50 00AAKS-00TMA SCSI Disk Device Not Assigned 465.76 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD50 00AAKS-00TMA SCSI Disk Device Not Assigned 465.76 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD50 00AAKS-00TMA SCSI Disk Device Not Assigned 465.76 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLAT20 Unidad de disco - - -
WDC WD50 00AAKS-00TMA SCSI Disk Unidad de disco - - -
WDC WD50 00AAKS-00TMA SCSI Disk Unidad de disco - - -
WDC WD50 00AAKS-00TMA SCSI Disk Unidad de disco - - -
WDC WD50 00AAKS-00TMA SCSI Disk Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
AOPEN CRW5232/AAO PRO Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/1000 Intel(R) PRO/1000 00:0E:0C:82:A3:46 Not Assigned false Not Assigned -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

GT Desktop Adapter GT Desktop Adapter 00:0E:0C:82:A3:46 Not Assigned false Not Assigned -

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D2
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D4
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D7
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24DE
Intel(R) 82801EB USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 24DD

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Desktop Activity Recorder 1.6 Speedapps Software Inc UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Network Video Recorder Surveillix UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
PowerQuest PartitionMagic 8.0 PowerQuest UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) PRO Network Connections - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Camera Finder - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PartitionMagic PowerQuest UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
DiscWizard 2003 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-cam.bppc.gob Fabricante MSI

Modelo MS-7267 Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.40GHz Not Assigned coacin Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1.49 GB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 62.88 GB NTFS 7C24CB9B
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Local Disk 57.61 GB 962 MB NTFS 9CF6F2B4
F: Local Disk 57.61 GB 964 MB NTFS 1223E09D
G: Local Disk 57.61 GB 996 MB NTFS EA3A7314
H: Local Disk 60.04 GB 1.10 GB NTFS C447EC47
I: Local Disk 57.61 GB 979 MB NTFS 6C15AF9F
J: Local Disk 57.61 GB 979 MB NTFS CC3AF176
K: Local Disk 57.61 GB 987 MB NTFS 7432FE7B
L: Local Disk 60.04 GB 984 MB NTFS 803B02B3

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD2500SD-01KCC0 4457572d4143374c303739353730 030 0 0 0 0 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD2500SD-01KCC0 Not Assigned 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD2500SD-01KCC0 Unidad de disco - - -
WDC WD2500SD-01KCC0 Unidad de disco - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-H10A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:16:17:D2:AF:17 Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Argente - Registry Cleaner Argente Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Avira GmbH UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft XML Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) IPP Run-Time Installer 5.2 Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
for Windows* on IA-32
OnGuard 2008 Lenel Systems International Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DirectX for Managed Code Update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Summer 2004)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de seguridad para el Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Codificador de Windows Media
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CCleaner (remove only) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
GeoVision Codec_mp2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
GeoVision GV-900 System - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Geovision Codec - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Encoder 9 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
Windows Installer Clean Up Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-a33.bppc.gob Fabricante OEM
Modelo OEM Etiqueta de servicio OEM

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Not Assigned coacin Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

2.00 GB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 76.32 GB 1.06 GB NTFS 0C4DEA1D
D: Local Disk 149.05 GB 144.65 GB NTFS 8C162212
E: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
G: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
H: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
I: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 6B080M0 3242363042534835202020202020202020202020 76.33 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
IC USB Storage-CFC USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
IC USB Storage-MMC USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
IC USB Storage-MSC USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
IC USB Storage-SMC USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 6B080M0 Unidad de disco - - -
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -
IC USB Storage-CFC USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
IC USB Storage-MMC USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
IC USB Storage-MMC USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
IC USB Storage-MSC USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
IC USB Storage-SMC USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S222A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:22:68:51:5A:5E Not Assigned Not Assigned true Not Assigned -
RTL8168/8111 PCI-E RTL8168/8111 PCI-E
Gigabit Ethernet NIC Gigabit Ethernet NIC
Realtek Realtek 00:08:54:B0:C2:7C Not Assigned true -
RTL8169/8110 Family RTL8169/8110 Family
Gigabit Ethernet NIC Gigabit Ethernet NIC

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Avira GmbH UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ATI - Utilidad de desinstalación de - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ATI Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Surveillix Remote ver 2.3.2 Surveillix UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
IP surveillance D-Link UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
K-Lite Codec Pack 2.73 Full - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Network Viewer v2.2 (002) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Camera Finder - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
ATI Catalyst Control Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help French ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help Chinese Standard ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help Turkish ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help Russian ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Remote Surveillix UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Catalyst Control Center Graphics ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Full Existing
CCC Help Chinese Traditional ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help German ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help Portuguese ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
CCC Help Portuguese ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Catalyst Control Center HydraVision ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help Thai ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Catalyst Control Center Graphics ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help Spanish ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
neroxml Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help Dutch ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
CCC Help Japanese ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help Czech ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help Norwegian ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help Finnish ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Catalyst Control Center Core ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help English ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help Hungarian ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help Korean ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help Greek ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
ccc-core-preinstall ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ccc-utility ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help Danish ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Catalyst Control Center Graphics ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Full New
CCC Help Polish ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Catalyst Control Center Localization ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCC Help Swedish ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Catalyst Control Center - Branding ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Skins ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
ccc-core-static ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Catalyst Control Center Graphics ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Previews Common
CCC Help Italian ATI UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-boss.bppc.gob Fabricante Hewlett-Packard

Modelo HP Compaq dx2400 Microtower Etiqueta de servicio MXL8330XC6

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU Not Assigned Jonathan Moreno Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E4600 @ 2.40GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 1.99 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1.7600 7600 0

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.90 GB 114.91 GB NTFS 2837F80D
D: Local Disk 82.89 GB 76.12 GB NTFS 9CBC7855
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
G: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
H: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
I: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
K: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 ATA Device GEK232RB19ZHMA 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic- Compact Flash USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic- MS/MS-Pro USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic- SD/MMC USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic- SM/xD-Picture USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Officejet 7310 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 ATA Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic- Compact Flash USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic- MS/MS-Pro USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic- SD/MMC USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic- SM/xD-Picture USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HP Officejet 7310 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
ATAPI DVD A DH16A3L ATA Device Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC de Gigabit de NIC de Gigabit de 00:21:5A:20:2F:D6 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet PCI-E de la Ethernet PCI-E de la
familia Realtek familia Realtek
RTL8168C(P)/8111C( RTL8168C(P)/8111C(
P) (NDIS 6.20) P) (NDIS 6.20)

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

Nitro PDF Driver 5 Local False
HP Officejet 7300 series fax Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP Officejet 7300 series Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 PCL6 en Red Local False

Información USB

Controlador de host mejorado USB2 de la familia Intel(R) ICH9 - 293C
Controlador de host universal USB de la familia Intel(R) ICH8 - 2934
Controlador de host universal USB de la familia Intel(R) ICH9 - 2935
Controlador de host universal USB de la familia Intel(R) ICH9 - 2936
Controlador de host universal USB de la familia Intel(R) ICH9 - 2937
Controlador de host universal USB de la familia Intel(R) ICH9 - 2938
Controlador de host universal USB de la familia Intel(R) ICH9 - 2939
Controlador de host mejorado USB2 de la familia Intel(R) ICH9 - 293A

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Mail Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Junk Mail filter update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PL-2303 USB-to-Serial - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Skype Toolbars Skype Technologies S.A. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Skype™ 4.1 Skype Technologies S.A. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AVG 9.0 AVG Technologies UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Imaging Device Functions 8.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Solution Center 8.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP OCR Software 8.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Ultra Video Converter 4.4.0122 Aone Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VLC media player 1.0.0-rc3 VideoLAN Team UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Your Uninstaller! 2008 Version 6.2 URSoft, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nitro PDF Professional Nitro PDF Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
7300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
7300_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
7300Trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
eSupportQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPProductAssistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocProcQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Access MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Publisher MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
(Spanish) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Outlook MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Word MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Catalan) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Portuguese Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Brazil)) 2007
Microsoft Office Proof (Basque) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Galician) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proofing (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office OneNote MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Groove MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Outlook Connector Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Status Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SolutionCenter Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DeviceManagementQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 9.1 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
OGA Notifier 2.0.0048.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Toolbox Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photosmart, Officejet, PSC and HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Deskjet All-In-One Driver Software HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
UnloadSupport Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AIO_CDB_Software Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AIO_CDB_ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photosmart Essential HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Under Licensed Frequently
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.5) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 17 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-sql.bppc.gob Fabricante Dell Computer Corporation

Modelo PowerEdge 1600SC Etiqueta de servicio 9HJHV51

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Not Assigned Sistemas Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

2.00 GB 4.86 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard 6.0.6002 6002 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 33.87 GB 10.92 GB NTFS 2820A5A0
D: Local Disk 33.91 GB 12.98 GB NTFS 10FF5247
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

E: Local Disk 33.91 GB 17.01 GB NTFS 8E6CE46A
G: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SEAGATE ST336607LW SCSI Disk Device 3JA9G03H 33.91 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
SEAGATE ST336607LW SCSI Disk Device 3JA9GBC2 33.91 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
SEAGATE ST336607LW SCSI Disk Device 3JA9G95N 33.91 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SEAGATE ST336607LW SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
SEAGATE ST336607LW SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
SEAGATE ST336607LW SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
ELBY CLONEDRIVE SCSI CdRom Device Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Seagate STT3401A ATA Device Unidad de cinta IDE (QIC-157) - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Controladora Gigabit Controladora Gigabit 00:40:F4:B8:BC:64 Not Assigned false Not Assigned -
Ethernet PCI Ethernet PCI
88E8001/8003/8010 88E8001/8003/8010
Marvell Yukon Marvell Yukon
Intel(R) PRO/1000 Intel(R) PRO/1000 00:0F:1F:F8:AC:37 false Not Assigned -
MT Network MT Network
Connection Connection

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK

Información USB

Controlador de host abierto PCI a USB ServerWorks (RCC)

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
EVEREST Corporate Edition v4.50 Lavalys, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Web Platform Installer 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SQL Server System CLR Types Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 BI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Development Studio
Microsoft Windows PowerShell snap- Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
in for IIS 7.0
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reporting Services
Archivos auxiliares de instalación de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server (español)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Database Engine Services
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
IIS Advanced Logging Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Applications 2.0 Language Pack -
IIS Database Manager Release Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Shell Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(integrated mode) - ESN
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office 2003 Web Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DotNetPanel Configuration Studio DotNetPanel Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack SP1 - esn
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
IIS Live Smooth Streaming - Beta Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
IIS Media Pack 1.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Applications 2.0 - ENU
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Compatibilidad con versiones Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
anteriores de Microsoft SQL Server
Lantronix CPR (32bit) Lantronix UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PostgreSQL 8.3 PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SQLXML4 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Administration Pack for IIS 7.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sql Server Customer Experience Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Improvement Program
Windows Internal Database Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Setup Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Support Files (English)
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SP1 - Español
IIS Smooth Streaming - Beta Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Herramientas de consulta de SQL Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Server Compact 3.5 SP1 Español
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Database Engine Shared
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 RsFx Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual C++ 2008 x86 Runtime - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Management Objects
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Paquete redistribuible del Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visor de informes 2005
Archivos auxiliares de instalación de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Policies Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
FileZilla Client - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 - esn
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Report Viewer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Redistributable 2005
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VirtualCloneDrive Elaborate Bytes UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Handy Backup Novosoft LLC UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual C++ 2008 x64 Runtime - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Common Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Management Studio
Visual C++ 2008 IA64 Runtime - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-ing-dir.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Tobias Gonzalez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2180 @ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 138.96 GB NTFS 6CD56CB7
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP psc 2510 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -
HP psc 2510 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:88:12:F0 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp psc 2500 series fax Local False
hp psc 2500 series Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
HP DesignJet 500 42 by HP Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Autodesk DWF Viewer Autodesk, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Diagnostic Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AutoCAD 2006 - Español Autodesk UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2400_2500Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
23_24_2500Tour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2400_2500trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjectsTemplates Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocumentViewer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Google Earth Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2500 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Huawei Conexion a internet Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Banda Ancha Móvil (CDU680) cmotech UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Image Zone 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-ing-un08.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHPDT7

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Regino Garcia Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 16.07 GB NTFS 906A0028
D: Compact Disc 56 MB 0 b CDFS 2BA0CD9D

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800JD-08MSA1 Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800JD-08MSA1 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
ATAPI DVD D DH16D1S Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:6E:CF Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 (Copiar 1) Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
Adobe PDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Autodesk DWF Viewer Autodesk, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Google Earth Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AutoCAD 2006 - Español Autodesk UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional - Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Español, Italiano, Português

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Reader 7.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
ShopperReports ShopperReports UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)

Estación de trabajo bppc-liq-a.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Ilegda Reyes Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 29.62 GB NTFS 2C8713C9

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 WD-WMAM94068547 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:11:5B:67:82:0E Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
C-Media 3D Audio - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
S3Display - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Gamma2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Info2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Overlay - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
MrvlUsgTracking Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 6
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSSupply Hewlett Packard Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Company L.P.
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ProSavageDDR and Utilities - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-liq-liq5.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKR8

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Mariflor Ramos Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 35.58 GB NTFS C86075AE
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:76:EC Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP Universal Printing PCL 6 Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
hp LaserJet 1300n PCL 6 Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P (Copiar 1) Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Extended Capabilities 6.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
hp LaserJet 1150 / 1300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 6
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Update 11
Java(TM) 6 Update 3 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppMSRedist Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CustomerResearchQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
EPSON FX-890_2190 Manual - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Photosmart 2600 series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Language Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack

Estación de trabajo bppc-opm-su14.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Wilfrido Arias Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2180 @ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 114.24 GB NTFS 58F8C1F8

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:88:12:BE Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Downlevel APIs Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
FlashGet 3.0 Beta http://www.FlashGet.com UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-opm-su13.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Hugo Navas Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2180 @ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 72.51 GB NTFS 10369E14

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:88:12:A9 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Skype™ 4.0 Skype Technologies S.A. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Earth Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Everest Poker (Remove Only) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-oracle.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_
Modelo D946GZIS Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6400 Not Assigned Not Assigned Redes Not Assigned Not Assigned
@ 2.13GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1.99 GB 5.84 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Standard Edition 5.2.3790 3790 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 77.62 GB 64.93 GB NTFS 387E46EE
D: Local Disk 77.62 GB 71.30 GB NTFS 389AD74B
E: Local Disk 77.63 GB 71.67 GB NTFS BCA4DA58
F: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD2500JS-58NCB1 Not Assigned 232.88 GB (Standard disk drives)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD2500JS-58NCB1 Disk drive - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Intel(R) PRO/100 VE 00:16:76:A0:09:EC Not Assigned false Not Assigned -
Network Connection Network Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

Microsoft XPS Document Writer (from JAVIERMURUA-PC) in session 6 Local False
Microsoft XPS Document Writer (from TBOLIVAR-PC) in session 4 Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet P2015 PCL6 on Bppc-inf-sist5 (from TBOLIVAR-PC) in Local False
session 4
PrimoPDF Local False
hp1320-rrhh Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Communications Port (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe AIR Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Oracle for Windows NT - - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
2003, Standard Edition
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Management Framework Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) PRO Network Connections - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF Redistribution Package activePDF, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SigmaTel Audio SigmaTel UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB925672) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 9 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
getPlus(R) for Adobe NOS Microsystems Ltd. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Oracle - OraHome92 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-pres-sec.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHALC2

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Norma Ifill Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 54.26 GB NTFS D082F04E
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:78:6F Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP remote printers Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 PCL 5e Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocumentViewer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjectsTemplates Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Recover My Files GetData Pty Ltd UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Image Zone 4.7 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Extended Capabilities 6.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
LiveReg (Symantec Corporation) Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
ScannerCopy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Product Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
cp_dwShrek2Albums1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Update 11
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
6 Update 1
Java(TM) 6 Update 5 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.7 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2600 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppMSRedist Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PanoStandAlone Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600Trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CustomerResearchQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
cp_dwShrek2Cards1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Image Zone Express Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CP_AtenaShokunin1Config Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Reader 7.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2600_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-rins-rp2.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKW5

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Solmerys Escalona Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 54.55 GB NTFS DCE3021B
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:78:38 Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP Color LaserJet 4700 PCL 6 Local False
HP 4700 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ShareIns Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Disco de recuerdos de HP Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Photo and Imaging 2.5 - Scanjet {&Tahoma8}Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
5590 Series
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Color LaserJet 4700 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-rins-un2.bppc.gob Fabricante System Manufacturer

Modelo System Name Etiqueta de servicio SYS-1234567890

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Valdemar La Rosa Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

511 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 3.05 GB NTFS 6058CD39
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400EB-11CPF0 WD-WCAATH255808 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400EB-11CPF0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
AOPEN CRW5232/AAO PRO Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:0C:6E:12:35:A9 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet SiS 900- Ethernet SiS 900-
Based PCI Based PCI

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP 4700 Local False
AGFA-AccuSet v52.3 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host abierto SiS 7001 PCI a USB
Controladora de host abierto SiS 7001 PCI a USB
Controlador de host mejorado PCI a USB SiS

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Color LaserJet 4700 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Macromedia Shockwave Player Macromedia, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ShareIns Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Disco de recuerdos de HP Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Estación de trabajo tbolivar-pc.bppc.gob Fabricante PCCHIPS

Modelo P53G Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Yisler Cotiz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2180 @ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

958 MB 1.94 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1.7600 7600 0

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.05 GB 116.41 GB NTFS 6CBD4706
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
F: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 ATA Device WD-WMAP9F875199 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Multi Flash Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 ATA Device Unidad de disco - - -
Multi Flash Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de CD-ROM Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
BENQ DVD DD DW1640 ATA Device Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador de Fast Adaptador de Fast 00:1E:90:96:7E:52 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible
VIA Rhine II VIA Rhine II
NIC de Gigabit NIC de Gigabit 00:40:F4:B4:82:6B false Not Assigned -
Ethernet PCI de la Ethernet PCI de la
familia Realtek familia Realtek
RTL8169/8110 (NDIS RTL8169/8110 (NDIS
6.20) 6.20)

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

Enviar a OneNote 2007 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Professional - English
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Herramientas de Microsoft SQL Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Server 2005 Express Edition
Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Business Objects UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008
Adobe Reader 7.0.9 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
NIC Driver
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008 Win32 Tools
Windows Live Mail Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Crystal Reports Basic Spanish Business Objects UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack for Visual Studio 2008
MSDN Library for Visual Studio 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008 Tools
UEStudio '06 IDM Computer Solutions UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual Studio Tools for the Office Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
system 3.0 Runtime Language Pack -
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Professional Edition - ESN
Junk Mail filter update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008 .NET Framework Tools
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VC Runtimes MSI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Under Licensed Frequently
Visual FoxPro 9.0 Baseline - English Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Visual FoxPro 9.0 Professional - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Visual FoxPro 9.0 Professional - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PostgreSQL 8.3 PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ask Toolbar Ask.com UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Avira GmbH UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Driver Updater Pro iXi Tools UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Document Explorer 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Document Explorer 2008 - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Second Edition Runtime
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
for Office Runtime Language Pack
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Professional - ESN
Mozilla Firefox (2.0) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSDN Library para Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2008 - ESN
VirtualCloneDrive Elaborate Bytes UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual Studio Tools for the Office Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
system 3.0 Runtime
Paquete de idioma de Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Tools para Office system 3.0 Runtime
Microsoft Visual Studio Web Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Authoring Component
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Document Explorer 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Update 10
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2.0 SP2
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
for Office Runtime
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
for Devices ESN
UltraEdit-32 IDM Computer Solutions UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Archivos auxiliares de instalación de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server (español)
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 for Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008 SDK Reference
Assemblies and IntelliSense
Windows Media Player Firefox Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008 Headers and Libraries
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Design Tools ESN
Microsoft Device Emulator, versión Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
3.0 - ESN
Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Access MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Publisher MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Outlook MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Word MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Catalan) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Portuguese Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Brazil)) 2007
Microsoft Office Proof (Basque) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Galician) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Visual Web Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Developer 2007
Microsoft Office Visual Web Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Developer MUI (Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Proofing (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office OneNote MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Groove MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Word Viewer 2003 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Outlook Connector Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server Database Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Publishing Wizard 1.2
Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 for Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Pocket PC

Estación de trabajo bppc-seguridad.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_

Modelo D915GLVG Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz Not Assigned Eva Bordones Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

502 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 76.68 GB 2.21 GB NTFS 549FA658
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLAT20 PFD200S2D72VZB 76.69 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SH-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
HDS728080PLAT20 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Intel(R) PRO/100 VE 00:13:20:C5:89:FA Not Assigned true -
Network Connection Network Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP remote printers Local False
hp deskjet 940c Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2658
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2659
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265A
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265B
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 265C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Autodesk DWF Viewer Autodesk, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Macromedia Shockwave Player Macromedia, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) PRO Network Adapters and - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Diagnostic Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Memories Disc Creator 2.0 Memories Disc Creator 2.0 UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Motorola Phone Tools BVRP Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
AutoCAD 2006 - Español Autodesk UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
2600 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600Trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjectsTemplates Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocumentViewer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XMLinst Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
CCleaner (remove only) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Image Zone 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-sgp-sec3.bppc.gob Fabricante P4M80P

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.06GHz Not Assigned Luis Valero Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

446 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 76.68 GB 30.43 GB NTFS 78AE8CF5
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLAT20 PFD212S4RKZGDM 76.69 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HDS728080PLAT20 Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp CD-R/RW TS-H292A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:01:6C:FD:60:98 Not Assigned true -
RTL8139/810x Family RTL8139/810x Family
Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
HP Imaging Device Functions 6.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
HP Photosmart Premier Software 6.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Edition [ENU]
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Administrador de dispositivos de VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA/S3G Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CP_CalendarTemplates1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Earth Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Status Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Platform VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
6 Update 1
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
RandMap Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CP_Panorama1Config Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
FullDPAppQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
cp_PosterPrintConfig Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Cámaras Photosmart 6.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
DeviceFunctionQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hpiCamDrvQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CP_Package_Basic1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sonic_PrimoSDK Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Frequently
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Occasionally

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
2003 Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Occasionally
CameraUserGuides Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
REALTEK Gigabit and Fast Ethernet REALTEK Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Update Helper Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DeviceManagementQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
de sesión
CP_AtenaShokunin1Config Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
cp_OnlineProjectsConfig Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CameraDrivers Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PanoStandAlone Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
InstantShareDevices Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Protección Infantil Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Galería fotográfica de Windows Live Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Toolbar Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Live Add-in 1.3 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Native v1.0 (x86)
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Outlook Connector Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Live Sync Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Search Enhancement Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Writer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Framework Services Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Native v1.0 (x86)
Windows Live Mail Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Junk Mail filter update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-sgp-dep3.bppc.gob Fabricante P4M80P

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.06GHz Not Assigned PBIP Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

446 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 38.28 GB 17.07 GB NTFS 308FB138
E: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 6E040L0 E1TNXR0E 38.29 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 6E040L0 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:01:6C:FD:60:C6 Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SolutionCenter Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
FullDPAppQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photosmart Cameras 6.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
eSupportQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hpiCamDrvQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Apple Software Update Apple Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Audition 1.5 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
CameraUserGuides Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickTime Apple Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DeviceManagementQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CameraDrivers Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPProductAssistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Loquendo TTS SDK 6.5.5 Loquendo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
HP Imaging Device Functions 6.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Image Zone 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Solution Center and Imaging HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Support Tools 6.0
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Radio_-_TV_Online Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Status Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Loquendo TTS Carlos 6.6.0 Loquendo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 7 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-sia-sup.bppc.gob Fabricante MICRO-STAR INTL, CO.,LTD.

Modelo MS-6743 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz Not Assigned Joel Rangel Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

503 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 39.06 GB 3.42 GB NTFS DC341B06
D: Local Disk 35.47 GB 23.59 GB NTFS 74FB88AE
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800LB-60DNA1 WD-WCADW1822535 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800LB-60DNA1 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8523B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Intel(R) PRO/100 VE 00:0C:76:B5:8C:D6 Not Assigned true -
Network Connection Network Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D2
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D4
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D7
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24DE
Intel(R) 82801EB USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 24DD

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
C-Media 3D Audio - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) PRO Network Connections - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Extreme Graphics 2 Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Estación de trabajo bppc-sql.bppc.gob Fabricante IBM

Modelo IBM eServer x3400-[7976ABU]- Etiqueta de servicio KQXWAR3

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5405 Not Assigned Not Assigned Sistemas Not Assigned Not Assigned
@ 2.00GHz
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

4.00 GB 8.26 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard 6.0.6001 6001 1

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 136.61 GB 123.47 GB NTFS 58AD6B19
D: Local Disk 136.61 GB 15.85 GB NTFS F451C5C0
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device 166C23A2 136.61 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device 42D423A2 136.61 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp CD/DVDW TS-H552B ATA Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet 00:1A:64:A0:EE:06 Not Assigned false Not Assigned -
Broadcom NetXtreme Broadcom NetXtreme

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK

Información USB


Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2688
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2689
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268A
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268B
Controlador de host mejorado USB2 Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Help Oracle Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Oracle - OraDb10g 10.2.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-sus.bppc.gob Fabricante IBM

Modelo IBM eServer x3400-[7976B2U]- Etiqueta de servicio KQKRLH1

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5310 Not Assigned Not Assigned Redes Not Assigned Not Assigned
@ 1.60GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

2.00 GB 4.25 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard 6.0.6002 6002 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 58.59 GB 15.86 GB NTFS 7C578FED
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

D: Local Disk 78.01 GB 58.52 GB NTFS 2A936C91
E: Compact Disc 3.27 GB 0 b CDFS 6471293D

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device 84D570A7 136.61 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp CD/DVDW TS-H552U ATA Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet 00:1A:64:49:07:28 false Not Assigned -
Broadcom NetXtreme Broadcom NetXtreme

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2688
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2689
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268A
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268B
Controlador de host mejorado USB2 Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 - esn
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (64-bit) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Management Studio
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 BI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Development Studio
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reporting Services
Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
v1.0 (x64) es
Sql Server Customer Experience Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Improvement Program
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Common Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack SP1 - esn
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Full text Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Database Engine Services
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Integration Services
Windows Internal Database Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Database Engine Shared
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 RsFx Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Services for Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ADO.NET v2.0 (x64) es
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
SQL Server System CLR Types Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Setup Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Support Files

Estación de trabajo coordinación.bppc.gob Fabricante Sony Corporation

Modelo PCV-W700M Etiqueta de servicio 28050330-3004117

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Luis Gregorio Marin Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 50.01 GB 36.33 GB NTFS 3C1217D1
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Local Disk 56.76 GB 45.36 GB NTFS B4AA5D06

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
ST3120022A 5JT3563E 111.79 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
ST3120022A Unidad de disco - - -
SONY DVD RW DW-U55A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:11:2F:52:41:2D Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

Nitro PDF Driver 5 Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
HP Officejet Pro L7600 series fax Local False
HP Officejet Pro L7600 series Local False

Información USB

Controladora de host abierto SiS 7001 PCI a USB
Controladora de host abierto SiS 7001 PCI a USB
Controlador de host mejorado PCI a USB SiS

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Agere Systems AC'97 Modem - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCleaner (remove only) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP OCR Software 8.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Internet Explorer 8 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Paquete de proveedor base de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
servicios de cifrado para tarjetas
inteligentes de Microsoft
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SiS Compatible VGA V2.21a - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Nitro PDF Professional Nitro PDF Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
BPD_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NetDeviceManager Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BPDSoftware_Ini Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BPD_HPSU Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
eSupportQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPProductAssistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Officejet Pro All-In-One Series HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProcQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
7500_7600_7700_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MPM Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Access MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Publisher MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Outlook MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Word MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Catalan) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Portuguese Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Brazil)) 2007
Microsoft Office Proof (Basque) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Galician) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proofing (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office OneNote MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Groove MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Status Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SolutionCenter Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DeviceManagementQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
L7600 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Toolbox Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
UnloadSupport Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photosmart Essential HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
BPDSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Image Zone 4.7 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.7 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Google Update Helper Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Imaging Device Functions 8.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
HP Solution Center 8.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo crppc-compra-01.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Alberto Lameh Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2180 @ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 137.33 GB NTFS D4C07A01

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:88:12:A0 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp psc 2500 series fax Local False
hp psc 2500 series Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 5e Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Diagnostic Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2400_2500Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
23_24_2500Tour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2400_2500trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjectsTemplates Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocumentViewer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2500 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Barra de herramientas ALOT ALOT UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Search Enhancement Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Image Zone 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo sql-pruebas.bppc.gob Fabricante Intel

Modelo SBR20 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.06GHz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Puerto TOTAL
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

2.00 GB 3.86 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Standard Edition 5.2.3790 3790 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 114.48 GB 20.77 GB NTFS D8239755
E: Local Disk 186.31 GB 82.41 GB NTFS DEBDEF40

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 6Y120L0 Y3N0KSAE 114.49 GB (Standard disk drives)
SAMSUNG SP2004C SCSI Disk Device S07GJ1DL701007 186.31 GB (Standard disk drives)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 6Y120L0 Disk drive - - -
SAMSUNG SP2004C SCSI Disk Device Disk drive - - -
Floppy disk drive Floppy disk drive - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel 8255x-based Intel 8255x-based 00:03:47:2F:B3:1D Not Assigned false Not Assigned -
PCI Ethernet Adapter PCI Ethernet Adapter
(10/100) (10/100)
Intel(R) PRO/1000 Intel(R) PRO/1000 00:03:47:2F:B3:1E Not Assigned true -
MT Network MT Network
Connection Connection

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Communications Port (COM1) OK
Communications Port (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller
Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller
Standard Universal PCI to USB Host Controller

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
2003, Standard Edition
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Help Oracle Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Folder Size for Windows Brio UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Oracle - DEFAULT - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Oracle - OraClient10g 10.1.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Management Framework Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo maincode-sql.bppc.gob Fabricante Intel

Modelo SBD2A068 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1023 MB 2.42 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Standard Edition 5.2.3790 3790 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 34.17 GB 15.44 GB NTFS 4CCA6675
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Local Disk 34.18 GB 23.18 GB NTFS 30D0334D

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SEAGATE ST336754LW SCSI Disk Device 3KQ0H09200007545XAHF 34.18 GB (Standard disk drives)
SEAGATE ST336754LW SCSI Disk Device 3KQ0G8AJ00007543B8Q2 34.18 GB (Standard disk drives)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SEAGATE ST336754LW SCSI Disk Device Disk drive - - -
SEAGATE ST336754LW SCSI Disk Device Disk drive - - -
AOPEN DUW1608/ARR CD-ROM Drive - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Marvell Yukon Marvell Yukon 00:40:F4:8B:07:DA false Not Assigned -
88E8001/8003/8010 88E8001/8003/8010
PCI Gigabit Ethernet PCI Gigabit Ethernet
Controller Controller

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

Microsoft XPS Document Writer (from BPPC-INF-SUP1) in session 2 Local False
Microsoft Office Document Image Writer (from BPPC-INF-SUP1) in session Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

2 Local False

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D2
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D4
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D7
Intel(R) 82801EB USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 24DD

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Autodesk DWF Viewer Autodesk, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SQLXML4 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Oracle - OraHome92 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
2003, Standard Edition
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Management Framework Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Base Smart Card Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cryptographic Service Provider
Lantronix Redirector - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Intel(R) PRO Network Adapters and - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
Lantronix UBox USB Device Server - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Herramientas de Microsoft SQL Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Server 2005
Libros en pantalla de Microsoft SQL Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Server 2005 (español)
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Premier Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Partner - ESN
Archivos auxiliares de instalación de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Microsoft SQL Server (español)
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AutoCAD 2006 - English Autodesk UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compatibilidad con versiones Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
anteriores de Microsoft SQL Server
Escritor de VSS de Microsoft SQL Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Microsoft Office 2003 Web Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reporting Services
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB925672) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Lantronix CPR (32bit) Lantronix UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Marvell Miniport Driver Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Estación de trabajo bppc-adm-sec.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.26GHz Not Assigned Lani Rodriguez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 38.28 GB 23.35 GB NTFS 3CE0E798
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 2F040L0 F1DNN32E 38.29 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 2F040L0 Unidad de disco - - -
SONY CD-RW CRX230ED Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:E0:4C:C1:C8:64 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp LaserJet 1300 PCL 6 Network False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Smart Link 56K Voice Modem Error
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player 11.5 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
(KB943729) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs

Estación de trabajo bppc-adm-an01.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_
Modelo D915GAV_ Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.06GHz Not Assigned Felicita Ojeda Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

502 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.55 GB 57.40 GB NTFS 60534C89
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG SP0802N 30534a30314a4c54303531373637202020202020 74.56 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG SP0802N Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-H10A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Intel(R) PRO/100 VE 00:16:76:4F:24:73 Not Assigned true -
Network Connection Network Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp LaserJet 1300 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2658
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2659
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265A
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265B
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 265C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Contacts Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Framework Feature Pack 1.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB927977) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Busca MP3 Abingerdale, Ltd. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) PRO Network Adapters and - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Beta de Windows Live (todos los Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hp LaserJet 1150 / 1300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 7

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
de sesión
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-ci-a15.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_

Modelo _____D91 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz Not Assigned Dagnery Aponte Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

510 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 68.55 GB NTFS 7C36ED49
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG SP0842N S0DWJ1FYB08115 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG SP0842N Unidad de disco - - -
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SH-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Intel(R) PRO/100 VE 00:13:20:6C:F9:B8 Not Assigned true -
Network Connection Network Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
Canon iR2022/2025/2030 UFRII LT Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2658
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2659
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265A
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265B
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 265C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) PRO Network Connections - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Color Network ScanGear Ver.2.21 Canon Inc UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-ci-aud10.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Jenny Bautista Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 26.76 GB NTFS 9C9B69CF
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 WD-WCAMA1386442 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8523B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:11:5B:66:FD:67 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
C-Media 3D Audio - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ProSavageDDR and Utilities - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
S3Display - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Gamma2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Info2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Overlay - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Softonic.com Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Fast Browser Search (My Tattoons) Make The Web Better, LLC UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs

Estación de trabajo bppc-cbr-as4.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Yolimar Matos Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 64.96 GB NTFS 5C0C6053
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800BB-00JHA0 4457572d4143394d333136313232203420202020 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800BB-00JHA0 Unidad de disco - - -
AOPEN CRW5232/AAO PRO Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:11:5B:66:F1:F4 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
C-Media WDM Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack

Estación de trabajo bppc-ci-aud17.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8237 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Liliana Castellanos Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

511 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 19.41 GB 7.83 GB NTFS 2CF2F398
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 6E020L0 E11V5LTE 19.42 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 6E020L0 Unidad de disco - - -
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SH-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC PCI 3Com NIC PCI 3Com 00:04:75:9D:FB:07 Not Assigned true -
EtherLink XL 10/100 EtherLink XL 10/100
PCI para PCI para
administración administración
completa del equipo completa del equipo
(3C905C-TX) (3C905C-TX)

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
C-Media WDM Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-ci-dir.bppc.gob Fabricante P4M80P
Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.40GHz Not Assigned Caja Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

959 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 74.53 GB 51.55 GB NTFS 6C77869D
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD080HJ 30534538314a5047303138333337202020202020 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
TSSTcorp CD-ROM SH-C522C Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
VC4003G PIF311L SCSI CdRom Device Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
SAMSUNG HD080HJ Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:19:21:7B:BD:55 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp psc 2170 series Local False
HP LaserJet P2014n Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
EPSON FX-890_2190 Manual - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Software de fotografía e imágenes Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP 2.0 - All-in-One
Windows Live installer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Motorola Phone Tools BVRP Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update Manager Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 Kaspersky Lab UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TuneUp Utilities 2009 TuneUp Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de fotografía e imágenes - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
HP 2.0 - hp psc 2170 series
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
VIA/S3G Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ShareIns Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de fotografía e imágenes Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP 2.0 - All-in-One Drivers
Avanquest update Avanquest Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
hp psc 2170 series ##HP_COMPANY_NAME## UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-ci-dep.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_

Modelo D845EPI_ Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.80GHz Not Assigned Rosaima Escandon Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

510 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 34.18 GB 17.94 GB NTFS 684AA84F
D: Local Disk 3.08 GB 1.06 GB NTFS CCAB25FB
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400EB-00CPF0 WD-WCAAT8841598 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400EB-00CPF0 Unidad de disco - - -
AOPEN CRW5232/AAO PRO Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC TX PCI 10/100 NIC TX PCI 10/100 00:50:04:A4:2B:2B Not Assigned true -
de 3Com EtherLink de 3Com EtherLink
XL (3C905B-TX) XL (3C905B-TX)

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
HP Deskjet 3840 Series Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801DB/DBM - 24C2
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801DB/DBM - 24C4
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801DB/DBM - 24C7

Información USB

Controladora de host universal mejorado 2.0 USB Intel (R) 82801DB/DBM - 24CD

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player 11.5 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) PRO Network Adapters and - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Deskjet 3840 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-cj-un5.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.
Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz Not Assigned Milagro Cartaya Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 26.89 GB NTFS 383D5FDC

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-23DEA0 4457572d414d3144374638353235 033 0 0 0 0 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-23DEA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:0D:87:C8:79:1C Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
hp LaserJet 1150 / 1300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
2003 Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-ci-dep1.ipapc.local Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266-8233 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.70GHz Not Assigned Diana Matheus Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

183 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 6.74 GB NTFS CC443F72
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400EB-00CPF0 WD-WCAAT8841625 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400EB-00CPF0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-152G Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:01:29:20:7E:16 Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
HP DeskJet 810C Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
C-Media 3D Audio - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sun Download Manager 2.0 (web) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Audio Driver Setup Program - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 2
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Sign-in Assistant Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XMLinst Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-cj-un8.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Tania Martinez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.30 GB 29.58 GB NTFS 2C872AE8

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG SV0411N S01RJ10XC17634 37.31 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG SV0411N Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:E0:4C:C1:C6:57 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior

Información USB

Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1150 / 1300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-ci-aud11.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8237 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.26GHz Not Assigned Elisnery Hurtado Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

223 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 18.64 GB 9.52 GB NTFS B8909504
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD200EB-34BHF0 WD-WMA6K5964548 18.65 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD200EB-34BHF0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SH-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:14:2A:8B:26:46 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
C-Media WDM Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
6 Update 1
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
2003 Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-con-a3.bppc.gob Fabricante MSI

Modelo MS-7267 Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.40GHz Not Assigned Yuraima Rivas Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

503 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 50.46 GB NTFS 646A497B
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
TCSDcor` CD-BOM SH-C5"2C Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:16:17:D2:AF:34 Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801GB USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801GB USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801GB USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801GB USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801GB USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Driver Package - Nokia Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Modem (06/12/2006
HP LaserJet P2015 Series 1.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
P2P_Max_ES Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Nokia PC Connectivity Solution Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppLJP2015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Product_SF_Full_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 16 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Product_SF_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Nokia PC Suite Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppIOFiles Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorePLS_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppFonts Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppTLBXFXP2015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorePLS_Full_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hpzTLBXFX Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Digimax Master Samsung UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppWebRegMM Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppManualsP2015 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
K-Lite Codec Pack 3.7.5 Full - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LimeWire 5.3.6 Lime Wire, LLC UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs

Estación de trabajo bppc-cj-un7.bppc.gob Fabricante Gateway

Modelo E-3400 Etiqueta de servicio 0023170629

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Not Assigned Carolina Rios Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

254 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 18.64 GB 10.23 GB NTFS 78167109
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD200EB-11BHF0 WD-WMA6K5418343 18.65 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD200EB-11BHF0 Unidad de disco - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
ATAPI CDROM. Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:C0:F0:31:E2:6A Not Assigned true -
Ethernet PCI basado Ethernet PCI basado
en Intel 21140 en Intel 21140
(Genérico) (Genérico)
Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:C0:F0:31:E2:6A Not Assigned true -
Ethernet PCI basado Ethernet PCI basado
en Intel 21140 en Intel 21140
(Genérico) (Genérico)

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
LaserMaster Unity 1200XL v47.0 Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
HP DeskJet 895Cse Local False
HP DeskJet 810C Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host universal USB Intel(R) 82801BA/BAM - 2442

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Spanish Language Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1150 / 1300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-cont-a01.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz Not Assigned Lenys Ramirez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 111.78 GB 104.56 GB NTFS 64EAC277

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 6Y120L0 Y35NEW3E 111.79 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 6Y120L0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:E0:4C:BD:9F:DE Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-con-con1.bppc.gob Fabricante AWARD_

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Acsaris Garcia Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 76.68 GB 60.00 GB NTFS 9C0011A7

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLAT20 Not Assigned 76.69 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLAT20 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

SiS 900-Based PCI SiS 900-Based PCI 00:11:09:D4:36:1E Not Assigned true -
Fast Ethernet Adapter Fast Ethernet Adapter

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host abierto SiS 7001 PCI a USB
Controladora de host abierto SiS 7001 PCI a USB

Información USB

Controladora de host abierto SiS 7001 PCI a USB
Controlador de host mejorado PCI a USB SiS

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
SiS VGA Utilities - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SiSAGP driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-con-con2.bppc.gob Fabricante ATI___

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz Not Assigned Ambar Herrera Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

446 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 76.32 GB 28.60 GB NTFS A888296D

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 6L080L0 L2447JVG 76.33 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 6L080L0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:16:76:3B:9C:75 Not Assigned true -
RTL8139/810x Family RTL8139/810x Family
Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp deskjet 845c en BPPC-INF-A12 (desde BPPC-INF-SIST3) Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Actualizacion PCC2000 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PCC2000 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Sentinel System Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ATI Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
System Requirements Lab - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
XMLinst Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Data Access Objects (DAO) 3.5 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Data Access Objects (DAO) SDK - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-con-sec.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.26GHz Not Assigned Adielis Lugo Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 38.28 GB 22.11 GB NTFS DCB8DDAF
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 2F040L0 F1DNN34E 38.29 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 2F040L0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
LITEON CD-ROM LTN526 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:E0:4C:C1:C7:07 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto


Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Estación de trabajo bppc-fac-01.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 7515A17 Etiqueta de servicio MJ04367

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Caja Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

989 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 137.73 GB NTFS 7447BA79
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 1.84 GB 1.03 GB FAT 6EB4D99E
F: Removable Disk 1.89 GB 748 MB FAT32 20329A09

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AAJS-08L7A0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Flash Drive SM_USB20 USB Device Not Assigned 1.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
SAMSUNG S5230 sdcard USB Device Not Assigned 1.83 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG S5230 sdcard USB Device Not Assigned 1.83 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AAJS-08L7A0 Unidad de disco - - -
Flash Drive SM_USB20 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
SAMSUNG S5230 sdcard USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH10N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Marvell Yukon Marvell Yukon 00:1C:25:DD:89:66 Not Assigned true -
88E8057 PCI-E 88E8057 PCI-E
Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet
Controller Controller

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet P2014 (Copiar 1) Local False
HP LaserJet P2014 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
EPSON FX-890_2190 Manual - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
intershare-esp Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-fac-02.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 7515A17 Etiqueta de servicio MJ04341

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Caja Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

989 MB 2.00 GB
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 132.92 GB NTFS 84412E2D
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 0259B863

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AAJS-08L7A0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AAJS-08L7A0 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH10N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Marvell Yukon Marvell Yukon 00:1C:25:DC:14:F8 Not Assigned true -
88E8057 PCI-E 88E8057 PCI-E
Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet
Controller Controller

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
EPSON FX-890_2190 Manual - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Toolbar Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Live Add-in 1.3 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Native v1.0 (x86)
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Outlook Connector Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Sync Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Search Enhancement Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Writer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Framework Services Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Native v1.0 (x86)
Windows Live Mail Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Junk Mail filter update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Edition [ENU]
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Marvell Miniport Driver Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
MrvlUsgTracking Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppMSRedist Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppusgP2010Series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSSupply Hewlett Packard Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Company L.P.
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Protección Infantil Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Galería fotográfica de Windows Live Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-caj-10.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 7515A17 Etiqueta de servicio MJ04111

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Caja Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

989 MB 2.00 GB
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 139.18 GB NTFS 5419B119
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 0236047B

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AAJS-08L7A0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AAJS-08L7A0 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH10N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Marvell Yukon Marvell Yukon 00:1C:25:DD:9E:6B Not Assigned true -
88E8057 PCI-E 88E8057 PCI-E
Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet
Controller Controller

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet P2014 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Marvell Miniport Driver Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TuneUp Utilities 2009 TuneUp Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Language Pack - ESN Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-cp-sec.bppc.gob Fabricante ATI___

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz Not Assigned Carmen Bravo Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

446 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 76.32 GB 26.86 GB NTFS 9C9C7296
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 3.72 GB 3.71 GB FAT32 C205FCD9

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 6L080L0 L244718G 76.33 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device Not Assigned 3.73 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Maxtor 6L080L0 Unidad de disco - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:16:76:3B:9E:69 Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ATI Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XMLinst Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
TuneUp Utilities 2009 TuneUp Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Codec Pack de ELISOFT v14.0 Elisoft UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Color LaserJet 2600n - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Actualización de seguridad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows XP (KB958644)
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSN - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Earth Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-fac-04.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 7515A17 Etiqueta de servicio MJ04338

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Caja Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

989 MB 2.00 GB
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 143.64 GB NTFS FC559100
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AAJS-08L7A0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AAJS-08L7A0 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH10N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Marvell Yukon Marvell Yukon 00:1C:25:DC:0E:92 Not Assigned true -
88E8057 PCI-E 88E8057 PCI-E
Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet
Controller Controller

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

EPSON FX-2190 ESC/P (Copiar 1) Local False
EPSON FX-2190 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
DriverMax 4 Innovative Solutions UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
EPSON FX-890_2190 Manual - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Marvell Miniport Driver Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSN - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Estación de trabajo bppc-fac-05.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 7515A17 Etiqueta de servicio MJ04364

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Caja Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

989 MB 2.00 GB
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 135.05 GB NTFS AC2E6EA1
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AAJS-08L7A0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AAJS-08L7A0 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH10N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Marvell Yukon Marvell Yukon 00:1C:25:DD:88:AB Not Assigned true -
88E8057 PCI-E 88E8057 PCI-E
Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet
Controller Controller

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
EPSON FX-890_2190 Manual - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Marvell Miniport Driver Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP

Estación de trabajo bppc-fin-an02.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9482BW8 Etiqueta de servicio MJ07758

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Andrivelys Garcia Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 232.88 GB 224.32 GB NTFS 65168CF9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
ST3250310AS 6RYH3XW6 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
ST3250310AS Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH10N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Marvell Yukon Marvell Yukon 00:21:97:3E:4D:11 Not Assigned true -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

88E8056 PCI-E 88E8056 PCI-E 00:21:97:3E:4D:11 Not Assigned true -
Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet
Controller Controller

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
Epson LX-300+ Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Marvell Miniport Driver Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-fin-a1.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Ana Sarabia Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 26.45 GB NTFS 74ACAACB
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-23JHC0 WD-WMAMA2938143 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-23JHC0 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8523B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:11:5B:69:2D:95 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2014n (Copiar 1) Local False
HP LaserJet P2014n Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto


Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
C-Media 3D Audio - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
S3Display - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Gamma2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Info2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Overlay - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MrvlUsgTracking Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Internet Explorer 8 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise McAfee, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
McAfee Agent McAfee, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
ProSavageDDR and Utilities - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-fin-an03.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9482BW8 Etiqueta de servicio MJ02677

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Yuraima Olivo Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 227.65 GB 215.42 GB NTFS F4575F5C
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD2500AAJS-08B4A0 WD-WMAT15933320 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD2500AAJS-08B4A0 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH10N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Marvell Yukon Marvell Yukon 00:1C:25:D6:4F:86 Not Assigned true -
88E8056 PCI-E 88E8056 PCI-E
Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet
Controller Controller

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2014 Local False
Epson LX-300+ Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Update Helper Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.1.7 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Marvell Miniport Driver Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MrvlUsgTracking Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSSupply Hewlett Packard Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Company L.P.
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Java(TM) 6 Update 17 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-fin-a3.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Caja Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

991 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 21.10 GB NTFS C4ACC4DB
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 Not Assigned 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 Unidad de disco - - -
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SH-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
KZQDA 89MRSX2NWP SCSI CdRom Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:11:5B:66:F2:9A Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False
Epson FX-2180 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
C-Media 3D Audio - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.1.7 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 7 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 8
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Estación de trabajo bppc-fac-an01.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8237 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Dignora Quevedo Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

223 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 23.83 GB NTFS AC1A1551

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 WD-WMAMC2650729 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:11:5B:6E:16:F2 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto


Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
C-Media WDM Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hp LaserJet 1150 / 1300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 10
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
OmniPage SE ScanSoft, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
HP Deskjet 3740 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Live Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Protección Infantil Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Galería fotográfica de Windows Live Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 17 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Toolbar Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Live Add-in 1.3 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
de sesión
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Native v1.0 (x86)
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Outlook Connector Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Sync Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Search Enhancement Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Writer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Framework Services Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Native v1.0 (x86)
Windows Live Mail Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Junk Mail filter update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Edition [ENU]
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
EPSON FX-890_2190 Manual - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-fin-an7.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_

Modelo D915GLVG Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz Not Assigned Claritza Santos Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

502 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 76.68 GB 60.48 GB NTFS 58F69A35
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 01D6AF98

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLAT20 PFD200S2D7983B 76.69 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLAT20 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SH-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Intel(R) PRO/100 VE 00:13:20:C5:8A:6F Not Assigned true -
Network Connection Network Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto


Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2658
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2659
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265A
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265B
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 265C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem 1.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Vodafone 804SS USB driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live OneCare safety - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Manual del dispositivo Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Yahoo! Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 5 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
X-VDO MP4 F610 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Avanquest update Avanquest Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Samsung PC Studio Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Frequently
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft ActiveSync Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 7.0.8 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Motorola Phone Tools BVRP Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java 2 Runtime Environment SE - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XMLinst Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Samsung PC Studio 3 USB Driver Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
X-Micro X-VDO MP4 F610 X-VDO MP4 F610 UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java Web Start - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
1.0 for Windows XP
MSN - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) PRO Network Adapters and - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SAMSUNG CDMA Modem Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-fin-dep.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHPDT4

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Daisy Navas Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 47.39 GB NTFS 845383B3
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800JD-08MSA1 Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800JD-08MSA1 Unidad de disco - - -
ATAPI DVD D DH16D1S Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:70:B0 Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp psc 2500 series fax Local False
hp psc 2500 series Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB


Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SkinsHP2 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
2500 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Junk Mail filter update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AIOMinimal Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Edition [ENU]
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 3.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2400_2500trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photo & Imaging 3.1 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Corporation) Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PC-Doctor 5 for Windows PC-Doctor, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Picasa 2 Google, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Protección Infantil Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Galería fotográfica de Windows Live Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Memories Disc Creator 2.0 Memories Disc Creator 2.0 UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 6
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Toolbar Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Language Pack - ESN Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Live Add-in 1.3 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2400_2500Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Diskeeper Lite Diskeeper Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Native v1.0 (x86)
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Frequently
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
23_24_2500Tour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Outlook Connector Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Sync Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Search Enhancement Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hpmdtab Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 7.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Live Writer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Framework Services Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Native v1.0 (x86)
Windows Live Mail Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-fin-sec.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKX9

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Ilse Torres Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 50.68 GB NTFS 287D6ACC
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E83460

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:96:C5 Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 6
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-sec.ipapc.mail Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHALD1

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Felicita Ojeda Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 29.43 GB NTFS DCAD149D
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:77:C9 Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP remote printers Local False
hp psc 2500 series fax Local False
hp psc 2500 series Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 6 Local False
hp LaserJet 1300 PCL 6 Local False
hp deskjet 845c series Local False
hp color LaserJet 3550 Local False
Adobe PDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hpmdtab Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe CMaps Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Color - Photoshop Specific Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PDF Settings Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Setup Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Camera Raw 4.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjectsTemplates Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocumentViewer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Bridge 1.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Default Language CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit 2 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Suite Specific Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe PDF Library Files Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SkinsHP2 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
Adobe Color Common Settings Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Color JA Extra Settings Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Update Manager CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Help Center 1.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppWebRegMM Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppManualsP2015 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2500 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Color NA Extra Settings Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional - Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Español, Italiano, Português
Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Avira GmbH UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HijackThis 2.0.2 TrendMicro UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Malwarebytes Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CCleaner (remove only) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DriverMax 4 Innovative Solutions UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P2015 Series 1.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Image Zone 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Names Mitigation APIs Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Creative Suite 2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Adobe Help Viewer CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
7300Trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Bridge Start Meeting Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
Adobe WinSoft Linguistics Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Diagnostic Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Photoshop CS2 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Stock Photos CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
7300_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Memories Disc Creator 2.0 Memories Disc Creator 2.0 UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 6
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Product_SF_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Linguistics CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppIOFiles Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorePLS_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppFonts Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Fonts All Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Asset Services CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2400_2500Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Color EU Recommended Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Stock Photos 1.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe XMP Panels CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Color LaserJet 3550 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
23_24_2500Tour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Device Central CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Type Support Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Common File Installer Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Anchor Service CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
7300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2400_2500trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Bridge CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-sgp-a01.bppc.gob Fabricante PCCHIPS

Modelo P53G Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Jesus Guevara Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

958 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 137.30 GB NTFS 60866E93
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 56.18 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 54.77 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 54.76 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 54.76 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 54.76 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 55.12 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 55.06 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 55.02 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 54.98 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 54.97 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 54.96 GB NTFS 64355FB9
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 54.97 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 54.99 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 55.02 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 55.00 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 54.96 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 54.79 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 54.16 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 54.06 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 54.08 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 54.08 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 53.59 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 52.91 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 52.93 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 52.70 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 52.60 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 52.65 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 53.04 GB NTFS 64355FB9
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 53.11 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 52.96 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 52.95 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 52.94 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 52.93 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 WD-W WD-WCAP99916580 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-STDVDRAM GH20NS15 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:1E:90:98:85:68 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP remote printers Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
PrimoPDF Local False
HP remote printers Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
Adobe PDF Local False
PrimoPDF Local False
HP remote printers Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
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HP remote printers Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
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hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
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información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
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hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
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hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
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hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
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HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
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Adobe PDF Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP remote printers Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
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hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
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hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
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HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
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hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
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HP remote printers Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
Adobe PDF Local False
PrimoPDF Local False
HP remote printers Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
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información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP remote printers Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
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HP remote printers Local False
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HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
Adobe PDF Local False
PrimoPDF Local False
HP remote printers Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
Adobe PDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior

Información USB

Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Image Zone 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB925672) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional - Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Español, Italiano, Português
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Barra de herramientas ALOT ALOT UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Earth Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Platform VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Diagnostic Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
2600Trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjectsTemplates Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocumentViewer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Autodesk DWF Viewer Autodesk, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Color LaserJet 2600n - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Platform Device Manager VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
K-Lite Codec Pack 2.82 Full - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA/S3G Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA Rhine-Family Fast Ethernet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AutoCAD 2006 - Español Autodesk UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
de sesión
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Outlook Connector Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-com-a5.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Ruth Prato Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

223 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 28.29 GB NTFS 70992D17

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-23JHC0 WD-WMAMA2938101 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-23JHC0 Unidad de disco - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:11:5B:68:56:EC Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP DeskJet 840C/841C/842C/843C Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 8 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-ing-dep7.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHPDV1

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Ibrahim Gomez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 46.72 GB NTFS B0C2B5A4
D: Compact Disc 17 MB 0 b CDFS 455A295E

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800JD-08MSA1 Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800JD-08MSA1 Unidad de disco - - -
ATAPI DVD D DH16D1S Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:AB:E9 Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
Adobe PDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Autodesk DWF Viewer Autodesk, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AutoCAD 2006 - Español Autodesk UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Diskeeper Lite Diskeeper Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional - Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Español, Italiano, Português
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Toolbar Button for IE Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Power Log 2.6 Fluke Electronics Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Cronograma de Obra - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 6

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-ing-sec2.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Cecilia Rodriguez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2180 @ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 109.70 GB NTFS E47A0A6F

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:88:12:E6 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.0.17) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
6 Update 1
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-ing-st02.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_

Modelo _____D91 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz Not Assigned Cilo Gonzalez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1022 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 22.36 GB NTFS 68A6857B
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG SP0842N 30535744314a5930354234313439202020202020 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG SP0842N Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
BENQ DVD DD DW1640 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Intel(R) PRO/100 VE 00:13:20:6C:FA:32 Not Assigned true -
Network Connection Network Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP DeskJet 895Cxi Local False
HP Designjet T1100ps 44in PS3 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2658
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2659

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265A
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265B
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 265C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
ATI Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Nero CoverDesigner Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
NeroBurningROM Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP ICC Profiles Hewlett Packard, Co. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Live Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Movie Templates - Starter Kit Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero WaveEditor Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Installer Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Disc Copy Gadget Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
ATI - Utilidad de desinstalación de - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Software de conexiones de red - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) PRO v10.0.26.0
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Panel de Control de ATI - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 17 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Intel(R) PROSafe for Wired Intel UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ATI HydraVision - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 9.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AutoCAD 2009 - Español Autodesk UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Autodesk Design Review 2009 Autodesk, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Autodesk DWF Viewer Autodesk, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Designjet T1100 Printer Series Hewlett-Packard Co. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
3D Home Architect Home Design Broderbund UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Deluxe 6
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 Kaspersky Lab UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Nero ShowTime Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero BurningROM Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero PhotoSnap Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148
Nero InfoTool Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero StartSmart Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero DriveSpeed Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Recode Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Rescue Agent Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Nero Vision Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VBA (2627.01) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VBA (2627.4) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
neroxml Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AutoCAD 2006 - Español Autodesk UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
NeroExpress Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Registro web de HP Hewlett Packard, Co. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero RescueAgent Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Disc Copy Gadget Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero CoverDesigner Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Utility Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Proactive Services Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Nero StartSmart Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Live Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero BurnRights Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
Nero Express Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero DiscSpeed Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
"Nero SoundTrax Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero PhotoSnap Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero WaveEditor Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ImagXpress Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Recode Help Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 6.0 Parser Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DolbyFiles Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Advertising Center Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Menu Templates - Starter Kit Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero ControlCenter Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SoundTrax Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo bppc-ing-st04.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.26GHz Not Assigned Daniel Gutierrez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

991 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 64.52 GB NTFS 64EE4DB4
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800BB-00JHC0 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800BB-00JHC0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SH-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:0D:87:C9:EC:02 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP Designjet T1100ps 44in PS3 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Autodesk DWF Viewer Autodesk, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
UnloadSupport Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AutoCAD 2006 - Español Autodesk UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
eSupportQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PanoStandAlone Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VideoToolkit01 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
HP Photosmart Essential2.01 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
DeviceDiscovery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Cámaras Photosmart 9.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DeviceManagementQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
HPProductAssistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SolutionCenter Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CameraDrivers Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PSSWCORE Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Status Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Imaging Device Functions 9.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photosmart Essential 2.01 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Solution Center 9.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
InstantShareDevicesMFC Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CameraUserGuides Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hpiCamDrvQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-ing-sec.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKZ0

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Zoraida Son Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 10.45 GB NTFS A4512072

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:78:73 Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PC-Doctor 5 for Windows PC-Doctor, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Picasa 2 Google, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Welcome Message - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Java(TM) 6 Update 14 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Diskeeper Lite Diskeeper Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 7.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN

Estación de trabajo bppc-ing-st03.bppc.gob Fabricante PCCHIPS

Modelo P17G Etiqueta de servicio 1131

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Rebeca Diaz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 121.87 GB NTFS 3CE6AB03
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH20NS15 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:19:21:31:50:62 Not Assigned true -
RTL8139/810x Family RTL8139/810x Family
Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet NIC
Tarjeta de red Fast Tarjeta de red Fast 00:19:21:31:50:62 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Compaq Ethernet Compaq
NC3121 NC3121

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp deskjet 845c (desde BPPC-INF-A12) Local False
PrimoPDF Local False
HP Designjet T1100ps 44in PS3 Local False
HP DesignJet 500 42 by HP Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Autodesk DWF Viewer Autodesk, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
AutoCAD 2006 - Español Autodesk UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
On-line Help Console - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
SigmaTel Audio SigmaTel UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
TuneUp Utilities 2009 TuneUp Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Office Password Recovery Magic Password Recovery Magic Studio UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
v6.1.1.50 Ltd.
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Designjet 500-800 series FUU Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-ing-un4.bppc.gob Fabricante ATI___

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz Not Assigned Maria Flores Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

958 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 57.62 GB NTFS 782B6179
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
MAXTOR STM380215A Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8486B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
MAXTOR STM380215A Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:16:76:25:37:58 Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
Adobe PDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ATI Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AutoCAD 2006 - Español Autodesk UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
REALTEK Gigabit and Fast Ethernet REALTEK Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional - Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Español, Italiano, Português
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
de sesión
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Hoyle Puzzle and Board Games Encore UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Bandoo Discordia Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Autodesk DWF Viewer Autodesk, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo BPPC-ING-UN1 Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-liq-liq2.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz Not Assigned Jose Quijada Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 38.28 GB 28.05 GB NTFS FC0BB7B7

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 2F040L0 F1DNN0VE 38.29 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 2F040L0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:E0:4C:BD:9F:DB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
ProSavageDDR and Utilities - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
S3Display - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Gamma2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Info2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Overlay - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Vinyl Audio Codecs Driver Setup - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Product Detection Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
EPSON FX-890_2190 Manual - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0

Estación de trabajo bppc-ing-un6.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.26GHz Not Assigned controls Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 64.99 GB NTFS C44A4844
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800LB-00DNA0 4457572d41435744363137313231 032 0 0 0 0 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800LB-00DNA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SH-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:11:5B:54:A5:E3 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP Deskjet D2300 series Local False
HP DeskJet 840C/841C/842C/843C Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
hph_readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPPhotoSmartExpress Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hph_software Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPProductAssistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
eSupportQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Toolbox Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photosmart Essential HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CustomerResearchQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Status Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
D2300_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
DeviceManagementQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hph_ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hph_software_req Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SolutionCenter Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
D2300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photosmart and Deskjet 7.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Software (esn)
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
C-Media WDM Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Imaging Device Functions 7.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Solution Center 7.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Customer Participation Program HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-opm-sec3.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_

Modelo D845GVFN Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz Not Assigned Oksana Mata Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

509 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.55 GB 45.01 GB NTFS B4AC3031
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 00BB1124

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG SP0822N S06QJ10Y601255 74.56 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
SAMSUNG SP0822N Unidad de disco - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SH-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Intel(R) PRO/100 VE 00:11:11:92:8A:0F true -
Network Connection Network Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp psc 2170 series Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801DB/DBM - 24C2
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801DB/DBM - 24C4
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801DB/DBM - 24C7
Controladora de host universal mejorado 2.0 USB Intel (R) 82801DB/DBM - 24CD

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Software de fotografía e imágenes - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP 2.0 - hp psc 2170 series
hp psc 2170 series ##HP_COMPANY_NAME## UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Downlevel APIs Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) PRO Network Adapters and - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Software de fotografía e imágenes Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP 2.0 - All-in-One Drivers
Intel(R) Extreme Graphics Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Software de fotografía e imágenes Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP 2.0 - All-in-One
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Disco de recuerdos de HP Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Estación de trabajo bppc-ing-un3.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Mariely Aular Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2180 @ 2.00GHz
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 140.24 GB NTFS CC35C6B6

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:88:12:F6 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
HP DeskJet 840C/841C/842C/843C Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal

Información USB

Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Reader 8.1.3 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-opm-un04.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKG3

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Pedro Soto Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 21.49 GB NTFS 2CE6FE24
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 00EC66F7

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDRH10N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:96:5A Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
AGFA-AccuSet v52.3 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
QuickTime Apple Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 6
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Apple Software Update Apple Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 7.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
TuneUp Utilities 2009 TuneUp Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.0.17) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-opm-un.bppc.gob Fabricante P4M80P

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.26GHz Not Assigned Luis Reveron Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

446 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.50 GB 43.88 GB NTFS 744DC216
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 892 MB 9 MB FAT32 D7BCACF6

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800BB-75DKA0 WD-WMAHL3302433 74.50 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Apple iPod USB Device Not Assigned 972 MB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800BB-75DKA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Apple iPod USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8482B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC PCI 3Com NIC PCI 3Com 00:01:03:E9:8E:5F Not Assigned true -
EtherLink XL 10/100 EtherLink XL 10/100
PCI para PCI para
administración administración
completa del equipo completa del equipo
(3C905C-TX) (3C905C-TX)

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA/S3G Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Components Pack 1.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-opm-su15.ipapc.mail Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Hugo Navas Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2180 @ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 119.48 GB NTFS D070694A

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:88:12:4B Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
QuickTime Apple Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Apple Software Update Apple Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-jur-02.bppc.gob Fabricante Gateway

Modelo E-3400 Etiqueta de servicio 0023170628

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Not Assigned Carmen Diaz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

190 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 18.64 GB 9.68 GB NTFS ACFDE6E9

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD200EB-11BHF0 WD-WMA6K5436626 18.65 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
WDC WD200EB-11BHF0 Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Controlador Fast Controlador Fast 00:E0:B8:30:30:12 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet integrado Ethernet integrado
3Com 3C920 3Com 3C920
(compatible 3C905C- (compatible 3C905C-

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 (Copiar 1) Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host universal USB Intel(R) 82801BA/BAM - 2442

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
1.0 for Windows XP
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
hp LaserJet 1150 / 1300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Estación de trabajo bppc-pres-pres.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKL2

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Emir Aranguren Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 45.49 GB NTFS E4777B32
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDRH10N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:78:2D Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp psc 2500 series fax Local False
hp psc 2500 series Local False
HP Despacho Bolipueros Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player 11.5 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photo & Imaging 3.1 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Memories Disc Creator 2.0 Memories Disc Creator 2.0 UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 6
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2400_2500Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
23_24_2500Tour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hpmdtab Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SkinsHP2 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
2500 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AIOMinimal Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 3.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2400_2500trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally

Estación de trabajo bppc-cord12.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKX2

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Ana Moran Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.54 GB 54.88 GB NTFS 196EEBF9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Officejet 7410 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
HP Officejet 7410 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:C0:F0:30:8F:48 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet PCI basado Ethernet PCI basado
en Intel 21140 en Intel 21140
(Genérico) (Genérico)

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada


información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP remote printers Local False
HP Officejet 7400 series fax Local False
HP Officejet 7400 series Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
CreativeProjectsTemplates Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocumentViewer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
HP Image Zone 4.7 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Extended Capabilities 4.7 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ScannerCopy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Product Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.7 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
7300_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
7400 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
7300Trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XP Codec Pack - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
cp_dwShrek2Albums1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PanoStandAlone Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
cp_dwShrek2Cards1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CP_AtenaShokunin1Config Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-pto-dep2.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKY8

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Rogers Cayama Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 50.78 GB NTFS FCDFB74A
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:78:72 Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P1505 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppMSRedist Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HPSSupply Hewlett Packard Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Company L.P.
Diskeeper Lite Diskeeper Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 7.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P1500 series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Picasa 2 Google, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MrvlUsgTracking Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 6

Estación de trabajo bppc-rins-an3.bppc.gob Fabricante P4M80P
Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.40GHz Not Assigned Adriana Inojosa Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

959 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 58.38 GB NTFS 480DD484
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD080HJ 30534538314a5047303138333437202020202020 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD080HJ Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp CD-ROM SH-C522C Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:19:21:7D:3F:2E Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP CLJ 4700 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto


Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 15 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
6 Update 1
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Mozilla Firefox (3.0.3) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Color LaserJet 4700 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA Administrador de dispositivos de VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA/S3G Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Platform VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally

Estación de trabajo bppc-rins-an01.bppc.gob Fabricante P4M80P

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.40GHz Not Assigned Jenny Flores Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

959 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 31.34 GB NTFS 4406832C
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD080HJ 30534538314a5047303138333237202020202020 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD080HJ Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp CD-ROM SH-C522C Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:19:21:7D:41:C6 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP DeskJet 840C/841C/842C/843C Local False
HP Color LaserJet 4700 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Paquete de controladores de AnyDATA Corporated UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows - AnyDATA Corporated
(adusbser) Modem (09/21/2006

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Paquete de controladores de AnyDATA Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows - AnyDATA Corporation
(adusbser) Ports (09/21/2006
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
FontNav Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VBA Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ES Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Update Manager Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Protección Infantil Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Galería fotográfica de Windows Live Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Toolbar Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Live Add-in 1.3 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Native v1.0 (x86)
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Outlook Connector Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Sync Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Search Enhancement Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Writer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Framework Services Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Native v1.0 (x86)
Windows Live Mail Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Junk Mail filter update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Edition [ENU]
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCleaner (remove only) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Color LaserJet 4700 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Actualización de seguridad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows XP (KB958644)
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
VIA/S3G Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-pto-an01.bppc.gob Fabricante ECS

Modelo P4M800PRO-M Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Antonietta Ritrovato Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 44.37 GB NTFS D4F3328D
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800BB-00JHA0 4457572d4143394d333135313138203220202020 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800BB-00JHA0 Unidad de disco - - -
TDK CDRW5201B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:19:21:0A:EA:2E Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP Color LaserJet 2600n Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
avast! Antivirus Alwil Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Commercial Scanjet 5590 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TWAIN Driver
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA/S3G Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPScanjet5590Corporate11 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-an02.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Jazmin Pacheco Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 34.18 GB 24.12 GB NTFS E08F9007
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 2F040L0 31464e44314e4552202020202020202020202020 38.29 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 2F040L0 Unidad de disco - - -
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SH-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:E0:4C:BD:9F:E6 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppIOFiles Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppMSRedist Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorePLS_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppFonts Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
CustomerResearchQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppWebRegMM Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppManualsP2015 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Google Updater Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P2015 Series 1.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de proveedor base de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
servicios de cifrado para tarjetas
inteligentes de Microsoft
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Winup 2.7 Winup UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
6 Update 1
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Product_SF_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-sede-cbr02.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKP0

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Rigoberto Canizales Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 32.20 GB NTFS 18BE504A
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:77:FE Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TuneUp Utilities 2009 TuneUp Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P2015 Series 1.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Saint Contabilidad 4.5 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
hppLJP2015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Product_SF_Full_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Product_SF_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppIOFiles Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorePLS_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppFonts Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppTLBXFXP2015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CorePLS_Full_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hpzTLBXFX Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 7.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppWebRegMM Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppManualsP2015 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-sec.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz Not Assigned Milagros Lopez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

223 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 38.28 GB 31.29 GB NTFS 50A2E115

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 6K040L0 K11JVYDG 38.29 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 6K040L0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:E0:4C:C1:C7:BB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 6 Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 5e Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P2015 Series 1.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppFonts Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BitDefender Deployment Tool BitDefender UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppWebRegMM Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppManualsP2015 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA Vinyl Audio Codecs Driver Setup - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Update 11 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Product_SF_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppIOFiles Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorePLS_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-segin-1.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.06GHz Not Assigned Gabriela Latouche Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

502 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.55 GB 63.36 GB NTFS ECFE8271
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG SP0822N S06QJ20L457170 74.56 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG SP0822N Unidad de disco - - -
AOPEN DUW1608/ARR Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:13:8F:C9:63:DC Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D2
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D4
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D7
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24DE
Intel(R) 82801EB USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 24DD

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
C-Media 3D Audio - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Earth Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Extreme Graphics 2 Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Update Helper Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
C-Media WDM Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Chrome Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-serg-a21.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_

Modelo D915PGN_ Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Wilfredo Diaz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

509 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.50 GB 57.60 GB NTFS 98891DDB
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLAT20 PFD2T5SEST3YKX 74.50 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLAT20 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
TSSTcorp CD-ROM SH-C522C Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:08:A1:8C:94:E9 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet PCI CNet Ethernet PCI CNet
PRO200 PRO200
Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:08:A1:8C:94:E9 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet PCI Ethernet PCI
Based Based

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2658
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2659
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265A
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265B
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 265C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Driver Package - Nokia Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Modem (11/03/2006
Windows Driver Package - Nokia Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(WUDFRd) WPD (11/03/2006
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.5
Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Update 11
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
PC Connectivity Solution Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Nokia PC Suite Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XMLinst Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Estación de trabajo bppc-serg-a23.bppc.gob Fabricante MSI

Modelo MS-7267 Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.40GHz Not Assigned Liliana Miranda Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

503 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 38.91 GB NTFS 90C9A5DB
D: Compact Disc 438 MB 0 b CDFS 5F4BB010

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SH-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:16:17:D4:21:36 Not Assigned true -
RTL8139/810x Family RTL8139/810x Family
Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

Adobe PDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801GB USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801GB USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801GB USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801GB USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801GB USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 - esn
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PC Assistant - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack SP1 - esn
RTLSetup 2.50.503 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional - Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Español, Italiano, Português
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently

Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-seg02.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.
Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.80GHz Not Assigned Seguro Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

247 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 30.57 GB NTFS FC44E97F
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400EB-00CPF0 WD-WCAAT7306829 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400EB-00CPF0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8521B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:E0:4C:A1:4D:98 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP Deskjet F4200 series Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photosmart Essential 3.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbox Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Escritorio movistar Latam Movistar UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
ZTE Drivers v1.2050.0.10 ZTE Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TuneUp Utilities 2009 TuneUp Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Customer Participation Program HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
ProSavageDDR and Utilities - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
S3Display - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Gamma2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Info2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Overlay - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
VIA Vinyl Audio Codecs Driver Setup - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PSSWCORE Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
VideoToolkit01 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 16 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
DJ_AIO_03_F4200_Software Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CustomerResearchQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DJ_AIO_03_F4200_Software_Min Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Deskjet F4200 All-In-One Driver HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Software 11.0 Rel .3
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photosmart Essential 2.5 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-serg-alm.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.26GHz Not Assigned Marlitt Martinez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

735 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 38.28 GB 11.42 GB NTFS D426A7A9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 2F040L0 F1DNMZ9E 38.29 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 2F040L0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SH-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:E0:4C:C1:C7:08 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP DeskJet 720C Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Free Mp3 Wma Converter V 1.81 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 9 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ShareIns Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system

Estación de trabajo bppc-serg-sup1.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Nailibeth Velasquez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2180 @ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 129.05 GB NTFS 4C848926
D: Local Disk 37.26 GB 21.82 GB NTFS 04C9F6C1
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD400LB-60DNA1 WD-WCADY1429445 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -
WDC WD400LB-60DNA1 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8523B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:88:45:59 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Motorola Phone Tools BVRP Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebMate KYE UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Roxio Media Manager Roxio UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Avanquest update Avanquest Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8.1.3 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Writer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Mail Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Eye 110 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Junk Mail filter update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Ares 2.1.2 Ares Development Group UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Deutz Engine - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BlackBerry Desktop Software 4.3 Research In Motion Ltd. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Free Realms Installer Sony Online Entertainment UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Huawei Conexion a internet Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.1 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Messenger Plus! Live Patchou UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
MyPlayCity Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Treasures of the Ancient Cavern MyPlayCity, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-serg-alm02.ipapc.mail Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Alberto Lameh Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 21.68 GB NTFS C8A4BCA4
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E6E1D2

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 4457572d4143394d353233373334203920202020 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8523B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:11:5B:68:58:A3 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Herramientas de Microsoft SQL Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Server 2005 Express Edition
Visual C++ 2008 x86 Runtime - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 9.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MyPlayCity Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
ProSavageDDR and Utilities - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
S3Display - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Gamma2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Info2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Overlay - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Visual C++ 2008 x64 Runtime - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Visual C++ 2008 IA64 Runtime - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 7 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Macromedia Flash Player 8 Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Macromedia Flash Player 8 Plugin Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-sgp-a09.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKG1

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Juan Linares Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 60.79 GB NTFS D0D10C15
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDRH10N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:78:2F Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Corporation) Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Encoder 9 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft XML Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) IPP Run-Time Installer 5.2 Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
for Windows* on IA-32
OnGuard 2008 Lenel Systems International Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DirectX for Managed Code Update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Summer 2004)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Download Manager NOS Microsystems Ltd. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)

Estación de trabajo bppc-sgp-a10.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

223 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 25.83 GB NTFS B8BE71A4

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-23DEA0 WD-WMAD1F756670 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-23DEA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:0D:87:C0:DB:C3 Not Assigned Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb
NIC PCI 3Com NIC PCI 3Com 00:01:02:33:B0:26 Not Assigned true -
EtherLink XL 10/100 EtherLink XL 10/100
PCI para PCI para
administración administración
completa del equipo completa del equipo
(3C905C-TX) (3C905C-TX)

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp deskjet 3600 series Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
C-Media 3D Audio - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CCleaner (remove only) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Framework Feature Pack 1.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp deskjet 3600 series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photo & Imaging 3.1 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Macromedia Shockwave Player Macromedia, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Non Driver CIO Components - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA Audio Driver Setup Program - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA Vinyl Audio Codecs Driver Setup - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Encoder 9 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office 2000 Premium Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Memories Disc Creator 2.0 Memories Disc Creator 2.0 UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft XML Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) IPP Run-Time Installer 5.2 Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
for Windows* on IA-32
OnGuard 2008 Lenel Systems International Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2400_2500Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Office system
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
23_24_2500Tour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hpmdtab Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8.1.1 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SkinsHP2 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2500 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DirectX for Managed Code Update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Summer 2004)
AIOMinimal Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 3.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2400_2500trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de seguridad para el Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Codificador de Windows Media
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-sgp-a21.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO
Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKT3

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Sergio Romero Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 54.62 GB NTFS 48D4C459
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:78:13 Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 10 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft XML Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) IPP Run-Time Installer 5.2 Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
for Windows* on IA-32
OnGuard 2008 Lenel Systems International Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Reader 7.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DirectX for Managed Code Update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Summer 2004)
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de seguridad para el Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Codificador de Windows Media
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Encoder 9 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-sgp-a22.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Nadia Seco Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 38.28 GB 28.11 GB NTFS 54D1D093
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 6K040L0 314b4a3159564746202020202020202020202020 38.29 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 6K040L0 Unidad de disco - - -
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SH-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:11:5B:68:59:FF Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
C30e Card Printer Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM4) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Printer Driver Software - - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DTC510_515 Card Printer
Windows Media Encoder 9 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft XML Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) IPP Run-Time Installer 5.2 Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
for Windows* on IA-32
OnGuard 2008 Lenel Systems International Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DirectX for Managed Code Update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Summer 2004)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de seguridad para el Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Codificador de Windows Media
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0

Estación de trabajo bppc-sgp-an2.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHALC3

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Celis Decan Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 46.35 GB NTFS 505F224D
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:77:28 Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp deskjet 845c Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Java(TM) 6 Update 14 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft XML Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) IPP Run-Time Installer 5.2 Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
for Windows* on IA-32
OnGuard 2008 Lenel Systems International Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Diskeeper Lite Diskeeper Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DirectX for Managed Code Update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Summer 2004)
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PC-Doctor 5 for Windows PC-Doctor, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Picasa 2 Google, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Encoder 9 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB933579) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-sgp-a17.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Luis Piña Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2180 @ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 128.22 GB NTFS 0CCB5725
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 965 MB 16 MB FAT32 BF53340F

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
LG USB Drive USB Device Not Assigned 964 MB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -
LG USB Drive USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp CD-ROM SH-C522C Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:88:12:FE Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

DTC510_515 Card Printer Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM4) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
OnGuard 2008 Lenel Systems International Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
neroxml Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack SP1 - esn
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
WinINSTALL LE Default Manufacturer UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
msi.msi Default Manufacturer UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 9.1 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
DirectX for Managed Code Update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Summer 2004)
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Mozilla Firefox (3.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 8 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Actualización de seguridad para el Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Codificador de Windows Media

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Corporation) Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 - esn
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Printer Driver Software - - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DTC510_515 Card Printer
SmartGuard - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Media Encoder 9 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft XML Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) IPP Run-Time Installer 5.2 Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
for Windows* on IA-32
VCRedistSetup Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo BPPC-SGP-PBIP1 Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-sia-depii.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Osmar Abinazar Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

351 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 29.29 GB 13.40 GB NTFS 609D1A63
D: Local Disk 7.97 GB 7.21 GB NTFS 00915718
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 WD-WCAMA1443856 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 Unidad de disco - - -
LG CD-ROM CRD-8480M Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador PCI Fast Adaptador PCI Fast 00:C0:F0:2D:74:81 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible
communications Lite- communications Lite-
On On

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Chrome Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Xvid 1.2.1 final uninstall Xvid team (Koepi) UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Updater Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Internet Explorer 8 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Complemento Guardar como PDF o Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XPS de Microsoft para programas de
Microsoft Office 2007
Google Update Helper Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 9.1 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Earth Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Java(TM) 6 Update 17 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-sgp-dep02.bppc.gob Fabricante P4M80P

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.06GHz Not Assigned Miguel Herrera Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1022 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 49.91 GB NTFS 08598ECD
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800BB-00JHA0 WD-WCAM91314853 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
WDC WD800BB-00JHA0 Unidad de disco - - -
BENQ DVD DC DQ60 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8525B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:01:6C:FD:60:96 Not Assigned true -
RTL8139/810x Family RTL8139/810x Family
Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP PSC 500 (Copiar 1) Local False
HP PSC 500 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Surveillix Remote ver 2.3.2 Surveillix UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
VIA Administrador de dispositivos de VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Lobezno X-Men - Los Orígenes(TM) Activision UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
1.0 for Windows XP
MSN - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Nero OEM - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PDFlib 3.03 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 7.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
KWorld PVR-TV 7131 WDM Drivers - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Audio Driver Setup Program - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Encoder 9 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XviD Video Codec 04102002-1 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
(Koepi's build with EPSZ ME)
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIASetup VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Loquendo TTS Carlos 6.6.0 Loquendo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 2 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 3 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft XML Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) IPP Run-Time Installer 5.2 Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
for Windows* on IA-32
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
OnGuard 2008 Lenel Systems International Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Earth Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PVR Plus - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NVIDIA PhysX NVIDIA Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Activision(R) Activision UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Audition 1.5 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Outlook Connector Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek RTL8139/810x Fast Ethernet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver Setup
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
KWorld PVR-TV 7131/5 Utilities - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DirectX for Managed Code Update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Summer 2004)
Loquendo TTS SDK 6.5.5 Loquendo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Galería fotográfica de Windows Live Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Toolbar Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Live Add-in 1.3 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Native v1.0 (x86)
Windows Live Sync Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Search Enhancement Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Writer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Sync Framework Services Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Native v1.0 (x86)
Windows Live Mail Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Junk Mail filter update Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Edition [ENU]
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
dBpoweramp Music Converter - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-sia-sup2.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHPDR9

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Johanna Hernandez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

502 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.53 GB 47.06 GB NTFS A4D66B78
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800JD-08MSA1 Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
ATAPI DVD D DH16D1S Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-08MSA1 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:70:BD Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp deskjet 940c Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Broadcom Gigabit Integrated Broadcom Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Broadcom Gigabit Integrated Broadcom Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.4.4 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-pto-dirc.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKP7

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Hector J. Rojas Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.53 GB 62.83 GB NTFS 80AD65C5
D: Compact Disc 3.92 GB 0 b UDF AFC7172F

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:96:13 Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2014 Local False
hp deskjet 845c Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
K-Lite Codec Pack 3.9.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
6 Update 1
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PowerDVD CyberLink Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MrvlUsgTracking Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppMSRedist Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppusgP2010Series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSSupply Hewlett Packard Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Company L.P.
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0

Estación de trabajo brppc-opm-an1.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Leslyn Hermoso Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2180 @ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 17.73 GB NTFS 2028DE7C

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:88:12:F2 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP Color LaserJet 2600n Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Color LaserJet 2600n - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Photoshop CS3 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Creative Suite 2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Google Earth Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Photoshop CS2 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Stock Photos 1.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Common File Installer Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Bridge 1.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Suite Specific Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Adobe Help Center 1.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
CorelDRAW(R) Graphics Suite X4 Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorelDRAW(R) Graphics Suite X4 - Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Shell Extension
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Lang BR

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorelDRAW Graphics SUite X4 - ICA Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - PP Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Lang EN
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - IPM Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Lang FR
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - Uw bedrijfsnaam UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Lang NL
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Lang DE
Visual Basic for Applications (R) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Core - English
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Lang IT
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 - Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Lang ES
Visual Basic for Applications (R) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual Basic for Applications (R) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Core - Spanish
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo brppc-serg-an2.bppc.gob Fabricante P4M80P

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Rosa Ugarte Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

446 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.55 GB 49.52 GB NTFS C0A4BA10
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG SP0822N S06QJ20L217460 74.56 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG SP0822N Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp CD-R/RW SH-R522C Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:16:EC:4C:33:91 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP Deskjet 3900 Series Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
S3GSetup S3 Graphics UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Motorola Phone Tools BVRP Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Motorola Driver Installation Motorola Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Avanquest update Avanquest Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Frequently
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
1.0 for Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Imaging Device Functions 5.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Solution Center & Imaging HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Support Tools 5.0
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Deskjet 3900 series HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPDeskjet3900Series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DeviceFunctionQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
eSupportQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DeviceManagementQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPProductAssistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SolutionCenter Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
SolutionCenter Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Status Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Great Secrets - Da Vinci MyPlayCity, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Magic Farm MyPlayCity, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MyPlayCity Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Treasures of the Ancient Cavern MyPlayCity, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA/S3G Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Kernel-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.5

Estación de trabajo brppc-serg-sec.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHALD4

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Marianela Lopez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

502 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 47.96 GB NTFS B834C1D8
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 01D9019F

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:78:49 Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet p2014 Local False
hp LaserJet 1300 PCL 6 Local False
HP DeskJet 720C Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Barra de herramientas ALOT ALOT UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AIOMinimal Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 3.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2400_2500trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Canon iR1018/1022/1023 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photo & Imaging 3.1 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Downlevel APIs Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Security Task Manager 1.7h Neuber GmbH UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB933579) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
hp LaserJet 1150 / 1300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Memories Disc Creator 2.0 Memories Disc Creator 2.0 UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 5 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2400_2500Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
23_24_2500Tour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hpmdtab Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 7.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SkinsHP2 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
2500 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo caja-ahorro-nvo.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_

Modelo D865GBF_ Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz Not Assigned Caja de Ahorro Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

494 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 74.55 GB 35.20 GB NTFS 18DF3E03
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG SP0822N S06QJ10Y811028 74.56 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG SP0822N Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8525B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Intel(R) PRO/100 VE 00:13:20:29:FE:05 Not Assigned true -
Network Connection Network Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
HP DeskJet 840C/841C/842C/843C Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D2
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D4
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D7
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24DE
Controladora de host universal USB2 Intel (R) 82801EB - 24DD

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstallShield for Microsoft Visual C++ - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Paquete de proveedor base de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
servicios de cifrado para tarjetas
inteligentes de Microsoft
LiveReg (Symantec Corporation) Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Intel(R) PRO Network Adapters and - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickTime Apple Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LB Tools Caja de Ahorro - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Asistente para la publicación en Web - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
1.53 de Microsoft
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
ImageMixer VCD/DVD2 for - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
Intel(R) Extreme Graphics Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Office system
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live installer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Seagate Crystal Reports Developer Seagate Software, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XMLinst Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo ctrl-sant-01.bppc.gob Fabricante Hewlett-Packard

Modelo HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor Etiqueta de servicio MXJ91001LW

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned controls Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

969 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 220.86 GB 208.98 GB NTFS 3C10BD02
D: Local Disk 12.00 GB 1.98 GB NTFS 3D2E2BA6
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
G: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
H: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
I: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
J: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
K: Compact Disc 6 MB 0 b CDFS 977A2C8C
L: Removable Disk 7.47 GB 3.41 GB FAT32 B0043A05

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
ST3250310AS R6LYM6QQ 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic- Compact Flash USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic- MS/MS-Pro/HG USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic- SD/MMC/MS/MSPRO USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic- SD/MMC USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic- SM/xD-Picture USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
SanDisk SanDisk Cruzer USB Device Not Assigned 7.48 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
ST3250310AS Unidad de disco - - -
Generic- Compact Flash USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Generic- MS/MS-Pro/HG USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic- SD/MMC/MS/MSPRO USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic- SD/MMC USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic- SM/xD-Picture USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
SanDisk SanDisk Cruzer USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
SanDisk SanDisk Cruzer USB Device Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
ATAPI DVD A DH16A6L Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) 82567LM-3 Intel(R) 82567LM-3 00:23:7D:49:C5:83 Not Assigned true -
Gigabit Network Gigabit Network
Connection Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PDF Complete Local False
HP Deskjet D2300 series Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Intel(R) Remote PC Assist Technology - SOL (COM3) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A67
Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A68
Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A69
Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 3A6C
Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A64
Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A65
Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A66
Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 3A6A

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Business Contact Manager para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Outlook 2007
HP JavaCard for HP ProtectTools Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Network Connections Intel UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
InterVideo Register Manager InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Imaging Device Functions 7.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Solution Center 7.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Customer Participation Program HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
High Definition Audio - KB888111 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Tecnología de gestión activa Intel® Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Mobile Partner Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PDF Complete PDF Complete, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hph_readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPPhotoSmartExpress Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 7 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hph_software Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Backup and Recovery Manager Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Archivos auxiliares de instalación de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server (español)
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP ProtectTools Security Manager Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Drive Encryption for HP ProtectTools Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPProductAssistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BIOS Configuration for HP Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office 2007 Primary Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Interop Assemblies
Device Access Manager for HP Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Analizador de MSXML 6.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
eSupportQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Credential Manager for HP Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Toolbox Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Foundation Language Pack - ESN Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photosmart Essential HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Escritor de VSS de Microsoft SQL Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CustomerResearchQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Edition (MSSMLBIZ)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP ProtectTools Security Manager Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Privacy Manager for HP ProtectTools DigitalPersona, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
File Sanitizer For HP ProtectTools Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
Status Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
D2300_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office 2003 Web Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Small Business Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Connectivity Components
HP Help and Support HPQ UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
DeviceManagementQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ActivClient 6.1 x86 ActivIdentity UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hph_ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hph_software_req Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
SolutionCenter Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
D2300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photosmart and Deskjet 7.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software (esn)

Estación de trabajo sinsotrabolpc.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Monica Martinez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 24.04 GB NTFS 00566BDA
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 4457572d4143414d343130333932203020202020 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8521B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:11:D8:09:8A:BB Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp psc 2500 series fax 1 Local False
hp psc 2500 series fax Local False
hp psc 2500 series Local False
HP DeskJet 720C Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801EB - 24D2
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801EB - 24D4
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801EB - 24D7
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801EB - 24DE
Controladora de host universal USB2 Intel (R) 82801EB - 24DD

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2500 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 16 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Extreme Graphics 2 Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Download Manager NOS Microsystems Ltd. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
HP Image Zone 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Diagnostic Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
2400_2500Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
23_24_2500Tour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2400_2500trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 6.0 Parser Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjectsTemplates Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocumentViewer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-alma-02.bppc.gob Fabricante Hewlett-Packard

Modelo HP Compaq dx2400 Microtower PC Etiqueta de servicio MXL91007KS

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Victor Rivero Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 232.88 GB 198.60 GB NTFS D636FDAC
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 GEK234RS1BZHTA 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-H653Q Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:23:7D:2C:44:E4 Not Assigned true -
RTL8168C(P)/8111C( RTL8168C(P)/8111C(
P) PCI-E Gigabit P) PCI-E Gigabit

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PDF Complete Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información USB

Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2937
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2938
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293C
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2934
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2935
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2936
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2939
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293A

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
AOL Toolbar 5.0 AOL LLC UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
FontNav Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Juiced THQ UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
HP Help and Support HPQ UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VBA Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ES Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MP3_es Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 17 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DVD@ccess 2.0.3 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Adobe Shockwave Player 11.5 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Commercial Scanjet 5590 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TWAIN Driver
HPScanjet5590Corporate11 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DriverMax 5 Innovative Solutions UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
shARES Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Kernel-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.5
Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ares 2.1.3 Ares Development Group UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Photoshop CS3 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MiraScan 6.2 (5000) Benq Scan UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
High Definition Audio - KB888111 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Paquete de proveedor base de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
servicios de cifrado para tarjetas
inteligentes de Microsoft
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSN - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PDF Complete PDF Complete, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 2 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Estación de trabajo bppc-adm-dep.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8237 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned presupuestos Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 31.48 GB 19.24 GB NTFS 4096E247

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-23JHC0 WD-WMAMC3132412 31.49 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-23JHC0 Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:14:2A:5C:81:68 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
Adaptador PCI Fast Adaptador PCI Fast 00:08:C7:45:13:DE Not Assigned Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible
communications Lite- communications Lite-
On On
Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:08:C7:45:13:DE Not Assigned Not Assigned true -
Ethernet PCI basado Ethernet PCI basado
en Intel 21140 en Intel 21140
(Genérico) (Genérico)
Tarjeta de red Fast Tarjeta de red Fast 00:08:C7:45:13:DE Not Assigned Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Compaq Ethernet Compaq
NC3121 NC3121

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP remote printers Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
HP LaserJet 2100 PCL6 Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
hp LaserJet 1300n PCL 6 Local False
Canon iR1018/1022/1023 UFRII LT Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
C-Media 3D Audio - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Image Zone 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 7.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hp LaserJet 1150 / 1300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Diagnostic Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 9
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2600_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Frequently
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600Trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjectsTemplates Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocumentViewer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ProSavageDDR and Utilities - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PDFlib 3.03 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
S3Display - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Gamma2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Info2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Overlay - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-adm-un2.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz Not Assigned Elisa Otero Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 59.89 GB NTFS 4046019F
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 942 MB 565 MB FAT FFFFFFFF

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800BB-00JHA0 WD-WCAM91288435 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
RIM BlackBerry SD USB Device Not Assigned 941 MB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800BB-00JHA0 Unidad de disco - - -
RIM BlackBerry SD USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
AOPEN DUW1616/ARR Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:11:5B:68:53:83 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2014 Series PCL 5e Local False
HP LaserJet 2300 Series PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Kernel-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.7
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Digital Voice Editor 3 Sony Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
(KB943729) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 Kaspersky Lab UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
C-Media WDM Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Desinstalador de hp LaserJet 2300 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9482BW8 Etiqueta de servicio MJ06461

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned German Guedez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 227.65 GB 216.80 GB NTFS F4575F5C
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 GEK260RH3JRZ0A 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH10N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Marvell Yukon Marvell Yukon 00:21:97:27:D6:74 Not Assigned true -
88E8056 PCI-E 88E8056 PCI-E
Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet
Controller Controller

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2014 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Internet Explorer 8 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.1.7 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Marvell Miniport Driver Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MrvlUsgTracking Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 16 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppMSRedist Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppusgP2010Series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSSupply Hewlett Packard Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Company L.P.
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.5) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN

Estación de trabajo bppc-bck.bppc.gob Fabricante IBM

Modelo IBM eServer x3500-[7977EFU]- Etiqueta de servicio KQRHWP5

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5335 Not Assigned Jesus Bolivar Sistemas Puerto Cabello SEDE
@ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

2.00 GB 4.25 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard 6.0.6002 6002 2
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard 6.0.6002 6002 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 136.61 GB 118.46 GB NTFS CC7D64A2
D: Local Disk 558.58 GB 0 b NTFS 5CAC1D90
E: Local Disk 279.28 GB 16.97 GB NTFS 90B3DC92
F: Local Disk 279.28 GB 94.38 GB NTFS 8C775B85
G: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device 50E0D729 558.58 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device 180CE4A9 136.61 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device 0844E729 279.28 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device D984E729 279.28 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
Adaptec Array SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDR8164B ATA Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet 00:1A:64:A0:12:5C false Not Assigned -
Broadcom NetXtreme Broadcom NetXtreme

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2688
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2689
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268A
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268B
Controlador de host mejorado USB2 Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-08.bppc.gob Fabricante ATI___

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.06GHz Not Assigned Iliana Linares Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

446 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 78.13 GB 40.11 GB NTFS F8E88B9B
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
F: Local Disk 74.53 GB 73.51 GB NTFS 643E95BE
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 6Y160M0 34595a38594b455a202020202020202020202020 152.66 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SONY DVD RW DW-Q120A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Generic DVD-ROM SCSI CdRom Device Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Maxtor 6Y160M0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:16:76:9A:0F:29 Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet P2010 Series PCL 5e Local False
hp LaserJet 1160 Local False
HP LaserJet 1018 Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False
EPSON FX-2190 ESC/P (Copiar 1) Local False
EPSON FX-2190 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ares 2.1.1 Ares Development Group UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ATI Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
FoxyTunes for Firefox - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Deskjet 3740 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
OpenMG Secure Module 4.6.01 Sony Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LimeWire 5.1.4 Lime Wire, LLC UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
My Web Search (Webfetti) My Web Search UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Pirate Poppers Deluxe Zylom Games UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Rainbow Web 2 Deluxe Zylom Games UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Revolution_967_FM Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
shARES Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CANUTEC ERGO Español - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
TuDomino1.7.2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Zuma Deluxe Zylom Games UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Macromedia Flash 8 Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 5 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Java(TM) 6 Update 7 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DAEMON Tools DAEMON'S HOME UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
de sesión
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Macromedia Flash Player 8 Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Macromedia Flash 8 Video Encoder Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Access MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Publisher MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Outlook MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Word MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Catalan) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Portuguese Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Brazil)) 2007
Microsoft Office Proof (Basque) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Galician) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proofing (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office OneNote MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
(Spanish) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Groove MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Macromedia Flash Player 8 Plugin Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SonicStage 4.2 Sony Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PDF Manual NW-S600/S700F Series Sony Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Macromedia Extension Manager Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-15.emesca.local Fabricante Hewlett-Packard

Modelo HP Compaq dx2400 Microtower Etiqueta de servicio MXL8331036

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU Not Assigned Yudellys Echanagucia Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E4600 @ 2.40GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.05 GB 127.88 GB NTFS 0274A7AB
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
G: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
H: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
I: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
J: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
ST3160815AS 6RX5FEPK 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic- Compact Flash USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic- MS/MS-Pro USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic- SD/MMC USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic- SM/xD-Picture USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
ST3160815AS Unidad de disco - - -
Generic- Compact Flash USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic- MS/MS-Pro USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic- SD/MMC USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Generic- SM/xD-Picture USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH15L Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
CL5304O ALM153B SCSI CdRom Device Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:21:5A:1F:5C:06 Not Assigned true -
RTL8168C(P)/8111C( RTL8168C(P)/8111C(
P) PCI-E Gigabit P) PCI-E Gigabit

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet P2010 Series PCL 5e Local False
hp LaserJet 1160 PCL 5e Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False
Enviar a OneNote 2007 Local False

Información USB

Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2937
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2938
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293C
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2934
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2935
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2936
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2939
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293A

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cheating-Death 4.33.4 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Publisher MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Outlook MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Office Word MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Catalan) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Portuguese Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Brazil)) 2007
Microsoft Office Proof (Basque) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Galician) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proofing (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office OneNote MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Complemento Guardar como PDF o Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XPS de Microsoft para programas de
Microsoft Office 2007
Microsoft Office Groove MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
HP Help and Support HPQ UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Counter-Strike 1.6 KingSOFT DVD UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
High Definition Audio - KB888111 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
PandoraRecovery (Remove Only) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PDF Complete PDF Complete, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 2 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Access MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-13.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_

Modelo D915PGN_ Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Jonathan Galindo Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Jonathan Galindo Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

509 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 76.32 GB 61.69 GB NTFS F843C9BD
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 6B080M0 3242363043534845202020202020202020202020 76.33 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4167B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Maxtor 6B080M0 Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:08:A1:8C:93:A4 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet PCI CNet Ethernet PCI CNet
PRO200 PRO200

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 6 Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 5e (1) Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 5e Local False
HP LaserJet P2010 Series PCL 5e Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P (Copiar 2) Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801 FB/FBM - 2658
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801 FB/FBM - 2659
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801 FB/FBM - 265A
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801 FB/FBM - 265B
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801 FB/FBM - 265C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ATI - Utilidad de desinstalación de - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ATI Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Counter-Strike 1.6 KingSOFT DVD UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP LaserJet P2015 Series 1.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Extended Capabilities 6.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Macromedia Shockwave Player Macromedia, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PDFlib 3.03 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 7.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Panel de Control de ATI - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppLJP2015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1150 / 1300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Product_SF_Full_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Logitech SetPoint - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 7 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MediaLife - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ATI HydraVision - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Product_SF_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppIOFiles Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppMSRedist Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
CorePLS_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppFonts Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CustomerResearchQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppTLBXFXP2015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CorePLS_Full_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Logitech Desktop Messenger Logitech, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Frequently
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
hpzTLBXFX Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppusgP2015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppWebRegMM Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppManualsP2015 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-02.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.26GHz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

735 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 19.94 GB NTFS F4BEB400

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 WD-WCAMC1001703 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-00JHA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:11:5B:38:DF:CD Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp deskjet 845c Local False
Epson FX-880 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Corporation) Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Macromedia Shockwave Player Macromedia, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MrvlUsgTracking Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
BitDefender Definitions Update BitDefender UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-19.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8237 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

223 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 19.28 GB NTFS 78036334
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-23JHC0 Not Assigned 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-23JHC0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SH-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:11:5B:8B:33:ED Not Assigned false Not Assigned -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter
Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:11:5B:8B:33:ED Not Assigned true -
Ethernet PCI basado Ethernet PCI basado
en Intel 21140 en Intel 21140
(Genérico) (Genérico)

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 6 Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 5e Local False
HP LaserJet P2014 Local False
hp LaserJet 1300n PCL 6 Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P (Copiar 3) Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P (Copiar 2) Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P (Copiar 1) Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior

Información USB

Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
GE 97769 Dual Scroll Optical Mouse - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AIOMinimal Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppWebRegMM Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppManualsP2015 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 3.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2400_2500trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
C-Media 3D Audio - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CIF USB Camera (2110A) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP LaserJet P2015 Series 1.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Photo & Imaging 3.1 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Extended Capabilities 6.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ProSavageDDR and Utilities - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Display - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Gamma2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Info2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Overlay - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Macromedia Flash Player 8 Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SpySpotter - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppLJP2015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1150 / 1300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Product_SF_Full_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 15 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Memories Disc Creator 2.0 Memories Disc Creator 2.0 UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Product_SF_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppIOFiles Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppMSRedist Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2400_2500Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorePLS_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppFonts Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CustomerResearchQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppTLBXFXP2015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorePLS_Full_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hpzTLBXFX Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
23_24_2500Tour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hpmdtab Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppusgP2015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SkinsHP2 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2500 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ArcSoft PhotoImpression - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo BPPC-CAJA-14 Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-22.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.26GHz Not Assigned Jose Velasquez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

223 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 4.22 GB NTFS A8D8C829
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-00FRA0 WD-WMAJD2021298 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-00FRA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8525B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:0D:87:C7:29:22 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2014 (Copiar 1) Local False
HP LaserJet P2014 Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ProSavageDDR and Utilities - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Display - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Gamma2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Info2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Overlay - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Vinyl Audio Codecs Driver Setup - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MrvlUsgTracking Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSSupply Hewlett Packard Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Company L.P.
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
EPSON FX-890_2190 Manual - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-cbr-as3.bppc.gob Fabricante ATI___

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz Not Assigned Monica R. Saavedra Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

446 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 60.10 GB NTFS 9C004B73
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 491 MB 268 MB FAT 6B56FC00

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
MAXTOR STM380215A 9QZ8RFW2 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device Not Assigned 486 MB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
MAXTOR STM380215A Unidad de disco - - -
Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:16:76:25:19:10 Not Assigned true -
RTL8139/810x Family RTL8139/810x Family
Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 6 Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 5e Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
hppFonts Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
REALTEK Gigabit and Fast Ethernet REALTEK Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppWebRegMM Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppManualsP2015 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
ATI Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP LaserJet P2015 Series 1.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Product_SF_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppIOFiles Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorePLS_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-cj-un2.bppc.gob Fabricante PCCHIPS

Modelo P53G Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Miguel Colmenares Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

958 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 136.54 GB NTFS 1847C681
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 3.77 GB 3.07 GB FAT32 9913E939

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 WD-W WD-WCAP9A097784 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Kingston DT 101 II USB Device Not Assigned 3.78 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Kingston DT 101 II USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-STDVDRAM GH20NS15 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:1E:90:96:81:F7 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Rhine-Family Fast-Ethernet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Platform VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
On-line Help Console - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PowerDVD CyberLink Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Office system
Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Administrador de dispositivos de VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
K-Lite Codec Pack 3.9.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-cj-dir.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKL4

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned David Castillo Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 16.86 GB NTFS F883E363
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDRH10N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:96:1A Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 en red Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
TV_-_Radio_Online Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Multimedia Launcher - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PowerDVD CyberLink Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PowerProducer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DVD Solution - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Autodesk DWF Viewer Autodesk, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Chrome Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Image Zone 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Banda Ancha Móvil (CDU680) cmotech UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
hp LaserJet 1150 / 1300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Diagnostic Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 6
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AutoCAD 2006 - Español Autodesk UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2600_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600Trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Update Helper Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 7.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjectsTemplates Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocumentViewer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre

Estación de trabajo bppc-ci-aud13.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKG7

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Jose Carrasco Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 1.20 GB NTFS 78C79A26
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDRH10N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:78:1A Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp psc 2500 series fax Local False
hp psc 2500 series Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
Adobe PDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Acrobat 4.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Temis Leyes de CHAVEZ DISOFT S.A. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AIOMinimal Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 3.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2400_2500trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Language Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Image2Ico Helmsman, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AudioEdit Deluxe Mystik Media UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photo & Imaging 3.1 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft Text-to-Speech Engine 4.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live OneCare safety - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Memories Disc Creator 2.0 Memories Disc Creator 2.0 UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2400_2500Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
23_24_2500Tour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Live installer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hpmdtab Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional - Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Español, Italiano, Português
Adobe Reader 7.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
de sesión
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SkinsHP2 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
2500 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BitDefender Definitions Update BitDefender UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-fact-a25.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8237 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Ilegda Reyes Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 27.02 GB NTFS 140ABAC9

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400EB-75CPF0 WD-WMAATE752251 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400EB-75CPF0 Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:14:2A:48:94:FF Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet P2014 (Copiar 1) Local False
HP LaserJet P2014 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
7300_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Analizador de MSXML 6.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Analizador y SDK de MSXML 4.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Image Zone Express Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Frequently
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
7300Trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
7300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.2) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MrvlUsgTracking Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Product Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.7 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-fin-an01.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9482BW8 Etiqueta de servicio MJ07084

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Cibella Urbina Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 227.65 GB 218.51 GB NTFS F4575F5C

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 GEK264RH3PSLVA 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 Unidad de disco - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Marvell Yukon Marvell Yukon 00:21:97:26:07:B6 Not Assigned true -
88E8056 PCI-E 88E8056 PCI-E
Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet
Controller Controller

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 16 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.1.7 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Marvell Miniport Driver Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs

Estación de trabajo bppc-fin-an04.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9482BW8 Etiqueta de servicio MJ02663

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Dignora Quevedo Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 227.65 GB 215.92 GB NTFS F4575F5C
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD2500AAJS-08B4A0 WD-WMAT15935766 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD2500AAJS-08B4A0 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH10N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Marvell Yukon Marvell Yukon 00:1C:25:D5:40:6A Not Assigned true -
88E8056 PCI-E 88E8056 PCI-E
Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet
Controller Controller

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2010 Series PCL 5e (Copiar 1) Local False
HP LaserJet P2010 Series PCL 5e Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P (Copiar 1) Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.1.7 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Marvell Miniport Driver Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 16 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-recp.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKR7

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Recepcion Sede Administrativa Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.53 GB 71.40 GB NTFS 68B3ED54
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:1A:6B:47:78:76 Not Assigned true Not Assigned -
Ethernet PCI basado Ethernet PCI basado
en Intel 21140 en Intel 21140
(Genérico) (Genérico)
Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:78:76 Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Avira GmbH UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Estación de trabajo bppc-ing-an01.bppc.gob Fabricante ECS

Modelo P4M800PRO-M Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Francis Perez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 52.93 GB NTFS 64355FB9
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E7086E

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
WDC WD800JD-60LSA5 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:19:21:07:2A:CB Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP remote printers Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False
Adobe PDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Barra de herramientas ALOT ALOT UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Framework Feature Pack 1.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Autodesk DWF Viewer Autodesk, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Image Zone 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Color LaserJet 2600n - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
VIA Platform Device Manager VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
K-Lite Codec Pack 2.82 Full - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA/S3G Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA Rhine-Family Fast Ethernet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Platform VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Diagnostic Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Earth Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AutoCAD 2006 - Español Autodesk UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
de sesión
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2600_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Spanish Language Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Outlook Connector Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600Trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB925672) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional - Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Español, Italiano, Português
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjectsTemplates Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocumentViewer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-liq-un2.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz Not Assigned Carmen Diaz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 38.28 GB 28.93 GB NTFS 80B7E1E3
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 2F040L0 31464e44324e4537202020202020202020202020 38.29 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 2F040L0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8520B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:E0:4C:C1:C7:04 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
ProSavageDDR and Utilities - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
S3Display - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Gamma2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Info2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Overlay - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Vinyl Audio Codecs Driver Setup - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Java(TM) 6 Update 16 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-opm-a33.bppc.gob Fabricante P4M80P

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Freddy Ojeda Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

959 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 53.48 GB NTFS D84ED63A
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
F: Removable Disk 955 MB 403 MB FAT BCDB1D7D

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD080HJ 30534538314a5055303136353130202020202020 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
USB DISK 2.0 USB Device Not Assigned 949 MB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD080HJ Unidad de disco - - -
USB DISK 2.0 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
TSSTcorp CD-ROM SH-C522C Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:19:21:37:44:00 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Photoshop CS2 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Bridge 1.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VBA Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ES Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Help Center 1.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Update Manager Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Earth Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
FontNav Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Stock Photos 1.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Common File Installer Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system

Estación de trabajo bppc-ing-st01.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_
Modelo _____D91 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz Not Assigned Livia Hernandez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1022 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 50.96 GB NTFS ACACB7EF
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 00332362

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG SP0842N S0DWJ1FYB08114 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG SP0842N Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8523B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Intel(R) PRO/100 VE 00:13:20:6C:EA:B1 Not Assigned true -
Network Connection Network Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP Officejet Pro K8600 Series Local False
HP Designjet T1100ps 44in PS3 Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP Designjet 500 42 by HP Local False
EPSON TX700W Series Local False
AGFA-AccuSet v52.3 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2658
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2659
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265A
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265B
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 265C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ATI - Utilidad de desinstalación de - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AT&T WorldNet Setup 1.2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ATI Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Autodesk DWF Viewer Autodesk, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
EPSON Scan - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Desinstalador de impresoras EPSON SEIKO EPSON Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
TX700W Series
HP Imaging Device Functions 9.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Solution Center 9.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Customer Participation Program HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) PRO Network Connections - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ATI Control Panel - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
K8600 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Designjet 500-800 series FUU Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
DeviceDiscovery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VCRedistSetup Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BPDSoftware_Ini Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ATI HydraVision - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Smart Web Printing Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
BPD_HPSU Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSSupply Hewlett Packard Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Company L.P.
Epson Event Manager SEIKO EPSON Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
8600_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
neroxml Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AutoCAD 2006 - Español Autodesk UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
eSupportQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Officejet Pro K8600 Series HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CustomerResearchQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
BPDSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Corel MediaOne Corel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DeviceManagementQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ABBYY FineReader 6.0 Sprint ABBYY Software House UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HPProductAssistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MPM Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SolutionCenter Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
8600_Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Epson Print CD SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Nero 8 Ultra Edition HD Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Toolbox Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Status Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TuneUp Utilities 2009 TuneUp Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-opm-lapto.bppc.gob Fabricante TOSHIBA

Modelo Satellite A70 Etiqueta de servicio 85295747K

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

894 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 93.15 GB 80.40 GB NTFS 54E34D51
D: Compact Disc 500 MB 0 b CDFS B47DE73B

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
TOSHIBA MK1032GAX 857K0760T 93.16 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-831S Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
TOSHIBA MK1032GAX Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:0F:B0:8D:BE:3C Not Assigned true -
RTL8139/810x Family RTL8139/810x Family
Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet 2000 inf Local False
HP Deskjet F2200 series Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto


Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Paquete de controladores de Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows - Nokia pccsmcfd
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ALPS Touch Pad Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 9 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DJ_AIO_03_F2200_Software_Min Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PC Connectivity Solution Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Ask Toolbar Ask.com UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de controladores de Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows - Nokia Modem (03/05/2008
Paquete de controladores de Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows - Nokia Modem (03/13/2008
Color LaserJet 2600n - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Mobile Partner Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Nokia PC Internet Access Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Nokia PC Suite Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
TOSHIBA Software Modem - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Toshiba Tbiosdrv Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Kernel-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.5
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Atheros Wireless LAN MiniPCI card - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbox Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
MSVC80_x86 Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TOSHIBA Console - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Deskjet F2200 All-In-One Driver HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
10.0 Rel .3
Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Atheros Client Utility - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TOSHIBA Fax Extension - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DVD-RAM Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-opm-soport.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Janirette duran Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2180 @ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 130.09 GB NTFS 98EEE9B0

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:88:12:95 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Estación de trabajo bppc-pbip-022.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKM7

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.53 GB 54.96 GB NTFS 781EC30C
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:77:EC Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Image Zone Express Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox ( Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
XMLinst Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 9.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Image Zone 4.7 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ScannerCopy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Product Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.7 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600Trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-opm-depm.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Jose Castillo Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2180 @ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 49.97 GB NTFS 2C8CBB3A
D: Removable Disk 3.73 GB 1.85 GB FAT32 C81C20FA

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device Not Assigned 3.74 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:88:13:1A Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP DeskJet 895Cse Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Google Earth Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 7 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Apple Mobile Device Support Apple Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Apple Software Update Apple Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
QuickTime Apple Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 8
iTunes Apple Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver

Estación de trabajo bppc-pres-desp.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHAKW0

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Margaret Villamizar Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 45.29 GB NTFS 5CDAF844
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
HDS728080PLA380 40Y9028LEN Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:78:02 Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 5e Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Image Zone 4.7 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
TotalPDFConverter Softplicity, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
ScannerCopy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Product Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Google Earth Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 6
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.7 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2600 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BlackBerry Device Software Updater Research In Motion Ltd UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600Trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Image Zone Express Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 7.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjectsTemplates Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocumentViewer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2600_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-a13.bppc.gob Fabricante BIOSTAR Group

Modelo G31-M7 TE Etiqueta de servicio None

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Key Chacon Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 298.09 GB 278.92 GB NTFS 4AE9914F
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD322HJ 31534137394a5330313737303435202020202020 298.09 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD322HJ Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22NS30 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:30:67:02:AF:2E Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 5e Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 5e Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo BPPC-RRHH-04 Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-07.bppc.gob Fabricante ECS

Modelo GF7050VT-M Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Manuel Barrios Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

895 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 232.88 GB 224.42 GB NTFS EC536C82
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 029DE38B

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
ExcelStor Technology J9250S Not Assigned 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
ExcelStor Technology J9250S Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH22NS40 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NVIDIA nForce NVIDIA nForce 00:21:97:7C:39:E3 Not Assigned true -
Networking Controller Networking Controller

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 5e Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
NVIDIA Drivers NVIDIA Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise McAfee, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
IDT Audio IDT UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0

Estación de trabajo brppc-serv-a11.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Naizelis Martinez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2180 @ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 130.29 GB NTFS 44238182
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 00835DC5
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP psc 2510 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-00PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -
HP psc 2510 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:88:12:B3 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp psc 2500 series fax Local False
hp psc 2500 series Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSN - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PhotoScape - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Primo Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Memories Disc Creator 2.0 Memories Disc Creator 2.0 UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2400_2500Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ASRock WiFi-802.11g REALTEK Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
2003 Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
23_24_2500Tour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hpmdtab Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sony Picture Utility Sony Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SkinsHP2 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2500 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AIOMinimal Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 3.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2400_2500trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photo & Imaging 3.1 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
- KB888111 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-a12.bppc.gob Fabricante PCCHIPS

Modelo P53G Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU Not Assigned Carlos Pernalete Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E4600 @ 2.40GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1.94 GB 3.87 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1.7600 7600 0

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 232.79 GB 206.37 GB NTFS 8E78F027
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
G: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
H: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 ATA Device GEK232RB15KU6A 232.89 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 ATA Device GEK232RB15KU6A 232.89 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB CF Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB MS Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB SD Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB SM Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH20NS15 ATA Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 ATA Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB CF Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB MS Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB SD Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB SM Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador de Fast Adaptador de Fast 00:1E:90:96:71:CE Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible
VIA Rhine II VIA Rhine II

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp deskjet 845c Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Publisher MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Outlook MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Word MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Catalan) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Portuguese Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Brazil)) 2007
Microsoft Office Proof (Basque) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Galician) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proofing (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Under Licensed Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Display Vista Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 17 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Reader 9.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 Kaspersky Lab UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Plus Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Access MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-16.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9482BW8 Etiqueta de servicio MJ07645

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Jean Carlos Romero Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 227.67 GB 207.11 GB NTFS F4575F5C
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
ST3250310AS 6RYH5PHH 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
ST3250310AS Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH10N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Marvell Yukon Marvell Yukon 00:21:97:3E:4E:CC Not Assigned false Not Assigned -
88E8056 PCI-E 88E8056 PCI-E
Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet
Controller Controller

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet P2014 (Copiar 1) Local False
HP LaserJet P2014 Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.1.7 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Marvell Miniport Driver Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 16 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Estación de trabajo BPPC-CAHORRO Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-sis2.bppc.gob Fabricante PCCHIPS

Modelo P53G Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU Not Assigned Maria Silva Sistemas Not Assigned Not Assigned
E4600 @ 2.40GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1.94 GB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 232.88 GB 189.05 GB NTFS 183434A1
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
F: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 GEK GEK232RB19ZJ9A 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Multi Flash Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 Unidad de disco - - -
Multi Flash Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-STDVDRAM GH20NS15 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
BF1300R NLP661I SCSI CdRom Device Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:1E:90:93:02:59 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sybase PowerDynamo 3.6 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Platform VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Photoshop CS2 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sybase InfoMaker 9.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
On-line Help Console - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Help Oracle Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Adobe Stock Photos 1.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sybase PowerBuilder 9.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Common File Installer Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Bridge 1.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Help Oracle Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suite Specific Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sybase PowerDesigner 12.5 Sybase Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Help Center 1.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Oracle - OraClient10g 10.1.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Oracle - OraODAC11g 11.1.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
IMBooster Iminent UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
IMBooster4web-en Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SearchTheWeb Iminent UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InfoMaker 5.0 for Intel 16 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA Administrador de dispositivos de VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSN - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PB 5.0 Deployment Kit for Intel 16 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PowerBuilder 5.0 Enterprise for Intel - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PowerBuilder 6.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Rhine-Family Fast-Ethernet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Watcom C++ Class Builder for Intel - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Creative Suite 2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SQL Anywhere Studio 8 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Oracle UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Studio .NET Help

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-06.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E4400 @ 2.00GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

503 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 78.14 GB 65.46 GB NTFS 94C7CD89
D: Local Disk 70.91 GB 70.85 GB NTFS 4817D342
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
MAXTOR STM3160215AS Not Assigned 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
MAXTOR STM3160215AS Unidad de disco - - -
SONY DVD RW AW-Q170A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:19:66:43:C9:63 Not Assigned true -
RTL8139/810x Family RTL8139/810x Family
Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Huawei Conexion a internet Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
NIC Driver
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-a11.bppc.gob Fabricante PCCHIPS

Modelo P53G Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Witman Diaz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

958 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 100.00 GB 84.78 GB NTFS 84B3F194
D: Local Disk 49.04 GB 46.84 GB NTFS A4F1B7BB
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AABS-61PRA0 WD-W WD-WMAP9F275525 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AABS-61PRA0 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-STDVDRAM GH20NS15 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:1E:90:98:7F:8C Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 5e Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 5e Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CCleaner (remove only) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Unlocker 1.8.5 Cedrick Collomb UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XP Codec Pack - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Platform VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 17 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 7 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Dream Aquarium - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Administrador de dispositivos de VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-sop-01.bppc.gob Fabricante Hewlett-Packard

Modelo HP Compaq dx2400 Microtower PC Etiqueta de servicio MXL91007LL

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Pablo Jato Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 232.88 GB 207.12 GB NTFS 5A26F0AD
D: Compact Disc 3 MB 0 b CDFS 5BE4C398
F: Removable Disk 3.72 GB 3.00 GB FAT32 34333231

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 GEK234RH3PZERA 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device Not Assigned 3.72 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 Unidad de disco - - -
Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-H653Q Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:23:7D:2C:3E:DB Not Assigned true -
RTL8168C(P)/8111C( RTL8168C(P)/8111C(
P) PCI-E Gigabit P) PCI-E Gigabit

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PDF Complete Local False
HP LaserJet P2014 (Copiar 1) Local False

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet P2014 Local False
EPSON TM-U220 Receipt(1) Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P (Copiar 1) Local False

Información USB

Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2937
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2938
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293C
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2934
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2935
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2936
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2939
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293A

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
EPSON Advanced Printer Driver 3 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
High Definition Audio - KB888111 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete redistribuible del Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Visor de informes 2005
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PDF Complete PDF Complete, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
MrvlUsgTracking Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Java(TM) 6 Update 17 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Java(TM) 6 Update 2 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
EPSON APD4 Point and Print EPSON UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Report Viewer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Redistributable 2005
HPSSupply Hewlett Packard Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Company L.P.
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Help and Support HPQ UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 9.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PL-2303 USB-to-Serial - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
(KB943729) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-estn-3.bppc.gob Fabricante BIOSTAR Group

Modelo G31-M7 TE Etiqueta de servicio None

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Eddy Contreras Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 298.08 GB 288.87 GB NTFS 6CFB5B70
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02E53002

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD322HJ 31534137414a5330323630323036202020202020 298.09 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD322HJ Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22NS30 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:30:67:04:57:D2 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet P2014 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo BPPC-INF-A36 Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-004.bppc.gob Fabricante ECS

Modelo GF7050VT-M Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Yessica Hermes Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

895 MB 2.00 GB
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 232.88 GB 220.33 GB NTFS 2CEAA0CC
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
ExcelStor Technology J9250S Not Assigned 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
ExcelStor Technology J9250S Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH22NS40 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NVIDIA nForce NVIDIA nForce 00:21:97:7B:D0:B2 Not Assigned true -
Networking Controller Networking Controller

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 5e Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 9.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
NVIDIA Drivers NVIDIA Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
IDT Audio IDT UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Language Pack - ESN Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-05.bppc.gob Fabricante Hewlett-Packard

Modelo nc6340 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T5500 Not Assigned Yexire Cruz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
@ 1.66GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

503 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 66.92 GB 45.58 GB NTFS 2064F28E
D: Local Disk 7.61 GB 586 MB NTFS FC5EE703
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
FUJITSU MHV2080BH PL Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
FUJITSU MHV2080BH PL Unidad de disco - - -
TEAC DW-224E-R Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:17:08:3B:D4:3B Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Texas Instruments Texas Instruments Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PCIxx21/x515/xx12 drivers.
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Paquete de proveedor base de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
servicios de cifrado para tarjetas
inteligentes de Microsoft
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox ( Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Synaptics Pointing Device Driver Synaptics UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
CCU-550 Módem EvDO Movilnet UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Sonic Data Module Sonic Solutions UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 6.0 Parser (KB933579) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Sign-in Assistant Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Sonic DLA Sonic Solutions UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sonic MyDVD Plus Sonic Solutions UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sonic Update Manager Sonic Solutions UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 6
Java(TM) 6 Update 5 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Quick Launch Buttons 6.00 H1 Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Instalador de HP Backup and Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Recovery Manager
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
HP Wireless Assistant 2.00 E1 Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
TIPCI Texas Instruments Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
InterVideo DVD Check - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Sonic Express Labeler Sonic Solutions UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Frequently
HP ProtectTools Security Manager Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2.00 C3
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live installer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LightScribe Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Notebook Accessories Product Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Help and Support HPQ UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Sonic Audio Module Sonic Solutions UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 7.0.5 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP BIOS Configuration for Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ProtectTools 2.00 E1
Sonic Copy Module Sonic Solutions UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Credential Manager for Hewlett-Packard Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ProtectTools Company, L.P.
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
HP User Guides 0015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HpSdpAppCoreApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate Notice (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Application Installer 4.00.B5 Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Agere Systems HDA Modem Agere Systems UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bolipuer-6a2def.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_

Modelo D845GVFN Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

509 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 27.49 GB 20.77 GB NTFS E8CCE4FA
D: Local Disk 9.77 GB 6.38 GB NTFS A866A098

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400EB-00DJF0 WD-WCAHL6215816 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400EB-00DJF0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Intel(R) PRO/100 VE 00:13:20:20:A8:42 Not Assigned true -
Network Connection Network Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801DB/DBM USB Universal Host Controller - 24C2
Intel(R) 82801DB/DBM USB Universal Host Controller - 24C4
Intel(R) 82801DB/DBM USB Universal Host Controller - 24C7
Controladora de host universal mejorado 2.0 USB Intel (R) 82801DB/DBM - 24CD

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) PRO Network Adapters and - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Intel(R) Extreme Graphics Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
EPSON FX-890_2190 Manual - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 Kaspersky Lab UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-com-com1.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo bppc-fac-03.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-fact-25.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-lapto.bppc.gob Fabricante TOSHIBA

Modelo Satellite P35 Etiqueta de servicio Y4355524K

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU Not Assigned Luis Valero Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU Not Assigned Luis Valero Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1.12 GB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 64.50 GB NTFS 482AC0BE
D: Compact Disc 590 MB 0 b CDFS 52F3D8BD

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
IC25N080ATMR04-0 MRG40HK4J0389H 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
IC25N080ATMR04-0 Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:0F:B0:37:63:99 Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek
Atheros AR5004G Atheros AR5004G 00:11:F5:1A:E9:ED Not Assigned Not Assigned true -
Wireless Network Wireless Network
Adapter Adapter

Información USB

Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar

Información USB

Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
neroxml Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TOSHIBA Zooming Utility - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DVD-RAM Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
TouchPad On/Off Utility - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Controlador ATI - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Nero 8 Ultra Edition HD Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
ATI - Utilidad de desinstalación de - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ATI Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Digi Device Discovery - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
CyberLink PowerDVD 8 CyberLink Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Utilidad de activaci?/desactivaci? del - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
panel t?til
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.1.7 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
TOSHIBA Software Modem - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Toshiba Tbiosdrv Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinPcap 4.1 beta2 CACE Technologies UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Atheros Wireless LAN MiniPCI card - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ATI Control Panel - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Banda Ancha Móvil (CDU680) cmotech UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 7 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-oracle-01.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-rins-dir.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKFRAF5

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Giselle Topalian Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 23.82 GB NTFS 6001D451
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800JD-08MSA1 Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800JD-08MSA1 Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp DVD-ROM TS-H353A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:16:41:EA:78:0E Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1300n PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
hp LaserJet 1150 / 1300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 7.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Color LaserJet 4700 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Estación de trabajo Puerto-turis1.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-04.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_

Modelo D915GAV_ Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.06GHz Not Assigned Dorina Escobar Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

502 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 38.28 GB 32.02 GB NTFS 88E7FD78
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 6K040L0 K11JVYDG 38.29 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 6K040L0 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8525B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Intel(R) PRO/100 VE 00:16:76:4F:24:14 Not Assigned true -
Network Connection Network Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2658
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2659
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265A
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265B
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 265C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) PRO Network Adapters and - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
XMLinst Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-07.emesca.local Fabricante P4VM8

Modelo P4VM8 Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz Not Assigned Dora Granados Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

447 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.53 GB 45.02 GB NTFS 588474DC
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800BB-00JHC0 WD-WCAM98699327 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800BB-00JHC0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Generic DVD-ROM SCSI CdRom Device Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:13:8F:06:9D:6D Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp LaserJet 3380 PCL 6 Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 series UPD PCL 5 Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 5e Local False
hp LaserJet 1160 Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P (Copiar 1) Local False
Enviar a OneNote 2007 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hp LaserJet-all-in-one hp UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP OrderReminder - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HSP56 Modem Drivers - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Administrador de dispositivos de VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Network Print Monitor for Windows - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
OrderReminder hp LaserJet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
TimeLOG PRO - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TimeLOG SP - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA/S3G Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MrvlUsgTracking Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 Starter Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Platform VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3GSetup S3 Graphics UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readiris Pro 9 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DAEMON Tools DAEMON'S HOME UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Apple Software Update Apple Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HPSSupply Hewlett Packard Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Company L.P.
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
TuneUp Utilities 2006 TuneUp Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Access MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Publisher MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Outlook MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Word MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Catalan) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Portuguese Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Brazil)) 2007
Microsoft Office Proof (Basque) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Galician) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proofing (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office OneNote MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Groove MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
QuickTime Apple Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
Adobe Reader 7.0.9 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LaserAIO Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SP2 con compatibilidad hacia atrás Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
con cliente de Windows Rights
HP Deskjet 3740 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Aportes de fideicomiso BOD - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
C-Media 3D Audio - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cheating-Death 4.33.4 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Counter-Strike 1.6 KingSOFT DVD UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Deskjet 3740 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-18.bppc.gob Fabricante OEM

Modelo OEM Etiqueta de servicio OEM

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1.99 GB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 48.83 GB 18.29 GB NTFS E4B88444
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 027EAE48
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
G: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
H: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
I: Local Disk 184.05 GB 178.59 GB NTFS D8C1A93E
J: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD252HJ 31534837314a5342303138303834202020202020 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
IC USB Storage-CFC USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
IC USB Storage-MMC USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
IC USB Storage-MSC USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
IC USB Storage-SMC USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD252HJ Unidad de disco - - -
IC USB Storage-CFC USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
IC USB Storage-MMC USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
IC USB Storage-MSC USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
IC USB Storage-SMC USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S222A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:22:68:51:5A:5B Not Assigned true -
RTL8168/8111 PCI-E RTL8168/8111 PCI-E
Gigabit Ethernet NIC Gigabit Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

EPSON FX-890 ESC/P (Copiar 1) Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
EPSON FX-890_2190 Manual - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P2015 Series 1.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java 2 Runtime Environment - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Standard Edition v1.3.1
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSN - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppLJP2015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Product_SF_Full_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Product_SF_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppIOFiles Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorePLS_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppFonts Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppTLBXFXP2015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CorePLS_Full_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
hpzTLBXFX Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppWebRegMM Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppManualsP2015 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-com-uni.bppc.gob Fabricante BIOSTAR Group

Modelo P4M90-M7A Etiqueta de servicio OEM_Serial

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Elaine Medina Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

958 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 298.08 GB 271.44 GB NTFS D88D9013
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 00A8F18C
E: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD322HJ 31534137414a5330323635333233202020202020 298.09 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD322HJ Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22NS30 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:E0:4D:7A:21:57 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 16 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.7 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Mozilla Firefox (3.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Image Zone 4.7 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Extended Capabilities 4.7 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CyberLink PowerDVD 8 CyberLink Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
MSN - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
VIA Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Rhine-Family Fast-Ethernet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Product Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo SRV-SQL Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-fin-a2.bppc.gob Fabricante 75V80

Modelo 775VM800 Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz Not Assigned Caja Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

447 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 142.00 GB NTFS E4B910BF
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD16 00AABS-00PRA SCSI Disk Device WD-WMAP9D714259 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD16 00AABS-00PRA SCSI Disk Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
TSSTcorp CD-R/RW SH-R522C Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:13:8F:4B:E5:07 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2014 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
C-Media 3D Audio - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HPSSupply Hewlett Packard Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Company L.P.
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
VIA Administrador de dispositivos de VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 Kaspersky Lab UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Network Viewer v2.2 (002) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA/S3G Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MrvlUsgTracking Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Platform VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3GSetup S3 Graphics UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-a11.bppc.gob Fabricante PCCHIPS

Modelo P53G Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU Not Assigned Alfonso Rangel Soporte Usuario Puerto Cabello SEDE
E4600 @ 2.40GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1.75 GB 3.50 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1.7600 7600 0

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 232.79 GB 57.65 GB NTFS C42AA11F
D: Compact Disc 683 MB 0 b CDFS A99FF056
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
G: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
H: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
I: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
J: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 ATA Device GEK232RB192G6A 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB CF Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB MS Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB SD Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB SM Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH20NS15 ATA Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de CD-ROM Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 ATA Device Unidad de disco - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Generic USB CF Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB MS Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB SD Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB SM Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador de Fast Adaptador de Fast 00:1E:90:98:81:7E Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible
VIA Rhine II VIA Rhine II
Dispositivo Dispositivo 00:06:4F:49:77:A2 true -
inalámbrico 802.11b/g inalámbrico 802.11b/g
extensible Realtek extensible Realtek
8185 8185

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp deskjet 845c Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P (Copiar 2) Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P (Copiar 1) Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK

Información USB

Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VirtualCloneDrive Elaborate Bytes UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Movie Maker 2 Winter Fun UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Galería fotográfica de Windows Live Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 16 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero 8 Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
neroxml Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Motorola Phone Tools BVRP Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Avanquest update Avanquest Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Access MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Publisher MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Outlook MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Word MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Office Proof (Catalan) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Portuguese Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Brazil)) 2007
Microsoft Office Proof (Basque) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Galician) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proofing (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Sync Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
Adobe Reader 9.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Movie Maker 2.6 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Movie Maker Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Edition [ENU]
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Under Licensed Frequently
spanish.ilsc.org Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
µTorrent - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Visio MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Office Project MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Panda ActiveScan 2.0 Panda Security UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Motorola Driver Installation Motorola Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Handy Recovery 4.0.0 SoftLogica UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Update Helper Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ares 2.1.1 Ares Development Group UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ask Toolbar Ask.com UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Avira GmbH UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PandoraRecovery (Remove Only) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Plus Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Recover My Files GetData Pty Ltd UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Chrome9 HC IGP Family - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Vista Display

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-a32.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-an03.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-05.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-an06.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bbpc-inf-sist8.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Pedro Sanchez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1.99 GB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 268.56 GB 253.71 GB NTFS 54380612
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
G: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
H: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD322HJ 31534137314a534d303733343835202020202020 298.09 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB CF Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB MS Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Generic USB SD Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB SM Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD322HJ Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB CF Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB MS Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB SD Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB SM Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Optiarc DVD RW AD-7240S Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:D0:39:0F Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

Enviar a OneNote 2010 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Default Language CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit 2 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe PDF Library Files Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Extension Manager CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Update Manager CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de controladores de Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows - Nokia pccsmcfd
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nokia Ovi Application Installer Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nokia Ovi Content Copier 6.85.3011 Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nokia Ovi One Touch Access Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nokia Ovi System Utilities 6.85.3016 Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nokia Software Updater Nokia Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nokia Ovi Application Installer Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nokia Ovi One Touch Access Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nokia Ovi Content Copier Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nokia Flashing Cable Driver Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nokia Ovi Suite Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PC Connectivity Solution Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nokia Music Nokia Music UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nokia Photos Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nokia Ovi System Utilities Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
GanttProject - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LogMeIn Hamachi LogMeIn, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Professional - English
Java(TM) 6 Update 17 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Visual FoxPro 9.0 Baseline - English Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS Add- Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
in for 2007 Microsoft Office programs
Visual FoxPro 9.0 Professional - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 9.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PostgreSQL 8.3 PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Sybase PowerDesigner 12.5 Sybase Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft Office Access MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Publisher MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Outlook MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Word MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Proof (Catalan) 2010 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2010 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2010 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Portuguese Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Brazil)) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Proof (Basque) 2010 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Galician) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Proofing (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office Single Image 2010 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2010 (Beta)
Microsoft Office OneNote MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
(Spanish) 2010 (Beta) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
32 bits (Beta)
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Fireworks CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Help Viewer CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Bridge Start Meeting Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Setup Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Asset Services CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe XMP Panels CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Type Support Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Anchor Service CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Bridge CS3 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe CMaps Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Camera Raw 4.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-com-secr.bppc.gob Fabricante BIOSTAR Group

Modelo G31-M7 TE Etiqueta de servicio None

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Carolina Fernandez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

E2200 @ 2.20GHz Not Assigned Carolina Fernandez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 298.09 GB 290.16 GB NTFS 4ACD35FB
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD322HJ 31534137394a5330313737303535202020202020 298.09 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD322HJ Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22NS30 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:30:67:04:4A:02 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
32 Bit HP BiDi Channel Components Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
1.0 for Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.3) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-sist6.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo bppc-oym-dir.bppc.gob Fabricante LENOVO

Modelo 9645A17 Etiqueta de servicio LKHPDT0

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Janirette duran Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 69.79 GB 38.71 GB NTFS 94DAB527
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800JD-08MSA1 Not Assigned 74.54 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800JD-08MSA1 Unidad de disco - - -
ATAPI DVD D DH16D1S Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom NetLink Broadcom NetLink 00:1A:6B:47:70:44 Not Assigned true -
(TM) Gigabit Ethernet (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player 11.5 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Connect Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Technologies - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Welcome Message
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 13 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 6
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB927978) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Client Security Solution Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Rescue and Recovery Lenovo Group Limited UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
InterVideo WinDVD InterVideo Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Help Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
System Migration Assistant Lenovo Group Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 7.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB936181) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XP Themes Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Ayuda de Access - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ThinkVantage Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Suplemento de Productivity Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
para ThinkCentre
ThinkVantage System Update Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Toolbar Button for IE
Message Center - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Wallpapers Lenovo UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ThinkVantage Away Manager - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mouse Suite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bpppc-cede-liq10.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-com-un01.bppc.gob Fabricante BIOSTAR Group

Modelo G31-M7 TE Etiqueta de servicio None

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Doris Toloza Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 97.65 GB 82.14 GB NTFS 4AC80875
D: Local Disk 200.43 GB 152.74 GB NTFS 6419A701
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 01235588

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD322HJ 31534137394a5330313737303035202020202020 298.09 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD322HJ Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22NS30 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:30:67:02:AF:04 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP LaserJet P2015 Series PCL 5e Local False
HP Color LaserJet CM1312 MFP Series PCL 6 Local False
Canon iR1022/1023 (FAX) Local False
Canon iR1018/1022/1023 UFRII LT Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
hppManualsCM1312 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DeviceDiscovery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppQFolderCM1312 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppCLJCM1312 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Color LaserJet CM1312 MFP HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Series 3.1
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
32 Bit HP BiDi Channel Components Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppScanToCM1312 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DeviceManagementQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Destination Component Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Ask Toolbar Ask.com UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Imaging Device Functions 10.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.3) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppscanCM1312 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo alm18-dc.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante HP

Modelo ProLiant ML350 G5 Etiqueta de servicio MXQ83904VE

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5420 Not Assigned Not Assigned Redes Not Assigned Not Assigned
@ 2.50GHz
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

3.50 GB 7.18 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard 6.0.6002 6002 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 58.59 GB 21.39 GB NTFS B874A46F
D: Local Disk 78.12 GB 74.22 GB NTFS E079703C
E: Local Disk 146.48 GB 146.32 GB NTFS 7617FDF7
F: Local Disk 78.12 GB 62.59 GB NTFS 80A957AA
G: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
H: Local Disk 48.77 GB 45.94 GB NTFS 7E6312E6
I: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
J: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
K: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HP LOGICAL VOLUME SCSI Disk Device QT88MP5933 410.10 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HP LOGICAL VOLUME SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
UW0982T ICZ862F SCSI CdRom Device Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
ELBY CLONEDRIVE SCSI CdRom Device Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Broadcom Broadcom 00:22:64:0D:4E:1C true -

BCM5708C BCM5708C
NetXtreme II GigE NetXtreme II GigE
(cliente VBD de NDIS) (cliente VBD de NDIS)
NIC de Gigabit NIC de Gigabit 00:14:D1:18:E6:12 Not Assigned false Not Assigned -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Ethernet PCI de la Ethernet PCI de la 00:14:D1:18:E6:12 Not Assigned false Not Assigned -
familia Realtek familia Realtek
RTL8169/8110 (NDIS RTL8169/8110 (NDIS
6.0) 6.0)

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2688
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 2689
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268A
Controlador de host universal USB Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268B
Controlador de host mejorado USB2 Chipset Intel(R) 631xESB/6321ESB/3100 - 268C
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 - esn
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft ISA Server 2006 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
UltraISO Premium V8.66 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VirtualCloneDrive Elaborate Bytes UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack SP1 - esn
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-12.bppc.gob Fabricante BIOSTAR Group
Modelo G31-M7 TE Etiqueta de servicio None

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Milagros Sucre Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 298.09 GB 284.97 GB NTFS 4ACDD915
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD322HJ 31534137414a5330323630323831202020202020 298.09 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD322HJ Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22NS30 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:30:67:04:48:C9 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.3) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0.0 (Pre-
Release 5348)
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-con-an2.bppc.gob Fabricante PCCHIPS

Modelo P53G Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Adielis Lugo Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

446 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 149.04 GB 130.64 GB NTFS 2804B877
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD1600AAJS-00PSA0 WD-W WD-WMAP92844031 149.05 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD1600AAJS-00PSA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-STDVDRAM GH20NS15 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:1E:90:96:7E:6B Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
VIA Administrador de dispositivos de VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Rhine-Family Fast-Ethernet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Platform VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
On-line Help Console - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Frequently
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-cahorro-01.bppc.gob Fabricante Not Assigned
Modelo Not Assigned Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium II Not Assigned Caja de Ahorro Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

127 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 18.64 GB 7.27 GB NTFS F0EB5E7F
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD200AB-00BVA0 WD-WMA7H2252739 18.65 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD200AB-00BVA0 Unidad de disco - - -
LG CD-ROM CRD-8522B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:C0:F0:31:BE:9F Not Assigned true -
Ethernet PCI basado Ethernet PCI basado
en Intel 21140 en Intel 21140
(Genérico) (Genérico)

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP DeskJet 840C/841C/842C/843C Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal PCI a USB 82371AB/EB de Intel(r)

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Frequently
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 6.0.1 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Seagate Crystal Reports Developer Seagate Software, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Framework Feature Pack 1.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Enterprise Edition
Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Firewall Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently

Estación de trabajo bppc-cont-an2.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-un1.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-cobr-an01.bppc.gob Fabricante BIOSTAR Group

Modelo G31-M7 TE Etiqueta de servicio None

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Eva N. Diaz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 97.65 GB 89.90 GB NTFS 49AF16AF
D: Local Disk 200.43 GB 198.75 GB NTFS BC4230F1
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD322HJ 31534137414a5330323630323536202020202020 298.09 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD322HJ Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22NS30 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:30:67:04:57:C8 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.3) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
1.0 for Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo brap-pbl-adm-08.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-10.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-serg-alm02.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-20.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-vip07.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E4600 @ 2.40GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1015 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 39.06 GB 33.12 GB NTFS 58C9AFEC
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Local Disk 35.47 GB 33.35 GB NTFS 442961F4

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800BB-00JHC0 WD-WCAM9E896972 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800BB-00JHC0 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22NS30 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:88:13:1C Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada


información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 8 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0

Estación de trabajo TOSHIBA01.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-ci-sec.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8237 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Edith Vasquez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 24.01 GB NTFS 742BBB15
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400EB-42CPF0 WD-WCAATH692387 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400EB-42CPF0 Unidad de disco - - -
AOPEN CRW5232/AAO PRO Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:11:5B:8C:DB:9C Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto


Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Administrador de dispositivos de VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Vinyl Audio Codecs Driver Setup - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Platform VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
2007 Office system Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Project Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-sist5.bppc.gob Fabricante PCCHIPS

Modelo P53G Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU Not Assigned Fernando Iturriza Sistemas Not Assigned Not Assigned
E4600 @ 2.40GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

2.00 GB 4.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1.7600 7600 0

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 97.66 GB 50.82 GB NTFS 4CA8AAE7
D: Local Disk 135.23 GB 13.05 GB NTFS 9ED3441F
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
G: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 ATA Device GEK232RB19MPNA 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Multi Flash Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 ATA Device Unidad de disco - - -
Multi Flash Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH20NS15 ATA Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
ELBY CLONEDRIVE SCSI CdRom Device Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:1E:90:96:7D:13 true -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter 00:1E:90:96:7D:13 true -
VirtualBox Host-Only VirtualBox Host-Only 08:00:27:00:74:36 Not Assigned false Not Assigned -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2015 PCL6 Local False
Enviar a OneNote 2007 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
NVIDIA GAME System Software NVIDIA Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 for Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
neroxml Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VC80CRTRedist - 8.0.50727.4053 DivX, Inc UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008 SDK Reference
Assemblies and IntelliSense

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Database Engine Services
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Archivos auxiliares de instalación de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008
DivX Codec DivX, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008 Headers and Libraries
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Device Emulator, versión Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
3.0 - ESN
Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WatchGuard Fireware 10.2.8 WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Herramientas de diseño de SQL Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Server Compact 3.5 SP1 - Español
Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK - Español Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Access MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Publisher MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Outlook MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Word MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Catalan) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Portuguese Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Brazil)) 2007
Microsoft Office Proof (Basque) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Galician) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Visual Web Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Developer 2007
Microsoft Office Visual Web Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Developer MUI (Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Proofing (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Visio MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office OneNote MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Groove MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Sync Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
Microsoft SQL Server Database Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Publishing Wizard 1.3
Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 for Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Pocket PC
PowerBuilder 11.5 Sybase, Inc UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Utilidad Intel(R) para ID de Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Update Helper Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
H.264 Decoder DivX, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Business Objects UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008
MKV Splitter DivX, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AAC Decoder DivX, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008 SP1 Win32 Tools
Microsoft Web Platform Installer 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DivX Plus Web Player DivX,Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Nero 8 Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight 3 Tools for Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual Studio 2008 SP1 - ESN
Google Earth Google UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Crystal Reports Basic Spanish Business Objects UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack for Visual Studio 2008
Software Logitech QuickCam Logitech, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sql Server Customer Experience Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Improvement Program
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Studio 2008 SP1 Tools
Sun VirtualBox Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight 3 Toolkit Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
October 2009
Visual Studio Tools for the Office Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
system 3.0 Runtime Language Pack -
DivX Plus Media Foundation DivX, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Movie Maker Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Professional Edition - ESN
UltraEdit 15.10 IDM Computer Solutions, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SP1 - Español
Sybase PowerBuilder 11.5 Sybase UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Web Deployment Tool Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Database Engine Shared
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Studio 2008 .NET Framework Tools - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Edition [ENU]
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual C++ 2008 x86 Runtime - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VC Runtimes MSI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Under Licensed Frequently
DevExpress 2009.3 Components Developer Express Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Extensions 1.0
Windows Media Player Firefox Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 9.3.1 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Telerik RadControls for ASP.NET Telerik Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AJAX Q3 2009 SP1
Monkey's Audio - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Silverlight 3 Toolkit Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
November 2009
WCF RIA Services Beta Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DNA BitTorrent Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Chrome Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WatchGuard System Manager 10.2 WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Agenda Medica Profesional v4.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Avira GmbH UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BlackBerry Desktop Software 5.0.1 Research In Motion Ltd. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DivX Plus DirectShow Filters DivX, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DNNBuilda DriscollArt Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DX Studio Player v3.1.6 Worldweaver Ltd. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DX Studio v3.1.6 Worldweaver Ltd. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
EVE Online (remove only) CCP Games Ltd. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
FileZilla Client - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Flipper Graph Control ProWorks Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Free Audio CD Burner version 1.2 DVDVideoSoft Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Free PDF to Word Doc Converter www.hellopdf.com UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Free YouTube to MP3 Converter DVDVideoSoft Limited. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
version 3.2
Historias Clinicas - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hovorun 1.08 Lots Entertainment, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
RadControls for ASPNET AJAX Q2 Telerik UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Document Explorer 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Document Explorer 2008 - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Second Edition Runtime
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
for Office Runtime Language Pack
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Professional - ESN
Photoshop CS3 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF -- by Nitro PDF Software Nitro PDF Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Real Alternative 1.9.0 Lite - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Colgate Dental PowerSoft - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SysAid version Ilient ltd. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TeamViewer 4 TeamViewer GmbH UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Total Video Converter 3.10 EffectMatrix Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Total Video Converter 3.14 080930 EffectMatrix Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
KWorld PVR-TV BDA Drivers - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Uninstall - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Velneo vAdmin V7 ( Velneo, S.A. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Velneo vClient V7 ( Velneo, S.A. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Velneo vDevelop V7 ( Velneo, S.A. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
VirtualCloneDrive Elaborate Bytes UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual Studio Tools for the Office Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
system 3.0 Runtime
Paquete de idioma de Visual Studio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Tools para Office system 3.0 Runtime
Microsoft Visual Studio Web Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Authoring Component
VLC media player 1.0.3 VideoLAN Team UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual C++ 2008 x64 Runtime - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Document Explorer 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Browser Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Baplie Viewer Capt Dragan Milatovic UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows XP Mode Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DivX Converter DivX, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AutoUpdate - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Common Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AllWebMenus PRO 5.1.784 Likno Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual C++ 2008 IA64 Runtime - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Galería fotográfica de Windows Live Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 17 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Management Objects
IWeb_Core_Connector_Client IWeb UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 RsFx Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SQL Server System CLR Types Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2.0 SP2
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
for Office Runtime
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VCRedistSetup Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DivX Version Checker DivX, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
for Devices ESN
AutoSoft Taller 3.00 Edición Santa Rita Investments Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Code Endeavors DotNetNuke Code Endeavors, LLC UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-serg-trn01.bppc.gob Fabricante P4M80P

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.06GHz Not Assigned Luis Valero Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

446 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 76.68 GB 62.39 GB NTFS A808E2A1
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLAT20 PFD212S4RKZGDM 76.69 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLAT20 Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp CD-R/RW TS-H292A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:01:6C:FD:60:98 Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1300 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AdventNetRemoteControl - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-lapt01.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -
Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-52.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-mcafee.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-hcm.bppc.gob Fabricante BIOSTAR Group

Modelo N61PB-M2S Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

AMD Sempron(tm) Dual Core Not Assigned Seguro Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Processor 2200

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1.87 GB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 232.88 GB 220.17 GB NTFS 7035B60A
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Hitachi HDT721025SLA SCSI Disk Device Not Assigned 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Hitachi HDT721025SLA SCSI Disk Device Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223C SCSI Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
CdRom Device
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NVIDIA nForce NVIDIA nForce 00:30:67:23:AE:31 Not Assigned true -
10/100 Mbps Ethernet 10/100 Mbps Ethernet

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP Deskjet F4200 series Local False
Enviar a OneNote 2007 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Update Helper Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Imaging Device Functions 11.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photosmart Essential 3.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Solution Center 11.0 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Customer Participation Program HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
NVIDIA Drivers NVIDIA Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Status Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PSSWCORE Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VideoToolkit01 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPProductAssistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SolutionCenter Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DJ_AIO_03_F4200_Software Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DJ_AIO_03_F4200_ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
eSupportQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CustomerResearchQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Access MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Publisher MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Outlook MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Word MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Catalan) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Portuguese Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Brazil)) 2007
Microsoft Office Proof (Basque) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Galician) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proofing (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office OneNote MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Groove MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DeviceManagementQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Reader 7.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
F4200 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DJ_AIO_03_F4200_Software_Min Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AMD Processor Driver AMD UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Deskjet F4200 All-In-One Driver HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software 11.0 Rel .3
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
GPBaseService Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Photosmart Essential 2.5 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Toolbox Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DeviceDiscovery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destination Component Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
F4200_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-info-vip.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -
Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo BPPC-INF-VIP08 Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-info-vip05.bppc.gob Fabricante Hewlett-Packard

Modelo HP Compaq dx2400 Microtower PC Etiqueta de servicio MXL91007N7

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Reina Alvarez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 5.37 GB 5.14 GB FAT32 49ADC47E
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Local Disk 227.49 GB 219.71 GB NTFS 8C7663B4
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 GEK234RS1A1G3C 232.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Hitachi HDP725025GLA380 Unidad de disco - - -
HP Photosmart 2610 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-H653Q Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:23:7D:2C:3F:C5 Not Assigned true -
RTL8168C(P)/8111C( RTL8168C(P)/8111C(
P) PCI-E Gigabit P) PCI-E Gigabit

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

HP remote printers Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
hp LaserJet 1300 PCL 6 Local False

Información USB

Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2937
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2938
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293C
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2934
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2935
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2936
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2939
Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293A

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600Trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjectsTemplates Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocumentViewer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
XMLinst Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
HP Image Zone 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Diagnostic Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-infor01.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-clona1.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-sist8.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Jhon Wilchez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1.99 GB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 268.56 GB 253.46 GB NTFS B08673AF
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
G: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
H: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD322HJ 31534137314a534d303733343935202020202020 298.09 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB CF Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB MS Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB SD Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB SM Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD322HJ Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB CF Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB MS Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB SD Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB SM Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Optiarc DVD RW AD-7240S Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:D0:39:04 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Sybase PowerDesigner 12.5 Sybase Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Macromedia Flash 8 Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Macromedia Flash Player 8 Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Macromedia Flash 8 Video Encoder Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Macromedia Extension Manager Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MultiExtractor - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WonderWebWare CSS Menu WonderWebWare.com UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Generator 4.0
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 ••• UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Macromedia Fireworks 8 Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PostgreSQL 8.3 PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PowerBuilder 5.0 Enterprise for Intel - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PowerBuilder 6.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Banda Ancha Móvil (CDU680) cmotech UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PowerDVD CyberLink Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sybase PowerBuilder 9.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Sybase PowerBuilder 9.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-sis9.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Lenin Batista Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1.99 GB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 97.65 GB 70.38 GB NTFS 7C703E50
D: Compact Disc 388 KB 0 b CDFS 1765F3A2
E: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
G: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
H: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
I: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
L: Removable Disk 3.73 GB 335 MB FAT32 9E788F94
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD322HJ 31534137314a534d303733343635202020202020 298.09 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB CF Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB MS Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB SD Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB SM Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device Not Assigned 3.74 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD322HJ Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB CF Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB MS Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB SD Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB SM Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH22NS50 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
ELGHAXE KPAN41Y3 SCSI CdRom Device Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:D0:39:0A Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PDFCreator Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Professional - English
WampServer 2.0 Romain Bourdon (Roms) UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
PDFCreator Frank Heindörfer, Philip Chinery UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
InfoMaker Sybase UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 ••• UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual FoxPro 9.0 Baseline - English Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Macromedia Fireworks 8 Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sybase InfoMaker 11.5 Sybase UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Visual FoxPro 9.0 Professional - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PostgreSQL 8.3 PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Sybase PowerDesigner 12.5 Sybase Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
SQL Anywhere 11 iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Macromedia Extension Manager Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Nero 7 Demo Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.5) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
pdfforge Toolbar v1.1.2 Spigot, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Catalan) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Portuguese Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Brazil)) 2007
Microsoft Office Proof (Basque) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Galician) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proofing (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Visio MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Free Video Converter 5.0 - Free Abdio Software Inc UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
save2pc Light 4.01 FDRLab UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Xvid 1.2.1 final uninstall Xvid team (Koepi) UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Youtube Downloader HD v. 1.8.1 YoutubeDownloaderHD.com UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Baplie Viewer Capt Dragan Milatovic UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 8 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
EasyRecovery Professional Ontrack Data Recovery, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-fact-a26.bppc.gob Fabricante ATI___

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Yisler Cotiz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

446 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 31.49 GB 22.60 GB NTFS 04988530
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
MAXTOR 6L080J4 3636323431323530353035322020202020202020 31.49 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
MAXTOR 6L080J4 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8525B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:16:76:1C:C7:59 Not Assigned true -
RTL8139/810x Family RTL8139/810x Family
Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2010 Series PCL 5e Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
ATI Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppusgP2015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppWebRegMM Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppManualsP2015 Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppLJP2015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Product_SF_Full_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Java(TM) 6 Update 16 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Product_SF_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppIOFiles Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppMSRedist Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CorePLS_Min_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hppFonts Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CustomerResearchQFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
hppTLBXFXP2015 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CorePLS_Full_QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
hpzTLBXFX Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
REALTEK Gigabit and Fast Ethernet REALTEK Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-port1.bppc.gob Fabricante KN1 , inc.

Modelo KN1 Etiqueta de servicio KN1TFCCAD5340461

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Celeron(R) M processor Not Assigned Luis Galicia Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

1.40GHz Not Assigned Luis Galicia Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

246 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 37.30 GB 26.80 GB NTFS CCB34E8C
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG MP0402H S03WJ40YA56839 37.31 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG MP0402H Unidad de disco - - -
PHILIPS CDRW/DVD SCB5265 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek Realtek 00:C0:9F:BA:5E:66 Not Assigned true -
RTL8139/810x Family RTL8139/810x Family
Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PDFCreator Local False

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2658
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2659

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265A
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265B
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 265C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Texas Instruments PCIxx21/x515 Texas Instruments Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB835221
Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Motorola SM56 Data Fax Modem - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Professional - English
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Visual FoxPro 9.0 Baseline - English Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Driver for Mobile
TIxx21 Texas Instruments Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
REALTEK Gigabit and Fast Ethernet REALTEK Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Visual FoxPro 9.0 Professional - Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PostgreSQL 8.3 PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Keyboard Manager Utility Publisher UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 8 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.5) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
PDFCreator Toolbar - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PDFCreator Frank Heindörfer, Philip Chinery UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-sist7.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Procesador Intel Pentium III Xeon Not Assigned Katherine Herrera Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1.99 GB 2.00 GB
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 268.56 GB 249.81 GB NTFS 78661562
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
F: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
G: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
H: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD322HJ 31534137314a534d303733343337202020202020 298.09 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB CF Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB MS Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB SD Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)
Generic USB SM Reader USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD322HJ Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB CF Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB MS Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB SD Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Generic USB SM Reader USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Optiarc DVD RW AD-7240S Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:19:66:D0:38:9E Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada


información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controladora de host PCI a USB estándar universal
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Sybase PowerDesigner 12.5 Sybase Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Macromedia Extension Manager Nombre de su organización UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Macromedia Flash 8 Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Macromedia Flash Player 8 Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Macromedia Flash 8 Video Encoder Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
McAfee Security Scan - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
WampServer 2.0 Romain Bourdon (Roms) UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Live Essentials Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Herramienta de carga de Windows Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSVCRT Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Call Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Asistente para el inicio Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
de sesión
Microsoft Application Error Reporting Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Segoe UI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Communications Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Choice Guard Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PowerBuilder 5.0 Enterprise for Intel - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PowerBuilder 6.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Banda Ancha Móvil (CDU680) cmotech UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 ••• UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Macromedia Fireworks 8 Macromedia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
PowerDVD CyberLink Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Sybase PowerBuilder 9.0 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver

Estación de trabajo bppc-ing-an07.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-segp.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-serg-bien1.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-apps1.bppc.gob Fabricante HP

Modelo ProLiant ML150 G2 Etiqueta de servicio USE533C03Z

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.20GHz Not Assigned Fernando Iturriza Sistemas Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1022 MB 2.41 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Standard Edition 5.2.3790 3790 1

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 33.90 GB 26.56 GB NTFS 844C5941
D: Local Disk 233.76 GB 231.11 GB NTFS E4A94700

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 7Y250P0 Y65S4GRE 233.76 GB (Standard disk drives)
COMPAQ BF03698578 SCSI Disk Device ANS1P5501FU20520 33.91 GB (Standard disk drives)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 7Y250P0 Disk drive - - -
COMPAQ BF03698578 SCSI Disk Device Disk drive - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8169 Realtek RTL8169 00:40:F4:B4:82:6B Not Assigned true -
Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet
Adapter Adapter

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Communications Port (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 6300ESB USB Universal Host Controller - 25A9
Intel(R) 6300ESB USB Universal Host Controller - 25AA
Intel(R) 6300ESB USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 25AD

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Report Viewer Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Redistributable 2005
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
Archivos auxiliares de instalación de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft SQL Server (español)
Microsoft Windows SharePoint Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Services 3.0
Microsoft Windows SharePoint Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Services 3.0 3082 Lang Pack
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Escritor de VSS de Microsoft SQL Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
2003, Standard Edition
Remote Administration Tools Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Embedded Edition (Windows)

Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-dir1.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo BPPC-INF-SIST1.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-con-anl01.bppc.gob Fabricante BIOSTAR Group

Modelo G31-M7 TE Etiqueta de servicio None

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Irene Castillo Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 273.44 GB 261.05 GB NTFS 487CD477
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD322HJ 31534137414a5330323630323636202020202020 298.09 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD322HJ Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22NS30 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:30:67:04:4D:01 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Actualizacion PCC2000 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
- KB888111 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
MSN - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PCC2000 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
PowerDVD CyberLink Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Nero 7 Ultra Edition Nero AG UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
Paquete de controladores de Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows - Nokia pccsmcfd
Nokia PC Internet Access Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PC Connectivity Solution Lite Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver Nokia UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs

Estación de trabajo bppc-segp-sec.bppc.gob Fabricante 75V80

Modelo 775VM800 Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz Not Assigned Yoniska Romero Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

447 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 76.68 GB 47.69 GB NTFS 4043D87B
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 1.86 GB 603 MB FAT 00282146

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLAT20 PFD800S2DGWGJB 76.69 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Best Buy Geek Squad USB Device Not Assigned 1.88 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HDS728080PLAT20 Unidad de disco - - -
Best Buy Geek Squad USB Device Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:13:8F:4B:E4:B3 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP LaserJet P2014 (Copiar 1) Local False
HP LaserJet P2014 Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 5e Local False
hp LaserJet 1300 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
C-Media WDM Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP LaserJet P2010 Series - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Paquete de idioma para español de Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
MrvlUsgTracking Marvell UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
hppMSRedist Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
hppusgP2010Series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSSupply Hewlett Packard Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Company L.P.
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MarketResearch Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Spanish Language Pack

Estación de trabajo bppc-al-un21.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo bppc-asl-12.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-cj-un9.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Tania Martinez Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.30 GB 27.09 GB NTFS 2C872AE8

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG SV0411N S01RJ10XC17634 37.31 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG SV0411N Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:C0:F0:31:BE:7D Not Assigned true -
Ethernet PCI basado Ethernet PCI basado
en Intel 21140 en Intel 21140
(Genérico) (Genérico)

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
avast! Antivirus Alwil Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.7) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Compresor WinRAR - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Pack 1.0
XML Paper Specification Shared Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Components Language Pack 1.0
hp LaserJet 1150 / 1300 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
TuneUp Utilities 2009 TuneUp Software UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack (ESN)
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Communication Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Foundation Language Pack - ESN
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Windows Workflow Foundation ES Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack
Adobe Reader 8 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Presentation Foundation Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-opr-an12.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_

Modelo D845GVFN Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz Not Assigned Oksana Mata Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

509 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 76.68 GB 68.85 GB NTFS 4CC25CC5
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 018CD1C5
E: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
HDS728080PLAT20 Not Assigned 76.69 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
HP psc 2175 USB Device Not Assigned 0 b (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
HDS728080PLAT20 Unidad de disco - - -
HP psc 2175 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SH-152A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Intel(R) PRO/100 VE 00:11:11:92:8A:0F Not Assigned true -
Network Connection Network Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp psc 2170 series Local False
HP Color LaserJet 2600n Local False
HP Color LaserJet Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801DB/DBM USB Universal Host Controller - 24C2
Intel(R) 82801DB/DBM USB Universal Host Controller - 24C4
Intel(R) 82801DB/DBM USB Universal Host Controller - 24C7
Controladora de host universal mejorado 2.0 USB Intel (R) 82801DB/DBM - 24CD

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Software de fotografía e imágenes - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP 2.0 - hp psc 2170 series
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de fotografía e imágenes Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP 2.0 - All-in-One Drivers
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Extreme Graphics Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Occasionally
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
hp psc 2170 series ##HP_COMPANY_NAME## UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de fotografía e imágenes Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP 2.0 - All-in-One
Intel Application Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Disco de recuerdos de HP Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
XMLinst Intel Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) PRO Network Adapters and - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-opr-and12.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-antivirus.bppc.gob Fabricante NCR

Modelo NCR S27 Etiqueta de servicio 0022846987

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) III processor Not Assigned administrator Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1023 MB 2.42 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Standard Edition 5.2.3790 3790 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 8.46 GB 2.86 GB NTFS 98C486A2
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SEAGATE ST336607LW SCSI Disk Device 3JAA3ZCV000075310EZ8 34.18 GB (Standard disk drives)
SEAGATE ST336607LW SCSI Disk Device 3JAA3ZB6000075310EU7 34.18 GB (Standard disk drives)
SEAGATE ST39236LW SCSI Disk Device 3BN0961S000070435MMQ 8.47 GB (Standard disk drives)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SEAGATE ST336607LW SCSI Disk Device Disk drive - - -
SEAGATE ST336607LW SCSI Disk Device Disk drive - - -
SEAGATE ST39236LW SCSI Disk Device Disk drive - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8169 Realtek RTL8169 00:40:F4:E9:82:1C Not Assigned true Not Assigned -
Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet
Adapter Adapter
Realtek RTL8139 Realtek RTL8139 00:E0:4C:77:15:AF Not Assigned true Not Assigned -
Family PCI Fast Family PCI Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC
Realtek RTL8139 Realtek RTL8139 00:E0:4C:77:16:30 Not Assigned true Not Assigned -
Family PCI Fast Family PCI Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC
Intel(R) 82559 Fast Intel(R) 82559 Fast 00:E0:18:32:8F:19 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet LAN on Ethernet LAN on
Motherboard Motherboard

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Communications Port (COM1) OK
Communications Port (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

ServerWorks (RCC) PCI to USB Open Host Controller

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
2003, Standard Edition
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Kaspersky Lab UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Servers

Estación de trabajo bppc-disp-sist0.bppc.gob Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8237 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Felicita Ojeda Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.55 GB 67.61 GB NTFS DA1D8FC9
Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG SP0822N S06QJ30L317107 74.56 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG SP0822N Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

VIA Rhine II Fast VIA Rhine II Fast 00:14:2A:48:CF:49 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Adapter

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP Universal Printing PCL 6 Local False
hp LaserJet 1300 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
C-Media 3D Audio - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
ProSavageDDR and Utilities - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
S3Display - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Gamma2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Info2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Overlay - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-cj-un1.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-dir.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-sgr-sec2.bppc.gob Fabricante INTEL_

Modelo D915GAV_ Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Carmen Mujica Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

758 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 57.82 GB NTFS 1425DA6B
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Local Disk 37.26 GB 36.62 GB NTFS 904BE347

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
ST380817AS Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
WDC WD400BB-23FJA0 WD-WMAJA4663167 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
ST380817AS Unidad de disco - - -
WDC WD400BB-23FJA0 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
LITE-ON DVD SOHD-167T Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:02:E3:13:AE:06 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet NETGEAR Ethernet NETGEAR
FA311 FA311

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
Enviar a OneNote 2007 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2658
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2659
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265A
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 265B
Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 265C

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Office OneNote MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Groove MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.8) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Access MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Publisher MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Outlook MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Word MUI (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Catalan) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Portuguese Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Brazil)) 2007
Microsoft Office Proof (Basque) 2007 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Galician) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Proofing (Spanish) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007
Microsoft Office Shared MUI Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
(Spanish) 2007

Estación de trabajo bppc-com-com4.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-est-05.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo BPPC-INF-A31-PC.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-sgp-vig.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-asl-01.bppc.gob Fabricante 75V80

Modelo 775VM800 Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz Not Assigned Diana Matheus Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

319 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 19.07 GB 11.85 GB NTFS C4BF7BD1
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
Maxtor 2B020H1 B1AFWV6E 19.08 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Maxtor 2B020H1 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:13:8F:4B:E4:A9 Not Assigned true -
Ethernet compatible Ethernet compatible

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
hp LaserJet 1300 PCL 6 Local False
HP DeskJet 810C Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-vip20.bppc.gob Fabricante ECS

Modelo M925 Etiqueta de servicio 00000000

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz Not Assigned Jacinto Diaz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

479 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 24.41 GB 17.27 GB NTFS E04C96C2
E: Local Disk 12.89 GB 12.83 GB NTFS 24C36EF2

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG SV0401H 0714J1FW940679 37.31 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG SV0401H Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:0A:E6:B1:EA:2B Not Assigned true -
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI 00:0A:E6:B1:EA:2B Not Assigned true -
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
EPSON FX-890_2190 Manual - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Google Update Helper Google Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bolivari-bf4a9d.bppc.gob Fabricante ATI___

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz Not Assigned Monica R. Saavedra Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

446 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.52 GB 61.97 GB NTFS C89E71E4
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
E: Removable Disk 955 MB 459 MB FAT FDF0C854

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
MAXTOR STM380215A 9QZ8RFW2 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
USB DISK 2.0 USB Device Not Assigned 949 MB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
MAXTOR STM380215A Unidad de disco - - -
USB DISK 2.0 USB Device Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148A Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:16:76:25:19:10 Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controladora de host USB OpenHCD estándar
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XP Codec Pack - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Estación de trabajo bppc-opr-05.bppc.gob Fabricante To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Modelo To Be Filled By O.E.M. Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Carmen Bravo Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

494 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.53 GB 63.17 GB NTFS BCC7811D
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 02FEC82C

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800BD-22MRA1 Not Assigned 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800BD-22MRA1 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8527B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:19:66:1E:FA:30 Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D2
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D4

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D7
Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24DE
Controladora de host universal USB2 Intel (R) 82801EB - 24DD

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
C-Media WDM Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Extreme Graphics 2 Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2007 Office system
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-an003.bppc.gob Fabricante BIOSTAR Group

Modelo G31-M7 TE Etiqueta de servicio None

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU Not Assigned Yoasneira Albujar Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
E2200 @ 2.20GHz

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

1014 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 298.09 GB 267.74 GB NTFS 4ADEF577
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG HD322HJ 31534137414a5330323635333331202020202020 298.09 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG HD322HJ Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22NS30 Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Realtek RTL8102E Realtek RTL8102E 00:30:67:04:57:D0 Not Assigned true -
Family PCI-E Fast Family PCI-E Fast
Ethernet NIC Ethernet NIC

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

hp LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Controlador de host de PCI a USB mejorado

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player Plugin Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Paquete de idioma de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
.NET Framework 2.0 - ESN
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.3) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Language Pack - ESN
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
hp LaserJet 1160/1320 series Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Frequently
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
2007 Office system
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
REALTEK GbE & FE Ethernet PCI-E Realtek UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
NIC Driver
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Frequently
High Definition Audio Driver Package Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
- KB888111
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-a34.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-opm-planif.bppc.gob Fabricante P4M80P

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz Not Assigned Pablo Pinto Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

446 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 2

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 74.50 GB 70.08 GB NTFS E8C20961
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800JD-75MSA3 Not Assigned 74.50 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800JD-75MSA3 Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GSA-H22N Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:15:58:76:DD:1D Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo alm18-sparc.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo ALM18-SPARCSSVR Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo pcmbpl53.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo alm18-sisbal.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo pcmpbl18.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo sappbl02.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo pcmsid01.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo pcmpbl23.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo pcmpbl12.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo smvpbl01.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo pcmpbl59.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo pcmpbl36.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo pcepbl09.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo pcmpbl43.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo pcmpbl40.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo inspector3.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo VPCPBL10 Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo VPCPBL03 Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo ltcpbl04.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo pcmpbl52.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo pcmpbl07.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo pccpbl45.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo inspector2.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo pfisica-01.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo enfermeria.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo pcmpbl38.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo pcmpbl57.alm18.bppc.gob Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo SVPBL001 Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Puerto Cabello Area 6

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-bol1-sha1.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-bol1-est1.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-cont-a11.bppc.gob Fabricante Hewlett-Packard

Modelo HP dx2000 MT (EA143LA) Etiqueta de servicio MXD65104YP

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.53GHz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

246 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 31.54 GB NTFS 28C758C6
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b CDFS 022F14EB

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
ST340014A 4JX1LMER 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
ST340014A Unidad de disco - - -
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -
LITE-ON CD-ROM LTN-4891S Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC
Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Intel(R) PRO/100 VE 00:0F:FE:B0:09:4A Not Assigned true -
Network Connection Network Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
Canon iR1018/1022/1023 UFRII LT Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801EB - 24D2
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801EB - 24D4
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801EB - 24D7
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801EB - 24DE
Controladora de host universal USB2 Intel (R) 82801EB - 24DD

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Avira GmbH UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Mozilla Firefox (3.5.6) Mozilla UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Broadcom Management Programs Broadcom Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) Extreme Graphics 2 Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
HP Product Detection Hewlett-Packard Company UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Intel(R) Network Connections Intel UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
SoundMAX Analog Devices UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
Canon iR1018/1022/1023 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-fact-11.ipapc.mail Fabricante VIA Technologies, Inc.

Modelo P4M266A-8235 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.26GHz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

223 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3
Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 37.26 GB 4.20 GB NTFS E0B847FE
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD400BB-00FRA0 WD-WMAJE1640428 37.27 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD400BB-00FRA0 Unidad de disco - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Adaptador Fast Adaptador Fast 00:0D:87:C7:29:1C Not Assigned true -
Ethernet VIA PCI Ethernet VIA PCI
10/100Mb 10/100Mb

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
HP remote printers Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series fax Local False
HP Photosmart 2600 series Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
Microsoft National Language Support Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Downlevel APIs
ProSavageDDR and Utilities - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
S3Display - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Gamma2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Info2 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
S3Overlay - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
VIA Vinyl Audio Codecs Driver Setup - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Diagnostic Assistant Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Overland Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Fax Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Update 11
AiOSoftware Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Copy Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HPSystemDiagnostics Your Company Name UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Unload Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP Software Update Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
ProductContext Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2600 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600_Help Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Spanish Language Pack
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
QFolder Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Not Assigned
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Office Visio Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
SkinsHP1 Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
QuickProjects Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
PrintScreen Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
2600Trb Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
HP PSC & OfficeJet 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
PhotoGallery Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Readme Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
AiO_Scan Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Adobe Reader 6.0 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
DocProc Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Director Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
CreativeProjectsTemplates Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
DocumentViewer Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
InstantShare Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
TrayApp Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
BufferChm Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Destinations Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebReg Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
CueTour Hewlett-Packard UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently
HP Image Zone 4.2 HP UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Names Mitigation APIs
Windows Internet Explorer 7 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
LiveUpdate 3.3 (Symantec Symantec Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely

Estación de trabajo bppc-fin-a05.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-sup1.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-info-15.bppc.gob Fabricante MICRO-STAR INTL, CO.,LTD.

Modelo MS-6743 Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

375 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

A: Removable Disk 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned
C: Local Disk 39.06 GB 33.00 GB NTFS E493C281
D: Local Disk 35.46 GB 33.12 GB NTFS 808DF909
E: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
WDC WD800LB-60DNA1 WD-WCADW1827623 74.53 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)

Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
WDC WD800LB-60DNA1 Unidad de disco - - -
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8525B Unidad de CD-ROM - - -
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
Unidad de disquete Unidad de disquete - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Intel(R) PRO/100 VE 00:0C:76:B5:89:9F Not Assigned true -
Network Connection Network Connection

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False
EPSON FX-890 ESC/P Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801EB - 24D2
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801EB - 24D4
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801EB - 24D7
Controladora de host universal USB Intel (R) 82801EB - 24DE
Controladora de host universal USB2 Intel (R) 82801EB - 24DD

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Software de impresora EPSON - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Genuine Advantage Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Validation Tool (KB892130)
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Intel(R) PRO Network Adapters and - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Drivers - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
XP Codec Pack - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Java(TM) 6 Update 17 Sun Microsystems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 - Español Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Estación de trabajo bppc-info-dg.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-rrhh-08.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -
Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-15.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo bppc-inf-dg1.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-infor-disp.bppc.gob Fabricante P4M80P

Modelo AWRDACPI Etiqueta de servicio Not Assigned

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

494 MB 2.00 GB

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 2600 3

Información de la unidad

Nombre Tipo Capacidad Espacio libre Sistema de archivos Número de serie

C: Local Disk 74.55 GB 68.66 GB NTFS 4C240346
D: Compact Disc 0b 0 b Not Assigned Not Assigned

Información del disco duro

Número de modelo del disco duro Número de serie del disco duro Capacidad del disco duro Fabricante del disco duro
SAMSUNG SP0822N S06QJ20L219103 74.56 GB (Unidades de disco estándar)
Información de la unidad física

Nombre de la unidad física Descripción de la unidad física Fabricante de la unidad física Versión de la unidad física Proveedor de la unidad física
SAMSUNG SP0822N Unidad de disco - - -
TSSTcorp CD-ROM SH-C522C Unidad de CD-ROM - - -

Adaptadores de red

Nombre de NIC Descripción de NIC Dirección IP Dirección MAC IPNetmask Red Puerta de enlace DHCP habilitado Servidor DHCP Concesión NIC

NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:48:54:66:25:EC Not Assigned Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek
NIC Fast Ethernet NIC Fast Ethernet 00:15:58:05:01:8B Not Assigned true -
PCI Familia RTL8139 PCI Familia RTL8139
de Realtek de Realtek

información de impresora

Nombre de la impresora Tipo de impresora Impresora predeterminada

PrimoPDF Local False

Información de puerto

Nombre de puerto Estado del puerto

Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1) OK
Puerto de comunicaciones (COM2) OK
LPT1 Not Assigned

Información USB

Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host universal USB VIA Rev 5 o posterior
Controlador de host mejorado USB VIA

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX Adobe Systems, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Avira GmbH UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA Administrador de dispositivos de VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Actualización de Windows XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned

Información de software

Nombre del software Fabricante Tipo de software Categoría de software Tipo de conformidad Uso de software
(KB943729) Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.4.5 (Full) - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft Compression Client Pack Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
1.0 for Windows XP
PrimoPDF activePDF UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
VIA/S3G Display Driver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Windows Media Format 11 runtime Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Reproductor de Windows Media 11 - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinRAR archiver - UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
WinZip WinZip Computing, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Occasionally
Windows Media Player 11 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Microsoft User-Mode Driver Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Framework Feature Pack 1.0
Cliente Firewall de Microsoft Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Platform VIA Technologies, Inc. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
WebFldrs XP Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
psqlODBC PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Office Professional Edition Microsoft Corporation Managed Others Compliant Rarely
Paquete de compatibilidad para Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
2007 Office system
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Corporation UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17
PostgreSQL 8.3 PostgreSQL Global Development UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Not Assigned
Realtek AC'97 Audio Realtek Semiconductor Corp. UnIdentified Others Under Licensed Rarely
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Corporation Managed Operating System Compliant Frequently

Estación de trabajo despacho-03.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo SEGURIDAD Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack
Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo JULISSA-PC Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Estación de trabajo Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned
Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bolipuertos123.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-algranel.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Estación de trabajo bppc-caja-07.BPPC.GOB Fabricante -

Modelo - Etiqueta de servicio -

Información general

Nombre del procesador Asociado a Usuario Departamento Región Sitio

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

Detalles de la memoria

Memoria total Memoria virtual

0b 0b

Detalles del SO

Sistema Operativo Versión Número de versión Service Pack

Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

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