Descripcion Del Desarrollo Embrionario de Bocachico Prochilodus Magdalenae en Condiciones de Laboratorio PDF
Descripcion Del Desarrollo Embrionario de Bocachico Prochilodus Magdalenae en Condiciones de Laboratorio PDF
Descripcion Del Desarrollo Embrionario de Bocachico Prochilodus Magdalenae en Condiciones de Laboratorio PDF
ABSTRACT: There is a great interest in the development of fertilization methods for fish
reproduction. For the observation of the embryonic process of Prochilodus magdalenae. The
Bocachico fish were treated with Carpa Pituitary Extract (EPC) according to the degree of
sexual maturity. In this work we study the reproductive process and the embryonic development
of Prochilodus magdalenae, observing step by step the different stages of this event. The eggs
produced by this species are translucent and have a large perivitelline space, are of the telolecite
type, and have disc-shaped meroblastic segmentation. During the study, the periods of zygote,
blastula, gastrula, segmentation and hatching of the larvae were observed. The different stages
of development were recorded successfully. The time required to carry out this research from
the fertilization process to the time of egg hatching, where the larva breaks the membrane, was
12 and a half hours.