Comparacion Aceros IRAM F 24 ASTM A36 PDF

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Tabla 1 - Características mecánicas

Designación Límite de fluencia mínimo Resistencia Alargamiento de rotura mínimo Doblado** a 180º
del acero a la tracción sobre calza de
Re R* A
(MPa) (MPa) (%)

e d 16 16  e d 40 40  e d 63 63  e d 80 80  e d 100 100  e d 150 e3 3 d e d 100 100  e d 150 e d 40 40  e d 63 63  e d 100 100  e d 150 e d 16 16  e d 40 40  e d 63

F-24 235 225 215 215 215 195 360-510 340-470 340-470 26 25 24 22 1 e 1,5 e 1,5 e

F-26 250 245 235 235 235 215 420-570 400-560 390-530 22 21 20 18 1,5 e 2 e 2,5 e

F-36 355 345 335 325 315 295 510-680 490-630 470-630 22 21 20 18 2,5 e 3 e 3 e

e el espesor nominal del producto, en milímetros (ver 5.7.3).

* Salvo convenio previo, los límites máximos son sólo indicativos.
** Optativo, si fuera requerido en la orden de compra.

Tabla 2 - Composición química de colada

Designación C máx. P máx. S máx.

(1) (3)
(%) (%) (%)

e d 16 16  e d 40 40  e d 100 Todos los espesores

F-24 0,20 0,21 0,23 0,045 0,050

F-26 0,26 0,27 0,28 0,045 0,050

F-36 0,24 0,24 (2) 0,045 0,050

(1) El contenido de carbono máximo puede incrementarse hasta en 0,02% siempre y cuan-
do se cumpla con el valor del carbono equivalente máximo indicado en 5.6.1 a).
(2) De requerirse se debe fijar por convenio previo.
(3) Para espesores ! 100 mm, el contenido de carbono debe acordarse entre las partes.
IRAM-IAS U 500-503:2003

A 36/A 36M – 05
TABLE 3 Tensile RequirementsA

Plates, Shapes,B and Bars:

Tensile strength, ksi [MPa] 58–80 [400–550]
Yield point, min, ksi [MPa] 36 [250]C
Plates and BarsD,E:
Elongation in 8 in. [200 mm], min, % 20
Elongation in 2 in. [50 mm], min, % 23
Elongation in 8 in. [200 mm], min, % 20
Elongation in 2 in. [50 mm], min, % 21B
See the Orientation subsection inthe Tension Tests section of Specification
A 6/A 6M.
For wide flange shapes with flange thickness over 3 in. [75 mm], the 80 ksi [550
MPa] maximum tensile strength does not apply and a minimum elongation in 2 in.
[50 mm] of 19 % applies.
Yield point 32 ksi [220 MPa] for plates over 8 in. [200 mm] in thickness.
Elongation not required to be determined for floor plate.
For plates wider than 24 in. [600 mm], the elongation requirement is reduced
two percentage points. See the Elongation Requirement Adjustments subsection
under the Tension Tests section of Specification A 6/A 6M.


These requirements shall not apply unless specified in the order.

Standardized supplementary requirements for use at the option of the purchaser are listed in
Specification A 6/A 6M. Those that are considered suitable for use with this specification are listed by

S5. Charpy V-Notch Impact Test. In addition, the following optional supplementary
requirement is also suitable for use with this specification:
S30. Charpy V-Notch Impact Test for Structural Shapes:
Alternate Core Location S97. Limitation on Rimmed or Capped Steel
S32. Single Heat Bundles S97.1 The steel shall be other than rimmed or capped.
S32.1 Bundles containing shapes or bars shall be from a
single heat of steel.


Committee A01 has identified the location of the following changes to this standard since A 36/A 36M-03a that
may impact the use of this standard. (Approved March 1, 2005.)

(1) Paragraph 6.1 was revised.

Committee A01 has identified the location of the following changes to this standard since A 36/A 36M-03a that may impact
the use of this standard. (Approved April 1, 2004.)

(1) Table 2 has been revised to make Footnote B also apply (2) Supplementary Requirement S32 was added.
to bars.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed Mar 21 14:37:21 EST 2007
Downloaded/printed by
HILARIO GARCIA (INDUSTRIAS MONTERREY SA DE CV) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

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