Pasado Simple Del Verbo - Tarea ANGEL PEREZ

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Pasado simple del verbo "To be"

El verbo "to be" en el pasado simple

Se ve como se forma "to be" en pasado en la tabla abajo

Pronombre Presente Pasado

I am was

You are were

He is was

She is was

It is was

We are were

You are were

They are were

Cómo construir el pasado simple del verbo “to be” en inglés


Fíjate en el cuadro de abajo:

Para la primera y tercera persona del singular se usa la palabra “was”; para el resto se utiliza “were”.
Por ejemplo:

        “She was a student”. Ella era estudiante.

        “They were good doctors”. Ellos eran Buenos doctores.

Para hacer una pregunta hay que colocar “was/were” al principio de la oración:

        “Was she a student?”. ¿Ella era estudiante?

        “Were they good doctors?”. ¿Ellos eran buenos doctores?

En las oraciones negativas hay que añadir el adverbio “not” y ponerlo después de la palabra

Recuerda que la mayoría de las veces se usa la contracción (forma abreviada) en las oraciones
negativas: “wasn’t = was not” “weren’t = were not”.

        “He wasn’t at the cinema with us”. Él no estaba en el cine con nosotros.

       “ We weren’t at home on Sunday”. Nosotros no estábamos en casa el domingo.
        “I wasn’t hungry” . No tenía hambre.
 They were not (weren’t) in theodolite class yesterday.

 Nota: Se hace los afirmativos, negativos e interrogativos en la misma manera que el presente ej:-


I was in Madrid yesterday. - I wasn't in London yesterday Were you in Paris yesterday?
Estuve en Madrid ayer - No estuve en Londres ayer ? ¿Estuvistes en Paris ayer?
You wasn’t very close to my Were you guys in Madrid yesterday?
You were very close to my house.
house. ¿Estuvisteis en Madrid ayer?
Estuviste muy cerca de mi casa.
No estuviste muy cerca de mi

My brother was in Montevideo. My brother wasn’t in Was my brother in Montevideo?

Mi hermano estuvo en Montevideo. Montevideo.
Mi hermano no estuvo en Estuvo mi hermano en
montevideo Montevideo?
It was a joke. It wasn’t a joke Was it a joke?
Fue un chiste.
No fue un chiste Fue esto un chiste?
The building was full of people last The building wasn’t full of Was the building full of people last
week. people last week. week?
El edificio estuvo lleno de gente la
semana pasada. El edificio no estuvo lleno de Estuvo el edificio lleno de gente la
gente la semana pasada semana pasada?
We weren’t in Portugal for Were we in Portugal for two
We were in Portugal for two weeks.
two weeks. weeks?
Estuvimos en Portugal durante dos
semanas. No estuvimos en Portugal Estuvimos en Portugal durante dos
durante dos semanas. semanas?
They were at the party with their They were not at the party with Were they at the party with their
flatmates. their flatmates. flatmates?.


Was I…?
Respuesta afirmativa: Yes, I was. 
Respuesta negativa:  No, I was not
               No, I wasn’t

Were we / you / they.…?

Respuesta afirmativa: Yes, we/ you/ they were.
Respuesta negativa:  No, we/ you/ they were not.
               No, we/ you/ they weren’t.
Was he / she / it…?
Respuesta afirmativa: Yes, he / she / it was.
Respuesta negativa: No, he / she / it was not.
                No, he / she / it wasn’t.

PRACTICE: Convertir las oraciones correspondientes en forma: Afirmativa, Negativa e


1. Were you comfortable last night in the party? 

RESPUESTA: Yes, you were

AFIRMATIVA: You were comofortable last night in the party.

NEGATIVA: You weren’t comfortable last night in the party

2. The cat was in the bed when the bell rang.

NEGATIVA: The cat wasn’t in the bed when the bell rang.

INTERROGATIVA: Was the cat in the bed when the bell rang?

RESPUESTA: No, It wasn’t

3. They were best friends at school. 

NEGATIVA: They weren’t best friends at school.

INTERROGATIVA: Were they best friends at school?

RESPUESTA: Yes, they were

4. Last year she was in Thailand on holidays.

NEGATIVA: Last year she wasn’t in Thailand on holidays.

INTERROGATIVA: Was she in Thailand on holidays last year?

RESPUESTA: Yes, she was

5.  Those trousers were expensive. 

NEGATIVA: Those trousers weren't expensive.

INTERROGATIVA: Were those expensive trousers?

RESPUESTA: Yes, They were.

6. My boyfriend and I were mathematicians. 

NEGATIVA: My boyfriend and I weren’t mathematicians. 

INTERROGATIVA: Were my boyfriend and I mathematicians?

RESPUESTA: No, We were.

7. My uncle’s dog was so loyal. 

NEGATIVA: My uncle’s dog wasn't so loyal.

INTERROGATIVA: Was My uncle’s dog loyal?

RESPUESTA: Yes, It was

8. I was tired yesterday. 

NEGATIVA: I wasn’t tired yesterday.

INTERROGATIVA: Was I tired yesterday?

RESPUESTA: No, I wasn’t

9. We were there a while ago.

NEGATIVA: We weren’t there a while ago.

INTERROGATIVA: Were we there a while ago?

RESPUESTA: Yes, We were.

11. We were in Glasgow too.

NEGATIVA: We weren’t Glasgow too.

INTERROGATIVA: Were we in Glasgow too?

RESPUESTA: No, We weren’t.

12. They were with me the whole time.

NEGATIVA: They weren’t with me the whole time.

INTERROGATIVA: Were they with me the whole time?

RESPUESTA: Yes, they were.

13. I was very ill that day.

NEGATIVA: I wasn’t very ill that day.

INTERROGATIVA: Was I very ill that day?

RESPUESTA: No, i wasn’t.

14. We were in Portugal for two weeks.

NEGATIVA: We weren’t in Portugal for two weeks.

INTERROGATIVA: Were we in Portugal for two weeks?

RESPUESTA: Yes, we were.

15. You were very close to my house.

NEGATIVA: You weren’t very close to my house.

INTERROGATIVA: Were you very close to my house?

RESPUESTA: No. I wasn’t..

16. They were at the party with their flatmates.

NEGATIVA: They weren’t at the party with their flatmates.

INTERROGATIVA: Were they at the party with their flarmates?

RESPUESTA: Yes, they are.

17. We were there a while ago.

NEGATIVA: We weren’t there a while ago

INTERROGATIVA: Were we there there a while ago?

RESPUESTA: Yes, we were.

18. When were you in Colombia?

RESPUESTA: I was in Colombia two years ago.

AFIRMATIVA: You were in Colombia

NEGATIVA: You weren’t in colombia

19. The last time we were here was five years ago.

NEGATIVA: The last time we were here wasn’t five years ago

INTERROGATIVA: When was the last time you were here?

RESPUESTA: I was her five years ago

20. I was at the cinema with your sister.

NEGATIVA: I wasn’t at the cinema with your sister.

INTERROGATIVA: Was I at the cinema with your sister?

RESPUESTA: Yes, you are.

21. Where were you last night?

RESPUESTA: I was in my house.

NEGATIVA: you weren’t in your house last night

AFIRMATIVA: You were in your house last night

22. We were in the countryside with the whole family.

NEGATIVA: We weren’t in the countryside with the whole family.

INTERROGATIVA: Were we in the countryside with the whole family?

RESPUESTA: Yes, We were.

23. How many days were you without work?

RESPUESTA: I was six days without work.

NEGATIVA: You weren’t six days without work.

AFIRMATIVA: You were six days without work.

24. I wasn’t at the supermarket.

AFIRMATIVA: I was at the supermarket.

INTERROGATIVA: Was I at the supermarket?

RESPUETSA: Yes, You were.

25. When was the last time you were here?

RESPUESTAS: The last time we were here was five years ago.

AFIRMATIVA: We were here five years ago.

NEGATIVA: We weren’t her five years ago.

26. Were you at the same party?

RESPUESTA: Yes, I was.

AFIRMATIVA: You were at the same party.

NEGATIVA: You weren’t at the same party.

27. You were in English class yesterday.

NEGATIVA: You weren’t in English Class yesterday.

INTERROGATIVA: Were you in English class yesterday?

RESPUESTA: No, I wasn’t.

28. They were at the beach last week.

NEGATIVA: They weren’t at the beach last week.

INTERROGATIVA: Were they at the beach last week?

RESPUESTA: Yes, They were.

29. You were on holiday for a long time.

30. Why were you in Australia last month?

RESPUESTA: Because I was a job offer.

AFIRMATIVA: You were in Australia last month.

NEGATIVA: You weren’t in Australia last month

31. Everyone was agreed.

NEGATIVA: Everyone wasn’t agreed.

INTERROGATIVA: Was everyone agreed?

RESPUESTAS: No, I wasn’t

32. I was with my family.

NEGATIVA: I wasn’t with my family.

INTERROGATIVA: Was I with my family?

RESPUESTA: Yes, you are.

33. The shops were open late.

NEGATIVA: The shops weren’t open late

INTERROGATIVA: Were the shops open late?

RESPUESTA: Yes, they were open.

34. She was in the street with my friends.

NEGATIVA: She wasn’t in the street with my friends.

INTERROGATIVA: Was she in the street with my friends?

RESPUESTA: Yes, She was.

36. I was in Mallorca last summer.

NEGATIVA: I wasn’t in Mallorca last summer.

INTERROGATIVA: Was I in Mallorca last summer?

RESPUESTA: Yes, You were.

37. I was on holiday

NEGATIVA: I wasn’t on holidays.

INTERROGATIVA: Was I on holidays?

RESPESTA: Yes, you were.

38. Today we were with him in the restaurant.

NEGATIVA: Toda we weren’t with him in the restaurant.

INTERROGATIVA: Were we with him in the restaurant today?

RESPUESTA: Yes, We were

39. All the bars were shut.

NEGATIVA: All the bars weren’t shut.

INTERROGATIVA: Were all the bars shut?

RESPUESTA: Yes, They were.

40. We were in his grandmother’s house.

NEGATIVA: We weren’t in his grandmother’s house.

INTERROGATIVA: Were we in his grandmother’s house?

RESPUESTA: Yes, We were.

41. He was here 20 minutes ago.

NEGATIVA: He wasn’t here 20 minutes ago.

INTERROGATIVA: Was he her 20 minutes ago?

RESPUESTA: Ye, he was.

42. Where were Fernando and his girlfriend this morning?

RESPUESTA: They were this morning in the store.
AFIRMATIVA: This morning they were in the store.
NEGATIVA: This morning they weren’t in the store.
43. Last year she was in Thailand on holidays 

NEGATIVA: Last year she wasn’t in Thailand on holidays.

INTERROGATIVA: Was she in Thailand on holidays last year?

RESPUESTA: Yes, she was

2 Piensa en qué forma es correcta en cada espacio. Tienes que escoger una de las dos opciones
posibles del verbo to be en pasado:

a) Last year Bob ___was____ 29.

b) My children ____were____ in the kitchen when their mother arrived at home.
c) Angela and I ____were____ best friends in the past.
d) ____was____ she at the supermarket last night?
2. Transforma las siguientes oraciones en presente al pasado y tradúcelas.

a) Those trousers are expensive. Those trousers were expensive.

Esos pantalones eran caros.

b) My boyfriend and I are mathematicians. My boyfriend and I were mathematicians.

Mi novio y yo éramos matemáticos.

c) My uncle’s dog is so loyal. My uncle’s dog was so loyal.

El perro de mi tío fue muy leal.

d) I am tired today. I was tired today.

Estaba cansado hoy.

3. Redactar un texto con el tema relacionado a su profesión.


Is the branch of highway engineering concerned with the positioning of the physical
elements of the roadway according to standards and constraints. The basic objectives
in geometric design are to optimize efficiency and safety while minimizing cost and
environmental damage. Geometric design also affects an emerging fifth objective
called "livability," which is defined as designing roads to foster broader community
goals, including providing access to employment, schools, businesses and
residences, accommodate a range of travel modes such as walking, bicycling, transit,
and automobiles, and minimizing fuel use, emissions and environmental damage.

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