Lab. Diseño Lesson 1

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Lesson 1 Froquoney Anaiaie of Parte Case Study: The Tuning Fork Project Nascription ‘Stages in the Process n SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual In this case study, we will determine natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes ofa tuning fork. This model introduces the concept of rigid body modes and presents their corresponding frequencies, ‘The model is first run witha fixed boundary condition simulating the fork being held by a human hand. We will also solve the model using ‘no boundary conditions to see how the results are affected, We will then eam how to properly interpret the results of a frequency analysis. In addition, when an applied Toad exist, the stiffiess uf te nel ea change (called stress stiffening or softening). This additional tines is known as the stress stiffness and can either add or subtract from the overall elastic stiffness of the model. To investigate this. @ load will be applied to the end of the fork, and its effects will be investigated, A tuning fork, shown in the figure. is designed to emit Tower A tone at the fundamental frequency of 440 He. First, perform a frequency analysis to confirm thatthe tuning fork vibrates at the correct frequency. In addition, determine the effects on the resonant frequency when a load of 450 N is applied to the end of the fork. Will the frequency be higher or lower? ‘Some key stages in the analysis of this part are shown in the following list: = Apply Fixtures The end of the tuning fork will be fixed, attempting to simulate being held in a person's hand, = Mosh the model = Run the analysis, = Postprocess Results ‘The results ofthe initial analysis will be postprocessed to properly investigate their meaning = No Fixed Geometry ‘The fixture will be removed to reveal additional modes of vibration, = Effects of Applied Load A load will be applied to the tuning fork to see how an applied presiress condition affects the modes of vibration, Case Study: The Tuning Fork SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Lesson 1 Frequency Analysis With Supports. Procedure Frequency Analyse of Parts In te first part ofthis ease study, we will examine the tuning fork with a Fixed Geometry boundary condition to see if the fundamental frequency is indeed 440 He (lower A tone) ‘The frequency analysis is preformed as follows: Open part. Open the part named tuning fork, and review its geometry Create fenquancy study Create a study named with supports, selecting Frequency as the Analysis type. Set the study properties. Right-click the study with supports, and select Properties, Under Options enter 4 for Number of frequencies, so that the first four natural frequencies are calculated. ‘The default number of requested frequencies is five. ‘The solver type for this problem is not important. We will use the ‘Automatic solver selection, Review material properties. ‘The material property of Chrome Stainless Steel is automatically transferred from the SolidWorks model Define a fixture. Apply a Fixed Geometry fixture to the face of the ball at the end of the stem. Frequency Analysis With Supports a Lesson Freguency Analysis of Pats SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual 6 Mesh the model, Mesh the model with High quality elements and the default Element ‘ize of 1.475 mm, Generally, a less refined mesh is acceptable fora frequency analysis as ‘compared to the mesh required for a stress analysis on the same model. Nevertheless, since the model size is sual, we use de suesh that is created with the default element size, 7 Run the analysis. Results Alter the solution is complete, SolidWorks Simulation creates four ddetormation plots corresponding to the four requested frequencies. Stress and strain results are not available in frequency analysis, (remember, frequency analysis does not solve a realtime dependent problem). 8 List resonant frequenci Let us review the summary of results in the Deformation folder. Right-click the Results folder and select List Resonant Frequencies, ‘The List Modes window ‘opens and displays the frequencies ofall four ‘modes calculated in the study with supporte, Notice thatthe first mode is not 440 Hz as we expected. Note “ Solid Works Simulation generated four deformation plots in the Results directory. A procedure to select the default plots that should be generated automatically when a study completes was discussed in the SolidWorks Simulation training manual, Lesson 1. Frequency Analysis With Supports SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Lesson 1 Frequency Antysi oPats 9 Plot first mode of vibration. Having extracted the natural frequencies, we will now plot the shape of the corresponding modes. Right-click on the Results folder and select Dofine Made ShapelDisplacement Plat Set the Units tomm. Under Plot Stop, request 1st. |nawasionss ‘mode, The corresponding natural frequency will pase = bbe shown as wall, Cloke OK. ene ve s 10 Show the deformed model on the plot. Unlet Plot Settings, seleut Superimpose model on the deformed shape. \ Animate the plot und observe dat in the First matural frequency, bol arms ofthe fork oscillate in phase (both arms in the same direction) and in the xz-plane, This is not how we expeet the arms to oscillate when the fork emits @ lower A sound. Therefore, we will investigate higher modes. Frequency Analysis With Supports 6 Lesson t ‘reguanty Analy of Parts Postprocessing Frequency Results, SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual ‘The magnitude ofthe maximum displacement in the above plot is 1.234e4 mm [486 in], as compared to the length of the tuning fork is about 102 mm [4 in}. (Notice thatthe deformation scale for this plot is 1:0.00087) As previously stated, the magnitude of the displacement result is meaningless in a frequeney analysis, Displacement results ean be used ‘only to compare relative displacements between different portions of the model and only within the same mode of vibration, Meaning digplacement sits require the execution ofa dynamic analysis, where time-dependent force excitation of the initial impetus exists eausing the model to vibrate. A frequency analysis only ealeulates the natural (recomant) ferspioncios and associated modes (shapes) of Vibrations. Itextracts these important structural properties by analyzing the equation af motion for free vibrations (ie. no damping) without any initial conditions causing actual motion. ‘11 Review other mode shapes. Display the plots of the mode shapes associated with all fous computed natural frequencies. You can make use of automatically generated deformation plots corresponding to the four computed natural frequencies, Superimpose the undeformed model on the deformed shape. While a given plot is displayed, right-click the plot icon and select ‘Animate. Review animated results forall four modes, The animated results can be saved in an avi format. Mone 1 Move 2 zoe 22H Moves Move 4 ~~ aa 44 He “The lnwer A frequency af 440 Hz, which we expected to be the first mode, is actually the fourth mode. 16 Frequency Analysis With Supports SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Lesson 4 Fraqvney Any Pars Frequency Looking a the frst three modes ofthis analysis, its revented that i the Analysis tuning fork was unsupported these mode shapes would not occu Without Furthermore, the human hands are simply incapable of creating a Supports ‘completely rigid suppor asin the model, Let us try modeling the Fork without the rigid support. 1 Create new frequency study. Duplicate the study with supports into a new study named without supports. 2 Delete or suppress fixtures in the study. Right-click the fixture and select Suppress. 3 Define analyeie propertios. Right-click without supports, select Properties, and increase the Number of frequencies to 10. 4. Run the analysie. 5 List resonant frequencies. Rightclick the Results folder, and select List Resonant Frequencies. Body Modes Examining the List Modes window for the without supports study reveals that the first six modes have the associated frequency of 0 Hz (or very close to 0 Hz), The first six modes of vibration correspond to the rigid hoy modes, Recause the tuning fork is not supported, it has six degrees-of-freedom as a rigid body: three translations and three rotations, 6 Review the mode shapes. Plot and animate the frst six mode shapes to reveal that these are the rigid body modes associated with the six degrees-of freedom (three ‘wanslaional und three rowationa). Note [Note that the FFEPIus iterative solver must be used fora frequency analysis with rigid body modes. The Direct Sparse solver is not suitable for solving frequency analysis problems with rigid body modes. Frequency Analysis Without Supports w Lesson 4 Froqueney Anais Pare Fundamental Frequency Effect of Restraints Frequency Analysis with Load Important! 16 ‘SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2008 Training Manual ‘The first elastic mode of vibration where the tuning fork experiences elastic deformation is Mode 7, Mode 7 has a frequeney of 444 Hz, very close to what we expected asthe fundamental mode of vibration forthe ‘uning fork. Why didn't the frequency analysis with supports produce the first ‘mode with «fiequeney close to the operating frequency of 440 Hz? If we closely examine the first three modes of vibration of the supported tuning fork, we notice that the firs three modes need the support in order to exist. Without it, the tuning fork cannot vibrate in any of these three modes. Because human fingers cannot generate rigid support used in this first study, none of the first three modes are likely to occur. I'any signs of these three modes do occur, they are quickly damped by the flexible support of the human “grip” In effect, the tuning fork, with or without supports, ends up vibrating the way it was designed to, with a frequeney of 440 Hz: mode 4 as calculated in the analysis with supports, or mode 7 as calculated in the analysis without supports, These two modes are identical. ‘We now continue with a frequency analysis that accounts for stress stiffening, This type of analysis is called a frequency analysis with pre- load or frequency analysis with prestress Compressive and tensile loads change the capacity of a structure t0 resist bending. Tensile forces increase bending stifiness; this phenomenon is called stress stiffening. Compressive loads decrease resistance to bending; this phenomenon is called stress softening, Stress stiffening or softening ean be important both in stati and frequency analyses because it affects the resultant stifness of structure and therefore changes its vibration properties and its response twa load, {In a static analysis, an accurate solution that considers the effect of | loads on the stiness requires nonlinear analysis. When running a frequency study with an applied load, the mode! must be supported in some way in the direction of the load, Turning on the soft-springs option is not sufficient. Without a suppor, a singular stifness matrix will be produced and the model will not run, Frequency Analysis with Load SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Lesson 1 roquancy nels of Pats 1 Create new frequency study. Duplicated the study with epports into a new study named prestressed. 2 Apply the loading. Apply 2 450 N [101.16 ths] compressive force tothe two faces atthe end of the tuning fotk. This is an arbitrary load only applied to see the effect thatthe prestress will have on the frequency study, 3. Run the analysis. 4 List resonant frequencies. Right-click the Results. folder, and select List esonant rrequenci Notice that all ofthe frequencies have lowered significantly from the with supports study. 5 Review the mode shapes. Plot and animate the mode shapes themselves to see that, although the natural frequencies have changed significantly the associated mode shapes remain the same, Effects of Prestress: ‘The effect of the change in stiffness due to the applied load will only change the magnitude of the natural frequencies. The mode shapes are governed by the actual geometry of the model and will not ehange with an applied prestress, ‘We can generalize our findings by noting that compressive stresses will decrease the natural frequencies. For example, the analysis of the natural frequencies of a compressed column demonstrate that natural frequencies decrease with an increased load. Note that a load ‘magnitude corresponding to a zero frequency will cause buckling. ‘Tensile stresses have the opposite effect. For example, when tuning a ular string, the tension in the string i mnereased to produce a higher frequency, which corresponds to a higher note. Frequency Analysis with Load 19 Lesson 1 envoy Anais of Pate ‘Summary 2 SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Using the model of a tuning fork, we can see how SolidWorks Simulation can be used to calculate natural frequencies and mode shapes of a structure. Tre frequency analysis with and without supports allows us 0 westigate rigid body modes where the structure can displace without experiencing elastie deformation A very important point to remember is that while a frequeney analysis provides very important information about the vibration properties of structure, it does not, by itself, calculate vibration amplitudes or stresses, ‘We demonstrated the effect of stress softening on the natural frequencies ofthe tuning fork due to a compressive foree . Stress softening and stiffening effects are automatically taken into account if there isa load present, These effects are very common in rotating parts such as turbines, motor rotors, and wind turbines, however any loading condition that results ina prestress must be taken into account to properly perform a frequency analysis, Summary SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Exercise 1: Frequency Analysis of a Car Suspension Bulkhead Problem ‘Staternent Procedure In this exercise, you will perform a frequency analysis on a car suspension bulkhead, ‘This exercise reinforces the following skills = Frequeney Analysis With Supports on page 13. Frequency Analysis Without Supports on page 17. 1 Posiprocessing Frequency Results on page 16. ‘The bulkhead shown is used as part of the {ont suspension system of dirt-road racing ‘ear. Its built from Cast Alloy Steel Perform a frequency analysis on the Doulnead to determine its Fesonant frequencies so they can be avoided in the design of the rest ofthe vehicle, Follow the procedure below: Open the part. Open the part named Car_Suspension Bullkhead. Create a Frequency study. Create a study named without supports, selecting Frequency as the Analysis type. Apply material propertios. In the SolidWorks Simulation study tree, right-click Parts and select Apply/Edit Material. Select Gast Alloy Steel from the solidworks material library. Mesh the part, Create a High quality mesh with the default Element size and Tolerance. Set the study properties to compute 10 frequen: Run the analysis. a 2 ‘SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2008 Training Manual 7 List resonant frequencies. ‘The fist six modes of vibeation correspond to the rigid body modes, Because the car suspension bullehead is not supported, it hhas six degrees-of-freedom as a rigid body: three translations and three rotations. ‘The frequencies corresponding to rigid body modes have very small ‘numerical values, sometimes zeros. 8 Create new frequency study. Duplicate existing frequency study properties toa new frequency study named with supports. 9. Define fixed hinge fixtures on four cylindrical faces. 40 Run the analysis. 11 List resonant frequencies, SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Exercise 2: Frequency Analysis of a Blower Fan Problem Statement Part 1: Analysis Without Load In this exercise , you will perform a frequency analysis on a blower fan both with and without a centrifugal load. ‘This exervise reinforces the following skills: Frequency Analysis with Load on page 18. m= Posiprocessing Frequeney Results on page 16. Design Scenarios from SolidWorks Simulation manual Lesson 10. Perform a frequency analysis on a blower fan. The fan is designed to spin at a range of different rotational velocities. To simplify the calculation, use geometry with single fan blade. Perform the analysis as both a stationary blade and as a rotating body to investigate the effects ofthe tensile stress caused by the centrifugal force inthe rotating blade, In the first part of tis case study, we will perform a frequency analysis ‘on a stationary blower fan blade. Follow the procedure below: Open part file. Open the part named fan. ‘The £11 configuration presents the full model; the section configuration presents only one blade. We are only interested in a single blade, so we use the model in its section configuration, Change to the section configuration. Create a frequency study named section. ‘The material properties of 1060 Aluminum Alloy, defined in the SolidWorks model, are automatically transferred to SolidWorks ‘Simulation, mo @y= Part 2: Analysis With Load 10 ey SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Apply Fixed Geometry fixture. Request § modes of vibration. Mesh the model. Create «High quality mesh with the default Eloment size and ‘Tolorance. Enable the Automatic transition under Mesh Parameters. Run the analysis. List the resonant frequencies. Review the frequencies ofthe five calculated modes of vibration. No Prosiress Animate the mode shapes. Now, we will perform the analysis with an applied centrifugal load to simulate the blade spinning about the axis of rotation. Follow the procedure below: Greate new study. Duplicate the study named section into a new study named seation reload. SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual 44. Apply centrifugal load. Apply a Centrifugal load. Use an angular velocity, ‘uF 3000 1pm and Axis 1 as a reference. 12 Run the analysis. Noto ‘The FFEPlus solver cannot be used while including the effects of loading in frequeney analyse. 18 List the natural frequencies. Prestress has the biggest effect on the first frequency, also called the fundamental or natural frequency. It has increased from 78 Hy ta 95 Hz. The other four frequencies have increased as well “The results show that the natural frequencies ofthe turbine blade di significantly if centrifugal load causing tensile stresses is considered in analysis. 5 Design Scenarios (optional) Note SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Itmay be of interest to investigate the effect of different speeds of rotation on the natural frequencies ofthe blade and plot the natural frequencies as a function ofthe speed of rotation, To do that, we could simply repeat the above analysis with several different centrifugal loads, and summarize the results, Instead of manually repeating the analysis of the model under several loads, we ean use an automatic feature of Solid Works Simulation ealled «design scenario. To run a design scenario, we define the parameters describing what exaetly changes in the model. In our case. we use anly ‘one parameter, which isthe angular speed of rotation as defined in the Centrifugal Property Manager. By yourself, define the desian scenario for the following values of the speed of rotation: 3000, 6000, 3000, 12000 and 15000 rpm. ‘To review how to define and run a design scenario, consult Lesson 10 of the SolidWorks Simulation Designer training manual, After you define and run the design scenario: 14 Viow the summary results ‘This window lists frequencies ofall five modes forthe five steps executed in the design scenario, SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual 15 Create design scenario graphs. ‘You can contro! the appearance of the yrapli by selecting Options on the tool bar of the graph window. You are encouraged to investigate the many choices offered by the graph controls. Note ‘Summary A design scenario ean be run for other parameters. You are encouraged to use the design scenario feature to investigate the effect of element size on natural frequencies, or in other words, to perform a convergence analysis of frequencies. Note that natural frequencies decrease with mesh refinement asthe rodel becomes softer when smaller elements are used. Therefore, natural frequencies converge “from above”. In this ease, those effects fare very small and have almost no practical importance, but are useful to investigate asa learning tool ‘We demonstrated the effect of stress stiffening due to centrifugal load on the natural frequencies of a cooling fan blade. Using the design scenario feature, we established the relation between natural frequencies and the speed of ration ofthe fan. Exercise 3: Frequency Analysis of an Impeller Problem Statement Procedure 8 SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual In this exercise, you will perform a frequency analysis on an impeller with a prestress condition caused by a centrifugal force. This exereise reinforces the following skills: Frequency Analysis with Load on page 18. 1 Postprocessing Frequency Resulis on page 16. ‘The impeller shown sits on a shaft rotating at 20,000 revolutions per minute, Perform 8 frequency analysis on the Impeller 02 part and study the effect of stress stiffening ‘on the natural frequencies of the model Follow the procedure below: Open part file. (Open the part named Impeller 01. Greate a frequency study. Create a frequency study named vibration. Select Frequency as the Analysis type. ‘Assign Sholl thicknesses. Specify Thin shells with a Shell thickness of 1mm for al blades, Apply Alloy Stee! to all bodies. Apply Restraints. ‘To simulate shatt support, select the cylindtical fave of dhe hole atthe bortom and make it immovable, Apply an angular velocity of 20,000 rpm. Select Axis! as the veferenee SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual 7 Define connection between shells and solids. ‘To bond shell elements to solid elements, define local contact conditions. 8 Greate Mesh. Create a High quality mesh using the default Element size. 9 Set study properties. Request 5 frequencies. 40 Run the analysis. Note Since there are loads present in this analysis, their effect on the frequency results will be automatically accounted for 11 Review results. Notice that the first modes of vibration are reserved for blades only and the corresponding frequencies are very close. 30 SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual

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