Taller de Ingles

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NAME: GRADE: 7 TH ____




Las actividades de nivelación relacionada con las temáticas y guías
realizadas de forma sincrónica virtual se llevarán a cabo en un horario
extraordinario -en contra jornada a las actividades diarias, llamase conferencia,
video clase o clase sincrónica el tiempo de dedicación en casa para estudio y
actividades de refuerzo. El presente escrito describe la metodología, los
criterios de evaluación, los derechos básicos a alcanzar, los estándares a
desarrollar, los contenidos y los recursos a tener en cuenta durante el proceso
de nivelación. Los ejercicios aquí presentados representan un taller-guía para
evaluar los contenidos gramaticales y vocabulario. Si desarrolla este taller solo
será una actividad de estudio como una nota más dentro de los diferentes
instrumentos de evaluación que se describen más adelante. Recuerde que
debe obtener como nota final de todo el proceso formativo y sumativo una
calificación igual o superior a 3.5 

Según lo dispuesto en el decreto 1290 de 2009, las estudiantes que
hayan presentado dificultades en una o más áreas, deben desarrollar
actividades de refuerzo o nivelación. De esta manera. La institución brinda la
oportunidad a las estudiantes de superar sus dificultades y plantea una jornada
de nivelación, con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad en el rendimiento académico
de las niñas.
En busca de esa calidad, el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera reviste
gran importancia, ya que contribuye al desarrollo formativo y cognoscitivo de la
estudiante; tal es así que la Ley General de Educación expone el conocimiento
y manejo de elementos convencionales al menos en una lengua extranjera,
como uno de los objetivos específicos a desarrollar durante los niveles de
básica secundaria y media. Además, aprender una lengua extranjera les brinda
la oportunidad a las niñas y jóvenes socadellistas de ampliar su radio de acción
en la sociedad; el saber adquirido, lo utilizarán en diversas situaciones
comunicativas que de una u otra manera ayudarán a su formación integral,
siendo personas útiles y autónomas, capaces de ejercer una actividad
transformadora en el contexto donde interactúan.
Por ello, en aras de fortalecer el aprendizaje del idioma inglés, se
proponen las siguientes actividades como una estrategia tendiente a apoyar a
las estudiantes que presentaron dificultades, para un mejor manejo de las
temáticas y habilidades propuestas, logrando así adquirir un mayor
entendimiento del inglés y un alto nivel de promoción para adquirir las
competencias comunicativas requeridas en el grado.

Las niñas tuvieron problemas con conectividad, presentaron problemas de
salud, los dispositivos electrónicos a su alcance son nulos o no los tienen
disponibles en el tiempo requerido, por ende, el número de sesiones de trabajo
realizadas o su ausencia durante los encuentros sincrónicos han resultado en
que las estudiantes tienen poco manejo de las estructuras básicas del idioma
inglés, así como, un vocabulario muy limitado para el grado donde se
encuentran. De igual manera presentan limitaciones en habilidades de habla,
escritura, lectura y escucha. Todo esto se traduce en un rendimiento
académico con resultados muy por debajo de los propuestos por los Derechos
Básicos de Aprendizaje de la asignatura. De esta manera se le dificulta:
 Identificar, nombrar y escribir correctamente los nuevos vocablos.
 Reconocer algunas reglas claves de la gramática en la lengua extranjera
para hablar, producir textos escritos e intercambiar información. 
 Leer y comprender textos cuyos interrogantes van desde el nivel literal al
 Comprender textos que presentan conversaciones cotidianas o temas
desarrollados en clase.
 Escribir párrafos cortos sobre temas que le son familiares. 
 Sostener una conversación básica sobre temas familiares. 


Después del proceso de nivelación, las estudiantes deben evidenciar que son
capaces de:
 Identificar y usar adecuadamente el léxico a aprender.
 Usar correctamente todos y cada uno de los ítems gramaticales
 Leer comprensivamente textos mostrando identificación de la
información literal sobre ideas generales y específicas y de forma
 Identificar ideas principales y de detalles de un texto oral.
 Escribir un párrafo corto usando las estructuras del idioma ingles en
forma adecuada al igual que el léxico.
 Expresar opinión sobre temas de interés tratados en clase. 

El siguiente proceso de nivelación será llevado a cabo de manera virtual
con acompañamiento en casa, de estudio independiente por parte de la
estudiante.  Se enfatizará en el desarrollo y evaluación de las habilidades
desarrolladas a lo largo del primer semestre escolar. Además, se
proporcionarán enlaces explicativos de los contenidos y evaluará temas
gramaticales y vocabulario de los diferentes temas desarrollados de forma
virtual. Después de desarrollado este taller y haber consultado los temas en el
tiempo estipulado se comprobará aprendizaje a través de prueba escrita online.
Las habilidades de lectura, escucha, habla y escritura serán evaluadas
teniendo en cuenta las estrategias desarrolladas a lo largo del semestre.
Nuestra metodología es Skilled based approach (aprendizaje por habilidades)
enfatizando en ciertas estructuras gramaticales y el aprendizaje de


Se tendrá en cuenta el examen online de nivelación que se enfoca en

cubrir la mayoría de los temas y habilidades desarrolladas durante el semestre.
El taller de preparación será parte de la evaluación final como requisito de
preparación, pero, no define su evaluación final sumativa. 


• Participa en conversaciones cortas y da información acerca de si mismo sobre

su familia, personas lugares y eventos.
Describe oralmente a personas, hechos y experiencias personales.
Escribe oraciones cortas acerca de acciones familiares, experiencias y planes
Identifica la idea principal e ideas secundarias en textos cortos descriptivos
relacionadas a personas lugares y sucesos.
Distingue información específica referentes a objetos, personas
• Comprendo mensajes cortos y simples relacionados con mi entorno y mis intereses personales
y académicos. 
• Comprendo y sigo instrucciones puntuales cuando éstas se presentan en forma clara y con
vocabulario conocido. 
• Comprendo una descripción oral sobre una situación,  persona, lugar u objeto.
• Comprendo instrucciones escritas para llevar a cabo actividades cotidianas, personales y
• Puedo extraer información general y específica de un texto corto y escrito en un lenguaje
• Comprendo relaciones establecidas por palabras como and (adición), but (contraste), first,
second... (orden temporal), en enunciados sencillos. 
• Aplico estrategias de lectura relacionadas con el propósito de la misma. 
• Identifico en textos sencillos, elementos culturales como costumbres y celebraciones.
• Describo con frases cortas personas, lugares, objetos o hechos relacionados con temas y
situaciones que me son familiares. 
• Escribo mensajes cortos y con diferentes propósitos relacionados con situaciones, objetos o
personas de mi entorno inmediato.
• Hago exposiciones muy breves, de contenido predecible y aprendido. 
• Describo con oraciones simples mi rutina diaria y la de otras personas.
Los materiales que la niña debe utilizar son: 
 Cuaderno de apuntes en la asignatura.
 Texto guía: Way to go 7° .
 Workbook: Way to go 7°.
 Diccionario Inglés- español / Español- Inglés.

 Lecturas y ejercicios de listening sugeridos por el texto guia.
 Ejercicios de escritura (redacciòn) sobre temas sugeridos.
 Conversaciones sobre temas sugeridos. 
 Temas gramaticales: Present simple, present continuous, modal Can, adverbs of
frequency, imperatives, assertive communication, because/why, adjective and nouns,
past simple, modal should/shouldn’t, modal have to don’t have to, present perfect,
modal must, comparatives and superlatives.
 Vocabulary: free time activities, advantages of outdoor activitities, traditinal games,
food, personal hygiene items, ways to reduce stress, positive assertive expression.,
frequency adverbs, feelings, values, descriptions, types of bullying, behaviour, verbs in
past simple (regular – irregular), animals, animal covering, nature, environmental
problems, uses of water in the house, recycling products, conservation actions. 


Chat  Go to the gym Jacks Beans Olive Excuse me

Through social Keep fit Sack race Bread Pasta But
Collect Listen to Skipping Cereal  Potatoes Could you
music please
Coins Paint  Spinning top Cheese Rice Always
Dance Play an Tag  Chicken Sweets Frequently
Exercise Play video Get sick  Dairy  Vegetables Often
Do athletics Play sport Make new Products  Yogurt Never 
Do gymnastics Read books Develop Egg Deodorant Sometimes
Do chores Ride a bike Strong Fish  Hair brush Spend time
Do exercise  Watch TV Enjoy the Fruit Nail Enjoy
outdoor clipper
Do woodwork Watch videos Get fresh air Meat  Shampoo React 
Draw Hide and seek Go outside Milk  Soap Share 
Go dancing hopscotch Have fun Nuts  toothbrush Pray

Complete the paragraphs with the correct form of the verbs.

1. My sister ________loves_______________(love) reading novels. She

____Reads__________ (read) a lot of books all the time. She  ____can
reading________________ (read) one book in one week, or more! Next week she_is
going____(go) join a book club in the neighborhood.
2. My family and I ________enjoy_______________ (enjoy) watching movies. We
____go_______________ (go) to the cinema once a week. Tomorrow we ____are
going__________________ (go)to watch a new film club in the city called Lumiere. We _are
going____________(go) see Blue Velvet.
3. My mother _______likes_____________ (like) painting. She _____Wants_____(want) to be
an artist now. She can
____paint________ (paint) really well, so she _______is going___________________(go) join
an arts club next month.

 My sister loves reading novels, she reads a lot of books all the time.
she can read one book in one week, or more! Next week she is going
to join a book club in the neighbourhood.
2. My family and i enjoy watching movies. We go to the cinema once a
week. Tomorrow we are going to watch a new film club in the city
called Lumiere. We are going to see Blue Velvet.
3. My mother likes painting. She wants to be an artist now. She can
paint really well, so she is going to join an arts club next month.


1. Robert /play basketball/this week?

     Is Bernardo going to play basketball this week?
     No, he isn’t        
     2.  Robert /visit his grandma/this week?
_Is robert visit is grandma this week________________________?
___Yes, he is ______________________________________________.
3. Tom and his dad/fishing/this week?
__Are tom and his dad going to finish this
____Yes, he is_____________________________________________________.

SIMPLE PRESENT VS PRESENT PROGRESSIVE.  Put the verbs into the correct tense
(simple present or present progressive).
1. Look! He____is leaving_____________________ (leave)  the house.
2. Quiet please! I _____am writing___________________(write)  a test.
3. She usually____walks______________________ (walk)  to school.But look! Today
she_____is going_______________ (go)  by bike.
4. Every Sunday we________________go_______________ (go)  to see my
5. He often____________________________(go)  to the cinema. 
6. We_____goes_____________________(play)  Monopoly at the moment. 
7. The child seldom ____crying___________________(cry).
8. I ____am not doing____________________(not / do)  anything at the moment.

1.- Look he is leaving the house.

2.- Quiet please! I am writing a test.
3.- She usually walks to school.
4.- But look! today she is going by bike.
5.- Every sunday we go to see my grandparents. 
6.- He often goes to the cinema.
7.- We are playing monopoly at the moment.
8.- The child seldom cries.
9.- I am not doing anything at the moment.
10.- Does he watch the news regularly?
What sports or activities can or can’t these people do? Use these words: athlete,  baseball, 
basketball,  cycling,  football,  swimming

1. I can’t ride a bike.        You can’t go cycling.

2. I can run very fast.       You _can be an
3. I can jump very high.  You can be basketball
player__________________________________________ .
4. I can’t be underwater.   _You can’t be a
5. I can throw the ball very far. ____You can be_a baseball
6. I can’t control the ball with my feet. __You can’t be a
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. 1. I ________________ late on Saturdays.
a. Get up usually
b. Get usually up
c. Usually get up

2. Jared ______________ late for work.

a. Never is
b. Is never

3. _______________ on weekends?
a. Often do you travel
b. Do you often travel
c. Often you do travel

4. Susan ________________ early for class.

a. Often is
b. Are often
c. Often are
d. Is often

5. When do you ____________ go on vacation each year?

a. Always
b. Never
c. Usually
d. Ever

Write affirmative and negative imperatives using the verbs in parentheses. 
1. _Go_________upstairs. (to go) 
2. _Don’t swim__________ in this lake. (not/to swim) 
3. __Do__________your homework. (to do) 
4. __Don’t play___________football in the yard. (not/to play) 
5. ___Brush___________ your teeth. (to brush) 

Read and answer the questions below:
Unhealthy American Habits
Meliha and her children live in St. Paul. She is from Somalia. She came to the U.S. five
years ago. Many things are different in America. American food is very different from
Somali food. You can buy junk food with fat, sugar, and oil. Americans don’t walk as
much as people in Somalia. You can drive a car or take the bus. Meliha sees many
overweight people in America. Meliha’s children like junk food. They like to eat
hamburgers and French fries. She does too. She notices that she gains weight in
America. Her children like to watch T.V. They do not go outside to play. Meliha doesn’t
walk very much because she has a car. Meliha goes to the doctor. The doctor says she
has to eat more fruits and vegetables. He says that too much junk food like chips, fries,
and sugar is bad for her health. He tells her that she needs to get more exercise. He
says that too much fat and not enough exercise is bad for her. It is bad for her children,
too. Meliha doesn’t know if the doctor is right or wrong.

Circle the answer. 

1. Meliha has children.                                             Yes        No
2. Meliha is from Ethiopia.                                       Yes        No
3. American food is the same as Somali food.          Yes        No
4. People walk more in Somalia.                              Yes        No
5. Some people in America are overweight.             Yes        No
6. Her children like French fries.                               Yes       No
7. Meliha loses weight in America                             Yes       No
8. Meliha likes to watch T.V.                                      Yes      No
9. Meliha drives a car.                                                 Yes      No
10. Meliha goes to the doctor.                                     Yes      No

The doctor says:

11. Eat less                        a. junk food                     b. water
12. Exercise                       a. more                            b. less
13. Too much sugar is       a. good                             b. bad
14. Too much fat is            a. good                             b. bad

Write about you hygiene routine. (e.g. I take a shower at… I clean my … I brush my

Read the conversation and answer the questions a to e:

My Hobby
Harry: Jackie, what's your hobby?
Jackie: Well, I play the guitar.                
Harry: Really?
Jackie: Yes, I like playing the guitar.
Harry: How often do you play?
Jackie: I play twice a week. What about you? Do you have a hobby?
Harry: I'm interested in collecting stamps.
Jackie: That's interesting!
Harry: Yes, I have almost two hundred stamps from different countries.
Jackie: Where do you usually get them?
Harry: I always buy them when I travel abroad.

a. What’s Jackie’s hobby?

b. How often does Jackie play the guitar?
c. What’s Harry´s hobby?
d. How many stamps does Harry have?
e. Where does Harry get his stamps?
1. Change to negative form:
a. I like playing the guitar.
b. I play twice a week.
c. He goes swimming every week.
d. She enjoys painting.
e. We sometimes do yoga on Saturdays.
2. Change to interrogative form. Use DO – DOES:
a. Harry collects stamps.
b. Isabel goes to the beach every July.
c. They live in Miami.
d. Anita and Karen like to dance salsa music.
3. Match the questions with the answers.

a. Does she like singing?

b. Do you play video games?
c. Does he have a cat?
d. Do you like going to the cinema?
Yes, he does. Its name is Wilson.
No, I don’t. I enjoy listening to music
Yes, she does. And dancing, too.
Yes, I do. My favorite is Fort Nite.

4. Answer these questions about you and your family or friends.

a. What do you like doing in your free time?
b. What activities do you usually do with your family?
c. What is your best friend favorite activity?
d. What is your sister/ brother favorite activity?
e. Where do you usually go on vacation?

The food pyramid is a good guide to eating a healthy diet.

Carbohydrates are especially good for children and athletes
because they can give a lot of energy and fibre. Fruit and
vegetables are really good for everyone. They can keep you
healthy because they are rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals
that prevent many illnesses. Fibre is necessary for good
digestion. Dairy products can help you to have strong bones
and teeth because they are rich in calcium. Proteins can
help your muscles and brain. They are rich in iron. Iron is
good for your blood and brain. Fats and sugar are not very
beneficial. Some oils like olive oil is good, but too much fat
and fried food is unhealthy. The same with sweets: you can

only eat a few! 

1) Can you reduce illnesses eating fruit and vegetables?

2. Can carbohydrates help your digestion?


3. Does calcium help to produce strong bones and teeth? .

.                           .
4. Is iron bad for your brain? 

5. Are all oils bad for your body? 


6. Are sweets good for your health?


Instructions: Answer the questions based on personal information. Please, write
complete sentences: use subject + verb + complement. Long answers. 

Which foods give you protein?                                                       .

How many portions of protein do you need a day?                                              

What nutrients are in vegetables and fruit?                                                       .

How many portions of fruit and vegetables do you need a day?
What healthy food do you eat? Describe what you eat for breakfast, lunch and

A Case of Stress

Pedro is having problems in his Math class. He often can’t do his homework
because he doesn’t understand it and he never gets good marks in his exams.
When he gets bad marks, his stomach turns, his hands sweat, he gets a
headache and he feels physically sick. He also feels depressed and often very
sad. Pedro is a normal healthy teenager, but stress is affecting him both
physically and psychologically! Pedro really doesn’t want to tell his parents
about his bad marks because he thinks they will be angry with him. When he
goes to bed he can’t sleep because he is thinking about his exam marks. In the
morning, he doesn’t want to have breakfast and he doesn’t want to talk to
anyone. He really doesn’t want to go to school and he definitely doesn’t want to
go to his Math class, so he tells his parents that he has a stomachache.

1. In what school subject is Pedro having problems?

2. Why does he have problems in that subject?
3. What / How does he feel when he gets bad marks?
4. Does he tell his mom and dad about his bad marks? Why/Why not?
5. What doesn’t he want to do?

Do a presentation about what you and your family do to enjoy time together during
quarantine. What do you do not to get stressed? What advice would you give to other
girls to have a good time at home in these moments. You can use visual: pictures, power
point presentation, poster, etc. Please, wear your uniform. One or two minutes talking.
Record yourself. Use vocaroo.com and paste the link here

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