Ap09-Ev04 - Formato Brief Campaña Publicitaria
Ap09-Ev04 - Formato Brief Campaña Publicitaria
Ap09-Ev04 - Formato Brief Campaña Publicitaria
FILE 2104668
MAYO 2021
1. Escuche la publicidad radial en la sección “Let’s listen”. Después de
cada las preguntas de comprensión. Pegue una captura de pantalla en
respuesta correcta en el documento.
- Announcer
Good morning, listeners of floridablanca sterio, on this great day, we will present you
the delicious smooth wafers typical of our beautiful municipality, for that we present
the marketing director of the most emblematic factory of floridablanca santander
- Marketing Director
Good morning to all the listeners of this beautiful station, Today we come to
introduce you to our flagship product of the sweet capital, we want to tell you that our
company Alisan has been working with those of the union to provide totally quality
products with the best prices ,
- Announcer
- Director
- Announcer
¿In what year was the wafer born in the sweet capital?
- Director
It arrived in our municipality in 1982 with other products such as cocadas, cut,
panuchas, but the most representative product is wafer, those thin and thin cookies
made with corn, and filled with arequipe and multiple Combinations of flavors, that
when tasted they manage to transform a humble dessert into a magical and
exquisite experience that for years we have been working for our clients to take the
best of our beautiful municipality.
- Announcer
- Director
These names as they are, forbidden love, courtship, great love, divorce, among
others, was born because in those difficult times, we had to innovate our products,
there were already three more companies, income had to increase because we only
lived off the wafer That's why those names were born thinking of increasing the
wafer portfolio.
- Announcer
Thank you very much Mr. Director for coming to tell about the tradition of the wafer
and where those names that each product carries come from
- Director
Thanks to you for the invitation, we want to invite our Floridians and the entire
metropolitan area to come as a family to taste our typical wafers.
3. En la sección “Let’s write”, descargue las instrucciones para elaborar una
campaña publicitaria (Radial, de televisión o promocional) y el
diligenciamiento de un brief. Agregue el brief diligenciado en este documento
y envíe la publicidad en
el formato de su preferencia al instructor.
-History of the company in detail Our company was founded in 1982 in the
Advertising has been traditionally municipality of Floridablanca, it has been a
done? family business that generates employment
for women who are heads of households,
-what kind of advertising and what
Advertising is done mainly by offering our
issues were addressed? quality products, In addition, advertising is
-what were the objectives of previous done through the radio, and social networks,
campaigns? the characteristics of our products are wheat
-what are the characteristics of your flour, arequipe, blackberry sweet,
product or service? cheeses.The position of the company is one
-what is the current position of your of the best, because Floridian customers
product in the market? prefer to spend an afternoon with their
family tasting our delicacies
It's the money assigned to the Budget for the project $30.000.000
project. Rent $700.000
Describe the goal to be achieved The objective of the project is to be the first
in your project. industry to produce and sell wafers, and to
be recognized at the national level, that our
product crosses borders, that tourists come
to the municipality of Floridablanca looking
for the delicacy of Floridians.