CR Guía Inglés Basico .Verbo To BE - Oct. 2020.

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Objetivo 2
Verb “To be” (ser ó estar)
Verbo To be. Este verbo significa ser o estar. Es un verbo irregular, por lo tanto
cambia su estructura al ser conjugado.

Presente Pasado Futuro

I am I was I will be
You are You were You will be
He is He was He will be
She is She was She will be
It is It was It will be
We are We were We will be
You are You were You will be
They are They were They will be

Para formar oraciones interrogativas con el verbo to be se procede de la siguiente

forma: Se coloca el verbo conjugado ( am,are,is,was,were y will) según su tiempo
antes del sujeto y después todas las palabras que aparecen en la oración.

Para formar oraciones afirmativas se pone primero el sujeto, luego el verbo y el

resto de las palabras que forman la oración.

Para formar oraciones negativas se pone primero el sujeto, el verbo, el not y el resto
de las palabras que forman la oración.
1- Is Rosa in class.
Yes , Rosa is in class..
No, Rosa is not in class..( No, Rosa isn´t in class)

2- Are the boys he reading the book.?

Yes, the boys are reading the book..
No,the boys are not reading the books.(No, the boys aren´t reading the books.)
3.- Were the girls playing baseball?
Yes, the girls were playing baseball
No, the girls were not playing baseball.( No, the girls weren´t playing baseball)

4.-Will Raquel be in the party?

Yes, Raquel wll be in the party. No, Raquel in the party
Para identificar y formar el tiempo verbal presente continuo ó progresivo se emplea
el presente del verbo to be (am, are, is) acompañado de un verbo que se le agrega
ing (gerundio)
1.- Ana is reading the English book.
2.- My friends are studying English
3.- I am working in my office..

Para formar y reconocer el pasado continuo ó progresivo se usa el pasado del verbo
to be (was y were ), acompañado de un verbo que se le agrega la terminación ing
,1.- Ana was reading the English book.
2.- My friends were studying English.
A continuación se indicaran palabras que en las oraciones señalan tiempos verbales
(presente , pasado y futuro).Estas se llaman adverbios de tiempo:

Presente: today, now, this day, every day etc.

Pasado: yesterday, last day, last Monday, last year, ago…….
Futuro : tomorrow, next day, next Monday, next year, etc
Ejercicios: Completar estas oraciones con el verbo to be según su tiempo (am ,are
,is,was,were, will be) tomando en cuenta el sujeto de la oración y el adverbio de
tiempo que aparece al final de las oración.
1.-The buyer _________ opening a credit, now.
2.-The bank ________ demanding the documents, yesterday.
3.- Alicia and Jorge ___________with her mother in the beach, next Sunday.
4.- Susan and I ____________studying English, last Monday
5.- The agents ___________ taking the orders, today..
6.- The customer ________ in the company, tomorrow..
7.- The children __________ watching T.V. last night
8.- Susan and I __________ in the university next year.
Ejercicios: Responder con oraciones afirmativas y negativas
1,. Are Mr García and Mr. López good agents?

2.-Were many companies marketing their products overseas?

3.- Will Janeth be studying International Trade next year?
4.- Is the consultant talking with a businessman? .

A continuación hay una lectura en la cual se señalan diferentes formas del verbo to be
identifique: los tiempos verbales, las referencias ( antecedentes ) que aparecen en n
negritas, palabras que se relacionen con Comercio Exterior y responda las preguntas
en Inglés de acuerdo a la lectura.

Mr. Raul González is an importer. Now, He is working in a Venezuelan International

Commerce Company. Last year he and his family were living abroad but now, they
are in Venezuela .Ana, his wife is a manager and she is working in a custom house..
Next week Raul and Ana will be studying in the Universidad Central They will be
taking important accounting and insurance courses because they will be receiving
import and export licenses. Raul and Ana want to have their own business and they
will be custom brokers.

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