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Assignment of human-computer interaction (insy 3121)

GROUP 1 Id no

1. Amanuel
Human-Computer Interaction 2022
2. Aschalew



Human-Computer Interaction 2022


A computer system comprises various elements, each of which affects the user of the system.

 Input devices for interactive use, allowing text entry, drawing and selection from the
– Text entry: traditional keyboard, phone text entry, speech and handwriting
– pointing: principally the mouse, but also touchpad, stylus and others
 Output display devices for interactive use:
– different types of screen mostly using some form of bitmap display
– large displays and situated displays for shared and public use
– digital paper may be usable in the near future.
 Virtual reality systems and 3D visualization which have special interaction and display
 Various devices in the physical world:
– physical controls and dedicated displays – sound, smell and haptic feedback
– sensors for nearly everything including movement, temperature, bio-signs.
 Paper output and input: the paperless office and the less-paper office:
– different types of printers and their characteristics, character styles and fonts
– scanners and optical character recognition.
 Memory:
– short-term memory: RAM – long-term memory: magnetic and optical disks
– capacity limitations related to document and video storage
– access methods as they limit or help the user. n Processing:
– the effects when systems run too slow or too fast.
– limitations on processing speed – networks and their impact on system performance.

Human-Computer Interaction 2022

In order to understand how humans interact with computers, we need to have an

understanding of both parties in the interaction. The previous chapter explored aspects of
human capabilities and behavior of which we need to be aware in the context of human–
computer interaction; this chapter considers the computer and associated input–output
devices and investigates how the technology influences the nature of the interaction and style
of the interface. We will concentrate principally on the traditional computer but we will also
look at devices that take us beyond the closed world of keyboard, mouse and screen. As well as
giving us lessons about more traditional systems, these are increasingly becoming important
application areas in HCI.

When we interact with computers, what are we trying to achieve? Consider what happens
when we interact with each other – we are either passing information to other people, or
receiving information from them. Often, the information we receive is in response to the
information that we have recently imparted to them, and we may then respond to that.
Interaction is therefore a process of information transfer. Relating this to the electronic
computer, the same principles hold: interaction is a process of information transfer, from the
user to the computer and from the computer to the user. The first part of this chapter
concentrates on the transference of information from the user to the computer and back. We
begin by considering a current typical computer interface and the devices it employs, largely
variants of keyboard for text entry, mouse for positioning and screen for displaying output.
Then we move on to consider devices that go beyond the keyboard, mouse and screen:
entering deeper into the electronic world with virtual reality and 3D interaction and outside the
electronic world looking at more physical interactions. In addition to direct input and output,
information is passed to and fro via paper documents. This is dealt with printers and scanners.
Although not requiring the same degree of user interaction as a mouse or keyboard, these are
an important means of input and output for many current applications. We then consider the
computer itself, its processor and memory devices and the networks that link them together.

Human-Computer Interaction 2022
We note how the technology drives and empowers the interface. The details of computer
processing should largely be irrelevantant to the end-user, but the interface designer needs to
be aware of the limitations of storage capacity and computational power; it is no good
designing on paper a marvelous new interface, only to find it needs a Cray to run. Software
designers often have high-end machines on which to develop applications, and it is easy to
forget what a more typical configuration feels like. Before looking at these devices and
technology in detail we’ll take a quick bird’s-eye view of the way computer systems are

A typical computer system

Consider a typical computer setup as shown in Figure 1.1. There is the computer ‘box’ itself, a
keyboard, a mouse and a color screen. The screen layout is shown alongside it. If we examine
the interface, we can see how its various characteristics are related to the devices used. The
details of the interface itself, its underlying principles and design. As we shall see there are
variants on these basic devices. Some of this variation is driven by different hardware
configurations: desktop use, laptop computers, PDAs (personal digital assistants). Partly the
diversity of devices reflects the fact that there are many different types of data that may have
to be entered into and obtained from a system, and there are also many different types of user,
each with their own unique requirements.

Human-Computer Interaction 2022
Levels of interaction – batch processing

In the early days of computing, information was entered into the computer in a large mass –
batch data entry. There was minimal interaction with the machine: the user would simply dump
a pile of punched cards onto a reader, press the start button, and then return a few hours later.
This still continues today although now with pre-prepared electronic files or possibly machine-
read forms. It is clearly the most appropriate mode for certain kinds of application, for example
printing pay checks or entering the results from a questionnaire.

With batch processing the interactions take place over hours or days. In contrast the typical
desktop computer system has interactions taking seconds or fractions of a second (or with slow
web pages sometimes minutes!).

The field of Human– Computer Interaction largely grew due to this change in interactive pace.
It is easy to assume that faster means better, but some of the paper-based technology
discussed in another section suggests that sometimes slower paced interaction may be better.

Some Advantages of Batch Processing

1,Faster and Lower Cost

Operational costs such as labor and equipment are cut with batch processing because it cuts
the need for human oversight physical hardware like computers. And because batch
processing is designed to be quick, efficient and error-free, personnel can focus on other

2,Offline Features
Unlike others, batch processing systems work anywhere, any time. That means they continue
to work outside regular business hours. They can also work in the background in an offline
setting, so even during down periods, they'll still work without putting a dent in the
organization's daily routine.

Human-Computer Interaction 2022

Disadvantages of Batch Processing

1,Deployment and Training

Like many technologies, training is required to manage batch processing systems. Managers
will need to learn what triggers a batch, how to schedule processing, and what exception
notifications mean, among other things.

Batch processing infrastructure can be an expensive upfront investment. For some businesses,
the costs may not seem feasible.

Richer interaction – everywhere, every when

Computers are coming out of the box! Information appliances are putting internet access or
dedicated systems onto the fridge, microwave and washing machine: to automate shopping,
give you email in your kitchen or simply call for maintenance when needed. We carry with us
WAP phones and smartcards, have security systems that monitor us and web cams that show
our homes to the world.

Human-Computer Interaction 2022

and devices
Figure 1.2 A typical computer system? Photo courtesy Electrolux

Human-Computer Interaction 2022

 Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory D. Abowd , Russell Beale Third Edition 2004.

 ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction Curriculum Development

Group. ACM SIGCHI curricula for human-computer interaction. Technical report, ACM,
New York, 1992.
 Julie A. Jacko (Ed) The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook. (3rd edition) CRC Press,

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