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Ejercicio 1. Método simplex primal.

Aceros Co

Cementación Nitruración Cianuración

Z 63 68 65
Kg acero 21 23 24 ≤ 5200
Termoquimico 9 11 8 ≤ 1800
Templado y revenido 19 18 16 ≤ 3500

Problema de maximización Modelo canónico

X1 Recubrimiento mediante cementación
X2 Recubrimiento mediante nitruración
X3 Recubrimiento mediante cianuración

Funcion objetivo 63 X1 + 68 X2 + 65 X3

21 X1 + 23 X2 + 24 X3 ≤ 5200
9 X1 + 11 X2 + 8 X3 ≤ 1800
19 X1 + 18 X2 + 16 X3 ≤ 3500

No negatividad X1,X2,X3 ≥ 0

Modelo estandar
Funcion objetivo Z - 63 X1 - 68 X2 - 65 X3 = 0

Restricciones 21 X1 + 23 X2 + 24 X3 + 1S1 = 5200

9 X1 + 11 X2 + 8 X3 + 1S2= 1800
19 X1 + 18 X2 - 16 X3 + 1S3= 3500

X1 X2 X3 S1 S2
Z -63 -68 -65 0 0
S1 21 23 24 1 0
S2 9 11 8 0 1
S3 19 18 16 0 0

X1 X2 X3 S1 S2
Z -7.36363636364 0 -15.5454545 0 6.18181818
S1 2.18181818182 0 7.27272727 1 -2.09090909
X2 0.81818181818 1 0.72727273 0 0.09090909
S3 4.27272727273 0 2.90909091 0 -1.63636364
X1 X2 X3 S1 S2
Z 15.46875 0 0 0 -2.5625
S1 -8.5 0 0 1 2
X2 -0.25 1 0 0 0.5
X3 1.46875 0 1 0 -0.5625

X1 X2 X3 S1 S2
Z 4.578125 0 0 1.28125 0
S2 -4.25 0 0 0.5 1
X2 1.875 1 0 -0.25 0
X3 -0.921875 0 1 0.28125 0

Z 14154.6875
X1 0 Maximizando los recursos disponibles se obtiene una uti
X2 12.5 produciendo 0 und de cementacion, 12,5 und de nitruración
X3 204.6875
0 0
0 5200 226.086957
0 1800 163.636364
1 3500 194

0 11127.2727
0 1436.36364 198
0 163.636364 225
1 554.545455 191
5.34375 14090.625
-2.5 50 25
-0.25 25 50
0.34375 190.625 -339

2.140625 14154.6875 Toda la fila Z son positivas o estan en 0 Si
-1.25 25
0.375 12.5
-0.359375 204.6875

sos disponibles se obtiene una utilidad de USD 14154,6875

mentacion, 12,5 und de nitruración y 204,68 und de cianuración
Enter the values in the shaded area then use the Run Excel's Solver button.
Alternatively, or to view the sensitivity results, open Solver by going to the
Data Tab (Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016) or the Tools menu (Excel 2003,
Linear Programming 2011).

Use one of the three signs below for each constraint

< less than or equal to
= equals (You need to enter an apostrophe first.)
> greater than or equal to

Data Results
x1 x2 x3 LHS Slack/Surplus
Maximize 63 68 65 sign RHS 14154.69
Constraint 1 21 23 24 < 5200 5200 0 Constraint
Constraint 2 9 11 8 < 1800 1775 25 Constraint
Constraint 3 19 18 16 < 3500 3500 0 Constraint

Variables 0 12.5 204.6875
Objective 14154.69

Page 5
Ejercicio 2. Método simplex artificial.

Juegos Co

Arcade Mesa Show

Z 600 650 620
Mto Software 50 60 40 ≥ 33000
Dllo Software 150 125 110 ≤ 800000
Consumo 20000 30000 15000 ≤ 2000000000

X1 Juego Arcade
X2 Juego Mesa
X3 Juevo Show

Funcion objetivo 600 X1 + 650 X2 + 620 X3

50X1 +60X2+40X3≥33000
150X1 +125X2+110X3≤800000
20000X1 +30000X2+15000X3≤2000000000

No negatividad X1,X2,X3 ≥ 0

Fase 1 Minimizar R

50x1 +60x2+40x3 -S1 +R1=33000

Minimizar R=R1
Funcion objetivo
Igualamos a Cero
Minimizar R +50x1+60x2+40x3-S1-33000=0

Minimizar R +50x1 +60x2+40x3 -S1 +R1+S2+S3=33000

Sujeto a
50x1 +60x2+40x3 -S1 +R1=33000
150x1 +125x2+110x3 +S2=800000
20000x1 +30000x2+15000x3 +S3=2000000000
X1,X2,X3,S1,R1,S2,S3 ≥0

R X1 X2 X3 S1 R1
R 1 50 60 40 -1 0
R1 0 50 60 40 -1 1
S2 0 150 125 110 0 0
S3 0 20000 30000 15000 0 0

R X1 X2 X3 S1 R1
R 1 0 0 0 0 -1
X2 0 0.83333333 1 0.66666667 -0.01666667 0.01666667
S2 0 45.8333333 0 26.6666667 2.08333333 -2.08333333
S3 0 -5000 0 -5000 500 -500

Fase 2 Maximizacion Z
Se reemplaza la funcion objetivo del problema original en la solucion optima de la minimizacion y se su

Z X1 X2 X3 S1
Z 1 -600 -650 -620 0
S1 0 0.83333333 1 0.66666667 -0.01666667
S2 0 45.8333333 0 26.6666667 2.08333333
S3 0 -5000 0 -5000 500

Z X1 X2 X3 S1
Z 1 -58.3333333 0 -186.666667 -10.8333333 0
X2 0 0.83333333 1 0.66666667 -0.01666667 0
S2 0 45.8333333 0 26.6666667 2.08333333 0
S3 0 -5000 0 -5000 500 0

Z X1 X2 X3 S1
Z 1 175 280 0 -15.5 0
X3 0 1.25 1.5 1 -0.025 0
S2 0 12.5 -40 0 2.75 0
S3 0 1250 7500 0 375 0

Z X1 X2 X3 S1
Z 1 245.454545 54.5454545 0 0 0
X3 0 1.36363636 1.13636364 1 0 0
S1 0 4.54545455 -14.5454545 0 1 0
S3 0 -454.545455 12954.5455 0 0 0

Z 4509090.91
X1 0
X2 0
X3 7272.72727
0 0 33000
0 0 33000 550
1 0 800000 6400
0 1 2000000000 66666.6667

0 0 0
0 0 550
1 0 731250
0 1 1983500000

la minimizacion y se suprime la variante artificial R1

0 0 0
0 0 550 550
1 0 731250
0 1 1983500000

0 0 357500
0 0 550 825
1 0 731250 27421.875
0 1 1983500000 -396700

0 0 511500
0 0 825 -33000
1 0 709250 257909.091
0 1 1987625000 5300333.33

5.63636364 0 4509090.91
0.00909091 0 7272.72727
0.36363636 0 257909.091
-136.363636 1 1890909091
Enter the values in the shaded area then use the Run Excel's Solver button.
Alternatively, or to view the sensitivity results, open Solver by going to the
Data Tab (Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016) or the Tools menu (Excel 2003,
Linear Programming 2011).

Use one of the three signs below for each constraint

< less than or equal to
= equals (You need to enter an apostrophe first.)
> greater than or equal to

Data Results
x1 x2 x3 LHS Slack/Surplus
Maximize 600 650 620 sign RHS 4509091
Constraint 1 50 60 40 > 33000 290909.1 -257909 Constraint
Constraint 2 150 125 110 < 800000 800000 0 Constraint
Constraint 3 20000 30000 15000 < 2E+09 1.09E+08 1.89E+09 Constraint

Variables 0 0 7272.727
Objective 4509091

Page 10
Ejercicio 3. Método simplex dual.

Vidrios Co.

Simple Decorado Tratado

Z 1800 1900 2000 Disponibilidad
arena de sílice 5 3 4 ≥ 250
carbonato de sodio 2 2 4 ≥ 220
fundición 5 6 7 ≥ 400

Problema de minimizacion Modelo canónico

X1 Vidrio simple
X2 Vidrio decorado
X3 Vidrio tratado

Funcion objetivo 1800 X1 + 1900 X2 + 2000 X3

5X1 + 3 X2 + 4 X3 ≥ 250
2 X1 + 2 X2 + 4 X3 ≥ 220
5 X1 + 6 X2 + 7 X3 ≥ 400

No negatividad X1,X2,X3 ≥ 0

Modelo estandar
Funcion objetivo Z - 1800 X1 - 1900 X2 - 2000 X3 = 0

Restricciones .- 5 X1 - 3 X2 - 4 X3 +1S1 = -250

.- 2 X1 - 2 X2 - 4 X3 + 1S2 = -220
.- 5 X1 - 6 X2 - 7 X3 + 1S3 = -400

X1 X2 X3 S1 S2 S3
Z -1800 -1900 -2000 0 0 0
S1 -5 -3 -4 1 0 0
S2 -2 -2 -4 0 1 0
S3 -5 -6 -7 0 0 1

X1 X2 X3 S1 S2 S3
Z -371.428571 -185.714286 0 0 0 -285.714286
S1 -2.14285714 0.42857143 0 1 0 -0.57142857
S2 0.85714286 1.42857143 0 0 1 -0.57142857
X3 0.71428571 0.85714286 1 0 0 -0.14285714
-520 -216.666667
X1 X2 X3 S1 S2 S3
Z 0 -260 0 -173.333333 0 -186.666667
X1 1 -0.2 0 -0.46666667 0 0.26666667
S2 0 1.6 0 0.4 1 -0.8
X3 0 1 1 0.33333333 0 -0.33333333

Z 118000
X1 10
X2 0
X3 50

Enter the values in the shaded area then use the Run Excel's Solver button.
Alternatively, or to view the sensitivity results, open Solver by going to the
Data Tab (Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016) or the Tools menu (Excel 2003,
Linear Programming 2011).

Use one of the three signs below for each constraint

< less than or equal to
= equals (You need to enter an apostrophe first.)
> greater than or equal to

Data Results
x1 x2 x3 LHS Slack/Surplus
Minimize 1800 1900 2000 sign RHS 118000
Constraint 1 5 3 4> 250 250 0 Constraint
Constraint 2 2 2 4> 220 220 0 Constraint
Constraint 3 5 6 7> 400 400 0 Constraint

Variables 10 0 50
Objective 118000

Page 15
PRIMAL Simple Decorado Tratado
Z 1800 1900 2000 Disponibilidad
arena de sílice 5 3 4 ≥ 250
carbonato de sodio 2 2 4 ≥ 220
fundición 5 6 7 ≥ 400

DUAL Simple Decorado Tratado

Z 250 220 400 Disponibilidad
arena de sílice 5 2 5 ≥ 1800
carbonato de sodio 3 2 6 ≥ 1900
fundición 4 4 7 ≥ 2000

Funcion Objetivo:
Minimizar W = 250 Y1 + 220 Y2 + 400 Y3

Sujeto a:
5Y1 + 2Y2 + 5Y3 ≥ 1800
3Y1 + 2Y2 + 6 Y3 ≥ 1900
4Y1 + 4Y2 + 7Y3 ≥ 2000

Y1, Y2, Y3 Irrestrictas

Enter the values in the shaded area then use the Run Excel's Solver button.
Alternatively, or to view the sensitivity results, open Solver by going to the
Data Tab (Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016) or the Tools menu (Excel 2003,
Linear Programming 2011).

Use one of the three signs below for each constraint

< less than or equal to
= equals (You need to enter an apostrophe first.)
> greater than or equal to

Data Results
x1 x2 x3 LHS Slack/Surplus
Minimize 250 220 400 sign RHS 131000
Constraint 1 5 2 5> 1800 1800 0 Constraint
Constraint 2 3 2 6> 1900 1900 0 Constraint
Constraint 3 4 4 7> 2000 2260 -260 Constraint

Variables 86.66667 0 273.3333
Objective 131000

Page 17

Del Valle, S. (2012) Álgebra lineal para estudiantes de ingeniería y ciencias (pp. 24-34).

México, México: Editorial McGraw-Hill Interamericana. Recuperado
de https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/lib/unadsp/

Martínez, I., Vértiz, G., López, J., Lozano, G. & Moncayo, L. (2014). Investigación de
operaciones (pp. 44-56). México, México: Grupo Editorial Patria. Recuperado de

Rojas, A. y Lozada, M. (2020). Problema de maximización como modelo de programación

lineal [OVI]. Recuperado de https://repository.unad.edu.co/handle/10596/33778

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