Instrument Engineering: Design Specification
Instrument Engineering: Design Specification
Instrument Engineering: Design Specification
Engineering Division Technical Department INSTRUMENTATION Page 1 of 24
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2016.12.21 09:54:42 +01'00' J.D.P.M +01'00'
2016.12.21 12:04:05
1. GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2. Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Order of priority ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Responsibility ............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.5. Measurement units ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Introduction
This document is part of the latest edition of Repsol technical specifications, and refers also to the latest edition
of the Standards and Codes that are mentioned and / or applicable in it. Particular aspects for each project
indicated in the "Basic Design Data (B.D.D.)” document shall be transcribed to the individual Material
The completely or partially application of this specification will be confirmed in the specific B.D.D. of each
1.2. Scope
This specification establishes general minimum requirements for instruments and control engineering not
covered by the rest of the systems or instruments specifications.
1.4. Responsibility
Compliance with the rules and recommendations given in this specification does not exempt partially or totally,
the designers / supplier, their respective responsibilities and guarantees or any other contractual obligation.
The measurement units to be used shall be the International System (SI), or the Anglo-saxon system of units,
to be stablished at the beginning of the Project, though inches for nozzles and pipes diameter and pounds for
rating of flanges shall be used. Likewise, if the International Metric System is used, pressures shall be allowed
in Kg/cm2.
For each particular type of instrument or measured variable the specific ED (General part) shall be consulted.
Any exception in the use of engineering units shall be indicated in the BDD. For variables that are not
considered in the design specifications, Repsol shall be consulted about the applicable engineering units.
2.1. Definitions
The following terminology is used in this specification with the meaning stated below:
Hardwired signals: Signals physically connected by wires, one by one, between source and destination such
as analog signals 4-20 mA o 0-5V and discrete contact signals.
2.2. Abbreviations
This specification stablishes criteria for engineering development regarding the following equipment and
a) All process instruments, including automatic and safety valves, and rupture disks.
b) All instruments and systems for detecting toxic and explosive gases
c) Control systems (basic and advanced), emergency shutdowns, safety, and fire and gas PLCs
d) Integration, in F&G PLC, of all F&G field elements such as deluge valves pressure switches, Fire hand-
switches, beacons, etc.
e) Monitoring and protection systems of dynamic equipment
f) Information and monitoring systems (i.e. Emerson AMS, OSIsoft System PI, etc.) related to instruments or
instrumented systems.
g) Communication and integration of above mentioned elements
The following items and systems are out of the scope of this specification:
a) Power (i.e., related to electric single line diagram but not involved in process operation) supervision and
control systems.
b) Plant megaphone and telephone systems
c) Security, anti-intrusive and video-surveillance systems.
d) Instruments and circuits for detecting and extinguishing fires
e) Instruments and control systems not related to process unit (HVAC, meteorology, etc.)
Repsol shall be consulted about equipment or systems that are not mentioned above.
The following aspects shall be considered during the development of Instrument and Control engineering:
a) Maximizing the safety of people and facilities
b) Instrument accessibility from fixed installations
c) Supervision and command capabilities from the control room
d) Integration of package units in the plant control and supervision hierarchy
e) Reduction of the number of manual operations required in field
f) Uniformity in operational procedures as well as in product’s supplier
g) Exchangeability and uniformity of installed equipment
h) Maximizing plant availability for production as required by the process
i) Minimizing cost of the entire plant life-cycle, that is, the costs related to operating and maintaining each
technical alternative is to be taken into account when evaluating the same
j) Energy management criteria
Process units shall have separate systems for Distributed Control System (DCS), Shutdown or interlocks
System (ESD) and Fire and Gas System (F&G).
Active safety systems type and architecture to detect fire and/or gas and the mitigation or extinguishing
measures related to these shall be defined together with Repsol for each project.
Only in special and exceptional cases indicated by Repsol, command and supervision devices may be
common for both control and emergency shutdown systems.
The Engineering Contractor shall become familiar with the specific practices of each Facility for each project in
regard to the following control and emergency shutdown architecture aspects:
• Existing systems and suppliers
• Specific design criteria (hardware and software)
• Criteria for physical implantation of control cabinets, especially regarding package’s PLCs
• Criteria for command and supervision interfaces
• Communication and integration criteria for control systems and emergency shutdowns
Definition of the above by the Engineering Contractor requires Repsol approval.
This section applies, only to control systems based on field buses as defined by IEC 61158 (e.g. Foundation
Fieldbus or Profibus PA)
Communication buses such as Modbus, or maintenance buses such as HART, DE or FOXCOM, are not
considered field buses for control functions and are outside of the scope of this section.
The general application criteria shall be:
a) In existing installations, filed buses shall not be used except if it is explicitly required by Repsol because of
installed systems are not compatible with these technologies.
b) In new units without technical limitations, Repsol will indicate in the BDD if field buses are allowed and its
application criteria.
In case of acceptance of using field buses, Repsol will define the scope and applicable specifications. Depend
on the project, these specifications could be issued by Repsol or Engineering Contractor.
The use of field bus technology must not be used for safety and critical control functions.
The conventional signal transmission method between instrument systems shall be by direct wiring, either
2 using hardwired signals or communication links.
Hardwired signals shall be used always for control, shutdown, or safety.
The use of radio-links between systems requires authorization by Repsol and shall be limited to very special
cases (very large distances, absence of cable routes, etc.).
The use of wireless technology between single instruments and other equipment shall be used for indication
signals in wide and low instrumented areas under specifically Repsol approval.
Described in detail in the design specification ED-J-14.00, Instrument installation in hazardous areas, and its
addenda, the design shall consider the following:
a) The applicable regulations differ for European and American sites within Repsol.
b) Where applicable, the preferred protection method shall always be intrinsic safety.
c) Differences in criteria between Facilities exist for certain instruments (solenoids, motor actuators, etc.) in
regard to their Ex protection method, which shall be consulted for each case.
Consult the mentioned specifications for more details on instrument installation in classified zones.
All equipment shall have an adequate environment protection for its type and installation zone that guarantees
correct service and absence of environment-caused installation problems.
The level of environmental protection shall always be rated by the applicable IP code according to IEC 60529
The level of environmental protection shall at least be the following for equipment installed outdoors:
a) Conventional areas of Facilities IP 65
b) Conducting dust areas (Coal, coke, etc.) IP 66
2 c) Sea installations exposed to waves IP 66
ISA S71.04 shall be applied as a standard to define the degree of environment aggressiveness.
All electric and electronic systems shall comply with the usual electromagnetic compatibility prescriptions laid
out by the applicable standards, laws and regulations in the installation site:
a) To not be a source of interference for other equipment
b) To be protected from interference caused by others
Equipment shall comply with IEC/EN 61000/61326.
The criteria related to symbols and instrument representation in mechanical and process diagrams are
included in specification ED-A-02.00, Piping and instrument diagrams for process and service in units and off-
ANSI / ISA S5.1 standards shall be referred to for instruments not covered by ED-A-02.00 and ANSI / ISA S5.3
for control elements and/or DCS.
In existing unit revamping, the existing graphic criteria shall be used in order to maintain uniformity.
Consult specification ED-I-01.00, General considerations for distributed control systems (DCS) for control
related symbols.
For symbols related to emergency shutdowns, consult specification ED-I-02.00, Emergency shutdown system
The following coding criteria shall be explicitly accepted by Repsol for each project in the BDD.
ANSI/ISA S5.1 shall be the main reference standard.
Any other coding system (DIN, KKS, proprietary, etc.) is forbidden for this purpose.
The instrument TAGs and signals shall be constructed in the following way:
The unit or annex number shall not appear in the diagrams unless it belongs to a different unit to the one
represented in the same (i.e. a loop from unit 650 that appears in a PI&D of unit 681)
The general criteria to be applied within Repsol are summarized in Section 4 of this specification, Signal and
instrument Tags.
The above-mentioned instrument TAG criterion could be modified to adapt to the requirements of signal
manipulation within control, safety or emergency shutdown systems.
Note: these modifications may be required to adjust to the available TAG field length or to the system “historic”
limitations (i.e. to be allowed only two letters for the annex number).
In those cases covered by the paragraph above, TAG criteria shall adjust to the usual Plant practice and shall
be transmitted by the Engineering Contractor to those responsible for the affected systems.
Instruments involved in Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) with assigned SIL equal or higher than 1 shall be
identified by an orange metallic nameplate fixed to the instrument during construction activities.
When an instrument takes part of a SIF, this fact shall be shown in its datasheet.
In addition, SIL capability and the output signal value (high or low value) in case of instrument failure shall be
The criteria and specific practices for applying the ANSI/ISA S5.1 standard within Repsol for assigning TAGs to
instruments and signals are included in this section.
These criteria shall apply in new Facilities (see BDD for particularities in each one).
For existing facilities, unless otherwise indicated, the same criteria already used shall apply for document
uniformity purposes.
The following general rules shall be applied for TAG construction:
a) The general TAG structure shall adjust to Section 3.10 of this specification, Signal and instrumentation
b) TAGs of signals connected to the ESD or interlocks systems, shall include the letter “Z” in the second
position. For example, a level transmitter connected to the ESD will be tagged as LZT-0100. It shall be
considered that for numbering loops, only the first letter shall be considered and instruments wired to
different systems using the same tag number (e.g., LT-0100 and LZT-0100 are not acceptable). See
details and additional examples later in this document. For existing facilities, Repsol will indicate if this
criterion shall be followed.
c) The indication function integrated in transmitters and controllers shall not be included (FT / FC and not FIT
/ FIC).
d) The indication function (hardware or software) independent of other function shall be identified. “L” suffix
shall be added to the field device: TI-100L for field remote indicator and TI-100 for DCS indication.
e) All analytic measurements shall be represented by AT and shall include their description.
f) Density and conductivity shall be considered analytic variables, see Section 4.2, Analyzer systems.
g) Complex TAGs involving more than one signal shall not be used. Instead, a different TAG shall be used for
each existing independent signal (i.e. ATSL→ AT + ASL)
Degree modifiers shall be HH / H / L and LL. If more levels are required, a different TAG shall be used for
each. In exceptional cases “M” may be used for intermediate positions.
Very high modifiers (HH) or very low modifiers (LL) shall be reserved for trips or emergency shutdowns and
high (H) and low (L) modifiers shall be used for alarms, indications, automations, etc.
The “R” modifier shall be used for registers, and shall only be included in the TAGs if the register is physical
(on paper or electronic register) and not in the DCS or SCADA memory or is requested by basic engineering.
The “Q” modifier shall apply to all totalizers (hardware or software). It shall not be used otherwise.
The “A” modifier shall apply to alarms, but not to their initiating elements, and “L” shall be used instead of “A” to
merely indicate states (i.e. ZSH → ZLH, FSL → FAL, etc.)
Unless otherwise indicated, in case of redundant equipment, optional letters and/or numbers shall not be used
(XX in instrument TAG structure) to identify instruments with different process tapping points. Each instrument
shall have a different loop number.
In case of redundant equipment with a large amount of instruments, the following criteria shall be met:
• A specific loop numerical sequence shall be associated for each equipment (for example: A compressor:
600 series, B compressor: 700 series).
• A loop number criterion shall be defined to identify instruments with the same functionality (for example:
lube oil pressure A compressor: N1N1N1-PT-620, lube oil pressure B compressor N1N1N1-PT-720).
Whereas it is feasible, mnemonic rules shall be used for assigning loop number in order to make easier and
safer operation and maintenance works.
2 The level meter type shall be represented in P&IDs diagrams according to ANSI/ISA 5.1. For level meters not
considered by ANSI/SA 5.1 or when it is required to indicate any additional information, the level meter
particular descriptions shall be included next to the TAGs in P&IDs (for example, GRW).
I/P converters are not included in this paragraph and shall be covered in the section 4.15, Miscellaneous
The letters TP only apply to occasional measuring points that do not have thermowells installed (i.e. bearings
and other mechanical elements prepared for being tested with portable equipment).
The skin type temperature sensor will include a note indicating “skin” next to the TAG.
The use of tags TW in mechanical diagrams is limited to thermowells without installed probes.
UZV Bottom of vessels valves, unit battery limits, etc. or emergency depressurization valves.
There are different criteria for tagging solenoids so the applicable one must be consulted for each project. A
TAG assignation criteria description for these elements shall be included in the BDD for each project.
Some of the most commonly used criteria for identifying solenoids are:
a) XY + valve number
b) VY + valve number, where V = variable related to the piloted valve (A, F, L, T, P, etc.)
c) SV + valve number
These are the criteria for solenoids valves connected to the ESD:
a) XZY + valve number
2 b) VZY + valve number, where V = variable related to the piloted valve (A, F, L, T, P, etc.)
c) SZV + valve number
d) Uzy + valve number
As indicated above, for existing Facilities, unless otherwise indicated, the same criteria already used shall
apply for document uniformity purposes
These shall be used with the following general criteria:
ZS Discrete position signal or contact. Limit switch
ZT Transmitter / Continuous position signal
ZZS Discrete position signal or contact. Limit switch to the ESD
2 ZZT Transmitter / Continuous position signal to the ESD
The modifiers used to specify valve position shall be H (100% opening), L (0 % opening) and M for
intermediate positions (i.e. light off position in some fuel valves to burners).
The general criteria for defining limit switch TAGs in valves is:
• ZSL / ZSH / ZSM for limit switches connected to DCS
• ZZSL/ZZSH/ZZSM for ESD elements
Regarding motor operated valves, limit switches TAG criteria shall be consulted for each project because, as
2 indicated in Section 4.7 above, Control, on/off and self-regulated valves, of lack of uniform criterion. In some
facilities ZSO (100% opening) and ZSC (0 % opening) are used.
ZLH / ZLL (ZZLH/ZZLL in the ESD) shall be used by defect for related console indicators. ZAL / ZAH
2 (ZZAL/ZZAH in the ESD) TAGs shall be reserved for limit switches whose operation has to really be an alarm.
2 XZL / YZL Lamp / XZS / YZS signal related indication in the ESD
XZA / YZA Lamps / XZS / YZS signal related alarm in the ESD
XYT Other variables (to be specified) YT (YZT) Other variables (to be specified)
These criteria are the same as those indicated in ED-J-11.00, Electric equipment interfaces, and its data sheet
HD-J-1100.01, List of signals exchanged with electrical equipment.
The speed and position TAGs are for variable frequency drivers or position (adjustable travel pumps).
As far as possible, all signals related to a motor shall have the same loop number and this shall coincide with
the motor TAG in the mechanical diagram, for example:
655-XSMP-016-A Pump 655G-016-A on /off command
655-YR-016-A Pump 655G-016-A in remote command mode indicator
655-YM-016-A Pump 655G–016-A start-up confirmation
655-IT-016-A Pump 655G-016-A instant current
Documentation to be provided by Vendor is indicated in the Requisition and, as a minimum, shall include those
established in each particular Instrument design specification. Also, identification, treatment, and format shall
be as per specification ED-A-09.00 Requirements for vendor´s documents preparation
Scope of engineering services shall be defined in each contract. In any case, providing that instrument and
control engineering activities are included in a contract, the minimum scope of engineering services shall
2 include the documents and drawings indicated in this section in the Appendix I of this design specification.
Documentation issued by the Engineering Contractor shall follow specification ED-A-10.00, Requirements for
detail and FEL engineering drawings and documents.
All documents shall be revised as many times as needed for the project so that the AFC (Approved for
construction) revision can be emitted with no pending issues.
Instrument data sheets shall be issued as a Project document, grouped by instrument type and requisition,
including document number and instrument index.
All documents must be approved by Repsol for official issue
Other documents that must be provided by the Engineering Contractor are:
a) Package units documents similar to those indicated for the rest of the plant
b) Installation, start-up, operation and maintenance manuals of all equipment
c) Quality dossiers, tests, calibrations, regulations and standards compliance, etc.
The documents listed below, which could be issued by other discipline, shall be reviewed/validated by
2 Instrument and Control discipline.
a) Piping isometrics with in line instruments
b) Electrical equipment control drawings
c) Gas detector layout
d) Control narratives and control strategies
e) Detailed descriptions of emergency shutdowns
f) Cause and effect matrix (ESD and F&G)
In the BDD of each project will be included the information about the CAD tool to be used for design.
Unless other software is explicitly authorized by Repsol, INTERGRAPH Smartplant Instrumentation shall be
used as instrument database management software.
By means of this software, Engineering Contractor shall elaborate the following documents including, without
any exception, all hardware and software points which are part of the project, among others, instruments
supplied in package units (Compressors, Furnaces,..):
• Field instrument list. Engineering Contractor shall prepare “psr” file with HD-J-0100.03 format to issue the
document during detailed engineering.
• Hardwired and software signals to DCS, ESD, F&G and PLC’s lists and communication signal lists. Repsol
shall supply a “Seed file” which will include a browse with corresponding data for each list. These browses
shall be export to Excel to be checked by Repsol. Also, formal issue of these documents shall be done
printing exported Excel file.
• Instruments datasheets according Repsol formats including in “seed file”. For instruments without a Repsol
datasheet format, Repsol will accept engineering datasheet format but, in any case, the datasheet shall be
generated by Smartplant Instrumentation.
Doc. code: Design specification:
• Wiring diagrams from field to I/O card system (DCS, ESD, F&G,..) including internal wiring of system
cabinets. Document issue shall be done using standard format of Smartplant Instrumentation software.
• Process and pneumatic hook-ups. The “seed file” include the material list for each Repsol hook-up
standard. The development of required new hook-ups is included in Engineering Contractor scope of work.
This develop includes the load of hook-ups materials in Smartplant Instrumentation software and the CAD
• Loop diagrams. The Engineering Contractor shall issue loop diagrams by SmartPlant Instrumentation.
Repsol accepts Engineering Contractor formats to issue these diagrams, but as a minimum, the instrument
2 loop diagrams shall contain the information indicated in ANSI/ISA 5.4. To export data for generating loop
diagrams with other software is not acceptable.
Engineering contractor shall issue to Repsol an updated Smartplant Instrumentation database monthly.
If Smartplant Instrumentation software is not required for a project, MS Excel or MS Access shall be used as
indicated below:
• Instrument datasheets. Repsol specifications MS Excel format shall be used. Each instrument shall be
issued in a separate file.
• Any list. MS Access will be used with printing reports as attached to each ED.
Note: this means that in the case of lists, the forms supplied by Repsol in MS Excel are exclusively for
information purposes related to contents and printing formats, but are not an indication of the software to be
used to produce them.
Documents that may require revisions or adapting shall be done using MS Word. Acrobat Writer shall only be
used for documents that cannot be changed (i.e. equipment manuals, certificates, etc.).
The project documents generated by the Engineering Contractor shall be grouped in drawing books and
equipment books according to the Repsol ED-A-13.00, Engineering books and vendors books.
All documents shall have detailed indexes of contents included.
Engineering documentation and operation, installation and maintenance manuals must be in the language
specified in BDD. The rest of vendor documentation shall be in the language specified in BDD although English
can be acceptable under specific Repsol approval.
In all data sheets and lists, the fields that do not apply shall be filled with a dashed line to stand out the fact
that they are not hold.
Drawings and documents shall be numbering according ED-A-10.00, Requirements for detail and FEL
engineering drawings and documents.
As a general recommendation, it is convenient to have at least one drawing number for each requisition, so
related data sheets will become a sheet of a single drawing independent from other requisitions or drawings.
Related elements (i.e. different types of control valves from different suppliers) can bear the same drawing
For unit revamping projects and when Smartplant is not required, in addition to issue project documentation
mentioned in Section 6.1, Project documents, the scope of engineering services includes updating existing
documentation in Facility, even though this fact means to duplicate documentation or information.
Documentation and its applicable formats shall be agreed by Engineering Contractor, Facility and Repsol
Engineering Division in order to avoid conflicts between existing installations and the revamping.
To look for and update the existing documentation and drawings is included in the scope of engineering
services, so Engineering Contractor should be taken into account to quote.
Doc. code: Design specification:
At the same time, Engineering Contractor must adapt to existing work procedures establish in each Facility to
work with existing documentation.
In addition, reference technical documentation used to design and construct the unit and document formats
could be different to the current ones. These probable deviations will be indicated in BDD.
The field instrument list shall be an only document for each process unit or annex to be used in all related
It shall cover all instruments for each unit, without exception, including, among others, all F&G field elements
(deluge valves pressure switches, Fire hand-switches, beacons, etc.) instruments of packaged units,
machines, etc.
It shall be filled in on the HD-J-0100.03 form attached to this specification as an example.
The following are general criteria for filling in the forms:
• The thermowells shall always be included as an independent register from the related temperature probe.
• The primary flow elements shall be included always as an independent register from their transmitter
In case of doubt about including an element or signal in the list, Repsol shall be consulted.
A list of communicated signals for each serial link between different project nodes shall be issued.t
It shall cover all signals exchanged by each link considered with its communication parameters. For this
purpose it must be made up jointly by Engineering Contractor and the providers of communicated equipment.
The signals exchanged between nodes of one same piece of equipment (i.e. a PLC and its related SCADA or
between SCD nodes) do not need to be documented in this list.
It shall be completed in the form HD-J-0100.02 attached to this specification as an example.
The control and instrumentation single line diagram is a drawing representing the general project instruments
and control architecture, in a similar way to the electrical single line diagrams, and that shall include:
• Control, emergency shutdowns and safety nets with their main nodes
• Schematic representation of multicables, data links and point to point interconnections
• Physical location of the each equipment (field, rack rooms, control rooms, etc.)
This single line shall clearly and concisely summarize the main project interconnections and allow the main
control, emergency shutdowns, and safety elements to be located physically and functionally.
The printing format shall be A3 or higher if so required due to the complexity of the design.
Standard drawing PE-J-0100.01 is attached as an example, Control and instrumentation single line.
Doc. code: Design specification:
These standards are referenced here for information only. Their requirements are already included in this
specification and are identified in the tables where the corporate standard is mentioned.
00-00458NO Prevention and mitigation of fire, explosions and toxic leaks
03-00008GU Safeguard design guide
ED-A-02.00 Piping and instrument diagrams for process and service in units and off-site.
ED-A-08.00 Life cycle management of safety instrumented systems (SIS).
ED-A-09.00 Requirements for vendors´ documentation.
ED-A-10.00 Requirements for detail and FEL engineering drawings and documents - General
ED-A-13.00 Engineering book and vendors book.
ED-I-01.00 General considerations for distributed control systems (DCS).
ED-I-02.00 Emergency shutdown systems (General)
ED-I-04.01 Safety instrumented systems (SIS) - Safety requirements (SRS) - General.
ED-J-11.00 Electric equipment interfaces.
ED-J-13.00 Instrument electric connections.
ED-J-13.04 Electrical feed to instruments.
ED-J-14.00 Instrument installation in hazardous areas.
The standards and documents that apply to this ED shall be those mentioned in the following sections.
ANSI/ISA 5.4 Instrument loop diagrams
ANSI/ISA 71.04 Environment conditions for process measurement and control system
ISA 18.1 Annunciator Sequences and specifications
Doc. code: Design specification:
1 Instruments list (including package units) HD-J-0100-02 and 03. X X
ED-J-01.00, 02.00, 03.00, 04.00, 05.00, 08.00,
2 15.00 according to instrument type and ED-J-
Instrument data sheets (including package units) X X
20.00 (packages units) and associated data
sheets (HD´s)
3 Data sheets and list of control valves ED-J-06.00 / HD-J-0600.01 X X
4 Data sheets and list of block valves and remotely-operated shut-off valves (VAARs) ED-J-06.02 / HD-J-0602.01/HD-J-0602.02 X X
5 Data sheets and list of steam conditioning valves ED-J-06.03 / HD-J-0603.01 X X
6 Data sheets and list of pressure relief valves and rupture disks ED-J-18.00 /HD-J-1800.01 and HD-J-1800.02 X X
7 Data sheets and list of motorized valves ED-J-06.01/ HD-J-0601.01 X X
ED-J-01.00, 02.00, 03.00, 04.00, 05.00, 08.00,
8 Instruments sizing (flow meter, restriction orifice, control valves, pressure relief valves, etc.) 15.00, 18.00 according to instrument type and X X
ED-J-20.00 (Package units)
9 Junction boxes and terminal blocks wiring diagrams HD-J-13.02.01 to 13 X
10 Instrument pneumatic connections PE-J-1001.01 a 09 and PE-J-1002.01 to 09 X
11 Instrument process hook-ups (including equipment and vessel) and assembly diagrams with
ED-J-17.00 and associated drawings. X
bulk material (including stand pipes, diaphragm seals, etc.)
12 Detailed drawings for instruments supports, steam tracing, flushing, frost protection, etc. PE-J-1700.01, 02 and 03 X
13 Instrument cables list HD-J-1300.01 X
14 Tray, multicable, data highway routing layout and junction boxes PE-J-1300, PE-J-1302 X (2) X
15 Cable tray filling calculations ED-J-13.00 X
16 Earthing drawings for instruments - X
17 3D design according to ED-A-04 ED-A-04.00 X X
18 Cable tray Isometric drawings for trays > 200m From 3D model X
19 Instrument air system layout, main routing PE-J-1000 X
20 Instrument air Sub-header distribution drawings and sizing ED-J-10.00 X
21 Electrical and pneumatic instrument lay out (including junction boxes) PE-J-1000, PE-J-1300 X
22 Specification and list for purchase of bulk materials (multicables, cable trays, junction boxes,
- X
tubing, accessories, etc.)
23 List of Inputs/Outputs signals to DCS (Hardwired and software) HD-I-0100 X X
24 List of Inputs/Outputs signals to ESD (Hardwired and software) HD-I-0200 X X
25 List of Inputs/Outputs signals to F&G (Hardwired and software) HD-I-0300 X X
26 List of Serial communicated signals (including information for configuration) HD-J-0100.02 X
27 List of Signals exchanged with electrical equipment HD-J-1100.01 X X
28 Control and instrumentation singe line diagram ED-J-01.00, PE-J-0100.01 X X
29 Architecture and communication diagrams between SCD, ESD, F&G and other systems ED-I-01.00, ED-I-02.00, ED-I-03.00, ED-J-
(PLCs, Bently Nevada, Prognost, etc.) 12.00
30 Electricity-Instrumentation interface wiring diagrams ED-J-11.00 X
31 Typical control loop diagrams PE-I-0100 X
32 Functional descriptions of complex applications - X X
33 Logic descriptions ED-I-02.00 X
34 Logic diagrams PE-I-0200.01 a 03 X
35 Operation, interlock, sequences, etc. graphics ED-I-01.00, ED-I-02.00 X
ED-J-01.00 / ED-P-01.00 / ED-R-01.01 and
36 associated standard drawings
Equipment, cabinet and panels layout for rack rooms (including cable trench) X X
/ ED-I-01.00, 01, 02, 03,04, 05 y 06 / ED-I-
02.00. 01, 02 and 03 / ED-I-03.00
37 ED-I-01.00, 01, 02, 03,04, 05 and 06 / ED-I-
Operation and engineering consoles layout X X
02.00. 01, 02 and 03 / ED-I-03.00
38 On line analyser system design ED-J-07.00 X (3) X (4)
39 Instruments and systems electrical consumption ED-J-13.04 X X
40 Single line instrument power drawings ED-J-13.04 X
41 Constructive and electrical control panels drawings (local and remote) ED-J-09.00 X
42 Alarms, interlock and control set points documentation ED-I-05 X
Instrument loop diagram according to ANSI/ISA 5.4 (including instrument and valves,
43 terminal board identification, junction boxes, multicables, intrinsic safe barriers, power supply, ED-J-01.00 X
44 Explosive atmospheres protection and intrinsic safety documents (including supporting
ED-J-14.00 X
calculations, if applicable)
45 SIS management plan (5) ED-A-08.00 X X
46 Safety instrument function list ED-A-08.00 X X
47 Safety Requirement Specification (SRS) ED-I-04.01 and HD-I-0401 X
48 SIF verification report ED-I-04.02 X
49 SIS Operation and maintenance manuals ED-A-08.00 X
50 Specific installation check list for each SIF (6) - X
51 Specific field test list for each SIF (6) - X
52 SIS validation plan (6) ED-I-04.03 X X
53 SIF periodic proof tests plan ED-I-04.04 X
54 IEC 61511 Compliance report ED-I-04.03 X
1. All lists indicated above shall be segregated in each annex or unit.
2. Main routes, cable trays 600
3. Design basis and specification.
4. Detailed design.
5. The Engineering Contractor shall issue a final dossier including a complete set of documentation according to ED-A-08.00.
6. The Engineering Contractor shall issue the documents which shall be filled out by construction team (installation, pre-commissioning and
commissioning check list) and commissioning team (SIS validation).