Examen c1 Cambridge

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Peay For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, 8, © or ) best fs each gap. Theres ‘an example atthe beginning (0) Mark your answers on the separate answer sh Example: © A bring © uniting —D_nkng 8 fastening 7 Emotions and the body Most languages have expressions Ike Yo gt cold fot, (0) ‘emotions to diferent pats ofthe body. now seems these associations are (1) | wth the Same emotions rested Inthe seme location, regardless of @ Ce Selentets from Aata University, Finns, (9) an expaiment using meve than 700 voluntsers from Firing, ‘Sweden nd Taiwan. Participants were shown emctiona videos, pictues of facial expressions and stores intended to cotsinfosings. They then uted computer generetes human sihouets 0 (8) whore on thet bodies they ad fot any stmutus The resus showed (6) paters of odly sensations associated wth each af the basic emotions. Many ‘omotens provoked changes nthe fac, while throat and bely sensations ony really appeared in particpants feaing Ssgust. In contrat with althe ater emotions, happiness was associate with (7) ‘senaation at overthe body The autnors sad tne study could in fre be applied to te treatment of emotional (8) eh 98 depression snd sity, 1 Atorouah | B universal sweeping Dexpansive 2 Abesinning Beource Cintiion Devign 3 Aconducted —Badiinstowed—Caracteo Dopecates 4 Aniggee Bet © pioneer Brouch 5 Adssign Bpian cmap Pprogamme 8 Astoady Becorsistont Cpropotionat said 7 Avpited Bobtiies emaxinisod Dennances 8 Acisnpiors —-Bsractons——Cscrders pacomen rest Reading an Use of English Part ‘Reading ae Use of Engiah Pat 2 Test Reading and Use of English Part 2 For usstons 9-16, road the text below and think of the word which best fis each gap. Use only one werd in each gap, There isan example atthe Begining Wire your answers IN GAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet, Sxamete: [0] [FloTRI TT [TTI LITT TTT College news Professor Tim Scholes has been nominated ©)... @ national avd, the Taymon Environmental Prize, inrecognionothisresearchintotheimpactf deterestaton .....adinthe Amazonbsin Hei nteestedinboth ‘ts potential benetis fr agrcuture andthe Yok of desetiation, a process by (10) former fort and becomes desert. Scholes's most recent study was underskon (1) Part of an international projet fed ay Poessor Clara Berminton, ‘According 10 Scholes, a erative ple (12)... the Tayman Would make slnifant controution to funding forthe nat stage of his research. The awards ceremony Wl (13) 46 in London on 19 March. Scholes jokes hat ne (14) al be the frst person nthe Taymor try tobe nomial sic imes without wring. 9) ‘his prove be the cas, though, Scholes won't be to upst,Hebeteves th publly genes by the vent wil aise awareness ofthe problem a deforestation, if 1). ee REE EE ED Poa Reading and Use of English Part 3 For questions 17-24, read the tex below, Use the word ven in capitals at the end of some of the ines to fort a vor that is in the gap in the same line. There is an example atthe beginning (0), ‘wre your anewers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet Tar eet 1 im} exampte: [0] [R Job opportunity in IT ‘Ths company ea mse) with stores theugheut the county, RETAIL ‘A vacancy has (17), department ‘Te company is planing to open a cistibuton cant atthe begining of ext year and requires a computer service (16) 19 start work TECHNICAL 1 soon as posable, He or she vil ln an sxsting team responsible fer the 09) ‘of a naw computer system before the opening of the INSTALL strbution cone, The teams dis wil also cover the Upgrading, eps nd (20) ofthe computer systems cuenty fn operation inthe MAINTAIN ‘companys store, and provide supporto sr. Formal iT quaiications ae 2) but not cabot provid you DESIRE have a thorough working knowledge of computer hardware and sofware, ‘excalentprotlem-slvng skits and a (22). to kee uptodate WILL ith FT developments. rien o jin its iefoemationtachnelogy (M]_ EXPECT “The company asta achive (2)... neveryaspectofis activities, EXCEL and expec al its (28) {0 be cormitd oth same gos. EMPLOY 376 | Test Reading and Use ot Engiss Par 3 HES Feawing ana use of English Part 4 For questions 26-80, complete the second sentence ea thet i has a similar meaning to the st using the word gven, Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, Including the word given, Here an exemple Example: (© Ice tink you should anion Cranes nes ob to har parents say | ought t would be beat you Caroline's ne job to er parents ‘The gap can be filed with the words ‘dan’ say anything about, so you write: eae [0] [Conrawavenanon \Wite only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. 25 Kathys nomination fr an awa for bravery came a apis ta a, ABACK Kathy —- Beleg nominate or an aware fr bravery. 28 Nobody was inthe bulding whea the fe occured, Me ‘The bung was there 2 Even tough te company oMered him a higher saan, David was si dubious about accepting te jb, DESPITE David was sta dubious about accepting the jo, im a higher alan, 28 Snoia missed her vain because her husband cout dive ert the sation wer .Shaias husband hed boon abo to have cought her ran 29. The ctilcron pa ite attention tothe dogs. nonce ‘he eileen adn the cos. 30 Local residents have been oppcsed tothe propsal since 1996, pares, Local rodents to 1986. Reading ane Use of Eagsah Part 4 vests 477 0 HE Feasting and Use of Engtish Part 5 ‘You are going to read the introduction toa book by Helen Thornton about the history of drama, For {questions 31-36, choose the answer (A,B, €or D} which you tink fis bast according to the text. ‘Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Introduction ‘Ay writer who bolaly attempts to wite a history of crams, covting evry corer of the wor in wich the genre has flourishes, risks ending up nth eg on bi or her face, and remainder cops ofthe Book seling for nex to nothing, ‘Aor al there arady ete numbar of excelent works onthe sbject so nave to ask mel have comet the party ‘emply-hended? That would indeed be biting, | a, hope, aloe anaugh to accept hal yet another history of drams fs unk to dur the beste ts | can dois ray on the casual browser in a bookshop or Bock-saing wet ste to read a page or two of ts work and fea suflety ntigued fo want to read move ~ whether or no hey are persuaded by my opinions. hope to convey ‘someting ofthe fascination Inava ong experienced fr errr, in the bl that enthusiasm, bike measkes, catching, ‘The idea of wrtng ths book carne tome five yrs ago, spate by reading. na single siting. James K. Hyde stim ‘ole that purported te race the hstorcal dvsiopment of cra aroun the wore, bat in fat played down the valve ‘of any plays that have nol survived n writen form, oar in languages other than Hyde's own, His aitude = a! the fact that he simply coun’ soe the valu of so much work ht can, however lacey, bored ‘dara’ ~inuriated me to such degre that couldn't seap nthe smal Hours of the momsng, I made UP my mins o wile my ou book, to ‘counterbalance is very ercumsenibad view of good dam’. That decison made, calmed down and el esleep. When! woke the following morning, was aghae at my foshdnes. am farm bsing an expert on word arama my arta fil the plays of ancient nore nd Ree. nreaion tothe cram of ther times andplaces, have ahely Intret but thee ar serous gopa n my knowedge, Hence thefve-/ar gestation paid hat the book has underyor, ‘avd that has asan me cry out a reat deal of receach, both in Worries and n tears around the work. iting book the tis reques ground rules, one of wich sa decision a to whether shouldbe acadsmi', ‘popu’ for somthing inbetween = whatever that may be, As an sesdemic mys teaching university students of drama, am Cider sone presewe fo wit for my colleagues the fa, comet with quotations inthe erga Geek, Chines or Sorslt footnotes on every page, along islograpy nan eopend, tng the numerous sowces Ihave crawn ‘That may ook good on my GV wher | ppl or premoion at my wert, butt would tract a thy readership ~ and "rm arogant enough to want my labours Yo be recognised and appreciated by many, cn the basis ta the harder Fe ‘2 worked the more readers nd —I must confess = praise | wat. So that was the reac | went down In this book, | have aimed to conser a representative sample of lay, ef whstovrlngth ard wri In whatever language Noto mesiton pays tet hover’ ured In wittn form, hough we have nfermation abeut them, and anes that ae ceremonies rather than plays ae we undrtars the tm today. Werkng outa pincipl to bing ord out ofthis chaoe wes cit enough nel One atin wa to focus on the playrights ut so many of then re anonymous. [Another possi, which had acetain apes, was to take one gare ata tine = tragody, comedy, face and soon ~ and trace is development ove the centres. Aer considerable agonisna | fray osted fo: Iokng at partcus locations riticue ies. What crama was avaiable? Who was alowed fo attend? How cd pays writen for performance at ‘royal court diflerfrom those forthe general pubse? To what extent dd the pays minor orchallenge the values end betes of thor aucences? Ihave spent hours burning the might cz struggled to each some tenable conch.sions regarding these and many mare questions. Inthe ond al can doe paseo thefts of my labours nd hope ke the spoken prlogues of many plays thal yeu. ry reader, wi be ncigent an excuse he taxon ots book. 370 | Tete Reading ond Use of Engh Part 5 231 nthe it parsgraph, Thornton express har concer that AA te task he has taken on i oo tut forbs B chehas eke too heavy on existing book © thoes ntrest in backs ebout cama 1D she has noting new to cay onthe subject. {82 According tothe second paragraph, Thorntons purpose tis book Ito A. make readers fol as she dose about ame, B write a book hat might sein beg quantities than expects. {© comince readers tat he terrains of erame se correct. explore citerentenstionl responses to dram £83. Wny de Thornton deci to wit his Book? |A. Tho-uthor of another bok encouraged herto wit, Be was annoyed bythe narow focus of a book she had ead © Another book opened her eyes fo rama trom around the wor She et that a book she had rec fated to csinguish between good anabad drama, {94 Wat doas orton explain inthe fourth paragraph? [A why the book hse taken her along tina torte the ficulties se faced in 2asaching the book © why thobbook consantateson ancient Geoce and Rome 1 how the feels now thatthe backs complete 35. Wat dos tha fine 25) fer? ‘A. making the book academic hn natura browsing ietormaton stout her source mati {© tying to make the hook appeal toa wise ausence 1D apphing forpromotion a the univers where she teaches {36 Instwcturing her book, Thornton Pa ‘A organised the mates chronolegiay B described the work of one playiright at tna, {© concentrated on diferent cramatic genes ln tun. attempted t place paysin the soe conte Reading end Use of Enh Pot S rests | 378 ky Reading and Use of English Part 6 You are gcing to read extracts fom articles in which four experts gve their views on a proposed new airport {or London. For questions 37-40, choose rom the exerts A-D. The experts may be chosen more than "Mark your answors on the separate answer sheet. Proposal to build a new airport for London, possibly on an artificial istand in the estuary of the River Thames 1A Lary Jone ‘irae ncresing worldwide, and with London's exsting apo operating at lose to capacty, we face a stark ‘choice: wepansion oan atone por? A lgniscant benef ofa neu-bul that she curen pots wouldnt hen require new runways wich ae streneousy opposed by local recdorts. In adeton, new fight paths could avodd ‘ontbing to ar ard rosa pluton ver London. Anew aeport i anew opportunity and shoud be designed wih an ‘een caren and fue develpmenisin asronaues cou take planes vith ageatrcapacty even than the lageat ‘Used now which wou! at lest reduce the impact of tha expected growth in total passenger numbers. The Thame ctuary © home to vast aunibers of bid, which would be serovsly affect by an arport. Howore, if comes to 8 ‘hoiow Beton ee and peop, Im atsid our oun species has ome rst Karen Macmitan “The mare cea among us may besove tha the words ove afar witha travel ls nearing ts en, but certainly not ane of hem. Wa can avod povcing fr the aceloal airport capacity Bly to ba equited over he next 30 to 60 yrs, and for my money, that means a new sor in the Thames estuary. Even if constuction goes ahead, Rowever, ial ony be a mater of tne before expansion of te exiting arpars wil become neutabe. A last an apr in he ‘estuary would save Loncones om the extra potion esuing fem he atratve, ass got paths could be argely ‘rent over water. Adie, is unfortunate that te Thames estuary provides haba or mary species of ids ‘lay wll ve tobe ound to migte th efor, whe enlng constuction of the apo tooo ahead © Bernie Dodd ‘i share his planet wth Inumerabe other species, a of wich including ourselves are interdependent. Our wanton lsregard f our envrermert shar not ony tits otherintablars, but also to ourselves. Constucing an apo Inthe Tames extary woud beso cesroctve of wif hat It shout oven be considered. Yes, some argue tht ‘ould banat te existing aor, Bu bate oe te bullet and expand those we have now tan wrask hava on & Frtherto unepot par of he county. Besdes, the cai that a row airport would reduce ose and improve at cuaity In London amply doesn’ hold water: maybe k wouldnt worsen the earent tution, bt that's the best we could ep ‘oc At present there seam tobe ro prospect othe a avel ena dying doa, built he damage to ares hat ae aready camages. 1 teabal Smith |s ral the ease that London needs an adtinal spor? Tecnology & progressing fast, a wth wide-bodled cra ewer fotts are needed fer the sare number of passengers. Besos, the advent of queer planes wil mean that runways that ae curity close at ight, because of noise, willbe abl te operate ound the clock. The existe apart wl be abl to handle grouth passenger numbers fr you's to come, witout needing ay aew runways to De onstuctes. Perhaps some cares woul Wars: hor opwations to a Thames estuary aor, a thal wou lea lanimpreversentn Londons as ually, but ne apart woule wove desuoyng the haba of thousands of wetand Drs, with 20 my mn no ustileaton Anew arpor shoul Bee cut 80 | Texte Reading an Use of Engh Prt 8 Which expert expresses a citerant view fom Janes on whathr& ra atport would remove the nee for sdaional runways lensing ports? shares Smith's view soout wife int Thames estuary? ‘shore Smi's view about the otal numberof fights aquired inthe re? has a cferent opinion tom the cers about the eects & naw port wouls hve en polsion ‘London? By A ff [3] EES Reading and use of English Part 7 ‘You are going to read an article about a womnan who invented the concept of computer software. Si ‘Beragrapis have been removed rom the extract. Choose from the paragraphs A-G tne one which fs each ‘G2p (41-46). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use, ‘Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet How the concept of software was invented In 1842, move than a centry bafors the start of the Infomation ago, in 8 britant fash of penetstng insight, ‘Ada Lovelace ha glinpse ofthe fle, She saw that with sutabiemosiieatons, Chares Baboage’s proposed Anais Engine woud be capable of much more than its intended purpose of simple mathematical calcuation. ‘Ada Lovelace was born in London in 1815, the dauahtee ‘ofthe post Byron. She nover mathe father: her porente separated @ month ster her bith, he lft England fou ‘months ler and evertualy dled sora. Her upednging Wes unusual for the period, in that her mthar was determined she should have a threugh grounding Ia logic, mathematics and he ences, Tothat enc, Ada waa provided wih a succession of tutors, gq ‘mong the number was the mathematician, phorophar, Inventa ane! Profeeser of Mathematics atthe Univesity ‘of Cambyige, Charlee Babbage, one of several people Creed wath being ‘he fater of the computer’. His lenportanc les in he fact that he nected several devices wich paves the way for magarn computes. Lovelace as Introduced to him while i her fate teens, anc soon aftewards ved hie workshon to see Diterence Engin! ag ‘The delce wasincomplete, weghedoverstonandwasot yet working. Dsspte these Intatons, Lovelace greeped its tue sgniftcance: where Babbage eat purely being Used to ncrease the accuracy of mathematical processes, itwas Lovelace who saw ts far greater potential [Anis event, Bsbbage desorbed hi proposal for mere vanced computing mactine, his Anatcal Engine. A mathematician who ras present subsequently wrteup he eas ina memeirin French, snd Babbage asked Lovelace to translate t, Because she understood the machine 20 wel, athisraquest she added a comprehensive sat fot to her tsnslaton, much longar than the memok Isl as these note that have established her impertanes in ‘he development of compte, a In this insight, che antcpated the development of bath modern compan and atti intligance by ere thn “hundred years. gain, she ssw ta! he Anayticl Engine coud be used to do much mere than even Babbage perceive, 5 Theme, and Lovetac's ots, tate te atertion thot, ut that dos at csract rom har achevement ‘he essence of which eta she grasp how fo rete sie! instances of way abevact concept. I any computer, is he sotware whch ges the herwere the aby o pare ts wonders, olay now nd very strange ea othe tina Er ‘bough her Weight Is extonshing, fat fe not al that Lovesce should be remembered or Sho also mons bayond ny possiblity of doubt hat woman coud atin be highest evel of sore understanding an achievement = someting that ster real n herifetme. Sh hepato biases fr te gnertona ef women obacome cenit. ead onl Uso rg Part 7 A. Neier thie pottype nox his later devices ware completed ais bene, ahough working versions tha since been Cut Howove, hsefots to const ‘hom aroused widespread terest. pully when he atended sciorihe conerence la aly and resented hi wor, 8 Ofcouse, the same could be si f many siotsts: Leonardo da Vine, for instance, designe ting rmachnes several contries before they Becsi 3 ‘eal, But at fast he a the advantage of having ‘Seen bcs thing © Unt him, Lovelace riaed that could be set to execute any logicaty coherent sequence of Irstwctons. Tis in efect mace her the wore fet compuer programmer 28 she demonstrat the ‘secument Din thom, 2s well as deserbing the revolaonary implications oF Benbage tas, Lovelace wrote a the frat computer rogram ana mace the sansa suggestion that such a device shoud be able to compose music if 2 sutable aot of rues could bo eves Reading ae Uso of Esh Pat 7 E One of these was Aupusiue oe Magan, «leading mmatheraician of the time, Os Morgan soon ontimed Ada oustanaing mathematics! by and, import, communicated his admation to he Sciartnc Hens. AS aes, ang bee women were ‘eile to stucy fr degrees, Ada came to more than holé her ewe with the lacing soit of he ay. F This realsalon, that he right Instuctons cous encrmousty erease the cepabities ofthe dvi, ‘xray for such an eal lage in the try of ‘hecomputer Lovelace could sse beyond th savy ‘udimentay nature of Babboge’s machines to the mmmense posses operes up by programmable computers. This mocnarical caleultor was Bebbage'S frst ‘vention He, te oars beta im, had eaoed tt logarthnic tates ~ at that time royce by aman ‘caluletors, and notary fil of erors coud be generated by machina ic oe ‘The importance of good customer service EE Feasting and Use of English Part 8 ‘Yu are going to read four extracts rom an article about customer service. For questions 47-68, choose from the exvacts (A-D), The extracts may be chosen more than once, Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. “The customer i always right a famous business ‘slogan, The underving tnth behind this. statement | recognising that cvatomers are the lie boo for ‘any business. Understanding the inrtance of good customer senice ie essential for a heathy tusmess fn coating new customers, keaping Loyal customers, ce ‘Think about how you've been tiated wherver youve boon the custom you've ever had @ bed experience th @ company, You know that i's nt easy to forget (he encounter Porhaps a shop assistant was too busy stocking sheivas to help you pay for your tas, Maybe there wasnt anyone arcund to answer your questions In which section does the writer snd Geveloping an effective referral systam for fture or hap you wih some adtonal formation. You might ‘suggest hat customer comments may be mers honest not made to sta? a customers, Excelent customer sevice begins atthe nia! have had to deal with an employee who wor! helo you ‘esti, whether that's in person, onthe phone, or va because of soma company le In any ef thea instances, ‘enon the effect on sles if customers bale staf se not intrested in them? s ‘mal. n al ofthese stunts, using good people skis the managers or the owner of the store usualy sent ‘lt increase the chances oferestngapostveimpression. made aware of the poor custome serie. Insteed, the 5 tat preventing atrative courses of ation can lead to a win-win situation? 9 For example, saying helo with a smile to a customer peopl that do hear about tae ray a the customers ‘who has just walked inthe dcr wil invt that person infamy an fends. Wore tale very ast wnen it comes paint out that if asistats do mare than the minimum, custorers ao itey to return? 0 ‘and make thom fest welcome. On the other hand, when communicating negative expotieness to the word acvia tat how to respond customers sated? fan employes dossnt acknowledge te cet, or implies they are an inconvenience, tht customer immediately {sais sighted, and that negative feaing dosent get the Especaly with any Internet business transactions, Product reviews ae quite common, Whether its positive or negative feacbeck about a product oe servi, pcple sate hat por sre staysin customers minds? & stom ina buying mood. ‘ite without nition about he shopsing expres. refer contact with customers hough arange of canals? 3 . > Sd {Vino amoloyee ges ood cuslomer sence onhephone, When dealng wih lens, someting here sons vo on example of customer respanding ta employes in the same wy they ar tale? & ‘he! roetng wt be coutecus. This makes the cen that need tobe rss. the cute upset about a fon comiontabie nun, the ester wl spprecate the product ar sevice they've recelved tom the company, he pont out that customer’ behaviour may ol be explained by what as happened then z easant greet and ual be more agreeable on the fst ng an erployee shoul dott, By king he Ine ste? ‘ter on ofthe phone. Tia much bette uation for fine to Rea the ene complaint tough, the estomer a the cent than leaving messages on answering machines, fei tat you care. Oceasonaly the kau a acualy not ‘mention the value of customers commencing a business to oer people? se4 | teste Reding and Use of Engh Part 8 never geting ay returned phane cal, artigo extract ‘some product infermaton fram an uncaring employee Of course, qooe customer service goss bey! he intial comtact. Answering euslomsre! questions and helping them choose the ght producto service that best is thee esd is «great example of gong the extra mile, Ths Kes of series estabisnes gcodwil, and wil eventual lead 'o loyal customers. Even if that person doesn't purchase anything at that tine, the good shopping expesence wit encouwage repeat business related to your compary ata, but the ital problem i erty a calls for thet person's futon about other ‘ings. Ear way, attentive toning ea ov that ‘oarier and begin to bulla 8 brsge to the situation Usually, discussing ifecent opsons wil bring about a Dostve outcome for Both ses. The real business is ‘eremely competive, and there ae no quarantses of company’s survival OF cours, other factors pay a par, ‘such as value for money, convent opening aus ad 000, but inthe larg un eating people fy and with respects the best racip for excess in retiig, Writing (\nour30 minute Part 4 ‘You must answer this question. Wit your answer in 220-260 words In an appropriate style onthe separate answer sheet. 1 You class as watched a eeision debate abour weal shou be dene to ensure thet natural sources, such water anol are not wasted, You have mage the notes below: Some opinions expressed inthe discussion: "The best method would be to make wasting natural resources 9 iminal offence” “Newspapers and TV can have a very powedul impact on people's behaviour" “Companies shoul take the lead by avoiding unnecesary packaging * ‘Wie an essay decussng two of he waysin you nots. You should expin whlch way you think l most ‘eflctive, giving reasons in supporto your saw. ‘You may, # you wish, make use ofthe opinions expresed inthe gcusion but you should use your own words as far as possbie 386 | Tete ting Pat wing rat \Wirte an answer to one ofthe questions 2-4 inthis part. Wnts your answer in 200-260 words In an ‘propriate style onthe separate answer sheet Put the question rumbe in the box atte top ofthe page. 2 ATV comsany i preparing a sais of documentary programmes about citeent workplaces. You think ene of these programmes cout fasture your workplace Write a proposal tot" company mich you covers what Deonl at your warplace do and expan why tis would be ofintrt to viewer, You proposs shoud uss wake some suagestons shout the general apprasch the programma about you workplace cau taka. ite your proposal. 3 Asports webate nas asked fer eviews of sorts facies in your sea. Wirt review of ome spot elites you have use, ‘Your review stout xpi who te ais are mast suitable fer and describe your own experience si ‘em, You shou also eccmmend at east one way in which tase facies coud be mproved Wie your review: ‘4 Pr lecrosics company has ited customers to wie arport on an electronic gedget Wie report on an ‘ectonc gadget that you regular use, suchas a mabe pone c a sames console. ‘Yourrepor should oui the gadgets copsbiltios an what you use fox It shoul also comment on the extent 'o which he gadget meets your needs. ite your report Weting Pare 2 ete | 87

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