Regular and Irregular Verbs

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Regular And Irregular Verbs

1. What is the importance of learning and knowledge of

the English languaje in teaching and in the
professional file (minimun 20 lines).

En la actualidad el Mundo se encuentra cada día

más interconectado debido a la tecnología, es por esto
que se hace necesario tener un idioma en común que
conecte a las personas en distintas partes del mundo.
Por esta y muchas otras razones es de suma
importancia contar con en inglés como parte de
nuestra educación. La enseñanza universitaria
constituye el último perdaño hacia la
profesionalización, por lo que representa la última
oportunidad desde el punto de vista escolar, para que
los estudiantes tengan un correcto dominio de este
El dominar el idioma inglés le dará al profesional
la posibilidad de un mejor puesto de trabajo, las
oportunidades laborales se multiplican ya que
tendremos acceso a todo tipo de empresas
multinacionales o aquellas que se mueven en un
entorno internacional.
Según estudios realizados, aprender a hablar
inglés mejora las capacidades mentales, sociales y
hasta emocionales. Una persona que conoce una
lengua diferente a la materna desarrolla niveles más
altos de inteligencia y creatividad, lo que permite
tomar mejores decisiones sobre situaciones y retos
que se puedan presentar en un entorno laboral.
2. Translate.

Today, the World is increasingly interconnected

because of technology, that is why it is necessary to have a
common language that connects people in different parts
of the world. For this and many other reasons it is of the
utmost importance to have English as part of our
education. University education is the last resort to
professionalization, and it represents the last opportunity
from the school point of view, for students to have a
proper command of this language.
To master the English language will give the
professional the possibility of a better job, job
opportunities are multiplied as we will have access to all
types of multinational companies or those moving in an
international environment.
According to studies, learning to speak English
improves mental, social and even emotional capabilities.
A person who knows a language different from mother
tongue develops higher levels of intelligence and
creativity, thus making it possible to make better decisions
on situations and challenges that can be presented in a
working environment.
3. Point out the regular and irregular verbs found in the

Today, the World is increasingly interconnected

because of technology, that is why it is necessary to have a
common language that connects people in different parts
of the world. For this and many other reasons it is of the
utmost importance to have English as part of our
education. University education is the last resort to
professionalization, and it represents the last opportunity
from the school point of view, for students to have a
proper command of this language.
To master the English language will give the
professional the possibility of a better job, job
opportunities are multiplied as we will have access to all
types of multinational companies or those moving in an
international environment.
According to studies, learning to speak English
improves mental, social and even emotional capabilities.
A person who knows a language different from mother
tongue develops higher levels of intelligence and
creativity, thus making it possible to make better decisions
on situations and challenges that can be presented in a
working environment.

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