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Práctica N°3 - MANUFACTURA - SAP Gestion Aprovicionamineto

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Al culminar la presente práctica, el alumno estará capacitado para:

• Conocer el Software ERP - SAP.

• Conocer el proceso estándar de aprovisionamiento

• PC
• Guía de Prácticas

• Una sesión (2 horas)

Artikel I. Una comprensión de los diversos procesos de aprovisionamiento

El aprovisionamiento externo de materiales se basa en un ciclo de actividades generales.

Proceso de aprovisionamiento externo - Etapas
Un proceso de aprovisionamiento habitual comprende las etapas siguientes:●
Determinación de necesidades
Cree manualmente una solicitud de pedido para informar al departamento de compras sobre las
necesidades de materiales. Si ha parametrizado una característica de planificación de necesidades en el
registro maestro de materiales, el sistema SAP creará una orden previsional o una solicitud de pedido de
forma automática. Si el sistema crea una orden previsional, después puede convertirse en solicitud de
Determinación de fuente de aprovisionamiento
El sistema da soporte a los compradores a la hora de determinar las posibles fuentes de
aprovisionamiento. La determinación de fuente de aprovisionamiento se puede usar al crear peticiones
de oferta, así como para hacer referencia a pedidos, contratos y condiciones que ya existen en el
sistema. Además, puede hacer referencia a pedidos, contratos y condiciones que ya existen en el
Selección de proveedor
Analice fácilmente las comparaciones de precios entre varias ofertas para seleccionar proveedores. Las
comunicaciones de rechazo pueden enviarse automáticamente.●
Tratamiento de pedidos
Cree pedidos manualmente o deje que el sistema los cree de forma automática. Cuando cree pedidos,
puede copiar datos de otros documentos (como por ejemplo, solicitudes de pedido u ofertas) para
completar automáticamente las entradas generales que se tengan que hacer. También tiene la opción
de trabajar con contratos marco.
Supervisión de pedidos

Controle el status de tratamiento de los pedidos en el sistema. Por ejemplo, puede determinar si una
entrega o una factura ya fueron recibidas para una posición de pedido. También puede reclamar
entregas pendientes a los proveedores.
Entrada de mercancías
Introduzca las entregas en el sistema haciendo referencia al pedido relacionado para reducir la cantidad
de entradas que se deban hacer. El hecho de hacer referencia al pedido también permite controlar si
las mercancías y cantidades entregadas coinciden con el pedido. El sistema actualiza el historial de
Verificación de facturas
Introduzca las facturas en el sistema haciendo referencia al pedido previo o a la entrega para verificar
el cálculo y la precisión de la factura. La disponibilidad de los datos de los pedidos y de la entrada de
mercancías significa que podrá conocer si hay diferencias en cantidad y precio.●
Gestión de pagos
Inicie el programa de pagos para pagar las obligaciones a los proveedores. El departamento de
contabilidad es responsable de activar este programa de forma regular.
Aparte del proceso de aprovisionamiento normal descripto aquí, es posible que haya otros procesos de

Artikel II.

Materials Management (MM)
This case study explains an integrated materials management process in
detail. This promotes a thorough understanding of each process step and
the underlying SAP functions.

Process Overview

Learning objective Understand and execute an integrated procurement

process. Time 170 min
Scenario To process a complete procurement process, you will assume
various roles within Global Bike, for example: Purchaser, Warehouse
Product Accounting Clerk. In general,
Worker, you will work in the MaterialsPREREQUISITES
S/4HANA 2020(MM) and FinancialIn Accounting (FI) for
the exercises departments.
Materials Before you process the case study,
Global Bike Management, a procurement you should familiarize yourself with
Employees involved Joyce Hausman
process (Contract
was tracked with Manager)
master the navigation in the SAP system.
3.0 Das (Warehouse Supervisor)
and transaction data that had
Sergey Petrov (Warehouse
already beenEmployee)
created. To successfully perform this MM
LevelWilton Saban (Inventory Supervisor) case study, it is not necessary to
Alberto Conti (Inventory
This case Assistant)
study explains and have completed all MM exercises.
Bachelor's degree
Aura Maxwell (Purchasing
executes Agent 2)
a complete material However, it is recommended.
Tatiana Karsova (Goods Receipt Clerk)
procurement process from the
Silvia Cassano (AP Accountant)
creation of master data, through NOTES
Shuyuan Chen (Head of Accounting)
purchasing to payment for the
Focus This case study uses the model
delivered goods.
company Global Bike, which was
you start the procurement process, you must create a new supplier (Mid-West Supply from
developed exclusively for SAP UA
Lincoln). You then create the new master record for a trading good (chain closing) in the system.
After the stock is checked (empty), you initiate the procurement by creating a purchase requisition.
BretYou then generate a request for quotation and maintain the quotations for three different vendors
Stefan Weidneryour new vendor). After evaluating and accepting the bid from Mid-West Supply, you
create a purchase order with reference to the original purchase quotation. You will then post the
goods receipt document and confirm the physical receipt into warehouse stock. After creating two
4.1 partial invoices, you will post the payment to the supplier and finally check all involved G/L
accounts in financial accounting. The following graphic shows the entire process.
Last Change
June 2022

Table of Contents
Process Overview .................................................................................................................. 4
Step 1: Create Vendor ........................................................................................................... 7
Step 2: Create Material........................................................................................................ 11
Step 3: Change Material ...................................................................................................... 16
Step 4: Display Stock .......................................................................................................... 18
Step 5: Create Purchase Requisition ................................................................................... 20
Step 6: Manage Stock.......................................................................................................... 23
Step 7: Create RFQ ............................................................................................................. 25
Step 8: Create Quotation from Vendor ............................................................................... 28
Step 9: Price Based Bid Evaluation .................................................................................... 31
Step 10: Create Purchase Order Referencing an RFQ ........................................................ 33
Step 11: Display Purchase Order ........................................................................................ 37
Step 12: Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order................................................................ 39
Step 13: Check Received Goods ......................................................................................... 43
Step 14: Check Physical Goods Receipt ............................................................................. 46
Step 15: Create and Post the First Supplier Invoice............................................................ 49
Step 16: Display Purchase Order History ........................................................................... 52
Step 17: Display Document Flow ....................................................................................... 55

Step 18: Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order................................................................ 58
Step 19: Check Physical Goods Receipt ............................................................................. 60
Step 20: Create and Post the Second Supplier Invoice ....................................................... 62
Step 21: Post Outgoing Payment......................................................................................... 65
Step 22: Display Vendor Balance ....................................................................................... 67
Step 23: Display Purchase Order History ........................................................................... 69
Step 24: Display Balance List and Line Item List .............................................................. 72
MM Challenge .................................................................................................................... 74

Step 1: Create Vendor

Task Create a new supplier.

Time 20
Description Use the SAP Fiori launchpad to create a new supplier (Mid-West min
Name (position) Joyce Hausman (Contract Manager)

Suppliers are used in both financials and procurement. The master record of a vendor
Vendor Master
includes 3 categories – General Data, Finance, and Procurement. Vendors can be
created centrally or with shared responsibilities. During central creation, all views
are generated in one step and by one person. In the case of shared responsibility,
finance and procurement create the views that are relevant for them. In this case
study, the vendor is created centrally. As a result, the vendor master record contains
all the information required to perform business transactions.

To create a new supplier, go to the Materials Management space. In the Contract

Manager section, you can use the Manage Business Partner Master Data app.

The following screen appears:

On the Manage Business Partners screen, choose and Organization. Organization

In the Create Organization popup window, leave the Business Partner field blank.
The system will generate a unique number later. In the BP Role field, click and
in the Select: BP Role window, select FI Vendor (FLVN00).
For the Organization Title field, select Company and enter Mid-West Supply ### as
the Name 1. Compare your entries with the following screenshot. Mid-West Supply

Click . In the Business Partner view, in the Basic Data area, enter your three- ###
digit number (###) as Search Term 1.
Go to the Address area and in the Street field, enter 335 W Industrial Lake Dr, for 335 W Industrial
Postal Code 68528, for City, enter Lincoln, for Country US and Region NE. Under Dr
Standard Communication, select English (EN) as the language. Compare your entries 68528 Lincoln
with the following screenshot. US

Go to the Identification tab and click in the Tax Numbers section. In the line
that appears, enter US1 as the Tax Category and 12-3456### as the Tax Number – US1
replace ### with your number. 12-3456###

Now go back to the Roles area and click . Choose Vendor (FLVN01) as the FLVN01
Business Partner Role.

Now click in the row of the newly created business partner role.

You can now maintain company code-specific data for your business partner in the
role of the vendor. Go to the Company Codes area and click .
On the New Company Code screen, enter US00 in the Company Code field. Select
the value in the selection help that appears automatically. Confirm with Enter.

Switch to the Finance tab and enter 3300000 (Trade payables) for the Reconciliation
Account. In the Payment Data section, enter 0001 (Payable immediately Due net) 0001
as the Payment Terms and select Check Double Invoice. Compare your entries with Check Duplicate
the following screenshot. Invoice

Now switch to the Correspondence area. Enter your user (LEARN-###) as the Your User

Clerk ID at Supplier. Now click in the lower screen area.

Back on the New Business Partner screen, go to the Purchasing Organizations area
to enhance your Mid-West Supply business partner with purchasing-specific data.

Click in the Purchasing Organization window. In the Purchasing
Organization field, enter US00.

On the Purchasing Organizations tab, enter USD as the Order Currency and use USD
the F4 help to search for the Payment Terms Payable immediately Due net (0001). immediately Due
net (0001)
Navigate to the Partner Functions tab. Click on and enter the partner VN
function VN for vendor and press Enter.

Click to transfer your purchasing-specific data for your business partner. Then
click and then . The system automatically assigns a unique number to
your supplier.

Click on the home icon to go to the Fiori Launchpad Overview.

Step 2: Create Material

Task Create the material master record for a trading good.

Description Use the SAP Fiori launchpad to create the wholesale chain lock master
Time 20
data. min
Name (position) Sandeep Die (Warehouse Supervisor)

To create materials, go to the Materials Management space. In the Warehouse

Supervisor section, you can use the Manage Product Master Data app.

On the Manage Product Master Data screen, click .

In the Create Master Data Record dialog box that appears, enter CHLK1### as the CHLK1###
Product Number and HAWA (Trading Goods) as the Product Type. Enter EA UTIL
(Each) as the base unit of measure for the Product Group UTIL (Utilities). EA

Press . On the General Information tab page in the Basic Data section, enter Accessories (AS)
Accessories (AS) for the Division.

In the Descriptions section, click . In the automatically added line, enter the
Chain Lock ###
Product Chain Lock ### for language EN (English). Repeat this step and this time
for language DE (German), enter Kettenschloss ### as the Product. For both, Kettenschloss
replace ### with your number. Confirm your entries with Enter.

Scroll down to the Units of Measure section. At the end of the line in which the unit
of measure EA is already entered, click .

On the Unit of Measure screen, on the Dimensions tab page, enter 65.00 for the 65.00
Gross Weight and OZ (ounce) as the Unit.

Click .

Now go to the Sales area and enter 0001 (On pallets) as the Transportation Group. 0001
Afterwards, navigate to the Distribution Chains area and choose .

On the Distribution Chain screen, enter Sales Organization UE00 (US East), UE00
Distribution Channel WH (Wholesale), and Delivery Plant MI00 (DC Miami). MI00

In the Grouping Terms area, choose 0001 (Make-to-order) for the Item Category 0001
Group. Choose Enter.

Go to the Sales Tax area and choose Tax Classification 0 (Exempt) for all three tax 0 (Exempt)

Click .

Back on the Product screen, navigate to the Plants area and click . On the
Plant screen, in the General Data section, enter MI00 (DC Miami) for Plant and Hand lift
Hand lift for Loading Group.

Now go to the Purchasing area and enter N00 (North America) as the Purchasing N00

Go to the MRP Data area and enter the MRP Type PD (MRP), the MRP Controller 000
(MI MRP Controller), and the Availability Check 02 (Individual Requirement). 000

In the Lot-Size Data section, enter EX (Lot-for-lot order quantity) as the Lot-Sizing
Procedure and 10 as the Minimum Lot Size. 10

Note Some values in this view have three decimal places. Therefore, a minimum lot
size of 10 is displayed as 10.000.
In the Procurement section, for Planned Delivery Time, enter 6 (days).

Switch to the Storage Locations tab page and choose .

On the Plant – Storage Location screen, enter TG00 (Trading Goods) for the Storage
Location field. Click .
On the Product screen, please navigate to the Valuation Areas area and click
. On the Valuation Area screen, enter Valuation Area MI00 and Valuation Class 3100 MI00
(Trading goods). 3100

Go to the Valuation area and enter 33.50 USD as the Inventory Price and ensure that
Moving Average Price/Periodic Unit Price (V) is selected for Price Control. 33.50

Click and then click . Your material has now been created.
Click on the home icon to go to the Fiori Launchpad Overview.

Step 3: Change Material

Task Extend a material master record.

Time 5 min
Description Extend the distribution chain of the new trading goods (chain
closure) to enable the San Diego plant to maintain another condition.
Name (position) Sergey Petrov (Warehouse Employee)

To create new views for a trading good, please go to the Materials Management Start
space. In the Warehouse Employee section, you can use the Manage Product
Master Data app.

Enter your material number CHLK1### (replace ### with your number) in the
Product field and click .

Click on the line with your material.

On the Product screen, click . Navigate to the Distribution Chains area and
click .
On the Distribution Chain screen, in the General Information section, enter Sales
Organization UW00 (US West), Distribution Channel WH (Wholesale), and Delivery UW00
Plant SD00 (San Diego). WH

In the Grouping Terms area, choose 0001 (Make-to-order) for the Item Category
In the Sales Tax area, ensure that Tax Classification 0 (Exempt) is entered for all
0 (Exempt)
three tax categories.

Click and then click .

Finally, press to get to the Fiori Launchpad Overview.

Step 4: Display Stock

Task Display the current stock.

Time 5 min
Description View the current stock for your chain lock and the demand for this
product. The report should show that there is no provision for this and therefore no
lock is currently available.
Name (position) Wilton Saban (Inventory Supervisor)

The stock is dynamic. As a result, it always changes when the affected material is
used in a transaction.

To display the stock, go to the Materials Management space. In the Inventory

Supervisor section, you can use the Stock - Single Material app.

You will be directed to the following screen.

To find the material number of your bike lock, click in the Material field and then
click . In the Material field, enter your number in the format *###. Click to
search. Double-click your material CHLK1###. Your stock should look like this: *###

In the DC Miami row, in the Stock History column, click the icon. The
system will now display the stock history of your material CHLK1### in DC MI00.

Note Since the material has just been created and no stocks have been posted yet,
the stock history in all key figures is 0.
Close the window and click the Home button to return to the SAP Fiori

Step 5: Create Purchase Requisition

Task Create a purchase requisition.

Time 5 min
Description The sales management has informed the purchasing department
that an advertising campaign is starting in 3 months to introduce the new chain
key. Create a demand (purchase requisition) for 200 of your locks so that you
can choose the supplier that best meets your needs from any quotations.
Name (position) Wilton Saban (Inventory Supervisor)

To create a purchase requisition, please go to the Materials Management

space. In the Inventory Supervisor section, you can use the Create Purchase
Requisition app.

You should now see the following screen.

Click .
Enter Material CHLK1### (## - replace with your number), press Enter. The
Short Tex and Material Group will be added automatically.
Enter 32.00 USD as the Valuation Price, 1 as the Price Unit, and 200 as the 32.00 USD
Quantity Requested. For the Delivery Date, you choose today in 3 months. 200
Today in 3 months
Note The requested quantity is displayed with three decimal places. Therefore,
your 200 is displayed as 200.000.

At the very end, enter the following message under the Notes heading and on
the Item text tab page:
“Global Bike formally requests quotations for the following material.
Quotations will be accepted until [01. day of next month].“

Click . In the upper right corner, you can see the item in the
shopping cart.

Click to view your requisition.

In the Items area, click on the line of the chain lock to add some details.
In the Item Details view, enter N00 as the Purchasing Group, US00 as the
Purchasing Organization, US00 as the Company Code, and MI00 as the Plant. US00

Click . Afterwards, click and then choose to confirm the

request. The system creates a separate document number.

Close the notification and then click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad.

Step 6: Manage Stock

Task Manage the stock.

Description Display the stock/requirements list of your existing chain key and
Time 5 min
check which requirements exist for this product.
Name (position) Alberto Conti (Inventory Assistant)

Please go to the Materials Management space. In the Inventory Assistant section,

you can use the Stock (Single Material) app to display the stock/requirements list.

On the Stock – Single Material screen, in the Material field, enter your chain lock
CHLK1###. Your warehouse/demand list should look similar to the screenshot CHLK1###

In the DC Miami row, in the Stock History column, click the icon .
The system will now display the stock history of your material CHLK1### in DC

Note As you can see, the creation of the purchase requisition has not influenced
the stock development.
Click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad

Step 7: Create RFQ

Task Create a request for quotation for your purchase requisition.

Description Create one request for each supplier. This is used to collect all
Time 5 min
relevant information (such as pricing, delivery, and so on) that is needed to
select the supplier that best meets your requirements.
Name (position) Aura Maxwell (Purchasing Agent 2)

To create a request for quotation for your purchase requisition, go to the

Materials Management space. In the Purchasing Agent section, you can use the
Manage Purchase Requisitions app

In the Search field enter you material CHLK1### and click . CHLK1###

Select the row with your Purchase Requisition and click .

In the Manage Purchase Requisitions window enter Request for Quote as RFQ
Request for Quote
Type, RFQ1### as RFQ Description, one month from today as the Quotation RFQ1###
Deadline, US00 for the Purchasing Organization and Company Code. One month from today

In the Bidders area click on to add a new bidder.
Search for your supplier Mid-West Supply ###. Select the entry with your
Mid-West Supply ###
supplier and click to add them as bidder.

Repeat this procedure to add the suppliers Dallas Bike Basics and Spy Gear as
Dallas Bike Basic
bidders. Spy Gear
Note You recognize your supplier by the last three digits of the supplier
number. For example, supplier number 103000 represents supplier Dallas Bike
Basics for user LEARN-000.

Note that in the Items section your purchase requisition was added.

Click and confirm the pop up with .

You will get a success message.

Close the pop up and click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad.

Step 8: Create Quotation from Vendor

Task Maintain the quotation from a supplier.

Time 10 min
Description After we receiving responses to our purchase requisition from
our suppliers, it is necessary to maintain the respective information in our
procurement system in order to create comparability with which we can
support the choice of supplier.
Name (position) Alberto Conti (Inventory Assistant)

Go to the Materials Management space. In the Inventory Assistant section, you

can use the Manage RFQs app to create a request for quotation for your
purchase requisition. If the app is missing in this section, please search it with
the help of the search bar in the upper screen area.

In the Search field enter RFQ1### and click . RFQ1###

Click on the row with your Request for Quote. Go to the Bidder area. Select
your bidder Mid-West Supply ### and click to create a

In the Supplier Quotation window enter three weeks from today as Quotation
Three weeks from today
Submission Date.
Note The submission date must not be after the end of the bid period. You can
find the quotation deadline unter general Information.

In the Items are enter 32.00 USD as Net Order Price.


Click to create the Quotation. Click to submit the Quotation. If

you don't see the Submit button, enlarge your browser window.

Click to return to the Request for Quotation window. The quotation from
your supplier Mid-West Supply ### can now be found in the Quotations area.
Repeat this process for the other two bidders. Enter the following prices:
Dallas Bike Basics 36.50 USD
Spy Gear 35.00 USD
Dallas Bike Basics
Make sure you save both requests and take note of the success messages. 36.50
Spy Gear

Click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad. Confirm any notes by choosing OK.

Step 9: Price Based Bid Evaluation

Task Evaluate the quotes based on the price. Reject two of the three offers.
Description Generate a quotation price comparison list from the quotations from
Time 5 min
the individual vendors. The quotation price comparison list sorts the quotations
from lowest to highest.
The successful vendor (Mid-West Supply) was selected using the criterion of the
most favorable quotation. It is now necessary to inform the subordinate providers
of the rejection of their offers.
Name (position) Wilton Saban (Inventory Supervisor)

Go to the Materials Management space. In the Inventory Assistant section, you

can use the Compare Supplier Quotations app to reject a quotation. If the app is
missing in this section, please search it with the help of the search bar in the
upper screen area.

Search for your Request for Quotation by using the F4 help. Enter the RFQ1###
as RFQ Description and click .

Select your RFQ.

Compare the quotes and select the best one, in this case the quotation from Mid-
West Supply ###. Choose the beste Quote and click .

Note For the best offer the Total Quotation Net Value is highlighted in green.

Reject the other two offers. To do this click on the Supplier Qutation number
and the on Manage Supplier Quotation.

In the Supplier Quotation window click on (top right).

Note If your browser window is to small, the Complete button will be hidden
under .
Click to return to the Compare Supplier Quotations window.
Repeat this procedure to also reject the second quotation.

Click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad. Confirm any notes by choosing OK.

Step 10: Create Purchase Order Referencing an RFQ

Task Create a purchase order with reference to a request for quotation.

Description Create a purchase order that refers to the successful supplier's
Time 15 min
quote. The details are then imported into the new purchase order.
Name (position) Aura Maxwell (Purchasing Agent 2)

Go to the Materials Management space. In the Purchasing Agent section, you

can use the Manage RFQs app to create a request for quotation for your
purchase requisition. If the app is missing in this section, please search it with
the help of the search bar in the upper screen area.

In the search field enter RFQ1### and click . RFQ1###

Open your RFQ and go to the Process Flow area.

You see your purchase requisition followed by the associated RFQ and the three
supplier quotations. Two of the three offers have already been rejected, as
indicated by the comment completed.
Click on the Supplier Quotation with the comment and then on

To create a purchase order from the quotation click in the Supplier Quotation
window on and then on .

In the Purchase Order go to the Purchase Order Items area you see one entry
with your CHLK1### material.
We want to split the delivery in two partial deliverys. Change the Order
200→ 100
Quantity from 200 to 100. Select the entry and click .
In the Purchase Order Item screen go to the Schedule Lines area and change
1 week after 1st delivery
the Delivery Date to one week later.

Click on .

Back in the Purchase Order window click on .

Note A purchase order is a formal request to a vendor to deliver goods or
services according to the conditions of the purchase order. Several objects can
trigger a purchase order (see graphic).

Goods receipt and invoice verification are usually based on the purchase
Click until you have returned to the Request for Quotation screen. Take
another look at the Process Flow. The Quotation is now followed by a purchase

Click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad. Confirm any notes by choosing

Step 11: Display Purchase Order

Task Display your purchase order.

Description You now want to look in the system at what you have sent to the vendor.
Time 5 min
Name (position) Aura Maxwell (Purchasing Agent 2)

To display the purchase order, please go to the Materials Management space. In the
Purchasing Agent section, you can use My Purchasing Document Items (Professional)

The app provides you with an overview of all purchase requisitions, purchase orders,
goods receipts, and supplier invoices. In the Supplier field, enter Mid-West Supply
### and choose . Mid-West Supply

Click . The number you see may be different. You may need to scroll
down to see your supplier and purchase order.

Click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad.

Step 12: Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order

Task Create a goods receipt posting for your purchase order.

Description You receive the goods that you ordered in the previous step from Mid-
Time 5 min
West Supply into your inventory. A goods receipt posting is created that refers to
your purchase order. The stock is increased and a financial document is created that
posts the value of the goods correctly.
Name (position) Tatiana Karsova (Goods Receipt Clerk)

To post the goods receipt, please go to the Materials Management space. In the
Goods Receipt Clerk section, you can use the Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing
Document app.

Enter your purchasing document number in the Purchasing Document field. If you
Your purchase
want to search for your purchasing document number, use the F4 help. In the search order number
field, enter CHLK1### and then click .

Then select the first of your purchase orders by double-clicking it. You can now see
First of your
your subdivided purchase order. orders

Note If goods are delivered for a purchase order, document a goods receipt with
reference to the purchase order. The system checks the purchase order and copies
only the open purchase order items to the goods receipt transaction.

For goods receipt with reference to a purchase order, the system checks the
• Whether the correct material was delivered.
• Whether the correct quantity was delivered. (If there is no surplus or
• Whether perishable goods are within their minimum shelf life. (In this
case, the shelf life expiration date check must be activated.)

For Printing, select Individual slip. If it is not filled automatically, select TG00 Individual slip
(Trading Goods) in the individual items for storage location.

Since you have split your purchase order, you should see two lines with 100 pieces.
In this step, we only process the first delivery. Therefore, click on the first row to
check all entries.

Select the Delivery Completed checkbox. X

Check that Tradings Goods is entered as the storage location and change the stock Trading goods
Quality Inspection
type to Quality Inspection.

Now click .

Note Inventory Management recognizes various stock types that indicate the
usability of the material:
• unrestricted-use stock
• Stock in quality inspection
• blocked stock

For goods receipts, you decide to which stock type a quantity is posted. The stock
type is relevant for determining the available stock in material requirements
planning (MRP) and for withdrawals in inventory management (see also
Availability Check).
You can only post withdrawals for consumption from unrestricted-use stock. From
quality inspection stock and blocked stock, you can only withdraw a sample, scrap
a quantity, or post an inventory difference.
Leave the first line selected. Click Post to post the goods receipt of your material.
You receive the following success message with your material document number.

Note When you post a goods receipt into one of the warehouses, the system
generates a material document. This document contains information about the
delivered material and the corresponding quantity. For stock items, the plant
storage location is documented.

Close the message and click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad.

Step 13: Check Received Goods

Task Check the quality of the goods.

Description You must ensure that the goods have been delivered in the required
Time 5 min
quality. The goods are released for consumption.
Name (position) Sandeep Die (Warehouse Supervisor)

Please go to the Materials Management space. In the Warehouse Supervisor

section, you can use the Stock (Single Material) app to perform a quality inspection
of the goods.

If it is not already selected, enter your material CHLK1###. A list is displayed.

Click your material CHLK1###. CHLK1###

In the previous step, you posted the received goods for quality inspection. Here
you can see the 100 units of quality inspection stock.

You can only remove goods from unrestricted-use stock for consumption.
Therefore, you have to transfer post the goods.
Note In reality, you would check whether the correct goods and quantity were
delivered before posting them to unrestricted-use stock.

Select the row for storage location Trading Goods in the plant in Miami and click

In the Stock in Quality Inspection column, click , next to the 100 units. The
icon under Unrestricted use stock is now clickable. Click .

In the Transfer Stock – In-Plant window, increase the quantity to 100. 100

Click . You receive a success message. The material has been transferred.

Close the message and click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad.

Step 14: Check Physical Goods Receipt

Task Confirm the physical receipt of the goods.

Description View the inventory of chain locks again. The stock overview gives you
Time 5 min
an overview of the stocks of a material across all organizational levels.
Name (position) Tatiana Karsova (Goods Receipt Clerk)

To check the stock level of a material, go to the Materials Management space. In

the Goods Receipt Clerk section, you can use the Manage Stock app.

From the drop down menu, choose the DC Miami (MI00). To find the material
number from your chain lock, click in the Material field and then click the value
help icon .
In the Search field, enter *### (for example, if your number is 002, enter *002).

Click to display the list of materials. Extend the Material Short Text field. CHLK1###
Scroll down until you find your material CHLK1###.

Double click on it. The report shows you the storage level for the DC in Miami.

You can find out more details about the stock of the chain lock. To do so, click
. This will give you detailed information about the stock of
the chain lock in the different plants.

Click on the icon at the DC Miami (MI00) plant to see detailed information about
the stock of the chain lock in Miami. On the following screen, you can see a
graphical overview.

Click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad.

Step 15: Create and Post the First Supplier Invoice

Task Create a supplier invoice.

Description Create a supplier invoice from Mid-West Supply for 3,200.00 USD for
Time 5 min
the current purchase order and the received goods. This invoice is assigned to an
existing expense account in the general ledger of your chart of accounts and saved
as a payable to Mid-West Supply. To facilitate data entry in the general ledger,
the invoice is shown below.

Name (position) Silvia Cassano (AP Accountant)

To create a supplier invoice, please go to the Materials Management space. In the
AP Accountant section, you can use the Create Supplier Invoice app.

On the Create Supplier Invoice screen, enter today’s date as the Invoice Date.
Today's date
Check your company code US00. Enter the amount of the above invoice (3,200.00) US00
in the Gross Invoice Amount field. Now enter INVOICE00504-### as Reference.

Go to the tab Purchasing Document References.

Now enter (or search for) the number of your purchase order in the Purchase
Your purchase order
Order/Scheduling Agreement field. Then press Enter. The Invoicing Party field number
has now been automatically filled with the number of your vendor.

For the first invoice item, enter XI as the Tax Code and TX0000000 as the Tax
Jurisdiction. TX0000000
Scroll back to the top of the page. As you can see, the balance is 0.00 USD.

Then press to verify that your postings are correct.

Finally, press . The system will generate a unique supplier invoice number.

Close the message with No to return to the SAP Fiori launchpad.

Step 16: Display Purchase Order History

Task Display the purchase order history.

Description Review the status of your order of the chain locks. Due to the first
Time 5 min
transaction that was carried out for your purchase order number, the Purchase
Order Processing tab page is now available in the purchase order.
Name (position) Wilton Saban (Inventory Supervisor)

To display the purchase order history, go to the Materials Management space.

In the Inventory Supervisor section, you can use My Purchasing Document Items
(Professional) app.

The app provides you with an overview of all purchase requisitions, purchase
orders, goods receipts, and supplier invoices. In the Supplier field, enter your
vendor Mid-West Supply ###.
Mid-West Supply ###

Choose and then choose the tab page . You may need to
scroll down to see your supplier and purchase order.

In the Purchase Order Items area, click and select the Delivered Quantity
and Delivered Amount columns in the View Settings dialog box.

Click . As you can see, the first item of the purchase order has been
delivered for a delivery value of 3,200 USD.

Now choose the tab page . You can see the 100 delivered chain
locks. You see the material document that was created in the system when you
confirmed the goods receipt.

On the Supplier Invoice tab, you can see further activities that have been
carried out with reference to your purchase order. Click .

The invoice has been created. Click on the invoice line of your chain lock. This
will take you to the financial document that was created when you created the
supplier invoice.

Click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad.

Step 17: Display Document Flow

Task Display the document flow.

Description Check the goods receipt document and the document flow of your
Time 5 min
Name (position) Wilton Saban (Inventory Supervisor)

To display the history of documents, please go to the Materials Management space.

In the Inventory Supervisor section, you can use the Material Documents Overview

The app provides an overview of material documents. You can find your purchase
order by using the assigned number. To do this, enter your material number
CHLK1### in the Material field. If the search fields are not displayed in your system,
first click to expand the search fields.

After entering the search term, click . Then click Settings . In the view
Stock Type (Stock
settings, activate the Stock Type (Transfer) column. Confirm with . Transfer)
A new material document is created for each material movement. You see two
material documents with your material CHLK###. One is the document for the goods
receipt into inspection stock. You also see a document that was generated by the
transfer posting of the material to unrestricted-use stock.

Identify the line with the Stock Type (Transfer): Unrestricted-Use Stock.

Click on this line. You can now see the general information for the document
from the step in which you confirmed the goods receipt.

Click the Process Flow tab. In the process flow, you can see the transfer posting
of the material from stock to quality inspection to unrestricted-use stock.

Click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad.

Step 18: Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order

Task Post a Goods Receipt for a Purchase Order.

Description You receive the missing goods that you ordered from Mid-West
Time 5 min
Supply into your warehouse. A goods receipt posting is created that refers to
your purchase order. This ensures that you have received the ordered goods
within the expected time and in the required quality. The stock is increased
and a financial document is created that posts the value of the goods correctly.
Name (position) Tatiana Karsova (Goods Receipt Clerk)

To post the goods receipt, please go to the Materials Management space. In

the Goods Receipt Clerk section, you can use Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing
Document app.

The Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing Document window appears.

Choose the F4 help in the Purchasing Document field.

Enter your number *### and click . Search for your material CHLK1###. *###

You can see that you no longer see two purchase orders but only one open
purchase order for your material.

Double-click the purchase order. The following screen appears. On the

"Items" tab page, you should see only one row.

Make sure that for Storage Location TG00 (Trading Goods) and for Stock TG00
Unrestricted Use
Type Unrestricted use is selected.

Note In step 12, you first posted the goods in quality inspection and then
inspected them later. In this scenario, you inspect the goods directly at goods
receipt so that you can use them directly.

Click on the item line of your chain lock to check all entries. Select the
Delivery Completed
Delivery Completed checkbox.

Now click . Select the line and click . You receive the following
success message with your material document number.

Close the messafe and click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad.

Step 19: Check Physical Goods Receipt

Task Confirm the physical receipt of the goods.

Description View the inventory of chain locks again. The stock overview gives you
Time 5 min
an overview of the stocks of a material across all organizational levels.
Name (position) Tatiana Karsova (Goods Receipt Clerk)

To check the stock level of a material, go to the Materials Management space. In

the Goods Receipt Clerk section, you can use the Manage Stock app.

From the drop down menu, choose the Miami plant DC Miami (MI00). To find the
material number from your chain lock, click in the Material field and then click the
value help icon .

In the Search field, enter *### (for example, if your number is 002, enter *002). *###

Click to display the list of materials.

Scroll down until you find your material CHLK1###. Double click on it.

Since in the previous step the goods receipt was posted directly to unrestricted
stock, you can see that the stock in this category has increased from 100 to 200.
You can find out more details about the stock of the chain lock. To do so, click
. This will give you detailed information about the stock of the
chain lock in the different plants.

Click to display the stock history for plant DC Miami (MI00) graphically. You can
now see a graphical overview.

Since you currently only have unrestricted-use stocks, the key figures are set to 0.
Close and then click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad.

Step 20: Create and Post the Second Supplier Invoice

Task Create a supplier invoice.

Description Create a supplier invoice from Mid-West Supply for USD 3,200.00
Time 5 min
for the second partial delivery and the received goods. This invoice is also
assigned to an existing expense account in the general ledger of your chart of
accounts and saved as a payable to Mid-West Supply. Later, a check is issued
for Mid-West Supply. To facilitate data entry in the general ledger, the invoice
is shown below.

CHLK1### Chain Lock

Name (position) Silvia Cassano (AP Accountant)

To create a supplier invoice, please go to the Materials Management space. In

the AP Accountant section, you can use the Create Supplier Invoice app.

On the Create Supplier Invoice screen, enter today’s date as the Invoice Date.
Today's date
Verify that company code US00 is selected. In the Gross Amount field, enter US00
the amount of the invoice above (3,200.00). Enter INVOICE00515-### as the
reference. 3,200.00

Choose the Purchasing Document References tab.

Now enter (or search for) the number of your purchase order in the
Your purchase order
Purchase Order/Scheduling Agreement field. Then press Enter. The number
Invoicing Party field has now been automatically filled with the number of
your vendor.

For the second item, enter XI as the tax code and TX0000000 as the tax
jurisdiction. TX0000000

In the document header, you can see that the balance is 0.00.

Then press to verify that your postings are correct.

Finally, press and then No. The system will generate a unique supplier
invoice number.

Click No to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad.

Step 21: Post Outgoing Payment

Task Post the payments to a supplier.

Description Issue a payment to your supplier Mid-West Supply to pay your payables.
Time 5 min
Note that the total amount is for both of your invoices. The created posting will
clear the liability from your bank account.
Name (position) Silvia Cassano (AP Accountant)

To post the payment to a supplier, go to the Materials Management space. In the AP

Accountant section, you can use the Post Outgoing Payments app.

On the Post Outgoing Payments screen, choose Global Bike as the company US00
code (US00). For Posting Date and Journal Entry Date enter today’s date, for Current Date
Reference INVOICES ###, and the current period. For G/L account, enter Current Period
1810000 (Bank 1) and the Amount 6,400.00 USD. 6,400.00 USD

Ensure that the journal entry type KZ (Vendor Payment) is selected. Use the KZ (Vendor
following screenshot to check your entries.

Under Open Item Selection, enter your supplier number for Mid-West Supply as
Mid-West Supply
the account (if necessary, use the F4 help).
Click . On the upper right, you can see that the open balance is USD

On the Open Items tab page, you see the two split deliveries.

Since you want to pay both bills together, choose the button in both
lines. Note that both items have been cleared.

The open balance is now USD 0.00.

Press to post your payments to Mid-West Supply. The system will assign a
unique document number to your supplier payment.

Press Display and click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad. Confirm any error

Step 22: Display Vendor Balance

Task Display the balances of a vendor.

Time 5 min
Description View and confirm the activities and related balances related to your
Mid-West Supply vendor. You should see a debit posting and a credit posting
that were generated by the two invoices and the output of a single payment to
settle the payables to Mid-West Supply.
Name (position) Shuyuan Chen (Head of Accounting)

To display the balances of a vendor, please go to the Materials Management space.

In the Head of Accounting section, you can use the Display Supplier Balances app.

Use the F4 help in the Supplier field to find the number of your supplier. In ###

the Search Term field, enter your number ### and press .

Scroll until you find your vendor Mid-West Supply. Select the entry. Mid-West Supply

Confirm with . Back on the Display Supplier Balances screen, choose US00 as US00
the company code and the current year as the fiscal year. Current Year

Then choose to display the balances. You get a similar overview.

Click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad.

Step 23: Display Purchase Order History

Task Display the purchase order history.

Description Review the status of your order of the chain locks. The Purchase Order
Time 5 min
History tab page has been updated as a result of further postings.
Name (position) Wilton Saban (Inventory Supervisor)

To display the purchase order history, go to the Materials Management space. In the
Inventory Supervisor section, you can use My Purchasing Document Items
(Professional) app.

The app provides you with an overview of all purchase requisitions, purchase orders,
goods receipts, and supplier invoices.
In the Supplier field, enter the number of your supplier Mid-West Supply ### and
Mid-West Supply
choose . ###

Click . You may need to scroll down to see your supplier and
purchase order.

As you can see, no more open quantities are displayed under Next Delivery
Click . You see the other 100 delivered chain locks. You also see
the material document that was created in the system when you confirmed the goods

In the Supplier Invoice Overview, you can see further activities that have been
performed with reference to your purchase order.
Click . Both invoices have been created and have the status Posted.

To display more information about the documents, you can click on the relevant row.
This will take you to the financial document that was created when you created the
supplier invoice.
Click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad.

Step 24: Display Balance List and Line Item List

Task Display the balance and line item list of the general ledger.
Time 5 min
Description Use G/L account numbers to display the activities and related
balances for some accounts in your general ledger.
Name (position) Shuyuan Chen (Head of Accounting)

To display the balance and line item list, please go to the Materials Management
space. In the Head of Accounting section, you can use the Balance Sheet/Income
Statement app.

In the Display Financial Statement screen, enter US00 (Global Bike) for Company US00
Code, 0L for Ledger, and G000 for Financial Statement Version. Make sure that G000
the Balance Sheet Type is Normal (Actual - Actual) and End Period is current Normal (Actual –
period/year and Comparison Period is 1/2016. Compare your screen with the Current
following screenshot. Period/Year

Choose . In the view, you can see all items of the accounts of Global Bike in the
United States.

Note Since all participants in your course are posting to the same US bank account,
the number you see next to the bank account 1810000 used is different.

Click to go to the SAP Fiori launchpad.

MM Challenge

Learning objective Understand and execute a Materials Management process.

Time 80min
Motivation After you have successfully completed the Materials Management case study,
you should be able to solve the following task independently.
Scenario A new chain lock, Chain Lock Security Pro ### (ger.: Kettenschloss Security Pro ###), is
available on the market and we would like to include it in our inventory. The new chain closure with
material number CHSP1### consists of a higher quality steel than the previous chain lock (CHLK1###),
but the old one can still be used as a template because it has the same properties. The new material
is intended for plant MI00, sales organization UE00, and distribution channel WH. With modern
production techniques, the new material CHSP1### is also offered more cheaply by the suppliers.
Global Bike passes the savings on to its customers. Maintain the chain lock in Sales and Distribution
with the price condition 50.00 USD per chain lock. Request offers for 300 chain locks of security pro
with a valuation price of 25.50 USD. Based on your request of 300 pieces, Boomtown Tire & Wheel is
offering 26.00 USD per piece and Space Bike Composites of 25.50 USD per piece. Enter both quotations
and accept the best quotation and order the requested 300 chain locks. Process the inbound delivery
and enter the incoming invoice. You then pay for the delivery.
Note Since this task is based on the Materials Management case study, you can use this
as a guide. However, we recommend that you carry out this continuing task without
assistance in order to test your acquired knowledge.

• SAP Overview SAP01, Instructor Handbook, 2006

• TSCM50 Gestión de Materiales Parte I y II , 2014


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