Aprendiendo Ingles Desde Cero
Aprendiendo Ingles Desde Cero
Aprendiendo Ingles Desde Cero
On Friday, I hardly ever work. My wife and I always have breakfast and lunch together, and at
night, we always drink some wine and listen to good music. This is what I do from Monday to
LECCION 20 (Walter´s International Restaurant)
Once a week: Una vez a la semana.
Twice a week: Dos veces a la semana.
Three times a week: Tres veces a la semana.
Walter´s International Restaurant is very especial. Every day Walter prepares a different plate.
On Monday he cooks Argentinian food. On Tuesday, he doesn´t cook Argentinian food because
he cooks Chilean food and on Tuesday and Saturday. On Wednesday he doesn´t cook Chilian
food because he cooks Colombian food. On Thursday he cooks Costa Rican food. His mother
loves Costa Rican food. On Friday his mexicans friends go to the restaurant and Walter
prepares Mexican food. He prepares Mexican food twice a week on Friday and on Sunday
How many times a week does Walter cook Argentinian food?
He cooks Argentinian food once a week.
How often does Walter cook Chilian food?
He cook Chilian food twice a week.
When does Walter cook Colombian food?
He cooks Colombian food on Wednesday
Do his Mexican friends go to the restaurant on Tuesday?
No, because his Mexican friends go to the restaurant on Friday.
LECCION 21 Adjetivos vs Adverbios
Adverbs of Manner
1) Agregar LY
Adj. Adv.
Bad Badly
Slow Slowly
Normal Normally
Quick Quickly
2) Cambiar terminación LE por LY
Adj. Adv.
Simple Simply
Humble Humbly
3) Terminación IC agregar ally
Adj. Adv.
Specific Specifically
Dramatic Dramatically.
Angry Angrily
4) Cambiar terminación Y por ILY
Adj. Adv.
Easy Easily
Happy Happily
5) Cambiar terminación UE por ULY
Adj. Adv.
True Truly
Due Duly
6) Adverbios irregulares
Adj. Adv.
Good Well
Fast Fast
Hard Hard
Late Late
Fast – Late – Hard son adjetivos y adverbios a la misma vez
He runs fast. (El corre rápidamente)
He´s a fast runner. (Él es un corredor rápido)
We had a late dinner.
We had dinner late.
I work hard. (Trabajo duro)
I am a hard worker. (Soy un trabajador eficiente)
LECCION 22 How well – Intensifiers
¿Qué tan bien cantan ellas?
How well do they sing?
¿Qué tan bien fluido habla Obama Ingles?
How fluently does Obama speak English?
¿Qué tan bien conduces?
How well do you drive?
Adjectives: Describe the noun.
Adjectives usually go BEFORE A/AN + NOUNS or AFTER the verb TO BE.
Maria is happy.
Adverbs: Describe the verb (Action)
Adverbs usually go after a verb.
Maria celebrates happily
Be + Adjective
He is a slow writer.
They are quiet people.
Verb + Adverb.
He writes slowly.
They always walk quietly.
Blond: rubio
Foreigners: extranjero
Can you lend me your car?
¿Puedes prestarme tu auto?
Hang Out = usar el fin de semana para invitar a tus amigos a hacer algo.
Let´s hang out tonight. Salgamos esta noche.
Lets jan-gaut tu-nait
Lay Back Relájate.
Ley back
Look up Buscar
How big? ¿Cuán / Que tan grande?
Jau big
I hate you Te odio.
Carpet. Alfombra
Actually. En realidad.
Contest. Concurso.
Realize. Darse cuenta
I need a Necesito un ………
Ai niira
Let me see Déjame ver
I told you Te lo dije.
Can Do Puedo Hacerlo
Could I have a taco? Me podrías dar un Taco
Curai Jaf a Tacou
You make me Happy Me haces feliz.
Iu meik-me japi.
Take it easy Todo va estar bien
I´m lost Estoy perdido
Aim lost.
Chill out Relájate
Chil Aut
Take it easy! ¡Tómalo con calma!
Break a leg Buena suerte.
February Febrero
I don´t know
I´ve got to go.
What are you doing?
Watcha doin.
The check, please. La cuenta por favor.
De shek, pliz
Same here Igualmente
Get Conseguir
Get in Entrar
Get out Salir
Get on Subirse
Get off Bajarse
Get over Superar
Get to Llegar a
Get up Levantarse
Get along Llevarse bien
Get away Escaparse
Grammar Quiz
Am, is are was we / + ing.
Don´t, doesn´t didn´t / + v
(Can, Could, may, might, must, Should) base verb.
Work for + name (Microsoft, Mr. Johnson)
Work fin + place (a bank, a factory, London)
Work as + job (a teacher, a doctor)
While is Past Progressive I, He, She It (was), They, We, you (were) + V-ing.
The word now when you see this word o words like at the moment, nowadays or today, these
words refer to the present progressive tense.
Present Progressive
I am + v-ing.
He, She, It/ is + v-ing.
They, We, You/ are + v-ing.
Past Progressive
I, He, She, It / Was + v-ing
They, we, you / were + v-ing
Many-Countable (boys, Cats, Cars)
Much-Uncountable (tea-milk-coffee)
Don´t, doesn´t, didn´t + v
Am, is, are, was, were + v-ing
Have, has, had – Past participle V3
So + adj.
Such + a, an +adj. + noun.
Other + plural
Another + singular
To Start: (Iniciar, Empezar, comenzar) si se utiliza to start al final se debe utilizar to finish.
To Begin: (Iniciar, Empezar, comenzar) si se utiliza to Begin se tiene que utilizar to End.
The: Articulo definitivo tiene 5 posibles traducciones en español las cuales son: El, La, Lo, Los,
Las, hay que tomar en consideración a la hora de pronunciarlo dos aspectos si el sonido es
consonante se pronuncia de como en el caso de Car, The Car y si el sonido es vocálico el sonido
es Di.
1. She can speak Spanish.
2. My wife is more intelligent Than me.
3. If you drive carefully, you will not have an accident.
4. While she was watching a video, the phone rang.
5. We are eating fish now.
6. I worked at Google.
7. I work in England.
8. I work for Ali.
9. I didn´t study last night.
10. She was cooking yesterday at 5pm.
11. She has not eaten sushi before.
12. She is so beautiful.
13. The music is so loud.
14. This is such a wonderful film.
15. This is such a small car.
16. I feel blue. (Me siento triste)
17. Your fly is down. (Tu cierre está abierto)
18. Wait for me. (Espérame)
19. Hold on (espérame)
20. I´d like another cup coffee, please.
21. We saw the lion. Let´s see other animals.
22. I don´t like this bag. Show me another one.
23. Do you have other films to watch.
24. Are you hitting on me? (me estas coqueteando)
25. In no time. (En un momento).
26. I feel you. (Te entiendo)
27. Give it a shot! (¡Te entiendo!)
28. How come? (¿Y eso?)
29. So far so good. (Hasta, ahora bien)