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I ( ii I

11 C l fl l I l I
1 I r,
GoOllgoo co
UDahyi 3hah
Tukofia 3

plau Tun Key Conhracd

Dhenumbey aconhacdorR Coud be cud douOn &
may euen be lediuced to ore ihe con ad aJuoaHded on
a AUAD-Reu babo
Hno win Re projec a guhole conhacioy ha9 compleke
SenponsibiliH Ao uppu ihe oune oplant Lohich compeie
SSHensfo Ahe oton eu io opeiahe bu gimpl uinipq he eu
e n heD a tuID-Re conhac inenteed nto Ahe prdcess of
dvidiha he uork doeDno iokaul lop oth he desueicm to
ao uHO- Reu
u onu uediueD Ahe_numbey of_agencie the owney D
HRQied o (OTdunade
)The 4uHD Rey conyachor in luwn oill be sleaued to gub divide
he uoorR uAh ey aD i O no1 pORa5Ie 0 haue all Ahe
capabiliAieD Mequuiedo Cmple orsjec und@H ahu
Sngle HOO

2 ExpiuD Hbrid CONhact

DumQSumfHen 1ade he oonac i divided inlo kuo0 p
he paA wheue deniqm paHaneei andIo1 quODtiHeD
2en aue pu on lumpRuY
FOf he bolance palR Usheie ouontiieD May change duAiNa.
delailed deoign ikem aakeD aHe invited from fhe conhragor aganis
Ahe gchedule ofiterns OHh n0 OT UeyuADugb quaH
mp Rum_(Og1 pULD Rome ap aboue eicept Ahod he
delajl of Ahe second paH cannd be even uDugbu epimad ed
Ahe gome can be put SO (oS u
iit moRum.tied oe The lumDRu) poshon a e
to suppliep.depigD_oí for Such 8cope ouok obhdh can be
ful defined fox SeuiceD like commy 3sioninq o coniiucbOD
Supesulgion mau be made ad dn aqTeed
e d Juae

3Explan qenelal conditong of conrod

) D ensule hal polie) enteuina pa conrack oue oppropriodeu
pTOedked aganisiHDED, UaiOuD_TOfeDRional stHaHOO
haue deubed SandaHd Conhrack do umentg
i oduisable br he pouHeD conceuned jo4ake up me o
Ahene dDUmeDR_o1amng theii Conhrac edhe than makba
me of hel ou)
1 w hen pubiished ondifions of Conhroact aie ued heu aNe Re
Ho be mOTe n8RUhra) han hoae made o houD Ohith mau bP_
Sanled eithe OUOaHdD ouDneO onradoT debenduooom
uoho drafg he gam-
hetngikuHon o Mechanlcal Enaineexg UMe), Ok hay deueibped
Ohich h.aue oieinaHona acepAante
MeAe or OS. d fad haue been developed ointubu
AT ee ungHiHLSCO
nsHHh OD D Mechani cal Enaineey UMe
nsiikukam o Flechicol enqisee CIEe
530Uaiono ConsulAing nginee CACE
U ndua Ahe NakOna ARsodaubn o ConBudia Engineee
LRCE) hao al)6 deueloped s}ahdaHd ormsdni ch coudd be
wwed oy hio ppose


AExploaid1endeiinq 6 elechion of conrackox
The GcC onlu Dl8 povigion to piohec aganis) oncextaniIe)_
QHISiNq noYMal cousUDe 6f uook
Dhuo he conhad aNe prepumep Ah he pasikes entesuDq upto
a consac aMe ompelenN & NOTmA
Bu f for insiahee, Ahe conrocer seiecdec for a Specfic
worR D nol compelem_echnicallu fnalnd alu OT Mabaqelia
AhenISRS O mulHply seueial fimeD
hbunceslaniHa mubl AheuefTe be epoUed al Roust n Stance
wE Dd out pocedu o pTeguaufieahm o conhahor
a endeuIng canNenowe hin uneeikaniHu Ruch moc eduie )
Rhouon as jesdeuinaDTOCedue
Aendeu Mau be defoed ap an ofeH o cauru o ce}oun
OO R Cf Rupp eutauD malial o 8eutge ) úcLOrdance
otih clecslu deailed descufptibns & conditions
lhe iendesi'ns oOcedue deodn olth meq uauficanm og
conracorg piepalalhm o endes dpcaumen lR mode af
Toajahcm of enquiiyeept o AEndauudeheo
PuoJiah O o iendey 3eechom of onyachoy

Expla) Pyeoquaificalh cm_ o ConhodY

onpaieQuaifinah m notficahiong aue DBuedin presR qina
dehaily liRe bUAline of prgeck Aendex submiosi.on dode
LDShTuchCOor opoluing 3ubmssion dade for
Conyacoi prequau}iCahm daka
DlorDal pIequaufiahm dDeumen) O3ued gnARquesi b
ConyotoY 3eD infoTmabOm m {he oraaniaah on, eaneiend
he inhended iye uoop,aailabili of sRDOUICE) iRe
mane aeoJ egh DicaJ,laboUFOR EDUCATIONAL
pd a USE
o ksoy panaal
Sha ernent
TheconhoctoY deniseh of piequofieohm Juebpnd) fo the
queahamnauiie & 3uch dekail g op ma_en dble hip quauieaho)
ivhe daBa gupphed b Ahe conhractor3 aue esaJuaded Rox Ahe
mepauhm f short uD) he puMchabeD AT D enainee
ould noTma elect 0 Contyaco Sox inJLsi 4he ahort.
UD of end e O
He hap had Simifai espeulence eaHI) est &i h) peuformah ce
uepsrts on pHeouD conh aO ae Raigfachoru
2HD pab) AuuDDUeN &D eDen) Rinanaal commimens hdicad
no ConShou+G) und o l a b i
Othed ogeue incuuduna oeian oaenden job efornmance
Hetoho0 ship slth uDhomeD osMe Souhd

GFxpon eDadoion of 48nde douumend.

ende doument ip prehauied b pudhapel n de a l.
qood 4ende dDmen llidude,
Le of Yitahom }o 4endeH
2 nshUCHm o Aendey
3 Ceneyo ondJHOD Of OnyodOY
4Technicad 3pedficohd
SSpeua conditD0 of conYae
SSoope diasD)
1B o quahes
8Geneyal hformahm obou ste
FosForm oendey



Probabilit pYoyet ull be dDe 23 do
2 0u
Gu2 36


Ihe probahilitu 381


5Comp)ehon coespandina ho 151

Bu able

R D-21
D 25 daug


qaphol 3ah
Juorfa 5 G0D1118006 0

tedecen &oY mbTEG LS ES SlacR

C4 84/9

3 O
0 13 10
2 13 12 a
G yo O
6 , 5
10 15
3 25
20 20
36 A/
1 3
3 3 3 3 23 16
15 9 11 20
12 2 21
5 9 26 23 3
13 9,10
12 14 1G 4/ 38 20
15 12 13 T611 q 353S

CHHHCaU path
-4-6- **12-15
AHicau me 52 dau

2oTRo 084. 2 Jo1 40 O5 -025
08ue D-52
Ja.sS 6-13 D-52
-0 25
0-59da 255

6 dau


,12,1 10,3,
2 1 2
2 13.1,
1,u,7a 2635
O 1 26
StaH+ 52 52
,6, 20
20 en
21 21 3

3,5. 9
10, 17,

oDhyi hoh

Actividu On Node HON) oolatuon oben heue aue Multiple
activiteD tOth ho p1edecep3of8
uDUal 0 3hoLD 4neM aemanaiibq on0 8hgle NDde
Caued shaul
Similal oben muHiple_adivHeo haue no SutcessOx, i} D>
UDuaAD ghoo Ahen coDneciéd 20 onDde caued ehd

30 20

Phe HCtiyiHY OeworRAOr Omak ar 9 i t
n Ahepieceedina examplë, ecHanalep tnodes)
acvidephence (O caLued acivi M node nehuo'orP

HciyiHyof oNTDLD anothey oNma o dHaoinq
ihe (cidCulad) nd R
Hexe Ae acii eD aMe ghobnon airow &
MepnenRMeuen D, he can a
AheoTDjet beguio HD MuAipleadHYA
De duauon emanatung mini}lal node 6
mut ple
acdivile can Aeminade a 8ingie nod e at nd o the
30 2a
3o 20
RHOA oxmat
2 C
3 1o2o30b2n0r diusa9livio

3) OHica PaHhrt cotviboolaitlit

BCHyilfes, euerh g ox pathg ohich, if delaued, toi
delau Ane compleHON ofp1oFe
DRLES CH Cal path o uhdeb Iood mean hak
8Rquence of ouiHNCal adivitie LE H}ICad eUeN R) Ah
Conneug he pmecLg giau euent o R ngh
euem & ohich cannoi be deaed othotut
the delayunq

A)AciiviBu 4ime
hex aie the expecked Ame for each acdlviBu
Ihe oe ouhd bu upha he hree epimales e
Lophimighcpeosimiohamost tikey nsiuinn
Thene eimdles epiepsicm o the ADR
ale m
oD3odaed witb Ahe irme siequlied fox each acHvilu
Excepted AIme1E O found byz iriR

opimioh c Ame eptimae

D peDsimtieAtme,eimahe
memog4 ikeuime estimak the mod e 4

5CAHfcal activilfey 9
The acivitie hot aue agoualed uth oHiHi cal padhs
aHe caled Ci cCu atiyihep
-5ilfml aufviles que Ihe oneD cohoge Slate (D 2040

Sack 1 ES-0 Then Ahe aciviy OHIIca) acivik
AheDe attiyiles aue delaued, Ahe poeA delaug
6 Sack
Eue activity th ihe network had a poticula Eauly statl 6 lade
Stast dade. he diffeence u Ahe late Staut&eauu giash
OY 0ctiuty in aJued i gla foal H baoicau meaul
Ane omoni of hme fO tohidh_an actyi Cun De deaued
OHhdd delauna he ouetau ompiehan AEne of projed
EF lach L3- ES

3UncelHaun'Hy Proie CDmpleh0 ime

) pro eed o deieln ine he probabilltYha proec o be
Ame bu 3ageshed deadlune o fhd Ahe Compleio0
O0Sociaked ioth predekeumuhed euel of_oR
i We oogurme he acHufte9 ae glaligHcall dependem op
qua fo
each otbhe hon Uouiance o_o9el of odivileo
al acdivHeD conm prisinq 9el.
8um of yaulanc of 4he cndividal
Uouiance of a populalib
hmeaDe of be populah o
i standatd
diDpeHSiO) O equa o squake opopulahoo
deui auo) he aiaLOD D Ohich
Oe ae teuested asle
the y a t a n c e of acHien dm
qiftcol pod

Neuork echoiquen
hemosh common.opproddh o projeckachedanib Ahe uno o
netuootk 4ech.oiqueD guch as PERT & CPM
The prooTcum eUauaubh & seufeu jeChnig ue
deyeloped bu the os n03J4n CoDpeuah d OT Bo0g HIen
Hamilton LOgkhead copSTahon.
Qical padth method aUD depeUDped bDuPond duuh.g
the same ime pei od.
I0_ appllcahon PeR hap 0TiMauiuu been uDed foRE D

proed,Ahe p e bprspck for uohich o D deeloDe

hiougn S e ib more commom on deuelopmeni de d
R&D thon ils nReceaHcH Sde
kPM waD depigned o cDnshuchm projeus E hap beeh
Qeneyau embiaced buy ConsTucho oduoníe
he 2 ethodo OHe quike simifay&aue often ComDIneed
XOT edueainal meoen}atoh. Jheu ase caled aD PER1/CPM
aphyi 3hah

nOnHhS Nunbe o} units Acviiy Number

200 -3 3500
200 3-9 8200
400 300D
4 600 G-1 3000
GOO 2200
600 2-8 3000
500 8-10 2000
8 400 1-1 180D
300 2-13

monthS Cummulaive
40 0
4 1400
8 3500


heue iADa laq DONadurihur

Bu araph, we uundeigtnd hat a activite Oxe


6001118906 0


G OO1118006 6
asnyi 8hab
FackorS affectinq Enhepreneunghip
cuJkuMol facovs offe a
Apmut from economlc, Social, psycolgica,
infuenc enhepreneubhip.
EnepreneutD appeau o houe been motivaked by
a Combinoion
& intexacNan of Ahe follouong acois of epionH
Aulntuurdu bol
Sotio- economiC evloYDroeM
DamiU baskaround
iPoliHcal Slabilit&QoueanroerN3 poljoO
) caDte
Qjo) & Nelaloup affiliatin
09doiteb o
uailability of Suppatinq acitte
vi)Achieuemen E motiNaklom .9,Pol
i)esonalit peDOnal 9RiIl
Dpoondb 01919TCrin
2ohak aMe he aDpeckS 0 enhepieneuorip D
-AS O cakauHc aqenH Ahe enheprenew fa to change hR mindgek
the uworReD) So that Aheu accept adical choange sudem
Brudue piocen8e) hich he oraanigotion iN Contemplauhe
to hoduce ode fo compeke oith 4he aiualb
heie a shom need fo bane aLkUMaI Change ip TQani&atiD
na shresROD pioduHvIHY, auaLHY, Speed.tbuatibn, uptomei
OentabioD & empouweineni
H3 a deJelope, enepreneuH haD jo Dlou o ovotal uole u
deueloping omno he empoueep Hequse Rnouuledqe gbille &
0 O/
3uitabe 6Hitude E ODTOUR theiu peuformance
6 impauhina eed baoed raubha & apsianinq ob8 fo Ahe
ihdildu DE} Ruted fon then, uDuDYDothyakana eohnigue
CHeaung manpoweConRiouHauh o boOg he
abillHy o ndividualb & bu debiqninq ndividual caHeeD,he
enhepreeAca enguwle uAIiaahm O human HRDOUHLE poetla
93 Giue dRfelent caosificalu) of
EnreDTeneuND accoTdiun o Hupe of buinep8
)bubiDeps oncejue an idea fov a neuo produlck oA geACe and hen cHeate
a buDineDS A0 makeiallge heuy idea úH0
seaiya u
) hadun-ndSHaRe hradung actvit ep and nof conceuned toth manufoacturp
nduoviad- manufagwrig companu who jdentifiephe potentia needd
O CuDtomel) Aaljas a produuch o geuce 0d
4CorpoTake- demonghrate hD nnovaube spill8 n oTqaniginq & manag
Corpoiate undetaping Quopitap
3) Aaricutunal- underfope aariuuutt a act6) ap JaniDg & maskRenru
oADpS eHligeA,ek

EnhepTeneHs n echnoogy
) Technial- He o a uafsman He dauelo pg uprDued quall of qpodo
oho dHafimanship Con
cenrae mose n produjchon Ahan mauR etn
conceuned uoth echnical aopeck3 of poduct cohicK they
2)Nm- technical- Not
akunaluoe mauipep&
deal They ae conceuned ou olth deueloppg
didmbubbn shake9 doepNct hawe
He D heped ebtabliphhaa bupnepS but
3 Profepsimal-
OteHe managh9 o opeanp mce t ephabiohed

EnTrepreneuuD & MotHuatio h

psychological & econgmic eoado He
) Puxe EnrepreneuN- lOHIvat ed by ngegs
undextakeD enhepren
uuta actioty o1 hio profensianal Stais*9

an enhepTeneuial toR due to potu

He p h duced to ake up ConcepsionD,
2) Induced- thak pTDYideD
aDSOtance, uncentiuëD,

neapuNeD of aoueADmenH Ponso

to Staut a ventuteo7
ouehead fadliD gelt
&necepsgau ae moHvatd by the depui fo1
NeuD enepreneuuD 4eHm 0f proi
3) MotHUaked- uthet
moHuakedl bu HeLOaHd h
Dy thes nat us
fulgilment They AheH bubuheDS
SpmBaneDuD- Ihey
A) Sop
Grouth &topreneud
The bduUDHHa unils aMe identißl ed an unis o high quouHh,mediury

Dqroucth EoNeprêneul- He joakep up a high grooth hodiun obich baD_

subglantH a grooh prospect8

2Supex-qrouoth EnnepreneuND -The haue ghouON en ornouD a rowth of

EnheprepeH 8}oaeD of deseLopmenH

FRt aenexalon-3TarS ah nduphial unH by onovative RRill
2Modeyn-He undeukaperthoge uentve ohich go wel along oitb
dhangina demand matek
Clangica He o conceuned oith auplomeuD mopeknq ngedD throughD
the deveLDpmen} ogel-gupportinq uentue

4)Ohak ae ChaHackeuid}iCO O an_eneeneu

3ucensiul enhepreneu omup be a peigMON \ecmikal compekane
initHa e, qood iudqenem,iDheLuígende , leadeudV D_
Mentol abili COnDoBO teuigenxe 6 cHeaiuoe Abinkog Hn
enrepxeneUH mush be_MeODOnably bleuiagnt &showd hauecHeatube
Hhinking 6 rous engage analugiD of vautoud pmblemi 8Huatonto_
deal uoh henm
UFa dbjeCH VeD-_An enhrepYeneun Sho hawe deal objedNP aD tohe
Rxack nadNeof aosd) jo be prodled gubgidia aclvileoFb be_
3BupinED eNieuAnenhepreneu mL bf oble to quaud budneDf_
SeeHets LeoRaqe
seuets ecue to yode Compekiti) a selioubmadey
UOhdh 3houla be (OHRF qaivded bu an enNepi®veM
A HumaJn uelanioh abilits- Ihe moti importanh peMDODauty raiß o
COntibuting to h gucceps o enrepreneu! oie emotinal RHabil
TOu qo0d suelatons uolt) ho otornei, nuP8uppiies E coropuni.
5) Communlcaton abli-13 Ahe
atilH 40 Cornmuncake eggelue
OHh cuto meid SuppileUD, empoye
echni cal Rnouoedge An entrepreneusl mubA haue PaDSnahje arnount o
+echni coal knooledge

Some Re chauackeuLSHCD ate

moHvatonoutmo ioho9Und n7-dUpgr09 doop sdug
3 e Confid enee
Lom- 48) iyvotbemen4
Aigh enegy ee

pexoin}ant prDblem gouwel cub 0 tipenop 12/01

good setle
ubR take gg7ofop i o b a t e ) c 9 f hfpcol

Peyozortt9 (00o cofavo0plbdo

opgopolog pc

Tutoriak 10 9aphwihah
aup ComiS1On q, S1o P gtahali3aoh a Loge oud
paun proeck 1eHmpauDD L
Complehon of conshruchgn ip.not the end of projec actiitep
Aough 951 of olal projeck0osR (O geneuau compleked n fetmR
of mapnbous and vallle akon
BFte ompiehm of congHuch of adikeD iernaunoq To
De accompliehecaHe
ComigSIDDO) PMI ha defned 11ag ihe activiheD .peH forhed
fo1 the pY pose o Subsian hauhq he capagy o 4he /proiec fo ndhdd
aD denianed- Aigo caued fufichonaj eoR
mau hcuuoe Ahe iDital opetahn Ox rtal produchm
boile gpechm Mu
31 Cleay ance O CHyoa audhorthep iiR
be obtQuned be Foye ipormiRRiODDG7
SiaH h o o g (ng achiviHOf giDDDg up he prpdudhd) O
acceptable deDigned
aened ah n rom the iniH yid DTOduch m johe
capaci u, both quntit aue quaN 0 DethO mayend ot quavantee es
31obalaay gD )PM 7detunep itot Ahe pe) od byo
& nGad opeah Gh Ih 9 peua en compape) Aho8e/achY\h ep
Oecep sa O eDiabdDh HeUabIe DpenahOD od deDAD Dndihons O
coma produe quai & ercigen cu 22
RAHhbdon aechnica the stabal 304hOD prorepg 3h al ou
0 qeneuoboy 00e mo
Sntnez gtobadiga5 CrO OT odiuch onM
Ocde Ahe greasnunoDg ofhe fotal opeuaho, coDsol
maub ien a ce uDR monogemenlR DfaaiI1t 29

i)na toReoue o coDsTHUCed & eDed pOfa ioT he cnlhgcoy

& h a n d i n a oues
pewah D
)Compiehng projed ue CoTdD accoun R docuoenjdh om
8aDm]h ng n TPOTT h TOp anagemeh1
Wqth acco tun dn q up3h huhm
)capitali2aupnof actuoal projec co8
vDobmduh o projeck ofaanigaD b
3Explaun sched e aoaneD9_
AD oLohe oho cHealeD 3chedUde auoaneD nal hip emploueep &
a thoge ho dead oith onu aDpeck oth he omeckshauudsucceei
u hio CDnfouD acHyiieD
Eueuubody ghould be made auoaP of the fac that theye o a
limiled Hme deme tn eueuutbupo tha bueqwiHed fo be done
o onu dela n ha) o aouna to dela Ahe pojec

A pla COno_ofConiinaency chahaep

A D AequHed to preuenA he budoek 6 thecuue fb xun ou4 af

2Condingencu conhollung o Change conholing dmethrough a

Rugiem of contnua endina,& edaC) chanaeD
bHOq dbon ledel oP (onhingency-
3Susienmshould ident u_changep monghal scope,eDhmade
Ahey uD pad m cO8 budge me schedulP e aglae 4he
banei LHD efkence t0 O& poYide managtmen itlb
SuRRId e infor ah on om uaiable) br maping deDistonuD
Thele aue aphighal chahaep iRe mocuicahom addingna
facilihe9 beiha pOorpovoded & hecanaDk changeO Re
auroru, Hequator ahhayuChahge
SL opprmued,the changR) gholl be umplemenk o9 they u2He
paxs of the ortgh a gtope uwith o addihomay contianu
budae add ) Duda
Fxplain hending 6 predichng p change ONaJ
Thendba & predichng aMe gimple forecaphng exexdge rougb
ohich fultue penformance o uoOTR E COS aHe redicied bu
exhopolahhg the pe peicen hrend
2 he poBenHal changeo n thi hdl esteuno eviornmenk
ncudin g pTiCe fuuabne, the connetiYe achGND,Cot kemploed
D manaqemeni to Reep desiah omo to mun etc ate ConSideled
th the eieud ge Of predich n
3Through conhollhq eceud Beounexo ghodld auso ad
miA n9 Ahe npad of onan ge oduduna mauor modjicakan
escalohm with n the Coningenu proviginD made n
Ahe pmiect eohmae,o thad the Dredíded fohal co81 gh osdd
0ot exceed Hhe gud@y limit of poiec mateN budqe


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